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|icdate    = Sunday, September 16th, 2018
|icdate    = Sunday, September 16th, 2018
|ictime    = 19:52:08 2018, PDT.
|ictime    = 19:52:08 2018, PDT.
|players  = [[Pancake]] as ST, [[Lleutrim]], [[Johanna]], [[Nascha]], [[Journey]], [[Naiche]], [[Amanda]], [[Rory]], [[Bronwyn]]
|players  = [[Pancake]] as ST for first part of log, [[Lleutrim]], [[Johanna]], [[Nascha]], [[Journey]], [[Naiche]], [[Amanda]], [[Rory]], [[Bronwyn]]
|location  = Deep Forest, Lleu's Cabin east of the Sept's Caern.
|location  = Deep Forest, Lleu's Cabin east of the Sept's Caern.
|spheres  = Shifter, Mortal+, Gorgon
|spheres  = Shifter, Mortal+, Gorgon
Line 132: Line 132:
There's a CLEAN sock lying in the leaves. A little ways away from it, a dead squirrel. Only, it's black. Further on, other dead squirrels, another sock, piece of food, and so forth.
There's a CLEAN sock lying in the leaves. A little ways away from it, a dead squirrel. Only, it's black. Further on, other dead squirrels, another sock, piece of food, and so forth.
Past them, Lleutrim is standing absolutely as buck naked as the day he was born and in human form. The recent scars are racked across his chest as he speaks with Johana, Nascha, and the others gathered near. Naiche is sniffing at squirrels but no one is touching them.
Past them, Lleutrim is standing absolutely as buck naked as the day he was born and in human form. Recent scars rake across his chest.  Lleu speaks with Johana, Nascha, and the others gathered near. Naiche is sniffing at squirrels but no one is touching them.
Amanda gets a look from Donnachaidh but her solutions ... aren't really helpful to find out /why/ this is happening.  Even a Cub knows that - so Lleu doesn't reply.
Line 164: Line 166:
And then things get.. worse? A rather HUGE rock comes wandering from .. over there.. somewhere, holding a pair of undies, a single sock (Perhaps that matches the other one), and a pair of jeans. Just, here it comes, rumbling in the direction of the others here. Nascha looks relieved and moves around the crime scene toward the thing.
And then things get.. worse? A rather HUGE rock comes wandering from .. over there.. somewhere, holding a pair of undies, a single sock (Perhaps that matches the other one), and a pair of jeans. Just, here it comes, rumbling in the direction of the others here. Nascha looks relieved and moves around the crime scene toward the thing.
The ground rumbling, bulging and heaving up has Lleutrim stepping back even if he suspects it's just Rocky. He blinks when he sees the familiar Jackle instead, "Shaderunner-rhya." Yep, not a stitch of clothing on Lleu. Ehem. Well, he can stand here with his hands clasped loosely in front of himself since he hasn't a fig leaf handy.  
The ground rumbling, bulging and heaving up has Lleutrim stepping back even if he suspects it's just Rocky. He blinks when he sees the familiar Jackle instead, "Shaderunner-rhya." Yep, not a stitch of clothing on Lleu. Ehem. Well, he can stand here with his hands clasped loosely in front of himself since he hasn't a fig leaf handy.  

Latest revision as of 15:04, 17 September 2018

The Raid
Raiders break into Lleutrim's cabin and bind him to his bed in the middle of the night!
IC Date Sunday, September 16th, 2018
IC Time 19:52:08 2018, PDT.
Players Pancake as ST for first part of log, Lleutrim, Johanna, Nascha, Journey, Naiche, Amanda, Rory, Bronwyn
Location Deep Forest, Lleu's Cabin east of the Sept's Caern.
Spheres Shifter, Mortal+, Gorgon

Little Cabin

This small hand hewn log cabin primarily features a single main room. One end is an open little kitchen with fridge, counter, sink, stove and oven with a window and cabinets. No dishwasher. Across from that is a small table and two chairs by window. Behind it is a door that lets into the full bath with shower, a closet and a pantry.

The main room consists of a faded green fold out couch, an old iron bound trunk serves as a coffee table, and a matching side chair. These are positioned to face the drystack stone fireplace with modern and efficient wood stove with a glass door. A large elk skin rug is on the floor before the fireplace. Shelves and bookcase, windows, and a reading light completes the layout along with a desk with a chair with laptop. Throw pillows and other rugs add a splash of bright colors. Worn hickory floors, pine ceiling, log walls of poplar with smokey heartwood. It's an older place with much use but well crafted.

Candle sconces and lanterns, as well as electric bulbs set in antler, add light by night. Solar panels on the roof provide electricity. A covered porch across the front has a pair of rocking chairs and a hammock.


It's still an hour or more before dawn, the sky is black as pitch and the surrounding forest is silent but for the calls of the most late night bugs and crickets. This is one of those times Lleu's sleeping at home rather than out in the woods, probably tired and worn out enough from patrols and training that a nice mattress just sounded like the right place to be for once. Whatever his particular reasons for sleeping in rather than out, it turns out this will not be an uneventful evening.

The trouble starts when, in his sleep, Lleu attempts to roll over, but finds that he cant. In his doze he fights against whatever's holding him in place, but it's not working. That's enough to get the mind waking up, recognizing that something isn't quite right.

