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Of Books and Burglaries pt5
Raiding the Core
IC Date Friday
IC Time Around midnight
Players Silvester (Storyteller), Silvana, Zeta, Madeline, Sentinel, Becky, and Jax
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp Of Books and Burglaries
Spheres Vampire


Silvana gets everyone together as she has blue prints in her hand. She is standing besides Jax "Alright, so i'm going to guess no one has other info " she looks somewhat hopeful to people before she continues "So I went back to the pawn shop and did a little digging. I suspect that the girlfriend has become his play thing and we are going to find them together and looks like she's moved out. So to the Core is where we will be going. It's a rather large warehouse that has been converted, it features a interestind DJ from what I have been told and he runs all night. Like most business what serve alcohol they serve till 1:30 am. " she gives a pause to let that sink in

Madeline nods "Oui, the wraith mentioned the girlfriend had been feeding the bastard"

Jax listens to what is said while looking over the blueprints to get a general idea of the layout. "What do we know of the man, himself? Anything relevant that could help us?"

Sentinel listens, gathering information. She stands by Madeline's side, ready to assist if necessary.

Silvana adjust her hat as she continues on "So not much if known about the owner, bit surprise there right? The place is mainly run by the bouncers and bartenders, there is a main entrance and two fire exits on either side, so lots of possible for our friends run from. One of these fire exits is on the side of employee only are wich also leads to a very dark office that looks out to the club, they probably can see out but we can't see in. Ay yes but we have more" she does pause to look at Jax at the question "He is completely mad"

Zeta is leaning against the nearest wall, arms crossed, as he listens to the gameplan, "The inmates are running the asylum, huh? Not even a manager on the floor?" He shakes his head, grinning, "That's no way to run a legitimate business." He looks down briefly, "I'm thinking I'd be more help by staying on the rear exits in this instance. I mean, we're not going to want to try anything funny inside the club..." Looking up, he arches an eyebrow expectantly, "Right?"

Jax notes Zeta's concern, "The Masquerade will be upheld this evening. I believe our best bet is to get directly into the back room that overlooks the club main without notice. From there we can handle our goal. Recovering the book."

Silvana looks from one person to the next as she waits in case there are other questions as she regards Jax.

Becky leans forward, peering at the assembled group. "So, remind me darlings, we know where this book is, and we're just breaking in to get it? Or have I, possibly, missed a memo here?"

Madeline smiles to herself as she listens

Zeta nods to Jax, "Sounds like a prudent course of action." He seems about to continue before Becky asks her question, "Yeah... if we can confirm the book is in that office, it's definitely the way to go. If we can pull this off quietly, with subtlety... it'll be for the best." He looks up, rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully, "Although, not being able to see into the office from outside makes things a bit more complicated... still, with eyes in the club we should be able to confirm with at least certainty when the office is empty. Then break in and take what we need. If it's there, of course."

Sentinel ofers "If it is possible, i can listen to through the walls. If I can get close enough without being seen."

Madeline shrugs softly "with preparation I can see into the office also, and no camera would see me"

Jax smiles to Becky, "I wouldn't say break in so much as pay the last man to see it, a visit. I would guess there is still the chance the book will not be there. We will have to see. My suggestion is to have Madame Sentinel meld with the building to make the attempt to get into the office if unoccupied. The rest of us keep ourselves available for distractions for the bouncers and staff. Other ideas are welcomed."

Silvana looks over towards the others as Jax opens the floor for other ideas.

Becky considers this for a moment, nodding slightly as she digests that. "So, what exactly are we doing? Are we just going to wander in and take it?" There's a little pause as she tries to work out what's going on here, before adding "Frankly, darlings, I'm not sure why I'm actually here, since what with the crippled I'm hardly going to be shinning up drainpipes."

Silvana tilts her head as she looks to Becky and smiles at her "Oh see my dear, that's where your wrong, becuse I am sure you can make quite the distraction and get people to pay much attention to you. There for you are very much useful" she winks at her.

Madeline smiles warmly as Sentinel is named by Jax and nods "no fear Becky, you and I can team up"

Jax nods in agreement, "If nothing more than an extra pair of eyes, a subtle distraction for escape should things turn bad. Best case scenario, you have a nice evening out at the CLub."

