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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Dealing with angry spirits is best left to those who know how to not piss them off, and Trekome shows some teeth.
IC Date July 26th, 2014
IC Time Evening
Players Eloise, Fidelia, Tom, Trekome, FennecFox - ST
Location Tom's Diner
Spheres Gaian Garou, Kinfolk

The Harley shop and diner is closed, but Tom has the keys. Dark and quiet until he flicks on the lights to the shop. Everything seems so empty and peaceful. The fans kick on stirring warm air that hasn't been moving for the last few days. You all arrive and are shown in.

Everything looks normal.

Tom scratches his head as he opens the place up and then hmms as he stands there, "Here it is..." He mentions as you enter he hears the fan glad that things at least still work around here as they should just not the food...

Eloise dropped off Lily and got her Bag o' Stuff. It isn't very far from her place, so she's probably there first. While she's waiting for everyone else to arrive, she heads into the kitchen, just looking around with normal eyes. She starts up a burner, grabs a pan, and quietly starts cooking a steak, just the way that Axton likes it. "I'm sure it will be just fine," she tells Tom. "Fidelia and I can take care of it."

Tom shrugs, "If your sure, remember anything that cooked here will become deseised..." He mentions as he looks at Eloise and then nods, "I'll trust in ya, though..." He mentions as he looks at her.

Fidelia wanders around in the dimly lit restaurant. Her eyes roam around, those mismatched red and green orbs taking in the room. "Its peaceful." She says softly, "The spinners aren't here as much as the city. I like that." When she enters the kitchen, she pauses and a hand moves to her chest lightly. "I see them." She murmurs, looking directly at the cooking surfaces. "They... are we sure those are wyld spirits?" She asks dubiously. She didn't have wyrm sense, and they looked kind of... skully. And a bit evil.

Trekome stays behind the group, moving with them quietly. He's rather out of his element, and more here for physical security and as a meat shield more than anything. Besides, this is supposed to be a peaceful op, right?

"That's the point. I'm not going to EAT it. It's an offering. That's what I said back at the caern."

Tom tilts his head, "They don't smell Wyrmy more then any other place in the city... Ya it's way I chose the edge of the city, suppose I'm the only glasswalker that likes the fringe area..." He shrugs as he tilts his head, "Few other reasons I picked the location admittingly.." He takes a moment to go get a chair and sits down. "Few of my neighbors have really fine butts to look at. No offense men are easy things to know... Come on Tre, let's peak and see what is going on the otherside." With that he holds up a mirror to help him out.

Within the umbra the spirits dance and cavort across the cooking surfaces. Most of the normal Weaver spirits seem to have been driven away. As Eloise starts cooking that's where they congregate. A mist pouring out of their skull heads and across the surfaces.

Trekome wrinkles his nose. "I hate that nickname..." he growls under his breath. "Not a fan of the Umbra either... may as well get some more practice though." He looks at the two girls, "If we're not back in thirty minutes, get out and find help."

Eloise is a little uneasy with the spirits here, but they are on THAT side and she's on THIS side. She eyes them as she continues to cook the steak and moves to find some... um.. onions! Yes. Steak and onions and all the things. No slab of meat is going to do on its own for an offering. "I don't know, Fidelia. They don't look familiar to me at all. I've never seen these before." THOSE things don't hang out in the glade.

Tom looks over at Eloise, "So are you going to cook then I'll cross with the stuff deticated to me and I'll offer them to the spirits?" He mentions looking over at her, "Or can you talk with them through the Gauntlet and I'll protect you from inside?"

Fidelia watches as Eloise cooks, and she sees the spirits moving. Her eyes have a distant faroff expression to them. "These are disease elementals." She murmurs quietly. Her hand moves, and she grasps the brush she wears around her neck. She speaks, as she dips the brush into yellow paint and brings it to the bottom of one eye. Then, slowly, into blue paint as it goes under the other one. "Like... natural. Really natural spirits. Kind of like, you know... primal things." She explains softly. "You don't need to protect anyone. They won't hurt us." She seems pretty sure of that!

Eloise shakes her head to Tom. "They'll take care of it here, I think," she says, humming quietly to herself as she cooks. She nods to Fidelia, looking around to study the things. "They're natural. Primal... " This is a little puzzling to her.. maybe. She pauses, then flips the steak over, seasoning it with a little salt, just making herself at home here in Tom's kitchen. "Do we need to cross over at all?" Cause she sure as shit doesn't want to. "Shall we talk to them now or am I on the right path? I.. can't really tell if they're happy that I'm doing this or not."

Trekome waits patiently while the plan is discussed. It's definitely not his show, and that's probably for the best considering his lack of knowledge in these things. For now he just stays quiet.

