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Game mechanics for casting any cantrip (CtD 204-206)
# Choose an art
# Choose a [[Realms|realm]]: if using any modifier/secondary realms, see below
As we have converted to Changeling the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), not only have the [[Arts#Arts|Arts]] changed what some are named, or what they do, but how they are cast as well has been updated.  Arts are no longer separated between Common and Less Common, there are no specific attributes to go along with them either.  Please review the Game Mechanics section below, and then the specific [[Arts#Arts|Arts]] to see what has changed.
# Determine dice pool: art's attribute + realm level that you have (even if you only need a lower level)
# Choose a bunk: above level 1 requires at least one separate action (Changeling Players Guide 157-160 lists some sample bunks, 178-179 for Nunnehi)
[[Arts#Inanimae_Slivers|Inanimae]] no longer are required to use realms, and their Slivers are all Unleashed.
# Determine base difficulty: target's/caster's Banality (whichever is higher) + 4 - bunk level - Glamour spent, minimum 4, maximum 10
#* -1 difficulty if the [[Realms|realm]] is your kith's affinity
[[Arts#Hsien|Hsien]] have not been updated yet, and are under review.
# Determine Glamour cost: 1 for Wyrd cantrip and/or unenchanted target, 1 for no bunk, up to 5 to lower difficulty
# Roll dice
* Modifier realms (Scene/Time)
= Game Mechanics =
** +1 Glamour cost, +1 difficulty
<div style="float: right; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px">
** Scene to cast cantrip with physical effect (chimerical or Wyrd): +1 difficulty per extra target
{| class="wikitable"
* Secondary realms
! Scenario affecting difficulty !! Modifier
** -1 difficulty per additional relevant realm
** Example: Mooching a sidhe's dagger when you have both Fae and Prop
| Target/location's Banality is above 7 || +1
| Using Scene realm || +1
| Using Time realm || +1
| Target has higher Title than you and doesn't consent || +1
| Voluntarily replace at least three dice with Nightmare Dice (C20 274-5) || -1
| In a freehold || -1
| Target is kinain or enchanted || -1
| Using [[Bunks|bunk]] || -1 to -5
| Using your kith's affinity [[Realms|realm]] || -1
Game mechanics for casting any cantrip (C20 196) - Hsien see separate section below
# '''Art:''' Decide specific dot rating of a particular Art to use
# '''[[Realms|Realms]]:''' Determine the necessary Realms needed for the desired use of the Art, including the modifier Realms.
# '''Spend Glamour:''' Spend 1 Glamour for any Wyrd cantrip, and add an additional Glamour if using more than one Realm or "cheats" a Realm. (Cheat=using a realm you do not have)
# '''Determine dice pool:'''
#* Art rating + rating of the lowest primary Realm used (Fae, Actor, Nature, Prop).
#* Scene and Time never influence the dice pool
#* Player replaces a # of dice in the pool equal to current Nightmare rating, not to exceed the dice pool.
# '''[[Bunks|Bunks]]:''' Decide to use a bunk or not, and then either splits dice pool or delays the cantrip roll until after the actions necessary for the bunk resolve.
# '''Determine Difficulty:''' Base difficulty is 8.  Apply relevant modifiers (C20 194, see table at right) to determine.
# '''Roll dice'''
Unleashing an Art (20th Anniversary edition, pages 196-197)
* Spend 2 Glamour, gain a Nightmare Die, then roll Glamour + Nightmare Dice vs 7
{| class="wikitable"
! Number of successes !! IC results of unleashing
| Botch ||
* Gain a Nightmare Die and suffer an immediate Nightmare (latter is house rule, replacing C20's Imbalance for simplicity)
* Havoc occurs for a turn (details are ST discretion)
* Next turn, suffer a Banality trigger (C20 269: roll Glamour vs 8, fail = +1 temp Banality, botch = +N temp Banality where N is the number of ones rolled)
* Can't spend Glamour or use arts for rest of scene
| Fail (but not botch) ||
* Suffer a Banality trigger (see above)
* Can't use that art for rest of scene
| 1 to art level ||
* Automatically invoke the Wyrd for (Glamour) turns, or spend a Willpower to make it last for rest of scene
* Fae mien becomes visible
* PC narrates effect of that art
| More than art level ||
* PC's intent is fulfilled, but in a twisted or unintended way that adds complication or puts everyone nearby in danger
* Gain a Nightmare Die
* ST narrates effect of that art
* Automatically invoke the Wyrd for rest of scene
Following is a list of Arts available, with notes to any restrictions on which Kiths can learn what Arts.  If you think it makes sense for your PC, open a +request to speak to staff about it.
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* [[Arts#Autumn|Autumn]]
* [[Arts#Chicanery|Chicanery]]
* [[Arts#Chronos|Chronos]]
* [[Arts#Contract|Contract]]
* [[Arts#Dragon%27s_Ire|Dragon's Ire]]
* [[Arts#Infusion|Infusion]]
* [[Arts#Legerdemain|Legerdemain]]
* [[Arts#Metamorphosis|Metamorphosis]]
* [[Arts#Oneiromancy_(art)|Oneiromancy (art)]]
* [[Arts#Primal|Primal]]
* [[Arts#Pyretics|Pyretics]]
* [[Arts#Skycraft|Skycraft]]
* [[Arts#Soothsay|Soothsay]]
* [[Arts#Sovereign|Sovereign]]
* [[Arts#Spring|Spring]]
* [[Arts#Summer|Summer]]
* [[Arts#Tale_Craft|Tale Craft]]
* [[Arts#Wayfare|Wayfare]]
* [[Arts#Winter|Winter]]
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 197''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve the trappings of fall, funerals, harvests, and Halloween.
* '''Unleashing:''' Act of true desperation or wanton cruelty, causes the massive breakdown of systems or weakening enemies.
* Common among: Sluagh (Seelie and Unseelie), Satyr Grumps, Unseelie Boggans
* Staff discretion for all others
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Creeping Shadows
| Either, depending on use
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Autumn Eyes
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| The Poisoned Apple
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| The Withering
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Shivers
| Chimerical
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{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 200''
* '''Bunks:''' Involves caster's voice, disguises, and lies.
* '''Unleashing:''' Bends perception, rewrites memory, makes fantasy and folly irrefutable.
* Long considered only for commoners.  Still carries a stigma in courts ruled by elder nobles.  Most likely Sidhe will not know this.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Trick of the Light
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Veiled Eyes
| Either, based on target
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Dream Logic
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Veiled Mind
| Either
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Lost in the Mists
| Either
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{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 201''
* '''Bunks:''' Most often depend on using a confluence or repetition, or timepieces/clocks, or objects that are either ancient or brand new.
* '''Unleashing:''' Distorts time around caster, slows down foes, grants sight into the past or future, and confuses normal order of events.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Backward Glance
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Effect and Cause
