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[[File:Clarksmoke.jpg|x350px|left]][[File:Clarkgif.gif|x175px|right]]Information about Clark. Clark'fo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vitae sem tempus erat posuere fringilla. Nulla consequat mauris est. Sed lobortis dui sit amet elit congue, nec porttitor libero hendrerit. Aenean aliquet tellus in justo pretium consequat. Maecenas id nisi quam. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam ornare, ipsum id venenatis egestas, risus elit interdum felis, non porta diam sem a enim. Cras ut enim nisi. Sed nisl nulla, porta in sem non, imperdiet pharetra mi. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque lorem, molestie vulputate neque aliquam ut.
[[File:Clarksmoke.jpg|x350px|left]]Not many people would be happy about working as a security guard for a corporation that sees its employees as numbers rather than people, but Ron Clark isn't just happy. The man seems to love his lot in life, and he has more reasons not to than most, including being injured on the job twice (once by a car driven by a disgruntled ex-employee and another time when breaking up a fistfight that escalated to the use of office furniture).
Vestibulum eget lacinia massa. Vivamus sodales eros ut felis auctor bibendum. Ut facilisis eros nec massa vehicula, id mollis mauris tincidunt. Mauris et enim condimentum, posuere felis eu, interdum nunc. Pellentesque nec lorem semper, accumsan ipsum sed, tristique enim. Donec varius sapien at ornare viverra. Morbi tincidunt adipiscing odio, nec suscipit leo dignissim ut. Sed laoreet, quam eget egestas bibendum, lorem est pretium lorem, vulputate laoreet urna nunc ac augue. Sed nec eros commodo, eleifend sapien non, malesuada turpis. Nunc porta auctor tellus at feugiat.
These incidents might give someone the idea that Clark is selfless, and even respect his diligence, but anyone that knows him knows that such boldness is hardly compensation for his pranks, which tend to be meaner than they are funny, and his tendency to creep people out. Despite a number of complaints, the company has promoted him to a position he isn't qualified for and likely doesn't deserve. Head of Security.
Suspendisse ut sem eu dui iaculis ullamcorper. Donec dolor augue, luctus non dui a, vestibulum pellentesque risus. Pellentesque sit amet libero neque. Donec ornare ultricies justo id accumsan. Phasellus vitae nulla neque. Pellentesque nec velit et quam dapibus tristique in nec mauris. Donec facilisis volutpat erat cursus facilisis. In tempor leo id nisl volutpat, at lacinia est tristique. Quisque id leo non magna sodales consectetur ac quis massa. Nulla vitae risus sit amet mauris tempor viverra sit amet at mauris.
He knows nothing about the alarm system, can't describe the psychology of the typical corporate criminal and he always messes up his paperwork, but he's itching for the day he gets to deal with an active shooter and loves dragging out people that don't react well to getting fired. Don't let the tie and the haircut fool you. Clark is little more than a bully that's managed to land himself a job that pays him a salary for being a complete dick.
Nam bibendum sem eu dui venenatis, et bibendum nibh rhoncus. Etiam suscipit arcu et metus semper vehicula. Nunc pharetra cursus lacus, vitae viverra nulla tempor eu. Nam sed neque in nunc tempus tincidunt eu non purus. Donec pulvinar, magna sed vulputate suscipit, metus leo malesuada mauris, ac placerat libero justo ac mi. Morbi mattis sodales ullamcorper. Fusce volutpat eu tortor sed dignissim. Sed feugiat porta tempus.
[[File:Clarkgif.gif|x175px|right]]When Clark isn't at work making various people wish he'd go golfing in a lightning storm, he's either at home doing whatever it is he does, getting his car cleaned and detailed, jogging across town like he's training for a marathon (he isn't) or being his usual self in some sort of social environment. If Clark has any plans for the future, they certainly aren't obvious.

Latest revision as of 23:19, 16 July 2014


Not many people would be happy about working as a security guard for a corporation that sees its employees as numbers rather than people, but Ron Clark isn't just happy. The man seems to love his lot in life, and he has more reasons not to than most, including being injured on the job twice (once by a car driven by a disgruntled ex-employee and another time when breaking up a fistfight that escalated to the use of office furniture).

These incidents might give someone the idea that Clark is selfless, and even respect his diligence, but anyone that knows him knows that such boldness is hardly compensation for his pranks, which tend to be meaner than they are funny, and his tendency to creep people out. Despite a number of complaints, the company has promoted him to a position he isn't qualified for and likely doesn't deserve. Head of Security.

He knows nothing about the alarm system, can't describe the psychology of the typical corporate criminal and he always messes up his paperwork, but he's itching for the day he gets to deal with an active shooter and loves dragging out people that don't react well to getting fired. Don't let the tie and the haircut fool you. Clark is little more than a bully that's managed to land himself a job that pays him a salary for being a complete dick.


When Clark isn't at work making various people wish he'd go golfing in a lightning storm, he's either at home doing whatever it is he does, getting his car cleaned and detailed, jogging across town like he's training for a marathon (he isn't) or being his usual self in some sort of social environment. If Clark has any plans for the future, they certainly aren't obvious.