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[[Category: Logs]]
[[Category: Logs]]
{{Infobox Log
|name      = Dark Revelations
|summary  = A Gehenna cult must be rooted out and destroyed.
|icdate    = July 24, 2012
|ictime    = Night
|players  = [[Van]], Seven, Griggs, Mary
|location  = Whiskey Bar - Foothills
|prptp    = One-Off
|spheres  = [[Vampire]], [[Sabbat]], [[Garou]], [[Wyrm]]
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Griggs reaches up into the cowl of his hood to scratch at the side of his head. "At the very leatht, it would therve ath an example to other Gehenna cultth, if done right."
Griggs reaches up into the cowl of his hood to scratch at the side of his head. "At the very leatht, it would therve ath an example to other Gehenna cultth, if done right."
"The end? Profitable, but not too terribly wise about following through." This mentioned as the rat carcass is pulled out from her pocket still oozing out its innards. This is offered to V as... apparently a gift. "I was thinking of you in those hotpants again." This said in a deadpan manner, though within her eyes there lingers that unsatiable hunger. To consume all that is within and around her. A noted look is given to the entwining serpents upon Mary's form and this seems to actually make her smile. "Interesting." She then falls quiet as she awaits for instructions of what possible tactics are to be used for the attack. Not quite the leader sort, she defers to those that have honored her to be able to participate in a good hunt.
"Rumor abounds that the leader is following the path of Evil Revelations," LaVey continues as he accepts the rat. The carcass is set next to him on the bar and he seems in no mood for such trivialities. The creature appears to be deadly serious. "They must be exterminated to a man and their haven reduced to ashes. The best information I have as to their location is a farm about an hours drive outside of the city. Go there, now, and destroy them." The creature takes Van's cellphone and programs the GPS with the address of the house.
Mary looks to Seven and V "So who is your new friend?" she asks. "She sems..." she smiles brightly. "Very interesting."
Van the Man nods and looks down at the phone and hms softly. "You want me and Seven go ghost in and do some recon before we hit'em? Or do you wanna do this shit john Wayne style and run up hurling molotoves and screaming at them in Latin?" he asks, slipping behind the bar to steal a few bottles of everclear. He glances up to Mary, then down to her hands and wrinkles his nose slightly but doesn't say anything.
Griggs' voice lowers considerably. "Thith it a major threat, yeth," he murmurs, nodding as Van begins loading up Everclear. He reaches into his pocket to place credits on the counter. "Good idea, that," he says before looking back to LaVey. "What elthe do we know about these infernalithtth?"
Seven is deadly, though not always serious. However, in this case, both the situation, and her words are /quite/ that - serious. Whereas she may have a rather sick and twisted interest in V for whatever reason, she seems to at least be able to focus on the mission at hand. Afterall, it is what she does - fight the 'good' fight. She listens to those present then lets her dripping hands hang to her sides. She nods to Van's words. "Stealth is advised." Though this is all that she says for now.
"All I have is rumor and innuendo. However, the prevailing whispers are that the leader of the cult is old and powerful," LaVey tells the group, "Perhaps even an elder in his own right. The cultists themselves are nothing to snicker at either, as he has shaped them and made them strong in order to prepare them for the end of nights. They concern themselves with not destroying the antediluvians of course, but aiding them in ending the rest of us. How you approach this situation will be your own decision, as I will not be there nor am I any kind of battlefield leader."
Mary murmurs. "Grab an empty flask." she says. "You might need me in my true form. For infiltration. No drinking." her voice is distant, serious. "I can get in places others can't." she says. "Who do we choose as the battlefield leader?" she sounds a bit wary that it might be her.
Van the Man is rounding up bar rags and making his bottles of everclear into proper bombs. He doesn't seem to leave the question open to debate and starts speaking immediately. "Mary. We're going to need you to get in behind the lines. Can you go straight from blood to war form?" he questions, then cuts his eyes over to Griggs. "Griggs? My man...If you can cook up a distraction with your fancy mojo, Seven can hit them hard from the front...Draw out the elder... Then me and Mary can close in from the sides and mop up the children.."
Griggs turns to regard Seven's bloody hands for a time, nodding slowly as LaVey explains and Mary absconds leadership. "Tho the three... no, four of uth are going to take out an Elder infernalitht and itth coven?" he asks LaVey, looking away from the slowly coagulating blood with some effort. He shrugs slightly. "I can, thertainly. Though I imagine an Elder wouldn't be fooled."
Seven lifts her hand one at a time to snake out her slgihtly blue-ish/purple serpentine-like tongue on over her fingers lightly as she listens, though advises again with a sudden suckclle and POP from her fingers taken out of her maw. "If they are a Ghenna cult... we may be facing things other then just the children of the night."
"Go then, there are other concerns then these that must be attended to," LaVey says as he slides off of his stool. The liquid in his glass is poured carefully into a karaf then set into a refridgerator. "If you run into more then you can handle, I suggest fleeing. I certainly won't think less of you."
