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(The group has escaped, and now must survive to get home)
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The Party to Die For V
The group has escaped, and now must survive to get home
IC Date Friday
IC Time Night
Players Velok (Storyteller), Basilisk, Liesl, Misa, Silvana
Location Near Bologna, Italy
Prp/Tp The Party to Die For
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Vampire


Deep Forest

xxxxxTrees tower above like massive monoliths reaching high into the skies above. Like giants, their canopies filling overhead with thick branches twisting together as the leaves clutter to burry the clouds away in a fitful of green, orange, yellow and brown. The woods bristle with the sounds of thousands of different colorful species of birds native to this area as they clutter within the trees high up above.
xxxxxThey chatter wildly to each other either warning of possible prey or predator within the immediate area. The grounds lie lush with flora, covering the rich soil with thickened green brush, grasses, fallen leaves and shrubs. Several paw prints can be seen along the ground, threatening of various differnt kinds of predators within the area that have passed through this way as of recent.

xxxxxIt's a funny thing, teleportation. It can be great for getting somewhere quickly without having to deal with all the mundane ways of travel, yet the people become slightly dependent on the one teleporting. The group now provides a clear example of what happens when that method is removed. Lost in time, and space, and meaning, the four underdressed and overstimulated women have banded together to fulfill that one subtle desire buried deep. Going home. The four travelled through the woods due north until they couldn't hear the roars of the crowd, then thirty minutes more before taking a rest. There was no real need for rushing, as several checks showed a distinct lack of pursuit. The girls rested, regained their bearings, tended to their wounds as best as possible, then huddled up for warmth while trying to figure out what to do next.
xxxxxAnd what type of friend ended up coming to their aid in this hour of need? A squirrel. Silvana climbed a tree, chittering away and summoning several towards them, then compelled one into gaining information. Silvana described what a city was like, with buildings and lights, and after lots of translation, discovered there was something that looked like that several miles northwest. Silvana politely requested the squirrel take them there as best as possible, and that is where the group is now. Preparing to follow after an excited, overtly friendly squirrel to lead them back to civilization and, hopefully, home.

Basilisk follows the squirrel, sniffing the air. SHe finds it odd that theres been no pursuit and this squirrel is a bit too friendly. Maybe its leading them into a trap. No time to think about that now. Let's follow that squirrel! And that, she does.

Silvana looks around as they walk keeping her eyes open. She makes sure that everyone is walking together "Squirrels are so darn cute, though lets keep our eyes open.. Though I wish we could have had something with air view, though most air things right now would try to eat the squirrel and we don't want that, but it be nice for a scout ahead or keeping and eye behind us to see if we are being followed" she make a comment and keeps her eyes open, hand on her gun.

xxxxxLiesl is happy enough to let the squirrel lead as she stays close with Misa, huddling with her for warmth. She's aching as well, from the backlash of her ... er ... unconventional defensive attack. So, lead on, McDuff.

Basilisk holds her shoulder a little awkwardly, still healing but better then the day befor.e "Its weird. No followers yet." she states.

Misa frowns a little and looks over Liesl with more concern than her usual once overs might contain. "You alright there sugar? Looks kinda like yer favorin one side. You get bit too?"

Silvana looks at Liesl, Misa and Basil. She begins to undo her shirt and then actually takes it off and offers it to Liesl "Here, this might help. " yes she is wearing a bra. "I am sorry I didn't think of it before, are you alright? Do we need to stop for a moment?"

xxxxxThe squirrel is a little too trusting, as if it's being compelled to do something. Compelled by who? Maybe Silvana. Maybe something else. It darts this way and that, diverting from going in a straight line enough times that it might be a little annoying, but it still leads them in the same general direction. Every so often it stops, perching up on its back legs and staring around wildly, then continuing onwards. Should the party slow though, the squirrel will slow as well. It's a nice squirrel.

xxxxxLiesl shakes her head. "No biting, they never got close enough. I'm just aching, Feels like I've got muscles I never knew I had." She smiles to Silvana when she is offered the shirt, and she takes it. "Thanks, no, I think moving is better than not, just not too fast." She slides her arms into the shirt, the snake moving accommodatingly to let her put it on. A snug fit, but way better than what she had.

Misa looks to Silvana and shakes her head... but it's too late they've already exchanged shirts. "Probably best to keep movin yeah... we really trust teh fuzzball? Shit wait does it understand me?"

