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        It's not a super long trip to Sea World, given that it's in San Diego. The trip to Disneyland was way, way worse. Velok is fairly quiet after she kicks off her flipflops, paying close attention to the traffic. He spent a lot of money today, would hate to waste it on a car accident. "Like a really loose Vagina too. Like just gave birth to quadruplets loose if I'm gonna be fitting a coke can." Velok puffs out his lip and looks over to her, smirking some and then travelling the rest of the way to the large parking lot. "We are here. Now, Sea World is huge, there's like, rides and stuff, but we'll get to do that afterwards. I have a whole day planned." He does, he totally does. He even researched everything just for this special day. The sun is shining now, enough that Velok reaches into the bag and hands her some of the sun tan lotion. "Now, not to spoil anything, but give me your general feeling about Dolphins and Whales." Hopefully she's not Japanese and isn't about to be like Fuck yooooou Dolphin!
November nods to Velok and adds that to the commentary. "Droopy pussy. Like.. massive Octomom pussy. Gotta keep my baby happy." She giggles and puts the phone down in her lap. On the way, there is a little bit of game playing, a little seat dancing to various music stations - she likes music but more as a distraction than any REAL love for it. "I'm ready and waiting for you to lead me, my love." She takes some of the lotion and smears it all over her. She doesn't really burn that easily with that dusky skin of hers. She peers at him when he mentions dolphins. "They are... good on crackers?" Apparently, that's her way of saying she doesn't have a HUGE opinion either way. "But..well.. in what capacity?"
{{Infobox Log
|name      = Queen Tursiop
|summary  = Fish Lady meets the Queen
|icdate    = Wednesday
|ictime    = 12:00 PM
|players  = [[Velok]] (Storyteller) and [[November]]
|location  = Sea World
|prptp    = Sea World
|spheres  = [[Demon]] and [[Mage]]
        Velok bounces along with her to the music, but he absolutely doesn't sing along. Nope. Absolutely doesn't. That would be awful. "Then lead I shall, my star of stars. I shall take you on a grand adventure that I have no doubt you haven't seen before."
== Log ==
(Enter November and Velok in the apartment preparing for their trip to Sea World. And Um. Having a conversation.)
{{tab}}November giggles, leaning over to smooch his head when he gets that confused look. She loves that look, especially when she's the one that causes it. She steps back to give him room to stand and she nods, sighing with overexaggerated drama. "

Latest revision as of 12:23, 13 April 2019

Queen Tursiop
Fish Lady meets the Queen
IC Date Wednesday
IC Time 12:00 PM
Players Velok (Storyteller) and November
Location Sea World
Prp/Tp Sea World
Spheres Demon and Mage


(Enter November and Velok in the apartment preparing for their trip to Sea World. And Um. Having a conversation.)

xxxxxNovember giggles, leaning over to smooch his head when he gets that confused look. She loves that look, especially when she's the one that causes it. She steps back to give him room to stand and she nods, sighing with overexaggerated drama. "FIIIIIIIINE. We'll go to Sea World." She grins and moves into his arms, looking WAY up at him with a grin. "But if I end up having to rehost because of your antics, I'm going to be REALLY pissed."

xxxxxShe causes it a LOT, so it's something she better love. He does wrap his arms around her for a ncie and close hug, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. "Rehost.." Slowly he drops his arms away, turning and carefully moving away from her towards the bedroom exit before he talks. "Okay, but if you do have to rehost, you should get someone with just like...an outrageous pair of tits." With that Velok ZOOMS out of the bedroom, practically running towards the exit to the apartment. There's already a bag of things they might need next to the door, Velok grabbing it and trying to open the door faster than her potentially trying to hit him.

xxxxxYeah, he better run. Cause she still had a little grip on his shirt when he leaves her, but he does it so quickly that she doesn't have time to cling and drag and cut off his penis. As it is, though, he escapes and she moves on after him. "Oh no. I am totally rehosting in a dude. A big black dude with a GIGANTIC penis." Yes, she's yelling this as she chases him down the hallway, her shoes flipping and flopping along with every step.

