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Meet Niflheim
An obducted police officer is clearly a trap.
IC Date October 14th, 2014
IC Time Late Evening
Players Trekome, Quinn, William, Xaviar, Bjorn, Danube,
Location NW Downtown
Spheres Gaian Garou, Kinfolk

Drawing Attention: Trekome has gotten this report directly and a few kinfolk in the department have passed it along. One of the officers involved in the last Blood Sex and Drugs Gang raid have gone missing. His patrol car abandoned, no signs of struggles, no witnesses. The only clues being 'Bastards, LOL' slashed into the back seats. This happened up in the NE of Downtown, in one of the few extremely poor residential areas not zoned away, for some strange bureaucratical nightmare, from the cloaking pollutants of the surrounding industrial areas. Great place to farm banes... Police have swept up 8 B.S.D. gang bangers from the area on suspicion of the disappearance and in doing so got them on weapon charges, having found them carrying AK-47s with the first 6 bullets in the magazine, silver. Pretty obviously that this is a challenge, a threat, and a trap with the officer as hopefully live bait.

Trekome gathers the group up behind his Suburban-o'-DOOMZ, which is really just a government Chevy Suburban with a small armory built into the back with a police laptop. And somehow, it's still roomy! He pulls up an aeriel map of the target area, thanks to Boogle Maps (tm), and clears his throat. "Ok, gang, here's the deal. The Sheriff's Department has been tasking my team with taking down a gang that's been making one hell of a name for themselves. What the department doesn't know is that the gang is comprised of no-shit Spirals and a bunch of Fomori, and that my team is made of myself and kinfolk from my tribe. They've managed to capture one of my team, and it looks like they're using him as bait to draw us out. No idea if he's alive or not, but it's our duty to go in and bring him back."

"The target area is in the northeast corner of the city, an area that should be burned to the ground, cleansed four times over, and rebuilt after. It's... unpleasant. We're looking at two blocks adjacent to each other, and the fronts of the blocks facing them that are completely under enemy control. They're, essentially, waiting for us to enter the heart of their territory to kill us all."

"Now here's where things get dicey... the enemy is armed with silver. The sheriff's department has rounded up approximately six of the gang members and found them armed with automatic weapons such as converted AK-47's with silver ammunition. Furthermore, it's likely that they're being lead by at least one Spiral. No estimates on enemy strength, but expect at least an additional twelve mooks." He looks at the others. "Any questions?"

"Whats an AK-47? And a Sheriff's department?" Bjorn asks seeming confused by the terms though silver ammunition was understood. So he reaches and gets his hammer of his belt. "I can heal and cleanse if need be." He says, as if people didnt know his skills. Danielle pages: Thanks for the +meet and the set up.:) Yeah, next time. I'm just too whipped to stay focused. I think I'm off to bed. Was up too early this morning You guys have fun:) Xaviar is silent when hears about the area, except goes deadly white... He looks at them and then takes a deep breath, and then several, he is clearly scared and not afraid to admit it falling silent.

Danube looks rather happy that they got those weapons, with silver off the streets though unsure how many of the whole.. "Alright Alpha mine. Anything special for the move to target area? I have /one/ pain dagger talon so far.." She shrugs, just not enough time in town to get set up. Then to William. "Any luck with the healing talons you mentioned?" Other than that she is all ready. Exceedingly fine chainmail armor erupts about her body to cover her. "It is a weapon that fires like a cross bow but one man shoots as much as a squad of archers.."

William lisens closely and looks mostly unprepared. Just a large medkit on his back. "It's an assult rifle." He rolls his neck and shoulders, loosening up for what's to come. "I'll support. Dash in to opening and heal the wounded." he slips the kit off and opens it up pulling out gourds covers in symbols. "I'll hold on to one and I have three extra to hand out. Just crush it and sprinkle it on the wounds."

Xaviar looks over at Bjorn and then the others, "We handled Bjorn coming along while he is helping he will be overlooked by all... He will seem like any other ordinary guy thanks to Cuckoo's protection." He states and then scratches his head.

