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Of Books and Burglaries pt4
The Interrogation of Bobby Baller
IC Date Monday
IC Time Shortly After Sundown
Players Silvester (Storyteller), Silvana, Zeta, Madeline, Sentinel, Becky, and Jax
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp Of Books and Burglaries
Spheres Vampire


The room isn't overly big it's your standard room they hold people, white walls, a cot, metal door with a sliding door to check on the boy who is being watched at all times really. There are no windows and sound proof.

Bobby Baller looks.. scared.. He still doesn't understand what happened that night.. That nice lady wanted his help with the car.. he had to go to her.. Had to. That's not strange.. His buddies got involved and that was a little weird and then.... nothing.. he can't remember what happened after that until he was waking up in the back of the van and then being led into this room.. He's been fed but he keeps asking about his buddies..

Jax fixes his tie and running his stubby fingers through his hair, setting himself in the proper professional demeanor before approaching the captive man. The cell door between them. "Good evening, Mr Baller." addressing the man by name when he steps forward.

Bobby looks towards the door, "Wh-what's going on man? I didn' do nuthin'" he says but the fear in his voice suggests otherwise. He licks dry lips looking around the empty room then back to the door.

Madeline takes a seat to wait and listen

Becky leans in to Madeline, whispering conspiritorally to her. "Are we doing good-cop bad-cop? I call good-cop!"

Silvana is standing besides Jax, awaiting for his orders.

Zeta is hanging around the outside of the cell, not quite close enough to be able to look inside. He's leaning against one of the hallway walls, looking a bit tired, hands in his pockets and head flush against the wall, looking upward at nothing in particular. Hearing Jax's voice, he seems to snap back to the here and now, looking over with interest.

Jax smiles hearing the fear in the captive's voice, "I should be asking you the same thing, Mr Baller. What is going on?" his question's tone not necessarily looking for an answer, more a repeat of the helpless and fearful man behind the door. "The question you should be asking is, how do I escape this predicament?" leaning with his back against the door while he goes through the cordials of social niceties and such. "The guardian could not protect you. Falling in his own pool of blood. How can this be?" Mock surrise in his tone, "Such ferocity, such rage, such big.., sharp.., claws." giggling softly, barely audible through the door, but perhaps noticable.

"What??" the boy says sounding very confused, and still apprehensive. "Oh shit.. Oh SHIT! You're a serial killer aren't you?! It puts the lotion on it's skin? Yeah FUCK that! You want my skin, come in here and take it.." For some reason the claws don't seem to ring any bells.. ahh delirium...

Madelines brow goes up as Jax plays with the boy

Sentinel comes in just after the others, standing silently by Madeline. She listens to the interrogation quietly, trying to learn from Jax's work.

Jax laughs when the boy calls, Serial Killer. A sick giggle ending his laughter. "If only you were that lucky, my pet." he looks to Silvana and Madeline, speaking low so not the travel through the door, "Send some tentacles inside through the door to urge his fear to come more to the surface.

Silvana peeks in enough so that she can do as she is told.

Becky gestures to Jax as he does his thing, and adds "You know, there's a difference between 'bad cop' and 'gratuitous cop'. I wonder how long it will be before he starts crying... the poor darling."

Sentinel watches the tentacles. "I must learn that trick." she says in an odd voice. "So.. intriguing."

Silvana loses one Magical Essence

Zeta just keeps listening, looking over toward Becky with a nod, "Mmm... poor bastard's probably close enough to pissing his pants without being pressed."

Madeline rises to do as asked then the other brow goes up as Silvana movs to do so also. Giving a shrug she smiles and proceeds to do so also

"WHAT THE FUCK!?! WHATTHEFUCK?!" the screaming starts almost as soon as the first tentacle appears, and quickly degenerates into just screaming, sucking in a breath and screaming again.. He's backed into a corner of the room, just screaming at the tentacles.. He does lose bowel control.. he's never seen anything like this and his mind... well... It's an HP Lovecraft moment really, with tentacles and everything.

Silvana doesn't need really that big of a peek as she knows the layout of the room by heart. From the corner of the room one from infront of him and one behind two inky black shadowy tentacles apper moving slowly towards the boy as if to go grab him.

Becky peers blankly at Zeta. "He's got a trouser press in there? Surely that's not... you know, never mind. You know, if we break his mind /tooo/ much, I doubt we'll get much but screams from him." She peers over at the tentacles doing their thing. "Evards black tentacles? Oh, nostalgia!"