Sentinel nods "It is good to have extra eyes, as jax said." she says. "I will try my best not to fail but there are always things that may happen." she says. "I am glad to be fully of service to the praxis."

Becky says, "Something like that, darlings, I'm sure. Just tell me where to stand and rant, and I'll stand, wobbling, admitedly, and rant.""

Silvana clears her throat "One more thing. We need to be very mindful that if our friend tries to escape he doesn't use the door that lead to the tunnels.

xxxxxUnce,unce,unce... The pulse of the club can be heard and felt even long before actually getting inside. There is a bit of a line with two large bouncers looking people over. The line of people seems normal as they chat amiably with each other. The building itself is a large former factory, blacklights, strobes and a fog machine makes the dancefloor a poorly visible but highly populated wasteland. Above the crowd at one end of the room is a platform where a DJ works, his head bobbing to the musice as two women dance on either side of him. One a curvy blackhaired vixen and the the other a mousy brunette woman with glasses in attire that clearly states CORE as she dances wildly.

Silvana is making her way in by Jax's side smiling at him as she looks around counting how many bouncers there are and security those people tend to stic out.

Madeline finds her way in and smiles, running both hands through her hair as she heads for the bar, sapphire eyes taking in every detail she can

Madeline is a lovely young blonde, about 22 years old with the graceful body of a dancer. She stands about 5'6" and her blue eyes sparkle with energy as her quick smile warms the room around her. Tonight her hair is pulled back into a soft bun with a few wisps of blonde hair escaping to frame her angelic face. Tonight she is wearing an exquisite creation by the designer Versace. This black and white tropical print dress is ingeniously made with florals and alternating stripes here and there, drawing the eye across the young woman's curves. The dress has a low ballerina neckline and leaves her shapely arms bare, the hem hits just at her knee leaving just enough of her lovely legs exposed. On her feet are a pair of stylish black and red Michael Kors heels adding several inches to her height. http://us.cdn281.fansshare.com/photos/jessicaalba/jessica-alba-wallpaper-1070181378.jpg

Becky limps on in after the group, charting a slow but determined course for the bar through the room.

Jax makes his way inside, Silvana by his side and on his arm. His attention is on the atmosphere the club creates for its patrons, getting the feel for the sounds and vibrations all seem to be enjoying. Slowly winding his way through those mingling and dancing to find a better vantage point to overlook things. Perhaps the bar.

Zeta sticks to the street, looking for a spot to keep an eye on the less prominent entrances of the club, loitering about a block away for the moment.

xxxxxOne of the stools thankfully has a foot rest that a shorter person can use to climb onto the stool without looking very silly. The bartender, a heavy white man with a fair share of tats leans over towards Jax, "What can I get you?" he yells over the crowd.

Sentinel follows behind Jax and SIlvana, moving to the darkness. She hopes the shadows protect her as she leans against the wall, seeing if this is a kind of wall she can merge with. if so this should be easy.

Becky reaches the bar, leaning forward to order a drink. There's a moment as she explains /exactly/ how she wants her martini made, complete with hand gestures, and then she turns to Jax, watching the bartender with a critical eye as she asks "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

You paged Sentinel with 'It's concrete.. it doesn't work with merge earth but is should with your power, Roll me a stealth unless you came in obfuscated'

Silvana smiles as she holds onto Jax arm, she looks around "Looks popular, glad I let you bring me" she leans down to nuzzle Jax's ear.

Silvana whispers into the ear that Jax has the earpiece so others are aware "We have Six bouncers two are out frong and four are inside, there are two bartenders from the look of it."

Jax climbs up easily enough, used to the world of taller men. "Heineken, bottle." he calls back to the tender before turning his back to him to look over the patrons. Looking for those that might be useful to toy with. Perhaps a slightly obnoxious drunk, or someone on the verge of an argument, or about to get lucky with some hottie. Maybe a pair competing for that hottie. Any of which could make for a busy night for security. "Our plan is to have a good time."

Zeta finds himself a nice, quiet alleyway near the rear of the club and gets settled in, posting up against the nearest building and pulling out his phone, pretending to send text messages. Every so often he looks up toward the club, looking for cameras or anything else out of the ordinary.

