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(The group are kidnapped and forced to fight to survive)
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The Party to Die For IV
The group are kidnapped and forced to fight to survive
IC Date Friday
IC Time Night
Players Velok (Storyteller), Baslisk, Liesl, Misa, Silvana
Location Unknown
Prp/Tp The Party to Die For
Spheres Mage and Mortal and Vampire


xxxxxDark. The first word that immediately comes to mind and registers deep within that brain. The mind attempting to process the new situation. It wasn't exactly dark when the sudden sleepiness came in like a weight had been dropped on everyone. It's that type of sleepiness where you have the irresistable urge to close your eyes for JUST a second, but you swear you won't sleep, just rest your eyes. How polite it was that the sleepiness waited until everyone wasn't going to be in immediate danger from it. After the concept of pitch black has been registered, the other senses come into play. Dirt can be felt against fingertips, indicating the composition of the ground. Soft, able to be dug with fingers, but harder than just flat sand. Everyone is as they were just as the sleepiness started coming on, and memories haven't been affected, just once that unconsciousness set in, the teleport happened. The more conscious everyone grows, the more they can hear breathing coming from their sides. Misa, Silvana, Liesl, and Basilisk, all teleported directly after that sleepiness started setting in, now awakening all at the same time. The four lie together in the dirt, heads and feet all pointed the same direction. Even after eyes start to adjust, they can only make out immediate surroundings a la the three other people. An unnatural darkness falls over the rest of the surroundings.

Basilisk groans as she starts to wake up, looking around the darkness for her friend the moon. It's not the new moon yet. She then notices the other women. "Oh..wow. I guess we all got drugged or something." she makes sure everyone is wearing clothes.

xxxxxLiesl isn't wearing much in the way of clothes - she's dressed in a g-string, extremely high heels ... and a snake. Her locale of sleepiness onset was somewhat dim, as it was backstage at the club at which she works. Once she regains her consciousness, she sits up slowly, checking her hair, of all things. Yep, still up in its bun, with the chopsticks. She reaches down and slips off the shoes, which are only going to be a pain to try and wear in the dirt. Maybe they'll be useful, somehow.

Silvana isn't naked thank god, but her blazer jacket has been removed, she still has on her shirt, where she is carring her gun that would normally be hidden by the jacket, in one hand she's wearing what she was going to change into wich is this rather sexy looking teddy. She checks herself to see if some important things are still in place before she looks around slowly and sighs "Great, and here I thought I was going to have a pleasent night"

Misa is at least wearing clothes! So there's that... at least she's wearing more than Liesl. Misa is dressed in a silk French Maid outfit, complete with all those little touches one might expect. Sheer black silk, with crisp white trim, embroydered patterning on a white apron. The uniform at least is long enough to reach just barely to her knees, helping the cover the tattoos. Misa looks around slowly and grins, especially as she sees Liesl. "I still like where it's going."

Basilisk is butt naked because thats how she sleeps in her cave. Her body is covered in iridescent scales and she has gills like some sort of monster. She blinks at the different ways all the girls are dressed. Teddy. Thong. French Maid. Naked. She looks around. "How did you all get in my cave?"

xxxxxLiesl looks in the direction of the voice. "I don't think we're in your cave," she ventures. "It feels ... larger than a cave." She ponders a moment, "Or, is your cave really big?" she asks. "'Cause if you have a really big cave, I guess we could be there." She notes Misa, and the other unknown woman, and she starts piecing things together. "But, I bet you were invited to a party, weren't you?" She smirks a little at Misa's outfit, even in light of her own almost total nudity.

