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Cabin in the Woods
The Get warpack and the FNG investigate into what attacked their own earlier.
IC Date May 26th, 2014
IC Time Afternoon
Players Lars, Selene, Sigurd, Trekome
Location State Park
Spheres Gaian Garou

State Park Campground

One of California’s many state parks. This particular area has a nice open stretch of grass for games or camping, with a couple picnic tables and a fire pit. A well maintained gravel road leads up to the field, with trees surrounding the area, providing a fair amount of privacy.

The sun has set and the moon is high, casting everything in silver light and extending the shadows. There area is quiet as a graveyard

Contents: Lars Selene Sigurd

Its late one evening, when Sigurd, Lars, Trekome and Selene head off to the State National Park that Trekome, Quinn, and Carolyn had been at. The four were looking to investigate the cause of the manic killers that had been dispatched earlier, and make sure there were no more around.

Selene had enacted a rite, a temporary one, to enlist Trekome into the pack. It was a simple thing, and while it imparted the man 0 benefits, its most important effect was that he was safe from any potential Frenzies from the Get, and vice versa.

The late evening finds them all moving through the Umbra, Trekome leading as they head to their destination. On route to the destination, battle plans are being talked about...

Trekome is silent for the most part, letting the more senior members of the group make the plans. His concentration is more on making sure they're headed to the right place and to be vigilant for anything unusual. "Where do you want me positioned to support the rest of you best?" is his only real question so far.

Dominates The Flame flew above the group, just high enough to be able to see over the trees and spot anything out of the ordinary, but close enough to be able to speak comfortably to the rest of his pack + Trekome beneath him. <<Once we reach the area Voice-Of-Fire-yuf will peek through the veil to see of the coast is clear. Then we will cross over and search for any signs of recent activity. From there, we will start a search pattern about a hundred meters apart looking to scents.>> The big floating crinos garou looks down at Trekome. <<That is to be seen. We do not know if there are any there, or where they are set up if they are in the forest. This is a scouting mission, not an assault.>>

While Dominates the Flame covered the group from above, Vassal of Flames kept watch on the ground. The rarely seen swordsman of the pack lumbered over the umbral landscape in his crinos form. Hearing his bloodbrother answer Trekome's question, he grunts in agreement.

<<Dominates the Flame-yuf is right>>, he says, <<But, if we get attacked, stick to the closest one of us and do not enegage the enemy>>. Glancing up, he adds, <<At least, that is what I think is best for the cub. What're your thoughts, brothers?>>.

Selene is moving in her slim, sleep lupus form. She too is 'flying' like Dominats the Flames, something that Trekome was not gifted despite his brief packdom. <<He is supposed to be good with a rifle.>> Selene snarls down to Sigurd from above, turning her wolfen head briefly in mid-stride. << I do not know how useful this will be in these forests. Remember the nest?>> She has a wolfen grin on her face. <<But his handgun, I looked it over myself. It is a fetish. May prove useful.>> She turns her golden eyes up towards Lars, as they home in on the place where Connor cleansed the bodies.

Trekome is indeed handy with a rifle, among other weapons, and has the faintest hints of a grin forming on his lips when his pistol is mentioned. "I'm a capable sentry... I can keep hidden while watching for incoming threats and take a shot from a distance. But it's your pack; I'm just here supporting you. Place me where you need me.", he tells Dominates the Flames. He slows down as they near the clearing where he, Quinn, and Carolyn were attacked.

<<You are both correct. If something happens you are to stick close to one of us. Take any available shots with your pistol if possible. No running off on your own. No idiot heroics, cub. We will keep you safe.>> Flame raises just a bit higher above the tree tops to get a good sweeping view of the area. It was great being able to see with two eyes. He could see so much! <<We do not need a defensive sentry. We are scouting and perhaps assaulting. It is unlikely we will need a sniper. Stick close to Sigurd for now and shift into a war form.>>

Vassal of Flames growls low at Trekome before Dominates the Flame speaks up. The swordsman nods his head in agreement before eyeing the cub over. A snort is let loose before the he continues on.