Basilisk chuckles. "Probably but who knows if it takes it as an insult." she continues to sniff, smelling for anything unusual. "When I get home. Im going to eat all the fish in the sea.' two days without hunting.

Silvana nods and keeps moving then as slow as they need too for those that are aching. She did have to readjust her gun strap and slightly make gasps when the colness of it touches her skin, but she gets over it quickly. She looks at Misa "Yes and no, I don't think he would have done something to influence the animals but I could be wrong so we want to keep our eyes open regardless" she is keeping her ears and eyes open

xxxxxThey're getting closer and closer towards that edge of the forest, which is good. The squirrel seems to be doing its job. He gets more and more excited, happy at least. In squirrel speak, he keeps talking about his new friends, obviously referring to the four women. It seems this squirrel has had trouble finding a mate, and is a bit ostracised from the squirrel community, which explains more why he was so willing to come and jump on Silvana and help her out. He even suggests maybe his new friends will take him with them, when they get to this magical land of Proospekt. Perhaps wondering if the squirrels there are more friendly.
xxxxxAlas, this is not the case, as when the squirrel turns back around to look back towards the group of women following, a crack of a twig, a low moan, and rustling give away an immediate sense of danger to the group. Those watching get to see a very familiar face stumble out from near dense shrubbery, pouncing on the poor squirrel. It's our best friend Zombie 1, the same zombie that the group sent towards Simon has somehow managed to find its way out of the arena and towards the group. It doesn't ambush the group itself, but the poor friendly squirrel is too slow to escape, the zombie managing to grab it and chomp right into its body, killing it instantly.
xxxxxOnce the initial shock wears off, even if it's just a second, they can see some subtle changes. The zombie seems unharmed, albeit completely covered in blood. Surely Simon's blood, as they saw what happened to their villain. Somehow this zombie managed to make it out of the arena and off back towards the group, and now has arrived to finish the job.

Basilisk moves to all fours, growling a bit. "Look who'se back. Protect the squirrel. Ladies? Shall we take him out?"

Silvana felt it but it wasn't quick enough to save her squirrel friend. She frowns and gets ready to stand in defence specially of Misa and Liesl.

(Two round combat. Misa sweeps to knock the zombie down on its face, Silvana stabs, Basilisk finishes with claws. No PC damage.)

xxxxxThe moment the zombie is done chomping on the poor squirrel, he turns his frenzied eyes on the group. Somewhere, Mandy Patinkin is reiterating the pains of how they killed his zombie family, and they should prepare to die. The zombie charges forward towards Silvana with that same frenzied speed they saw in the arena, completely leaving himself open for the most comical of trips from Misa sticking her leg out. The zombie flies forward, managing to dodge the swing of Silvana's sword by the hair on his chinny chinchin as he faceplants into the dirt and twigs. He reaches out trying to swipe at Silvana's leg but she jumps aside and brings her sword down to connect. With Liesl backing away and Basilisk bringing out them claws, it's no wonder that the remaining zombie, the harsh reminder of their battle in the arena, gets eviscerated. All the remains is his clawed up and ended body, and the body of their poor squirrel guide.

Basilisk brings out her claws, shredding the zombie in the name of squirrel! Let his death not be in vain! She howls in victory, and takes a bite out of the zombie maybe after his blood. "Its a good fight." she says. "Is there more?"

xxxxxLiesl just gets the hell out of the way. There's not a lot she can do in close quarters, and there's not a handy arch-nemesis lap to toss the zombie into.

Silvana watches the zombie fall and takes the opportinity to take swipe her awesome sword at him but this one is stronger and the first swiped even on the ground gets missed, but lucky for her she misses his strike too then finally connects as Basil finishes the job, see work effort. She sighs after the thing dies yet again looking down at the dead thing before she slowly looks around trying to h ear if anything else is coming.

Misa scoots away from teh fight, pushing off from teh zombie and getting some distance between her and the ladies using more dangerous weapons before she gets sliced up by a stray swing. She looks around the clearing carefully heading back towards Liesl to put a hand on her shoulder. "Not sure if that one was any faster than anything else... others might have tailed it."

xxxxxThe disgusting remains of the zombie on the forest floor, and Basilisk's futile attempt to get blood from it (Where no blood is), almost might be par for the course. Their dead friend, the squirrel that won't make it back to Prospect, lies on the ground, but it apparently did its job. The first sign of civilization contrasts the wild nature of the forest. A truck. Driving past somewhere in the distance of where they were going. Should anyone venture ahead, they'd see that they made it. That the edge of the forest is right nearby, and should they look, they can see a quiet village with many different buildings. Houses, a couple shops, a large building with lights and what sounds like raucous voices coming out of it. A tavern perhaps.