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Deja Vu
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Veiled Mind
| Either
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Time Dilation
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 203''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve common binding rituals, displays of sincerity or vexation, and writing.
* '''Unleashing:''' Use with caution.  Allows the changeling to make demands of the Dreaming.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Done Deal
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Liar's Bell
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Castigate
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Casual Contract
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Sanctified Words
| Chimerical
{{collapse bottom}}
==Dragon's Ire==
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 205''
* '''Bunks:''' Incorporate violent action, daring and drama, noble gestures, and draconic imagery.
* '''Unleashing:''' "Protect us" or "Destroy them", always expressed as a vibrant display.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Burning Thew
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Confounding Coils
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Dragonscales
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Holly-strike
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Tripping the Ire
| Chimerical
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92047 Changeling: The Dreaming Player's Guide (20th Anniversary) 184''
** '''Bunks:''' The world's most perfect Rube Goldberg machine drafted on a cocktail napkin, using three blackboards to scrawl an equation for esoteric branches of mathematics practiced only by theoretical Dreaming physicists, screaming at your lab assistant to get you your galvanized induction samophlange - NO NOT THAT ONE, THE OTHER ONE!
** '''Unleashing:''' Air becomes chraged, smelling of ozone and tasting of lightning, glamour arcs from surface to surface, hair-raisingly electric, chimera spring spontaneously to life, common household appliance gain occasionally high degrees of sentience, smart techonoly gets a personality of its own
* Common among: Boggans, Nockers, House Dougal Autumn Sidhe.  All others at Staff Discretion.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Harden
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Toughen
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Generate
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Animate
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Chimerical
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 207''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve performances, sleight of hand, stealing or replacing items, and repeated actions.
* '''Unleashing:''' May result in caster's surroundings becoming a storm of items hurled by invisible hands, grand or terrifying scenes played out difficult to distinguish reality, or replicas of special objects suddenly appearing in everyone's pockets.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Ensnare
| Either, based on target
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Mooch
| Either, based on item
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Effigy
| Either, based on target
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Gimmix
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Smoke and Mirrors
| Either
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{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 209''
* '''Bunks:''' Incorporate animal symbolism, colors, transformations, alterations, and utterances
* '''Unleashing:''' Fairly uncommonly used
* Common among Sluagh, Clurichaun, and Boggans. 
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Sparrows and Nightingales
| Either
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Worms and Giants
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Thousandskins
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Beastskin
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Chimeric Exultation
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
==Oneiromancy (art)==
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 213''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve nonsequiturs, trappings of sleep, and anything which represents the absurd and metaphorical nature of dream logic
* '''Unleashing:''' Can reveal hopes or nightmares, send a  motley into the dreams of a slumbering giant, or manifest her enemy's worst nightmare into the world
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Dream Walk
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Dream Craft
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Dream Portal
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Manifest
| Either
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Dream Puppet
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 215''
* '''Bunks:''' Incorporate props from nature or primal elemental forces.
* '''Unleashing:''' Places the power of the elemental Arts into the hands of the caster for a moment - earthquakes, firestorms, trees growing through pavement in moments
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Willow Whisper
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Eldritch Prime
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Oakenshield
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Elder-Form
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Dance of the Five Kinds
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''(pg.#217)''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve fire and destruction, but also includes removing impurities, cooking, and new life.
* '''Unleashing:''' Can burn away impurity or illusions, cause terrible destruction, or make something new again.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Kindle
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Illuminate
| Either
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Purify
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Engulf
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Phoenix Song
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 219''
* '''Bunks:''' Focus on sound, electricity, open air, and the old ways.
* '''Unleashing:''' Sudden storms, gale-force winds, booming thunder, dancing lightning, and ravaged electronics
* Common among: Eshu, Merfolk, Selkies, Trolls
* Staff discretion for all others
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Howling Gale
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Electric Gremlins
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Hurricane Speed
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Storm Shroud
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Lord of Levin
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 221''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve traditional and nontraditional acts of divination
* '''Unleashing:''' Among most dangerous.  Reveals the future, more than the seer hoped to learn
* Common among: Eshu seers, Satyr Grumps, Sidhe sorcerers
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Omen
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Seer's Wisp