xxxxxGood thing he's all fast and stuff, even though he's carrying that bag of stuff, including suntan lotion. No doubt he has his swim trunks underneath his shorts as well, but at least he holds the elevator for her. "Big black dude with a gigantic penis, huh?" He calls back, leaning against the elevator wall. "I must say, that's a fairly unique way of asking your significant other how much they love you. That's like a modern day version of the If I lose my legs, will you still love me question..." The door opens and he reaches over, pinching her butt and running out towards the car.

xxxxxNovember steps into the elevator, poking him in the belly. "Would you still love me if I was a seven foot tall black guy with a fourteen inch schlong?" She blinks sweetly up at him, batting those eyelashes, managing to make herself flush just the teeniest bit. D'aaw. Ain't she cute.

xxxxxVelok doesn't actually know how to respond as November asks him flatout. He just stops, turns, and stares at the small woman. A smile spreads onto his face as he starts to laugh. He actally has to lean against a wall as his eyes flutter closed and he breaks down. When he's able to compose himself, he just starts shaking his head. "Sweetie..." He says, snickering a couple more times and opening his eyes. "If you came back as a seven foot tall black man with a penis bigger than my forearm, I would probably murder you and make you start over." Now it's his turn to smile and blink and get those cute innocent dimples before they continue on to the car.

xxxxxNovember pouts up at him and SMACKS him on the ass when he turns away from him. "So your love for me is conditional. I SEE how it is. NO no nono!!" SHe holds up a hand as they move along. "I see. I UNDERSTAND that you can only love me if I'm some large-breasted amazon woman. You tolerate this form because I at least have a vagina. That's fine. That's wonderful. Maybe we need to talk to Hashim a little more about YOU, hmm? What if I decide that I am TOTALLY into chicks, huh? What then? Maybe YOU need a vagina and then when I die and come back with that 8 foot tall black man with a baseball bat penis and balls the size of your asscheek, you'll be better suited."

xxxxxVelok gets to the car and unlocks it, turning to lean against the door and stare at her. He's still smiling, though he's trying hard not to keep laughing. "I'd like to point out that I've loved you for longer than you've loved you, November." Velok says, eyebrows raising. "But yes, my love for you is conditional, and I don't think that's a bad thing. In the event that you die and come back as a now 8 foot tall black man with a penis that will quite possibly split me in half, I may have some concerns." He opens the door for her, nodding. "Furthermore, if you decide that you are totally into chicks, I will be calling you on it and putting that to the test. Besides, in the event that you suddenly liked that, I would totally become a chick. I'd have blonde hair and long legs and a huge ass and huge tits and I'd wear lingerie, but like, I love my face so I'd probably keep that and the smile and everything. Then we'll really see if your 8 foot tall black body can keep up with my four foot tall tiny blonde booty."

xxxxxNovember PEERS up at him. "Well, but I don't share. So if it turns out that I AM into chicks, you're just shit out of luck, mister." She pokes him in the belly and grins. "And as someone who isn't MUCH bigger than 4 foot tall, let me tell you, you do NOT want anyone with a coke can for a penis. Teeny body, TEEEEEEEEENY vagina. See the correlation?" She shakes her head vehemently. "But I guess that it's a moot point anyway, because I would never hurt you like that." She nods. Just once.

xxxxxVelok opens her door for her and then immediately moves off towards the driver side part of the car. "If it turns out that you're into chicks, I'm cool with watching. That works. I'll just masturbate in the corner or something. Or film it." Velok scoots into his seat, smiling over towards November as he waits to take off. "I would certainly think a coke can for a penis would hurt, though if you were shaping my body, I'd assume I just had a ridiculously abnormal vagina. Which works, I guess. Kinda." Velok does shudder at the idea, leaning in to give November a kiss when she's finally situated. "I would love you no matter what new form you took, regardless of boob or penis size."

xxxxxNovember grins as she slides into the seat, kicking off her flipflops and tucking her knees up against her chest once the seatbelt is on. "I'll have to remember that." She pulls out her cellphone. "Body sculpt a DEEP vagina for Velocia."

