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|icdate    = Tuesday Jul 17th
|icdate    = Tuesday Jul 17th
|ictime    = 16:36:54 2018, PDT.
|ictime    = 16:36:54 2018, PDT.
|players  = [[Lleutrim]], [[Earl]], [[Catherine]], [[Faith]], [[Dragomir]], [[Halona]], [[Sergei]]
|players  = [[Lleutrim]], [[Earl]], [[Catherine_Shackleford|Catherine]], [[Faith]], [[Dragomir]], [[Halona]], [[Sergei]]
|location  = Starts at Old Hangar - Grounds (near hwy 42), goes other places...
|location  = Starts at Old Hangar - Grounds (near hwy 42), goes other places...
|spheres  = Mortal, Mortal+, Werewolf
|spheres  = Mortal+, Shifter

Latest revision as of 06:57, 1 July 2020

Into the Caves
A gathering at the hangar turns into an altercation that gets Lleutrim taken to Terminal Velocity's caverns.
IC Date Tuesday Jul 17th
IC Time 16:36:54 2018, PDT.
Players Lleutrim, Earl, Catherine, Faith, Dragomir, Halona, Sergei
Location Starts at Old Hangar - Grounds (near hwy 42), goes other places...
Spheres Mortal+, Shifter


Old Hangar - Grounds

A winding, narrow paved road leads two miles back from the state highway through low chaparral and several stands of pine trees to a broad clearing. This clearing gives way to a paved tarmac with a runway that looks like it hasn't been used for flights in many years. Squatting on the west side of the tarmac is a mid-sized World War II blister hangar that has been recently fit with large solar panels. There also appears to be evaporative cooling units with recirculating water tanks. On the south side of the hangar there is a long greenhouse used for growing vegetable crops.

On the west side of the hangar, hidden from the view by a wide swath of pine trees, is a circle of tamped earth roughly thirty feet in diameter with a few log benches pulled up near the outside edges. A couple of hammocks are hung in among the trees around this clearing behind the benches. On the north west of that space is a stone bonfire pit, carefully cleared of all potentially flammable scrub.


The evening is warm but not as hot as it was yesterday. Fluffy clouds continue to block the sun from time to time yet overall it's been beautiful. Lleutrim has been in and out of the hangar all day working on various things. At point point he flipped out and there was much yelling, cussing, throwing things, huge banging and crashing sounds in the hangar. Poor Faith probably thought Donnachaidh was hitting frenzy and yet, no Crinos cusses so much while doing so. Surely there must be a hell of a mess to clean up in there somewhere.

Lleu finally comes back out after several hours being indoors. He has a cold beverage can in hand and a faint grease stain on his left arm. The bruises on his face from his recently broken nose continue to slowly heal and are less obvious a bit more every day. He pops the top on the can and has a slow drink of the cold cider.

Earl is busy watching Lleu. He thinks he is cleverly hidden but he probably sticks out somewhere, like his head. He remains silent and watches the man as he messes things up and cusses.

Catherine drives up, parks, and pops the Golf's hatchback. She pulls out a couple of to-go bags from Smoke and Barley. There's still a cooler in the trunk. "Lleu," she calls out to him. "There's more in the trunk. You guys have power out here yet? And importantly a freezer?"

As he lowers the cider, Lleu looks around to see if he can spot his newest shadow. It takes him a couple of minutes of standing there looking and listening. As it happens, he does detect what he thinks may be Earl over there in the pines near to the greenhouse. Then he hears a car coming up and turns his head to look towards the highway.

There's a hint of a smile when she gets out of the car, "Hey, Catherine. There's some power but no freezer yet. I'll ask Faith when she comes out. She'll know what progress was made today. I've been avoiding the workmen today." And they have been avoiding you too, Donnachaidh!

He sets his cider down and heads around towards the trunk, "Sure." His hands look a little busted up with freshly skinned knuckles here and there.

Earl sniffs the air as he smells stuff from the smoke and barley. He watches the two and he tries to sneak in closer to the two without being seen. Sneak sneak.

"Leave the cooler closed then," Catherine says. "It's got ice cream, in dry ice, in it. Opening it early would be sad." There's another bag, too, looks like salads, buns, sides to go with the BBQ. "You guys got a good bit done today then?" She looks around n the outside but doesn't go in the hangar. "This is a cool place but talk about your fixer uppers."

Lleutrim has the trunk open and picks up the cooler, "Faith has .. I mostly made a big mess I've been cleaning up." Grumble. Mr. CrankyPants carries the cooler towards the door to the hangar, "Thanks for picking up stuff, Catherine. You let me know what it ran and I can write you a check to reimburse you." He heads on in to drop the cooler near the kitchen area without opening it.

Catherine waves off the offer. "Thanks but this is from Yuri too...He's got more money than he knows what to do with and oddly enough for a shark lawyer, seems to enjoy buying things for people." Movement attacts her attention and she glances briefly, shrugs, and keeps on setting up food. "Glad you and Faith got stuff done today. "

Earl gets closer. He sniffs the air and seems to be following the bags of food and hides nearby to watch them. He then moves to under the table where the food is being kept and reaches above his head to try and find the food, patting the table and trying to feel his way for a sack.

A couple of moments later Lleu steps back out and picks up his cider, "You want me to fire up the grill for anything?" Sip of cider, then he turns his head to see where Earl is located, and notes he's not where Lleu thought he'd seen him earlier. Ah, there he is. "I've picked up another lurker watching me. His name's Earl, by the way. Seems harmless."

And then Earl's creeping up and gotten under the table. Donnachaidh turns to openly watch this behavior and arches a brow, "Hey, Earl. If you are starving, you can ... just stand up and join us for dinner." Yes, he's starting to look annoyed.

Earl gets closer. He sniffs the air and seems to be following the bags of food and hides nearby to watch them. He then moves to where the bbq was at and stands up straight as he walks over. "Hello Catherine! Hello Lleu! Can I join you for dinner? I been busy watching LLeu all day and it is tiring work watching him beat up stuff."

Catherine shakes her head, at the question. "Nothing to cook...this is all pre-done. I was starving after work so I didn't want to wait to cook." She hands Earl the first plate. "You could've helped hiim instead of just watched. Of course that sounds like work...." She studies Earl. "Have we met? You don't-look- familiar."

Grey eyes watch Earl's strange antics and Catherine, who just rolls with a stranger showing up and acting odd. Around here, what's another lunatic? Lleu's been fucking off his rocker lately so Earl's downright tame by comparison. "Want an iced tea, water, eh .. something to drink?" Lleu looks to Catherine, "You want a beer or cider, Cat?"

"I guess I could have helped. Dragomir said keep an eye on him. So I am doing that. This would be infinately easier if we could just tell him his heritage instead of hiding it from him." Earl says as he looks to the food and doesnt touch any of it until told he could. He is a polite hobo.