Silvana turns to look at the group "Alright ladies, shall we head into the tavern, or what do you want to do?" she asks looking over the group. She does pause and look at Liesl "Out of curiosity.. I am sure it is possible but probably well anyways can you teleport home out of curiosity?"

Basilisk retracts her claw and wipe her face. "That sounds like an easy solution." she blinks "Can you? At least one of us can get home."

Misa watches the city for a few moments. "Not to call anything too obvious, but if we're in teh wrong partsa some countries it's perfectly legal for any man tehre to have his way with us for walkin up ta them unclothed..."

xxxxxLiesl considers the question - the latter, rather than the former. "I ... yes, I expect that I can." She looks around at the others. "I don't think I can take you all with me, though." She doesn't seem inclined to leave everyone behind. She nods to Misa's comment. "There's that, too. Does anyone speak Italian?"

Misa shakes her head a few times. "I don't speak Italian... but I got clothes on and I can work people in any language."

Silvana nods her head "I can speak italian actually" she looks at the others before back to Liesl "I was thinking more of once we for sure find out where we are and depending on how fast it would take for us to get home. It could be possible that you" she smile at Liesl "can get home to the others while we plan here as time will be a key here because of Basil. If we can't get us on a plane before the sun sets we will have to at least find a way to transport her safely, or get someone that can at least teleport her, though we have to make sure that it's night time at home before we do that.." she looks thoughtful

xxxxxLiesl nods thoughtfully to Silvana. "Okay, good. I speak Italian as well. But, if you can as well, it'll help." She looks out towards the village. "Does that look like clotheslines down there?" She points, "Behind that wall? I'm gonna check." She holds up her hand, gesturing for people to stay put. She also puts a finger to her lips. Then, she slips away.

Basilisk shakes her head. "I dont know what Italian is." Oh dear

Misa scratches the back of her head supporting her elbow with one hand. "Should we really be letting the naked one go do that?" she asks... only realizing NOW she's the one with the most clothes on. She quietly edges away a bit hoping no one else notices. "Well, we can get anywhere we need really if we can get a truck, two tarps and..." she pauses to size up Basil. "Five metersa rope and maybe half a cord of split wood."

Silvana watches Liesl head off watching and listening quietly for anyone coming or anything as they hide a bit.

xxxxxAnother truck drives by, not exactly close to the edge of the forest, but close enough they can hear it. It's passing by pretty quick.

xxxxxAfter a fair amount of time, Liesl returns, her arms filled with assorted clothing. She hands Silvana's blouse back to her, as she clearly took the time to dress in some of the clothes she snagged. A pull over sweater and a skirt fits her pretty well. She also has more sweaters, shirts, skirts and a couple of pairs of jeans, which she offers up to the others.

Basilisk Smiles. "Thanks, Liesl!" she says as she takes a skirt and sweater herself before someone confines her in pants again. "I like the diferent kinds of clothes. They are much more different than the clothes at Velok's."

Silvana smiles at Liesl "Thank you" she puts on her shirt and buttons and tucks it back in before also taking a sweater to hide the gun holder she has on. She looks herself over and shrugs as it will just have to do. "So ladies, taver, or stop a car going by?"

Misa doesn't pounce on teh truck this time, it's too far out for her to get there in time. She waits for the clothing to come back. "Thanks Liesl!" she chirps, though quietly. Strangely enough she changes by putting on the new clothing and pulling off her old clothing in teh process... which may look strange to those who've seen Misa naked before. While she changes she nods to Silvana. "I'm more for the car... if it's got hostiles in it won't feel to bad stealin it... or... hey anyone see a port there?"

Basilisk grunts. "Would be easier to go for the Tavern but I think we're more experienced with how to get hte car."

xxxxxLiesl folds the clothes up that aren't claimed, and tucks it all into a string bag that she must have snagged at the same time. "I'm good either way," she says, shrugging a little. "Even though we're dressed, we might not get the best of receptions at the tavern."