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Tattletale
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Augury
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Fate Fire
| Chimerical
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 223''
* '''Bunks:''' Grand displays, becoming the center of attention, adornments and ceremonical trappings, and exerting authority
* '''Unleashing:''' Become an unquestionable leader, force someone to act on their behalf, or even compel anyone nearby to undertake a quest
* Attempts to use Sovereign on anyone of higher status adds +1 to cantrip's difficulty, and could result in ICC up to and including loss of title, imprisonment, or exile.
** If target is of equal or greater Title, they may resist the effects for the duration of the cantrip by spending 1 WP.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Protocol
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Grandeur
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Guest List
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Dictum
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Geas
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 225''
** '''Bunks:''' Involve nature, animals, circles, and sexuality
** '''Unleashing:''' Creates overwhelming foliage, cleanses curses and dark magics, and restores what is broken
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Awaken
| Either, based on target
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Verdant Reclamation
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Well of Life
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Faerie Ring
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Renewal
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 227''
** '''Bunks:''' Involve the trappings of summer, of daytime and heat, of passion, freedom, and joy.
** '''Unleashing:''' Creating storms of heat or sweeping entire communities up in paroxysms of wild passion
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Flicker-Flies
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Enkindle
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Aphrodisia
| Chimerical
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Vesta's Blessing
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| The Beltane Blade
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
==Tale Craft==
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92047 Changeling: The Dreaming Player's Guide (20th Anniversary) 186''
* '''Bunks:''' Involves displays of talent and wordplay, wheth thought telling stories, singing songs, reading poetry, writing tales, or other narrative expressions.
* '''Unleashing:''' Makes the character the center of attention, causes others to get lost in fantasy, compels others to share stories and gossip, or even inspire those nerby to get caught up in acting out roles from a tale being told.
* Common among: Clurichauns, Eshu, Piskies, Pooka, Satyrs, House Fiona & Leanhaun Sidhe
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Twice-Told Tales
| Either
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Work the Room
| Either
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Bated Breath
| Either
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Legend Tripping
| Either.  Costs 1 Glamour and 1 Willpower in addition to any other costs.
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Stranger Than Fiction
| Either
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{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 228''
* '''Bunks:''' Involve the concept of motion, travel, flashy action, or ostentatious display
* '''Unleashing:''' Desperate act of those who have utterly lost their way or who face imminent doom
* Common among: Clurichaun, Eshu, Pooka.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Hopscotch
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Quicksilver
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
| Portal Passage
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
| Wind Runner
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
| Flicker Flash
| Wyrd
{{collapse bottom}}
{{collapse top|title=<font style="font-size: 10pt"><center>Details</center></font>|padding=20px|bg=lightblue}}
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 230''
** '''Bunks:''' Involve discarding possessions, casting during moon phases or tides, and unflinchingly facing danger
** '''Unleashing:''' Manifests deep, instinctual fear, mastery over ice or cold, or numbed hearts
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! style="min-width: 50px" | # of Dots
! style="min-width: 175px" | Cantrip Name
! style="min-width: 75px" | Type
| {{Flexidot|1|0}}
| Chill
| Wyrd
| {{Flexidot|2|0}}
| Hardened Heart
| Chimerical
|width="50%" valign="top"|
| {{Flexidot|3|0}}
{{ :Template:StatChart
| Terror of the Long Night
|title=Chicanery (attribute: Manipulation)
| Chimerical
|rank2=Veiled Eyes
|rank4=Haunted Heart
|rank5=Captive Heart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Legerdemain (attribute: Dexterity)
|rank5=Phantom Shadows
|width="50%" valign="top"|
| {{Flexidot|4|0}}
{{ :Template:StatChart
| Sculpt
|title=Primal (attribute: Stamina)
| Wyrd
|rank1=Willow Whisper
|rank2=Eldritch Prime
|rank4=Heather Balm, Holly Strike
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Soothsay (attribute: Intelligence)
|rank2=Fair Is Foul and Foul Is Fair
|rank5=Fate Fire
|width="50%" valign="top"|
| {{Flexidot|5|0}}
{{ :Template:StatChart
| Stasis
|title=Sovereign (attribute: Charisma)
| Wyrd
|rank4=Weaver Ward
|rank5=Geas, Ban
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Wayfare (attribute: Wits)
|rank3=Portal Passage
|rank4=Wind Runner
|rank5=Flicker Flash
{{collapse bottom}}
[http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Art_(CTD) Less common Arts]
=Missing In Action=
Some arts that were in 2nd Edition did not make it in the same sort of form or name in C20.  Here is the list we have of those and recommendations for what to look for instead:
* Aphrodisia - Recommend taking Summer instead
* Dream-craft - Similar to Oneiromancy
* Kryos - Recommend taking Winter instead
The following Arts were not included in C20, and thus are no longer being offered:
* Contempt - For Shadow Court only
* Delusion - For Shadow Court only
* Discord - For Adhene only
==Not Allowed==
Even with the update to C20, the following arts are not allowed on City of Hope.
* Naming
=Inanimae Slivers=
* Limited to Inanimae. 
* Only possible to Unleash Slivers, no cantrips. 
* All characters begin with 4 dots that they can divide freely among the Slivers, plus 1 free dot in their Affinity Sliver. 
** Mannikins have no affinity, and do not get the bonus
* Rated 1 to 5.  New level indicates better control and less chaos
* In Autumn realm, effects are chimerical, and only count as Wyrd if the caster invokes the Wyrd
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 445''
* '''Short Desc''': Can control water, and both heal and cause wounds, as well as soothe emotions.
* '''Advantages''': Gain the ability to breathe underwater
* '''Opposed Sliver''': Pyros
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 445''
* '''Short Desc''': Sculpt rocks, transmute minerals (not into iron), enhance strength and increase health levels in combat.  Able to instill devotions in others, connects user ot ancient times to access long-lost lore and information.