Madeline will head for the dance floor to be a suble, sexy, blonde distraction

xxxxxAs the midget surveys the club, a few people stand out despite the fog and the lights. A large overgrown frat boy dancing like a loon, a VERY drunk man who looks seconds away from spewing all over everyone and anyone without help, and a guy who seems very good with glow sticks. Madeline makes her way through the crowd up onto the stage with the other dancers, and begins to move with the music.. it's hardly ballet though.

xxxxxThere are no cameras visible outside the club and everything seems largely quiet.. except well.. drunks pissing on buildings, throwing up in the gutter and.. is that a prostitute and a John? Possibly...

Silvana smiles at the bartender and grins at him "I'll have Mexican Virgin please" she then nuzzles Jax again "Zeta, see if you can find the entry to the sewer maybe we should keep that exit watched, what do you think if you rather be outside that's fine too. I'll leave that option to you" she says really softly making it seem like she is whispering soft sexy things in Jax's ear as she even runs her hand over his chest.

Zeta puts his phone away, taking a deep breath as looks around, "Ah, night life... Gotta love it!" He muses sarcastically to no one in particular as he shoves off the building he's leaning against. As Silvana's voice reaches him over comms, he replies, keeping his voice as low as possible, "Got it. I'll see what I can see." Rubbing his hands together, he starts looking for a way into the sewers.

The bartender serves up the drinks including Becky's martini, Jax's bottle, and Silvana's Mexican virgin, his eyes lingering on Silvana with a bit of a smile to return her own.

xxxxxIt doesn't take Zeta long to find a poorly secured storm drain leading down..

Becky takes her drink, filtering it slowly across her palette as she surveys the room, eyes flicking across the scene as she takes it in. She exhales softly as she gets a feel for the room, and- after rumaging through her handag for it- pops a bright green crazy-straw into her martini for another sip.

Jax waits for drinks to arrive, paying for them with cash of course. Then slides from his stool with beer in one hand, Silvana's hand in the other. Leading the pair to mingle among the fun. First on his calendar, the Frat boy. Who can resist that? He looks like he's enjoying some revelry. Why not enhance his celebration? Passing by with but a simple glance, inspiring him to heightened Passion.

Silvana holds Jax's hand rather proudly as she winks at the Bartender as she gets taken away. She has that bright red drink in her hand taking a sip from it.

Zeta looks about furtively for a few moments, trying to make sure the coast is clear before taking a closer look at the storm drain. Once he's reasonably sure no eyes are on him, he rummages through his pockets, produces a penlight, and shines it down, making sure he's got some solid ground to aim for.

xxxxxThe large frat boy starts whooping and hollering, his massive form jumping wildly around the dance floor as people move back from him. At least two bouncers move to intercept the boy who tries to get the bouncers to dance with him.

Jax begins to bob to the music, coming to enjoy what the Frat boy seemed to be enjoying. Moving off while bouncers handle the man, content in the fact they will earn their paycheck this evening.

Within the stormdrain, there are visible vermin staring back up at the penlight, but also solid ground (plus vamps take half bashing anyway). Nothing else seems down there from where Zeta stands.

Zeta shrugs and takes a leap down into the sewers, keeping the penlight in hand to ward away the darkness.

Becky remains where she is, idly watching the room as she sips away. There's a slight pause as she fiddles with her drink, considering something, and then she whispers across the earpieces <The girl by the DJ with the glasses is important. And we're eing watched, darlings. And, incidentally, you should try the gin here, it's actually the good stuff! From france!>

xxxxxIt takes a moment to gather one's sense of direction in the sewers, but soon Zeta is making his way back towards the club from below.

Silvana smiles as she dances with Jax trying not to spill her drink. She looks towards the DJ and the girl that Becky said is important, wondering if that is the girl she is looking for.

Jax continues to lead Silvana around the dancefloor, going with the music. Here and there he might spill some of his beer while being playful with Silvana, Ooopsie. Maybe it makes the floor slippery for other dancers, maybe it doesn't. Just so it gives the appearance his beer is being sipped from time to time.

Silvana laughs softly as her and Jax dance and become playful on the dance floor she says into the ear piece "That would be the girlfriend"

Sentinel becomes one with the wall. Her faint outline moves along the wall, as she moves towards her destination. So far, so good.

