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Familiar-Calling the Spirit
Liesl gets a familiar
IC Date 8/14/2014
IC Time 9:00 P.M.
Players Liesl and Gar
Location Out in the Woods
Spheres Mage


Well the time has finally come for the ceremony to summon the spirit to inhabit the body of the snake. The moon is no longer full and Gar has had times to prepare the ritual space. He gives Lisel a call to inform her all is ready on his end and when she confirms readiness as well he arranges to pick her up. After a short ride out of town in his pickup there is a longer hike into the woods to reach the spot he has prepared. There is a circle drawn on the ground with symbols painted around it. The smell of sage, which is pleasing to the spirits hangs in the air.

The time is come, and Liesl is clearly beyond excited. She arrived on time (of course) to the place Gar indicated, and then there was a drive and a little hike. She's draped the snake about her neck for the hike, taking him out of the carrying case in which he was transported for the drives. Once in the woods, Liesl seems to relax as she breathes deeply of the non-city air. Tall trees, filling the air with their scent, both of living and decaying matter. Distant sounds of birds and animals. And then, they're at the prepared site, and the scent of sage adds to the mix. She looks at the circle and symbols, while the snake twines himself along her arm, across her shoulders and head dipping forward and down, as though to observe for himself.

Gar looks over to the snake and smiles, "Good choice." he comments and moves close to examine it and then looks into Liesl's eyes, "Are you ready?" Before even hearing an answer he starts to remove his clothing ending up in a pair of tradition animal hide britches, his chest bare for the ceremony except for the prenses of a few more tribal symbols that he starts to paint on his torso.

Liesl is obviously ready, so Gar's question was probably for formality's sake. She's dressed in leather herself - not fancy stuff, but the cured and tanned hide of something less domesticated than a cow, most likely deer. She watches him stripping down, and asks, "Do I need to as well?" She's not asking out of modesty's sake, but this is something new for her. She's cool with whatever needs to be done.

Gar smiles to her, "You do not need to, however you feel most comfortable after all we are searching for a companion for you.' he smiles, "Though I will need either arms or a small part of your torso uncovered so I can mark you as protected by me for the ritual." he then says, "It is not dangerous but one of those formal safeguards since I am the one doing the calling out."

Liesl nods, and unfastens the wrapped top, and pulls it free, working around the way the snake moves over her arms and shoulders. The garment is set aside with the other discarded clothes. This leaves her bare from the waist up, unless you count the snake. "Better safe than sorry, of course."

Gar nods to her, "Especially in matter of the spirit." to his credit he is professional he does not let his eyes wander instead he kneels down in front of her and with paints that are chilly to the skin he inscribes the symbol just above the naval. He smiles, "And have no fear the paints are natural based and water soluble." he looks at the snake, "I think he like you, which is a good thing the attitudes of the spirit and the creature will influence each other."

Liesl shivers a little as the paint is applied. The snake seems curious about what is happening, and drapes a little lower. "I'm not sure like is really the word. Snakes are nearly entirely instincts. He recognizes me as a source of warmth, though. And food. So, that might count as liking me." She smiles and shrugs slightly as she draws the snake's head away from the paint, and lightly strokes the scaly head.

Gar smiles, "Well most animals do like warmth and food." he grins, "And well that will change, once the joining happens." he adds, "the spirit will have intelligence but like a human's, not better or worse just different." He then stands up, "I thought the best way to entice a spirit to the ceremony would be self- expression and well we do both share a gift for dance."

Liesl nods at the explanation. "That is the understanding I got from talking with you earlier ... and Lars pretty much had the same to say." She can't help but chuckle when he comments about their shared gift for dance. "Yes ... and we know what's possible now, so hopefully we don't set the woods on fire." She grins a little impishly.

Gar grins, "Yes that would be bad." he does not seem especially worried though he does say, "If something like that happens, it will be up to you to control it my gifts are not along those lines," he smiles. "Well I am glad to have my thoughts confirmed," he then says. He takes one of her hands in his and leads them into the circle.