* '''Advantages''': Climb any rocky surface with even the hint of a hand - or foothold.  Reduce the difficulty of climbing such surfaces by 4
* '''Opposed Sliver''': Stratus
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446''
* '''Short Desc''': Reveal lies, shining light on the shadows in life.  Creates fire and controls it, even within combat to inflict damage and increase it.  Can enhance emotions, such as hatred and love within a target, can instill paranoia or fear of rejection.  There are no emotional gray zones, and is always extreme.
* '''Advantages''': Create small campfires with the snap of fingers
* '''Opposed Sliver''': Aquis
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446''
* '''Short Desc''': Tranquil breezes or raging storms, dark clouds or clear skies, soft rain or thunderstorms.  Messages carried over the wind.  Temporary illusions, cozing shadow to cloak movement.  If things go wrong, Wild Portals may be created.  Can allow teleportation over brief distances.
* '''Advantages''': Gain the ability to predict weather with a roll of Perception + Kenning vs 5; Gain (-1) diff to all Athletics rolls
* '''Opposed Sliver''':  Petros
* '''Book reference''': ''WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446''
* '''Short Desc''': Control of the living nature, ranging from plants to animals, and even objects made out of matural materials (minus chemical treaments).  Can create and cure natural poisons, locate tracks of their target, clear overgrown terrain, and soothsay by looking at the treads of fate as the roots of life itself.  Can summon wildlife and chimera, create plants, make soil fertile or infertile, and create objects out of nature's resources and transmute organic substances from one to another.
* '''Advantages''': Gain the ability to identify any plant species and gain a little knowledge about the surrounding area by succeeding on a roll of Perception + Verdage vs 6
* '''Opposed Sliver''':  Stratus
= Hsien =
== Hsien game mechanics ==
Hsien: (Land of Eight Million Dreams pages 99, 105-110)
# Choose an art
# Choose whether the effect is Yin or Yang (page 97)
## Yin: Dark, passive, cold, moist, decaying, negative, defensive, material, female
## Yang: Light, active, hot, dry, growing, positive, offensive, male
# Determine successes needed
## Typically 1, sometimes 2*N to modify an attribute / ability / dice pool
## Modifiers = more successes needed (pages 106-107)
## Fortune = fewer successes needed (pages 108-110), minimum 1
## Rituals: see pages 111-112
# Spend Yugen (1 unless using a Cohort, pages 110-111)
# Roll art + relevant attribute (see below)
## Difficulty = 11 - (Yin or Yang, whichever is relevant) (page 97)
## Multiple hsien with the same art can use it together; dice pool includes all their art levels, but only the lead caster's attribute
## By default, the effect has a single target within about 10 yards and lasts for one turn
### Things that require more successes: more targets, conditional circumstances, longer duration, longer range, add damage (only to a level 4+ effect), greater magnitude of change and/or form
### Fortunes that each reduce required successes by 1 (to a minimum of 1): color, direction, Dzi Dzat (folded paper), festivals, kwannon-jin elemental affinity, Mu-jen (wooden men), poetry, season, sense, skills, Wani form
== Wu Tan (Hsien arts) ==
These arts are limited to Hsien.
{| class="wikitable"
! Element !! Yin !! Yang
| Wood || Appearance || Strength
| Metal || Perception || Dexterity
| Water || Stamina || Manipulation
|width="50%" valign="top"|
| Fire || Charisma || Wits
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Chronos (Sidhe) (attribute: Perception)
|rank2=Backward Glance
|rank3=Dream Time
|rank5=Reversal of Fortune
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Contempt (Shadow Court) (attribute: Wits)
|rank4=Devil's Advocate
|width="50%" valign="top"|
| Earth || Intelligence || Intelligence
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Delusion (Shadow Court) (attribute: Manipulation)
|rank3=The Mists of Memory
|rank4=The Depths of Will
|rank5=The Darkest Heart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Discord (Adhene) (attribute: Dexterity)
|rank1=House of Mirrors
|rank2=Hermes' Fleetness
|rank4=Whirling Dervish
|rank5=Life and Limb
|width="50%" valign="top"|
|width="50%" valign="top"|
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Dream-craft (Sidhe) (attribute: Wits)
|rank1=Find the Silver Path
|rank1=The Prodigal Tongue
|rank2=The Merry Dance
|rank2=Command Elemental Vassals
|rank3=Raiment of the Elements
|rank4=Awaken the Elements
|rank5=Dream Weaving
|rank5=Master the Elements; Throne of Jade
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Infusion (Nocker) (attribute: Intelligence)
|rank3=FUBAR Generation
Note: This is not an individual art, instead it's a general framework for using whatever specific arts you do have, in addition to things listed under individual arts.
|width="50%" valign="top"|
|width="50%" valign="top"|
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Kryos (Merfolk) (attribute: Strength)
|title=Di Tan (Earth Alchemy)
|rank1=Cold Shock
|rank1=Entreat the Yellow Mandarins (Commune)
|rank2=Gelid Rime
|rank2=Command the Vassals of Tu Ti
|rank3=Frost Facsimile
|rank4=Crystal Prison
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Metamorphosis (commoner) (attribute: Stamina)
|title=Hou Tan (Fire Alchemy)
|rank1=Hidden Form
|rank1=The Flame Bears Witness (Elemental Soul)
|rank3=Go Ask Alice
|rank3=The Fiery Claws of Ch'ih Ching-tsu (Elemental Fist)
|rank4=Merlin's Lessons
|rank5=Mythic Transformation
|width="50%" valign="top"|
|width="50%" valign="top"|
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Pyretics (various) (attribute: Dexterity)
|title=Tieh Tan (Metal Alchemy)
|rank2=Willow Light
|rank3=Prometheus' Fist
|rank3=Paths of Iron (Paths of the Elements)
|rank4=Burn and Boil
|rank4=The Chisel of P'an Ku (Awaken the Elements)
|rank5=Star Body
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Skycraft (various) (attribute: Stamina)
|title=Shui Tan (Water Alchemy)
|rank2=Compass Winds
|rank3=Dark Sky
|rank3=Entreat the Attendants of the Water Dragon (Nurture Elemental Soul)
|rank4=Awaken the Black Tortoise (Awaken Jade)
|rank5=Call Lightning
|width="50%" valign="top"|
|width="50%" valign="top"|
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Tale Craft (Eshu) (attribute: Charisma)
|title=Lin Tan (Wood Alchemy)
|rank1=Agemo's Blessing
|rank2=Flickering Firelight
|rank3=Murmur in the Crowd
|rank3=Wood Fist (Elemental Fist)
|rank4=Sticks and Stones
|rank4=Summon the Forest of Spears (Summon Element)
|rank5=Moment of Truth
{{ :Template:StatChart
{{ :Template:StatChart
|title=Aphrodisia (Merfolk and a few satyrs) (attribute: Charisma)
|title=Nei Tan (Internal Alchemy)
|rank1=T'ai Su: The Great Primordial
|rank2=T'ai I: The Great Change; Axis of Time; The Typhoon's Eye
|rank3=T'ai Chi: The Great Pole
|rank4=Hu T'un: Chaos
|rank5=Wu Chi: No Limit - The Jade Key
not included above:
Rare: Autumn Way, Spirit Link (Perception)
Kith: Naming (Intelligence)
Slivers: Aquis, Petros, Pyros, Stratus, Verdage
Forbidden: Burnout, Oneiromancy, Stultify, Webcraft