Silvana lightly looks around as she sighs "So much for looking for you guys to talk" she hmms and looks up a little bit

Misa sighs. "Well I suppose this works." she says sitting up and starting to dig into the ground with her fingers. "Wanted to find the guy."

xxxxxSuddenly, out of the darkness, a booming voice. It's almost immediately recognized as the same man everyone has met. Simon. "LIGHTS!" He's shouting. The words come through as if from a PA system, able to echo from every direction at once. Right on cue, blaring stadium lights flood on, the sudden change from pitch black to bright light would be jarring for even a blind man. It takes a little bit for the pupils adjust, but people can start seeing that they are indeed standing on what seems like smooth dirt, the white of which could match even the lights itself. They look to be in an arena of sorts, something that resembles an enclosed colosseum with raised audience stands, tunnels with solid doors covering them with no apparent method of opening them.
xxxxx"ROLL THE SOUND EFFECTS!" Comes the voice again, and suddenly, the crowd goes /wild/. Oh yes, there's a crowd. The eyes immediately can be drawn up to spot all of them, the seats all practically packed with various creatures of differing shapes and sizes. Some with too many arms, some with too few arms, some that seem perfectly normal, one particular Fomori that has way, way, WAY too many tentacles that can be physically viable. If one can imagine its disgusting nature, they can probably find it within the crowd after enough looking. Many are clapping, some are cheering, and all are safely kept behind what looks like large draped chicken wire, seperating the stands from the arena proper. While it surely would do nothing to prevent a dedicated member from leaping out of the stands and ripping the wire apart, the message is clear; The audience is just an audience. For now. There is no one else on the dirt arena floor, the four girls being put directly within the middle of the 100 yard diameter circle.
(Think this: http://thefocusedfilmographer.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/colosseum_gladiator.jpg but much smaller, with only really the first couple rows of the stands. There's also no pillars jutting up out of the arena floor. Also it's enclosed and indoors, so there's no sky or anything or windows. Impossible to tell if it's night or day, light outside or dark, etc.)

Basilisk peeks around, seeing the crowd. The naked woman tenses. Shes never been good in crowds, let alone on display. "Simon." she growls. "This must be the party." she moves to all fours, ready to pounce at whatever may be thrown her way. Her fangs and claws extend.

xxxxxLiesl flinches at the overly bright lights, and nods to Misa. "I'd say he found us," she remarks wryly. She gets herself to her feet, cradling her shoes in the crook of one arm, as she looks around at the audience. Not her usual crowd, to be sure. Even without shoes, she still stands taller than the others, though that's probably not really the way she's being recognized - the naked chick with the snake, is more likely.

Misa moves quickly to her feet from her digging position and moves back to back to Basil, apparently not having too much difficulty finding her even if she is blind. Again from underneath her skirt she produces a small blade that slips between her fingers. "Alright new plan, make a ring around Leisl keep her defended. Liesl, move that damn snake so they're destracted."

xxxxxThere's whoops and hollers, even a couple wolf whistles from the crowd as they all see the pair of them. Not exactly a party, certainly, but then again everyone has weird definitions for parties. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MONSTERS AND MONSTRESSES..." These words are not Simons, but a deeper voice. The kind of voice you'd recognize from movie trailers and late night talk show introductions. "May I present to you, the party host of the evening. The one. The only. Siiiiimmooooon!" One of the doors the group of four are facing start to open, going down into the dirt to reveal that same man. He's dressed differently this time, having forgone the usual black suit and tie. He still has on the black sunglasses, but he's chosen instead to wear a white toga with a red sash running diagonally across the breast. On his head is a laurel, and in his hand is a microphone. Two spotlights immediately find the man and train on him as he starts to step out. Either he doesn't see, or doesn't care at all what sort of defensive positions or reactions the group of four are giving.
xxxxx"Everyone having a good time tonight!?" Simon says, and the crowd responds with the usual whoops and hollars in acknowledgement. "Let me be the first to welcome everyone..to the Party of a Lifetime!" He raises his hands up and the crowd are on their feet, many of them pressed up against the chicken wire, looking particularly ravenous in how they look at the four women. Finally, Simon's eyes train on the group. "Now, without any further delay, let's have our guests introduce themselves!" Simon starts to walk over towards them. There's no weapons on the man at all, a quick look can show, and his lips are curled into a wide grin. He's holding the microphone out to Basilisk first. With the microphone lowered, he can talk. "Go on. It's your party. Enjoy it. Play it up for the crowd, I'd hate for them to be disappointed, wouldn't you? I have no idea what any of them would do." Simon seems to act as if the four girls came here voluntarily, or even that they WANT to be here.