Van the Man slips all five molotovs into his backpack, checks to make sure he has everything he needs and takes a few moments to activate his 'charms'. His skin shimmering and seeming to be taken over by a fluid, alien metal that oozes around his upper body to from a protective second skin around him. "Lets rock." he says with a little grin before the metal snaps around his mouth. Then it peeeels back off slowly as he peers at Mary. "why do you need a flask? I can only get you in as far as I can get in in a flask...Ooze on the fucking ground. Get in behind them." he says as if he is talking to a child. "Being in my pocket is not a tactical advantage...We need a huge fucking monster to pop up behind them once they are focused on us."
Seven says nothing about the situation. As like all her kind, or at least those that have pased into adulthood within her culture, she doesn't question the orders given and simply makes her preparations for what may be one hell of a long fight ahead of them. Especially if there's rumors of powerful elders. She concentrates briefly as she too seems to activate a good several things. None of which are neary as sleek as Van, but more so grotesque - leathery, thick, pustulous flesh, her fingernails starting to ooze a toxic balefire green liquid as it bubbles, a faint shimmer of reality around her as she wlls the bane within her fetish to 'life'.
Mary nods "Confirmed. I'll walk to the location. Then get to oozing." hse says. Her voice is emotionless. "On Grigg's lead I take it?"
Van the Man tosses Griggs the keys to his truck. "Yall take ol' Betsy. Me and 7 will find our own way in. Mary, i'll text you when we hit the scene...Do likewise, yeah? I'm counting on you, girl. This is an important job." he states and then he head bobs to 7 for them to split out the back of the bar.
Griggs loads up his own backpack with a fresh set of Everclear molotovs, catches the keys and stuffs them into the recesses of its robe, spares a glance to nod in thanks to LaVey for the tip, then presses out the door.
Mary nods "Important job. Confirmed." she says. "Counting." she shakes her head. "I am prepared." sheturns to head for the door. "Thank you LaVey." she says before leaving, her voice never changing tone. She doesnt threaten Van or give stupid direction or anyhting. Weird for her.
Seven tap taps on the counter near where the rat had been put. A devilish wink offered to V, and soon enough a hand snatches out to Van's shoulder... that is after he's ready to go... then makes her way to the men's bathroom. "We'll be ready and waiting."
Griggs pauses at the door, stops and heads back inside. He grabs a wooden chair and smashes it on the ground repeatedly, then goes about separating the legs. He gathers these up, leaves a larger bill on the table next to the rest of the wooden remains, then continues out the door.
== Outside Prospect - Abandoned Farm ==
The nearest stand of trees is a good three hundred yards from the main structures of the farm, but they are visible. A large, three story farmhouse is almost overwhelmed by the huge livestock barn that towers a good seventy feet into the air. Even from this distance, it is easy to see that both have been abandoned for years, perhaps even decades. Broken shingles, windows, and siding dominate the view of the dark house. Although it may once have been a cheerful red color, the barn is now the deep gray of rotting timber and slumps to the side like a man doing the dope fiend lean. The grass and fields around the area have gone fallow and are full of tall weeds.
Van the Man skulks through the woods, all geared up, strapped with gun and just waits for the rest of the party. Once they are all present he looks around slowly. "...Does anyone here object to me taking lead? It just seems like no one else was to eager to step into the command role.."
Making its way out of the umbra and across the velvet shadow to The Realm, a hulking monstrous nightare hovers over its kin. The beast's breath stinks of death, decay, and rancid foul odors. A soft puff of greenish-black air eminates from the beast's leathery nose as huge bat-like ears twitch here and there to any sound that may be overheard. The creature stands a good eleve feet tall, though normally it hunches at its broad shoulders. With a gutteral gruff and snort from its muzzle does it lay one fucking massively clawed hand upon Van's shoulder ever so genetly as if to give indication that it's in agreeance to him leading.
Griggs pads up to meet the others in the thicket that boundaries the overgrown farm. He pulls out his MP5 and confirms he's got a full clip. When Van speaks up, Griggs nods, then replies, "Thure, jutht don't fuck it up," in a low tone. He looks out across the field, squatting as he slowly scans the area.
Everything appears to be dark and quiet at the farm. Nothing is stirring except for the grass rustling in the wind.
Mary walks with Grigs towards the field, letting him hande communications. She looks to him. "All clear." she pats her bluetooth. "I'll check security if that is appropriate." she says in that same toneless voice. "Send you the layout before entering?"
Van the Man nods slowly, seeming unphased by the hulking she-beast gripping his shoulder nor that fowl reek of death wafting off her... Such was a state of affairs he had long come to be comfortable with between both V and 7. "Griggs...We obviously got no movement. We need something big and flash to draw them out. You said the elder might see through it? Well, as long as they come /out/. Thats all we need...In the open." he mutters, leveling his rifle and looking through the scope to make sure he had a clear sight on the house. "Mary, take post hidden as close to the farm as you can. Don't strike until you've got them all to your front..." he trails off as Mary offers her idea. "I don't know if I want one of us breaching the house itself solo.. They might have traps, and who knows what. Best to get them outside. If we can't draw them out with Illusion, then we burn them out with the Molotovs. 7? I need you to lay in wait...Hold your attack until the last second, or until we identify the leader...We need you on him fast and hard."