Becky considers this development, whispering <That does seem plausable, yes. So, when do you need a distraction?>

xxxxxWithin the sewers, Zeta soon finds the door he's looking for and several things tied around it.. they seem to be... Yes, bundles of dynamite. There's a small box on the wall by the door tied to them with a large red button on it.

Jax dances himself in line of sight of the girlfriend, still just having a good time dancing with Silvana. "As long as we are being watched, it keeps those watching distracted. See if you can point me out the bouncer in charge, my love." keeping his words between himself and his date.

Silvana smiles as she keeps dancing with Jax and letting her eyes wonder towards the bouncers kind of discretly watching to pin point the one that seems to be in charge tonight.

Sentinel makes her way through the walls to a metal staircase. She comes out, keeping herself obfuscated as she heads up the stairs to the wall by the employee room. She listens to see what she can hear.

Zeta freezes immediately when he spots the explosives, cursing under his breath, "Uh..." He begins, taking a moment to take a few big steps back before speaking over comms, "Looks like the door from the sewers to the club is rigged to blow. Looks like dynamite, but, ah... I'm no expert on explosives."

xxxxx"How I got this number isn't important.. I think I may have something you're looking for.. A particular book.. but it's not the book you want, no... It's what's between the bindings yes... Mad? me? Only sometimes.. ok all the time, but that doesn't change the fact that I hold the key to your little porcelain treasure.. Oh? That got your attention? Yes..."' Sentinel hears through the door.

Silvana whispers back into the comlink "What does it look like exactly?" she asks as she smiles "Hold on B, think of a really good one, and yes I will have to try the gin, the tequila isn't too bad either" she then leans to nuzzle Jax once more "The one at the bar is the only one not moving my love"

Sentinel leaves her equipment on, letting it record. She whispers. "SOmeone's talking about the book. They say whats important is between the bindings. They are looking for something..porceline."

Becky pauses slightly, drink hovering by her lips. <Explosives. Should we call the police? And as the place is shut down, sneak around the back?>

Jax takes note of the bouncer by the bar that is mentioned, keeping a casual attention between the girlfriend and him. <Patience. Let us listen through the Madam's ears.> Upholding his masquerade to match the appearance of the rest of the crowd dancing with their partners.

Sentinel's mike can't pick up everything especially mutters heard through the door. Good thing she's relaying the messages. ""Certainly, I got it right here. I figured you'd want it.. Oh well, no skin off my ass.. But here's my terms... $50,000 american and.. an original copy of Super Mario Brothers in Mint condition.. Feel free to come to the Core in Prospect.. $5 million would have been fair? Don't try to bully me! I SAID $50,000 and I meant it! Just remember in exchange I want an original print of Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers original Nintendo cartridge, mint condition and $50,000. Awesome...""'

Zeta takes a few steps back from the door, keeping his eyes glued to it, "Couple of bundles of red sticks. Like I said, if I had to guess, it's dynamite, but no idea how big of a blast it'd make. The whole set up's wired to a button near by... considering it's a big, red button, my guess is it's a detonator but I've honestly got no idea..." He rubs the back of his neck, thinking for a moment, "I'd guess it's on a timer, otherwise if you hit the button, you'd probably blow yourself up."

Sentinel continues to relay. "They are making the for an original print of Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers original Nintendo cartridge, mint condition and 50 thousand american for it, at the Core in Prospect. He turned down five million for the game and the 50 grand."

Silvana takes a break as she plays snuggly and all kinds of cute stuff with Jax it's kind of like oh god kind of cute and adorable. She whispers "Z take a picture and send it to me"

Becky does her best to remain composed. "Oh, what an utter pleb. Such a shame."

Jax listens to all the chatter on the com, considering possibilities,

"Hold on," Zeta replies, pulling out his phone. He aims his penlight at the bundles of explosives and snaps a picture, then does the same for the box nearby and sends both to Silvana. "I dunno if these are gonna reach you, not getting much of a signal down here." The pictures will still be on his phone if nothing else. At Jax's suggestion, he looks around, "Not a whole lot to work with down here... but I'll see what I can do."

