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[[Category:PCs]][[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Mage]][[Category:Dreamspeaker]][[Category:Traditions]][[Category:Jaz]]
#silly {
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" width="95%" style="background: #000000; border:0px solid #888888; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; border-top:0px solid #000000; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#000000), to(#000000)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #000000, #000000); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 12px">
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#left-5 > img, #left-7 img {
[[File:jjheader.png|left|650px]][[File:Jj1.jpeg|right|250px]]<br />
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    height: auto;
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<td width="25%" style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px">
    width: 240px;
<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Infobox</center></font></b></i>
<table align="center">
#left-7 .image {
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
#silly > img.top, #left-5 > img.top {
<td><b>Full Name:</b> Janneke Johansen
    position: absolute;
#left-5 > img.top {
<td><b>Fae Name:</b> Juniper Jupiter
    left: 0.5em;
    top: 0.5em;
<td><b>Date of Birth:</b> July 20th
#silly > img.top:hover, #left-5 > img.top:hover {
<td><b>Kith:</b> Boggan
#Logs + div a, #Logs + div a::before {
  margin-left: 0;
<td><b>Age:</b>  Early 30s
* Proprietrix and repair monkey, '''[[Detonation_Boulevard|Detonation Boulevard]]'''<br>
* Innkeeper, '''[[Rêves Errants|Rêves Errants]]'''
<td><b>Height:</b> 5'3"
<td><b>Played by:</b> Emily Van Camp
<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px">
<center>Notable stats</center></font></b></i>
<ul><li>Charisma:  4<br /></li>
<li>Intelligence:  4<br /></li>
<li>Perception:  4<br /></li>
<li>[[Rules_Entries#Jack_of_All_Trades|Jack of all Trades]]</li></ul>
}}{{PC 1
| small-side=left
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px">
| colour-background=#FFFFFF
<br /></div>
| colour-border=#00005f
<i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>RP Hooks</center></font></b></i><br />
| colour-headers=#00d7d7
| colour-links=#461a00
<ul><li><b>I Love It Loud</b>: JJ is very much a child of the rock n' roll era, with a real love for loud music of many kinds, particularly anything released between the late 60s and the early 00s. She dresses the part, as well, and has a little bit of skill tinkering with the guitar. Don't mention the words 'auto-tune' to her. Just... don't.</li></ul>
| colour-divider=#ffd700
<ul><li><b>Little shop of rockers</b>: Her shop, <b>[[Detonation_Boulevard|Detonation Boulevard]]</b>, is the result of a lot of years of collecting memorabilia and selling online. This is her first brick-and-mortar business, and she's very excited to serve the public, or at least, to meet people with similar interests and sell them cool stuff.</li></ul>
| image-main=Mira030.jpg
<ul><li><b>Make it sing again</b>: She can fix and restore musical instruments, so long as you don't ask too much about her methods and let her work in peace. She takes real joy in bringing the song back into a damaged instrument, no matter what sort.</li></ul>
| image-alt=Fingers.jpg
| header-data=<span class="headbit" id="name">Miriel Chandler</span></div><div id="silly">
<br />
<ul><li><b>Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven</b>: JJ, typically, loves to cook. It's a great source of potential conversation. It's a hobby, but she does enjoy sharing her baked goods at the shop from time to time.</li></ul>
<ul><li><b>Pub Quiz Wiz</b>: You definitely want JJ on your pub quiz team, because she has an alarming breadth of knowledge from her time taking random classes at various community colleges across the country as she wanders.</li></ul>
<ul><li><b>Pass the crystal, spread the tarot</b>: Want a tarot reading, or a look at your future through the Futhark runes? JJ is more than capable of giving you insight and good advice as a card-and-rune-reader.</li></ul>
<br />
<ul><li><b>Wandering Dreams</b>: She is the innkeeper behind '''[[Rêves Errants]]''', the pub-slash-crash-space opened in February 2023 for wandering fae in the [[Lost in Time Market]]. </li></ul>
<ul><li><b>Seeing things</b>: In the past, in other Duchies, she's been known to be a Court Seer, usually under some duress. When asked about it, she tends to grumble a bit about Sidhe and guilt trips and the difficulty of having a conscience.</li></ul>
<br />
<tr><td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px">
<br />[[File:Jj3.JPG|left|250px]]<br /></td>
| left-1-header=Overview
| left-1-data=
| fullname=Miriel Chandler
| tradition=Dreamspeakers
| faction=Traditions
| essence=Dynamic
| birthdate=02/02/1998
| age=25
| height=5'6"
| weight=145 lbs
| eye_colour=Brown
| hair_colour=Brown
| demeanor=Rebel
| photoref=Nina Dobrev
| extra-1-cat=Chantry
| extra-1-data=The Circle of the Grey Moon
| left-2-header=Notable Stats
| left-2-data=
| colour-divider=#102f45
| colour-text=#461a00
| colour-tooltip=#C3D2E7
| colour-border=#461a00
| dot-empty=Choc-dot.png
| dot-filled=Choc-dot-f.png
| header-renown=
| header-merits=
| header-flaws=
| attr-cha=4
| attr-int=4
| spec-cha=Amusing
| spec-int=Well-Read
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Contacts</center></font></b></i></div>
| left-3-header=&#32;
| left-3-data=[[File:Mira021.jpg|240px]]
| left-4-header=Quotes
| left-4-data="Politics is the big dog telling the little dog that he's not actually that hungry."