Basilisk skitters back towards Misa. "Lets get on with it." she says, almost as afraid of the microphone as the crowd. Seems she doesnt like being the center of attention. "Lets do it." she growls.

xxxxxLiesl frowns a little, but nods to Misa. "You want me to /dance/ for them?" she asks, eying the unruly crowd. Maybe not such a bad idea. As the microphone is avoided by Basilisk, it is thrust in her direction, and she shrugs leaning into it, and playing it all up. "Hi, I'm Eve, and I understand you're here for a party!" She smiles, even if no one can see that far. She starts an undulating movement, and turns the smile on Simon. "Let the party begin!"

Silvana moves closer to the other girls and puts her hand on the handle of her gun looking at Simon as he puts the microphone in her face. If looks could kill he be so dead right now but she pushes back a bit still her hand on that gun "I'm Amanda and we are here to rock" she smirks

Misa slides one foot to the side and quickly pivots around Basil, maintaining contact with her the whole way so there isn't that nasty little thing of moving quickly through a nervous person's peripheral vision. With her usual blinding speed she makes a swipe for the mic, snatching it from Simons hand and continuing to walk right on past him, making sure to put herself on the other side of the man from the rest of the group, the blade still poking out from the fingers on the hand she didn't make the grab with she raises a fist in the air. Play it up for the crowd afterall, and since she's already dressed up like a maid... "You heard the ladies!" she cheers, now in a mild French accent. "We heardja came for a party! Well has someone out there been a dirty boy?"

xxxxxAt first, Simon frowns when Basilisk starts to skitter back towards Misa, and the crowd starts to boo. It's a raucous jeer that fills the arena, to which Simon looks back around and plays it up, gesturing towards Basilisk. The microphone is moved over towards Liesl and the introduction is made. Apparently the crowd wasn't actually told what any of their names would be, so the boos suddenly turn to cheers. "Whoa whoa whoa, look at this one! Gonna be a crowd favorite, I can already tell!" Simon says into the microphone as he looks towards Liesl, nodding his head. He slips down further, holding it towards Silvana next. Oh, if looks could kill, he would have died ages ago, but nothing seems to phase this man. The smile, the way he holds himself. He's gone so far down the rabbit hole that it'd be tricky to find something that does phase him. "Give it up for Amaaaaandaaaaaaa!" He hypes, the crowd once more going wild. When he moves to Misa, however, he's not able to hype. The woman is fast enough that she snatches the microphone from his hand, Simon not fighting or retaliating for it. Indeed, his smile spreads even wider and he steps off towards the side, turning and folding his hands in front of him, watching Misa. As she steps forward and starts to hype herself, the crowd seems to /love/ it. The rattling of the chicken wire can be heard surrounding the arena as people shake it, showing their pleasure. Simon doesn't seem to have a problem with whatever Misa wants to say, just waiting.

xxxxxAnd, Liesl watches Misa, as she continues to undulate, her snake starting to take up that same rhythm, swaying and writhing about her shoulders and torso. She takes on an almost far-away look as she dances, swaying with the snake.

Silvana looks from one girl to the other as she raises a brow, she's not really in the mood to dance right now. She shakes her, oh no, not moving them hips. What a party pooper.

Misa cheers the crowd on as their shouts grow more intense. "Well well! Would you listen to that crowd?" She makes her way back over to Simon. "Try not to make too much of a mess, there's only one of me here to clean up after you all." she giggles slowly extending the mic out towards him. "So sweety," she asks, her faked accent drop once the mic is away. "What do we have planned?"