Tom nods, "I would suggest as the host offering them the Right of Hospitality, it being my place I grant you the right to offer it formally... If the spirits will accept then I will be willing to grant them gnosis to come to this side so as we might learn why they are here and pay them heed and help with there mission. Should needed we can offer gnosis through the food to replenish them from crossing." He says to Eloise...

Tom shrugs, "We might also use the basement it is more thin there and deticated to Uktena once we get there attention."

Fidelia shakes her head slightly, "Not... not that kind of primal." She explains. "Just like, really base things." She was distracted by her magic. Her eyes flash lightly, and then she seems to stare with a lot more focus at the stoves, and then the spirits, then back to the stoves. "They were... put here." She says slowly. "I don't know why. But something made them come here." She points at the stove, "Now they are here, because the disease is. And its here, because they are. So they'll need to be convinced to leave." She reaches up, and rubs at her head. "I do not know why they are still here... This is... this is so close to the weaver, its... weird." She admits. "The city is not a place for wyld spirits to frolic..." Yes, she chose to call it 'frolicing'. She reaches up and starts to rub the paint from under her eyes, blinking away the effect as she looks towards Tom. "Did you do anything to annoy these spirits?" She asks, puzzled. She glances around at the others, "They are not able to manifest. I can speak with them, from here. But they are... uhm, it'll be difficult to make them leave... there are a lot of them, and they are rather strong despite their size." Fidelia! The loremaster of Spirits!

Eloise listens carefully to Fidelia as she speaks, finishing up the meal. Then she looks slowly over to Tom. "Or is there someone that you made really mad that might do this to you? If they were PUT here... "

Trekome just keeps quiet. Again, totally out of his element in dealing with spirits, unless that involves trying to destroy one, but even then he had multiple others to help.

Tom shakes his head, "I don't know... I have alot of enemies and annoy alot of people..." He mentions, "Velok maybe..." He shrugs as he looks at her. "Do you want me to cross?"

"Velok. I don't think he could do this. But I'll find out. And why do you keep trying to cross? We can talk to them from one dimension to the other."

"No, Tom." Fidelia repeats, a bit distracted. "We don't need to cross. Its safer we don't." She murmurs, before reaching up and rubbing her throat idly for a moment. She looks around, and gathers a chair. Carefully, she sets up her easel and starts to paint quietly on it. She doesn't say a word as she settles into working.

Tom hmms as he nods, "Just seems unnatural to talk to spirits through the Gauntlet." He admits as he puts his hands up... "Granted you have your ways I have mine." He says, "I don't think Velok would do this though... He is an ally not a threat."

Eloise just keeps cooking. THe steak is done and set aside. Frolick away, little spirit things. She carefully dumps the onions over the top of the steak and then sets to peeling potatoes. Gather them all together, right? She nods to Tom. "We do things a little differently than you do, Tom. It isn't apples and oranges, either. It's apples and Buicks." She chunks up a few potatoes and throws them in the pan, then wipes her hands and moves to stand with Fidelia.

Trekome shakes his head, "I wouldn't recommend crossing either. One spirit alone is difficult to deal with if they get hostile, and they may not realize how much harm they could cause us even if they weren't trying. I can't recommend bringing them here either since they could cause even more damage, intentional and accidental." He hmmms, "Too many people to count who would be annoyed or angry, but not many with the skillset to do this. Even then, that's quite a bit of effort... and on two different factions."

Fidelia finishes her painting. It takes her a little time, and she brings her wrist up to her mouth and casually nips herself sharply. The painting is a little portrait of the stove, with a picture perfect representation of the disease spirits. And she promptly ruins it by rubbing blood right over them. And then again. And then again. Her forehead scrunches up with annoyance, and there is a brief pulse of energy from her before the effect goes off!... with a hitch.

The Rainbows painting is now 'live'. Everyone looking at it can see the spirits dancing on the stove, the delightfully capricious little disease monsters spewing their diseae on Eloises onions and potatoes. "Hello, honored spirits." Fidelia murmurs respectfully, her tone a tiny bit tired. She glances to the others, "They can now see us, and hear us. If... uhm, you look through this." She motions at the 'port' she made in the painting, which is functioning like a window to the umbra.

Tom hmms as he looks up at the port a moment and then nods as he sits there.

Eloise's brow arches as she looks in the window and a smile breaks out over her face. "That's a wonderful idea. I would have never thought of it." She rests a hand on Fidelia's shoulder. "Wonderful work," she says. Her tongue slicks over her lips. "Talk to them. See if they will communicate. I.. they make me nervous." Yes, Eloise isn't infallible, folks. News at 11.

