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Latest revision as of 23:11, 21 April 2014

Warm Fuzzies
Monsters looking to baby snatch.
IC Date April 21st, 2014.
IC Time Late Evening.
Players Typhanie, Branton, Caerwyn, Colt
Location Kinda the SAB.
Prp/Tp Princess Willow's Family Reunions.
Spheres M+ Kinfolk, M+ Psychic, Mage, Gaian Fera, Changeling.
Theme Song http://youtu.be/uxFIGWm9M6w

Baby? Sneezes. You know how baby sneezes can be. They can be pretty disgusting. This one is no exception. "Ew," Typhanie murmurs, reaching into her diaper bag. She pulls out a package of baby wipes and wipes at the baby's nose with one of them. "Goodness, little Willypoo. You okay?" She frowns just a touch and rests her hand on the baby's head lightly. "You okay?" Willow blinks a time or two at her mommy and the diaper bag tips over. Not a big deal, really, except that it's quivering just a little bit

<FAE> Typhanie's bag suddenly spews forth various chimerical creatures. Lady bugs, little pixie type things, a pink dragon that forces the bag to expand slightly so that it can wiggle out

Branton can't get his ale to go so he will sit and drink it, whoever texted him can wait. The commotion over at Typhanie's table draws his attention and he almost does a spit take when the diaper bag falls over.

<UMBRA> Typhanie's teddy bear peeks open an eye. It isn't JUST a teddy bear, clearly. There is an ominous presence about the bear. Something just ain't right.

Caerwyn would be in the middle of drinking some mead, and would do a great job of not spitting it out too, though his lips would split into a wide grin. He would put down the mug but couldn't help himself from staring

Typhanie is pretty occupied with caring for the baby and the icky nose. "Goodness, princess." Abruptly, she looks down, a frown coming over her face. "Oh, goddamn it, what now?" Willow squeals with delight

<FAE> Typhanie 's little purse creatures scamper out and around the place, making a rough circle around Typhanie and a second circle around the baby. They look like they're staging a defense

Mirana looks over at the mother and child as a smile covers her face, "Giving up music for a better career I take it?"

<UMBRA> The presence grows more ominous. The not a teddy is a jaggling trapped in the body. It retreats and something... much bigger... much badder... is coming to the fore.

Branton snaps his fingers and nods when Mirana speaks, finally placing Typhanie. Then he's back to looking around where the bag fell over, maybe he's just checking the floor to see if anything got away.

<FAE> Branton is actually looking at the defensive lines being drawn up

Caerwyn can't help but grin a bit as he watches the bare space on the floor, he does his best to hide the fact with a little bit of eating, sure stuffing your face always works

Typhanie glances up at Mirana briefly, frowning just a touch? "What? Give up music? Fucking crazy?" But she's distracted. Willow blinks a time or two, looking around a little bit. "Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She exclaims, grabbing her teddy bear by the ear and snuggling it as best as she can. Cause she's little and doesn't have very good dexterity

<FAE> TIghter the things circle about the baby and mother. Typhanie is clearly seeing these things and she looks just a little worried, though her eyes are more on the teddy bear, which practically glows with chimerical light.

<UMBRA> The bear is most definitely not a bear anymore. Fire shoots from his eyes and it grows larger and larger. Nothing is happening yet, but the other spirits around the place are QUIET and seem to be backing away, just sort of holding their breath

Branton is glancing around now a little worriedly and frowning a touch as he starts to hum the teddy bear picnic song. Something has the bald guy's shorts in a twist.

<FAE> Branton is trying to figure out what they're defending against

<UMBRA> Branton is trying to figure out what the bear/fire spirit/thingy is worried about

Caerwyn finishes up putting away the meat, washing it down with another swig from that mug of his. He glances from the ground up to the baby then the teddy bear before looking down at the ground again

Mirana shrugs a bit and decides to let Typhanie and the baby be. Her eyes look over at Timor and she grins, "Coffee, please, again?" frakin caffeine addict.