Catherine shakes her head at the question. "Water, or a coke if you have any. I don't drink." She looks at Lleu, shrugs. "It's premature, he'll have to see to believe and then it'll be obvious, obvious." She starts fixing a plate for Lleutrim. Meat, meat and a scoop of baked beans. "I brought lots so don't hold back," she tells him.

Lleutrim snaps his fingers at Catherine, "That's right, you don't drink either." God damn it. He scowls, as if NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL wasn't fucking natural. He growls to himself and turns to head back in to get the drinks when he overhears Earl and stops dead, "My what?" There is a slip of Lleu's gaze from Earl to Catherine and he's scowling like a thunder cloud.

"Tribe," Catherine says calmly. "No, I don't drink...that whole american indian and firewater thing. I get drunk as a skunk off half a beer and then puke my guts out for a day and a half. Pass, thanks," She starts working on a plate of food for herself. "You, on the other hand," she tells Lleutrim, "May well end up able to win any drinking contest without even working up a sweat."

"I guess. I just wished someone could have told me before it happened to me..." Earl says as he watches the two and he looks to Lleu. "If I could I would explain everything but I am still new to all this...stuff. So Until it happens, you will have to suffer in ignorance." He says apologetically.

Lleutrim continues to stand by the door to the hangar and scowls, "More God damn evasions." he turns and goes to get them some drinks, but he's angry and bangs a few things around in there while he goes to find them.

Faith makes her way out of the back, limping slightly. She's wearing fatigues pants and a compression crop top that exposes her muscular arms and suggests there's some sort of bandaging around her ribs underneath. "Hey Catherine.. Lleu.. and.. who the fuck are you?" She gives Earl a look as she pushes a handful of hair from her dirt stained face. "You don't look like the plumber.. and if you're the electrician, you owe me two new fuse boxes." She pauses as she looks toward LLeu.. "Evasion is like.. childs play compared to what we're doing to you.. which is keeping you blindfolded, in a closet, in a dark house, under a tent. Just roll with it love - and trust that it's going to be over soon."

Catherine wows at Faith. "You fall out another window?" SHe hands over the plate she was fixing for herself to Faith. "Seriously, what happened?"

Faith got no more than a snarly grunt out of Donnachaidh. He comes back out shortly after carrying another bucket he's dumped some ice into. They sure use a lot of ice out here. In it are a couple of cokes, some sweet teas with lemon, bottles of water, some beer and hard cider. This he drops at the end of the table before Lleu goes over to give smudged up dirty Faith a kiss on her brow. He sort of growls, "This is Earl. He's been stalking and watching me and decided to join us for dinner, if we'll feed him. I have no fucking idea who he might be." Lleu looks back to the blond fella, "Earl, who sent you? Does Dragomir know you are here?"

Hunger is a thing that's really been taking off the past couple of days. Donnachaidh goes to get the plate Catherine prepped for him with meat and beans, "Cat, you are great."

Catherine's phone goes off and she pulls it out of a pocket and looks at it. THe text gts a smile though. "Ahh...time for me to go. You," she looks at Faith, "heal up. Good grief girl..." She waves to Lleu, "You, eat up...enjoy the bbq you guys." She heads for her car and drivs off.

Faith pulls a phone from her hip pocket as she answers Catherine, "No.. I got the rest of the week off from the department so I'm concentrating on getting shit done around here. Place isn't gonna convert itself into a livable space." She shoots Lleu a quick, crooked little smile when she's kissed on the forehead. Then she turns to look over Earl as she cocks her head with a raised brow. Still waiting to hear who he is.

"I am Earl. I am like Dragomir, only not as noble or rude." Earl says as he looks to Lleu and nods. "I am here under Dragomir orders. He is higher ranked then me. He is also from a better place then me, if what I am told about our statuses is right." He says as he then looks to Faith. "Can I help here? It would let me keep an eye on Lleu and keep Dragomir happy."

"Whoawhoawhoawhoa..." Faith starts waving her hand and tries to interrupt Earl almost before he gets the first few words out.. "Shutupshutupshutup.." Her eyes are wide and she's really just staring at the man now like he's grown a second head out of the side of his neck.

There seems to be a picnic dinner set out on a table by the hangar. A 5 gallon bucket of ice has beer, cider, water, tea, and sodas in it. Catherine has set out BBQ, baked beans, pasta salad, fruit, paper plates, chips, and a lot more. She's just gotten back into her car, waved and headed out.

Faith just came out of the hangar a moment ago to Earl standing by the table and possibly helping himself. Lleutrim has a plate full of ribes and slow cooked pork BBQ, beans, and a few chips. He stands off to the side eating and has a cider. Earl seems to be answering some question Donnachaidh has put to him, but Faith interrupts looking alarmed.

As for himself, Lleu eyes them both, looks like he is about to say something but instead decides to scowl again like thunder clouds rather than bother. His hands are a little busted up with skin gouged here and there and both he and Faith have dirt or grease smudges from working today in the hangar.

Out from behind one of the walls, comes Dragomir. How the fuck that happened? Is anyone's guess. Maybe he was already here, maybe he's fucking Batman. All the same, he's here - and he's moving towards Lleutrim with the alactrity of a freight train. One hand extends outwards and snaps forward to grab the man by the chest and hoist him up off his ass and back into a wall. "We need to have a talk." This is a -very- different tone to this large Russian man than he's shown before. He has always been pretty calm, even keel, patient even - he's none of those things right now. In fact, he looks quite annoyed and rather violent this time. Not to mention, he just walked right through that picnic.

Earl stops when the woman panics. He looks to the Lleu and looks up in time to see Dragomir. He moves to stand and looks to the russian. "Dragomir, So good to see you. I am keeping an eye on him, like you told me." He says as he stands when dragomir lifts the man. "Dragomir!" He says acting shocked. Earl looks like he wants to stop the man, but cant.

The blonde woman drops back as soon as she spots Dragomir's rolling past.. completely oblivious to the disruption of dinner service... unlike Earl, the young woman doesn't make any overt attempt to rescue LLeutrim from the impending assault. She drops to one knee and places her hands on the floor in a crouch that evokes two possibilities simultaneously, and only two. Escape or Submission. Even LLeutrim's not yet fully developed senses will likely recognize the gesture for what it is.. and any wolf-born will know it in their very bones.

One moment he's trying to eat and let Faith handle this Earl fella if she wants to, and the next Lleu gets bodily slammed against the hangar! BANG! Everything's dropped, his hands at once going for Dragomir's arm. Lleutrim is instantly angry and snarls back, "What the hell now?!" Breathing is suddenly rough from the startlement. His grey eyes are locked on Dragomir's blue.

Dragomir leans in close to Lleutrim's face and half snarls, "I'm not playing games tonight. We aren't exchanging witty banter, and I have no tolerance for your attitude." he holds the man off the ground, against that wall with ease and a very predatory manner. "You're going to tell me -exactly- what happened in your kitchen, in detail. I suggest you do not leave out anything." Despite the anger of the large Russian, there is a calm brutality of his words, articulated with clean precision. The hand not holding him, is down low behind his back - but his body language suggests that can change very quickly if he means to.