Liesl swallows a bit, and hopes it doesn't happen; it's always easier to destroy than to create - or even just simply control. But, if it does happen, she'll be dancing at least. She smiles and follows as Gar takes her hand and leads her into the circle.

Gar starts a rhythmic chant in Choctaw, it is a call out to the spirits for attention for them to come and attend the ceremony and to find one suiting and willing to become bonded with Liesl. He then begins to dance to the rhythm of the chant it is a primal motion calling back to a past age. he gives Liesl a smile to indicate when she should join in.

Liesl smiles as she listens to the chant, the calling to the spirits. She's gotten used to this now, the first words not intelligible, and then they are. She joins the dance as he indicates, following the rhythm, feeling it through and through. The chant repeats, and she tilts her head to Gar, opening her mouth as though to ask if it would be all right for her to join. She does if he indicates it would be good, but remains quiet otherwise. But still, she dances, the movements flowing from one sound to the next.

Gar gives her a nod and smile as she joins in, he moves his body closer to hers, setting himself in place to conform to and accentuate her movements as the chant provides the rhythm of the dance.

Liesl half-closes her eyes, as she moves, feeling Gar close, moving as she does as he does as the snake undulates about her shoulders and torso. So much more warm skin than before. The chant calls and cajoles, the dance entices. She keeps her attention focused on the words and the feel of the snake moving around her.

Gar continues to chant as he changes his movements he starts acting more like a snake, his movements slow and become more serpentine, not touching Liesl but with his movements mimicking the coiling around her as he moves around her orbiting her as the center.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->

Gar rolls Arete vs 5 for 3 successes. 2 4 +5 +6 +8


Liesl's movements have been growing more sinuous to match the way the snake has been moving. Hips and torso undulating, steps slow and slithery, arms moving in mimicry of the snake's seeking. From beneath her half-closed lids, she watches as Gar circles, a little smile curling her lips, as the chant continues.

Lisel would feel a warmth from the paint as the spirits start to gather to watch the performance, even though it is aimed at a particular audience the performance draws other viewers after all the days where a dance for them was common place are long gone. Gar moves closer his body brushing against hers as he coils and uncoils, and of course also brushing against the snake itself. As the dance continues the non-snake spirits start to receede but remain in attenence while a small number of snake spirits start to move forward.

The snake draws back at the first touch from Gar, but as he's been aware of the man's presence, eventually resumes his snake moves, remaining on Liesl all the while. Liesl doesn't break the dance or the chant to tend to the snake. She is aware that things might not be exactly smooth when this happens, but she's also aware that keeping the elements of the calling going is more important than soothing a startled snake. Slow and steady, smooth and sinuous, lulling the snake to complacency.

Gar backs off a bit to let the woman and the snake have more of the spiritual attention, he breaks the dance and instructs, "Continue to dance and speak to the spirits around you." He then picks up the chant again with out missing a beat.

As Gar moves away and gives her instruction, Liesl opens her eyes the rest of the way, as she continues dancing, arms and hips and torso all in undulating motion. She slides her glance around, seeing more clearly what she was only peripherally aware of earlier. Spirits of all sorts, some looking like familiar animals, some not. The snakes are closer, and sway in time with the chant and her dance. She gathers her thoughts while continuing, entertaining the spirits, as it were. Without changing languages, she calls out, in the rhythm of the chant. "I seek a companion, to share in my life. I offer chiminage in form of my energy. I provide a vessel of similar form." She's not sure that this is really the proper way to address the spirits, but there you have it: what she wants, what she has to offer.

The snake spirits look at each other and start a hissing conversation amongst themselves in the language of the spirits after a short discussion one slithers forward, "You movements please me, and your deal sounds fair." He then says, "I find the vessel pleasing as well, but perhaps you could give me a taste of this energy."