Griggs nods. "I'll draw them out with fire. Once they get out here, I'll uthe the illuthion to keep them out. That'th when Mary can thlip in, and Theven can get the drop," he replies to Van, still speaking low. "Where'th that leave you?"
Rath nods its hulking wolfish head as its eyes stare a cold unyielding frigid gaze upon the farm house. At Van's instructions, it slips off its clawed hand from Van's shoulder then hunches down on all fours. Its body a streamline of bulging mucled dense ripped muscle as it waits patiently for its turn to play. Its black claws dig at the earth as if ripping the ground towards it in anticipation of the kill. The beastie's fur normally sleek and black as the night, though currently its hide bares a cancerous bulbous thickness to it that pustulates and oozes with toxic residue while where it's claws meet the ground comes a faint *Hiss* of acidic poison.
Griggs puts down his pack and starts to pre-load a pair of molotovs, uncapping, stuffing in a cloth, turning it upside down to soak that cloth. Holding one in each hand he looks to Van, waiting for him to indicate it's time to start the party.
Van the Man nods to Griggs slowly. "Alright. But I dont think they'll be running back /into/ a burning Haven. This isn't a recon mission...There is nothing to recover. I thought we'd burn it behind them as to further push them forward, but sure.. I leave how to get them out up to you." shifting a bit and crouching he answers that second bit with. "that leaves me where i'm best. Behind a scope exploding heads from the shadows." he then gives a little nod. "Hit that shit from the side...I don't want you near a door when they come raging out." he suggest and then starts to stare down his scope...Waiting for the fun. "Mary, move your ass...In position, now."
Mary moves into position, as ordered. She calls back "Already in position. Shall I start to shift Z?" she asks, crouching, ready to strike at any moment.
Griggs gives Van a short nod before moving off towards the barn, pack on his back, unlit molotovs in each hand, and a lighter held between his teeth for ready access without pocket-fumbling. He keeps low to the ground, putting overgrown foliage between himself and the farm wherever possible, circling around to put himself as close to both the farmhouse and the stables as possible. The goal? Toss one through the window of the farmhouse, and the other into the stables, as close to a concentration of hay as is visible.
Wolfish lips peel back to bare a sickly palor of bone white, a maw encased with what could be compared to a shark's grin as razor-sharp teeth gnash upon themselves as the hideous creature awaits growing ever tenser by the moment. It's rage seething in a maelstrom within as its inner Urge claws inside of it and snapping just beneath the flesh in await to tear something, someone, anything asunder.
There are plenty of windows to choose from with the farmhouse. Unfortunately, the barn was not built with anything but a door at either end. Both are closed at the moment. Will Griggs dare to open then all by his lonesome? We shall see...
Griggs manages to sneak up on the farmhouse and barn without garnering attention. The molotovs are lit and tossed, one after the other, one crashing through the second floor window of the farmhouse, the other exploding directly in front of the barn's main door. Immediately after Griggs turns and bolts in the opposite direction of where the others lie in wait, again being sure to stay low, and ideally keep the underbrush between himself and the structures.
The aged wood readily takes to burning and flames quickly spill out of the upper level window and lick across the doors. Almost immediately two creatures can be heard howling like wolves at the moon, but at first there is no sign of activity. After a minute or two, while the flames grow ever higher and greedily move to consume more, a pair of dark shapes appear from the far side of the bar. They pause mid stride and the dual howls are heard again, then shouting. A trio moves up behind the duet as the first two almost immediately bolt towards the stand of trees at lightening speed. Then the front door of the house slams open and an unnaturally tall figure in what appears to be flowing black robes appears to stand on the porch.
The two figures close half the distance to the trees in just seconds and the party can now see them more clearly. They are, or once were, proud timber wolves of the mountains and desert. Now they are gross abominations. No longer covered with hair, they instead have a thick and mottled hide that oozes a thick white substance where one is shot. The three figures are following the wolves towards the grove but are moving one two legs instead of four and are quite slow by comparison.
Van the Man pops off two quick shots, and lets out a snarl of a curse as they dodge around his shots..At least he glanced one of them. Now that they are getting closer he throws his rifle across his back and swings the shotgun down to replace it. Standing from his crouched position and starting to line up his shot. "Seven, hold. We don't wanna blow the surprise until we have to!" he growls softly...He hops Mary is keeping up her end, and when the Zulu pops up, everything...should...Fall into place. (like that'll happen.)
