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|spheres  = Gaian Garou
|spheres  = Gaian Garou
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Latest revision as of 09:33, 30 May 2023

Fireside Chat
Meeting a new kinfolk
IC Date 05/30/23
IC Time Morning
Players Evan, Milly
Location Kinfolk House
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song None

--- --- ---

Evan is sitting by the fire pit with some of the kin children, he has his guitar in his lap and a couple of them have ones sized for them in their laps. Its music lesson time!

--- --- ---

Milly heads for the pit. She's carrying a crate of beer, possibly taken from the distillery. She dumps it down, sits down next to it, takes out a bottle and yanks the top off with her hand, rather than an opener. She downs a sizable amount of the beer, then lets out one thunderous belch. She then wipes her mouth on the back of her hand and watches the lesson, even though she is now getting a fair number of wide eyed stares. "What? Count yer lucky stars it didnae come out the other end!"

--- --- ---

Evan grins and nods at Milly as the kids giggle at the belch and he says to the kids "I think that's probably enough for today, and remember what I told you..." and the young voices all respond "Practice Every Day." Then to Milly "Good morning miss, having a good day so far?"

--- --- --- Milly purses her lips as she thinks. "Lessee... banged some fella in an alley, ate a bad kebab, went home, had a shower, got me some beer, made some calls, came here... Not a top tier day, but sure, I've had worse. Except the kebab. Sure, for a country addicted to fast food, this place has no idea how to make a decent doner." More beer is swigged. "Ye want some? Not bad, for an American ale. At least the tribe brews its own. I'm Milly Crean. Ye knew round here?" --- --- ---

Evan nods at Milly as he takes the beer "Evan Davies, Fianna Galliard. Lately of the Sept of White Water in New York. Been in town about a month now, I really like it here."

--- --- ---

"Ah, so we're tribe mates! I'm yer kin." Milly grins. "Much as some might wish at times I were not. I was raised in the Sept of the Southern Shores, near Cork. Me da, Harp of Vengeance, he's kept the place under strict control many years now. Galliard, like yeself. I like a good tune, I do, though what I play probably isnae your sort of music."

--- --- ---

Evan grins and salutes with the beer before setting it down carefully and playing what could be some heavy metal but on acoustic guitar "I came west because of an...odd relationship with orthodoxy so I'm down for all sorts of music."

--- --- ---

Milly says, “Aye, that's no so bad. I play the same sort of thing. I can hold me own ona guitar, but I prefer the drums. Smacking the hell outta somethin' is therapeutic, and I cannae always be sure to have a persona round in need of a heart kick to the ballsack, aye?”

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Milly and grins "I've been teaching one of the Get of Fenris kinfolk how to play guitar, and I've started expanding my instrument collection. I actually am gonna need a drummer for a song I've recently finished based on the events of my rite of passage. Wanna see?" the last is added with a gesture at his backpack

--- --- ---

Milly raises a curious brow. "Aye, I'll take a gander. Me kit is packed up at the moment, but it's a work of a moment to set it up. Unless you want a more traditional bodhran, that's easy to collect from me trailer. Maybe we'll get a wee band going? I could use the distraction, I've been frustrated enough as it is lately."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Milly as he rummages for the notebook and passes it over "I was thinking about a bodhran for it yeah. You don't have to go get it now unless you want to though. A band would be great! I love group performances, all the energy." After passing over the notebook he pulls a violin case out of the backpack, clearly larger than the backpack would indicate.

<OOC> Evan says, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3fU21cwd10"

<OOC> Evan says, "https://www.echoschildren.org/CDlyrics/LEASTOF.HTML"

--- --- ---

Milly takes the notebook and looks it over, as she swigs dfown more beer. "Ah, sure, this is good. And I can ceretainly keep ye beat for somethin' like this.Just let me know when. I dinnae fancyu goin' half way across town to get me things right now. But we can set somethin' up for later. All about yer rite, ye say? Sure, that's a feckin' good tale to tell, always!"