The cabin is dark, when his brain starts coming to, but there's a rustle... and there, another rustle, and the feel of something brushing one of his feet that's sticking out from under the blankets, something soft and feathery, there and then gone. And of course, there's the feel that he's stuck, and cant roll over...

Lleu is lying on the fold out hidabed slightly to one end of the cabin's main room. He's probably naked beneath the bedsheet because it's been warm and his cabin has no air conditioning, just open windows with screens in them. A ceiling fan would seriously be helpful yet at least the California air is dry and not humid, unless there's a fog that's rolled in from the sea.

Dreams. The Galliard has a lot of strange dreams - past lives, so it's not so uncommon to start waking up, disoriented. His breathing changes to a little rougher when he thinks he feels something brush his bare foot. Instinctive reaction makes him draw his foot up. It's then he realizes that he can't turn over, or ... sit up?

Senses suddenly sharpen. Lleu is jolted fully awake. He listens very, very carefully, pale grey eyes trying to see in the darkness. His nostrils flare trying to pick up scents a human nose is not made to detect so easily. Then, cautiously, Lleu tries to figure out - is he bound? Why can't he move? Is their ... webbing? His heart rate suddenly picks up and he quietly tries his strength against whatever it may be that keeps him from being able to move.

It takes a little time to see clearly in the dark cabin while sleep slips off his eyes, but since he's familiar with the place - being as how he lives there and all - he's able to see where his furniture is and know what most of the blobby, shadowy shapes are right off the bat.

There's anther rustle and Lleu knows where to throw his eyes to see... What the fuck *is* that? One thing's for sure, he's not alone in his room! Glancing down, he can see twine, lots and lots of twine that wraps over himself again and again, around and around both him and his hide-a-bed. A quick blur moves past his open window, and he can see that there's a cut in his screen, long and straight, flapping slightly in the hot breeze outside. There's that brush on his foot again! Something skitters across his mattress...

He /is/ tied down, bound! It may not be spider webbing thank God or Gaia. All the same something has secured him to his bed to restrain him! Lleu's heart rate kicks up even higher and shifting from his regular human form, he begins to increase in size - which makes all of the twine tighten down /painfully/ even as he grits his teeth and tries to force himself to sit up, breaking the twine over his upper torso! An involuntary growl rumbles up from deep in his chest to escape his throat. Aye, Glabro is at least more subtle than raging the fuck out.

"Who's or what is here?!" Not human, whatever it is! Possibly a spirit? His nostrils seeking any scent he can pick up, Donnachaidh gets his hips free but his legs remain snagged. He hisses, trying to get himself free of his bed and get on his feet.

As Lleu definitely comes to and begins to bust out of his Liliputian bonds, the sound of rustling increases in volume and frequency! It's still dark, but it soulds like.. rodents, maybe? Mice or rats? Or gnomes, who the fuck knows. Whatever it is, it's in a rush now and not taking time with stealth. It's all throughout the room, he can hear them on his tables, at his cabinets, rushing out of his bathroom and pantry, the bonk and scrape of drawers and doors made of wood. Something black and wriggling begins to flow up and out of his window through the slit in his screen, like a backwards flowing black silk sheet, a mass of hair, maybe just a thick slick of oil, it's hard to say. Amidst this mass are occasional lighter colored things, bits of cloth perhaps.

As soon as he can rip himself free of the bed, Lleu's bare feet hit the floor and he makes a dive for ... the light switch! Which of course isn't going to work because they NEVER DO in nightmares or horror movies, right? If he can get to it right there by the front door. Whether it works or not, he throws the deadbolt and makes to open the door to get the fuck out of the little cabin and out onto the porch where he can manuever better outside. /If/ he can get the door open and look back to get a better look at whatever the hell is pouring in through his window!

It all happens in a blur and a rush, that adrenaline fueled half panic driving Lleu across the room - Something just RAN OVER HIS FOOT! with little bitty cold feet of their own! - throwing on the lights while ripping the door open and throwing himself outside. The light switch... WORKS! Which is really good news, and proves this isn't a nightmare or a horror movie! The door lock and the door itself also work, and Lleu finds himself stark naked on his porch in the dead of night, looking into his lit cabin.

No banes swirl within, no horror monsters are crawling from under his bed. What he sees is... better? Maybe? His rumpled bed is covered in broken twine, and scattering from all corners of his cabin and out the window are squirrels, jet black squirrels. His cabin looks like it's been quietly ransacked while Lleu was asleep; drawers and cupboards open, things gone through, and most recently during this dash to freedom, some things have been knocked over as well. The black carpet of fleeing squirrels manages to get through the screen, fleeing into the forest and spreading out in many directions while carrying away their spoils. The very last one out, who'd been apparently holding the screen flap open for the rest, is a hefty black squirrel wearing a tiny blue bandanna and wielding a steak knife.

The squirrel literally flips Lleutrim off, looking right at him and giving him the middle finger before bolting out the screen and into the night.

For about one second Lleu's mouth hangs open in absolute shock at what he sees! This can't be /REAL/ can it? Then the last little fucker actually -flips- him off! There's a super fast glance around to see if some of his most prized posessions are still there - the guitar Faith's brothers made by hand, his laptop... then Lleu kicks into action! He slips into Hispo and goes after those little shits /just/ because they invaded his territory and dared to mess with him and his stuff! Snarling, the great grey wolf bounds after, snapping his jaws to see if he can't catch him some of those damn tree rats!