Silvana mmmms thoughtfully "No pieces of wood anywhere?" she asks quietly into the thing.

xxxxxAs Sentinel listens at the door, there's a moment of silence (aside from the thrumming music shifting from one song to another) and then the voice says.. "Oh dear.. the beat is changing again. Hmm, I'll call him back later." The soft subtle clicks of phone keys can be heard by her. And on stage, close to Madeline, the mousy girl jerks, stopping her dance to pull out her phone and looking at it with wide eyes, "No!" her lips say as she starts scrambling down from the stage. Meanwhile steps start approaching the door behind which Sentinel listens.

Sentinel slinks back towards the wall. "They're coming out. Be prepared." she replays.

Silvana notices the girl and the movement "I think we have trouble a coming"

Jax spins playfully about under Silvana's arms, not like he can spin her with his stubby appendages. Keeping an eye on his targets this way. When the girlfriend starts to leave the stage, he lets her go about halfway and silently beckons for her, his mental call usually irresistable. Using the crowd and Silvana to keep her line of sight difficult until she is close.

Zeta wedges whatever he can scrounge up under the door, blissfully unaware of how little good it will do. "Alright," He says over comms, "I've jammed whatever I could find under the door." Rubbing his chin, he looks back in the direction he came from, "I think I'll head back in the other direction, see where whoever rigged this door was planning to escape to... if I don't find anything, I'll come back up and watch the storm drain. Can't say I'd like to stay too close, for obvious reasons."

Becky's gaze whips across to the scene as it unfolds. For the time being, though, she's staying in place, content to simply watch the room. Reaching into her handbag, she pulls out a mobile phone, idly flicking across the screen.

Silvana keeps her eyes on the bouncers and where they are going.

Jax steps in the path of the retreating girlfriend, perhaps tripping her depending upon her attentiveness. He is small after all. All to Entrance the poor girl's soul once he has her attention.

xxxxxThe office door opens and a polynesian man looks around from inside, then steps out walking down the stairs holding a very old book in his hand as he moves right by Sentinel.

xxxxxThe brunette seems to be heading straight for Jax and Silvana, but more because they're dancing between her and the entrance. The DJ seems distracted, watching the brunette leave though Madeline seems to be doing her best to draw his eyes.

xxxxxTwo of the bouncers are still tied up with the jumping frat boy, and the other two seem to be trying to make up for the lowered man power. At the moment they don't really see anything unusual.

<So, what do we do now, darlings?> Becky asks.

Sentinel waits until the others pass her and reports. "Jax, Silvana. They are heading your way." she tries to follow a fe wminutes later, trying to keep obfuscated, ready to protect if need be.

Sentinel stays still as the person passes, waiting for anyone else to move by her. She doesnt report yet. Patience...

Silvana speaks softly into the comlink "B I need you to keep distracting the bouncers by the bar I need as many as you can manage to be distracted, the busier the better. S I need you to follow him and don't lose the target in his hand just follow without being seen."

xxxxxAs the man reaches the bottom of the stairs, he turns not towards the club, but goes around behind the stairs, further back into the shadows, the sound of a grate getting moved can be heard by Sentinel as he seems to be heading down to the steam tunnels that were shown on the blueprint leading from the club to the sewers.

xxxxxCathy comes to a complete stop infront of the little man, blinking as she loses herself in his eyes, "Oh, Hello!" she says brightly.

Jax smiles up to the woman he has just stumbled into, his irresistable gaze alluring her almost instantly, "Well hello, Darlin. Where ya running off to?" being friendly as pie to his new found friend.

"Oh, I just got a text from my boyfriend.. he says its over and I can't let him do that..." she grins down at Jax. She's only average looking, but she seems quite enthusiastic.

Jax gives her a sweet smile and a nod, "Well lets go talk some sense into him. Where is he?"

Becky turns her gaze to another patron at the bar with her, offering a friendly smile. She leans in, murmering "You know, everyody's been looking at you" in that entrancing voice of hers, and the smile widens. "But, I'm sure nothing's going to happen, is it?"