Silvana looks at the strange woman and then at Misa and mouths "Stay alive" as she turns to regard Simon

xxxxxThe crowd gets more and more wild at the dancing Liesl and the flirtacious Misa and the bodacious Silvana. They're responding quite fervently to Misa's teasing, just like a bunch of horndogs. A bunch of fucked up looking freaky abominations...that are horndogs. Of course, it's not all that easy to tell what exactly they're so excited about. Maybe the dancing really is turning them on. Certainly turning on some of them, but these aren't the type of people you might see at a strip club. No, there's equal possibility that it's seeing food, or entertainment, or the looks of a vicious murderer that sees fresh meat and is eager for the blood to flow.
xxxxxSimon seems perfectly happy and content, not a care in the world as Misa returns to him. "A party!" Simon immediately responds to Misa's question. He reaches out with his right arm towards the mic. Misa slowly withdraws the mic and Simon overextends. He manages to snatch the microphone into his hand just as Misa is grabbing at him. He's caught off balance and down he goes, falling face first into the sand as Misa takes control of his arm. The microphone slips out, hitting the sand and causing a thud to ring out. Quickly, Simon reaches out and grabs the microphone with his free hand, wincing only a little at the hold, then laughing. The crowd starts to boo louder than before, even while Simon laughs. He lets her hold, bringing the microphone closer to his face while he lies on the ground. "Attacking the host! How rude, don't you all think?" There's obviously some agreement among the crowd. Simon is acting fast to the change of plans. "And these are supposed to be our guests of honor!? I think we need new guests of honor, don't all of you!?"
xxxxxA rumbling starts to happen, soft at first, then growing slightly all around the group, near the walls of the arena. The ground is being pushed up, small cracks in the soft ground causing dirt to get displaced. The ground at the edges is soft, and it becomes fairly easy to tell why. In a circle around the group at equidistant spaces apart are what can only accurately be described as 'the undead'. Dead flesh hangs off their bodies, scratches and cuts marking their gray skin. Mostly men, a couple of women, and two children, as eight zombies crawl out of the ground. The raggedy clothes are covered in dirt, their soulless grey eyes all staring towards the inner circle. None of them move, but they certainly don't seem to give off the impression of the shambling types. "Do you not want to play my game, Misa?" Simon asks away from the microphone, unable to really see the woman.

Basilisk calls up, moving closer to Misa, as if to cover her. "Come on, Simon..." she says, fangs visible. "Dont you like the party? Think I should eat him, Misa? Just hold him still. Or maybe he'll call off his little party."

xxxxxLiesl has her attention divided between Misa's takedown of Simon, and then the newly appeared zombies. Eek. And yet, she keeps on dancing, as long as they're not moving, she seems to have fallen into a familiar pattern, and she's sticking with it at the moment. Oh, and there's a little sound coming from her, possibly singing? Yes, it sounds like she is singing, quietly, about a party.

Silvana steps closer to the other girls as Misa hold Simon down "Not that I really don't want to put a bullet on his head b ut I have a feeling if we kill him we will have and angry crowd coming right at us" she says as she draws her gun pointing it out toward the zombies, picking the child, those are probably the deadliest most games have pointed that to be the case so yeah we are going with that.

Misa looks up to Silvana and smiles... it's a little lopsided, the look in her eyes is not a healthy one and she doesn't even bother hiding it. "Prolly right, we start hurtin him and those things come after us ta kill..." she looks down to Simon though, starting to giggle. "Slight problem with yer plan though sweety if yer hopin we're gonna keep you arounda save our own skins." She leans forward, pressing his arm forward with her shoulder to bring her mouth closer to his ear. "I wanna die. And I wanna take someone with me."

Basilisk tilts her head. "You have a point, Silvana." she says. "And you're not dying this time. If you are, you're taking all of us with us and you know what that means, Misa?" she asks. "Siimon wins. Do you want that?"

xxxxxLiesl doesn't stop her quiet little song to chime in with the sentiments expressed by Basilisk, but the look in her eyes, and the serious nod given indicates that she agrees.

xxxxxSimon seems taken aback at first as he hears Silvana, making no response. The zombies stay right where they are right now, though their appearence has sent the crowd once more into a cheer. The cheer is quite clearly now for the zombies, not actually the group involved. He waits for them all to talk, waits for the crowd to die down a bit. The microphone is away, enough that only the group can hear him, especially Misa. "I can't call off the party, Basilisk. That'd be rude. So many people have arrived. I wouldn't want to send them away with nothing." He finally says, squirming a little in the hold, despite the pain he's obviously feeling. "I don't see how that's a problem in my plan." Simon points out, squirming a little more. "I want you to die, you want to die, it seems like a match made in heaven. So go on then, run to your death. Take all your friends out with you." Simon starts laughing now, as if his plan is actually working. "Go on then, Amelia. You know exactly who your death will be taking with you." Simon eggs Misa on, calling her by a strange name.