As they get closer to where Connor cleansed the bodies, Vassal of Flames starts to look around some more. He even sniffs at the air, perhaps hoping against hope that he can detect a clue or a threat. << I wonder...>>, he muses out loud, <<We're looking for what could've caused some humans to go mad, right? Voice of Fire-yuf, did you hear anything so far that might sound spiritual in nature?>>.

<<They believe them to be Fomori.>> Selene says, pausing over the clearing where the fight happened. <<There may be trails or traces. Or we may need to fan out and search. There could be a nest of Banes, or perhaps some wyrm group making Fomori, or maybe it was just a passing family.>> She shrugs, <<Either way, we need to clear the park, and make sure, yes?>> She peeks across the Veil, her eyes briefly going milky before she looks to Lars. << Its clear.>>

Trekome takes his time in shifting along the way, stripping off excess clothing but retaining his pistol, which seems to become part of his body in the form of a tattoo as he shifts to his war form. He gives a nod to Dominates the Flames and looks around quietly, ears perking when the others speak. <<There was a Fae who lead the fomori... he was from the House of Balor. When they came, it smelled like burning iron and feces.>> he tells the others, then goes quiet so that he can listen up.

Lars nods his big head before he begins floating down to set his feet upon the Earth, resting his glaive up upon his shoulder. <<We can't make assumptions. All we can do is find them and kill them and whatever created them. Or at the very least there isn't any more within the park. Take us across, Voice of Fire.>> He turns his two darkly golden eyes to Trekome and simply nods his head. He knew little to nothing about the fae and this wasn't' the time to start asking questions.

<<A fae?>>, Vassal of Flames asks, <<From the House of Balor...?>>. Looking at Trekome through narrowed eyes, he asks, <<How do you know so much about this enemy? Or the Fae Houses?>>. Then, thinking better of it, he snorts and mutters, <<Nevermind. I probably don't want to know>>.

As they reached the umbral side of their destination, Vassal of Flames looked around one last time. <<Ready whenever you all are...>>, he notices idly, adjusting the grip on his long sword. This was a scouting mission, but it was bad to let ones guard down all the same.

<<The Garou named Connor, of the Fianna, knows of them.>> Selene says quietly, << I heard much. I've decided to let him handle those matters.>> She says dismissively. After a few moments of concentrating, Selene manages to open up the gateway to move them all across, though it'd take a few minutes for them to fight their way across the veil.

The clearing is as Trekome would remember. All signs of the bodies have been wiped from the earth, and the taint purified. <<Where did they come from?>> Selene asks the man, her keen nose scenting to the ground a few times. Still in lupus form.

Trekome goes to the concrete picnic table where the food had been laid out, and at the gravel road to orient himself with the area. He points out towards the treeline to the eastern side of the clearing. <<There was a breeze with no real direction, then the smell of iron and feces... four of them broke from the brush and charged with machetes and a chainsaw. A fifth one was the leader, who stayed back.>> He goes to where he remembers engaging the enemy and looks around. <<Quinn was bringing back heavier weapons and engaged one there...>> he points to where Quinn was, barely thirty yards to the west of him, <<Carolyn was there engaging another...>> he points to where Carolyn was, twenty or so yards to his west.

Once the group slips through the gauntlet Lars instantly breaks off from the pack and begins to do a wide scouting of the clearing, gesturing to Sigurd to do the same in the opposite direction. He moves quietly, trying to blend his coat into the darkness of the tree line while Selene and Trekome stand in the center of the clearing under the soft moonlight.

Nodding in acknowledge to Lars, Sigurd immediately begins scouting in the opposite direction as his brother. The swordsman sniffs furiously at the air and even the ground while he looks over the area. His concentration is bent to the task, leaving the others to slip almost entirely from notice until he was finished.

Selene listens to Trekome, nodding her head. Her wolfen head looks one way then the other as she scents. When her brothers move off to find things, she remains near Trekome as she runs through what happens in her had. <<They came from that way?>> She starts to move in that direction, scenting. It'd been a few days, and all scent trails were weak.

Lars and Sigurds searching would turn up little evidence of any current threats, although there definitely was a bit of a trail in the direction that the figures had broken from, leading off into the wood. The scent of the deceased was strongest in that direction.