The tall man is unmistakeable once he emerges from the burning building, hand at his chest, rubbing something. All the others spread out before him as they seek out the source of this attack, though they do notably look to him for guidance throughout. His mouth moves, and an indiscernable word comes out. Simultaneously, the fire at the barn door evaporates from the ground up, as if a minute black hole had appeared to suck it up. Vendictive eyes glare across the overgrown field into the darkness.
Van the Man steps out of the treeline...It isnt like they didnt know his location, and peppers the beast with shotgun blast. Like that did any good!
The two wolves just keep coming at Van while the three ghouls turn on Mary with a set of pitchforks and a fearsome look in their eyes.
Mary Gets mowed at by her attackers. Still, she swings her tree branch bat around, like the large behemoth war machine she is. "Z.. Hungers!" she growls, letting herself lose control little by little.
The two wolves charge at Van like heat seeking missiles. One leaps into the air only to receive a horrific gut wound. It still manages to maul the ghoul heavily before being shredded by the claws of the much larger, much more dangerous Seven. The second only has time to die as it suffers the same fate. The three ghouls attack Mary with their pitchforks inflicting only minor injuries to the horrid creature.
The gunshots go off like a flash of lightning striking against the thickness of night. The ghouls seem to be on the move, but four legs are always better then two. The wolves move closer and closer by the fraction of every heartbeat. It's only when Van seems to be over his head on this one is when the massive form of the monster that lurked beside him leaps into the fray. With a single lash of toxic claws does it rip one of the wolves in half, though the other manages to get a strike on her kin before that one too meets a very quick and gruesome end.
Like a streak of black lightening the wolf hits Van.. His teeth sink in with such force that the liquid metal encasing his skin cracks, and blood spurts from the wound as he gets flung back, slamming against a tree but managing to keep his footing... The only reason he isn't ripped to shreds is 7, and he takes a second to let out an enraged bloodcry of battle, the "mask" of molten silver peeling back from his face to let him breathe more easily as he pants... Letting out a little groan and then, horrifically, a choked giggle as he leans his head down to lick his shoulder, sluring up his own blood as he coughs and spews it out to splatter the leafs at his feet. "he--hhehsehs." that calm and calculated little man is gone and now there is only a manic gleam in his eyes as he starts to stumble forwards..
The impressively massive beast that is Seven is the first to garner the tall man's attention. He snarls, revealing his fangs as he reaches out in the air before him. Simultaneously, something rather terrible begins to happen inside Seven's body. Or at least, should have. For some reason, perhaps the onslaught of creatures at his front door, the vampire seems unable to properly concentrate. Right about this time, a pair of molotov cocktails explode quite near him. One actually was a direct hit, but a discerning eye would not that it seemed to bounce off the air around him, before detonating. Watching his wolf minion handily slaughtered, he takes off running for the woods.
With the threat to her kin gone, the mere pathetic waste of corruption that the Zulo can easily deal with... the monstrosity of a beast takes after the fleeing vampire as its shape twists, malforms and warps to take on its hispo form in order to utilize its speed in order to catch up to the elder.
Van the Man comes staggering out of the woods, healing slowly, blood all the fuck over him...More than there should be, as he for some reason felt the need to smear his face with it. His words ripping out of him in a gnarled scream of pain and lunacy. "SEVEN! KILL THE FUCK! KILLKILLKILL!" then he breaks back into laughter as he pulls out the modified glock on his hip..Not firing it, in fact, he almost drops it as his knees buckle and he goes head heavy for a second but manages to keep his feet under him.
With a burst of raw indecent energy the massive direwolf bursts into its battle form mid air as it comes down with a good ton of weight down upon the fleeing vampire. Unfortunately that first attack misses though the follow ups make their mark and well... all that's left of said vampire is a cloud of dust that hardly has time to settle to the ground before the massive nightmare is on the ghouls like stink to shit.
Ever protecting her ass Van, on deaths door, manages to lift his pistol and flick it over to full auto as he sprays down the two ghouls running to defend the master... Bullets rip through them, 30 in all. Maybe 14 hit but its enough to send blood and brains splattering the forest. With that done? He just collapses.
In the mists of the night, the horrid creature's how is heard. Its one of those sounds, a primal, ancient evil that many centuries ago the peasants in Romania knew to fear. Here, halfway across the world and many centuries later, this same terror is unleashed on the ghouls, as Mary tears its fangs into the closest ghoul, and starts to disembowel it. Blood and ichor spray everywhere, as it lunches for anything moving and in it's path.
"No!" the Infernalist exclaims as he finds his route to escape blocked by fire, and his planned trickery foiled. Unable to constrain the Beast that rages within him, and its inherent reaction to fire, he nearly drops to the ground as he turns to flee in the other direction. Only to find himself torn to shreds by the massive Seven!