Latest revision as of 14:22, 23 September 2024

As we have converted to Changeling the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), not only have the Arts changed what some are named, or what they do, but how they are cast as well has been updated. Arts are no longer separated between Common and Less Common, there are no specific attributes to go along with them either. Please review the Game Mechanics section below, and then the specific Arts to see what has changed.

Inanimae no longer are required to use realms, and their Slivers are all Unleashed.

Hsien have not been updated yet, and are under review.

Game Mechanics

Scenario affecting difficulty Modifier
Target/location's Banality is above 7 +1
Using Scene realm +1
Using Time realm +1
Target has higher Title than you and doesn't consent +1
Voluntarily replace at least three dice with Nightmare Dice (C20 274-5) -1
In a freehold -1
Target is kinain or enchanted -1
Using bunk -1 to -5
Using your kith's affinity realm -1

Game mechanics for casting any cantrip (C20 196) - Hsien see separate section below

  1. Art: Decide specific dot rating of a particular Art to use
  2. Realms: Determine the necessary Realms needed for the desired use of the Art, including the modifier Realms.
  3. Spend Glamour: Spend 1 Glamour for any Wyrd cantrip, and add an additional Glamour if using more than one Realm or "cheats" a Realm. (Cheat=using a realm you do not have)
  4. Determine dice pool:
    • Art rating + rating of the lowest primary Realm used (Fae, Actor, Nature, Prop).
    • Scene and Time never influence the dice pool
    • Player replaces a # of dice in the pool equal to current Nightmare rating, not to exceed the dice pool.
  5. Bunks: Decide to use a bunk or not, and then either splits dice pool or delays the cantrip roll until after the actions necessary for the bunk resolve.
  6. Determine Difficulty: Base difficulty is 8. Apply relevant modifiers (C20 194, see table at right) to determine.
  7. Roll dice