xxxxxIt's not a super long trip to Sea World, given that it's in Prospect. The trip to Disneyland was way, way worse. Velok is fairly quiet after she kicks off her flipflops, paying close attention to the traffic. He spent a lot of money today, would hate to waste it on a car accident. "Like a really loose Vagina too. Like just gave birth to quadruplets loose if I'm gonna be fitting a coke can." Velok puffs out his lip and looks over to her, smirking some and then travelling the rest of the way to the large parking lot. "We are here. Now, Sea World is huge, there's like, rides and stuff, but we'll get to do that afterwards. I have a whole day planned." He does, he totally does. He even researched everything just for this special day. The sun is shining now, enough that Velok reaches into the bag and hands her some of the sun tan lotion. "Now, not to spoil anything, but give me your general feeling about Dolphins and Whales." Hopefully she's not Japanese and isn't about to be like Fuck yooooou Dolphin!

xxxxxNovember nods to Velok and adds that to the commentary. "Droopy pussy. Like.. massive Octomom pussy. Gotta keep my baby happy." She giggles and puts the phone down in her lap. On the way, there is a little bit of game playing, a little seat dancing to various music stations - she likes music but more as a distraction than any REAL love for it. "I'm ready and waiting for you to lead me, my love." She takes some of the lotion and smears it all over her. She doesn't really burn that easily with that dusky skin of hers. She peers at him when he mentions dolphins. "They are... good on crackers?" Apparently, that's her way of saying she doesn't have a HUGE opinion either way. "But..well.. in what capacity?"

xxxxxVelok bounces along with her to the music, but he absolutely doesn't sing along. Nope. Absolutely doesn't. That would be awful. "Then lead I shall, my star of stars. I shall take you on a grand adventure that I have no doubt you haven't seen before." He helps her rub the rest of the lotion on, running his fingers through hers as he does it. "That's tuna you're thinking of sweetie. They don't serve dolphins as food. Not in America, at least. You'll see what capacity I mean." Elsewhere? Fuck yea, delicacy. Velok scoots out of the car and practically lifts the small dusky skinned non-black non-giantpenisy woman out of the car, walking towards the entrance. The tickets are delivered, and they're allowed to enter the park.
xxxxxThe first thing that comes to mind when they get to the main entrance is Disneyland + Water. Sea World is huge, and there's different aquatic life all over. The trash cans are fish with their tails sticking up, there's pictures of Whales and Penguins and Dolphins everywhere. No sharks though, phew. They're given a map and a schedule, a piece of paper that Velok folds up and sticks in his back pocket. There's palpable taste in the air accompanying the smell of sea water, the ambiance of chatter amongst the crowd and screams off in the distance as rides drop people from really high up. Their destination is somewhere special, first, and Velok checks his watch. "We got here just in time." He whispers, taking November and guiding her in a specific direction of the park. The signs along the way seem to betray exactly where they're going first. Dolphin Stadium.

xxxxxNovember follows along quite eagerly. It seems that her undeniable hatred of sharks does not extend to other forms of aquatic semi-wild life. She moves along, grinning at the trashcans, shaking her head. "I've never been here. This is really cool." When he checks the time, she peers up at him and then follows along with him, perhaps a little more hesitantly. "It isn't gonna like.. stick my head in its mouth to prove how tame it is or anything, is it? Cause... ya know.. gigantobro...

xxxxxVelok has never actually been here either, and while he is trying to guide November somewhere, he's still looking through all the sights. It's a pretty impressive place with pretty impressive displays. They walk past a penguin tank that they simply must stop at for a couple minutes to watch the little penguins doing what looks like a little penguin war. They're all hobbling up towards the top of a water slide and waiting while they all jump down onto their bellies and zoom into the water, but sometimes some penguins push other penguins and it's pretty adorable, but then Velok is tugging on her again. They pass several kids with Ice cream and one with a snickerdoodle. "They said we shouldn't eat right before, so we'll get one after." Velok says with a smile, and then they're finally there.
xxxxxOh whoops, did I say Dolphin Stadium? I meant Dolphin Point. Excuuuse me. Velok smiles and shows his tickets to the woman standing by one of the doors that is clearly marked 'Special Entrance.' "Wonderful! You're right on time, let's get you in!" She opens the door, Velok looking down to November and leaning in to give her a kiss. "No sticking your head in its mouth, but you get to swim with the Dolphins for a little while, and feed them, and talk to them." The last part is said quieter, Velok smiling.