Earl just watches Lleu and looks to Dragomir. He then looks to Faith and moves over towards her as if to shield her from Dragomir. "Best do as he says. Do not fight him." Earl says to Lleu and he lowers his head and keeps eye contact away from dragomir, a submissive gesture.

"Donnachaidh, tell him everything.. as if /my/ life depends on it." Faith chooses her words carefully, speaks them clearly.. cleanly. She raises her eyes only enough to make the most fleeting contact with the officer's own - should he spare a look her way. Then those blue eyes will hit the floor as if it's going to drop away from underneath her. The young woman's skin is flush, and her skin is slicking with perspiration. The fear rolling off her is nearly palpable.. she doesn't dismiss Earl's protective stance either, dipping her head in acknowledgement to the gesture.

Donnachaidh isn't putting up a fight. He's watching Dragomir very closely and hasn't seen the Russian like this himself. No fear in his eyes - but he knows it's serious. "I went back to my place briefly to pick up some things I forgot. While I was there, neighbors came over and wanted to talk. They said they knew about you, said I was like you - whatever the hell that's supposed to mean." Despite his anger flaring, Lleu seems to be coldly focused. "They said something was happening to me. They wouldn't /say/ what. Then ...." here he swallows, really -not- wanting to think about this, "Then I hallucinated. Like the bad dreams, like ... things I think I keep remembering. But it /looked/ real, only it couldn't be. Like one of them changed into a God Damned shark, right there in my kitchen! I freaked, got away from them. They acted like everything would be all right. Gave me the same speil you did about not hurting others, watching me. Offering to help. I told them to leave - and then I left, came back here. I haven't been fucking gone since."

Faith is ignored. Dragomir is the immediate threat Lleu is absolutely focused on. He still looks pissed off but but you wouldn't know it by the coolness of his reply.

Dragomir growls lowly, "Your vacation is over. I tried giving you your last few days of normal life to live, but you have become a liability now. Faith was supposed to keep you from trouble, but I will not risk you drawing more attention than you already have." He snarls, clearly pissed. "Did they use any terms or phrases with you? Anything specifically you remember them saying about you or me?" He turns to look towards Earl and says, "I said keep an eye on him, not have a fucking picnic with him." Then he turns his head to look back towards Lleutrim once more and drops him back down to his feet. "Pack your shit.. I'm relocating you, before you get yourself and Faith killed."

Earl goes to say something and stops and nods his head to Dragomir, submitting to the man and turning towards Faith and he turns back to Dragomir. "Do you want me to alert the others that you are relocating him?" He asks as he waits for the man and his reply.

Lleutrim's expression is confusion and anger, but he also keeps his mouth shut for the moment. A flicker of his gaze to see where Faith is, then he's watching Dragomir closely again. Brows furrowed, he thinks back quite uncertain what sort of terms or phrases the Russian is asking about. A slight negative movement of his head, "I don't think so? Mostly, they were as obscure as yourself." His eyes narrow, trying to puzzle things out.

He is dropped to his feet. Donnachaidh's jaw is clenched but he nods, "I'll grab some things. I'll only be a moment." One last glance at Faith and Earl, then Lleu turns to go into the hangar.

Faith remains knelt, but her trembling seems to have settled with Lleu's response to Dragomir. The young woman doesn't make any motion to disengage from her current pose, nor from the clear position of submission. "You told me something more Lleutrim. Specific as to ..what they meant by like Dragomir." Way to just tattle on him girlfriend!

A very predatory snarl comes out of Dragomir when Faith says there's something more that Lleutrim withheld and he snaps his hand back up, to catch the man by the shirt once more and wrenches him towards him. "What else Lleutrim? Get specific soldier." Dragomir is obviously used to being in a commanding role of some kind, it comes -way- too naturally. The intensity of his words are spoken with a deadly conviction.

Faith's words stop him. Lleutrim doesn't quite open the door to go inside before he half turns to look back. He cocks his head and is about to answer when Dragomir grabs him and yanks him backwards! "Son of a ..." For a second it looks like Donnachaidh is going to fucking explode right there at the rough handling. He bares his teeth and breathes hard and somehow the hell manages to keep it together.

The former Marine squares right up and faces Dragomir with a glare. Lleu gets another breath before he speaks with great control, "They said a /lot/ of things that was comic book bullshit. Something about turning into a big cat, or wolf, or lots of other things. Except shark. Said that was really rare. Clearly I should have told them to go fuck themselves. None of that crap was real."

Lleutrim adds low, "They also told me not to tell you any of this shit. I can't believe you /want/ to hear it."

Earl just waits until Dragomir is done with Lleu and remains silent until his question is answered by the adren. Its clear Earl submits to the man but there is no obvious reason behind it.

Dragomir growls rather lowly, "You're going to learn fast, when I say be specific, I'm not joking." he pushes the man off and says, "Get your shit." Then he turns to look towards Earl and says, "Scout the area.. make sure nothing has gotten the scent and been attracted back to here." He looks towards Faith and says, "Get your things, plan for a camping trip. You're going to stay in the pack den until this is properly sorted out and I can make sure you're both safe." He snarls and clenches his fists, "I need to go pay your fucking neighbors a visit.. I fucking warned them to stay out of our matters." yep - furious.

Faith moves rapidly to her feet.. even with her bruises and banged ribs, she's scrambling to get her go-bag. The young woman doesn't even bother with the horrendous mess made of the picnic. She'll let Earl scavenge that later. "Yes Sir." There's no need for anything more to be said for now.

Lleutrim bristles at being shoved and grits his teeth on the growl that threatens. Man has enough sense that this is NOT the time, this time, to get in Dragomir's face like he's done before. Another glance to Faith and then he goes into the hangar. For Faith's sake. Powerful leverage, Lleu's desire to keep her safe.

It only takes him a few minutes to gather up some changes of clothes, shove them into his bag. Grab his toiletries kit. Lleu leaves the motorcycle and apartment keys in the motorcycle helmet, hung up on a wall of the hangar. He doesn't have much and comes back out of the hangar in fairly short order.

Faith has grabbed her go-bag from her patrol car and is standing at Dragomir's side once more. She's turned her phone off, and is in the process of explaining to the man, "I'm off duty for the remainder of this week due to line of duty injuries, there won't be any concerns about my whereabouts this time Sir."

How appropriate that the T-shirt Donnachaidh is wearing today is from 'Apocalypse Now'.

"I will scout the area, as you order." Earl says as he runs off towards the woods. He waits until he is out of ear shot and eye shot to shift into wolf form and get to sniffing and searching, activating heightened senses to increase his already impressive sense of smell.