Misa is angry, mentally unstable, violent... but above all she is good at reading people and pissing them off. She notices two important factors in Simon's response to the situation... egging Misa on, while avoiding commenting on the one person not inlficting violence. SHe grips the handle of her blade tightly and mutters to herself in Mandarin. Suddenly the knife plunges towards the man's head. Misa having apparently made a choice to take him down no matter the cost to the others... but the knife doesn't draw blood or break the skin. She just presses it to Simon's nose and says "Boop." before lettin him go and sitting down in the sand.

Silvana watches Misa when she sees her going after Simon but doesn't move her gun from her target she just gives a smile and waits to see what Simon is going to do now. That was a bit amusing indeed. Basilisk blinks. "Amelia?" she asks. "What is he talking about..." she blinks as Misa tries to take him down, looking at the lack of blood. "Well thats kinda disappointing. I was hoping for a snack."

xxxxxLiesl's eyes open a little wider as Simon calls Misa that name. Still, she dances and sings, the words now something about parties and death and .. yeah, about zombies. How the zombies have crashed the party, and now she's so sad, so sad. Hey, it's on-the-fly pop, why should it make any sense whatsoever?

xxxxxThe blade leaves a small mark against Simon's nose, the faintest imprint that it touched before Misa pulls away. For a brief moment, Simon's breathing deepens, then he goes back to his composure. Once he's let go, his arm snatches at the microphone and he pushes himself back up onto his feet. "There's a good girl," He says before raising the microphone back up to his lips. "And now, give it up one more time for tonight's entertainment!" Simon says to more cheers. He takes a couple steps away, perhaps a little TOO quickly. Misa certainly flustered him, that much is certain, and that face looks around at each of the women. "Now, on with the party! Start your betting!" With that he walks the rest of the way towards the tunnel he came out of, keeping his face pointed towards the group. Apparently, that lack of any sort of fear he had before has gone even a little bit.
xxxxxWhen Simon gets back to the tunnel and it closes, there's a lieu. The two groups face off, and people can see that Simon is now in the stands, moving towards a raised platform within the stands similar to where an emperor would sit in the arena, complete with its own throne. "Is everyone ready?" There are cheers in the crowd as Simon raises his hand. "And here...we...go!" He says, quickly lowering his hand like it was a racing flag.

(5 round combat begins. 8 zombie enemies. For every 2 that fall, the rest become stronger statwise. Silvana kills 6, Misa kills 1, Liesl teleports 1 to Simon that starts attacking him. Basilisk tanks, Silvana kills, Liesl uses mage flair, Misa uses distraction to investigate arena and find how to open one of the doors. Between her and Basilisk, they survive long enough to pry open the door. Total Damage Taken: Basilisk – 4 Agg, Silvana – 2 Agg)