Unleashing an Art (20th Anniversary edition, pages 196-197)

  • Spend 2 Glamour, gain a Nightmare Die, then roll Glamour + Nightmare Dice vs 7
Number of successes IC results of unleashing
  • Gain a Nightmare Die and suffer an immediate Nightmare (latter is house rule, replacing C20's Imbalance for simplicity)
  • Havoc occurs for a turn (details are ST discretion)
  • Next turn, suffer a Banality trigger (C20 269: roll Glamour vs 8, fail = +1 temp Banality, botch = +N temp Banality where N is the number of ones rolled)
  • Can't spend Glamour or use arts for rest of scene
Fail (but not botch)
  • Suffer a Banality trigger (see above)
  • Can't use that art for rest of scene
1 to art level
  • Automatically invoke the Wyrd for (Glamour) turns, or spend a Willpower to make it last for rest of scene
  • Fae mien becomes visible
  • PC narrates effect of that art
More than art level
  • PC's intent is fulfilled, but in a twisted or unintended way that adds complication or puts everyone nearby in danger
  • Gain a Nightmare Die
  • ST narrates effect of that art
  • Automatically invoke the Wyrd for rest of scene


Following is a list of Arts available, with notes to any restrictions on which Kiths can learn what Arts. If you think it makes sense for your PC, open a +request to speak to staff about it.


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 197
  • Bunks: Involve the trappings of fall, funerals, harvests, and Halloween.
  • Unleashing: Act of true desperation or wanton cruelty, causes the massive breakdown of systems or weakening enemies.
  • Common among: Sluagh (Seelie and Unseelie), Satyr Grumps, Unseelie Boggans
  • Staff discretion for all others
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Creeping Shadows Either, depending on use
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Autumn Eyes Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Poisoned Apple Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Withering Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Shivers Chimerical


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 200
  • Bunks: Involves caster's voice, disguises, and lies.
  • Unleashing: Bends perception, rewrites memory, makes fantasy and folly irrefutable.
  • Long considered only for commoners. Still carries a stigma in courts ruled by elder nobles. Most likely Sidhe will not know this.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Trick of the Light Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Veiled Eyes Either, based on target
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dream Logic Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Veiled Mind Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Lost in the Mists Either


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 201
  • Bunks: Most often depend on using a confluence or repetition, or timepieces/clocks, or objects that are either ancient or brand new.
  • Unleashing: Distorts time around caster, slows down foes, grants sight into the past or future, and confuses normal order of events.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Backward Glance Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Effect and Cause Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Deja Vu Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Veiled Mind Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Time Dilation Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 203
  • Bunks: Involve common binding rituals, displays of sincerity or vexation, and writing.
  • Unleashing: Use with caution. Allows the changeling to make demands of the Dreaming.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Done Deal Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Liar's Bell Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Castigate Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Casual Contract Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Sanctified Words Chimerical

Dragon's Ire

  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 205
  • Bunks: Incorporate violent action, daring and drama, noble gestures, and draconic imagery.
  • Unleashing: "Protect us" or "Destroy them", always expressed as a vibrant display.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Burning Thew Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Confounding Coils Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dragonscales Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Holly-strike Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Tripping the Ire Chimerical


  • Book reference: WW92047 Changeling: The Dreaming Player's Guide (20th Anniversary) 184
    • Bunks: The world's most perfect Rube Goldberg machine drafted on a cocktail napkin, using three blackboards to scrawl an equation for esoteric branches of mathematics practiced only by theoretical Dreaming physicists, screaming at your lab assistant to get you your galvanized induction samophlange - NO NOT THAT ONE, THE OTHER ONE!
    • Unleashing: Air becomes chraged, smelling of ozone and tasting of lightning, glamour arcs from surface to surface, hair-raisingly electric, chimera spring spontaneously to life, common household appliance gain occasionally high degrees of sentience, smart techonoly gets a personality of its own
  • Common among: Boggans, Nockers, House Dougal Autumn Sidhe. All others at Staff Discretion.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Harden Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Toughen Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Generate Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Animate Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png IT'S ALLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! Chimerical


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 207
  • Bunks: Involve performances, sleight of hand, stealing or replacing items, and repeated actions.
  • Unleashing: May result in caster's surroundings becoming a storm of items hurled by invisible hands, grand or terrifying scenes played out difficult to distinguish reality, or replicas of special objects suddenly appearing in everyone's pockets.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Ensnare Either, based on target
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Mooch Either, based on item
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Effigy Either, based on target
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Gimmix Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Smoke and Mirrors Either


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 209
  • Bunks: Incorporate animal symbolism, colors, transformations, alterations, and utterances
  • Unleashing: Fairly uncommonly used
  • Common among Sluagh, Clurichaun, and Boggans.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Sparrows and Nightingales Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Worms and Giants Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Thousandskins Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Beastskin Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Chimeric Exultation Wyrd

Oneiromancy (art)