Jax senses the man's fear, from a long age of toying with the mind's of mortals, he whispers, "Open the door." to Silvana. "Mr Baller, I sense your willingness to cooperate." turning up his volume for his benefit as he turns to face the man when the door is opened.

Silvana easily leans to open the door for Jax to come in staying wherever it is that he would want her to stand.

Zeta arches an eyebrow at Becky's response, "...Huh?" Luckily, the next few words coming out of her mouth make sense to him, and again he nods, brushing right past his own initial confusion, "Yeah... I'd tend to agree with that." Going quiet, he shrugs, and turns his attention back toward the cell door.

Sentinel frowns. "It's a shame." she says in that odd voice, her turquoise eyes focused on the ma. "I was looking forward to showing the group my skills..."

Madeline withdraws her shadowy tendrils and goes to relax with Sentinel, soemthing in the Keeper's eyes shows she is not happy about torturing the boy

"AHHHH! <gasp> AHHH! <gasp>" as he tumbles away from one set of Tentacles only to nearly run into another, "AHHHH!" he screams and tries to back away from both, he sees the door open and the small man walk in and screams even louder "AHHHHHHHHH! I'M SORRY MR. LEPRECHAUN!!!!" he starts to cry...

Jax grins deviously at the man when the pair's eyes meet, "Relax, Mr Baller. I am here to help you. The rest do not exist. Only I am here. Your pot of gold awaits should you please me." trying to take the focus off the others.

"I already sold you my gold!" he blubbers falling to the ground and hiding his face... He's a bit beyond scared at this point. He's seen things few mortals have.. and he's not taking it well.

Silvana stands beside the door out of sight just listening.

Becky goes quiet, listening to how the conversation progresses.

Hearing the kid's reaction, Zeta shakes his head and looks down at his feet, muttering darkly to himself. Then he blinks, head snapping back upright, rubbing at his chin thoughtfully. Whatever he's thinking, he decides to keep it to himself for the time being.

Jax enjoys the fear, perhaps a bit too much. His blubbering almost turning him on. "I need you calm and sane, Mr Baller."

Jax approaching in a calm manner, trying to reassure him all will be well. If allowed, reaching out for the man's hands in a utopian manner.

Madeline brushes back her golden hair and simply lets her boss do his thing

Sentinel looks to Madeline then looks to Jax. The gargoyle's face makes a bit of a smile, before going back to its normal emotionless gaze.

Silvana stays at the side of the door out of sight just listening though she looks ready for whatever as for emotions she shows none what so ever.

The screaming, the crying, and the blubbering stop as Bobby gasps for breath, finally having the clarity of mind to remember he NEEDS to breath. His breathing slows into something almost akin to sleep but blinking he slowly leans back.. He looks kinda stoned. The fear's still there behind his eyes, but it's like a pain while you're on painkillers.. he just doesn't 'care' about it at the moment. "Y-you're not the leprecaun.." he says after getting a good look at Mr. Xander.

Jax holds the man's hands, with a reassurance that all will turn out ok. "I am not the Leprechaun you speak of. I am of a different Clan. I want to help you, but you must help me. Can you do that?" looking up into the man's eyes when he can.

Silvana keeps at her spot as she listens in

Bobby nods and looks around.. not seeing the tentacles anymore.. "What'd you give me?" he asks slowly, calmly, as if speaking from a dream. Then he looks back at Jax, "What do you want to know?" he asks in that same dazed voice.

Zeta seems to relax as the overall tone of Jax's interrogation softens, and he sidesteps a bit closer toward the cell door in order to hear the exchange more clearly.

Madeline glances at Zeta and nods a bit, not about to judge her boss but she doesnt look terribly happy

Becky gives a tiny shrug. "Well, I dare say everything here's in order. Do try not to break the poor man, darlings. Possibly send him to me for some aftercare." She stands to leave.

Jax smiles, pleased in the demeanor of cooperation, "Why did you take the book?" keeping the topic simple for now to see what might be remmebered.

Madeline rises and kisses Nells cheek before turning to step out

"Money..." he answers simply, staring at Jax. He still looks scared behind the calm.. His mind trying to convince him the tentacles were a drugged hallucination and working moderately well.. "It looked like it just arrived.. said $14 Gs on the slip..."

Sentinel returns the kiss. "Take it easy. I'll keep you informed."