xxxxxAs soon as Simon said go, all the zombies started charging. The circle around the group of 4 started to collapse as the undead started getting closer. At first, all they care about is swiping at everyone with a punch, but that doesn't seem to work, so the gnashing omnomnom teeth come out next. One by one, the zombies start to bite, and one by one, they either miss, hit, then die. A couple zombies are dropped when an interesting phenomenom shows up. For every two out of the eight zombies that fall, the rest get more and more ferocious. More fervent in their desire to attack and seemingly faster. One manages to nom on Basilisk and another on Silvana, chomping away and taking a bit of flesh with them. The more the zombies attack, the happier the crowd gets, cheering and rattling the chicken wire they're mashed up on. If Liesl and Misa said they were going to put on a show, hot damn are they delivering.
xxxxxThe oddest part comes when Simon starts to get into it. He's grinning at the display, leaning further onto the edge of his throne. What he doesn't anticipate is when Liesl weaves her effect in place, and one of the zombies pops right into his lap. Simon is VERY surprised, not at all thinking this would happen. He scrambles at first as the zombie turns to look at him, having a new target. The zombie manages to get a bite in as Simon reaches down to unhook a knife from his throne, stabbing wildly at his new enemy. He fails, and the zombie gets yet another bite, drawing blood. If any of them wanted to break this man's composure, they certainly did it now. The unexpected freaks Simon out and he continues trying desperately to stab at the zombie, failing yet again with another swipe. "AAAAAAAAAAARGH!" his scream comes through the PA system in anger, the crowd ROARING with happiness. It seems like the Fomori, vampires, and other abominations don't care at all to help Simon, urging for blood.
xxxxxWhen Misa starts to get closer towards the door, she can see that it's activated remotely through electronic means. There's a small gap where Misa can get just enough grip to try and start prying the heavy door open, to which she does. At first, there is no budge, until Basilisk joins, and slowly the door starts to give way.
xxxxxThe more zombies that go down, the more and more ferocious they get, and the crowd continues to roar with applause as the last zombie in the arena is taken down. There is still one active attacking Simon, keeping the crowd entertained, once that door starts to break free and open.

Basilisk bites and claws at her zombies, taing a ew hits along the way. She then heads ovr to Misa to help her with the door, putting all of her weight into it. "Once we get out of here, I hope the zombies enjoy eating Simon."

Silvana sighs when Simon gives the go ahead and the zombies start to advance. She pulls out her gun and takes a shot at the smallest of the all because as video games go they tend to be the worst, granted that maybe in this case that wasn't it but hey why chance it. When the gun seems to only get closer she actually takes a pen out of her breast pocket. Yes a pen and with a simple flick of the wrist the pen expands and walla she now has a sword that she uses to take down zombie after zombie after zombie till munch one goes. She frowns "Stupid!" she grumbles before she finishes the las t one picking up her nighty that she had so that she can use that to bandage and makes sure to have her gun too.

Misa breaks off from teh crowd, not even bothering to show any sign of anger or contempt towards Simon. She's checked out. Having figured out quite well what he and the crowed want, Misa is going to do everything she can to avoid giving it to them. She sweeps past the zombies, weaving through their punches with a bored expression.

As the action picks up Misa moves quickly to investigte the door, tailed by only one zomibe, which walmost caught her by surprise as it suddenly grew more aggressive. As it leans forward to take a bite she pulls one fott away to rotate herself out of the way while grabbing the zombie's arm just behind the elbow, using the speed of its attack and teh leverage point to smash it head first into the door, snapping the neck with a crack, and shattering teh skull in a sickening crunch that is muted by the rest of the flesh behind it. "Oh... the door isn't electrocuted. Basil? Gimme some help with this!" she shouts over her shoulder as she tries to begin work on securing their escape.

xxxxxLiesl is certainly putting on a show. She continues her dancing, hips swaying, snake swaying in time with her. She looks at the zombies advancing on her, gesturing to one, and it stops while the other advances. While it swipes, it doesn't actually get claws on her, and then Silvana is there and cutting it down. She backs off, her dance taking her to a seated position, where she reaches up and withdraws those chopsticks from her hair, and quickly sketches something in the dirt before her. She then stares up at the other zombie, the one that had stopped, but is now moving again. Suddenly, it disappears, and a blink later shows up on Simon's lap. Take /that/ bastard! She watches for a moment, then rises to her feet, to go after the zombie that is trying to bite Basil with her chopsticks, but she doesn't even distract it, it bites Basil, and then Silvana is there to dispatch that one, too.