A slightly larget skull head thing notes there is suddenly a hole in the world from here to there. It taps it's head on the 'window' to see if it can come through and then blows mist at it. Empty skull socket eyes peer back and forth almost like a bird. It sees you. It sees you all. And you see it. It hisses and for those wise in the ways of spirit (Spirit Speech/Spirit Sphere) "Ugly Weaver Dog comes again. Hides he does. Behind the wall where only our gift can touch. But he will not let us touch. No. But look. Someone has made our gift whole. Eat Weaver Dog. Enjoy our gift. Leeeaaaaarrrrrn from it." another spirit pushes at it calling out "No, it should learn from mine! Bowles like water. See the Weaver Dog run to the hydrant! Hope it be close! Slooooooosh."

Fidelia blinks her eyes rapidly a few times as the creature comes closer, and pokes at her portal. "Honored spirits." She repeats, her tone soft and her gaze slightly averted. Fidelia is a master of being demure and respectful to all manner of things, in her long life she usually plays the role. "This man is not a weaver dog. He is Fixes-the-net-rhya, of the Garou. He is of the glasswalker tribe, but he does not serve the weaver." Fidelia promises earnestly. "What has you believing that he does, honored spirits?"

Tom keeps a moment to himself as he listens, with respect but shakes his head, "You know not me, I may used the weaver tools and learned in my enemy but I am my own man, I choose how I serve the Mother Gaia... Question me then, I will submit to yours if you submit to ours, for I am ragabash, servant of Cockroach, no dog of the Weaver. Know however Cockroach's Brood is watching and those also Deticated to Uktena are listening so I may know you. What brings you to my doorstep, spirits?"

The first spirit pushes the other pack out of the way pressing the skull against the window peering out again. "They saaaay the do not serve. Not with words they do not serve. Does this look like a place a wolf runs through? Hard set. Sanitized. Cleeeean. But no more. We have brought gifffftss." the spirits hiss and swirl beyond the portal "Cockroach is no friend of ours. Without the webs where would cockroach hide?! Survivor. If Gaia falls Cockroach will be first to bend leg to knew master." they hiss and spit and seeth "Uktena is wise. Uktena sees much. We know Uktena and the feel of wool and cotton gifts."

Fidelia was listening patiently for a reply from the spirits, but when Tom speaks she looks up over her shoulder. She doesn't say anything, he gaze returning to the canvas in front of her as she goes silent in respect for the Garou speaking.

Trekome sighs and shakes his head. He looks around for a chair and peers into the painting to make sure that it's clean before sitting in it and watching the painting quietly.

Tom nods, "I know of this, no secret befalls me here... I deticated my life so that father's tribe might know and learn the humans secrets and lead them back to the true ways of life..." He says as he leans back, "I am biker, it may mean they sit back on a bike instead of a horse but listen for a moment as a biker way of life is much of the true way of life that the humans are close too... I am here to spread the word so that humans will learn of the true freedoms and forget to live in the scab cities... I take a risk being that of Cockroach so they may, and also might not run through here but they are more then welcome. However this place is for humans it is a temple to the FREE life without the Weaver's rules. None would bat an eye to a wolf walking through here I have done so in my own form many times. You come to a place that were humans cook food, you stop me from spreading the word in my own Temple by your gift however you have reminded me why I am here and it is why we talk."

"Hush, Tom. Let Fidelia handle this. Not another word, please. She is the negotiator here." Her tone is soft, but firm. "You're upsetting them. Fidelia was doing just fine."

The spirits hiss and chatter "Free, so long as they poison the air and earth. We are not dumb! We see the Wyrms touch on this place. It is we who have saved the humans from your lies of freedom in service to the Weaver while spreading the Wyrm. Not dumb. No. We have heard your crimes. And we are here now to save the humans with our gifts. Now none come here and they are safer and we dance and sing and praise. It is good to be here."

Tom nods as he simply nods to Fidelia....

Fidelia murmurs a soft thanks to Eloise. It takes her a moment to gather herself, and she takes a slow breath. "We thank you, honored spirits." She murmurs to the disease elementals, "For protecting the humans from the weaver, and the wyrm." She says honestly, "We are grateful for your protection." She says sincerely, "If I may ask of you, honored spirits, who has accused him of what crimes, for the Nation does not know of them..." She thinks.

Tom looks quite upset himself as he sits there and flexes his muscles giving a glare to the spirits as he then calms back down breathing in and out trying to keep himself calm...

Eloise falls silent again, keeping her eye on Tom. She reaches back and gives him a little soothing pat on the shoulder. "Calm down. Your rage has no place here." Her eyes shift to Trekome briefly, then back to Fidelia to listen

Trekome watches Tom and shakes his head. "Losing your temper now will just make things worse. These are talks and negotiations, not a warzone." How about that; an Ahroun saying to stand down.