Silvana looks to the ladies and nods "Car or truck it is then, we will hijack it and try to figure where the hell we are, maybe take a phone" s he smile a little in thought before looking curiously around "I don't see one. I really wish we had eyes up in the air to get a better view of how big this city is and where the water is. Do you want to try and return by boat? That might take us a lot longer" she comments "I can try to call some birds and see if any of them will help us.

Misa shakes her head. "Well if there's a port I'd lay some damn good odds I can get us onna boat to get back. Not so sure now. Tell ya what though instead hijackin a car let's see if we can get someone ta give us a lift inta town. Might look better'n us comin in outta the wods with teh reputation it's gotta have. We're gonna need a story though, 'cause people'r gonna ask why we're out and about out here."

xxxxxLiesl looks around at the group, and how they look. "Lost in the woods hiking is probably completely out. The lack of a car rules out the having our car break down story." She and Basil are both barefoot, her own shoes having been lost in the arena, and Basil never having had any. "We're a mixed bag, for sure. I suppose the truth is not an alternative. We were kidnapped, escaped and made our way through the forest ... who would believe that?"

Silvana is also without shoes herself. She grins at Liesl "Well there is that the truth, but we can get in the middle of the road and flag down the next passing car if you would like and see where we can go from there"

Basilisk Frowns. "It happens sometimes but they'd wonder why four people not rom Italy are here." she looks around. "We are way out of our territory."

Misa looks the group over. "We're too old ta be kidnapped to be sold." she says with unsettling authority. "Anyone with experience will buy we were being held ransom though. Wouldn't be the first girls brought out this far." she says scratching under her chin and eyeing Silvana. "I mean you and Liesl can definitely easily pass for havin rich daddies that'd be worried about you."

xxxxxLiesl nods. "Yes, out of our territory. And, I am completely without ID or money or anything." She rolls her eyes and grins at Misa's comment about having a rich daddy, given the history of 'Connie' and 'Stacy'. "Yeah, maybe it wouldn't be too out there. What about you and Basil?"

Silvana taps her chin then looks thoughtful "We can go with the car that blew and engine to stop them though I might not be able to keep the illusioun too long, we can definately say the car broke down we went into the forest and that's how we lost our shoes and are lucky to have return and see if we can get a ride with the promise that they can come get the car that will be gone by the time they do"

Basilisk blinks "Hey. Wait. I have an idea. Do any of us have rich friends in Prospect who would give us plane tickets for a blowjob?" she asks.

Misa nods emphatically to Basil. "We'd need to get to a phone first of course, and they'd want more'n one. But we can do that. Prolly best to go with the broken down car story, doesn't get police involved. Someone REALLY starts askin and gettin nosey we let slip we were kidnapped after that and act pissed about it gettin out because if the police get involved... shit what bad happens if the cops get involved?"

Silvana looks to Basil "Once we can get to an airport or ship we can get us out of here money won't be the problem trust me on that. It's the getting out of here that we have to deal with first.. " she keeps her eyes on the road "I can easily make a car I am with involving the police getting involve and we have not long to find what we are doing before the sun comes up.."

xxxxxAnother car goes past. That one sounded like a ferrari. Them damn Italians and their fancy cars.

xxxxxLiesl nods. "Paying is not the big issue. The biggest issue is that most of us probably don't have IDs with us." She looks around at the others, queryingly. Misa and Silvana get thoughtful looks and she nods. "We do have a definite deadline."

Basilisk nods "Sounds good." she watches the car go by. "Lets flag down trhe next one and try to get them to take us where we need to go."

Silvana looks at the ladies "When your ready ladies"

Misa makes her way to the road. Not bolting this time though, woo yeah ferarri or whatever you call those screaming metal death traps. No way they're fitting everyone in one of those kinds of super cars. "Alright... one person in the road at a time, in case the badguys are still lookin for us."

xxxxxLiesl shrugs. "As ready as I'll ever be." She nods to Misa. "Sounds like a plan." She glances to the others.

Basilisk nods "One person at a time. Want me to go first?" she offers.