Alas, the woods are wide, squirrels are fast! And black! And armed perhaps! The fuming Galliard does his best to catch what he may while most of them clearly are going to get away!

Finally thwarted, Lleu lifts up his great dire wolf head and howls loudly and clear until the forest around his cabin rings with his controlled anger! Put a little fear into the hearts of tree rats everywhere!

The little fuckers can ZOOM! Deathly silent, quick as greased piglets, the squirrels scatter into the woods, and maybe JUST to spite Lleu, they head up into the trees, zipping across branches as they flow in all directions away from the cabin and out into the deeper forest. Of course, Lleu's no slouch, and given the number, he's sure to catch and kill a couple of the little punks. One of them had a sock clutched in its mouth when it died. If anything, the terrifying sounds Lleu makes only serves to spur them into greater speed, until they've dissapeared into the darkness.


It's maybe an hour before dawn, the sun not yet risen. The howl that went up in the woods seems to have come from the area of the little cabins. It's still dark out and there is little light for the trees block most of it. Even so, there /are/ electric lights on in one of the small cabins nested deep among the trees - with it's door standing wide open. There's no sign of anyone at the cabin but for any who may know, it's Lleu Donnachaidh's cabin.

Somewhere out behind the cabin is the sound of a snarling large, angry beast. Starchaser is checking out Lleu's cabin, then headed around behind it. Amanda has a flashlight and has gone behind as well and just found something on the ground.

Naiche is totally here as well! Totally! The Lupus is keen to wander his way through the assorted homes, the woods, anywyhere... and an angry howl is instead of driving the Lupus away, only a call for attention- one that drives Naiche to persue and seek out information, and more. The Lupus, still in Lupus form, meanders his ways onto he outskirts of the conflict in question, hearing Johanna call out, and maybe cach scent of Amanda, though what he will do with this information is unclear.. more pressing is the palable sense of rage and danger, and only now, does Naiche consider his survival, as he sniffles and looks about nervously.

"Oh Dear God, please don't let that be a jizz sock." That's said completely deadpan. Amanda as she nosewrinkle and she hrmms for a few moments. Making a quick swipe of her thumbs over her phone, she purses her lips as she scans the area for any life signs to see who else might be there other than who she expects.

Nascha comes from her place at a good clip. Common sense would say that she shouldn't come, but she has her protective things. It's all good. She slows as she sees signs of other people. She's on patrolled land, so she isn't at all worried that these are people who shouldn't be here.

It's just a sock, Amanda. It's even a /clean/ boot sock. Further out behind the cabin there's another sock and more dead squirrels, all of them black. Bitten in half, mangled tree rats.

"Squirrel army. Squirrel army?" Rory straightens as more and more people arrive to find out /just/ what is going on here as well. Plenty of people. "Its not a jizz sock. It doesn't look crunchy at all." He'll step off to stand in front of Amanda, to nudge said sock out of the way. Yep. No crunch. "Hon. This is a /lot/ of dead squirrels."

Looking down at the app, Amanda pauses for a few moments and raises the light of her phone towards the the trees. "There's something in the trees. Lots of things actually." a beat and Amanda lets out another gasp as she purses her lips. "And there's a huge wolf. I don't think it's one of us." Frowning for a few moments, she becomes a bit more tense as she curses under her breath. "The one time I didn't bring my deathray with me." She's kidding, right?

"Stop," Nascha says as she hears the chatter and supposition. She moves a litle closer and lifts her voice as she looks toward where Amanda shines her light. "Lleutrim! It's Nascha. I know it was you that howled. Please come out. People are worried." There.

Lleupine is out there, angry, but not raging. The huge dire wolf, grey with ruddy flanks, is growling and pacing around beneath any number of the trees. He keeps stopping and looking up into the trees, then turns his head at the sound of Starchaser, << I am here. I come! >>

A few seconds later as the huge wolf lopes back towards the cabin, he slows and shifts into the form of a ... perfectly naked Lleutrim Donnachaidh. Buck naked, with that nice nasty but healed claw mark scars across his bare chest and the USMC tat on his upper left arm.

"Yes, it was a bunch of damn tree rats! They tied me down to my bed while I was sleeping and ransacked my cabin!"

Naiche there is a few seconds of consideration as Naiche just remains, staring at the assortment of people about, and then Naiche notices the assortment of dead squirrels and more confusion touches his features. <<Such waste. Good food. Good squirrels.>> Naiche murrmurs even as he edges closer to the group in question, eyeing the angry and raged form of Lluetrim off in hthe distance, trying to stick with the group, or really, insert himself into it to make Naiche a less obvious target. Upon being told to stop, Naiche will just stare and study Nascha before licking at his chops to look back at the scary man.

Johanna shifts back to homid when she sees Lleu is not a freaked out wolf any longer. "The Squirrels did that? Seriously? You need to report it. Weathers-the-Storm and Bronwyn are investigating it, with Mercy's-Messenger'rhya. Let them know right away and they can come check out the scene here." She looks him over a bit, and realizes, "But get some clothes on first."

"I will send for Journey," Nascha says, glancing over her shoulder. She nods just a touch and then.. something.. Nascha looks back to Lleutrim. "No one touch the squirrels. There is an elder coming to look it over." She moves closer toward Lleutrim. "Are you injured?"