Trekome senses "Eloise's look in your direction CLEARLY says 'Shut him up or get him out.'"

The spirits shuffle and swirl hissing back at Tom's flexing, but they're both on different sides of a wall, neither to get through. "The ones that come first. They hear the call of one who has right to call. They answer. They are asked to bring gifts here but to not bring death. They do. They give our gift. The gift spreads to many. The return to the whole their favor done. They tell of this place and that we are welcome here. That we are NEEDED here. So we come. We give our gifts. More gifts. Many gifts. We still are kind, our gifts do not kill. How kind we are? Very kind."

Trekome pages: OOC Sorry, was dealing with a bunch of screaming German Shepherd puppies. They were woken up and were cranky.

Fidelia murmurs softly, "You are very kind not to kill, honored spirits." She says gently. "You have my thanks, that you wished only to instruct, and to teach." She closes her eyes briefly, trying to make sense of the words. "Who was the one that called those first here? Why were they called here?"

Eloise eyes the two men in the room for a moment, then her attention goes back to Fidelia and she kneels off to the side so that she can look more easily. She doesn't say anything, even still, but there is a gentle smile on her face

The spirits churn and swirl "We are not they that came before and those that call have the right to call by kinship. The names of those that call us will not be spoken even if known. For they are beloved by our mother." The spirits nod to each other "Beloved. Yes." The spirits all agree. "We came because this has been made a home and welcome place. This is our place now. Touched by our gifts so that we may form here. Breeding ground. The ones before came to punish and teach. One should not harm those that are Beloved. There are punishments."

"Thank you, honored spirits." Fidelia murmurs quietly, "But the punishment has been received. The lesson is hard to learn, if he knows not why he is being punished... Someone has to tell him what he has done wrong, or he can't learn. Does this make sense to you, honored spirits?"

The spirits ponder. The spirits commune. The spirits reply "Time of punishment well past. Great Luna closed her eye and it was done. Those that came before depart. But they call to us their fellows that we are welcome here. Now this is our place to breed and spawn. Spread. Give gifts. Wisdom. Perhaps one wishes to learn how to give our gifts? Offer Chiminage for our blessings?"

Fidelias head bows gently towards the spirits. "The time of punishment is past." She murmurs softly. She is careful with her next words. "No one amidst the nation was made aware that you were extended this invitation, to dwell and to breed here. This is the domain of Fixes-the-Net-rhya, whom was being punished." She says gently. "I am unable to learn your gifts, honored spirits. Your knowledge would be wasted on me, and I am sorry for this. I am worried, honored spirits. For your safety." She explains softly. "Your presence here, it is no longer a secret. The humans know of your blessings. The humans that are strongly aligned with the weaver. I fear the pattern weavers may come here, to deal with the sickness your gifts have given to the former patrons."

Eloise nods as Fidelia speaks, giving her an encouraging pat on the leg. She approves. Most definitely. She takes a breath, holds it, actually crosses her fingers behind her back.

Tom looks at them, "You and yours wish change right? You wish to impart knowledge for there is no greater task for a spirit then grant it and let it be done.... Teach me and also allow me to quest for that knowledge which you think I have lost.... Allow me to honor that which has past and those that have come before by recovering what is lost. Older Brother's teachings have been with me since I have been a kid, allow me to show my worth in this, allow me to return then if I must..... Allow me the gift of your teaching, and let me change."

Tom shakes his head, "But do not stay here, for I must run you off then... This is my territory and I only wish to serve the mother we may find a better place to suit you."

"Tom!" Fidelia says, her eyes turning towards him with a startled expression. "You do not say that!"

Trekome looks over at Tom and gives a soft growl under his breath. His voice turns gravely and low, "Let Fidelia speak. Do /not/ interfere; -she- was tasked with speaking to them. Threats will do no good, and dragging the Sept into a fight with spirits will not end well for ANYONE. Now SILENCE."

Eloise pushes up to her feet and moves over to Tom. She's a little pissed now. She lowers her voice, beckoning Trekome over too. "Tom, you need to shut up. Seriously. Let Fidelia speak. She's making headway. Just... shut up. Okay? REALLY." Her eyes flit to Trekome again and she sighs,

Tom having a hard time but trying he bites down on his sleeve and then sits....

The spirits for a moment seemed uncertain. They seemed to be communing and deciding on a new course of action. Then.. "Run us off. We are PLAGUE. We are Eternal! You think we do not remember you using us to kill the children of Wendigo and Uktena?! Disrespecting welp! As long as humans walk this place we will be here! Now though the mercy that our brothers extended is over!" The spirits begin to seeth and dance anew and their words echo "COME elder brothers! Come Blackest of Deaths! Come Polio! Come Smallpox! We welcome you to this place!" Some of the spirits are dissapating as their essence is being poured out.