xxxxxNovember follows along, a little spring to her step. While she hasn't actually admitted it, she really seems to be enjoying herself. She giggles at the penguins, happy to stand there for a while, but then she's tugged along. She looks back mournfully at the passed up icecream and slows down just a little bit, but then she's tugged onward, looking back over her shoulder. "But...." But then they're moving on. When he tells her what's up, she GRINS. "Seriously? Swim with them? Talk to them?" Oh BOY! Like Laura Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie when Pa got her that peppermint stick, her eyes light up and she squiggles just a little bit.

xxxxxVelok lives for those adorably large grins, and he leans over and kisses the top of her head. "Yep." The secret is out as they're taken into the back. It's obvious they're walking through the trainer sections as they come to a large room marked 'Changing Room'. "As Sea World Policy.." The lady begins, speaking a speech she has no doubt said hundreds of times. "You must wear our wetsuits, so we'll bring one out that's your size. You're not going to actually have to swim, but you will be standing in water that's probably going to come up to your chest. There we'll give you some fish, we'll teach you some of the signals we use to converse with the Dolphins and have them do what we want..." Velok takes November and sits her down on a bench with him, snuggling up next to her, though he shifts a little uncomfortably at the last part, like he still has a secret. "...and then we'll let you give them some signals to do some tricks. Now Dolphins are very friendly, so if you're scared, just let a trainer know and they'll help you." The girl ends up bringing in a wet suit that is totally November's size. "We'll let you get dressed and take you out there." She says and then leaves the room.
xxxxxVelok starts to smile a bit, standing up from the suit. "You'll want to be in your swim wear while you put on the wet suit. Hand signals are adorable.." Velok does keep his voice down, going to stand by the door and watch her. "I don't need hand signals. I just hope they're not little bastards and are willing to talk with me."

xxxxxNovember listens carefully to every word, sitting right on the edge of her seat. What girl WOULDN'T like to do this? Only a very VERY boring or cold-hearted one, to be sure. So she listens. And she isn't scared of the idea, either. When the wet-suit comes, she's the first one up, snatching it up and moving wherever she needs to go to change. She grins up at him and nods. She walks away, then doubles back and wraps her arms around his middle, giving him a nice, long, tight hug and a smooch to the shoulder. "I love you. And thank you." She hustles back to the back and comes back out, all ready and waiting for her dolphin lesson.

xxxxxVelok smiles and wraps his arms around her back. "I love you too, and you're absolutely welcome." Velok keeps standing by the door the entire time. When she comes out in that adorable Sea World wetsuit he grins even wider. "You are super adorable. I'm glad it fits, I'm sure they wouldn't really have appropriate wetsuits for eight foot tall guys with additional forearms." Velok takes her by the hand and opens the door, walking down the hallway. The hallway turns into a tunnel which opens out into a walkway with a very large tank of water. While the hustle and bustle of the park can be heard in the distance still, it's a lot quieter here than one might expect.
xxxxxNovember gets her first peek at the tank, where three dolphins are zooming around. They're apparently racing around the edges of the tank, but it's instantly obvious that one of them is the leader as he's out in front. The blonde woman that was giving them instructions is there, already standing in the tank. The tank has a platform within it for the people to stand on, and then a more expanded deeper section where the Dolphins spend most of their time. Velok walks towards the set of stairs and then steps back so that November can walk the rest of the way and slip down into the tank with the blonde woman, who introduces herself as Mary. "Easy now, watch your step." She coo's, as Velok gives a big smile and pulls you, Yup. A camera. November feels a tweak in the air as if something magical has just happened, and if she looks back to Velok, she can see him staring at the dolphins. The water is around 50 degrees when November gets in, and has to pass three buckets of fish. Mary holds out her hand to help guide November into the water. "Have you ever done this before?"