Dragomir waits for Lleutrim to come out and then he turns and lifts his head and squares his shoulders back, "My name, is Dragomir Nicholas Mihailovich, known as Eye of the Storm to the Garou Nation. My rank is Adren, my tribe is Silver Fangs, and like you - I was born Homid before my first change. I am the Alpha of a pack named Terminal Velocity, and I have accepted the responsibility of ensuring you safely and properly undergo your First Change." he motions towards Faith and says, "Faith is my kinfolk, and she was tasked to watching over you and ensuring you were safe."

He growls lowly and says, "You are going to change Lleutrim Robert Donnachaidh, and not into a Big Cat.. into a Garou. We will share that in common, but you are -not- like me. I am bringing you to a place where you will be safe. Where you will learn what you need to learn, and you will start to understand. You will learn your place, speak with respect, and listen.. as you are a Cub. From this point forward, nothing about your past matters, only what you are to become and what Gaia now chooses for you. When you forget your place, I or my pack will put you back into it. Do you understand?"

The former Marine stands before Dragomir with his bag but lets it fall to the ground when Dragomir starts getting all formal. Lleu's nostrils flare and he keeps his temper in check quietly as he listens. His brows furrow at what's told to him. No interruptions. "No. I don't understand. Not at all." He draws a breath, "But I gather that I'm going with you and I'm going to find out. Whether I like it or not." Only then does his gaze flicker to Faith to see how she's taking all of this craziness.

Faith is standing taller beside Dragomir than LLeutrim has ever seen her. The woman shows no fear, not even a subtle hint of the concern she had before. She gives the cub a small bit of additional information, just to provide context for her own role. "As a kinfolk, I do not turn into a werewolf, what you see is what I am. Think of this as your first day in bootcamp.. time to earn your rank all over again Soldier.. welcome to the war." She gives him the smallest reassuring smile, then nods to Dragomir. "Ready at your command, Eye-of-the-Storm-Rhya."

Lleutrim arches a brow at Faith's use of 'werewolf' and the expression on his face is clearly, 'You have got to be fucking kidding me.'

Deep Forest

The cycle of life and death is prevalent here from mother nature's harsh touch. The landscape is dryer here than other parts of the forest and so too has it been affected more by regular brush fires that have swept through the hot summer months leaving the wide area to rot and decay only to leave the natural process of seeds from various adapted plants into the air and spread again to renew the process once more.

Trees and foliage within the area have seemed to adapt to the various fires during certain times of the seasons as they too live and die and return again all year round. The animals as well seem to have no problem with knowing when and what times are best to enter or vacate the area, having lived here for millennia and will thrive here ever more even when man has gone and passed away.

There is a large number of birds prevalent in this area, and no traces of small animals or vermin. The birds of prey stalk the branches and swoop overhead, watching anything that takes place in the area.

Dragomir takes them outside, and starts walking South. He moves through the woods as though they were apart of him, and he was completely fearless of what may be in the darkness. "You have a choice Lleu, but the alternative is not pleasant. I did not pick you, Gaia did. She believes that you have what is necessary to be a Warrior in this War." He turns to look back at the man and offers mildly, "Despite being old." And he looks back and continues to walk.

"It is not my purpose to question her Wisdom, or pass judgement for her choice in you. It is my purpose to ensure that you survive your First Change so you may prove you are worthy of Luna's gifts bestowed upon you. Many die in the first few weeks of their change. More so, during their Rite of Passage. If she was right about you, then we can have a more candid discussion about your feelings afterwards. Until then Cub, you are just an angry liability - without enough discipline or understanding to control yourself."

"You wanted answers.. best prepare yourself for receiving them now." And he continues to move through the woods for quite a few miles in fact before he approaches a particular patch of Forest where there is an extreme amount of birds of prey looming in the trees and flying overhead. "You now walk on my pack's territory, home of Merlin of Falcon's brood. If you harm a bird here, I will gut you." That was blunt.

Earl runs through the woods in wolf form to catch up with the others, but before reaching them, he shifts to human form and starts trying to run to them. Clearly he isn't used to running on two legs and it shows when he runs. He looks up when he sees all the birds and seems amazed to see so many here. His attention snaps back to Dragomir and he approaches the man. "I have scouted the area. No human smells other then those who came and went from the place. I also didn't notice anyone coming and I looked a mile in either direction." He says as turns to look to Lleu and Faith.

Faith dips her head to Earl when he arrives, her acknowledgment of the young man formal, even if not as deeply respectful as it is to Dragomir. She keeps quiet and walks with the others, near to LLeutrim, but never outside of arm's reach of Dragomir - for the entire hike.

Soon as they move out, Lleu has shouldered his ruck pack to carry on his back. He says nothing, nothing at all, just walks, watches and listens as they begin the trek southwards on foot. As the sun sets and the light is fading from the land, the male Cop starts to slow his pace somewhat because it becomes more difficult to see clearly in the twilight.

Dragomir gets a look. Lleu eyes him, all of this very, very strange. But he does listen and follows, moving with a little grace through the woods as a man raised to them. Not however as fluidly as the Garou. The Russian does get a nod out of him at the part about answers to questions. They travel on, and on southwards and when they finally arrive, Donnachaidh halts with the others and looks around. The birds do have his interest, catching sight of several and hearing more scattered through the wood. Lleu answers low, "Understood." Earl's odd gait and Faith's silence.

Dragomir nods towards Earl, "Good.. they we are lucky. The Wyrm would love to get their hands on a fresh cub." He turns to look back towards Faith, and reaches out to grip her shoulder and hugs her close to him. "You did good letting me know right away. Well done Faith, you have come far in your training." He drops his hand and looks towards Lleutrim once more as he starts making his way towards a cave entrance. "What you saw in your kitchen Lleutrim, was not a hallucination. It was what is known as the Rokea.. or were-shark. That particular one was warned to keep away and not interfere. We have laws, known as our Litany. I, am a Philodox, which means I was born beneath the half moon and I have been entrusted with teaching and enforcing our Litany for our people. By informing you and shifting before you as she did, they have violated the Litany and endangered us."

He leads them towards the entrance of the cave and says, "This is a very dangerous climb.. take it slowly, use what light you can and help each other. It can be quite treacherous on the way down." He looks towards Faith and says, "Be careful." Then he turns to look back towards Lleutrim and says, "Try to remain calm." And the man coils and shifts his form - lowering down and turning into a silvery white wolf before him.

Dragomir transforms into a good-looking silvery white wolf.

Faith smiles at Dragomir as she's praised.. the seemingly simple words apparently quite a salutation indeed. The young woman slings her pack over both of her shoulders and tightens the straps up. As Dragomir takes form into a lupine, she takes a moment to admire him, then moves a little closer to LLeutrim and offers her hand with a brief grin. "Want me to take your pack? I know this climb well. You have the skills for it.. but going in blind you'll probably want both hands. It would suck if you fell on me, after all we've been through."

A very difficult to find cavern entrance, covered by boulders and plantlife. It would be difficult to find for someone who was not aware of its presence.