<span class="attr">&mdash; Miriel</span>
| left-5-header=&#32;
| left-5-data=[[File:Mira016.jpg|240px]]
| left-6-header=Other Info
| left-6-data=Wanna know more?
* '''Novia:''' Está enamorada de [[Selene]].
* '''Her name:''' It's a bastardization of Sindarin for 'Jewel.' Her mom is sort of a geek.
* '''Sexuality:''' Miri identifies as demi-ace and panromantic.
* '''Car:''' Storm-blue SUV EV.
* '''Favorite Irish bar:''' [[Lady_of_the_Lakes|Lady of the Lakes]]
| left-7-header=&#32;
| left-7-data=[[File:Mira004.jpg|240px]]
| left-8-header=About Fingers
| left-8-data=Fingers is a purebred Maine Coon, and has the papers to prove it. He's also a familiar, which means those papers are totally fake because his body was made from magic. He still likes to claim he's a pure breed. Arrogant cat.
<div id="_" class="header fauxheader"></div>
| right-1-header=About Miriel
| right-1-data=Miri is a California native, and by profession she is a TikTok personality along with her cat Fingers. She's a UCP graduate with a major in Digital Video Production, having attained her degree four years ago. She lives in Prospect, near the water, in a tiny little bungalow that is just about right for two people, tops, but the ocean view is to die for. She often sits out back with her coffee (which she almost always has) and the cat, reveling in the gorgeousness of California. <br><br>Miriel is general a cheerful sort, albeit a touch reserved if she feels cornered or overwhelmed. She's got her share of secrets and fears, among them a very not-secret fear of heights, which arose from her college days when she literally fell off the roof of a dorm and was saved only by catching a fire escape on the way down in a moment of pure luck. <br><br>She is vocal about supporting left-wing causes and pagan rights, with a small hybrid SUV plastered with rainbow stickers and 'Blessed Be' and other witchy-lefty mottoes and symbols. she has been known to do videos to raise money for charities including the Trevor Project, a local cat rescue, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among others. She does these videos at least once, sometimes twice a month, and solicits donations for causes through Patreon and other sources as well. she definitely uses her platform for good.
| right-2-header=Stereotypes
| right-2-data=views on:
* '''Mages:''' So far, other mages seem to be a pretty mixed bag. Good, bad, ugly. We'll see how that goes as time moves on.
* '''Other entities:''' I know there's a lot of other things out there that look human; still haven't encountered any, but it's probably for the best, because from what Jay said, a lot of them would want to kill me on principle.
| right-3-header=RP Hooks
* '''[[Caressa]]''': Knowledgeable and helpful, she seems like a good friend to make.  
| right-3-data=Some hooks for RP!
* '''[[Clementine]]''' and '''[[Persy]]''': The Twins of Chaos! I love 'em both. Fear Persy's needles, but cherish Clem's warm welcome and wisdom. More Boggans, more goodness, more foul-mouthed plump broads!
* <b>Social Media Creator</b>: Miriel is a TikTok and YouTubeShorts creator, who makes videos with her thumb-cat Fingers. She is a skilled digital video producer and far more connected to the technological world than a typical mystic. <br>
* '''[[Dasia]]''': I have some doubts about her manners and her House, but hell, at least she's an Eshu noble, not an Arcadian. As I talk to her, I like her more, though I do feel she's a little shallow.  
* <b>Mage Society Noob</b>: She only now just becoming connected to Mage society, and knows few other mages. She has happened upon a Chantry now, so with any luck, the connections there will help her stay sane.<br>
* '''[[Deirdre]]''': She's got a manic sense of humor much like Kieran, and she seems like someone I'll enjoy getting to know -- plus it's nice to see one of her kind around and about. Plus, her ship is a beauty!
* <b>Node Guardian</b>: She has a Node she guards, and is desperately trying to Git Gud so she can do that effectively, since it was left into her care as of the beginning of 2023.
* '''[[Erin]]''': She's very sweet, has an adorable baby, and she seems so *smart* -- plus she's offered to give me tutelage, and you can't beat a Nocker for knowing how to Make Stuff(tm)!
* <b>Beach Baby</b>: She is a native California girl, and lives on the beach -- and loves it. She tans well, despite her fair skin, and when the summer rolls around, her hair takes on a golden sheen.
* '''[[Kieran]]''': Manic axemeister who brings trouble in her wake, in a way that makes you happy about it. She's like the living embodiment of a slam pit. Needless to say, I like her lots.  
| right-4-header=Folks
* '''[[Massa]]''': I have a feeling that hanging around with him would be dangerous to my morals but a whole lot of fun. Plus, he's adorable!
| right-4-data=People she's met...