Latest revision as of 19:41, 24 July 2012

Dark Revelations
A Gehenna cult must be rooted out and destroyed.
IC Date July 24, 2012
IC Time Night
Players Van, Seven, Griggs, Mary
Location Whiskey Bar - Foothills
Prp/Tp One-Off
Spheres Vampire, Sabbat, Garou, Wyrm

The Whiskey Bar - Main Room

The inside of the Whiskey Bar is quieter then usual as Carl and his crew are currently off raping and pillaging some unfortunate village outside of Prospect. Inside, V is sitting at the bar au natural and sipping a snifter of blood from his private reserve. The creature awaits the arrival of his comrades as he had sent a mass text only an hour earlier. Even if they were off hunting downtown they should be to the harbor district any moment now.

Mary enters, wearing a hooded terry cloth bathrobe and who knows what else underneath. She has bunny slippers on and the hood is worn over her hair. "This better be important. I was having Marion time."

Van the Man comes drifting in. Dressed casually enough...and not in drag! Holy shit. Jeans and a T-shirt with bright yellow letters. "YOLO" whatever the fuck that means.. He slings his backpack up on the bar next to V and gives him a head bob. "Yo, sup? Brought 7 along with me.. She should be in here in a moment. Had to, shit, I dunno. I don't ask.." he says, trailing off slightly at the end.

Griggs pads along behind the others, his cloak drawn tightly around himself as he enters from the city streets. He moves directly towards where LaVey sits and Mary and Van stand.

Yes, not asking what the dancer is/was doing might be beneficial to one's health/sanity/orifices... 7 comes out of the men's bathroom. Why she seems to take an interest in the men's bathroom likely even god doesn't wish to know. Still, she wipes her mouth as a streak of... skin slips off from her bloodied teeth. Her fingernails seem to retract from wicked claws as blood stains the tips of her fingers. In her left hand, she appears to carry a rat carcass then pockets it as she goes over to stand near V and V nation.

"Good, everyone is here," LaVey says as he spins around on his stool to address everyone. "I called you here today because I have received some information that requires urgent action. A gehenna cult is apparently operating in the rural areas around Prospect. It seems that not only do they welcome the end, but are working with forces anathema to our cause in order to bring it about. This must end before the Inquisition gets wind of it and we all wind up being put to The Question."

Mary nods as she takes off her robe. SHe's fully dressed under this, and no odd bulges or anything tonight. "Hmm. Sounds interesting. Maybe we should show them where gehenna will lead them."

Van the Man just sort of...looks away, and starts to clean his nails with a small pocket knife. Not seeming to respond to or hear what V said. Sure, he'd go along, but it doesn't seem that he has very much to topic. He does however cut a little glance over to 7 and perk a brow. Giving her a look.. what kind of look? Well, a very subtle one. One that hopefully no one else would pick up on.

Griggs reaches up into the cowl of his hood to scratch at the side of his head. "At the very leatht, it would therve ath an example to other Gehenna cultth, if done right."

"The end? Profitable, but not too terribly wise about following through." This mentioned as the rat carcass is pulled out from her pocket still oozing out its innards. This is offered to V as... apparently a gift. "I was thinking of you in those hotpants again." This said in a deadpan manner, though within her eyes there lingers that unsatiable hunger. To consume all that is within and around her. A noted look is given to the entwining serpents upon Mary's form and this seems to actually make her smile. "Interesting." She then falls quiet as she awaits for instructions of what possible tactics are to be used for the attack. Not quite the leader sort, she defers to those that have honored her to be able to participate in a good hunt.

"Rumor abounds that the leader is following the path of Evil Revelations," LaVey continues as he accepts the rat. The carcass is set next to him on the bar and he seems in no mood for such trivialities. The creature appears to be deadly serious. "They must be exterminated to a man and their haven reduced to ashes. The best information I have as to their location is a farm about an hours drive outside of the city. Go there, now, and destroy them." The creature takes Van's cellphone and programs the GPS with the address of the house.

Mary looks to Seven and V "So who is your new friend?" she asks. "She sems..." she smiles brightly. "Very interesting."

Van the Man nods and looks down at the phone and hms softly. "You want me and Seven go ghost in and do some recon before we hit'em? Or do you wanna do this shit john Wayne style and run up hurling molotoves and screaming at them in Latin?" he asks, slipping behind the bar to steal a few bottles of everclear. He glances up to Mary, then down to her hands and wrinkles his nose slightly but doesn't say anything.

Griggs' voice lowers considerably. "Thith it a major threat, yeth," he murmurs, nodding as Van begins loading up Everclear. He reaches into his pocket to place credits on the counter. "Good idea, that," he says before looking back to LaVey. "What elthe do we know about these infernalithtth?"

Seven is deadly, though not always serious. However, in this case, both the situation, and her words are /quite/ that - serious. Whereas she may have a rather sick and twisted interest in V for whatever reason, she seems to at least be able to focus on the mission at hand. Afterall, it is what she does - fight the 'good' fight. She listens to those present then lets her dripping hands hang to her sides. She nods to Van's words. "Stealth is advised." Though this is all that she says for now.

"All I have is rumor and innuendo. However, the prevailing whispers are that the leader of the cult is old and powerful," LaVey tells the group, "Perhaps even an elder in his own right. The cultists themselves are nothing to snicker at either, as he has shaped them and made them strong in order to prepare them for the end of nights. They concern themselves with not destroying the antediluvians of course, but aiding them in ending the rest of us. How you approach this situation will be your own decision, as I will not be there nor am I any kind of battlefield leader."

Mary murmurs. "Grab an empty flask." she says. "You might need me in my true form. For infiltration. No drinking." her voice is distant, serious. "I can get in places others can't." she says. "Who do we choose as the battlefield leader?" she sounds a bit wary that it might be her.

Van the Man is rounding up bar rags and making his bottles of everclear into proper bombs. He doesn't seem to leave the question open to debate and starts speaking immediately. "Mary. We're going to need you to get in behind the lines. Can you go straight from blood to war form?" he questions, then cuts his eyes over to Griggs. "Griggs? My man...If you can cook up a distraction with your fancy mojo, Seven can hit them hard from the front...Draw out the elder... Then me and Mary can close in from the sides and mop up the children.."