Lleutrim growls, "They /took/ my clothes, Starchaser-rhya. And my phone I think, my keys... I'm not even sure what all. Didn't take larger things. I woke up all tied to my bed with twine. They were like a wave spilling through my window. The /last/ one out had a steak knife, a bandana and flipped me the bird, the little fucker."

"Yes. The tree rats. Ate your cabin. Tied you down." Rory sighs quietly, turn to look towards Amanda instead of the big old naked cub. Because thats a nicer sight. "So. Happy to have come down to the Sept with me? I said it might be fun."

"..." Did she hear that right? Amanda blinks for a few moments as she looks towards the naked Lleutrim with furrowed brows. "Squirrels did this..." a beat. "To a garou." Another beat. "Something that's an absolute warmachine." Something clearly does not compute to the Fianna kinmage as she hrmms for a few moments as she nosewrinkles and takes in the life scan readings of the squirrel before she heads on over to look down at one of the squirrel corpses. "I can either transmute them into gold or just make them suffer a cardiac infarction. Which do you want?"

Naiche follows Nascha's instructions to the letter- he doesn't touch the squirrels. Just stare at them really close, and sniff them, and genearally be all sorts of curious, pacing around one of them, and giving luetrim a wide berth just in case he gets angry further. <<Squirrels with knife? Knife-squirrels. Not squirrels.>> Naiche murrmurs curiously, even as he tries to keep his nose to himself- but those rodents will each get an exploring sniff- if given enough time to do so. At least for now, Naiche is content to just observe, and learn.

Johanna nods to Nascha. "Good call." She looks to Naiche, "Weathers-the-Storm was shot by one with a gun yesterday. Crazy, I know?"

It's about an hour before dawn, Monday morning. One of the little cabins is standing wide open and lit up inside - Lleu Donnachaidh's cabin. But nobody is in there. There are voices around back and the glow of a flashlight. As Shaderunner approaches, he will find everyone gathered a little distance out behind the tiny cabin.

There's a CLEAN sock lying in the leaves. A little ways away from it, a dead squirrel. Only, it's black. Further on, other dead squirrels, another sock, piece of food, and so forth.

Past them, Lleutrim is standing absolutely as buck naked as the day he was born and in human form. Recent scars rake across his chest. Lleu speaks with Johana, Nascha, and the others gathered near. Naiche is sniffing at squirrels but no one is touching them.

Amanda gets a look from Donnachaidh but her solutions ... aren't really helpful to find out /why/ this is happening. Even a Cub knows that - so Lleu doesn't reply.

About twelve feet away from the action the ground buldges, grass giving way to soil that crumbles and a Jackal bursts out of the ground, stumbling and shaking out his fur, and sneezing, shaking his tail. *Thank you, Rocky* The jackal says in a rumbling grinding earthy sort of Spirit accent. Hack, cough sneeze, then shaking out his paws and approaching.

Nascha stays where she is, waiting, frowning, and then takes a step toward Lleutrim before the ground starts to move. When the jackal appears, Nascha nods and her eyes move upward, about 9 feet from the ground and she nods. "Thank you, Rocky." She then takes a step backwards, because there is now an elder here. Her brow knits tightly with worry and she motions toward the air and a sound comes out of her mouth like two rocks being ground together.. mortal and pestle? Maybe. Something like that.

Amanda and Rory are here too! Slowly chugging along in their acceptance of squirrel armies. Of malevolent squirrel armies. "See. They're /shooting/ people too. Does the man have clothes on yet?" Rory checks over his shoulder. Too much pale. "No he does not. Here we go. Answers, perhaps."

Naiche blinks then as he looks up at Johanna then, his expression twisting from confusion, to shock, to mild amusmeent, <<Squirrel with gun? Must be getting angry, improper hunts! And someone teaching them. GIving squirrel sized guns. Squirrel-guns.>> More amusement before he looks to sniff at another corpse before growing disinterested, for now as he slides away to settle in with the group, again finding saftey in numbers for now. Of course the rather.. amusing arrival of the Jackal has Naiche hrry up his pace in joining the crowd. Ears flat. Tail down, sitting all proper, eyes averted.

Glancing at Rory, Amanda squints for a few moments and just shakes her head. "Rabid squirrels pulling pranks of some sort." There's a soft sigh as she looks up at the trees. "Sciuridae! I've got your life patterns. If you all don't want to suddenly drop dead as a result of some spread pesticide, then you've gotta go. If not, well, then you've got maybe an hour or so to live." Of course, she doesn't believe squirrels can have guns. They don't have opposable thumbs afterall.

Shaderunner walks over lightly on paws and looks around at those here, then stops, holding position, one forepaw lifted and frozen as he sees a squirrel corpse. <It's happened again?> He rumbles, to no one in particular and starts slowly approaching the corpses of the squirrels, <Cub. Tell the tale of this.> He rumbles starting to very carefully look over the squirrels.

Johanna bows her head to Journey, being respectful and allowing him to do his thing first.

"Scaramouche?" Rory attempts to repeat whatever Amanda just said. "I think this is pretty well in hand." More people show up. And Rory hushs as Journey starts to investigate and inquire. Except for an errant whisper to Amanda.