"I am a Philodox as well. I am Earl, Rite named Licks the trash. Wolf born Cliath of the bone gnawer tribe." Earl says as he scuffs a rock with his toe, not as great or powerful as Dragomir. He watches Dragomir change into a wolf and he just remains silent and watches Lleu. "Do you need any help? You could join the Bone gnawer tribe. We welcome almost anyone."

Donnachaidh listens though clearly he's still skeptical of women shape shifting into sharks in his kitchen as possibly being real. The expression on his face is plain, warily eyeing Dragomir as the Russian speaks once more. Lleu licks his lips when the cave is disclosed to him and he eyes the entrance like a man not liking this much at all. But he nods, "I'll be careful." A look to Faith, "I'm fine, thanks."

Up until the Russian shapeshifts before his eyes and becomes a pale wolf!! Lleutrim back peddles fast, his boots moving over the forest floor in a hurry! Give him credit, Donnachaidh doesn't turn and run like hell, or fall gibbering madly in the leaf mold, nor does he shit or piss himself. But he sure is startled! There's a quick glance to see if Earl is becoming a wolf too, or -Faith-, then back to watching ... that pale wolf, "Holy shit."

The silvery white wolf pads around for a moment, and then barks towards the group, >>Go in.<< which probably only Earl can understand. The predator sits back on his haunches and presents his pure white chest as he waits now. Ears perked and alert, nostrils flare faintly as he draws in the scents of the area. (when you guys are ready, go ahead and type NC)

"He says to go on in. I will be right behind you two. I wont change because it may upset Lleu to see two wolves. Plus wolf paws cant climb as good as human hands." Earl explains as he gestures for the others to go on in.

Faith nods to Earl, then her hand rises and presses to her chest. She gently reiterates the lesson from earlier to Lleu. "I'm a kinfolk. I can't do that.. which also means I can't heal myself like they can.. and I can't defend myself like you'll be able to." She offers Lleutrim her hand then.. "Come on.. I could use a hand getting down there, I know how you feel about caves but it's that or he'll just get bigger and meaner and throw you in." She glances at Dragomir, then back at the cub. "No joke.. he really will man."

A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.

Lleutrim's heart is beating fast, watching the wolf. He has no weapons and has pulled no gun. He stands his ground, still as a statue for several seconds until Faith beckons him to draw near. Lleu moves closer and takes Faith's hand but he's still watching the white wolf, at least until they have to focus on entering into the cave and feeling their way.

Donnachaidh has clammed back up and isn't saying anything. He's tense as hell and tries to focus on be very careful once they get into the darkness, sliding a boot forward cautiously and keeping his other hand to the wall to trail his fingers along it as they move, briefly putting his hand out in front of his face occasionally to make sure he doesn't crack his head on a low ceiling or jutting stone.

If there is any light at all, it will take some adjusting to. Faith will no doubt note that Lleu's grip on her hand is painfully tight.


Caves - Natural Cavern

The tunnel from the outside leads into a massive natural void in the earth. This cavern stretches as far as your lights will shine, concealing the room's true size. Stalactites depend from the ceiling, along with mosses and roots from the forest above.

The farther one travels into the cavern, the father the ceiling pulls away into darkness. The air is heavy, and the weight of the mountain presses down nearly as much as the darkness presses around any lights brought within the seemingly endless natural chamber.

From this vaulted cavern, hundreds of natural fissures and tunnels lead deeper into the bowels of the earth. The place is a maze; without a proper guide, it would be all too easy to get lost and spend your last days wandering in the dark in search of a way back to the surface or a mouthful of water to sustain you.


Earl walks on in, still having the heightened senses from earlier. He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a keyring with a little flashlight on it. He then moves to offer it to the two humans as he doesnt need the light to see, able to move about with his enhanced senses.

Faith moves with LLeutrim, letting the man take the lead and guide her as she is brought along by the hand. When Earl offers the small penlight, she tells Lleutrim, "I have a tactical flashlight.. just tell me if you want me to use it. I'm going to let you lead us." Mostly because - again, this will draw his focus off the ten thousand questions and the fact that Dragomir just turned into a friggen wolf. She gives Earl a slight smile then, letting Lleu decide how to proceed.

Ack! A light, but a welcome one. Lleu squints and tries to look around, then snaps his head around to Faith, "Get it out." Then he blinks at her, "I lead? I have no fucking idea where we are or where we are going. Or why we are even coming in here for God's sake!" Yes, he's definitely on edge. For the moment he's become rooted in place and once sufficient light can be produced, he'll try to look around. Without taking another step. In a very, very low barely audible whisper to himself, Donnachaidh adds, "I really /fucking/ hate caves."

"If he thinks wolf form is scary, wait until he sees the war form." Earl says as he seems to pat his hands and keep himself focusing on them instead of wandering on ahead. "You wont like the caern then. It is an underground place. Caerns are sacred places where the spirit world and the material world interweave. We protect them since they are pieces of Gaias soul."

The silvery white wolf moves with ease down here, almost like he has wings (which he does, but you can't see em) He bounds rock to rock and seems to navigate the area easily enough. He watches, protectively over them as they head down - ready to catch one if they fall but doesn't speak. Until he reaches the bottom with them, where he will shift back up to his homid form once more.

Silvery white wolf transforms into a normal looking human man.

Faith slides her free hand behind her shoulder into the side of her own pack.. retrieving a tactical light with the ease of someone who knows exactly where everything is in it. She flicks it on, and she'll let LLeu direct her use of it, as if she's merely an extension of his will for the moment. "We're going to move down.. ignore all that other shit for the moment. You're going to need to keep your attention on here and now. A cliath - what Earl is.. is like an E-4 you can think of Dragomir like a Sergeant Major.. maybe a Second Lieutenant."

Donnachaidh doesn't bother to remind Faith that he used to outrank a 2nd Lieutenant. He simply takes her arm and makes her point that flashlight where he wants it. Lleu needs his hands free so he disengages his hand from hers to help steady his descent. Very, very focused on here and now, moving slowly. /NOT/ being distracted by a white wolf unless the beast comes close by, then Lleu freezes to watch it. Once Dragomir is past them, Lleu'll complete the rest of the descent with care.

"Whats an E-4?" Earl says looking confused. He moves with the others, climbing a little weirdly. He wasnt the most graceful and about halfway down he falls the rest of the way. He acks as he hits solid cavern floor and grunts as he looks up at everyone. "I am fine! Meant to do that." He says with a look around.

"E-2." Faith corrects herself after the fall.. while keeping the flashlight directed exactly where Lleu has directed. Even if no one can see her smirk, it's in the voice. As she's moving, one foot skitters a little, and there's a momentary wobble.. but she manages to shove her elbow into the wall stiff enough to steady herself. "We have a few Generals in the mix too."

Finally once the group is down, he motions to slip behind a boulder into a concealed archway which leads into a cozier location, hidden. "Inside here."