Trekome looks at the screen again, then back at the group. "The idea is for us to go in as the advance party while the kin in my team move in from behind and hold the ground we take. I highly recommend we use the stealth approach and systematically clear the area. We don't know what other weapons they have since we /just/ found out about this." He grabs his fetish rifle and does a quick chamber check to make sure it's loaded, then again with his sidearm. "How quietly can y'all move? Who is the best tracker and spotter, and who is the best close up?"

Danube answers up. "Very good at stealth, though not Ragabash good, upclose fighter, crap tracker. Xaviar tilts his head, "I'm good at stealth, tracking, and such..." He mentions as he looks at them.

Trekome nods to the group as he mulls a few things over. "Ok then... We're going to have to stick together as a group then. We'll need to stay quiet and pick them off one at a time if possible. If there's a group, we'll need to take them down quickly and then move on so we don't get pinned down. The last thing we need is to be in a prolonged fight where they can bring silver weapons in on us. I want William and Bjorn hanging back and prepared to heal one of us if we get hit. Danube, Xaviar, you're going to be covering my back while I take point."

He grabs a couple suppressors and fixes them onto his weapons before opening up a small Pellican case to pull out a number of small headsets that clip around the ear and radios. "Take these for comms in case we have to split up."

Bjorn shakes his head. "I am afraid stealth is out for me. I cant even sleep quietly, let alone sneak." He says with a chuckle.

The plan formed, movement happens smoothly to the taped off police officer's car. This by a mostly burnt out residential lot, across from a food warehouse. Here is where we loose Xaview to peeking across and any others to sniffing around a bit, while still more to a quick recon. Surrounding Area Views: The Warehouse, a 60'x30' building that was a food distribution facility that went under maybe three days ago from the unholy stench that is starting to roil out of the place even through it's sealed up doors, and if one is patient, showing two gang banger types actually somewhat attentively patrolling the roof.. North and East facings: looks out across a huge open parking lot with working lamps that leads to the fronts of other industrial areas and the massive docks doors look to have been wielded shut. West facing: also has a massive parking lot with working lights that runs up against the back wall of some industrial property, creating a blind, and while it's dock doors look welded shut it has a fire door that with a B.S.D. gang colors wearing banger hanging out by, carrying something large under his coat. South facing: The back wall has no dock doors, only a single fire door guarded by another armed gang banger, but rather than the parking lot, the city at some point tried some kind of 'beautification project' with tall, over groan but half dead looking shrubbery between the warehouse and a mostly burnt down residential area of which a single two story house with some fire damage remains, though clearly unoccupied.

Scent Tracking: You smell what is obviously the officer, traces of a sharp chemical scent that lingers around the roof area only, about where the officer's head would be, and the stink of pungent.. Bat-ish/human-ish mix all over both front and back seats. Both trails wind down through the rubble lots towards the food warehouse. And Xaviar sees.. Things..

Xaviar gives a blank look as he peers into the umbra his face goes white as he shakesh is head, "Umbra's a dangerous place here and I would suggest not crossing.. As jumping over here is suicide, likely to have a few hidden hives not so far away or perhaps alot of foci of power some of the Urge Wyrms are using here to create a threshold of power here, I'm unsure unless I investigate further but I don't have the skill yet. Other then that looking over past where on Dirt-side an old residential block is mostly burnt out and been torn down other than one condemned and not gotten to yet two story, across a parking lot, tiny banes play with a a police uniform where a warehouse's flag should be. The nasty little things are waving it like a trophy." He whispers as he blinks his eyes looking at everyone and finally return here to the material side.

Bjorn simply readies his hammer, staying back with william. "Is it safe to go beyond human form?" He asks curiously of the man who seems to serve as healer while Bjorn backs up the wolf.

Trekome narrows his eyes as he peers around; it definitely isn't the ideal setup for him and his group. "If only they would just kill themselves for us and make this easy..." he says with a disappointed sigh. He murmurs into his radio, then nods to the group. "Should be safe to shift here. Bjorn, hang back with William. I don't want you two getting too close to the fight if you don't have to; y'all are in support and we don't need our healers going down." He looks towards the warehouse and the west facing building. "The warehouse is likely their headquarters... and that building there has some pretty heavily reinforced doors..."