Naiche just tries to watch Journey, Shaderunner for now, mirroring his movements to some extent, though never actually approaching, instead just craninghis neck, lowering his body to the ground, studying, staring at the squrirrels again.a s if Journey might be able to squeeze a confession from their long dead corpses that Naiche was unable to determine himself.

And then things get.. worse? A rather HUGE rock comes wandering from .. over there.. somewhere, holding a pair of undies, a single sock (Perhaps that matches the other one), and a pair of jeans. Just, here it comes, rumbling in the direction of the others here. Nascha looks relieved and moves around the crime scene toward the thing.

The ground rumbling, bulging and heaving up has Lleutrim stepping back even if he suspects it's just Rocky. He blinks when he sees the familiar Jackle instead, "Shaderunner-rhya." Yep, not a stitch of clothing on Lleu. Ehem. Well, he can stand here with his hands clasped loosely in front of himself since he hasn't a fig leaf handy.

"Sir. I think I was dreaming of spiders or ... something. I woke up and couldn't move. Something had bound me to my bed. I couldn't break the bindings at first. Something brushed my foot, then sounds ... I slipped to Glabro when I realized things were in my cabin. I broke loose - it was lots and lots of twine. Not webs. As I did so, /things/ started to choke my back window. I couldn't even tell in the dark if it was something coming in or out so I lept for the light switch and yanked my door open. That's when I saw hundreds and hundreds of black squirrels! They were taking everything they could carry out of my cabin! My phone, keys, food, my clothes... "

Yeah, this is embarassing. Lleu's still angry, but not furious. "The very last squirrel I saw in the window was wearing a bandana and carrying a steak knife. The little fucker flipped me the bird and ran out. I changed to hispo and ran around to the back to catch as many as I could. They got up into the trees and scattered, Shaderunner-rhya. That's when I howled. I was .. kind of pissed." But hey, he didn't /rage/.

"It'e the family name for squirrels." Amanda explains. Considering they're being ignored for the most part, she just closes the app on her phone and nods. "Yeah, might as well head out. They've got it." she continues with a shrug as she lets him lead the way. "Back to the farm?" "Or. You know. We can visit the shrine." Amanda gets a hipbump from Rory before they exit off towards the Caern.

Johanna blinks. What is the forest coming to. "I recommended that Weathers-the-Storm be brought on to investigate as well. Since you assigned him to the case from the squirrel last night."

Hrmming for a few moments at the question, she shakes her head. "Sure." And with that, Amanda heads out with Rory.

Shaderunners eyes light with an eerie green glow. Not a reflecting shimmer, but an interior glow as he sniffs around the corpses of the Squirrels carefully. Listening to the tale being told, his ear flicks and he lifts his muzzle, looking to Lleu with those unnatural glowing eyes, <They were raiding you.> He changes, looking around. Homid now, he spins, and looks at Johanna, "Come here!"

Nascha slips on around to Rocky, taking the rather tiny clothes from his huge hand. They aren't that tiny, but Rocky is HUGE. "Thank you, ROcky." She drapes things neatly over her arm and heads back to Lleutrim, staying quiet and out of the way and kin-like.

Naiche just appears confused as he listens, and listens and listens, Naiche moving and echoing Shaderunner, but that is all, and when the time comes, he'll back off, and moves to study Johanna as she is called forward, Naiche just watching and listening curiously about this whole Squirrel plague. Or Ordeal.

Lleutrim notices Amanda leaving with Rory, "Amanda said something about having taken bioscans or something. That might be useful?" She also said something about turning them all to gold or killing them with ... pesticides or something. Oh yeah. Journey's eyes glowing green is a little funky, "Yes, sir. It was a raid on my stuff in the cabin." Oh boy! Good thing Journey's not yelling at him. Donnachaidh sees Rocky and Nascha with ... what may be a pair of his hands. So the Galliard's just going to start walking his bare ass over that way to see.

Johanna runs quickly over to Journey. "Yes, what can I do?" She is ready to do whatever he asks.

Journey advances forward, eyes glowing green still in the pre dawn darkness, and as he steps to Johanna, "Shh, Get on four paws and run, run to the-" He stops and looks to Lleu, "You parked where you were supposed to?" He demands, since, these cabins are far far too close to the Sept to park ANYWHERE near here. He looks back to Johanna, "Find the parking lot where we park, like southeast corner or something, is where he usually parks, find his motorcycle." He stares at Johanna, "They got his KEYS. Go, run check on it and run back." He rounds on Lleu, "Alright, have you.." He notices. "Naked. No, you haven't, alright." He gets into his satchel taking out a notepad, "We need to list what they got."

Nascha hands off the clothes to Lleutrim, looking worried suddenly as Journey speaks, but she doesn't... no.. squirrels can't ride motorcycles. Their legs aren't long enough. Right? Right?

Starchaser shifts back to lupus and runs as fast as she can. She knows where he leaves the motorcycle. As fast as she can sprint she is outta there!

Soon as Nascha hands him his pants, Lleu is stepping into the stretchy athletic briefs and pulling them on. Then he starts to do the same with the pair of jeans, "Thank you Nascha, thanks Rocky." Donnachaidh hops on one foot then yanks his pants on and buttons up. "Yes, sir. Bike's parked way off to the south east corner like Percy told me to. Keys are to my cabin, my bike /and/ to Faith's hangar, Shaderunner-rhya." He grimaces, "I think they got my cell phone too. Hush-Blaze-rhya had just done something to it too but I think there wasn't a chip put into it yet."