Griggs turns to regard Seven's bloody hands for a time, nodding slowly as LaVey explains and Mary absconds leadership. "Tho the three... no, four of uth are going to take out an Elder infernalitht and itth coven?" he asks LaVey, looking away from the slowly coagulating blood with some effort. He shrugs slightly. "I can, thertainly. Though I imagine an Elder wouldn't be fooled."

Seven lifts her hand one at a time to snake out her slgihtly blue-ish/purple serpentine-like tongue on over her fingers lightly as she listens, though advises again with a sudden suckclle and POP from her fingers taken out of her maw. "If they are a Ghenna cult... we may be facing things other then just the children of the night."

"Go then, there are other concerns then these that must be attended to," LaVey says as he slides off of his stool. The liquid in his glass is poured carefully into a karaf then set into a refridgerator. "If you run into more then you can handle, I suggest fleeing. I certainly won't think less of you."

Van the Man slips all five molotovs into his backpack, checks to make sure he has everything he needs and takes a few moments to activate his 'charms'. His skin shimmering and seeming to be taken over by a fluid, alien metal that oozes around his upper body to from a protective second skin around him. "Lets rock." he says with a little grin before the metal snaps around his mouth. Then it peeeels back off slowly as he peers at Mary. "why do you need a flask? I can only get you in as far as I can get in in a flask...Ooze on the fucking ground. Get in behind them." he says as if he is talking to a child. "Being in my pocket is not a tactical advantage...We need a huge fucking monster to pop up behind them once they are focused on us."

Seven says nothing about the situation. As like all her kind, or at least those that have pased into adulthood within her culture, she doesn't question the orders given and simply makes her preparations for what may be one hell of a long fight ahead of them. Especially if there's rumors of powerful elders. She concentrates briefly as she too seems to activate a good several things. None of which are neary as sleek as Van, but more so grotesque - leathery, thick, pustulous flesh, her fingernails starting to ooze a toxic balefire green liquid as it bubbles, a faint shimmer of reality around her as she wlls the bane within her fetish to 'life'.

Mary nods "Confirmed. I'll walk to the location. Then get to oozing." hse says. Her voice is emotionless. "On Grigg's lead I take it?"

Van the Man tosses Griggs the keys to his truck. "Yall take ol' Betsy. Me and 7 will find our own way in. Mary, i'll text you when we hit the scene...Do likewise, yeah? I'm counting on you, girl. This is an important job." he states and then he head bobs to 7 for them to split out the back of the bar.

Griggs loads up his own backpack with a fresh set of Everclear molotovs, catches the keys and stuffs them into the recesses of its robe, spares a glance to nod in thanks to LaVey for the tip, then presses out the door.

Mary nods "Important job. Confirmed." she says. "Counting." she shakes her head. "I am prepared." sheturns to head for the door. "Thank you LaVey." she says before leaving, her voice never changing tone. She doesnt threaten Van or give stupid direction or anyhting. Weird for her.

Seven tap taps on the counter near where the rat had been put. A devilish wink offered to V, and soon enough a hand snatches out to Van's shoulder... that is after he's ready to go... then makes her way to the men's bathroom. "We'll be ready and waiting."

Griggs pauses at the door, stops and heads back inside. He grabs a wooden chair and smashes it on the ground repeatedly, then goes about separating the legs. He gathers these up, leaves a larger bill on the table next to the rest of the wooden remains, then continues out the door.

Outside Prospect - Abandoned Farm

The nearest stand of trees is a good three hundred yards from the main structures of the farm, but they are visible. A large, three story farmhouse is almost overwhelmed by the huge livestock barn that towers a good seventy feet into the air. Even from this distance, it is easy to see that both have been abandoned for years, perhaps even decades. Broken shingles, windows, and siding dominate the view of the dark house. Although it may once have been a cheerful red color, the barn is now the deep gray of rotting timber and slumps to the side like a man doing the dope fiend lean. The grass and fields around the area have gone fallow and are full of tall weeds.

Van the Man skulks through the woods, all geared up, strapped with gun and just waits for the rest of the party. Once they are all present he looks around slowly. "...Does anyone here object to me taking lead? It just seems like no one else was to eager to step into the command role.."

Making its way out of the umbra and across the velvet shadow to The Realm, a hulking monstrous nightare hovers over its kin. The beast's breath stinks of death, decay, and rancid foul odors. A soft puff of greenish-black air eminates from the beast's leathery nose as huge bat-like ears twitch here and there to any sound that may be overheard. The creature stands a good eleve feet tall, though normally it hunches at its broad shoulders. With a gutteral gruff and snort from its muzzle does it lay one fucking massively clawed hand upon Van's shoulder ever so genetly as if to give indication that it's in agreeance to him leading.

Griggs pads up to meet the others in the thicket that boundaries the overgrown farm. He pulls out his MP5 and confirms he's got a full clip. When Van speaks up, Griggs nods, then replies, "Thure, jutht don't fuck it up," in a low tone. He looks out across the field, squatting as he slowly scans the area.

Everything appears to be dark and quiet at the farm. Nothing is stirring except for the grass rustling in the wind.