xxxxxNovember scampers along happily. She WANTS to just jump in, but she doesn't. She waits for instruction, sliding in carefully, watching her step. She grins over at Velok as she goes in and shakes her head at the woman. "No. I don't think I ever even had a goldfish." She chuckles shivers at the coolness of the water, but seems to be dealing with it just fine

xxxxxIt seems to be a fairly normal day for Mary as she brings November into the water, but it certainly won't be a normal day for November. The swishing of the water as the Dolphin fins break the surface, still travelling in circles around the tank. Mary is saying something, something about safety and if she gets scared or something and one or two hand signals, but November's mind is suddenly filled with something entirely different. "YOU'RE IT!" comes a very distinct high pitched female voice. November might be confused as to where it comes from, but a single glance at Velok will show him smiling. "Haha I tagged you" "No you didn't no you didn't" "Yes I did!" One voice is female, the other voice is a young male. Velok beckons his head over to the water so November can see one Dolphin clearly zooming away from the group, being chased by another dolphin. "Alright, let's have you take some of the fish, and that will call them over." Mary says, wading to the platform and taking one of the buckets, bringing it back to November and offering her a fish.

xxxxxNovember actually looks around a little bit as she hears it, frowning just a touch. She nods at the woman, but she's half distracted and her eyes search for Velok. She finds him and looks out over the water, a little smile edging across her features. Holy fuck, she thinks to herself, taking the fish. That's a heavy fish. God I'm so weak. It isn't that heavy. She just waits, lifting the fish up just a little bit, that grin growing wider

xxxxx"LADY HAS FISH! FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH" It's like the most adorable little kid ever, which is apparently the mentality of dolphins. They say Dolphins are smart, and they totally are, but turns out they're all just kids. "WEEEEEEEE FISH" The female dolphin is the only voice November hears now as it is apparently the only one that immediately turns and beelines towards the small brown haired notblack woman. "Nice lady. Fish lady. Fish for Tursiop? Tursiop good. Tursiop hungry. Yes yes yes yes yes." The dolphin comes up slowly, poking it's head and large elongated mouth out of the water. Slowly she nudges November, bumping the tip of her head lightly against the small woman's frame. That beak opens up and slowly snatches the fish out of November's hand. "TURSIOP HAS FISH. TURSIOP IS QUEEN OF THE DOLPHINS!" The fish is quickly devoured, and November gets nudged again. In the corner of November's mind, she hears the quietest of whisper from what sounds like Velok's voice. "Talk to them, think something. If you're nice enough, they might let you ride them..." Mary is talking about some sort of training thing, or the history of the dolphins, who the fuck cares. Fuck Mary. It's clear that this is Velok's real gift. Feeding the dolphins, and talking to them, and potentially more.

xxxxxNovember is a little awestruck at the voices. "Holy shit," she mumbles quietly, but then when the dolphin starts getting all excited, she laughs. "Okay.. okay... here's one.... and another...don't push, now.." Her tone is happy, easygoing. "Such a pretty little queen of the dolphins," she croons, both aloud and in her head. "God this is fun. This is so much fun!" She goes through and works a couple of hand signals, but requests it aloud, too, and in her mind. Just playing around, not really making Tursiop work TOO hard for the fish, but playing around with her a little bit.

xxxxxMary just has on that slightly creepy everpresent smile as she feeds November fish to feed the Dolphins. Something strange does happen though, because as November is feeding and then talks, the dolphin clearly understands. "Fish lady can talk! Fish lady speaks Dolphin!" While November is somewhat aware that the dolphin is just making screeching noises, she's also aware that the dolphins are talking with it. One of November's hand signals has Tursiop drop back into the main tank and start zooming around in circles. Suddenly the dolphin lunges up into the air, curling into a little circle and doing a flip, then landing back into the tank and coming back to November for fish. The other two dolphins show up and get some fish, screeching as well, but their conversation is just screeches. "Hi Fish Lady. I am Tursiop" As if November couldn't deduce that. "I am the queen of the dolphins and the ruler of the seven tanks of Seeeeeee place." Tursiop is nudging back against November very lightly, nice feelings of endearment. "Has Fish lady come to rescue us from the mean one? Mean one hurts us. Does Fish lady want to ride? Does Fish lady swim?" Most of the hand instructions that Mary is giving November have nothing to do with actually riding the dolphin, just on getting the dolphins to do different tricks.