A look back to his cabin, "I don't know what all else they took. I hadn't been back to look, yet. I just remember glancing to where my keys and phone had been next to the bed and they weren't there."

"I know most of what's there, Lleutrim. I can go take a look if you'd like?" She sends a look toward Journey to make sure that's okay. Naiche for he time being after mirroring things, and getting a good idea on what is going on, Naiche will slowly turn his attention away, and began to meander off then as well, sniffing, the lupus finding a smell or a scent that calls for his attention, and so he is off!

Starchaser returns back as fast as she returns. >>GONE! THEY TOOK IT!!<< She breathes heavily with her tongue out as she went just as fast as she could.

Journey nods, walking toward the cabin, "Just a second." He moves to the doorway, and looks back as the Stargazer comes back and sighs, groaning, "They have a motorcycle." He sighs and lifts a finger, "Okay," He reaches behind him and pulls out a balisong.. a butterfly knife, click clackCLAK! and the blade is out and Journey is moving into the cabin blade out, caution the order of the moment.

Starchaser will sit and wait for further orders. She stays in Lupus for now to be on the look out. She sees that Naiche has taken off, smelling his trail walking away. Watching Journey, she pays attention to what the Elder does next.

Lleu looks to Nascha, then a glance to Journey, "Yeah, if Shaderunner-rhya doesn't object." He starts to walk with them to go and see. He steps up on the porch behind them as Journey goes on in.

The windows are still open with screens in all of them - the screen in the back window has been cut. The cabin is a mess! Anything small enough to be carried out by squirrels has been stripped! The refrigerator was pulled open, the cabinets, canned food is strewn on the floor, but all other food has been taken. Drawers pulled out. Things that were too large to take are knocked over, like Lleu's guitar that Faith gave him. It's still there lying on the floor in it's guitar case. Most of the clothes in his closet are gone, but his USMC Class A Dress blues with Captain's pins still hangs in the closet sealed in plastic. Too big.

Donnachaidh hears Starchaser as she returns and for a second, Lleu's fighting his anger. "God damn, that was a 1949 /Panhead/." No, he doesn't loose his shit.

Twine .. twine has been wrapped around and around the bed. Lots and lots of it, then torn where Lleu had ripped free.

Nascha reaches out and lightly pats Lleutrim now that he's dressed and she comes in behind the others, though you can be CERTAIN that she isn't last in. Rocky's back there, with his big Umbral ass blocking the door.. and the bison out there munching on grass. She waits for Journey's word to start taking inventory, her sharp eyes looking around quickly.

Journey starts using his knifeblade to poke things as he comes in, checking the corners of the place, and atop the doors, in the framework, looking for little poisoned dart traps or evil little changeling socks. Once he's poked around enough to ensure there's no 'Saw' style traps around, he nods, "Okay, come in, take an inventory. I really don't like this." He points the blade at the guitar, lying forward, "See if that still has strings, or if you're missing extra strings and shit. Think like you need to make things and you're squirrel sized."

Half dressed. Lleu still has no shirt and his feet are bare. He glances to Nascha, then lays a hand on her back as she comes up. Sort of a brotherly gesture. He's going to have bison poop out front of the cabin, isn't he?

"Make things?" That sets Lleu to gently pushing past Nascha to go and look i the back storage room, "My tool box is here but there's not a lot in it it now." He rummages around, "I interrupted their heist when I woke up, I think. still a fair number of things they probably could have taken. Some light bulbs still in here, and canned goods."

Nascha will find the bathroom's been pretty stripped, not that Lleu had any nasty chemicals in there, thanks to her. Donnachaidh starts picking things up to set them to rights. It makes it easier to see what's here, "All the kitchen knives are gone. Fuck! They took my Kabar!

Only in the Umbra. Nascha smiles up at Lleutrim just a little bit and pats him as well, then moves on in, taking stock starting with the bathroom, then moving into the kitchen. That's probably the room she knows best. "Q tips, dental floss, toothpicks are all gone," she reports, then heads to the living room. Guitar case is opened. "You had strings, right? Two sets? They're gone." She runs her hand carefully over the guitar and then seals it back away. Living room. She picks up as she moves around, then heads toward the kitchen and opens the fridge. "Eggs are.. ew. This is a mess." She'll clean it up here in a bit. Freezer is checked. "Ice trays are gone," She's trying to think like a squirrel. "Maybe for storing small pieces?" she wonders quietly to herself, moving to look through any and all cabinets, above and below, listing off everything she can think of. She knows Lleutrim's place really well.

Journey nods, "Oh yeah if you had a Ka-Bar, that's a good knife. Nono, tools sized for a human hand, the cans they just don't have the mass to drive something to puncture the metal. No leverage, but knives sized right to stab people." He nods, looking to the twine on the bed, "Oh yes they can cause havok with a lot of stuff, but right now, look through all of it, and account for what you can." He sighs, "This looks like you got hit by the Littles." He frowns, nodding, "Not good."

Starchaser tilts her head listening. This is /not/ good. How did they take it all? That is a long way to go and the bike? What the fuck? Seriously? She will keep an eye out, just in case anything comes back or something.