Mary walks with Grigs towards the field, letting him hande communications. She looks to him. "All clear." she pats her bluetooth. "I'll check security if that is appropriate." she says in that same toneless voice. "Send you the layout before entering?"

Van the Man nods slowly, seeming unphased by the hulking she-beast gripping his shoulder nor that fowl reek of death wafting off her... Such was a state of affairs he had long come to be comfortable with between both V and 7. "Griggs...We obviously got no movement. We need something big and flash to draw them out. You said the elder might see through it? Well, as long as they come /out/. Thats all we need...In the open." he mutters, leveling his rifle and looking through the scope to make sure he had a clear sight on the house. "Mary, take post hidden as close to the farm as you can. Don't strike until you've got them all to your front..." he trails off as Mary offers her idea. "I don't know if I want one of us breaching the house itself solo.. They might have traps, and who knows what. Best to get them outside. If we can't draw them out with Illusion, then we burn them out with the Molotovs. 7? I need you to lay in wait...Hold your attack until the last second, or until we identify the leader...We need you on him fast and hard."

Griggs nods. "I'll draw them out with fire. Once they get out here, I'll uthe the illuthion to keep them out. That'th when Mary can thlip in, and Theven can get the drop," he replies to Van, still speaking low. "Where'th that leave you?"

Rath nods its hulking wolfish head as its eyes stare a cold unyielding frigid gaze upon the farm house. At Van's instructions, it slips off its clawed hand from Van's shoulder then hunches down on all fours. Its body a streamline of bulging mucled dense ripped muscle as it waits patiently for its turn to play. Its black claws dig at the earth as if ripping the ground towards it in anticipation of the kill. The beastie's fur normally sleek and black as the night, though currently its hide bares a cancerous bulbous thickness to it that pustulates and oozes with toxic residue while where it's claws meet the ground comes a faint *Hiss* of acidic poison.

Griggs puts down his pack and starts to pre-load a pair of molotovs, uncapping, stuffing in a cloth, turning it upside down to soak that cloth. Holding one in each hand he looks to Van, waiting for him to indicate it's time to start the party.

Van the Man nods to Griggs slowly. "Alright. But I dont think they'll be running back /into/ a burning Haven. This isn't a recon mission...There is nothing to recover. I thought we'd burn it behind them as to further push them forward, but sure.. I leave how to get them out up to you." shifting a bit and crouching he answers that second bit with. "that leaves me where i'm best. Behind a scope exploding heads from the shadows." he then gives a little nod. "Hit that shit from the side...I don't want you near a door when they come raging out." he suggest and then starts to stare down his scope...Waiting for the fun. "Mary, move your ass...In position, now."

Mary moves into position, as ordered. She calls back "Already in position. Shall I start to shift Z?" she asks, crouching, ready to strike at any moment.

Griggs gives Van a short nod before moving off towards the barn, pack on his back, unlit molotovs in each hand, and a lighter held between his teeth for ready access without pocket-fumbling. He keeps low to the ground, putting overgrown foliage between himself and the farm wherever possible, circling around to put himself as close to both the farmhouse and the stables as possible. The goal? Toss one through the window of the farmhouse, and the other into the stables, as close to a concentration of hay as is visible.

Wolfish lips peel back to bare a sickly palor of bone white, a maw encased with what could be compared to a shark's grin as razor-sharp teeth gnash upon themselves as the hideous creature awaits growing ever tenser by the moment. It's rage seething in a maelstrom within as its inner Urge claws inside of it and snapping just beneath the flesh in await to tear something, someone, anything asunder.

There are plenty of windows to choose from with the farmhouse. Unfortunately, the barn was not built with anything but a door at either end. Both are closed at the moment. Will Griggs dare to open then all by his lonesome? We shall see...

Griggs manages to sneak up on the farmhouse and barn without garnering attention. The molotovs are lit and tossed, one after the other, one crashing through the second floor window of the farmhouse, the other exploding directly in front of the barn's main door. Immediately after Griggs turns and bolts in the opposite direction of where the others lie in wait, again being sure to stay low, and ideally keep the underbrush between himself and the structures.

The aged wood readily takes to burning and flames quickly spill out of the upper level window and lick across the doors. Almost immediately two creatures can be heard howling like wolves at the moon, but at first there is no sign of activity. After a minute or two, while the flames grow ever higher and greedily move to consume more, a pair of dark shapes appear from the far side of the bar. They pause mid stride and the dual howls are heard again, then shouting. A trio moves up behind the duet as the first two almost immediately bolt towards the stand of trees at lightening speed. Then the front door of the house slams open and an unnaturally tall figure in what appears to be flowing black robes appears to stand on the porch.

The two figures close half the distance to the trees in just seconds and the party can now see them more clearly. They are, or once were, proud timber wolves of the mountains and desert. Now they are gross abominations. No longer covered with hair, they instead have a thick and mottled hide that oozes a thick white substance where one is shot. The three figures are following the wolves towards the grove but are moving one two legs instead of four and are quite slow by comparison.