Danube , is a bit taller, more heavy set woman when she is out and about, having shifted to Glabro, though even that hard to tell when she activates a fetish, and stepping into a shadow, seeming not to step back out other than her eyes. She falls in aside and just behind Trekome, then shifting up again on his word. That is to say the blue eyes raise and spread apart.

William sticks as close to a wall as he can while moving. Using it to help make it more difficault to notice him. His head moves around slowly while Xaviar talks and he already guessed that the umbra would be dangerous here. He shrugs at Bjorn and says quietly. "Not sure about out here." He nods at Trekome, he knows better about urban combat. He kneels down to pull off his shoes then loosens the straps on his pack by a lot as he starts to grow taller and pack on muscle with fur growing as he shifts to cinos. Better be prepared in case of a read attack. Set.

Shadow's Glass transfers right up to crinos looking at people that are there.... He doesn't seem to be wanting to be out in the light he slinks back to the shadows as he puts away a bow staff in it's holder on his back.

Bjorn simply nods as he talks to the comm thing. "Um...Is it safe tochange?" He says to the comm, course not knowing how it works, he doesnt know he didnt push the button to broadcast or not. First-to-Fight does a final check of all his gear before he shifts to his warform, giving a pretty clear sign for Bjorn, clothing blending and becoming fur while his equipment adjusts to suit his size. He murmurs a few prayers to get the gifts the spirits have taught him ready, as well as wake the spirits within his weapons, then motions at the south facing buildings. <<Clear those first... then the east and north. Western building and warehouse will be last since they're the most secure.>>

The shrubs are tall but half dead, lots of room to move through without huge amounts of trouble and for the most part it goes well. The advance team is moving up and a little behind them the support team. They start to get close then a little crunch but the guard is paying attention moderately well.. "Yo?" He pushes from the wall and.. Hearing this, the closest Roof guard looks down. No one has /seen/ anything, it was a soft sound, could be a cat but they are on alert and starting to look..

Shadow's Glass hmms as he keeps to the shadows moving slowly... He backs up people as he moves and is quiet.

First-to-Fight is cool as ice when he takes the shot on the lamp. Easy shot... even at this distance with a pistol. The pistol is quiet as the movies; just a soft click of the slide cycling, which is overshadowed by the glass shattering and raining down a hundred meters away. Hell, he's even fast enough to catch the shell as it ejects and pockets it so that it won't be noticed. That's Nightsthade's cue to do her thing before the sentry has a chance to refocus his attention.

Ok that startles them some, the light shatters and goes dark. They both turn that way and look really freaked, like hugely more than they should. Roof banger spits but misses ground guy, saying something about his mother while going back to patroling. Ground guy, near by mutters something. "Fucking bats need to stop screwing around up there before I shit myself.." Turning his back, he starts back for his door to lean on.

Nightshade has her wires crossed slightly, leaving the near by door guard for you all, while the one right around the corner is is getting a visit by a squinted pair of floating blue eyes... And several knives.. THis leaves the rest to take the close door and entry though.

Shadow's Glass sneaks up behind the Rear Guard with a claw he just slightly slits the guys throat attacking from behind and sneaking getting the better of him. He gurgles as he slowly moves to the floor and then follows Nightshade looking at them continuing to move barely stealthy...

Shadow's Glass whispers, "Something is going off on the roof seems to be a gift or Charm, I don't know what type..." He says to William as he blinks..

First-to-Fight murmurs into his radio to Quinn in rough English, "Roof... what's happening?" He speaks through the pack totem to Danube, <<Something's happening on the rooftop... They probably know we're coming now. Get ready.>>

Mends the Bones nods at Shadows and looks up, watching the edge of the roof to see if he can catch something. He presses in close to the wall as he follows closer to the door. Preparing to come in for support and to watch the rear.

Nightshade returns to the group, dumping the second guard into the bushes. She nods about being known, then points to the door and the other one questioningly. Go in one, split up?

Also from this close up, the big dock door are obviously wielded closed. As to Sense Wyrm. WHile the whole area stinks, the house where Quin is stinks normal, but the Warehouse is F&#$ BAD!!!!