xxxxxNovember almost misses it. ALMOST. "Wait...w hat?" She doesn't say this outloud. Or at least not much more than a whisper. "What lady? Miss Smiley Face?" She glances over at Mary and gives her a bright smile, then gasps as Tursiop nudges her and she 'accidentally' falls into the water. "I'd love a ride," she says. "Take me around a few times and tell me about the mean lady."

xxxxx"YAAAAAAY FISH LADY" It would be difficult to imagine a time when Tursiop WASN'T incredibly overexcited. November speaking in her mind and speaking out loud seems to have no actual difference, as Tursiop responds just as easily. "Miss Smiley face NO" Tursiop responds, nudging November again and totally accidentally knocking her over. The dolphin turns, nudging up to the side of November and squiggling. "Grab Tursiop pointyhappyflipper" Her fin. She clearly means her fin. If November does, Tursiop starts to zoom. November isn't dragged under water or anything, as Tursiop stays close to the surface. November does get fairly wet now though, and she can easily tell that the water is salt water. The feeling is unique.
xxxxxIt's like trying to hold onto a slippery hand. November has a strong grip, so she doesn't slide off, and Tursiop takes her around the tank. The swaying of the dolphin tail creates a swaying motion for November's whole body, dragging her along. The dolphin is incredibly sleek, and if November reaches out to touch the dolphin, she'd find a very slippery body with mostly smooth and occasionally rough spotches. "Mean lady MEAN. Every night she hurts. Every night tortures, scares. Never eats but threatens, terrifying. Mean lady serves QYRL!" The mention of the name causes the other dolphins to start squeaking several times. "We serve Kun! Kun wonderful. Kun give us strength to survive mean lady. Mean lady stays on Unsea, MEAN."
xxxxxMary, through all of this, looks confused. "They've never done that.." She repeats. A careful observation when the dolphin takes November around to the point where she can see her, Mary is fidgeting back and forth nervously.

xxxxxWell, as much as November is enjoying this, there are other things at hand. {Velok.... can you hear them? What is Qyrl? What is Kun?} She holds on for dear life, sort of wrapping herself about, like she's trying to ride the world's slipperiest horse. {What does she do? I'll help you if I can. But you have to tell me. Don't take me back over there, no matter what she says, okay? I will protect you. I can do that.} Holy fucking shit. Her eyes slip up to Mary and she studies her when the position is right and she tosses back her head with laughter. "WHeeeeeeeee! This is AMAZING! BABY! This is the best present EVER!" As if it was all planned this way

xxxxxIt's a shame, really. Good thing Velok has just so many other things planned. {I can..yes.} Velok's voice pops in. When she spots the man he's leaning against the side of the tank, staring over towards Mary. There's a confused look on his face, the look that was adorable earlier in the morning, but now is just normal. He does glance towards November a few times, and the sudden and apparent lack of both Fearless and his normal tube becomes fairly everpresent. {I...don't know. Sounds like a breed...}
xxxxxTursiop is the slipperiest horse in all the seven tanks of Seeeeee place! "Who is Velock?" That fish voice repeats, pronouncing the name wrong. "Is that mean lady? MEAN LADY BAD." The dolphin actually speeds up to take November away from the mean lady, turning the circle into more of an oval that keeps November in the deep part of the tank. It's a big tank, plenty of space. "Kun is wonderful, sweet. Kun protects, Kun is life. Qyrl bad, abomination. ABOMINATION FISH LADY." This Dolphin really doesn't like Qyrl. "Mean Lady Rokea! Mean! She comes back at night when nice twolegs leave. She swims in the tank! She chases us, doesn't let us sleep, threatens to eat us if we're naughty. We're not naughty Fish lady, promise! We like twolegs. We like fish. Fish is good. MORE FISH."
xxxxxMary is still fidgeting left and right, though November's fake laughter is clearly bought, and Mary smiles very wide. "Come on back and you can keep feeding them fish!" She calls out, though the ride on the fin is clearly out of November's control, and especially out of Mary's, which causes too much nervousness.