  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 213
  • Bunks: Involve nonsequiturs, trappings of sleep, and anything which represents the absurd and metaphorical nature of dream logic
  • Unleashing: Can reveal hopes or nightmares, send a motley into the dreams of a slumbering giant, or manifest her enemy's worst nightmare into the world
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Dream Walk Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dream Craft Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dream Portal Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Manifest Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dream Puppet Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 215
  • Bunks: Incorporate props from nature or primal elemental forces.
  • Unleashing: Places the power of the elemental Arts into the hands of the caster for a moment - earthquakes, firestorms, trees growing through pavement in moments
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Willow Whisper Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Eldritch Prime Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Oakenshield Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Elder-Form Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dance of the Five Kinds Wyrd


  • Book reference: (pg.#217)
  • Bunks: Involve fire and destruction, but also includes removing impurities, cooking, and new life.
  • Unleashing: Can burn away impurity or illusions, cause terrible destruction, or make something new again.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Kindle Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Illuminate Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Purify Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Engulf Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Phoenix Song Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 219
  • Bunks: Focus on sound, electricity, open air, and the old ways.
  • Unleashing: Sudden storms, gale-force winds, booming thunder, dancing lightning, and ravaged electronics
  • Common among: Eshu, Merfolk, Selkies, Trolls
  • Staff discretion for all others
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Howling Gale Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Electric Gremlins Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hurricane Speed Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Storm Shroud Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Lord of Levin Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 221
  • Bunks: Involve traditional and nontraditional acts of divination
  • Unleashing: Among most dangerous. Reveals the future, more than the seer hoped to learn
  • Common among: Eshu seers, Satyr Grumps, Sidhe sorcerers
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Omen Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Seer's Wisp Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Tattletale Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Augury Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Fate Fire Chimerical


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 223
  • Bunks: Grand displays, becoming the center of attention, adornments and ceremonical trappings, and exerting authority
  • Unleashing: Become an unquestionable leader, force someone to act on their behalf, or even compel anyone nearby to undertake a quest
  • Attempts to use Sovereign on anyone of higher status adds +1 to cantrip's difficulty, and could result in ICC up to and including loss of title, imprisonment, or exile.
    • If target is of equal or greater Title, they may resist the effects for the duration of the cantrip by spending 1 WP.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Protocol Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Grandeur Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Guest List Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Dictum Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Geas Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 225
    • Bunks: Involve nature, animals, circles, and sexuality
    • Unleashing: Creates overwhelming foliage, cleanses curses and dark magics, and restores what is broken
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Awaken Either, based on target
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Verdant Reclamation Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Well of Life Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Faerie Ring Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Renewal Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 227
    • Bunks: Involve the trappings of summer, of daytime and heat, of passion, freedom, and joy.
    • Unleashing: Creating storms of heat or sweeping entire communities up in paroxysms of wild passion
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Flicker-Flies Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Enkindle Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Aphrodisia Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Vesta's Blessing Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Beltane Blade Wyrd

Tale Craft

  • Book reference: WW92047 Changeling: The Dreaming Player's Guide (20th Anniversary) 186
  • Bunks: Involves displays of talent and wordplay, wheth thought telling stories, singing songs, reading poetry, writing tales, or other narrative expressions.
  • Unleashing: Makes the character the center of attention, causes others to get lost in fantasy, compels others to share stories and gossip, or even inspire those nerby to get caught up in acting out roles from a tale being told.
  • Common among: Clurichauns, Eshu, Piskies, Pooka, Satyrs, House Fiona & Leanhaun Sidhe
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Twice-Told Tales Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Work the Room Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Bated Breath Either
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Legend Tripping Either. Costs 1 Glamour and 1 Willpower in addition to any other costs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Stranger Than Fiction Either


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 228
  • Bunks: Involve the concept of motion, travel, flashy action, or ostentatious display
  • Unleashing: Desperate act of those who have utterly lost their way or who face imminent doom
  • Common among: Clurichaun, Eshu, Pooka.
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Hopscotch Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Quicksilver Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Portal Passage Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Wind Runner Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Flicker Flash Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 230
    • Bunks: Involve discarding possessions, casting during moon phases or tides, and unflinchingly facing danger
    • Unleashing: Manifests deep, instinctual fear, mastery over ice or cold, or numbed hearts
# of Dots Cantrip Name Type
Dot-filled.png Chill Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hardened Heart Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Terror of the Long Night Chimerical
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Sculpt Wyrd
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Stasis Wyrd

Missing In Action

Some arts that were in 2nd Edition did not make it in the same sort of form or name in C20. Here is the list we have of those and recommendations for what to look for instead:

  • Aphrodisia - Recommend taking Summer instead
  • Dream-craft - Similar to Oneiromancy
  • Kryos - Recommend taking Winter instead

The following Arts were not included in C20, and thus are no longer being offered:

  • Contempt - For Shadow Court only
  • Delusion - For Shadow Court only
  • Discord - For Adhene only

Not Allowed

Even with the update to C20, the following arts are not allowed on City of Hope.