First-to-Fight murmurs into the radio to Quinn, "Kill... roof sentries." He motions for Danube and Xaviar to move to him as he explains to her through their totem, Quinn kills the sentries on the roof to distract. We move in together through the ground. If too many then we make it look like we're attacking from the ground and shift to the roof.

Shadow's Glass does as he is asked and follows FtF...

This is stardard fair for Quinn. sneaking into houses, setting up a perch across from a werehouse where evil things about about to die. hopefully she gets a few by her hands and is a productive member of the team. She and the other kin silently sweep the house in standard MOUT sweep and clear fasion till they arrive at the desired bedroom. Two kin remain in the room with her, one spotting and another keeping a full set of eyes on the room and the other two that are in the hall, keeping the area secuer. All five are in eyesight of atleast one other except for Quinn and her spotter who are both peering at the target building.

Quinn gets the call to focus on the roof and she does, but there is something less than usual about the area and she pushes out with all her sences. something is there and Quinn knows better than to think that just because she can't see it it's not there. Actually there seems to be two invisable somethings. She gets on her radio "There is something on the roof, there are two distint areas up there that the sentries are avoiding. Something tells me that there is something making objects up there invisable." she gets that uneasy feeling that she is being watched but doesn't mention this. She does mention "Something doesn't feel right. Be careful they may already know we are here."

Bjorn shifts and soon the man grows. Where the crinos were large compared to a human, the Gurahl was as a garou crinos to a human, the wolf crinos smaller then the large warform of the were-bear. The two handed hammer now held with one clawed paw as he moves with the others, waiting for orders, smelling things before seeing them.

Quinn taps the radio link to affirm the clear to kill and she lines up her silenced shots for the centries. She looks for the one that is isolated from the other, behind the other's backs, someone that wont alert the others right away when they drop.

Lurkers Emerge: Inside the scorched 2-Story: A squeezing /bubbling, wheezing sound begins only to be covered by a chitterling laugh, that drowned in a gurgeling sputter, this about when a stench so bad as to make the warehouse corporately pleasant, broils forth. Down stairs the sound of voice cry out in complaint then panic, followed immediately by weapons being unloaded mingeling by screams. Upstairs Quinn and the fourth Swatkin get to see WTF as a Rottweiler sized Rat-man Formori, each covered in festering tumorious boils, but that nothing compared to the frothy discharge foaming up from their mouths to drool onto the ground with a sharp burning hiss of melting away carpet and wood. http://www.cityofhopemush.com/wiki/index.php/File:Danube10.jpg

Quinn can't shake the feeling of being watched and knows there is a trap that could be sprung around her at any moment. she gives the sign to be alert to her kin team But there is a job to be done and a whole other team leaning on her. She she pushes aside the feeling of the jaws closing, that is nothing more substantial than a feeling, and hunts through the roof top sentires one by one, dropping each one by one with the aid of her spotter. She consintrates on timing and placing each shot so no one knows what is going on till it is far far too late, trusting her team to watch her back.

Then it happens. The Burst from the bathroom door makes her spotter jump and the Second swatkin in the room to spin but the smell... The smell is over welming and his eyes instantly water and he gags involentaraly. Quinn moves with out even thinking, Not panicked. She would have to be aware to be afraid of the thing, and she is just moving from instint and training. She sees the rat go after the kin that is slowly getting the gagging under control but Quinn knows the rat has the advantage over him. So there is no time. She draws and fires as quickly as she can while moving to intercept. she fires one shot but it hits the meat of it's arm and splashes more of the horrible goo rotting away the floor. it's not enough to even slow it down, if anything it's made it more dangerouse as it spews puss about.

There is only one thing to do. Quinn dives between the Kin and the Rat, Ready to take the hit on herself instead of endangering her team. Or she would be in danger if it wasn't for protection from above. Her fetish activates just as the Rat cackles in glee as he is about to sink his teeth in the sacrificial kin. Then the Rat is being pushed, rammed even, hit like a punch to the chest as the Spirit of Boar protects his Kin. Once outside, after putting one more hole in the house by bursting through it's wall and having fell the two stories, Quinn's team is on it fireing upon and killing it in a horrible puss filled mess.