Silvana makes her way towards the road and finds just the right spot and takes a deep breath just kind of calming letting the right image of the car and everything come to her head, hopefully no car is coming because a car needs to be present before the next one shows up. Once she gets just the right image she actually begins to concentrate and make the illution of a car big enough for all of them to be on it with italian plates, making sure the driver side is on the correct side for the country that they are in and she's been here so yes that is no surprise to her. The hood is open on the car and smoke can be seen rising if there is a breeze it's moving in the correct direction of the breeze and the engine looks like it fell so no one comes up and says oh let me fix it it's clear that towing is the only thing that can be done for them.

xxxxxWhen the group makes it to the road, they can see that it looks to be one of those detours. The village itself is large enough that it's not super far away from civilization. One can guess that there's surely some sort of highway or freeway nearby, as the frequency of cars leaves indication that this is some sort of detour route, or one of those famous 'shortcuts'. Most of the village looks to be powered down for the night, except for that tavern. Apparently there's an event, as a couple people can be seen milling around the building, but are far enough away that they'd need to be approached to spot the group itself.
xxxxxAs the group has elected to try and flag down one of the passing cars, they move to the roadside. There's still no indication that they're being followed or stalked, no mass army coming after the group, but the wind has picked up, and it's starting to get rather cold. Another car is coming, so someone will need to decide which method of flagging will be used and by whom.

Misa grabs Basil and slips off the road with her, laying flat and hopefully out of sight. "Someone who speaks Italian should be on the road."

xxxxxLiesl nods. "I'll go ... let Silvana concentrate on the car."

Basilisk nods "You're right." she gives Misa a smile as she takes her off the road and nuzzles her with her head about something. "thanks, silvana and liesl."

Silvana is going to concentrate in making sure the car stays as real as possible and right now that she is only concentrading on her illusion she can make the smoke move in any direction the wind decides to blow. Her sword did get put back into a pen so no sword in sight.

xxxxxLo and behold! Lights! The pair of headlights start coming down the road, but the closer they get, the more they slow down. With Liesl stepping out and starting to gesture to try and get attention, accompanied by Silvana's appearence, this truck is slowing down. (An Italian version of http://www.northstarcampers.com/uploads/catalog/c5fc5facbf1d176ba69ed56c2a032e76_xl.jpg) Yes, ladies. I'm sorry to say, but they've done studies, and hotter girls in car distress get far more stops for assistance than others. Sexism at its worst...or perhaps here its best. Taking into account the darkness of night and general distrust of hitchikers, coupled with the illusion of an actual broken down car, the truck pulls up off the road near the two women. The door opens and out steps a rather older Italian man. (http://tinyurl.com/pg6z6ev). The way he's looking at Silvana and Liesl, however, make it pretty clear that it was the looks that really got him to stop. He starts to talk, perhaps a little excited, in that Italian voice. "You ladies having a problem? Need some help?" He says in that foreign language, looking the two visable girls over."

xxxxxLiesl is well used to the fact that hot girls get the attention, get the help, get ... well, the stuff she's always gotten. Which can be bad, too. Creepy guys are just as drawn to hot chicks as non-creepy guys, so there's that. "Oh, thank you so much for stopping!" Liesl seems just as excited, and looking both concerned and relieved. "Our car, it is broken! We could use a ride, so we can get some help?" She smiles winsomely, possibly even batting her eyes. Her Italian is excellent, and it seems to be a 'country' version, rather than 'city' Italian.

Silvana smiles at the old man speaking in his language "I think we lost the enigne, we would really appriciate some help" she tilts her head yup she turns on the cute and perhaps helpless that men all seem to love.

xxxxxThe old man starts to look around, but his eyes return to Silvana and Liesl fairly quickly. Oh, he falls for it. Hook, line, and sinker. "What..what kind of help?" The man asks, stepping forward and towards the car. He doesn't get up to touch it, but he does turn his back on where Misa and Basilisk happen to be hiding. He licks his lips when he looks at the pair of them, then back to the car. "What do you want done?" Turns out they got creepy, horny old man, who still might be wary of what's going on.

xxxxxLiesl follows the old man, mostly to be sure he doesn't actually try to touch the 'car'. "It is probably the engine, look at all the smoke!" She gestures emphatically. Yeah, Italians /do/ speak with their hands. "I think it will need to be towed, if you can get us to town, to a garage, where we can make arrangements, yes?" She nods along with this, to encourage a positive response.

Misa slowly crawls up towards the road as his back is turned to her and looks towards either of the other girls within his view. She raises her eyebrows and gives a thumbs up, then lowers her hand before raising the other hand to line up with her neck before waiving it back and forth.