Silvana continues to quietly just listen briefly glancing to Becky and Madeline as they turn to leave

Zeta nods to Becky and Madeline as both move to leave, before turning his attention toward Silvana, grinning faintly, "Not the way I would've done it..." He begins, "But sounds like we're getting where we need to go."

Becky gives Sentinel a slight nod as she limps off. "Myself too, please, darling. I hope everybody here remembers that we are not monsters, and as such we treat those in our power with suitable respect and dignity."

Silvana looks towards Becky a moment before Zeta and bows her head. "That's the key right?" she says very softly so that only Zeta may hear and not the boy or Jax cuz you know it be bad if they did.

Jax smiles as he notes what the man's memory may be, "How did you know about the book to steal it?"

"We break into houses through out that neighborhood.. I got.. lucky... but I couldn't sell it..." he says slowly still with a medicated sound to his words.

Zeta nods seemingly in agreement with both Becky and Silvana, keeping his voice low as well, "Mmm-hmm... but I dunno... might not be much left of the kid when we're done here." That thought doesn't seem to sit particularly well with him.

Silvana looks towards the room then at Zeta "I think he is pretty strong"

Jax chuckles amused, "Lucky you are it, would seem. Let's see how lucky you really are." looking deeply into his eyes.

Bobby's eyes lose focus and the fear disappears as he just stares into Jax's eyes, his jaw going slack as he listens attentively.

Silvana continues to just listen to the conversation as she looks a little to Zeta

Jax sits next to him, leaning up to him, always looking into his eyes, "So were you truly lucky, or did someone hire you?"

Zeta shrugs, "He's probably pretty tough, no doubt. Streets would've eaten him alive by now if he wasn't..." He sighs, "But... tough enough for this?" He looks around, motioning vaguely, "That's a pretty tall order... but for his sake, he better hope so. In any case, whatever doesn't kill you and all that..." Going quiet again, he too focuses on the conversation inside the cell.

"Lucky," he responds simply.. then forgets that he was lucky... His head tilting trying to remember how he found out about the book.

Jax squeezes his hand in reassurance that he is safe, "You know luck is not all that you benefit from in this, who? Who hired you? Where is the book now?"

"No one hired... now? I don't know where it is now..." he says. The lack of memory not seeming to hurt him, you can't strip memories that aren't there..

Sentinel looks closer, watching with an intensity. But otherwise she doesnt move.

Jax smiles eerily, eyes continually locked with his, "So you are no use to me, correct? Who would know?"

"Who.. who would know what? If I'm of use to you?? You would know..." he says says very softly..

Jax sighs with a nod, "Of course you have use. What happened to the book then?"

Silvana raises a brow at the conversation going on inside

"I tried to sell it.. I took it to places.. It was too hot.. Then I tried Mellow Jack's..." he twitches, "Met the leprechaun.. he bought my gold... He said he hadn't read the book so I loaned it to him..." he says without seeming to understand the inconsistancy of trying to sell a $14,000 book and then suddenly loaning it away instead.

Jax nods to the young man, "So you pawned it with Mellow Jack." a sudden disappointment overcomes his expression, "Is this true?"

"Not Mellow Jack, I know Mellow Jack.. Leprechaun..." Bobby says, through the dead gaze there's the slightest glimpse of.. not fear... madness?

Jax nods again,

Zeta perks up at the next few things Bobby says, nodding to no one in particular, "Well, that confirms my suspicions from earlier..." Rubbing his chin, he once again looks thoughtful, "Wonder if the gold he's talking about was the jewelry we saw him pawn?" He says, looking to Silvana, "But... why would he loan a book worth 14K? In any case... it sounds like there's another player here... this Leprechaun he keeps talking about."

Jax nods again, "Describe the leprachaun and tell me how long ago this loan took place?"

The memory is slipping as he speaks but he tries, "Tall, blond, no.. short in green.. He wants my gold.. will pay for it.. I offer book, but no.. hasn't read it? Sure you can borrow my book..." Bobby says as his eyes lid...

Silvana raises a brow as she looks to Zeta "Because the leprecaun convinced him to let him borrow the book of course" she frowns at the description as she keeps listening

Sentinel frowns. "Leprechaun..." she shakes her head, lettting Jax take the helm.

Zeta chuckles at Silvana's reply, "Right... 'convinced' him, I'm sure..." He uses air quotes for emphasis. "Short and in green... not much to go on, there... I suppose he's also a redhead and speaks in an Irish brogue."