--- Caves - Living Quarters(#13672RAMU)

This deep underground cave is built off the natural cavern. The walls are made of solid rock, and the entire area is lit by bioluminescent moss lights which grow naturally off the moisture and in the cracks in the wall. This main living area has some natural faces and rock groupings which have been arranged in furniture of some kind. What amounts to smooth rock couches and even a stone coffee table of a kind. Bookshelves have been carved into the walls and all the amenities you might expect in the perfect little underground cave home. A natural water source trickles down through the cracks in the wall into a stone basin which overflows into a drain groove carved in the floors and off and away it goes.

Some wooden furniture has also been arranged down here, including chairs and a table - some loose cabinetry and other amenities which make it look more like a natural living location.


Halona has water, has some basic food things. Has a bed roll set out in the corner. That's pretty much it. When she hears steps, she rises up to her feet, looking.. really just looking READY, though she's more or less relaxed.

Sergei is sitting by one of the bookshelves carved into the wall, reading a paperback quietly. When Halona moves he looks up from his book though, alert.

Earl sniffs the area as if tracking something. He then smiles when he sees Halona. He then moves to her and picks up the basic food things. "Food how I missed you. Have you missed me?" He says, bringing it to an ear and gives a happy grin.

Dragomir leads the group into the pack den, which he doesn't look terribly pleased about, but them's the breaks. Once everyone is inside safely, he looks towards Lleutrim and says, "Get comfortable." he motions his hand towards Halona and Sergei and says, "These are my packmates, they will be helping guard and you and keeping you out of trouble. When you speak with them, you will do so with the honorific -rhya. If you forget, they have permission to do what is necessary to help remind you. For your own good. Listen to their introductions, and introduce yourself to the best of your ability and some sembelence of honor. As I told you, in the Garou Nation, you begin by stating your name. Without a name, you have no respect, without respect.. you are nothing."

Faith slips the flashlight off that she had been directing at Lleutrim's behest, and slides it into the pack on her shoulders in silence as she is drawn in behind the cub. The kinswoman bows her head respectfully to both of the garou already present as they enter the space. When Dragomir gives Lleutrim directions, the young woman remains silent, listening and watching with a significant degree of caution.

Lleutrim arrives with the others, staying near to Faith. He's a fair sized fella but not huge, fit, with a buzzed haircut over his skull and beard stubble. Bruises are fading around a recently broken nose and his hands have a few nicks and scrapes that are fresh today. Wearing an 'Apocalypse Now' T-shirt with blue jeans and black combat boots, he's also carrying a well used USMC coyote brown ruck on his back.

His grey eyes slip over the cavern and then to Dragomir when the Russian speaks. Lleu then studies the two already here that he doesn't know. To Dragomir he says low, "Understood." Skip a beat, "Eh, Eyes.. of the storm-rhya." That's what Faith had called him. /Lleu/ disengages his hand from Faith's even if she doesn't want to let go.

AAAAAAAAACTUALLY Earl gets nowhere NEAR the food. "Touch it and you lose all of your fingers," she all but growls at him. The food is BEHIND her, so good luck getting there without a fight. "You will introduce yourself when you come into the territory of Terminal Velocity." Her voice is calm, but more than just a little bit firm. She then waits for Dragomir to speak and then looks the noob over. "I am Halona, rited Like the Wind, born on four legs under no moon to the proud tribe of Wendigo and packed under Terminal Velocity to the magnificent Merlin." With Lleu's words to Dragomir, she nods and reaches behind herself to grab a glass bottle of water that has probably been reused a million times. "Drink. Hear the introductions, then introduce yourself." She also eyeballs Earl some more

Sergei doesn't even look at Earl, he might not notice him or he might trust his packmate to her watch on him. He stands and looks over the new arrival apprasingly before introducing himself "Much of this won't mean anything to you yet but it does matter. Deeply and intensely. Learning why will be part of what comes. I am Sergei Ivanov of human name. Among the Nation I am Howling-Wind, son of Bloody-Snow, son of Blood-on-the-Wind. Wolf-born Ahroun of Great Wendigo's people at the Sept of the Siberian Wilds. I am now a member of the Sept of Enduring Spirit and the Pack Terminal Velocity in service to Merlin and the Nation as an Adren."

Earl whines a little. So close...He then looks to the others and begins to back away from the wendigo woman. He then turns to Sergei to get his introduction and once given he looks to them and then back to Lleu. "Oh me...I am Earl. Rited Licks the trash, wolf born under the half moon to the Bone gnawer tribe. I am a cliath which according to her is like an E-2. Whatever that is..." He says as he watches the people or tries to watch them, looking between them.

Dragomir shifts his hand towards Faith and says, "Faith Donahue, kinfolk of the Get of Fenris. Not of my tribe, but she was placed under my care. She is under the protection of me, and Terminal Velocity - as you are now as well." he waves his hand and says, "We are Warriors of Gaia, aligned with what is known as the Wyld.. the natural changing around you. We oppose what is known as the Wyrm, the great corrupter and the Weaver, the maddening song of technology and stagnation."

He motions around and says, "This Den is sacred to us.. it provides us with all the trappings and means necessary to survive. It will be a change for you to get used to, but it is necessary now. We do not yet know when or by what phase of the moon you will change, so we have to wait and be ready. We know that you are close, and when you change it will be violent and sudden. My pack will ensure that you transition safely." He motions towards Halona and says, "Like the Wind and Howling wind will see to your change, while I deal with the other.. problem."

Faith bows her head humbly to Dragomir's introduction on her behalf, the kinswoman still remaining silent in the presence of all the others. She turns her attention then to LLeutrim and gently pats the hand with which he is still death gripping her own. She gives him a brief, encouraging smile before she looks back at the members of Terminal Velocity, Earl spared only the briefest glance between.

Faith bows her head humbly to Dragomir's introduction on her behalf, the kinswoman still remaining silent in the presence of all the others. She turns her attention then to LLeutrim and gently gives him a brief, encouraging smile before she looks back at the members of Terminal Velocity, Earl spared only the briefest glance between.

There is a look at the bottle Halona offers Lleutrim. He accepts it and thankfully it's not a nasty, slimy old Pepsi bottle so it's not /entirely/ a 'Lone Survivor' moment. Donnachaidh doesn't open it yet as he watches the others and listens to their introductions. A faint nod to Halona, then he's paying attention to and studying Sergei in turn. No fidgeting, he stands very still and quiet but is watchful and sharply attentive, even a little tense.

Dragomir speaks and is listened to as well in silence, as well as Faith and Earl.

Lleu then takes a slow, deep breath before he speaks, low in volume, "I am Lleutrim Robert Donnachaidh, Patrol Officer with the Prospect Police Department, former Captain, United States Marine Corps. Originally from the mountains of North Georgia. I have served in combat deployments in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the southern Philippines." He thins his mouth a little, knowing that's not really like their introductions.