xxxxxHoly hell what an event. To say that we're off script would be an understatement. Simon planned for so many different things. How he wanted this to go, how it might have went, how it might have ended, and ALL of that got messed up by the series of unfortunate events for him, and the brilliant teamwork of the group. As Silvana runs around slicing and dicing, as Misa manages to investigate and find an exit instead of fighting, as Basilisk uses her considerable strength to help pry open the door, and as Liesl creates the most unexpected distraction of all by putting a zombie right in Simon's lap, it keeps the main threat from doing very much to stop at all what is happening.
xxxxxThat is why, against seemingly ALL odds, one of the doors to the arena starts to open. More and more it goes, and finally the tunnel is revealed. It's dark. Very dark. The only light within the tunnel is what's leftover from the giant floodlights flashing down. The crowd continues to roar, apparently distracted by Simon getting his butt kicked. A peering down the tunnel shows that it does take a bend at one point, hiding where it drops out from view.

Basilisk helps Misa with the door, using her claws on her hands and feet to give her traction. She grunts as they get it open. "Well here we are. I'll go first." she starts for the tunnel, no fear in her odd shaped eyes.

Misa goes back to putting on a show for anyone looking, she swats Basil's bare rump as she passes. Looking back at the rest of the group she sighs. "I swear we look like a bad porn... And yeah, hope Simon has fun... he deserves someone who's so interested in him.

Silvana looks towards the other ladies as she has her hand on her gun as she watches Simon making sure he is still distracted with the lovely present that Liesl gave him. She guestures for the others to follow into the tunnel as she plans to bring up the rear. Sword in hand but ready to switch between her gun and sword. Hopefully someone has a light because damit it's dark in there. She keeps watching then blinks when Simon gets munched by the zombie and can't help but snicker "I think we just foiled his plan, but we better get going before thme things decided to come after us, I'll close the door behind us, we can't let them get out."

xxxxxWith another look up at the stand to see how Simon is faring, Liesl follows after the others. She does pause as Simon is munched, then scoots on through the door.

(Teleported Zombie bites Simon enough to kill him. Simon fails to stab in defense multiple times, takes 8 total Agg, dies)

xxxxxPoor Simon.....says no one. As people start to file into the tunnel, it seems they've completely lost the crowd. It's pretty easy to tell why, as the proximity to the microphone Simon was using lets everyone get quite a clear image in their head of what's happening, even as they proceed into the vomitorium. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AAAAAAAHHHHHH." The sounds fill the PA of Simon's screaming, along with the snarls of the zombies, and the /roars/ of the crowd. There's a couple of rather sickening sound, blood spurting, and Silvana bringing up the rear gets to see a rather triumphant view of the zombie having ripped off an arm, holding it up and starting to chew on it. There's another rip from the zombie as it bites, and....there's the head. Simon's head just got ripped off his body, the zombie holding it up for Silvana to quite clearly see. Those black sunglasses are still on, mouth opened in both shock and fear in its lifeless state, the crowd roaring with happiness as everyone disappears into the tunnel. When Silvana lets go of the door it closes, sending them all into pitch black.
xxxxxThat tunnel goes on for some time. It juts out at one point towards stairs with a bit of light coming down them, which surely ascend up into the stands, but continues on afterwards should the group make the common sense choice not to go that way. The air is more fresh the farther they go until suddenly...light. At least...a bit of light. Starlight, really, as the group see the end of the tunnel. It's nighttime outside, and as they reach the opening, they can see trees and the rustle of leaves, the tunnel eventually depositing them into the soft ground of a forest.

Basilisk peeps as her butt is hit, skittering forward towards the smell of fresh air and the nighttime, thankfully otherwise she'd have other problems. "So..anyone know where we are?" the nude woman asks.

xxxxxLiesl makes her way out, to look up at the sky. "Guys, I don't think we're in Prospect any more."

Misa keeps a hand on Basil's lower back. It MIGHT look like she's just copping a feel, and she'll certainly claim as such if it ever gets brought up, but Basil has the keenest senses of the group as far as she knows, so Misa lets her guide the way. Once they break free of teh tunnel Misa looks around. "Anyone got an idea how far outta town we are?" she asks starting to look around.

