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Latest revision as of 20:39, 23 November 2014

Jesse Lowell Must Die 2
Some guys have all the pain.
IC Date July 29, 2014
IC Time Afternoon
Players Misa, Liesl
Location Fashion Valley Mall

Begin Log

Misa has at least cleaned the outfit and showered since the last... incident. There's some noticible scuffing on the knees of her leather pants. Not for that reason sicko. Aside from the leather pants she has on her jacket and a white shirt with red blood spatters all over it. In white test in a rather large splatter, in what looks to be finger painting of the insane it spells out "It's okay, it's not mine." Misa sits at teh food court with smoothy in hand yet again letting her feet kick back and forth while rocking back onto the back legs of the chair. "Thanks again for comin out with me honey!"

Liesl is eyeing Misa's outfit, but not really worried about it. This /is/ Misa after all. She smiles as she is thanked. "Hey, it's for a good cause, right?" She has a cup of soda, and a pizza slice in front of her, though she's not really eating the slice in anything that resembles enthusiasm. In fact, she's picking at her food - pulling off bits of topping (pepperoni, maybe? Who can tell with these mall places anymore?) and nibbling on them, between sips of soda. "So, you'll recognize him?"

Recognizing anyone here is tricky. There are a lot of people around. A lot of young people wearing casual clothes. There's only one of him, though. Different Hot Topic t-shirt, but the same face, just teasing his hair a little differently. "Heeeeeeeeeeeey," he purrs, walking right up behind Liesl and slipping his arms loosely around her neck as he leans down a little.

Misa quickly looks away after giving a rather obvious "OH SHIT!" look. Nope, don't see him, not here that is TOTALLY not the guy I threw a slushy at, maybe if I close my eyes and hope really hard he'll go away?

Liesl about jumps from her skin at the first touch, but then she quickly relaxes. Ohhh, nice guy, really nice guy. She tilts her head back to look up at him, and smiles. "Heeeeey yourself," she purrs back.

The one thing saving Misa is that Jesse isn't paying any attention to her. He isn't paying any attention to /anyone/. Except Liesl. Liesl is the only girl in the world as far as he's concerned. Where has she been all his life? He sliiiiides over around one side of her, helping himself to another nearby seat and reaching out to take her hands in his. "So I just got off for the day" (did you /really/, Jesse?) "and I scored these free movie tickets off my buddy, he couldn't make it, all I gotta do is buy him lunch tomorrow. Free movie!" For the two of them. Obviously.

Misa takes another sip of her smoothy, just watching the two for now... making sure to plop the smoothy on the table in full view afterwards, just to see.

Boyfriend? What boyfriend? Liesl smiles at Jesse, as he takes her hands into his. "What movie?" she asks, but she asks it in such a way that it's clear that she really doesn't care, but is just sooooo happy that he wants to take her to the movies ... a couple of hours in the dark with the nice guy? What could possibly be wrong with that?

Wow. Yeah. It could be Reefer Madness for all that Jesse cares. Or an instructional video for a riding lawnmower. He stands up, hands still intertwined with Liesl's, and starts wandering toward the multiplex past the JC Penney's. Misa, if you're gonna cockblock the guy, this is probably your last chance...

Misa clears her throat loudly. "Oh hey... it's uhh Jesse right?" she asks. "I'm SO sorry about last time."

Liesl rises as well, pausing just long enough to grab her purse. Oh, then there's Misa. Misa! Oh wait, she came here with her, right? Jesse? She turns to look at the guy again, her fingers twined with his, and ready to follow him off to the multiplex. She smiles again.

Partway through threading his way through the scattered chairs and tables of the food court, and plunging through the crowd proper, Jesse turns and blinks. Wh-- oh, right, her! "He, that's okay. Honest mistake, like you said, right?" He's feeling nervous for some reason. Maybe he's afraid that Misa is just playing nice until she can throw another smoothie in his face. Maybe he's just real anxious to take off with Liesl and watch that, uh, what was it? Movie! Right. Yeah, movie.

Misa shakes her head moving closely after the pair. "Yeah but I still feel like I owe ya. I mean you and that other girl were gettin along nd I kinda ruined that..." she says scratching behind her ear shifting her weight a little uncertainly... making sure her hips shift a little as well. MIght as well test some things.

Liesl stares at Misa. What is she doing? Is she trying to ruin this for her? Vaguely, she thinks that yes, she is, and on that same vague level, she /wants/ Misa to. But, her mouth opens, and she's saying, "We're going to the movies," she announces, stepping a little closer to Jesse, and giving his arm a squeeze.

Jesse not only squeezes back, but actually wraps his arms around Liesl's waist afterward. "And then--" Well, huh, he hadn't thought that far ahead. But something! Anything to stay with her a little longer. "Other gir-- oh, right, her, we /were/ getting along but then she got all, like, clingy and stuff. It never would've worked out anyway."

Misa rolls her eyes and nods. "Yeah they do get all clingy on ya." she sighs while checking her phone. "I don't think we have eough time fora movie tonight though." she sighs before biting her lip and giving Jesse an obvious once over before suddenly grinining and giving him a wink. "Tomorrow night though... no work Thursday... how about then we come pick you up here tomorrow and we'll have a night in huh? You can bring yer friend." She gives a wink. "Or come alone if ya don't feel like sharing."

Liesl is looking more and more confused, She looks from Misa, to Jesse, back to Misa ... to Jesse. To Misa. What ... what is going on? She drops her hold on Jesse's hand and presses her hands to her head. "I gotta headache," she mumbles, apparently to herself, since Misa is getting chummy with Jesse.

Jesse pouts at the suggestion - yeah, he's young enough to still pout at things - but he nods vaguely to Liesl when she pipes up as well. "You gotta go? I /guess/ I can see you tomorrow, right?" But, but, he's got these movie tickets! They were /free/! He's kind of bummed now.

End Log