Trekome keeps himself low to the ground as he starts to move quietly in line with the others, keeping a few paces of distance from Selene so she has some space to work. He takes slow deep breaths, glancing around slowly to see if there are any signs of something being amiss. He motions to a few marks on the trees from blades and then points in the direction that the scent of decay seems to come from.

Once the little bit of scouting was finished Lars gestures for Sigurd to meet up with Selene where the scent had been the strongest. Once there he sniffs lightly at the air and snarls soundlessly. It was a disgusting scent, even if it was weak. <<Voice Of Fire, take point and track. Vassal, left flank. I will take the right. Twenty meter spread. Cub, stick with Voice and keep your eyes to the rear. Keep things quiet.>>

<<As you wish, Dominates the Flame-yuf>>, Sigurd replies to Lars. The younger Abilgaard then sets out to do exactly as he was told, moving with militaristic precision. Once in place, he inhales slowly through a lupine nose so as to keep his sniffing quiet. His lips peel back in disgust. Certainly, Lars was not the only Garou who found the scent foul. Sigurd raises his sword a little, getting it ready while Selene moves ahead to take point.

Selene takes the front at Lars request. She leads them steadily through the woods, moving in occasional bursts of speed slowed by moments to fish for the scent. Eventually though, the nose becomes less needed, as the distant sound of a buzzing engine can be heard. A diesel generator, stinking up the forest some distance ahead, in the thick and tangled forest. It’s not very light scrub by this point, as they have far left the common paths.

Closer examination and a slower approach would reveal a cabin, complete with blacked out windows. There are a few ATVs pulled up in front of it, and no one on the outside that anyone’s senses could determine. There are sounds from inside, gunfire and screams, but it seems too tinny and Hollywood to actually be real... which would be extraordinarily confusing to the Slayers, who may have never seen 'movies'.

Trekome keeps a few paces back from Selene, letting her take point to follow the scent. He turns around every few steps to keep an eye on the rear, and takes a knee to pause with her and make sure he scans the area around them when she pauses as well. The scent is indeed awful, and very familiar to him since that night, something that he wishes he could wash away. The sight of the cabin perks his interest, but he doesn't approach it any closer than Selene does, simply carefully joining her side while keeping watch of the rear. He studies the vehicles and generator, ears perk at the sounds of fake gunfire, something he can tell apart from the actual sounds with little difficulty, though it doesn't quite occur to him that the others may not be able to tell the difference.

Lars slows when they get within eyesight of cabin. He sniffs curiously at the air and he is quiet for a little while before he slips his way back over to Selene and lets out a soft chuff to call Sigurd back as well. Once together his voice is a low rumble, and even at this distance nearly drowned out by the generator. << It appears simple enough. No obvious sentries. It is either a trap or they are inside the cabin.>> He gets a big wolfish grin. <<We storm it. Voice Of Fire-yuf, scout the umbra for banes while we deal with this reality. We won't be too long.>> Surely they could clear this small of a building with at least three fomori in less than ten seconds. Fifteen, tops. <<Vassal Of Flames, you will take point.>> He was the strongest, after all. <<You enter first, I will follow. Cub, you are to guard the door. Let nothing get past you. We will move fast and silent.>> He begins to stand.

Hearing the sounds coming from the cabin, Sigurd pauses. His brows furrow as a scream is cut short by a blast of gunfire. He looks to Selene and Lars for a moment before eyeing the cabin again. He clearly doesn't like it. Fortunately, Lars' call to return allows him to put the strangeness of Hollywood aside.

Slipping back to the group, Sigurd listens intently to Lars before nodding his head. <<As you wish, Dominates the Flame-yuf>>, he says quietly. Then, looking over the cabin and area around the front door for a moment, the swordsman begins his attempt to stealthily approach the entrance.

Selene nods her head. It takes her only a few moments concentration before she worms her way through the gauntlet, and out of the real world. Into who knows what! This leaves Lars, Sigurd, and Trekome to storm the cabin.

Trekome gives a nod to Lars and studies the cabin for a moment longer, looking for the best approach and for any security systems that they may not have noticed. He spots something just as Sigurd starts to move and gives a soft chuff to gain his attention, then motions to hold while shaking his head. He points to the doorway, just under an eave, where there's a small security camera just barely hidden. He turns to Lars and murmurs in a low tone, <<Likely other cameras watching... If they're inside they're distracted by the movie they're watching. Won't hear us easily, but someone will see us approach.>>

Lars is just about to charge in behind Trekome when Trekome speaks up. It takes a moment for Lars to see where he is pointing. He nods his head slowly. <<Cameras. Do you either of you see other wires running to different cameras? If there is a gap in their surveillance we can slip through. Barring that, we simply storm the cabin.

