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A New Skill
Revi Loves Archery and the chance to share it with friends.
IC Date August 02nd, 2014
Players Revi, Yuri
Location Yuri's backyard

Revi stands suddenly with a slap to her knees. "Welp. Time to work off lunch. I usually just go for a run and do push ups and stuff but if you wanted a go on my Bow I could string it up. it's your house so I'll let you choose." how generous she is.

Yuri grins, "Well, we can go grab your bow... I don't have hay bales, but I do have some bags of fertilizer, that should stop an arrow right?" He chuckles, "Maybe you could show me how to shoot, I've never actually used one."

Revi nods "That should do for now, but ... eh I may not want the arrow back" she once again shoulders her things and, after stringing it, she hands you her bow. "My mom gave me that. It's nothing special, her kin Dad made that, so it's sorta a family heirloom. I was thinking of finding a spirit that might bond with it some day, fight the wyrm along side me. but I honestly don't get to talk to many spirits. Other than my lady.

Yuri nods, "I don't really know much about spirits either... I can talk to my stormcrows but that's it." He takes the bow and looks it over, "I promise I'll be careful with the bow..." He leads you to a spot in back where the bags are piled up, "I think these will keep the arrows from going too far." So, how do I do this?"

Revi takes the arrow back for a moment. she has a leather quiver painted with clouds and rainbows already over her shoulder. "so you take hold of the grip with your least dominate hand. the part of the bow that's facing you is the belly of the bow and the part that's facing away is the back. This little notch right here" she points to a notch in the grip just above her thumb "this is called the shelf. you notice that it's on the left side of a right handed bow. because you want the arrow shaft to travel along that to make it go straight. other wise if it was on the right the arrow would fall right and there for be off target" she looks to you to see if you fallow

Yuri nods, "Ok, that doesn't sound so hard. I really don't know a lot about weaponry. My claws and teeth have always been enough for me. But this will be fun to learn at least."

Revi smiles "I know and honestly I think my teeth and claws are more brutal than my archery but there is a time and place. I mostly do this to concentrate on other things. kinda like meditation." she smiles. she shifts her weight and shows you her feet. "You want your left foot forward and right back and have your hips perpendicular to your target like this. Some archers will swear by the belt quiver instead of the back one. but they are out for target practice. I think it's easier to get the arrow on the left side of the bow if you come from over head rather than from the waist." and she demonstraights by pulling an arrow by the fletched end over her shoulder and setting the shaft on the shelf. "There's a little V down here at the end of the shaft, that's to grip the string. and well knocked arrows will grip the string. but it's vary important to keep the arrow level between the shelf and the knock. That’s why my string is marked with the bit of red wrapped thread."

Yuri turns so he is in the proper position, he smiles, "I think I can do that. I've never fired a bow before, so it should be fun... I'll try not to shatter any of your arrows by hitting the wall."

Revi says, "ok so once you have the arrow knocked you draw it back. there are several ways to hold the string to which everyone has their own preference. it's either two or three fingers, and it's either all fingers under the arrow or one above and the rest below. however you do it you want to used the tips of your fingers and not the crooks of your knuckles. you run the risk of plucking the string and effecting the arrows trajectory. now you want to pull it back the same way ever time so most people have a mark they draw back to. I Draw till my thumb touches the corner of my lips. for some it's a jaw or ear or cheek. it's whatever you find is easier for you." she finally hands the bow over and then an arrow. "Other than that it's about instinct. it's less about aiming and more about predicting the trajectory. like throwing a ball.. it's about how it feels."

Yuri is wearing a short sleeve shirt today as it's warm out. He draws the bow back and takes careful aim and looses the arrow. There is a bit of a slap sound as he lets go. He obviously wasn't holding it right as the string rips along the flesh of his arm leaving quite the welt. The arrow on the other hand does manage to hit one of the bags, just not the one he was aiming at. He moves his hand quickly to his forearm and lets out a grunt, "Damn, that hurts!"

Revi winses and feels like a really bad teacher "I forgot to warn you about that. I don't have the same problem as most archers and well I always wear long sleeves." she takes and shoulders the bow and Yuri's arms to turn it upright and have a look at it.

Yuri managed to leave quite the welt, and it even managed to draw a little bit of blood, "Yeah, I seem to remember people wearing those leather things." He looks down at the wound, "It'll heal I suppose." He lets you hold his arm and look it over.

You say, "I don't have any gifts of healing" she dose however have a high medicine. "it's painful but really nothing and should go away when you shift. They are called Bracers. And I have many of them at the apartment. they are all fitted to me though. I can make you one, but I really need to find a tannery around here. I can bring down a deer but I rather leave the tanning to professionals."

Yuri nods, "Yeah, it'll heal quick enough... I just felt like bitching about it." He smiles, "But I did manage not to hit the wall." He laughs, "I can watch you practice though."

Revi leans up to kiss his cheek then takes a step back to give herself room. She pulls an arrow, knocks and draws in one fluid motion. at the exact moment her thumb touches the corner of her mouth she looses the arrow sinking it into the target dead center and to the fletching. "See. it's not so hard" says the girl who has had a bow in her hands since she was 5

Yuri laughs, "Damn... Well, I know who to have do all the shooting for me. I'll just stay in the back and give orders... That's what I'm good at. Although I will practice more. I should know how to at least not hurt my arm."