There is most definitely a disturbance in the force in this place. The spirits are restless. The chimera that have been drawn here by the lower banality of such a place are retreating somewhat. Typhanie is at a table with a baby, tending to a lovely snotty nose. Chimera have made a ring around the baby, another around Typhanie and the baby. Dragons, ladybugs, little things, all of which spilled from her diaper bag. The teddy bear that is clipped to the highchair is... well.. not really a teddy bear. There is a fire elemental that is emanating, growing from within, spreading out, taking over, more or less. There is also an aura of fear that comes from the bear. NO ONE wants to fuck with the baby. I promise you this. Typhanie's brow knits tightly and she takes in a deep breath. "Oh, fuck."

One window, the one nearest Colt as he enters, shatters into a million pieces. But there is the sense that this might not QUITE be the real world.

Branton winces visibly when the glass 'breaks' glancing over in that direction and blinking like he's trying to decide what he's seeing.

Colt lets out a rather undignified 'ack!' as the window shatters his arm coming up to protect his face as bites of it come flying out like that. The gave that it broke so small is stunning in itself but he blinks a frown pulling at his lips as he drops his arm. A small wince coming from him as he picks a little peice out of his arm and flicking it back out of the shattered hole that is the window. "Friendly place." He murmurs under his breath before looking around hoping that he doesn't get blamed for that though there is something tugging him toward it. Looking toward that disturbance he feels eyes settling on Typhanie for a moment then toward the bear. His frown tugging all the further across his features when he does it.

Caerwyn settles back on his chair, his hand instinctivly going down to his waist only to close on empty air, cursing quietly he just takes another sip of his mug, yellow gaze flickering over the scene unfolding

The air seems thicker. Typhanie rises to her feet and she looks directly at the pink dragon. "You watch her. Don't worry about me." She moves aside, away from the baby. How odd is that? The bear is at full power now and the heat bakes off of him. "Tibbers. You don't let anything get past me. You hear me?" There is a nod from the fire elemental. Typhanie certainly seems to be able to see everything going on. There is a keening howl from somewhere outside and a sense of doom that pervades the place - on all planes.

Colt checks down his body, hands coming up touching his face, gotta make sure the money maker is intact. Once he's sure there aren't anything more then those little bits stuck in his clothing and no larger peices of sharpnel in his body he nods his head. That feeling that's rolling out from everywhere though, THAT gets his attention. He doesn't move far into the room as he turns looking toward the door peeking out from the shattered window as he tries to figure out just what in the hell did that and what in the hell is coming. His hands flex a couple times while he watches keeping his eye out on what could have made that sound.

Caerwyn frowns draining the last of his mead, upending the empty glass atop the bar, his hand closes about the steak knife next to his plate, though he has very little hope that it'll be of any use

Branton frowns as the feeling that rolls through the bar and takes another mouthful of ale as he slides down off his stool and looks around. Keeping the ale in his mouth and his mug in his hand, but with an air of readiness.

It becomes obvious pretty quickly what all the big deal is. Two more windows shatter. Typhanie ducks down a little bit, shielding the baby from the spray, should it come that far. The baby, of course, starts to cry and that palpable sense of fear surrounding her grows to a rather intolerable level. You're afraid of the baby. Yes you. Even you. Yes you. Think you're tough? Now you're scared of a teddy bear. Typhanie moves further away from the baby, leaving her in the care of Tibbers and those little chimerical creatures, who are crowding around, trying to soothe the baby while still keeping her safe. Two forms loom through the broken window. They're large, shaggy, not human, not garou, not Chimera.. or maybe they're a little bit of all of that. There is another keening howl that sends the ripples of fear through the place. It's unnerving, but not overwhelming. The fire elemental takes its place in front of the baby

TYphanie takes her stance about half way between the baby and the door. She begins to hum, almost a chanting. It's dark. It's rather wicked-sounding, actually, but beautiful nonetheless. She holds up her hands toward the advancing fuzzy2.

Branton spits his beer all over the fuzzy advancing on him and Colt then tries to work up a fierce scowl at it but nothing happens. He scrambles back a few steps.

Fuzzy2 moves toward Typhanie, a snarl on its warped face. He pauses at the chanting for just a moment, but raises a hand as if to sweep through the air toward her, still a little out of range.