Hearing Trekome's chuff, Sigurd freezes in place. A second later, he inches back toward the ground and turns to look at the cub. Then, looking at the camera the young one had pointed out, the young Fostern's lips peel back in a silent snarl. <<Damned Weaver tools...>>, he mutters quietly, <<This might actually not be so simple>>. Overhearing Lars' point, Sigurd also starts to look for any other cameras.

There is only the one camera, watching the one major doorway. The Cabin itself looks to be about 30 feet by 20 feet. It may be divided into multiple rooms inside, the spacing of the windows is even and wouldn't make it easy to tell. They are also large enough that someone could easily probably fit through! ... Maybe not a Crinos, or Hispo someone though. And they are blacked out, looking like they might have been painted on the inside. There is laughter, a sick sort of maniacal laughter from the inside of the building. There are no other visible cameras.

Trekome looks closely at the building to see if there are any other cameras or sensors while he looks it over. He idly wishes he still had his clothing and had brought a rifle with him just to be able to have a few other options. He hears the laughter, thinking it's different from the movie, though the two are probably related. <<Front door is watched, doesn't seem to be other cameras... Might be able to sneak in through a window and then shift, but that's if no one is on the other side of the window to warn the others.>> He pauses and looks at the cabin again. <<We can approach from the rear, move along the side of the house, and then storm through the front... would expose us the least to the camera. Either way, once inside it'll have to be done quickly. They're still distracted, so we still have surprise on our side.>>

After a few seconds Lars lets out an amused chuff. <<Only one, then.>> He turned his gaze towards Trekome and holds back a bit of laughter before shaking his head. <<No need. We approach from the side outside of the view of the camera. Vassal, burst through the wall near the back of the building. I will go through the wall near the front.>> Like a pair of fuzzy and angry Kool-Aid men. <<Once we get into the building it will be your job, cub, to make sure nothing escapes. Use your pistol and provide covering fire. Follow me. Go.>> And then Lars was up and moving, his entire body shimmering into near nothingness, like a giant fuzzy nearly invisible Kool-Aid man.

Sigurd grins broadly at Lars and nods his head. << I like this plan much better!>>, he says before slipping off through the shadows. In other words, not at all like the Kool-Aid man - But, there would be dynamic entries. Oho, would there!

Once in place, Sigurd waits a few seconds to allow for Trekome and Lars to get into their positions. Then, since the order hadn't changed for him to go first, Sigurd rears up and tries to drive his free hand through one the windows. It may not be big enough for him to slip through in Crinos, but with his strength, maybe he could rip and smash the opening into something more accommodating.

The Slayers have little difficulty coordinating their Kool-Aide man teaming through the wall. When the pair tries, the log cabin shudders easily under their combined force. Have you ever seen a log-cabin? Do you know how structurally sound a log-cabin is? Remarkably so, because of the way those logs lay. Do you know what happens when you shatter those logs from opposite sides? Nothing, because there are still two walls left!

Sigurd and Lars pierce the sanctity of the building. There are a half-dozen figures lounging in dirty fold-up chairs, with a projector on the back wall. Poor Sigurd. Right into his fucking eyes, as he tears through the backdrop they were watching. There is however, not a single iota of fear on anyone’s faces as the Crinos Garou breaks in. If anything, manic delight lights up on the seated visages of the half-dozen hulking, roided out figures in chairs. Near the projector at the back of the cabin, where Lars breaks in, there is only one figure standing, much more slender then the team of roided out movie-freaks. With their late night matinee interrupted, they erupt into almost joyful shouts of delight. Weapons come up, a varied assortment of bladed implements.