Liesl never stops moving while she stays within the circle. She moves her arms more forward now, rather than to the sides as she had been doing. It almost looks as an invitation, or perhaps ... she's focusing - or aiming. Her arm, fingers gesture towards the spirit that has come forward, and for a moment, while her hands remain still and nothing else does, she sends out that taste.

You lose one Quintessence

The spirit's tongue flickers about as it absorbs the energy and then it moves closer slithering up and over her legs then moving itself to the physical serpent and as the chant continues the two join. There is a flushing of warmness that Liesl feels as the merging happens.

Liesl feels the uncharacteristic warmth from the snake, watching the spirit disappear. She is still moving, as she watches the snake, as it gets taken over. She doesn't expect a lot of trouble, as the living snake is none too bright. She glances to Gar, to see what he is doing.

Gar is still chanting but has stopped his dancing and he smiles, the warmth quickly cools to the normal temperature for the snake as it continues to act much as before there does not seem to be a dramatic change in its activities.

Liesl has stopped the chanting, but still dances. She's very serpentine in these movements, sinuous, slow, sensuous. The snake cools to about room temperature, a bit warmer where it touches her skin. She isn't sure what to expect at this point. Some sort of bonding, but as to what form that takes, she's relying on Gar.

Liesl draws a finger slowly along the snake, feeling the smooth scales beneath her touch. "Yes," she says, inclining her head to him with a smile.

Gar smiles and then first draws a pictogram representing the snake on her forehead with the paint then one of a woman to represent Liesl on the snake and begins a different incantation it seems older then any mortal language, the type of thing that is passed one from one shaman to the next in an unbroken chain back into the mists of history.

Liesl half-closes her eyes again as the painting resumes. Good thing she wore her hair off her face. She continues to trace a line along the back of the snake.

Gar loses one Willpower

<OOC> Gar says, "That was for a success on this roll."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->

Gar rolls Arete vs 8 for -1 successes. -1 2 2 2 6


<OOC> Gar grins, "Thank god for the will power spend.

For the moment nothing seems to be happening.

Gar seems perplexed for a moment then he draws a knife and makes a small cut into the tip of his thumb, he annoits the circle he painted with his blood as he chants the incantation again he seems to be focusing his will and his energy reserves into sealing the pact.

Gar loses one Magical Essence Gar loses one Magical Essence Gar loses one Willpower

<OOC> Gar says, "Ok diff would go up to 9 but spending the quint to drop to 7 and the will power for a success."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->

Gar rolls Arete vs 7 for 4 successes. 4 +7 +7 +7 +7


<OOC> Gar grins, "Good thing I spent the quint all four successes were sevens and five succs gets it done.

<OOC> Liesl says, "yay! And, if I read the "multiple people" stuff correctly, since I've got Spirit 1, you get another success."

<OOC> Gar nods, "Yes indeed so that makes six.

<OOC> Liesl actually has Spirit 2, but yeah. :)

Something is happening, that is certain now. Liesl feels the snake move with more purpose that it had before, slithering around and up, his head lifting to regard her, face to face. The tongue flickers, there is a hiss, which after a try or two can be made out to be English. Even if she /had/ been speaking Choctaw, somehow the spirits know what one's native language is, perhaps. "Our fates are bound, one to the other," the snake hisses, and Liesl inclines her head slightly, "One to the other," she echoes. "Forever bound." The echo in her head doesn't seem to bother her, but then, she's been hearing voices ... a voice ... for awhile now. Why not have a regular party?

Gar smiles as he sees the bonds forming and slumps a bit, the ritual has taxed him and it shows. He does not look to be harmed but just worn out, and spent. He speaks English this time, "Thank you spirits for attending this joining, we are always honored by your attention and guidance." With those words the spirts start to drift off the snakes are the last to leave. He then starts to wipe away the circle.