xxxxx<Is that the mean lady? Mary? That's out there now? Velok is my... mate. Good man. He'll help you too.> She rides, laughing happily, though her thoughts are churning. "I'm TRYING! It doesn't have a steering wheel!" she calls this out, trying to sound maybe a little nervous, but not scared. And that's true enough. SHe IS nervous. <It will be okay. Tell me more. Tell me when she comes. Tell me what happens. I need to know everything before she makes you go back up there. Okay?>

xxxxxPieces start to fall into place for November. The mention of Rokea makes it pretty obvious that Mean Lady is a Wereshark. Velok in the meantime just continues leaning, though he's taken several more steps towards the platform. "Mary? Fish lady?" Tursiop is confused, clearly not knowing who she is. "Mean lady is mean. Not named Mary. Tursiop hear her name before, once. Mean Man say name once, call at Mean lady. Tursiop scared of saying name." The Dolphin actually slows, but still doesn't bring November back to the platform. The slowing is enough so that November can explore the dolphin body more easily, and the feel of it gives away a couple things. Several spots in the dolphin's side are smooth, but several patches are rough. The patches aren't that small, but are noticable upon contact. The left fin also has that alternating smooth and rough, the skin consistancy...different. "Mean...Mean lady comes at night, when see place closes and twolegged leave. Mean lady Rokea. Mean lady chases. Mean lady...mean lady bites."
xxxxxThe difference between the rough and soft spots instantly becomes clear. Something has been biting at this dolphin, and the way Tursiop's attitude seems to change, it's clear the Dolphin's excited eager actions are a demeanor. "Mean Lady bites...bites us. Mean lady eats us. Mean...Mean man comes, Mean man takes us before we go, brings us back. Makes skin grow back." The Dolphin starts to swim more again, the other dolphins coming up next to November, one of them nudging his fin under her other hand so that she can take both of them and swim in tandem. "Mean lady over there, in water. Mean lady bring you here. Mean Lady...Wave Rider. Wave Rider is mean lady name, not Mary."

xxxxxThen why the fuck is Mary over there all squirmy and stuff? November sends this thought more to Velok if she's able to direct it. If not, then she totally cussed in front of dolphins and she should rot in hell for several thousand more years. <<Alright. Okay. Take me back. We will watch. We will be waiting. We will protect you. I promise. Okay?>> Her thoughts pause completely as she runs her fingers over the dolphin's body and there is most definitely a righteous rage there bubbling beneath the surface. She's. Fucking. Pissed.

xxxxxThe dolphins seem surprisingly at ease, and their squeaks seem to show that appreciation. "Fish lady save us. Tursiop loves Fish lady. Does Fish lady have name like Mate? Fish lady Rokea? Swims with Dolphins? Fish lady not hurt us. We do tricks, we do jumps and flips and everything without mean lady attacking us. We do them for twoleggeds, not for mean lady. Mean lady not needed." There's squeaks from the other Dolphins that, while she can't make out what they're actually saying, are no doubt in agreement. The pair of dolphins finally bring November back towards the platform, slowing to a stop so she can stand back up. "Fish lady....can we have more fish? Rest of Fish? Lots and lots of fish. Fish good. Fish yummy." I mean, cause they're dolphins. Mysterious evil Shark eating the dolphins every night is one thing, but they'll be damned if they don't get the rest of their fish.
xxxxxMary, or as the dolphins called her Wave Rider, stands there on the platform with that wide smile on her face. "That's amazing, they've never actually done that before. You're incredibly lucky. Usually we don't let anyone but the trainers ride along with them, but I won't tell if you won't." Mary doesn't seem to have any idea what happened. She's blonde and ditzy, although she's fidgeting quite a bit in the water, as if she can't stop moving. She talks like one would expect an innocent valley girl to talk. "Like, I hope you had a lot of fun. Would you like to feed them the rest of the fish? There's a couple more tricks they can do as well, and I didn't really cover how we train them." She tilts her head and smiles wide at November, her green eyes darting over to the Dolphins who are all lined up, beaks up out of the water, apparently awaiting the rest of the fish.