Back to the Warehouse: The door is not locked and gives way easily enough just as gang bangers on the roof fall dead, neither even knowing that the other is dead until joining in hell. Inside the Warehouse: It is rather dark but not blinding, light provided by the two fire doors and two more doors opened from the roof onto what is left of a catwalk, now a simple bridge about 15' up that runs the middle of the place. Looks like the rest of the catwalk and the way up has been shredded, the metal twisted and laying in a corner... But that is secondary to the simply evil stench of the place, so thick with rotted vegetables, meat, and dairy products that you can almost see the haze in the air. Other than assorted piles of... goo really.. There are 3 shipping containers arranged in a semi circle about the middle of the floor, with their tops secured with chains to the ceiling, and with what looks like shooting nests for three people per container-top. It looks very 'circled the wagons or 'forted up' in an obviously suspicious way with how the chain held shipping container roofs, not that the chains are needed with the containers here, or that sitting on top is the best idea, luckily they are missing their 8 friends... the 9th seems to be down between them all.

First-to-Fight motions to everyone to stand fast and hold position as he surveys the scene. It definitely looks like a trap, even with only one person in the makeshift pillboxes. Still, it doesn't look like something that would be a good thing to rush right into, and there's still no clear sign of the SWAT kin taken hostage. He looks for places that the group can duck into that'll provide some cover and concealment as well as better vantage points of the inside.

Shadow's Glass just ducks as he hears gun fire and someone slamming into the wall, turning white as he is probably the greenest here having never been in this situation bites down on his teeth with a light growl.

The large were-bear grips the hammer in one hand as he growl grunts at Xaviar off to the side. It wasnt an aggressive growl grunt, but rather meant to remind the garou the bear was there. He then looks to Trekome, keeping an eye on the war form crinos and waiting for his commend. Now if he could only understand the garou when he gave it.

Mends the Bones ducks down low with his hands on the ground, digging his claws into it for purchase so he can react quickly. He sucks in a breath, filling his lungs and listens to what's going on as his head swivels. His eyes dart around to take in everything going on. His ears perks up as he hears shots and he tenses up, muscles getting taut like a spring. it's about time for everyting to go down.

Nightshade agrees with First on this.. Not able to tell where the trap is coming from but this is sooo obviously one.. Fangs bare at the problem if where to attack or hunt...

Observers/Rampagers Reveal: Overhead, looking down through the roof doorways the forms of two humanoid bat-formori ripple into existence, only as the explosive shots of their rifles go off, sending bullets down into those below and a thumb toggle on the off hand causes even more chaos to begin. Their faces shaped well for evil grins, they begin to hiss malicious knowing laughter. http://www.cityofhopemush.com/wiki/index.php/File:Danube12.jpg

Explosive bolts give, sending all walls walls of each container slamming outwards to the ground while the chains suspend each's top above might be a surprise but the true shock is what comes instantly charging out. What could have once have been 3 Bears are now monstrous Formori, fur having been eaten away to be replaced by a scabrous hardened exoskeleton, its back bowed and limbs thickened with extra muscles, ending in even larger claws. Inset growing yellow eyes burn with a pain and rage filled madness which it gives voice to with a haunted echoing warble. http://www.cityofhopemush.com/wiki/index.php/File:Danube11.jpg

Bjorn lumbers over towards Trekome, moving a hand onto the garou before a deep rumbling groan is heard. The groans seem to almost have a nurturing tone to them, and as First-to-fight hears him, his wounds close up, almost instantly.

Mends the Bones spots an opening in the most damaged of the fomorbears and springs forward. Claws tearing into the ground as he pushes off of it and leaps towards his targat with his claws grating across it's armor.

Nightshade knew there was a trap but not what. She was looking at the shiping containers curiously as if wondering what might be inside the 'doors' or maybe hiding on the other side, like guys with guns or something. Not for the dam things to come flying apart and giant Formor-bears to come charging out, let alone the reports of rifles overhead. She flinches hard but years of training has the motion a launch forward with a leap. One of her blades stabs down to rake deeply into the beast's funky shelling.. Bit not deep enough to really hurt such a huge beast. But twisting her lupine hips, she is already turning mid air, the dagger stabbing down to deflect away most of what would have been a maybe killing claw swipe. Silent, she has no words of battle or rage, just a large shadow with glowing blue eyes.