Lars bursts through the wall with the force of an explosion, wood chips and splinters flying outwards in a shower over the room. Practically instantly he slides his foot of bladed death deep into the chest of the other Garou, opening him up in a visceral spray of gore that goes from shoulder to hip. He receives a chop to his upper arm from one of the masses, its blade sinking into flesh before a chair bounces off his body like it was nothing. The raging werewolf lunges for a bite but Lars brings up his arm to defend and he gets bitten. Those fangs did not pierce jacket nor flesh. Dominates the Flame lets out an angered growl as he readies his weapon with the terrifying speed and grace granted to him by Hummingbird.

Trekome has his weapon at the low ready and waits for the two to breach, keeping behind Lars so as not to get in the way. It isn't much of a wait, and as soon as Lars bursts through the wall his weapon is up and scanning for targets to Lar's flank. Lars is a big guy though, and blocks his line of fire on all but one, who the young cub immediately takes a shot at, catching him in the shoulder and drawing its attention. The mass shifts his attention from Lars to him, immediately closing the distance with the young cub and swinging at him, but missing entirely.

Sigurd crashes through the cabin wall, sending logs and splinters - And immediately stops as he gets blasted in the face with light from the projector. Recoiling and bringing up a hand to shield his eyes, the Garou lashes out with his sword in a panic. The blow is easily warded off by the fourth member of the Warped Mass. Immediately, the enemies’ comrades' lunge forward to attack!

As the three man mob moves forward, they block some of the light from the projector. This, combined with Sigurd's shielding hand, allows the retainer to catch sight of the blades coming for him. With desperate speed, he bats the blows aside, one after the other. The Rage burns muscle and sinew alike as Sigurd moves, crouching before springing forward. With blinding speed and overwhelming force, the Garou buries his sword to the hilt in his first foe's chest. Death comes on the swift wings of the Hummingbird.

Trekome sees the frenzying crinos rush at him, closing the distance with no difficulty at all. The wild mass of fur and fangs snaps his jaws in an effort to bite the cub, but the cub is quick enough to push the jaws away from him and hears them snap together by his face. Trekome tries to sweep at the crinos' legs, but the frenzied beast is too wild, and the kick just strikes muscle with little effect. Unfortunately for the cub, that leaves him open for just long enough that the enemy is able to bite his shoulder, ripping open flesh, and tries to go for another hard bite but is smacked away at the last second.

Lars spins in place, slitting open the throat of one of his monstrous attackers. He growls in anger as he is pushed onto the defensive by his three attackers, taking another hit with the chair and machete to the side of the neck. He doesn't react much at all to the brutal hit, and simply slaps away the next machete strike set against him.

After running the first of his three enemies through with his sword, Sigurd reaches out. Grabbing the fallen man by the shoulders, he rips the blade through the rest of his body and into a slash aimed at the second. Blood and entrails cover the floor in a shower as the flashy attack slams into the guarding weapon of the next psychopath. The crazed man laughs as sparks flicker into the air. Then, with lightning speed, he slips under the parry and through Sigurd's guard.

Before the sword-wielding Garou can react, the maniac thrusts viciously sharp steel into his stomach. But, the flesh of one of Gaia's Chosen refuses to be severed, and withstands the brutal stab. Glaring down at him with a hellish fury in his eyes, Sigurd rumbles in response. << It's done like this!>>, he growls, proceeding to slide his sword through the man's stomach. Organs and bone alike are cleaved in a brutal counter-stab, but Maniac Five isn't dead yet!

Lars sees that Trekome is having some very bad troubles and growls deeply. He flashes into movement, practically flying with long and deep strides over wood splinters and grass as three of the monstrous beings follow at his heels. As he closes in on the enemy werewolf he sinks his glaive into the spine of the enemy beast as Trekome rips out its throat. He is already pulling out and spinning as the spiral begins to death shift. In his spin Lars neatly lops the head off the closest enemy in a clean swipe of steel. He continues the spin with that inhuman speed and grace of his, cleaving the chair-wielding bane-infested man's left leg deep enough to dig into the bone.

Trekome sees the frenzying crinos go in for another bite and tries to fend it off, but feels teeth clamp around his forearm. He looks mildly amused when he doesn't feel the teeth sink in and smells no blood from the attack. The crinos goes for another bite, but the cub sees an opening when his attacker pulls his head back and recoils from Lars sinks his glaive into it, which leaves his front exposed. The cub immediately grabs at his enemy's throat, claws digging into flesh, and smiles at the frenzied enemy, then rips out its throat, the sickening sound of flesh tearing easily heard amidst the melee. He flings off the torn flesh and lets the crinos fall to its knees to bleed out, seeing others still alive, and brings his gun up to fire at slowest moving one. The round hits it in the shoulder again, but the mix of adrenaline and hate seems to be fueling it on and it ignores the wound.