xxxxxBefore the dolphins brought her back to the platform and talked about having more Fish, there was one more thing they mentioned. "Talk to Ketos! Mean man with Ketos. You like Ketos. Tell Ketos we send you. Tell Ketos Tursiop says you're good! You help! Mean Lady torture Ketos, but Ketos is wise. He has seen many moons pass in See place."

xxxxx<<But who is Ketos? Where can I find him?>> She climbs out of the water, her eyes wide, giggling, shocked, thrilled, but keeping up the conversation as long as she can. "Oh, god yeah! That was.. EPIC!!" To waste a little time, she turns toward Velok. "DID you SEE that, baby?! I got to ride TWO DOLPHINS!!" SHe turns back with a giggle and starts to feed the dolphins, giving each of them a hand signal, dragging things out so she can get as much information as she possibly can from them

xxxxxNovember does ask questions, yes, but given where she is, and what she's close to, she can't be too upset at her responses. "FISH! FISH YUMMY. YES FISH YES. So long Fish Lady, and thanks for all the fish!" They're...not exactly all that bright, and don't seem to be answering her question as to who Ketos is. That's the problem with Dolphins. Incredibly smart creatures, but get them near fish and all hell breaks loose. When November looks back to Velok, the man keeps up the charade. "That was awesome, I got it all on the camera too, and I recorded it! You're like the queen of the ocean now!" He holds up the camera with a smile, pointing it over towards Mary and November. Did he just hit a button? Yep.
xxxxxWhen November gives the hand signal she learned, a hand held palm down and moved slowly towards the water, each of the dolphins quiet down and open their beak, allowing her to practically toss the fish in. Once they got it they squeak again, pushing their beak up towards the sky and flapping their fins so that they swim vertically through the water backwards, eating the fish. Soon her buckets run out of fish, and Mary smiles politely. "That's it for the program, I hope you had a lot of fun. They're really incredibly intelligent creatures, I'm quite fond of them. If your...husband? Wants to come help you up..." Velok does walk up the steps to the platform, taking the towel that sits nearby and holding it open for November to get out of the tank. The Dolphins are screeching, but she can still hear at least Tursiop's voice. "Fish lady nice, we love fish lady. Thank you fish lady, thank you! Come back again soon please! TAG YOU'RE IT. AHAHAHAHAHA." and Tursiop zooms back away in the tank, being chased by another dolphin.

xxxxxNovember really does enjoy playing with the dolphins, but there is a darkness that looms now. She's not happy. Her smile is just about as real as Mary's. "That was.. just.. wow." She takes Velok's hand to let him help her out and her eyes meet his. Those little swirls have turned to dangerous spikes when you're up close. She's careful to not look Mary in the eyes at this point. "What's next, baby? Where are we going?"

xxxxxVelok smiles, wrapping November up in the towel. He turns and waves towards Mary. "Thank you very much!" Mary is standing there in the tank, smiling and waving back, even as Velok guides November down the steps of the platform and off towards that tunnel they came out of. "Where are we going..." Velok whispers quietly, leaning in to hug to her while they walk so that he can talk quietly. "I know who Ketos is." He says quietly once they're back in that stretch of hallway, heading towards the changing room. "Tursiop is a cute name. It's Latin for Dolphin. Ketos is greek for another type of sea creature." Velok's smile fades as they enter the changing room and Velok closes the door. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out another ticket, staring at November. "Whale, and guess who has a ticket to swim with a Beluga whale?"
xxxxxThere is a certain darkness that looms now, clouding the otherwise sunny and supposedly innocent and romantic day. They came to the park to have fun and relax, but maybe this is it. Maybe this is actually the life they lead, where innocent vacations turn into dastardly plots of players. The world is what they make of it. They could walk away, ignore what Tursiop said, go about their regular day at Sea World and go home to a romantic dinner, but they both know this isn't going to happen, not by a long shot. Neither of them run from Monsters. Not anymore.