Silvana looks at Jax as he starts to flirt with another girl and moves away as she speaks "S don't let him get too far we need the package. B keep them busy Z he is heading down your way" she on the other hand blends as best as she can into the crowd and moves to follow the man with the darn book.

xxxxxThe bouncer by the bar blinks and shakes his head, looking around. The main bartender, seeming concerned leans over and yells, "You alright?" The bouncer looks up at the man and a look of horror hits his face, then that look turns to blind panic and screaming he punches the bartender in the face. The other inside bouncer moves over in a hurry and even the two handling the jumping frat boy look concerned.

xxxxx"I'm not sure.. he comes out of nowhere.. he used to run the shop I worked at then he said he had to leave there, never said why, but I -have- to find him.." she says as if her need for his blood would guide her to him.

"Shit..." Zeta swears, quickening his pace. "Alright, I'm on it." He replies over comms, moving back toward the storm drain he came down. Instead of climbing back up, he stays nearby, "I'll let you know if he heads back up to street level. He'll be coming out of a storm drain in an alleyway near the back of the club if he does... otherwise, I'll follow him wherever he might be going in the sewers." That said, he presses his back against the sewer wall and fades out of sight.

Becky looks very concerned by this devellopment, shuffling back rapidly in her seat to watch things play out. "Should... should this be happening?" she calls out before turning her attention to the bartender, gaze lingering on him as she lets a cruel little smirk flash across her face for a moment.

Jax grabs her hand with an invitation to follow him, "This way, I think I know where he is." Leading her out of the club to get to that storm drain in the alley with the girlfriend. "You should really let him have it for dumping you in a text."

xxxxxCathy nods blankly to Jax and lets him lead her where he will. She's not following dumbly though, she smiles and ruffles his hair.

Zeta keeps to the shadows, which shouldn't be too difficult in the sewers. Apparently having a change of heart, he makes his way back toward the door leading to the club, at least close enough to keep eyes on the door, though he still maintains distance, obviously wary of the explosives rigged up to it.

The bouncer looks terribly confused now, and then he's punched in the mouth by the bartender he just slugged, and they start throwing punches back and forth at each other. All three other bouncers rush to break up the EMPLOYEES who are in a brawl.

Jax seems to find little resistance to his leaving with the girlfriend. Seems the bouncers are preoccupied at the bar. "I heard he was meeting his ride around the back." Exiting the club to get to that alley where the sewer grate is.

Becky goes back to her martini, quietly sipping away through that crazy-straw as she watches the scene degenerate. After a moment, she turns to the girl next to her, commenting "What I love is the way that the club puts in some entertainment for us. Isn't it delightful? Oh... it's not staged? Gosh."

Silvana gets past the door and rushes to catch up with Mister sneaky book thief. Though he wasn't expecting this of course because he turn and eyes widen as she comes up to him though she was prepared for such a thing as her eyes turn golden and her irises get really bit and she softly says "Stop" and he does just as she says because he is frozen in place. She comments over the comlink "S i'm right behind you with our friend in the tunnels, you might want to come closer don't touch him though" she smiles at him keeping those eyes on him and extands her hand out to him "Kindly hand over the book please"

There's a curious look in the vampires eyes as he looks at Silvana. He doesn't hand over the book though.. he doesn't do ANYTHING actually, he just seems somewhat.. entranced by her to the point of not moving a muscle.

Becky remains at the bar, watching things kick off with faint amusement.

Jax keeps making for the sewer entrance with the girlfriend, <Do not let him get away. Z, I am heading your way.> Going as fast as his little legs can carry him. Cathy probably is wearing heels anyway. "Come on, we don't want to miss him!" urging her on.

"I'm in position," Zeta replies over comms, his voice a low whisper, "He won't get past me. Anywhere he goes, I'll be right behind."

Sentinel runs down the entrance, covering Silvana. She pauses when she sees Silvana with the book thief, ready to cover if anyone else comes along. Seems Silvana has it under control.

Sentinel decides now is the best time to control the kindred. She moves on the side opposite of silvana, and reaches out for the vampire, Trying to pin him. "I've got him, Silvana! Get the book and go!"

The vampire suddenly regains himself only to find he is held helplessly by Sentinel. He look deliberately does not look at Silvana who is easily able to take the book, but instead looks at Sentinel.