"Canned food makes great projectiles though with a sling to send'm through the air like a little canon. I'm glad they don't watch videos for slinging squirrles on Youtube." Yet. "Yeah, I had a spare set of stings in there with the guitar." Lleu shakes his head at the mess, "You think they can use a cell phone? I had Police Department numbers in there, Faith's number, a few others... Felicity's." Even if he's never met her.

"If they have the keys to Faith's hangar, we better tell her to go change the locks Wand secure her windows. She's got /all/ kinds of shit in there. All those contractors doing remodling. Wire, bolts, tools, fork truck, /her/ motorcycle. Keys to her Police Patrol car..." But Lleu now has no phone to try and call her anyway. Her her phone got busted by August's attack.

Lleutrim adds, "Good thing I didn't have a gun anymore."

"Should I go find Bronwyn? I saw her earlier when I was on my way back from Hushed Blaze. She was on the prowl and grilled me for thirty minutes on the wildlife population." Nascha's bullshit o meter is ALSO quite broken.

Journey stands in the middle of the room, and closes his eyes, breathing stills, he calms, blade lowering. His glowing eyes open again, "Food and weapons were priority, as were valuables and small enough materials. Clothing they can make into things to wear." He looks to Nascha, "Yes please." He looks back to middlespace, "They tried to restrain you in your bed." He tilts his head, facing nothing, "Not kill you in your sleep, and they were not concerned about your Garou nature. He starts and turns to Nascha, "Haven't seen anything in the Fae realms that could provide a clue?" He asks, "I have some strange Wyld/Weaver interactions going on, but no Wyrm."

Donnachaidh picks up a photograph of Faith that had gotten knocked off of his desk. It gets set back up, "Pens, pencils gone, stapler. My tactical flashlight's not here either." Lleu pauses to look to Journey, "Yes, sir. They didn't try to hurt me. Didn't try to fight me at all once I was awake. They took off." He thinks about that, "They didn't restrain me nearly well enough if they knew I was garou. Maybe they didn't? It was enough to hold me only as a regular man." Nascha shakes her head. "No sir. I would have noticed right away. I can't turn it off like some can. There's nothing here." Once she's cleared to do so, she hurries off and is just scooped up from the ground by Rocky as he materializes and placed on the back of his neck as the thing goes lumbering off.

Journey nods to Nascha, "Thanks." He turns to Lleu and nods, "More likely a delaying action, to give them time to run. ACTUALLY binding a Garou in all forms is a completely different prospect than giving you enough time to split if you woke up and spoiled the heist, which seems to have happened."

Johanna will come in and help straighten up, and sort what needs sorted, right what needs righted. Anything to help once the the Squirrelpocalyse has come through here.

And then in stomps Bronwyn. She has a very big stick that is covered in blood on one end, mostly dry. She has a few scratches here and there, and a bite mark on her face. STOMP. She THUDS the stick down, like she's motherfucking Gandalf and her WAY too alert eyes skim the place, taking in every. Single. Fucking. Detail. Eyes stop there, zip over here, pause, zip somewhere else. Pause. "Where are your keys? Your phone?" Oh, she's fucking PISSED. Oh lordy.

There's more cursing in the back room, "They took my KILTS! Those fuckers! Son of a bitch! Why would they do that? Jesus." Growling, no raging, but not a happy Galliard.

Journey pauses, "Kilts?" He looks to the back, "Was it a specific Tartan?" He looks over as Bronwyn comes in, "They got the Phone and they keys and a motorcycle that the keys go with." He says, "We're making a list of things they took, Lleus dignity was one of them." Obviously, the guys BAREFOOT.

After a minute or two more Lleu comes back out carrying his USMC Class A Dress Blues uniform with his various ribbons and Captain's pins, still in it's plastic. "Yeah, clan Donnachaidh. That's Robertson in English. I found one of my utility kilts they missed or dropped." He looks his Marine Corps uniform over then hangs it back up. Yep, boots, shoes, gone. "They took my ballistic sunglasses too." Most of his stuff is gone but hey, they left his laptop. It's sitting right there on his desk, unplugged and still closed.

Bronwyn's eyes slip down to Lleutrim's bare feet and she turns away. Ugh. Slut. She moves in, pushing the door closed behind her, and moving from place to place in the living room. SHe may very well touch every. Single. Thing. in the place. Every thing. "How many? This place smells like a den of squirrel sin." She sniffs at the air and heads into the kitchen area, then back toward the bedroom. She eyeballs the twine around the bed and shakes her head. "They're getting smarter. Any drugs in the place? Like medicine?" Her eyes travel all over Lleutrim, ignoring the naked foots. Gross. She actually has on long pants and SHOES. Like not even sandals. BOOTS.

Journey thinks, frowning, "Well thehy're likely preparing something with the tartan, that's strong heavy material." He looks to Bronwyn, nodding, "Yeah." He points to the bed, "Twined him into the bed like he forgot the safe word. Works for a man, and gave them enough time to leave with a Garou, then he went after them and got seven, looks like." He looks at Bronwyn, then back at the question, "Drugs, cleaning chemicals that kind of thing."

