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[[Category:PCs]] [[Category: Dead PCs]] [[Category:Mortal+]] [[Category:Kinfolk]] [[Category:Shadow Lords]] [[Category:Gaian]] [[Category:Law]] [[Category:Garou]]
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Latest revision as of 10:39, 1 January 2019


Sander's work in the Criminal Investigations unit, plus whatever other duty the department asks him to pick up, plus his innate curiosity, leads him to many unexpected places.


Between natural talent and the demands of the job, he often notices details that most people – or at least most mortals – would miss.


He's not exactly a gun nut, but he is highly trained in the art and science of the boomstick. While not fully qualified for SWAT, he's performed well in sniper training courses. Every so often he can be found at the range, keeping his skills up.


His specialty isn't in the lab, but he makes sure he has enough scientific and medical knowledge that his eyes don't glaze over reading reports with a lot of jargon, and he can call out anything that got overlooked (accidentally or otherwise).

"Weird Shit" Desk

He tries to pick up cases that smell like something more than mundane, before someone less clued-in stumbles unprepared across something they shouldn't. He also has a knack for clearing them with plausible explanations. It's starting to attract notice — more and more, Prospect's finest will take one look at a case and drop it on his desk (just the way he wants it). Hopefully it doesn't draw the wrong kind of attention.


Sander is kin to the Garou. He's met a lot of the big names in Prospect by now. Not always on the best of terms...


... in part because he can't stand dealing with most Garou. Their Rage, their traditions, and their attitude of superiority are enough to make him feel almost like he could pop claws. But he can't, so next best option: only talk to them when absolutely necessary, and stick to the ones who can keep a cool head.


Just because he has problems with Garou doesn't mean he turns his back on their world. In fact, he takes it very seriously. Threats to the Veil or signs of Wyrm involvement are more important than his personal comfort – though when he can, he'd rather deal with it himself.

Pure Breed

If you are Garou, and have been around long enough to be familiar with the tribes, Sander's Shadow Lord heritage is obvious. Depending on your perspective, maybe it's disappointing that he doesn't live up to it, or maybe it's refreshing to see that he doesn't toe the party line.


Sander is much closer to the spirit world than he usually lets on. He tries not to let it affect his life (a losing battle). Unfortunately, since he avoids just about anyone who might mentor him, he's bound to get into trouble eventually.


Things have been rocky, but I think we each know where the other stands now. If we're careful, we can even stay friends.

Knew there was something going on with you, though I never would have guessed that. File under the good guys for now.

A better person than just about anyone who started out on two legs. Figures. I hope you can set an example for others.

Sander PB.jpg
Just The Facts
Full Name: Sander Tenenbrau
Occupation: Detective, PPD
Apparent Age: Mid-20s

The Mundane...
Perception: Fbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.png
Alertness: Fbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngEbludot.png
Firearms: Fbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngEbludot.png
... and the Occult
Awareness: Fbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngEbludot.png
Occult: Fbludot.pngFbludot.pngFbludot.pngEbludot.pngEbludot.png
... ?