Van the Man pops off two quick shots, and lets out a snarl of a curse as they dodge around his shots..At least he glanced one of them. Now that they are getting closer he throws his rifle across his back and swings the shotgun down to replace it. Standing from his crouched position and starting to line up his shot. "Seven, hold. We don't wanna blow the surprise until we have to!" he growls softly...He hops Mary is keeping up her end, and when the Zulu pops up, everything...should...Fall into place. (like that'll happen.)

The tall man is unmistakeable once he emerges from the burning building, hand at his chest, rubbing something. All the others spread out before him as they seek out the source of this attack, though they do notably look to him for guidance throughout. His mouth moves, and an indiscernable word comes out. Simultaneously, the fire at the barn door evaporates from the ground up, as if a minute black hole had appeared to suck it up. Vendictive eyes glare across the overgrown field into the darkness.

Van the Man steps out of the treeline...It isnt like they didnt know his location, and peppers the beast with shotgun blast. Like that did any good!

The two wolves just keep coming at Van while the three ghouls turn on Mary with a set of pitchforks and a fearsome look in their eyes.

Mary Gets mowed at by her attackers. Still, she swings her tree branch bat around, like the large behemoth war machine she is. "Z.. Hungers!" she growls, letting herself lose control little by little.

The two wolves charge at Van like heat seeking missiles. One leaps into the air only to receive a horrific gut wound. It still manages to maul the ghoul heavily before being shredded by the claws of the much larger, much more dangerous Seven. The second only has time to die as it suffers the same fate. The three ghouls attack Mary with their pitchforks inflicting only minor injuries to the horrid creature.

The gunshots go off like a flash of lightning striking against the thickness of night. The ghouls seem to be on the move, but four legs are always better then two. The wolves move closer and closer by the fraction of every heartbeat. It's only when Van seems to be over his head on this one is when the massive form of the monster that lurked beside him leaps into the fray. With a single lash of toxic claws does it rip one of the wolves in half, though the other manages to get a strike on her kin before that one too meets a very quick and gruesome end.

Like a streak of black lightening the wolf hits Van.. His teeth sink in with such force that the liquid metal encasing his skin cracks, and blood spurts from the wound as he gets flung back, slamming against a tree but managing to keep his footing... The only reason he isn't ripped to shreds is 7, and he takes a second to let out an enraged bloodcry of battle, the "mask" of molten silver peeling back from his face to let him breathe more easily as he pants... Letting out a little groan and then, horrifically, a choked giggle as he leans his head down to lick his shoulder, sluring up his own blood as he coughs and spews it out to splatter the leafs at his feet. "he--hhehsehs." that calm and calculated little man is gone and now there is only a manic gleam in his eyes as he starts to stumble forwards..

The impressively massive beast that is Seven is the first to garner the tall man's attention. He snarls, revealing his fangs as he reaches out in the air before him. Simultaneously, something rather terrible begins to happen inside Seven's body. Or at least, should have. For some reason, perhaps the onslaught of creatures at his front door, the vampire seems unable to properly concentrate. Right about this time, a pair of molotov cocktails explode quite near him. One actually was a direct hit, but a discerning eye would not that it seemed to bounce off the air around him, before detonating. Watching his wolf minion handily slaughtered, he takes off running for the woods.

With the threat to her kin gone, the mere pathetic waste of corruption that the Zulo can easily deal with... the monstrosity of a beast takes after the fleeing vampire as its shape twists, malforms and warps to take on its hispo form in order to utilize its speed in order to catch up to the elder.

Van the Man comes staggering out of the woods, healing slowly, blood all the fuck over him...More than there should be, as he for some reason felt the need to smear his face with it. His words ripping out of him in a gnarled scream of pain and lunacy. "SEVEN! KILL THE FUCK! KILLKILLKILL!" then he breaks back into laughter as he pulls out the modified glock on his hip..Not firing it, in fact, he almost drops it as his knees buckle and he goes head heavy for a second but manages to keep his feet under him.

With a burst of raw indecent energy the massive direwolf bursts into its battle form mid air as it comes down with a good ton of weight down upon the fleeing vampire. Unfortunately that first attack misses though the follow ups make their mark and well... all that's left of said vampire is a cloud of dust that hardly has time to settle to the ground before the massive nightmare is on the ghouls like stink to shit.

Ever protecting her ass Van, on deaths door, manages to lift his pistol and flick it over to full auto as he sprays down the two ghouls running to defend the master... Bullets rip through them, 30 in all. Maybe 14 hit but its enough to send blood and brains splattering the forest. With that done? He just collapses.

In the mists of the night, the horrid creature's how is heard. Its one of those sounds, a primal, ancient evil that many centuries ago the peasants in Romania knew to fear. Here, halfway across the world and many centuries later, this same terror is unleashed on the ghouls, as Mary tears its fangs into the closest ghoul, and starts to disembowel it. Blood and ichor spray everywhere, as it lunches for anything moving and in it's path.

"No!" the Infernalist exclaims as he finds his route to escape blocked by fire, and his planned trickery foiled. Unable to constrain the Beast that rages within him, and its inherent reaction to fire, he nearly drops to the ground as he turns to flee in the other direction. Only to find himself torn to shreds by the massive Seven!