Fidelia pleads, "No, Honored spirits, please please... don't..." Her hands move to her forehead, the little Rainbows fingers digging into her hair. She grasps her brush, dragging a yellow line across her arm before she thrusts it into the painting. Her arm disappears into the painting, and appears in the umbral side of the realm. People on the other side of the painting? You totally can't see her arm anymore. People on her backside looking over her shoulder can see her arm in the umbra, a slender, light, translucent version of itself. But flowing from the line of yellow paint is thin tendrils of wispy rainbow light. Pure energy... And the Rainbow is Dynamic, which means her energy is wyld aligned, and flavored with creativity. She pleads, "Honored spirits, please accept this offering for Fixes-the-net-Rhyas blunder. He knows not how to speak to spirits. He would never have run you off, we would never have allowed this. The Nation respects you, and respects your contributions, and your mercy. Please, honored spirits, please reconsider. I will be sure that a theurge comes to make amends for his actions. Please do not bring death to this place, for that shall surely bring down the pattern spiders even faster."

Tom still maintains his cool... "Peace first brothers.... Peace first... I also give offering please come back to the table. We mean you no harm, Again I am a wolf we are very territorial This is hard for me, I haven't lost my cool... I will let these others speak for me as they truthful have my own voice and house my own will in mind. It's why I have them speak for me."

Tom then goes back to bitting his sleeve.

"TOM! SHUT UP!" Eloise is FURIOUS now. Fidelia is.. wait.. doing WHAT now? "Fidelia!" Eloise spins on her heel and moves toward Fidelia. "No! Don't... what the fuck!? For him? He can't even keep his fucking mouth shut! Let them have the goddamn place. That will be their chiminage. No!"

Energy flows from Fidelia and the spirits stop there dance and lick at her offered hand with sickly tongues of diseased flesh. "You pay for his words. You offer your essence as recompense. Make him beg. If he wants us gone so badly. Then perhaps he will do the favor of carrying us from this place. Yes? It is not safe for us outside. The Weaver waits. If he wishes to.. Help.. Let him carry us away to a safe place. I am sure it will not take long. Weeeeeks. Yes? Will he offer that. You have bought mercy. He will carry us away. Kneel before us and take us into him. Be our.. Mount.. To.. FREEDOM."

Tom tilts his head and whispers into Fidelia's ear, "Ask them if they will accept instead the rite of Contrition."

Fidelia doesn't cringe away from the spirits licking away her energy. She swallows hard, and her other hand waves at Eloise to back her off. "Thank you, honored spirits." She whispers softly, leaving her arm there. "Thank you, for your mercy. For your second chance." She says, her tone soft and back under control as she continues to try and placate the spirits. She looks over her shoulder towards Tom, and then says softly towards the spirits. "He offers you the rite of contrition." She murmurs, "And I instead, offer you safe transport, to a safe place of your choosing. -That- is within my power, and you will not need to wait weeks. I can make it happen, right now. Wherever you wish to be, so long as you know where it is." She promises. "If you wish for us to find you a safe place to take you, we shall do that and return for you, as soon as we can."

Trekome sees what Fidelia does, then glares at Tom. "That's twice you've made things worse, and completely ignored everyone on letting Fidelia handle this. And now a /kin/ is paying for your arrogance and mistakes." He stands up slowly and takes a slow breath, "We're going to have words later, you and I... and they won't be pleasant." And then Fidelia offers that... well, fuck. "Belay that, NOW." Ok, now he's annoyed. "If you can't keep yourself still and quiet, then leave now. If you don't do anything other than that, I'll consider it insubordination, and neither I nor my totem take kindly to that."

Tom shakes his head as he turns with that he just cries as he sits down the tears flowing overwhelmingly from his face but however remains quiet....Tom the baby, he knows what she just did and is crying for it...

Eloise LOOKS like she might just haul off and slap the fuck out of Tom, but then Trek kinda does it for her. Nicer. Cause she was gonna whoop some ass. Then Tom's... crying. She's torn. Back and forth between the two. Tom, Fidelia, Tom, Fidelia. Fidelia wins. Eloise quietly rests a hand on Fidelia's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze

Two of the spirits look at each other and fuse together, into something a bit larger. Then a sickly bubbly raspy voice says in clear if sickly sounding english "We are spirits that have been with man. We can speak your tongue. She offers, you say no, he suffers." This larger spirit seems a bit more, focused, "You are his better? His Alpha? They are Kin. We know kin. Our touch is weak on kin. You are greatest here?"