Oh, not SO different. Halona nods her approval and motions toward the seating area. "Sit. You have no reason to fear any of us. It is as Alpha says: We are here to help you and keep you safe." Faith gets a little nod, but she's focused. "That was not bad at all for a human introduction. It means that once you've changed, it will come easier than some. You have a lot to learn." She lifts that same hand a little more to indicate where he should sit

Sergei nods at Lleu "You have traveled far to make war at the direction of your Elders. As humans reckon such things anyway. You understand chain of comand, and not as in a chain used to dispense beatings and assert dominance. Some humans do that I've heard."

Earl looks between the various people and begins to cough a little. "I probably should leave. No use for me to be here amongst the adren." He says as he begins to look to Dragomir to see if he wanted him to leave or remain. He didnt belong and he picked up on it easy enough.

Dragomir nods, seeming to accept Lleutrim's introduction and he offers, "Soon you will refer to yourself as a Cub of the Garou Nation, once you have undergone your First Change." Then he looks towards Halona, she gives such a softer message than he does. A nod of approval, before he turns to look back towards Sergei and grins a bit at the man's words. "Like the Wind, Howling Wind, and Licks the Trash were all born as wolves.. and changed, so they had to not only learn to be Garou, but also how to be humans. Part of your change will be learning how to be a wolf."

He turns to look towards Earl and nods his head, "Thank you for your assistance Licks the Trash. My pack will see to things from here. I will inform your Elders that you were useful in this situation. You may take some food with you." he motions.

When Faith finally speaks, it's to the Cliath who is getting ready to take his leave. "It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sir." Her tone is soft and polite. She inclines her head with a slight, but notable. deference to the young garou. Hands come to settle behind her back as she then lowers her eyes to the floor and returns to a respectful silence.

The new guy may be a little sick to his stomach after all the excitement of the past few hours. Lleu doesn't say anything else while the others are speaking. He does move to take the seat where Halona indicates and finally uncaps the water bottle to take a small sip from it. His gaze roams from one to the other in turn and linger on Dragomir, and then finally Faith standing so demurely over there. /That/ makes him frown very faintly. The light ruck is slide off of his shoulders and if he's seated close enough to a wall, Lleu'll use it to lean back lightly against.

Halona nods to Earl. "You're probably right," she says in the same tone that she's offered Lleutrim up to now. Polite and distant. With Dragomir's words, she reaches again and gives him some of the food. Not much, but enough for a decent meal. She motions to Faith too, since she's still standing there, indicating she should join Lleutrim. THEN a little girl busts in from outside and Halona frowns. A LOT. And there's a wolf coming in after her. "Sorry! Sorry! I know it's REAL important in here, but I forgot my bear." Halona FROWNS, then sighs. "Get it. Then give me a hug and get to the house." THe little girl disappears in a hurry, and the wolf sighs and trudges after her, tail down and tucked. Little humans are too FRAGILE to manhandle. Not like wolf pups. Gosh.

Earl accepts the food and begins to hurry out of there with his prize. By gosh he gets to eat tonight! how exciting! He looks to the others. "Can I come to visit him to see how he does?" He asks curiously.

"Wait!" Dragomir suddenly growls, spinning around as the little girl runs by, looking all brooding and lowers down to spread his hands. "You also must hug me before you can get by. Pack rules, ask Sergei." he says with a tip of his head towards the OTHER BIG RUSSIAN. Then he smiles, and holds his arms out. He looks towards Earl and says, "You may visit and request permission to enter, but I suggest you not enter without permission. Or we will use you for pack-tactics training."

Earl nods as he leaves with his prize finally.

Antonia comes to a hard stop when Dragomir calls out and she looks like she might cry for breaking the rules, but... then she FLINGS her arms around Dragomir and gives him the world's biggest smooch on the cheek - and an undignified zerbert as well before she scampers off then

Faith's mouth curls into a little smile as she watches the girl - she really tried hard not to, but oh my god, little girls and dolls. There's something about the domestic interruption that draws a winsome expression to her face, and a moment of ache behind her eyes as she watches the large Russian scooping the girl up in a hug. While Dragomir addresses Earl's request, she turns back to Halona and obediently kneels down beside Lleutrim. Her hands settle on her thighs and returns her gaze to the floor as she gets a handle on whatever that momentary emotional leakage was.

Sergei nods sagely, smirking maybe a little, at at the little girl before he looks over to Earl. The difference in expression might be a little jarring for someone used to purely human body language. Sergei genuinely likes the little girl, Earl has his Alpha's courtesy at the moment. That's it.

Donnachaidh sits still and observes what's going on around him. He studies Sergei in particular - at least until the child abruptly scampers in with a wolf. Then Lleu's attention is entirely for the child's antics and hugs. Oh, and that wolf, too. He is aware of Faith when she settles next to him but he doesn't touch her. He may be hungry himself, watching the food passed over. Not asking for any. Lleu's gaze returns to watching Halona and Sergei mostly once the little girl is gone. As for himself, he looks tired. Like a man who hasn't been sleeping much or well for some time.

Halona rolls her eyes at the child, or maybe at Alpha. She waits for the little girl to go get her damn bear. Why a bear? Why not a wolf? She blames that damn Gurahl - what's her name? Aurora? Yeah. That's it. The little girl scampers out and hugs Halona fiercely about the waist and then tackles Sergei much the same way while the poor wolf stays right on her heels. Once the girl has hugged everyone she's met previously, the wolf nudges her in the butt and they both head out. "Sorry to interrupt! I'm sorry! Night! See you tomorrow!" and then, with the energy only a child can manage, she disappears in a poof of girliness and Halona takes aother breath and turns back to Lleutrim and Faith. "The two of you will be staying here. Do you need one bedroll or two?" She motions toward the food. "The food is for the both of you. There will be more fresh meat cooked tomorrow." she motions toward the stream. "There is where you bathe. ONLY bathe. We have woods for other things. A little higher upstream is where you drink from. The water is pure and clean. Do you have any questions so far?"

Before Lleutrim is going to offer any reply to Halona, his gaze slides pointedly to Dragomir and he waits to see if there will be any answer given before Donnachaidh is going to speak.

Dragomir says flatly, "You aren't sleeping with my kinfolk cub. Get it out of your head." he motions and says, "Two bed rolls, seperate." Then he looks towards Sergei and says, "Licks the Trash says he didn't sense any tracks following them.. I'm not convinced. Do a perimeter run, make sure nothing followed us." Then he turns and looks towards Halona and says, "Anything you need before I go deal with Shark problems?"

Sergei melts effortlessly down into wolf form, nodding to Dragomir and heading up out of the cave.

Halona nods to Dragomir's words. "I have everything well in hand, Alpha." She turns back to Faith. "You'll sleep in Antonia's bed since she won't be here for the duration." She glances back to Dragomir. "How much does he know and how much am I allowed to tell him, Alpha?"