First-to-Fight doesn't hesitate when the trap is sprung on the group. The screech from the things above are almost defeaning, but he stands his ground and shrugs it off, focusing on the threat in front of him with the rampaging fomorbears. Even as silver bullets smash into his arm he doesn't hesitate, immediately targeting the first rampager, and squeezes off a round, getting a clean hit in the chest that tears apart bone and tissue. It isn't enough to drop the rampager though, and it's by the skin of his teeth that he only takes scratches from the rampager's claws.

Shadow's Glass takes a good swipe at Rampager 1 and then gets hit as well as he howls in pain as he rakes the thing he seems to still be up at least... The black blur moving quite fast as he does this.

Overhead So much harm is saved by the Watchers having to deal with Quinn. Her tossing the Lurker through the wall.. The hell! gives it time to be killed with ease by the kin, thus freeing her up to suppress and deal with the 2 Watchers(bats) who would otherwise rain aimed silver high caliber death down on the Garou, over and over again as they fought the Rampagers.. This much dismantles the trap...

First-to-Fight brings his arm back to finish off the rampager in front of him, letting him rear back to wait for an opening so that he can go for the kill. He goes to rip the thing's throat out, but those silver bullets seem to have done more damage than he lets on, barely even scratching the wretched thing. The rampager brings its claws down onto First to Fight, and much to the rampager's surprise, First to Fight is unscathed. The Ahroun just stares the thing down and shakes his head, <<No.>>

Mends the Bones digs his claws into the ground as he lands. Slowing his momentum and spinning him back towards the fight. He leaps to the side and rolls out of range of the rampager as he circles around. Watching the fight and taking not of injuries. He calles upon a gift bestowed to him by Unicorn and drags a hand across Shadow's Glass' back, knitting skin and muscle back together as he moves past towards Nightshade.

Nightshade continues her flip with her Rampager, moving in a blur but sadly it moves in a blur of rage as well, the two ending up rolling about for a bit, her slashing and knocking paws away as it claws and claws at her, though the last one opens her side up from spine to kidney, tossing the young Shadow Lord to the ground. She is trying to get back up but it's not working out very well for her, critically injured and only just able to move.

Shadow's Glass tries another slash with it fails to even scath the Rampager as he looks over at Mends as he nods greatfully probably saving the cliaths life in the first place.

Bjorn continues to groan and give deep sounds from his chest and continues to speak in the language of the man bears, keeping his touch on the ahroun, turning the werewolf into SUPERGAROU, defender of gaia, rage, and gnosis.

<On your back.> Growls out Mends the Bones as he comes up behind Nighsshade. He lays a hand on her back as she stops moving long enough for him to call upon the healing power of Unicorn to cause her wounds to heals much more rapidly then even a Garou is normaly able to. Without wasting a moment he spins awat, ducking down to make himself a smaller target and dashes over to Shadow's Glass to repeat the gift and recovering the worst of his injuries.

Bjorn tries to head over to Shadow's glass, muttering that nurturing groaning growling, however he seems to waver a bit seeing the gurahl tear into the man he claims his friends. Something deep within the gurahl stirrs, something which has not stirred in over 1600 years.

First-to-Fight sees Niteshade get ripped open out of the corner of his eye, and turns his attention to the rampager attacking her. It doesn't look all too wounded, and he turns to try to sink his claws into it. However much strength, grace, and prowess he has just isn't enough in the intense melee going on around him; too many bodies too close, and he just can't seem to get a clean hit before his attack is either knocked out of the way by another body. Thankfully, the same can be said about his enemy that's attacking me, the mass of bodies and harsh blows knocking what should be a brutal attack out of the way, making the rampager attacking First to Fight miss entirely.

Nightshade learned a lot from that first bit of becoming overconfident and letting the bear/thing take a swipe at her, so that she could take one at it.. She forces away the pain and stands to fight on dispite how much of her is leaking out. But Garou come in packs MF! Her alpha jumps on the monster and starts ripping away while kiting another one around behind him, even as Mends floods her with power and puts her mostly back together. Holding still for Mends, she stands face to face with her enemy, blades knocking it's claws away.