Silvana looks at the nighty she used to stop the bleeding and then at Basil and wonders if the thing will fit her or one of the other girls so you know they aren't naked. Since Basil is not wearing anything she does offer it to her first "See if that fits" she looks to Misa, "No idea, but maybe we can try and find someone that can help" she tilts her head as she tries to listen to the night and what animals might be heard in the darkness.

xxxxxThe wind ripples in the trees. As people look up and behind them, they can see the walling from the outside. It's quite clear that given its location and placement, this colosseum was not constructed in ancient times. The roars of the crowd are still able to be heard from through the tunnels, but the structure is completely sealed off from the outside. A brief scan through the trees shows a couple things. There is no light pollution, the stars able to be seen perfectly, indicating that they aren't near a major city. The roar of the crowd prevents animal noises from being heard, but also leaves that ominous reminder that they're still right at the edge of the tunnel to the colosseum.

Basilisk takes the nighty and smiles. "Thanks. I'll probably get blood all over it." she wiggles into it, purring a bit. "So sexy. I like it. Can anyone read stars, to figure out where we are? If we're even on earth or if this is a dream?" she says, still not sure if shes awake or asleep.

Misa shakes her head rummaging across the ground. "Someone help me find something we can use to force the door to stay shut." she says crabbing a branch and eying the doors to tell if it will fit in teh handles. "Buys us some time to run... Dunno if we have enough time to start a fire in the door."

Silvana takes a breath after Basil puts on the nighty and nods to Misa as she begins to look for something to keep the door shut also she is trying to figure from what other direction the roar of the crowd is coming and making sure there are not other exit for the guys to come after them. In other words on investigation she goes.

xxxxxLiesl nods towards Basil, "Trying to figure that out ... it'll take a bit." She does glance down to see that Misa and Silvana are trying to wedge the door shut. "We can walk though, while I'm working it out," she notes, as she realizes they don't want to stay around here for long.

Basilisk continues to walk. "Oh, by the way my name is Basil." she says to Leisl. "Thanks for saving my life." she looks to Misa and Silvana. "You guys too."

xxxxxThere are sticks, some crappy, but the pair find a pretty decent sized branch that can be wedged between handles. There are also rocks, but none that are really large enough to start stacking in front of the doors or anything. The colosseum was 100 yards in diameter, which means every about 100 yards she'd find a door to a tunnel, if Silvana was wiling to actually go that far. Probably a good idea to have the group stay together and go off into the forest.

Silvana comes back after walking a bit away and returns to break the news "I think we should get into the forest and get the hell out of here, we can't close all the doors and by the look of it they are all around. So let's get as much distance between us and them"

Misa wipes her hands and winks to Silvana. as she returns backing away from the door. "Dammit... sorry I wasted time." she says shaking her head. "Still wish we had time to start a fire..." she says taking a few steps towards the woods and shaking her head and muttering to herself in Mandarin. <<Just stay out of their way... don't get them killed because you're useless.>>

Basilisk tilts her head at Misa. "I just hope theres nothing in the forest. Why do you think you wasted time?" she frowns.

Silvana moves up behind Misa and puts her hand on her back "If it was the only door out. It would have been a great idea. Now chin up let us get out of here and find our way home ok?" she winks at her as she looks back at the door and looks around "Lets see where the heck are we" she once again tries to listen for animals.

(Liesl takes 3 bashing damage from paradox backlash)

xxxxxThe doors closed, the roar of the colosseum participants can still be heard, but dulled. Enough so that they can keep it at their backs as they wander towards the forest general. Surely by now the crowd is starting to realize that the 'honored guests' have disappeared. The forest is light enough by the stars to give a pretty easy sense of where they're going. The longer they travel, the more dull the roar of the stadium is, until all that's left is a dark forest. The group have escaped Simon's game, early, and have escaped the hostile arena, but now they're stuck somewhere unfamiliar, in the middle of the woods, clearly not dressed for it. Should anyone check their pockets looking for a cellphone, they'd see that it won't turn on, or work at all. Simon's gift, breaking their phones when they were asleep.

They're certainly not in Prospect anymore.