Faith is neither surprised, nor embarrassed by the question and retorts regarding the sleeping arrangements. "If there are any tasks I can assist with, I would be honored to have the opportunity to repay some small fraction of the kindness and hospitality offered by Terminal Velocity. Thank you Like-the-Wind-Rhya, Howling-Wind-Rhya, Eye-of-the-Storm-Rhya."

Yep, that's totally what he was expecting. Lleutrim's eyes nonetheless narrow a little and he looks pissed. He just can't help the anger to flare up. He does manage to keep his mouth shut. A flicker of his gaze briefly to Faith as if in apology, then he speaks quietly to Halona, "Two, please, eh .. Like the Wind-rhya. Thank you and understood." Donnachaidh does put a hand out very briefly to touch Faith on the shoulder before he gets to his feet to see if he can lend a hand to lay things out where Halona directs.

Donnachaidh stops dead still when Sergei gets up and fluidly blends into wolf form. For a second he looks like he wants to throw up. Nope, not going to do it.

Dragomir nods and says, "You will both have chores here.. daily responsibilities and you will train with the pack. Anyone who lives here, is part of the pack while they are here. We wake early, we train hard, we hunt together, we eat together, we live together, we are together. You carry your weight, or you don't eat." He turns to look towards Halona and says, "The only information he has, is the bad information that some Fera gave him. I have been priming him for lessons, without endangering the Veil. He is ready to start learning." He turns to look back towards Lleutrim and says, "I am sure he will be more respectful to you than he has been to me. If not, you should not spare him from a good reminder. He is strong, he will not break too easily." He motions towards Faith, "Faith will endure whatever he does, that way he can keep perspective."

If Halona has given him anything to lay out, Lleu is quite capable of arranging his own bedding. If she lets him. He'll also move his ruck and put things where indicated. "It may be wise to tell me where to use the toilet, Like the Wind-rhya." She had said where not to. Donnachaidh pauses to listen to Dragomir, "Understood, Eyes the Storm-rhya." Aye, he bristles a little at any threat directed towards Faith. Lleu grits his teeth and standing up straight he almost says something to the Russian. Instead, he keeps his jaw shut, anger in his eyes.

Halona nods to Dragomir. She doesn't seem to have any issues with any of that and she rises when Sergei leaves and motions the other two. "I'll show you around once everything is settled into place." She shows people where to put things. Faith gets a bed! Lleutrim gets a decent, but not amazing, roll to put downstairs in the training area. (I'll show you in a minute.)

Faith inhales through her nose and exhales through her mouth on Dragomir's final comment. A hand raises to briefly touch at her abdomen and then lowers again to her lap. "Understood, Eye-of-the-Storm-Rhya." Those words are a little bit flat, carefully controlled by force of will. She glances up at Lleutrim then thoughtfully. "Packs are no different than your elite units Lleu. Failure isn't an option - never has been." She will rise to follow Halona, but before walking away, she places a chaste kiss to Dragomir's cheek. "Thank you for giving me a place in this world."

Halona takes a breath and looks around and then, once they're all alone, Halona takes a sort of parade rest and looks at each of them. "I am not difficult to get along with. There will be rules that will be set, there will be a lot put upon you - both of you, but you especially, Cub. Faith, you have been working with Dragomir for some time, so you know what's expected of you, but he does not. Your MAIN job will be to assist him in learning. Also, no one here can cook, so if you can do THAT, you get cake points." She turns to Lleutrim. "I will show you there you can defecate, but please know that I or Howling-Wind will be with you at all times." She takes a breath and looks at each of them again. "I know that you are both probably frustrated and maybe scared. If you feel there is something that you need to say, I give you permission right now to speak freely. Anything short of 'all hail our mighty Father, the Wyrm' is acceptable. But say it NOW because there may not be another chance."

Lleutrim thins his mouth, working to calm his anger once Dragomir has left. His attention goes briefly to Faith and then to Halona. A hand is lifted to rub carefully at the fading bruises on his face and healing nose. "No, I have nothing to say. I wish only to rest, Like-the-Wind-rhya." Faith might pick up on his sounding depressed, exhausted after so many difficult days. Weeks. Donnachaidh keeps his place until they are dismissed.

The kinswoman gives Halona a gentle smile, "I can cook.. and I miss cooking for my family. I had to leave them behind after I was attacked, because they choose not to be a part of the nation. I am honored and grateful to be here Like the Wind-rhya... and what I have to say.. I really have to say to him. But I'd like you to hear it and correct anything I've got wrong." She then glances at Lleutrim and reaches up to brush some hair from her face. "While I care about you a lot, aside from the reason I gave you for not wanting to sleep with you the other night.. being pissed off isn't the only thing that could initiate a first change. And if you think for one hot second it's sexy to think about making love to a cuisanart, you and I watch really different porn channels. I think you're used to this human-based understanding of equality in relationships. When the garou treat me differently, it's because I am different. I'm essentially human. I'm fragile in compare to any of the garou. Eye-of-the-Storm and Terminal Velocity don't treat me like property - they care about me, and I love them. I'd die for any one of them, just as I would for you. I know you're tired.. but you're going to make it, old man." She smiles a little more at the end of that, and reaches out to touch LLeutrim on the cheek as she glances back at Halona.

Halona studies Lleutrim for just a moment, then nods. "I give you permission to take the rest of the night to make sure that you have nothing you wish to get off your shirt before I accept your answer. I also do'nt think it's a good idea to lie to me and say that you have nothing to say when clearly you have something to say." Her tone is level. She turns her attention to Faith and blinks. "Oh shit, yeah." Lightbulb. Halona has like.. never done the dirty and it's different for a wolf anyway. She turns to Lleutrim. "Getting too worked up about ANYTHING could set you off. Reading a sad story in a book, or watching something that is REALLY funny on the weaver box, or getting all worked up over a girl.. that could absolutely trigger stuff and then you end up with a shredded book or a broken weaver box, or a girl that's laying in three or four parts and there's blood on the wall and you're naked and don't remember anything. I've seen that happen."

Lleutrim turns is head to look at Faith but ... a lot of what she says just doesn't make a lot of sense to him. Not yet. He just looks at her, too tired to say a damn thing. Until Halona speaks. Donnachaidh eyes her, then frowns, "I've had a very shitty day, in a very fucked up week. I have ... seen things I don't understand. I am seriously doubting my sanity right now, and I am /NOT/ a liar."

He draws a breath, trying to push down his anger. Lleu's baritone rose a bit sharply there in the last few words like he might start shouting at Halona. No. Instead he gathers his self control and adds more quietly, "I really do not want to talk." People just pushing at him to talk is rather pissing him off right now. Halona's explanation about bloody body parts just gets a blank look for a few seconds.

After that, Lleu says low "I won't touch her, Like-the-Wind-rhya."

Halona nods to Lleutrim and gives him a smile. "Alright then. Bedtime. O Dark Thirty comes very early." She shows people where things are and gets people tucked in and then sits watch for a while.