Silvana agrees with Liesl as she points to the part of the engine already on the ground "I think we hit something" she uses her hands as well "We will be much appriciative if you can just get us into town so we can have it towed in and we can continue on our trip" she smile

xxxxxThe old man is boobstuck, and after some very inappropriate glances between Liesl and Silvana, he nods. "Alright." He agrees, glancing over towards the town in the distance. "Just you two, and that town?" He points off towards the nearby village, not all that far away. "Or somewhere else?" He's looking a little more wary.

xxxxxLiesl doesn't shift her gaze from the man, letting her peripheral vision do the work of seeing Misa. As he glances away, she gives Misa her own thumbs up. "Do you know if there is a garage in that town?" she asks him, now sounding wary herself. "It will need a garage, I'm sure," She frets. looking over to Silvana, "How far would be the next place?" she asks the man, "If this town has no garage?"

Misa nods at the thumbs up and slinks back down, letting the other two decide if they introduce the fact there's four of them.

Silvana takes a long breath keeping her attention on the old man "I was hoping that there was" she looks to him "What is in the net town, please sir we really just want to get home, can you please just take us into a garage so we can use the phone?"

xxxxxThe man looks wary, still, especially considering that Liesl doesn't answer his question. He glances off towards the village in the distance, the one with the tavern far off that people can be heard partying. It seems the boob effect is starting to wear off. "That place...we don't go to that place. That place has reputation. No no no." He starts to back away a little, looking back to the two women. "Don't know of any garage, or tow company. I'm sorry." He does start to check his pockets, reaching down into one and pulling out a cell phone, but he doesn't hand it over. "How many of you are there?"

Misa doesn't let that call get made. She approaches quickly but as quietly as she can for a take down from behind.

xxxxxLiesl glances in the direction of the town. She looks a little scared now. "What ... what kind of reputation does it have?" She looks to Silvana, then back again to the man. "Is the place haunted, or something?" His final question causes her to blink, "You cannot count?" she asks, "Or does the town do something to your vision?" Yeah, she's trying to be distracting.

xxxxxThe discussion of the nearby town has obviously put the man on edge. "I'm not from around here, but that town...people don't like that town. Stories. Scary stories. Would prefer not going to the town. If you want to go to the town..." Apparently, there's a very bad reputation for that town, and Silvana and Liesl wanting to go there is putting him seriously on edge. He clutches the phone in his fingers, oblivious to anyone sneaking up. "Monsters." This one sounds far more accusatory.

Silvana looks not at ease "Well then we don't want to go there. We just didn't want to make you go out of your way.. But if your willing to take us all to a safer town than that then please don't leave us out here with monster" she sounds rather pleading now "Please sir. I beg of you don't leave us out here just we want to go home and be safe so as far as you safely can take us."

xxxxxLiesl can believe it about monsters, given what they just left earlier. Probably need to live somewhere. She nods. "No no, we don't want to go there, then! No, no monsters!" She pours on all the 'scared' as she can.

Misa has no idea what's being said, but she sees the man going for a phone, and they don't have time to explain the situation to police. Especially not with her finger prints. She goes to swat the phone from the poor man's hand before putting him in a sleeper hold. Despite the violence her voice is quite soothing as she speaks to him the dusky whisper of a happy lover, even if he doesn't understand. "Shhh sweety. Don't fight. Just sleep."

Silvana was going to say something and was getting ready to have Misa stop as the old man was starting to buy into it but then Misa leaps well not really and the poor man is about to go night night. She gives a little sigh and closes her eyes the car will remain till she is no longer aside she just can't change the smoke in the direction she wants "Well get in the car then and let's get out of here.." she moves to retrieve the phone that is probably out of his hand and on the ground hopefully still workable.

xxxxxThe man seems a little more relieved with Silvana's acting, the tension going away as he says "Okay." He starts to say when Misa's arms slip around his neck. The old man is frail, and unable to prevent the strong hold, even though he does struggle. His eyes stare at Liesl, the pure look of betrayal and horror in his eyes. He's pretty sure he's about to die as he loses consciousness, falling down to the ground in a slump.

xxxxxLiesl looks regretful as the man stares accusatory arrows at her. "Shh, shh," she murmurs, even though he can't hear it, and he slumps over unconsciously. She looks up at Misa, "He was telling us that the town has a very bad reputation, that no one around here goes there, since it's full of monsters." She tilts her head in the general direction of the arena. "Given what we saw, I don't find that entirely unbelievable."

