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[[Category:Active PCs]]
[[Category:Active PCs]]
[[category:University PC]]

Revision as of 19:53, 15 July 2014


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  • Rei - My dearest friend! I never thought I would see you again!
  • Priest - I will viciously beat you down... in Mario Kart.
  • Alisandra - I think what began in miscommunication might end in friendship?
  • Ariel - I'm sorry Sir... just whom SHOULD I be saluting?
  • Deacon - Another day in the neighborhood.
  • Aiden - Was I at least a useful N00b Ma'am?
  • Cynthia - If I toss a glow-stick, will you chase it?
  • Jun - Not every day a boy shows me his garden!
  • Mila - Cool and efficient. How does she manage to eat pie in perfect fractions?
  • Vance - We really do need to go diving some day soon.

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RP Hooks
*Gadgets - She just HAS to mess with stuff.

*Computers - Try to keep up.

*Mathematics - Geek alert!

*Swords - About being a geek...

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Art Gallery

x250px x200px x200px x200px x215px

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Race: Mage
Faction: Technocracy
Convention: Void Engineers
Full Name: Sakurazaka Nagitaosu
Date of Birth: February 10
Heritage: Japanese
Occupation: College Student
Demeanor: Hacker
Essence: Primordial
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Height: 5'3"

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Changeling No experience, but they sound mostly harmless.
Demon Reality deviants will be watched, and if necessary pogromed.
Mage Clinging to the past will not help the present.
Mortal Those I am sworn to defend.
Werewolf Threats to public security will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Wraith Alien presences, even in the guise of humanity, should not be trusted.
Vampire They feed on those I defend, I await my orders.

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