Fidelia bows her head at Trekomes words, and then slowly draws her arm once the energy offered is gone. Both of her hands cross over her stomach slowly, and she leans forwards just slightly over herself. She swallows hard, and turns to give Eloise a tiny smile. Her expression is pained slightly, and her features a bit pale. But its a LOT better then last time Eloise saw her suffering paradox! "Honored spirits." She murmurs in a much softer voice, her tone a bit wavery. "This is First-to-Fight-rhya, proud Fostern Ahroun of the Glasswalkers." She then goes silent, glad to let the highest ranking Garou take over.

Eloise nods to Trekome. She IS in charge here afterall. Right?

Tom shakes his head, "This should be my blight.... Trekome.... Don't..." He says as he looks at him almost pleading...

Trekome moves behind Fidelia and bows his head to the spirits in the painting. "I am First to Fight, a Fostern Ahroun of the Glass Walkers. I outrank Fixes the Net, but I am not his Alpha. He places a hand on Fidelia's shoulder and says a quiet prayer of healing before speaking to the spirits again. "I cannot allow a kin from another tribe to suffer for one of my tribe's mistakes. I don't trust his wisdom to do the right thing either, so I ask you, what would be fair penance for his arrogance?"

Eloise's gaze SWINGS to Tom and if she had Rage to roll, you better believe it would be a Wyrm Frenzy. "SHUT your goddamn MOUTH!" She isn't loud, but she is VERY firm. It's a fierce little whisper. Eloise steps away from Fidelia and grabs Tom. Who knows if she can ACTUALLY haul him to his feet, but she's going to try like hell. "Just stop talking. Not another word or I'll make sure you never open your mouth again. Do you hear me?" The others are forgotten. "Other people are paying for your mistakes. A KIN was willing to sacrifice herself for you. And all because of your mouth. What the hell is wrong with you? I know PLENTY of ragabash and you're a pretty fucking lousy one."

Rasping with torn longs wet from long sickness the spirit nods "By ancient accord we would accept the Rite of Contrition. We would depart in peace upon the demonstration of it. The kin has payed chimininage and bought patience from I and Mine." The spirit pauses "He must purge the Wyrm's presence from this place. For it brings sickness with no chance of strengthening or dying. Just suffering. Then we will depart when that is done. Though I will not promise that we will not return if those with right to call us do so."

Fidelia makes a soft noise as she feels the healing energies flow into her. Her head tilts over, leaning against the arm attached to the hand healing her. Because she isn't going to interrupt any more then she did with her introduction of Trekome! She visibly flinches when Eloise tears a strip out of Toms hide, her mismatched bright eyes widening as she looks that way. One of her hands has found Trekomes on her shoulder, and is latched onto his fingers. She is already looking perkier from the healing Trekome had done for you. At the words of the spirits, she bows her head respectfully to them.

Tom tilts his head, very depressed and with that what Eloise says and he grips his ears. "I have been punished and suffered enough... Let me not slip to Harano, let me not slip to Harano, let me not slip to harano. I will not slip into Harano." He says as he flinches when they speak and repeats ignoring Eloise he doesn't hear here right now.

Trekome frowns slightly when a rite is mentioned. "I am an Ahroun, not a Theurge... my knowledge is in fighting, not rites. I do offer my apologies on behalf of my tribe and my tribe member though, and I will address his behavior myself as the senior Glass Walker present. His actions and insult will not be overlooked. As for the Wyrm presence... where is it, so that I may seek it out and destroy it, as is my duty? I cannot find it myself, but if you can aid me, or allow me to find help from my Sept, then I will do what I can."

Eloise is just.. speechless. She shakes her head and looks over at Trekome and then down at Tom. Suddenly, she's calm. Very calm. "Snap out of it, boy. Do your rite and then Trekome is going to talk to you, and then *I* am going to talk to you. Pull yourself together, do the rite of contrition."

Fidelia reaches up and puts a hand on Trekomes shoulder. She speaks softly, "The rite of contrition is how a Garou that has offended a spirit would apologize. Its... its very formal." She bows to the spirits. "One moment, honored spirits." She waits for Trekomes permission, then moves towards Tom. She kneels down, smoothing her dress out as she rests on the floor next to where he sits. "Sir." She says, her tone soft. "You must perform the Rite of Contrition. The Spirits ask it of you." She rests a hand on him, and her eyes fix very strongly on his. "Please. Just the rite. Not a word more."

The spirit peers through the portal "The weaver machines burn and spew it everywhere they go. Spills it upon the ground. The other comes more hidden. Pumped with claims that it is the dew of the mountain or a doctor made of pepper. It slowly sickens those that partake of it." as it points over to where the sodas are.