Seeing the second of his friends getting impaled, Mass Six rushes Sigurd. Grabbing three feet of sharp steel with both hands, he brings the blade down on Garou again and again. Each desperate swing fails to pierce the skin of the werewolf as it lifts Mass Five off of the ground. The man is build like a gorilla on steroids, but Sigurd handles him like a ragdoll. His laughter choked by pain, the psychopath attempts to swing at the Garou even while impaled.

Gripping Mass Five's waist in a giant, meaty claw the enraged beast begins pulling down with that arm while he forces his sword upward. Up, and into the maniac's chest cavity and, finally, out through the base of his neck. The two halves hit the floor with a heavy, wet splat before Lars' retainer turns on the third of his enemies.

Dominated The Flames is like a whirling dervish of Death. He extracts his glaive from the leg of his enemy, and in that movement pulled upwards. He split the man from crotch to throat, spilling innards and viscera all over the grass, hitting the Earth like a sack of blood soaked water balloons. moving with the upwards motion of the strike he continues moving the glaive upwards and backwards till he is twisting his entire body sideways in what is almost an butterfly kick until the glaive is near the ground. Sweeping upwards he slides his foot long blade under the chin of his final enemy, the tip of such exuding from the top of his limp and twitching corpse. Lars kicks the body roughly off the end of his pole-arm and takes a moment to just breathe and let the wound in his hip and neck knit. He was leaking a surprising amount of blood from his throat, cascading down his side and covering his coat. He briefly watches Sigurd finish off his own enemies before looking towards the injured Trekome. <<You going to live?>> He was grinning. He was loving this. To bathe in the blood of his enemies while his own lifeblood flowed like a river. This was life. This was his purpose. This was Get.

Mass Six is a huge man, with thick muscle packed over broad bones. Bodybuilders work hard every day for the kind of physique that he has - And Sigurd towers over him. The mighty Garou stares down at him through golden eyes clouded with Rage. Then, taking a step back, he slowly sinks into a fencer's stance.

The murderous lunatic rushes the monstrous warrior, yelling his own fury at the top of his lungs. With a brief flicker of movement, Sigurd sends his sword through the weapon-arm of Mass Six. The arm comes off at the shoulder in a spray of blood. The Dane inches back, resetting his stance.

"AGAIN!", the werewolf bellows, forcing the awkward, human word through his lupine mouth. Stunned and crazed, the psychopath rushes to grab his blade and duck in for a low attack. Another flash of movement, almost too fast to see, and another arm falls to the floor. Sigurd resets his stance.

The Garou glares at the lunatic and thunders, "AGAIN!", for the second time. The madman rushes forward, his mouth wide open and screaming. The ragged teeth and filthy tongue are split in half as the savage warrior's long sword is jammed into the gaping hole and out the other side. His body spasms, then goes limp, before it is tossed aside.

The foes are vanquished. The Cabin is in disarray, thick and aromatic scent of corrupted blood fills the air. That damn projector is still going, flashing and flickering as the tape got cut at some point during the fight. None of the bodies are still twitching, though only the Spirals corpse has slowly turned back into a human body in its final death.

Trekome immediately goes for the wounded enemy near Lars and brings his claws down across its back. The hulking berserker recoils and bellows at the fresh wounds across its back and swings the machete wildly in response, the blade slashing at the cub to no effect, the swings either going wide or just glancing off of the Garou. The cub is doing a fair job just avoiding the blows or ignoring the minor ones, distracting the enemy completely for Lars, and then it's done in one swift movement.

The cub doesn't look surprised, or in pain; only disappointed for a moment when he sees that there aren't any left to fight. He gives Lars a nod and a grin, << It's just a scratch.>> An understatement, probably, but he's still standing on his own, so good enough. He looks over at Sigurd as he finishes the last on off, then back to Lars. <<Your orders?>>