And, as Gar slumps, Liesl looks over in concern. "Are you all right?" she asks, even though he seems to be fine, and then thanks the spirits for their attendance. She adds her own thanks, as the spirits drift off. She does her best to stay out of the way, as he wipes away the circle. There's apparently a quiet conversation going on now, and Liesl is getting one of those Looks. She's vaguely aware of what is going on around her, but is distracted by those voices.

Gar nods to her, "Yeah it just took more out of me than I thought it would." He then admits, "This was my first time performing such a ritual," he says. "I have seen it performed many times but did not realize how taxing it was, my respect for my teacher manages to find yet another way to grow." he then takes a drink from a canteen and then uses some of the contents of it to wash away the paint on the ground then he offers it to Liesl.

Liesl accepts the canteen, and takes a drink, finding herself thirstier than she would have expected. She passes it back, opting to leave the paint in place for now. Maybe she wants to show the artwork off. "Gonna tell Matt that this one," she points to the one above her navel, "is a fertility symbol."

Gar laughs, "I see." he grins, "Trying to freak out the boyfriend? I totally approve." He finishes off the last drink in the canteen and now that he has gotten his wind back and some water in him he seems to have recovered. He too leaves the paint in place.

Liesl chuckles. "Freak him out? Probably not. But, I'm still holding out for a ring." She grins as she moves over to the pile of clothes, and fishes out her leather top. She carefully puts it back on, being careful not to smudge the paint. Putting it on is actually easier than it was taking it off, since now the snake moves out of the way with purpose.

Gar smiles as his eyes do wander a bit now that the work is done but they do not linger. He then stands up and gets his shirt on. He is less careful of the paint since he does not intend to show it off later. He then grins, "Well good luck. I will have to meet this boyfriend sometime."

Liesl grins and nods. "Yes, yes you will. Misa's already met him, I suppose it would only be right that my other friends do, too. He's just always so busy, and often out of town."

Gar nods to her, "I can understand that." he smiles and starts to lead her back out to where he parked the pick up. "I can be a patient person." He opens the passenger side door for her and the snake.

Liesl follows, smiles her thanks as he opens the door. Once inside the truck, she doesn't put the snake back in the case. No need to at this point. That case may never be used again. Once Gar's come around and gotten into the driver's seat, she smiles to him. "Thank you for your help. I never did ask you what you wanted in exchange, but I definitely do owe you for this."

Gar smiles, "Well I am sure there will a point in time where I will need help from my friends." he smiles, "I am willing to forego payment now for a favor later."

Liesl nods. "Fair enough. A favor for the future." Expected, and seems fair. She smiles to him, and adds, "And, since I'm not exactly super strong right now, you're better off waiting, anyway."

Gar smiles, "Well I think you are not lacking in strength just in training, you have an energy and a life about you that I would be shocked if anyone thought of you as not strong."

Liesl grins. "I didn't say that I wasn't strong, just that I wasn't SUPER strong." But she does agree with the assessment that she needs more training. She hasn't been at this for all that long, so it will take some time. "So, you're still better off waiting," she teases.

Gar grins, "Well I do not argue that.' he grins, "If nothing else it gives me more of an excuse to keep an eye on you." he laughs as he starts up the pick up and heads back into the city.

Liesl smirks and undulates in place. "Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights at Glitter. Ask for Eve." She winks at him. She settles back for the ride into the city.

Gar laughs, "I did not mean like that." he does blush just a touch as he thinks on that situation however. It is an uneventful trip back into the city and once back he asks, "Where do you want to be dropped off?"

Liesl knew that, but likes to tease anyway. Poor Dreamspeaker at the mercy of the Ecstasist. As they pull up into the area where they'd met, she points out her car. "You can drop me there, thanks."

Gar nods and drives her over to the car, "Well have a good night.' he grins, "I think I might turn in early."

Liesl smiles as he pulls to a stop. "You too, and get something healthy to eat. I'm sure that took a lot, and you need food as well as rest." She leans over, the snake moving out of the way, to give him a hug. "Talk to you soon," she says as she pulls back with a smile.