Tom snaps out of it finally.... He stands taking a formal motion he looks over at Trekome, "Will need your help hold these..." He takes off his gauntlets and bracers. He looks over at Eloise, "I will need to speak for the rite, grant me that... After you will have a vow of silence for one month to make up this... All of you for this... Someone wants me as there student I will listen." He with that simply starts shifting down to lupus with that he begins the rite...

Once Tom gets up and moves past her, Fidelia remains... exactly where she was. Still on the floor, kneeling. When he starts to speak, her head inclines forwards in a slump. She just rests there, taking slow breaths as Tom prepares himself. Finally, the young woman rises to her feet and turns to watch Tom perform the rite of contrition, her eyes hopeful.

The spirits watch as Tom belly crawls, whines, exposes his throat and makes a act of submission and apology upon the kitchen floor. The spirits begin to dissapate to reform elsewhere "By the ancient accords we accept this Rite of Contrition. The task of cleansing this place is now known and the spirits will judge any failure as is there way." before it too fades away.

Tom grabs holding them in his mouth in wolven form with that he prepares the man looks in his element far beyond normal means he rolls to his belly showing it to the spirits. With that he steps sideways were the portal is... In wolven form, He shows his belly to the spirits as he lays down on his belly then and pushes the gauntlets and bracers before him towards the spirits each invoking acient words and simples as he then goes back to the real world...

Tom isn't finished, he gets down on his belly again and starts the rite over to those that are here a second time...

Eloise looks relieved as the spirits start to dissipate, but then steps back a bit as he starts doing it again. Eloise shakes her head, looking more uncomfortable than.. um... contrited? Her brow furrows and she shakes her head, moving as if she is about to leave. "Sometimes sorry doesn't cut it. Trekome, see to it that he takes his vow of silence or I'll personally remove his tongue. And it won't grow back." Uppity little snooty bitch. Eloise might LOOK like a ditz, but she's got not just coggie blood, but Shadowlord blood in her too... somewhere.. beneath all the layers of hippie. She's still shaking her head as she gathers her things to leave.

Trekome watches Tom quietly, then looks to the spirits to watch them dissipate. He waits until the spirits are gone before glancing at Fidelia. "I'm going to need you to step into another room for a moment, or to cover your ears. What I'm about to say isn't something I want you to hear, Fidelia. Eloise, stay a moment so that you can be my witness and so that you can verify my report to Juliette and the Elders."

Fidelia moves towards her painting as the spirits vanish. Her eyes close, and her knuckles rap lightly on it. The painting instantly vanishes, and instead it leaves behind the original image. The dancing, capricious little minions of disease as they were, before this whole ordeal. She idly rubs her wrist, where she'd nipped herself. But fortunately, Trekomes magic had healed her! "Yes sir." She whispers quietly to Trekome, and turns to gather her things. She seemed to want to say something, but she swallows and then bows graciously. "I will be in the next room." She goes there, finds a place to settle down, and plugs her ears with her fingers, while closing her eyes. She actually doesn't peek or try to listen!

Eloise pauses, takes another step, pauses, turns. Her jaw flexes a time or two and she crosses her arms over her chest and she just waits.

Tom waits as he looks at Trekome....

Trekome looks at Tom a moment, gathering his thoughts on a a more polite way to phrase what he's about to say. "You continued to interupt Fidelia when she was tasked with negotiations, and made things significantly worse. You almost brought on smallpox, plague, and all manner of disease here because you couldn't be quiet. You very likely would have gotten a kin from another tribe killed. For all I know, those spirits would have asked for refuge in the Caern instead of your shop." He reaches behind him and draws his pistol, racks back the slide, and catches the round midair. He holsters again before setting the round down on a table. "Next time you act insubordinate, threaten the safety of the Sept and its members, or flat out act like a fuckin' idiot..." There's a brief pause as his eyes narrow. "I'll put this round in your head. Now take your vow."

Eloise folds her arms over her chest and she listens to it all and she nods. Her lips are pursed tightly. She's NOT a happy little hippie. NOT. AT. ALL. She waits

Tom tilts his head, "I know this wasn't easy for me at all.... You could have covered my mouth, held me, or restrained me I wouldn't have fought you but you didn't wasn't going to lash out tried not to lash out.... You know I was suffering here and having a hard time... I did what I could, I just said I was sorry... You could take that to the elders... You know how hard having rage is especially tonight how hard it was for me." With that he shoulders slump, "And do as you all will... My vow is retracted because well you'all don't want it." He says looking at Eloise... "I have a rite to perform, will you help me?"

Tom sighs, "The fact is I didn't frenzy... That for me was an accomplishment..." With that he shakes his head...