Misa doesn't kill the guy for what it's worth, she lays him gently on the ground. "Oh... sorry thought he was callin cops..." she says laying him flat. "Liesl, you got my uniform still? The belt is silk, I can bind his hands with it, we'll take him with us so teh town don't eat him."

Silvana blows a little bit of air and nods "It's ok" she assures Misa as she begins to look at what kind of phone he has if it has a GPS and if she can figure out where the hell they are.

xxxxxLiesl nods, and shifts the bag around so that she can sort through the bag. "Here you go. One silk belt." She slides the length of silk from the midst of the bag, hand over hand, and holds it out to Misa.

xxxxxThe man is still alive, certainly. Just unconscious. A quick search of his person would reveal a phone, the keys, a wallet, various change, and money. The phone itself is basic and...sadly...has no signal, but at least has power and functions. Of fucking course. Still, it's pretty common sense given what they've found out that it could just be their location which is preventing the signal. The phone itself doesn't have GPS, but should anyone look within the truck, they'd be able to see a GPS unit hooked up with driving directions. There are some on the road supplies within the truck (Including food and water. By now, thirst is their main problem).

xxxxxAlso some ID. The man is from Bologna, and the GPS indicates that they're in the middle of nowhere city wise, except for this town, but the closest place would be Bologna. A survey of the area via the GPS would show that the particular 'detour' the old man was taking would have greatly decreased the time of whatever route he had programmed, but it takes it past this village.

Misa binds to guy quickly, obviously having experience doing this with that belt. Strangely she gives the man's cheek a gentle caress before rummaging through his pockets quickly for anything they can use. That money is going to be needed. Silvana gets teh keys it seems. She hoists the man over her shoulder and takes him with them to the truck. Misa mutters to herself, "Smarter justa leave... lucky I'm..."

Silvana takes the keys and guestures "Come on let's get out of here shall we?" she guestures for Basil to get in as well as the girls and they can get some water and food once they are on the road. She keeps looking around and listening while they get the poor man situated.

xxxxxLiesl follows along, making sure there's nothing left on the road, picking up anything that might have been dropped. "What's that?" she asks Misa, not really aware that she's muttering to herself.

Misa shakes her head and smiles to Liesl. "That'll be between e and my date here sweety." she says with a wink. Once they're situation she reaches for some water, chugging it down without a thought.

xxxxxIt seems that the fact that the car has been parked for this long has drawn notice. Anyone watching in the distance would see that they've drawn the interest of the people milling outside the tavern

xxxxxLiesl takes one quick glance around, to make sure nothing is missed, before hoping into the truck as well. "I think we need to make tracks. We've attracted some attention." She gestures towards the tavern. "Not the sort of company we probably want, if our host here isn't entirely delusional."

Silvana is going to be driving then and nods "Then let's get out of here, everyone in" she takes some water before she pulls off and once they are on the road her illution goes away.

Misa tilts her head and giggles to Basil.
Misa mutters to Basilisk, "... be... privacy here,... little less stressed..."

xxxxxThe farther out they go, the more they start to put distance away from the town. Anyone glancing out the window might be able to see that everyone LOOKS totally and completely normal. The group continue to drive and, after several miles, the phone that Silvana retrieved now has signal! The road is mostly clear except for the occasional car, but it's fairly easy to program to one of the nearby cities.

Basilisk blinks at Misa. "Um.. what do you mean?" yep. over her head.

Silvana keeps driving watching the road "We have phone signal.. figure o ut what the nearest airport is please"

Misa rolls her eyes and leans over again.
Misa mutters to Basilisk, "Yer... you can take justa little... it while they're..."

xxxxxLiesl does her part with the electronics, figuring out where an airport might be that is close, and big enough for more than local commuter flights, or hobbyist pilots. "Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport," she announces shortly, and plugs the info into the GPS.

xxxxxHuh. Was that car there before? The crest of lights around a turn, and another car seems to be approaching from the rear. It's just a two lane road, one on each side, but this car seems to be approaching pretty quickly. Eventually, it manages to get up right behind the group, and stay there.

Basilisk nods "Very." she approaches the unconscious man, fangs extended as she goes for his neck. SHe pauses when she sees the car. "Car.."

Silvana looks at the rear mirror and frowns "I think we have company" she admits looking towards the map a moment considering.

xxxxxLiesl turns a bit in her seat to look out the back. "That is probably not good," she remarks, glancing towards the map as well, then back to the phone, to see what else might be along their route.

xxxxxThe car stays. Starting to tailgate now.