Well, that's a good question. Lleu thinks about that, "Tylonel in the bathroom. First aid kit in there - not that I needed it anymore, but you know, if some Kinfolk was visiting and cut themselves I had that. Nascha looked in the bathroom already. Everything's gone in there, mostly." A negative movement of his head, "I didn't have anything else. I don't smoke, don't do drugs. Got rid of my booze when Calls-Down-the-Rain-rhya told me I couldn't drink." A nope to Journey, "Only cleaning chems I had Nascha brought in. All natural, non-toxic stuff like orange oil." Which smells good too.

Bronwyn nods. "Oranges are volatile if you know what you're doing." She checks under cabinets and inside and crawls up on the cabinets to sniff. She sticks her whole head in there and iiiiiiiiinhales and then crawls back down. "First Aid kit has been pilfered," she says, then walks over toward Journey. "Were they grey, red or black? Or did you see?"

Journey nods, turning, "This way, the breed is Grey Squirrels, but they have a black coloration. The ones he got, but the sighed numbers are about a hundred total, ya, Lleu? Hundred?" He leads out to let Bronwyn inspect the corpses, "The didn't have any gear, which tells me they were raiding for materials."

The Galliard keeps picking up stuff but there's ... not a lot to pick up. The place is fairly empty aside from furniture and things that were too big or heavy to haul out fast. "Seemed like a lot more than a hundred. But it was dark. Might have been a hundred." Lleu really has no idea how many. He does find a photo ablum that got knocked out of the book case, "Some of my books are missing. Squirrels can't read though, right?" Donnachaidh has suddenly gotten quiet and worried, "You know, like ... books on military stradegy." Maybe he better go through the books real carefully and see what exactly is missing among them. The photo ablum is full of Iraq deployments stuff he sets aside.

Bronwyn snorts. "That'd suck. You wouldn't think they could read, but you wouldn't think they could tie a Garou to his bed or use little bitty guns either, right?" She looks over at Journey again. "You need to track them. Just one. Can you zero in on different criteria? Just like.. zoom in on ONE of them? There is bound to be a central station SOMEWHERE. They're organizing. Anyone checked out Rocky's tree? Make sure it's safe? Lots of spirits there." Journey considers, nodding, "I'm sure Rockys going over it." He pauses and thinks, turning halfway and stopping, "I don't.. I" He frowns, and sighs, "No, I can't track a species, and just hearing the story from Lleu doesn't give me enough specific detail to lock onto a specific one. Had I BEEN here I could but not with this story of them."

Lleutrim turns his head, "Amanda did something ... said bio scans. Maybe she's got a scan on a very specific living on that was up in the trees? Or ... is there a way to truck my stuff? Like ... my hair brush, my dedicated clothes? My stuff'll /smell/ like me but my dedicated clothing also used some of my blood."

After a second, Lleu adds, "Brooke could probably trace my phone."

Bronwyn takes a breath and lets it out, suddenly looking.. like.. really miserable, actually. She's THINKING and it sucks. "Okay. I'll widen my patrol. I'll leave the bird here." Bird? Yup. Little mockingbird comes flopping in from the bedroom where the window was cut and floppy flaps up to Bronwyn's shoulder and perches on her head. "If you see ANYTHING, yell at the bird and it'll come to you and then go to me. Anything at all. I'll widen my patrol between the caern and here." She turns to Journey, then over to Johanna and then back to Lleutrim. "Weaver mage. Don't like her. She'll fuck something up. True magic always does and I can't work with those weaver bitches. You can have her, or you can have someone who's dealt with this several times." She leans toward Lleutrim. "That'd be me. I don't have anything against her, I just LITERALLY cannot work with anyone THAT tied to the Weaver."

Journey nods, considering, "Yeah, we'll have Brooke try it out first, if there's no chip in the phone yet I. Don't know, I think it's worth asking about." He nods, "Okay Lleu, make out a list and we'll try to replace what we can, the bike might take a bit."

Johanna shakes her head at all of this. "I can bring you some things tomorrow. Let me know what you need first."

The Galliard cub puts down his books and Lleu holds his hands up, looking to Bronwyn, "Not me. I don't ... actually like her much. Just tossing out ideas." Whoa, let's not piss off Bronwyn! Bad enough she's in his cabin but, Journey's also here. Thank God. Lleu goes back to shelving books, "Don't need to worry about replacing my stuff. I was ... sort of thinking of ditching the cabin and wolfing around a while." He glances back to Journey, "Put my things into storage anyway. After our talk."

He's pretty tired, and really hungry. Donnachaidh stands back up from the bookcase and goes on into the kitchen to see if he can find anything to open some of the canned food. "I'll need dedicated clothes." A shrug, "I can get by without the rest." He frowns, wondering if his wallet's still around here somewhere. It might take him a while to sort the rest of it out. Before then? Eat, then go curl up somewhere at the Caern to get some sleep. The rest of this can wait a few hours until the sun's well up.

Bronwyn claps her hands together lightly, just once, like she's come to a decision. "Alright. I need.. an odd number of people. Cubs, kin, doesn't matter. I need a group of at least three, but probably less than 19, who can patrol with me. We'll widen the area and make it so that nothing can get by without SOMEONE noticing. They might be able to sneak through one at a time, but we have ten or twelve domeciles scattered in the patrolled area and I think that if we patrol hard enough, we can find their place."

Journey nods, "Talk to Weathers and the others from last night and see about a team you like." He sighs, "We'll see what happens.