Jax sighs as he realizes this may be a dead end, "Who is Cathy Smith?"

"Cathy? Oh I don't deal with Cathy, she works during the day..." Bobby says, "Mellow Jack works graveyard..."

Jax nods, finding himself discouraged with this prisoner, "Tell me what you know about her, and tell me about the First Dates. How many, who is their leader, and what is their goal?"

"Not much, mousy, brown hair, glasses.. We keep the street. Dunno, maybe 50? Samantha Jones and Tommy Dills.. We're a family and they watch out for us.. No robbery, no muggings, no rapes. Burglary is ok, but don't hurt nobody.. Other gangs.. can hurt them.. dangers to the hood, can hurt them... We keep the street."

Silvana keeps quietly listening and smiles as she hears the next bit of details. She looks thoughtful as she seems to tap her chin a little bit.

Jax continues, "Have you been to the Core?"

Bobby shakes his head, "Underage..." he explains simply..

Sentinel arches a brow. Core. hmm.

"A street gang that doesn't engage in violence toward citizens, huh?" Zeta remarks, "I guess I can respect that..."

Silvana looks towards Zeta and nods "Indeed, not many out there like that"

Jax turns a hint of a smile with the reply, "I understand. You will do all you can to obtain the book once again. You will encourage your fellow gang members to help. Those that refuse to help are not your family. They are enemies that the cops have gotten to in order to betray those that do help you. You will not remember my face nor any other's in my company. When you have the book you will place it inside the cannon at <this address, calling this number> to let us know you have completed your task, following further instructions during the phone call."

Bobby nods slowly. He of course doesn't explain that his friends noticed he's been a little off since he started talking about leprechauns and calling out friends who disagree with him as Narcs might not go over well.. He just nods, ready and willing to follow that order from.. who gave him that order again?

"True enough." Zeta replies to Silvana, nodding. As Jax sets out a task for Bobby, glances toward the cell door, raising both eyebrows. "Hell of an idea if it works... but my guess is his friends are just gonna end up dusting him and dropping him in a dumpster somewhere..." He sighs, shaking his head, "In any case... now it looks like we're chasing a Leprechaun." Blinking, he can't seem to believe the words he's just uttered. He manages to shake it off, grinning, "Suppose we should start at the end of the rainbow, huh?"

Silvana purses her lips a little bit and nods "yeah, hopefully they just think he has lost marbles" she tilts hr head "following the rainbow to the end can be fun" she says without any emotion

Jax smiles smiles wiht his compliance, "The tentacles and white room were nothing but hallucinations of an awesome acid trip you took in celebration of how lucky you are. You will go with my friend, she will take you home. she is just another hallucination of a Unicorn that brought you to safety from the vile leprachaun."

Bobby nods slowly, ready for the unicorn to take him home... His head is fuzzy, probably from the acid.. Yeah, that's probably what it is...

Silvana must be the lucky unicorn and steps out when Jax says she can come in to take poor bobby home.

Jax leaves tha man's side, gsturing to Silvana to take him home before going over to Zeta. "I assume you are able to command the feral beasts of the city? Keep tabs on this lost cause."

Sentinel frowns. "Unicorns and leprechauns. What will coem next?"

Silvana steps out from around the corner and heads over to Bobby and offers him her hand "Are you ready?"

Zeta arches an eyebrow at Silvana, but doesn't say anything. As Jax addresses him, he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck, "My blood's a bit different, Seneschal, but I can keep tabs on him nonetheless. Rest assured, I'll be watching him."

Bobby nods as he reaches up, not to take her hand, but to rest his atop of her's as he rises and then lays a hand on her shoulder.. She's a unicorn after all.. fortunately he doesn't try to ride her.

Jax accepts the reply from the City Gangrel, turning his attention on his Myrmidon, "Madame, if you would get me a detailed layout of both the pawn shop and the club, Core. I am interested in those parts that are not public. Employee only type places, backdoors. Understand?"

Silvana can't help but smile after all she's a unicorn and leads bobby out blocking his view of where they are going headind down dark tunnels and then out to the street where a van is waiting for them on the ride home Bobby does get microchipped so they can keep and eye on him.

"Ow!! watch the horn!" is the reply she receives from Bobby when she microchips him. Oh yes.. his gang will follow his every word.. for sure...

Zeta dips his head respectfully to those still present before making his own way back to street level, taking a more direct route before wandering off to wherever his destination might be.