Silvana mmms "Find me a road that has a way to turn back into this one easily enough"

Misa nods. "Guess it's too late to shut off the lights and pull off to the side..." she sighs, having relied on that trick herself more than once. "If they start shooting I'm using that as an excuse to jump on their car."

Basilisk lowers her head into the man's neck, feeding for a bit. Hey may as well take this as a time to regain some blood.

xxxxxLiesl fiddles with the GPS, pulling back the view to study the route. "Here's one, about 1.2 kilometers ahead, it loops out to the right. There's probably houses out there, then it loops back to the main road after about 4 kilometers."

Silvana nods to Liesl as she focus on the road looking for that road to turn on like if they are heading to one of the houses. She turns on the road and is sure they are following.

xxxxxThe car starts to swerve, then follows along perfectly. People can see someone crawling out of the passenger side. He's moving with surprising strength and balance, and FAST, far faster than a normal person. This man, wearing all black, balances quickly, then leaps, managing to grab onto the top of their camper shell. Apparently he managed to latch on after the loud BANG of him hitting the car, because he hasn't fallen off

Misa kicks out her windows with way too big of a grin. "DIBS!" she shouts. "Uhh unless yer gonna slam on yer breaks and make us all wreck."

xxxxxLiesl looks upwards at the sound of the landing. "Sounds like our company is eager to meet us," she remarks, a little edgily. "Any ideas?"

Misa grabs the bottle of water and crawls out the window with a bit of an unhealthy grin on her face. She pops the top and pours the water on teh roof. It obviously doesn't just land straight on the roof, it goes everywhere, spraying liquid all over the place, but it hopefully gets to the goal of wetting down the roof to make it a heck of a lot more slippery, and maybe gets in their new freind's face.

Silvana tries to swirl the truck to try and shake the guy on the top of the camper.

xxxxxWhen Misa slips out the window and looks up at the roof, she can see a very angry man with deep red eyes has latched onto the shell. He's trying hard to hang on but, with a combination of the slippery liquid and Silvana's driving, the red eyed demon just can't hang on, and the group gets the satisfaction of watching him to tumbling off the roof to hit the ground, rolling many, many times. The car tailgating everyone stops, and the group is able to race away. The lights fade away should the group continue, as the car stops to pick the man up.

Misa slides back down into the cabin and gives Silvana a hug from behind, even being nice enough to avoid putting her hands in places that would be wrong. "Good driving sugar." she says before reaching over to untie the poor old drained man. "That guy left some marks, so tell him that someone from the town attacked him and we all ran off."

xxxxxBruised, beaten, rejected. The ladies had to deal with quite a bit within a week. Getting threats from a mysterious man somehow involved with Velok, yet with no significant ties. Having to wonder whether the man will actually kidnap them, or not kidnap them. Then, randomly, they DID get kidnapped and sent to an awful, awful arena.
xxxxxSo many things were planned they didn't get to experience! Like how after the zombies were dead, they were all going to have to wear party hats and eat cake and ice cream. Like how they were going to have to fight what they fear the most. Like how afterwards, they were going to need to fight the champion of the arena himself, Speedy Gonzales.
xxxxxOr all the different things they didn't learn. Amelia. What Simon knows about Velok. Perhaps even that the audience themselves weren't actually real, simply illusions created to give the impression there was an actual audience, instead of just a crazed man, his threats, and the champion of the arena. Who Simon was, what he wanted, perhaps even some resolution to Brazil itself. Of course, through brilliance, the group managed to escape, being pursued of course by the champion and the zombie. They could have gone to the tavern or tried to steal a car, where they would have been introduced to the strange population. Instead they hijacked a car, used their womanly wiles to disarm the old man, and took off, successfully shaking off a last ditch effort for the champion of the arena trying to latch on.

xxxxxOff they went, successfully making it to Bologna and pulling up to the airport. After leaving the old man in the car, the team split up. Liesl and Silvana went and secured a nice private jet, ready to go, no questions asked. Misa and Basil, meanwhile, went to set up Basilisk within a bodybag, managing to steal one from a nearby coroner vehicle. With everyone firmly secured within the private plane, and after a shakey takeoff that might have frayed the very last nerve, the remains of the team raced off, beating the sunrise, to return safely home to their Prospect.