Silvana gives Nell orders of what to do as they get in place and Nell begins to do what it asked. Well Sil takes the book easily from the man that ws busy staring into her eyes. She puts the book in a pocket inside her jacket and makes sure that's secure. She looks a little doubtful at Nell at first about the whole go now. She shakes her head and pulls a pen out of her pocket "Don't look at him" she tells Nell

Jax's short little legs finally get him to the sewer grate, good thing it's still open. "We gotta go down there, he's in the steam tunnels trying to avoid you. Bastard is to cowardly to even face you like a man. /Come/ on!" the command to come is emphasized as he looks her in the eye to explain just before dropping into the sewer.

Sentinel nods "Gotit!" she says, trying to hold the kidred still, squeezing her eyes shut. "Ready when you are!"

Silvana hasn't left Nell even if she told her to go when the man snaps out of his frozen state and turns to look at the woman who has him firmly in his grasps, Sil jumps into action and with a quick flip of the wrist or whatever she does the pen extends out sword size and she turns to try and bring down the vampire enough that he doesn't try anything funny on Nell. How dare the book thief try to pick on her friend not only that but make her job of recovering a book that was suppose to be simple this complicated.

Jax finally gets to Zeta by the door, "Come on." trying to go through the door to get to the others quickly still. Not having an update of status just yet.

Sentinel tholds the kindred close to him. On command, she starts to crush the kindred, pausing to snap his neck.

Silvana speaks into the comlink "What does the door look like. I might be able to defuse it since I didn't get a picture" she turns to look at Nell to make sure she is ok "Package aquired. What would you like me to do with the carrier?" she asks

The door falls open easily and the two-by-four 'wedged' against it falls in ineffectually at Jax's feet showing just how much fail Zeta actually performed. There thankfully doesn't seem to be a booby trap and the bombs don't go off

Zeta fades back into sight and falls in tow beside Jax. When the door opens, he shakes his head, muttering darkly under his breath before smacking himself audibly in the forehead. It takes him a moment, but he's able to find the humor in the situation, chuckling softly, "Well... I'm an idiot." He notes, casually.

Silvana guestres to Nell "Bring him" she then turns to walk off look at that the ghoul is getting bossy. She heads down the tunnel to meet up with Jax and Zeta.

Jax replies, <Bring his corpse. We'll secure it for another time. I'll meet you in the alley.> A sigh of relief given with everything being settled. "Guess all is well. Let's get the car to the alley."

Sentinel nods. "Will keep him not-ash then." she says as she hefts the body, fireman style. She nods to Silvana, following closely and silently. The gargoyle does seem to follow orders well and easy, even if she has to have stuff spelled out for her at times.

xxxxxSentinel, Silvana, and Zeta return to search the office. It's not really messy, but it's also not really clean either. After digging heavily through the office with a computer with more random stuff on it than any kind of sense, Silvana checks a cigar box, in a removable flap of lining she finds a gold ring and a small red gem and a tiny note with them on which there is a scraw, "More than what they seem..." They seem to match the stolen goods the collector had.

Silvana looks over to Zeta "Look we found the stuff that was stolen from that collector"

Zeta glances back toward Silvana, eyebrows arching, "Well, would you look at that..." He glances at the scrawled note on the cigar box, "More than what they seem, huh?" He grins, "So we've recovered the book, and now this stuff... Not bad for a night's work."

xxxxxFor the trinkets you see the Kindred handling them.. then the collector.. then brief glimpses of a history to the.. the red gem held up to a person's eye and stared through, the ring becalming a madman until it slipped off and more madness came. The computer has similar mad images to what Silvana experienced at the pawn shop.

Silvana takes a deep breath and finds a spot that views the whole room and sits down kind of just staring, yup she just sat there and is staring and staring hard at nothing in particular.

Similar to last time Silvana can almost see the game that others play with their lives.. Infact.. one of the players seems to be coming closer...

Zeta clearly doesn't have any idea what Silvana is doing, but he doesn't ask questions. He merely takes another cursory glance around the office, "I'd say a celebration was in order... but maybe that can wait for another time." Grinning, he continues, "You about ready to get out of here?"

Silvana finally snaps out of whatever she was doing and stand "We might not be done with all of this" she comments grabbing the box and giving one mor elook in case there might be something else.