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Milly "I was the only cub in training at the time so I was scouting solo and well, I found the intruders. Things got messy there for sure but I managed to run my mouth a bit and get the bad guys monologuing. Stalled till the guardian pack arrived. So that's how I got my Name Collector-of-Tales, weaponizing conversational rambling."

--- --- ---

Milly laughs and slaps her knee. "Ye weaponise bullshit? Now, that's somethin my me grandpa would love! I#ll drink t' that!" She drains her bottle, and opens another. "So ye met the rest of the tribe, then? We got a good bunch here."

--- --- ---

Evan grins and shrugs as he takes another swig of beer "Isla and Sean, and yourself of course. And I waved at someone that smelled Very Fianna on my way by a conversation at the caern on business. I think her name was Torey? That's it so far though."

--- --- ---

Milly grins. "Good folks, all o' them, even if they cannae always understand me sense of humour. But nights down at the Irish Times are very merry. Ye must come along and join the party! See if ye can throw a punch as well as ye throw a quip, aye?

--- --- ---

Evan chuckles and grins "The only tribal past-time I don't much get into is the hook-ups. I'm just not sexually motivated. Like...at all. But singing, drinking, and brawling? I'm down for all of that."

--- --- ---

Milly gives a wolfish grin. "Ye think ye could take me? Without gettin' all furry and big? Beatin' big people to a pulp is me job, I should warn ye. I've surprised more than a few wolves. Spent me life trainin'. Sometimes skill beats sheer mass."

--- --- ---

Evan shakes his head and drinks some beer "Oh probably not, I can throw a decent punch but I'm by no means an expert at all. We can spar at the caern sometime though if you'd like. I know that's specifically not allowed here."

--- --- ---

Milly sniffs dismissively. "Foolishness. All tae protect the bairns. Where I grew up, the kids were taught tae fight almost as soon as they could walk. Does nae good to coddle them. But aye, we can try that. Maybe I can show ye a few tricks. People assume professional wrestlin' is all tricks, but I came tae that from bare knuckle matches in the Redcap underground. Wrestlin' is a cakewalk in comparison."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Milly and gets a little excited "Professional Wrestling is a Perfomance Art that takes a lot of athleticism and skill. As much to pretend it doesn't hurt as much as anything. Some of my cousins back at Goat Island were fans of this older guy who used to be big in Wrestling named Mick...Foley I think? That dude could take hits. Back in the day anyway, I don't think he's wrestled in a long time."

--- --- --- Milly grins. "Cactus Jack? I met him, he's a very chill sort of fella. MAn's a legend." She digs out her phone and pulls up a video, and passes it over. The footage of her in the ring, smacking, and being smack, with a piece of two by four, is decidedly violent. "Happy times! I dinnae really feel the pain, but that's me blood. I got a very strange lineage, and it does give me a wee bit of an advantage." --- --- ---

Evan grins as he watches the video, looking suitably impressed "I got a bit of foresight and pretty much sleep not but an hour or so a night. At least for Garou though the pain resistance is a learnable skill or I'd feel like I got robbed. Though I am one of the only minstrels I know with enough hours in the day for practice."

--- --- ---

Milly nods as she swigs more beer. "I feel very little pain these days. That I got from me father's side o' things. He's of the faerie folk, and believe me, theres nobody who can fight with as much relish and enjoyment as a Clurichaun on a bender. I got that side of his personality, but also his tendency to speak his mind. I'm not famed for bein' subtle or tactful."

--- --- ---

Evan grins at Milly "I grew up a queer kid in a sept of Orthodox Fianna and Uktena. With a wolfborn grand elder. I got a thick skin pretty quick so I'm not likely to be bothered. Though I have been known to give grades and feedback depending on the quality of the sass. For Professional development reasons you understand." The end comes with a wink.

--- --- ---

Milly grins wolfishly. "I think we'll get on just fine... hang on..." She frowns, leans to the side, and lets rip with a mighty fart. "There we go, had to turn up sooner or later. I'm goin' to make a sandwich. Help yesel' t the beer!" And off she trots indoors