Few things are as terrifying as a gaian bear with rage. Bjorn bellows, roaring in fury as he barrels toward the creature which used to be a fellow gurahl. He raises a clawed paw to slash at the rampager... But see, a certain shadow lord bled and left a pool of blood. The blood, being treacherous blood by nature, caused bjorn to slip, bringing the claws down just before reaching the creature as he whumps onto his snout. Ouch.

As enemies fall, Mends the Bones continues with his duties to keep the others healthy and still able to fight. He faces the remaining rampager, placing his body in the way and back away towards Xaviar. Crouching and reaching back to lay a hand on him and call upon Unicorn to mend his wounds.

Xaviar continues to do his rite as everyone gathered he is speaking spanish, indian and Garou as he continues to walks in circles his hand cut trailing blood around the whole warehouse his voice loud as he continues to work..."Thanks man..." He says to mends as he continues to work.

First-to-Fight has had enough of this... thing. Whatever it is, it's taking claws and bullets like candy and just giggling from it. No more of this nonsense: he gives a low gutteral growl as he awakens the spirit within his rifle, and points the barrel right at the fomorbear's temple. <<Enough.>> he growls out, and squeezes the trigger. The bullet crushes through the thick skullbone and liquifies the rampager's brain, then blows a fist sized hole out the other side, spraying blood, bone, and chunks of brain out, finally dropping the wretched thing. He immediately spins and has the bayonet right in front of the second fomorbear's sternum. Another low growl keeps the spirit awake for the next round that slams into the rampager's chest, shattering the ribcage entirely and shredding internal organs. He almost brings the second one down, but it's still standing, if barely.

Nightshade finds a rythim and tanks the hell out of her enemy, parrying each claw strike and then once it slows, working in to ship away at it's armor. Formori begin to go down. First one, then another, healers keeping Gaians alive, explosive shots splatter black blood, claws are deflected, a stab through an ear finishes the last one... Finally... It is over.. "Well, that went surprizingly well.... Amazing job... Everyone.." That slowly growled out...

Not very long after Quinn and the wounded SwatKin make their way in, proudly carying weapons high, looking for more enemies to kill and dragging three formory along by metal hooks, ready for the bonfire or clenzing, whatever is needed. Because bad ass breaker of enemy plans. Xaviar has the right idea, lots of cleansing to be done here, lots of partisipation for the ritual and clean up for everyone.

First-to-Fight looks around to double check that all enemy have been taken down, then goes quickly to put one additional round in each enemy's head. Best not to chance that with these things. <<We need to find that kin.>> he says, <<That's what we came here for. No one gets left behind.>> Even as a hulking werewolf kitted up in full battle rattle he's still a Marine officer.

Note: "Thank you for being such moral-bound predictable pray, this would be too easy though your reputation for victory, which drew us to this lovely city, suggests a fun hunt foe the renown your heads will eventually provide. Congratulations in this first game, to show you that we do play by the rules, and to keep you playing by them as well, your prize is quite alive in the north end meat locker. Sadly we have his wife and two lovely children as guests, kept comfortable, safe, and not seeing anything twisting, as prizes to win for future games. We will leave a message for the next. Signed: Predator Kings(PK).

True to form, the Swatkin checking do find the tied up and drugged cop unharmed and safely kept away from the Formori.... Eventually taken from the area and checked over, he does not even have any Wyrm taint or a bane hidden..

Aftermath: The formori bodies are collected, and perhaps not surprisingly most of the Gaians set about collecting trophies and ritual components from them other than the first Rampager which is found to not be dead, only badly wounded and incapable of fighting on. It ends up in one shipping container, the remains of all the others in another. While that goes on via the Kinfolk and the overhead chain winches.. The Gaians preform more rites of Cleansings on the befouled mess of a place. Then off to Reincarnation where the remains are again burnt in the furnace and the still alive formori get's it's bane murdered and gnosis devoured by a healed and slightly rested pack of pissed off Gaians.. Victory Dance!