Trekome looks... flabbergasted. He closes his eyes and takes a long slow breath before speaking. "I would expect better than a cheap excuse from someone who's reached Adren before... You've enough experience and knowledge to know better than to interfere or go against orders." He looks square at Tom. "And do you /really/ want to know what rage is like? Try seeing someone who's supposed to know how to handle their shit completely fuck up and nearly get a kin either killed, or turned into a vessel for some fuckin' plague spirits. And then said person whine about it, and then NOT take the vow they said they would. Oh, and by the way, that last part was less a request, and more of an order. Clue the fuck in. You fucked up, that's your contrition to US."

Eloise opens her mouth to speak. Several times. It just keeps closing. She turns to look toward the door, then back to the room. She opens her mouth, closes it again, then just tosses her hands in the air. And then she fidgets. She just.. doesn't know what to say. Then she does. "You know me, Tom. Everyone knows me as the sweet and fun-loving hippie with a heart of gold and an AMAZING hug. You brought out the worst in me tonight. All you had to do was NOT talk. You gave up your .. whatever they were. You gave them up and Fidelia was almost hurt. Fidelia gave herself WILLINGLY because you messed up. I'm going to have to go home now and do a rite of contrition to my own gods. And I promise you, they are every bit as dangerous as those.. things.. were. And I have to go to Juliette and tell her that I failed. And Fidelia almost failed." She pauses, blinks, motions toward wherever Fidelia went. "Fidelia!" Then back to her lecture. "I want you to shut up. Your mouth causes you all kinds of problems. I don't just want you to not talk. I want you to be UNABLE to talk. You need to learn from your mistakes, Tom. When Lily is fed and changed and she's still fussing, I hold her for a minute and then I put her down for her nap. When she cries, I let her know that mommy's there, but I don't pick her up. and she's only 4 months old and she has learned that crying doesn't get her what she wants. YOU are an intelligent, grown man. You are GAROU. SURELY you are capable of learning these things too."

Tom tilts his head, "Ya, but it's my contrition... I give what I want to you not the other way around... She doesn't want it and clearly stated it." He mentions looking at Trekome... "And I'm not whining I am admiting my faults and need to work on them. You could do worse not helping me with them, Bro... I'm not whining I am being truthful. Have some empathy not apathy for someone that used to teach you when you were a cub and helped strengthen you into who you are now... I have alot of them I don't have friends in this sept, I don't have a pack to call my own, this is all I have." He points to the ceiling, "An Empty Packhouse, An empty heart once filled with love for those that are around me, and all I have is the loyality to those above me which where below me which are now not ..." He looks over at Eloise, "I wouldn't allow her to do that, why I gave the rite." He mentions as he looks at her.. He just shakes his head knowing what he says is reaching deaf ears...

Trekome can only shake his head at Tom's response. "You've been given your lesson already. Multiple times over at that. Clue. In." Fidelia is mentioned and he facepalms. "Christ... Eloise, get Fidelia, and let's go. Tom, until you figure out just how badly you fucked up, and how badly things were going to get, and just why you've pissed us all off, do not speak to me. I don't want to hear it, at all."

Fidelia is patient, and her patience is damn near eternal. She is still in the other room, quietly seated with her easel in front of her, fingers plugging her ears. Her eyes have at least opened though, and are curiously looking towards the room where everyone is talking.

Eloise nods to Trekome and since Fidelia didn't respond, she takes a breath and goes to get her. She doesn't address Tom at all. She opens the door.. or walks in if there is no door and smiles, even though it's about the most stressed out smile a person can imagine without turning into a 9 foot tall crinos hippie and going rawrawr all over the place and drooling and making a mess and eating things that aren't edible - like stainless steel tables or something. "Let's go, dear," she says quietly and will help Fidelia with the easel, which Trekome is totally carrying when they get out of here.

Tom looks at him, "If you want to talk you all can find me here in the basement... Trekome, when you do talk with the elders, I request the rite of Winter Wolf.... You know were I'll be." Tom tilts his head, "Ask them to teach it to me, Ask them so I may not let others suffer for me again, ask them please for me.... I wouldn't let anyone suffer for me anymore..." He says as he clear on it.

Trekome raises a brow and pauses. "That's not something for me to tell them. If you really want to go down that road, then you need to tell them yourslef. If you really seek death, then bring some glory to the act and take down some minions of the Wyrm with you." He nods to Eloise and Fidelia, "Let's go."

Fidelia looks upwards as Eloise returns to her. She smiles softly, unplugging her ears then bowing her head as she gets to her feet. "Thank you." She says quietly towards the help, waiting for Trekome to join them as well. When he joins them, she silently turns to follow after.

Eloise mutters something to Trekome as she helps hand off the easel to him, turning in a full circle once, then twice and heads toward the door, making sure that she hasn't left anything behind. She wraps her arm around Fidelia, offering her comforting touch as they make their way out. [[[Category:Trekome]]