  • Naming

Inanimae Slivers

  • Limited to Inanimae.
  • Only possible to Unleash Slivers, no cantrips.
  • All characters begin with 4 dots that they can divide freely among the Slivers, plus 1 free dot in their Affinity Sliver.
    • Mannikins have no affinity, and do not get the bonus
  • Rated 1 to 5. New level indicates better control and less chaos
  • In Autumn realm, effects are chimerical, and only count as Wyrd if the caster invokes the Wyrd


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 445
  • Short Desc: Can control water, and both heal and cause wounds, as well as soothe emotions.
  • Advantages: Gain the ability to breathe underwater
  • Opposed Sliver: Pyros


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 445
  • Short Desc: Sculpt rocks, transmute minerals (not into iron), enhance strength and increase health levels in combat. Able to instill devotions in others, connects user ot ancient times to access long-lost lore and information.
  • Advantages: Climb any rocky surface with even the hint of a hand - or foothold. Reduce the difficulty of climbing such surfaces by 4
  • Opposed Sliver: Stratus


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446
  • Short Desc: Reveal lies, shining light on the shadows in life. Creates fire and controls it, even within combat to inflict damage and increase it. Can enhance emotions, such as hatred and love within a target, can instill paranoia or fear of rejection. There are no emotional gray zones, and is always extreme.
  • Advantages: Create small campfires with the snap of fingers
  • Opposed Sliver: Aquis


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446
  • Short Desc: Tranquil breezes or raging storms, dark clouds or clear skies, soft rain or thunderstorms. Messages carried over the wind. Temporary illusions, cozing shadow to cloak movement. If things go wrong, Wild Portals may be created. Can allow teleportation over brief distances.
  • Advantages: Gain the ability to predict weather with a roll of Perception + Kenning vs 5; Gain (-1) diff to all Athletics rolls
  • Opposed Sliver: Petros


  • Book reference: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 446
  • Short Desc: Control of the living nature, ranging from plants to animals, and even objects made out of matural materials (minus chemical treaments). Can create and cure natural poisons, locate tracks of their target, clear overgrown terrain, and soothsay by looking at the treads of fate as the roots of life itself. Can summon wildlife and chimera, create plants, make soil fertile or infertile, and create objects out of nature's resources and transmute organic substances from one to another.
  • Advantages: Gain the ability to identify any plant species and gain a little knowledge about the surrounding area by succeeding on a roll of Perception + Verdage vs 6
  • Opposed Sliver: Stratus


Hsien game mechanics

Hsien: (Land of Eight Million Dreams pages 99, 105-110)

  1. Choose an art
  2. Choose whether the effect is Yin or Yang (page 97)
    1. Yin: Dark, passive, cold, moist, decaying, negative, defensive, material, female
    2. Yang: Light, active, hot, dry, growing, positive, offensive, male
  3. Determine successes needed
    1. Typically 1, sometimes 2*N to modify an attribute / ability / dice pool
    2. Modifiers = more successes needed (pages 106-107)
    3. Fortune = fewer successes needed (pages 108-110), minimum 1
    4. Rituals: see pages 111-112
  4. Spend Yugen (1 unless using a Cohort, pages 110-111)
  5. Roll art + relevant attribute (see below)
    1. Difficulty = 11 - (Yin or Yang, whichever is relevant) (page 97)
    2. Multiple hsien with the same art can use it together; dice pool includes all their art levels, but only the lead caster's attribute
    3. By default, the effect has a single target within about 10 yards and lasts for one turn
      1. Things that require more successes: more targets, conditional circumstances, longer duration, longer range, add damage (only to a level 4+ effect), greater magnitude of change and/or form
      2. Fortunes that each reduce required successes by 1 (to a minimum of 1): color, direction, Dzi Dzat (folded paper), festivals, kwannon-jin elemental affinity, Mu-jen (wooden men), poetry, season, sense, skills, Wani form

Wu Tan (Hsien arts)

These arts are limited to Hsien.

Element Yin Yang
Wood Appearance Strength
Metal Perception Dexterity
Water Stamina Manipulation
Fire Charisma Wits
Earth Intelligence Intelligence
Dot-filled.png The Prodigal Tongue
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Command Elemental Vassals
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Raiment of the Elements
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Awaken the Elements
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master the Elements; Throne of Jade

Note: This is not an individual art, instead it's a general framework for using whatever specific arts you do have, in addition to things listed under individual arts.

Di Tan (Earth Alchemy)
Dot-filled.png Entreat the Yellow Mandarins (Commune)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Command the Vassals of Tu Ti
Hou Tan (Fire Alchemy)
Dot-filled.png The Flame Bears Witness (Elemental Soul)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Fiery Claws of Ch'ih Ching-tsu (Elemental Fist)
Tieh Tan (Metal Alchemy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Paths of Iron (Paths of the Elements)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Chisel of P'an Ku (Awaken the Elements)
Shui Tan (Water Alchemy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Entreat the Attendants of the Water Dragon (Nurture Elemental Soul)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Awaken the Black Tortoise (Awaken Jade)
Lin Tan (Wood Alchemy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Wood Fist (Elemental Fist)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Summon the Forest of Spears (Summon Element)
Nei Tan (Internal Alchemy)
Dot-filled.png T'ai Su: The Great Primordial
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png T'ai I: The Great Change; Axis of Time; The Typhoon's Eye
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png T'ai Chi: The Great Pole
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hu T'un: Chaos
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Wu Chi: No Limit - The Jade Key