* '''[[Oswald]]''':  He's the size of three of me! Sweet baby Jeebus, he's huge. Nice, too. And it turns out, he's incredibly skilled at adventuring... a big ol' hero!
* '''[[Aleysa]]''' - Knowledgeable, pleasant, seems like a winning potential member.
* '''[[Sark]]''': An honest-to-Dán ''dragon''! He's so well-spoken, and terribly nice as well. I'd never have expected a dragon to be so friendly! My new Bygone friend, always welcome at Rêves Errants.
* '''[[Armani]]''' - Sweet ''and'' tart. So far, I like her.  
* '''[[Sebastian]]''': Quiet, dark, and slim, sharp-witted and fun. He's great for quiet snarkery. Don't let him get overlooked amongst the chaos. I lurve him. More now, it seems, since he sang to me, Juniper and lamplight, oh my...
* '''[[Caressa]]''' - Couldn't hold the attention of a group of fifth-graders with a bag of free candy.  
* '''[[Trevor]]''': A lovely voice, and a pleasant personality, thus far. Will have to get to know him better.
* '''[[Duibheasa]]''' - Fascinating, captivating, deadly.
<br /><br />
* '''[[Gwydion]]''' - I want to know what made Caressa get pissy with him. He seems smart and capable.  
* '''[[Lyra]]''' - I still have to wonder what mysteries she might have imparted.
* '''[[Phil]]''' - Arrogant and kind of an asshole, but clearly powerful and knowledgeable.  
<tr><td style="text-align: center; background: #ffffff>[[File:jj6.jpg|left|250px]]</td>
* '''[[Selene]]''' - I have learned that jumping is not the same as falling.
* '''[[Trent Towers]]''' - Now that was weird. I don't think we're much suited.
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><center>Soundtrack</center></font></b></i>
* '''[[Viktor]]''' - Helpful, sincere. Definitely one to watch, in a good way.  
* Billy Joel, "Vienna"
* '''[[Xiu]]''' - Power in both stillness and motion. A Sister to keep, if we can.
* Chicago, "Saturday in the Park"
| right-5-header=Soundtrack
* Collective Soul, "Shine"
| right-5-data=Music for the wandering spirit-witch
* David Bowie, "Heroes"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3wVPHlAzlU Blue Oyster Cult, "Astronomy"]
* Faith No More, "We Care a Lot"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA54NBtPKdI The Church, "Under the Milky Way"]
* Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TCoLKiKSRo Danielle Dax, "When I Was Young"]
* Funkadelic, "Free Your Mind (and Your Ass Will Follow)"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbbPPy_bNM4 Kate Bush, "The Red Shoes"]
* Kiss, "I"
* [https://youtu.be/uNpWiPx-CFk Love and Rockets, "So Alive"]
* Ozzy Osbourne, "Believer"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp90PznLE3o The Mission, "Garden of Delight"]
* Rush, "Dreamline"
* [https://youtu.be/KlIuUSOce28 Nina Gordon, "Tonight and the Rest of My Life"]
* Simon & Garfunkel, "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52DUrv1gCUw Robyn Hitchcock, "The Ghost in You"]
* Spacehog, "In the Meanwhile"
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tb_c_EsPnA Stone Roses, "Love Spreads"]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TON3PORRDQ Waterboys, "The Whole of the Moon"]
<br /><br /></td></tr>
| right-6-header=Gallery
| right-6-data=
<tr><td style="text-align: center; background: #ffffff>[[File:Jj5.jpg|left|250px]]</td>
<td style="background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff, #ffffff); -moz-border-radius: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px"><i><b><font style="color: #004C54; font-size: 18pt; text-shadow: #00E6FF 1px 1px 1px"><p><center>Logs</center></font></b></i>
| right-7-header=Logs
| right-7-data=<br>
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noresultsheader=''None yet.''
</DynamicPageList><br /><br /></p></td>
<br class="hide"/></div>
[[Category:PCs]] [[Category:Mage]] [[Category:Active PCs]] [[Category:Traditions]] [[Category:Dreamspeakers]] [[Category:Miriel]]

Latest revision as of 16:28, 3 October 2024

Full Name:Miriel Chandler
Date of Birth:02/02/1998
Weight:145 lbs
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Brown
Photo Reference:Nina Dobrev
Chantry:The Circle of the Grey Moon
Notable Stats

Specialty: Amusing
Specialty: Well-Read
"Politics is the big dog telling the little dog that he's not actually that hungry." — Miriel
Other Info
Wanna know more?
  • Novia: Está enamorada de Selene.
  • Her name: It's a bastardization of Sindarin for 'Jewel.' Her mom is sort of a geek.
  • Sexuality: Miri identifies as demi-ace and panromantic.
  • Car: Storm-blue SUV EV.
  • Favorite Irish bar: Lady of the Lakes
About Fingers
Fingers is a purebred Maine Coon, and has the papers to prove it. He's also a familiar, which means those papers are totally fake because his body was made from magic. He still likes to claim he's a pure breed. Arrogant cat.