Caerwyn cocked his brow, listening to the chanting he darted forward to place himself between the woman and the beast, damn you knightly virtues! Though he did brandish the knife expertly, he also fell deathly silent, even his footsteps barely make any noise

There is a reason Colt didn't move further back into the room. He wants it to be as hard as possible to spot what's happening in front of him. His hands held up close to his chest as a low growl thrums through him. Those slender digits almost seem to pop and displace as they suddenly elogate a surge of dusky orange and black scales like some sort of demented hulk hands, each finger sporting a wicked black looking claw trying to keep them hidden against his chest while he looks at the creature.

You paged Caerwyn with 'sort of florentine?'

Fuzzy1 is advancing toward Colt. HE sees the claws pop out and lets out a snarl of rage, also raising a hand to sweep at Colt.

Typhanie holds her position, still chanting up a storm

Colt looks at FuzzWuzzy and there is a low growl that comes from him as he surges forward his clawed hand slashing with a near blinding speed scoring along it's body. The sweep seems a bit shallow though, skipping off his body though there is the slightest snag as something seems to seep into it's body the powerful sting of that poison wracking into it's body from the strike.

Fuzzy one takes a swipe at Colt.. he misses.

Caerwyn slipped back a bit, his eyes half closed as he seems to enter a fugue state, the steak knife is flipped around and about his hands expertly as he falls into his rhythm of combat, it was only a knife but damnit he knew how to use it.

Fuzzy 1 swipes at Colt with almost no effect. Tibbers holds his ground next to the screaming Willow baby. The chimerical creatures stand guard and the dragon is trying to calm the baby. Brandon sets the soaked Fuzzy1 on fire jst about the same time that Colt swings, giving him a nasty burn. Typhanie releases her spell and the fuzzy2 bends forward with a snarl of rage and pain just about the same time that Caerwyn steps in front of her, brandishing his... ahem.. steak knife.

And Fuzzy1 goes down like a bag of flaming rocks

Branton is a little wide eyed for a moment when Colt clawed at the one he set on fire but has seen enough weirdness in his life that he just rolls with it. He rounds on the other baddie and pulls a k-bar from under his jacket and takes a shot at the fleshy part that should be under its ribs on the side but has trouble getting through all that hair.

There is that point when you know you have to do something and you know you don't want to... cause it's going to hurt. Alas the bar is wood... the floor is wood, the chairs, tables, walls and that is some HOT fire burning there. Colt lets out a low sound it's almost a hiss as he darts in his claws sinking into the creature, tearing into it his teeth clamp together as those flames run up his hand scroching his forearm and searing away the nice white dress shirt. Furiously smacking it with his other hand those claws vanish into simply smoothe hands. Tossing himself back from the flame he crashes into a chair as he grabs his forearm just above the blistering skin, "Fuckfuckfuck!" He snarls out to himself. Ever been burnt? Nothing hurts like a burn.

Typhanie is kinda worried about this guy with a steak knife. She launches herself forward around him, making a rather inneffectual stabbing gesture. She dances back, casting a glance over toward the baby and the fire elemental and all the chimera that are there, still trying to hush the baby. It's NOT WORKING. She draws back from another strike when.....

Caerwyn settled into his fugue state easily, his eyes were half lidded before he darted into action, making no noise, no grunt of effor, nothing. He worked calmy and cleanly in that blur of action, slicing and tearing with the serrated blade of the knife, sidestepping around the beast, hooking his arm around it's neck to draw the knife smoothly through it's neck

Branton blinks as Caerwyn straight up commando slays that guy and puts his knife away in a hurry, turning around and looking to the baby. Not getting closer, just looking.

Caerwyn still had his half lidded eyes, when he spoke is was barely above a whisper "Filth" he would casually pull a napkin off a near by table, taking care to clean off the steak knife before finally seeming to come out of his trance, looking around with a faintly cocked brow

Well, that escalated quickly. As soon as the big thing goes down, EVERYTHING else ceases to exist for Typhanie. She launches herself back toward the baby, only half-way trying to not stomp on anything. The fire elemental moves aside and Typhanie scoops her up into her arms. "S'okay, baby," she whispers, rocking the still terrified child in her arms. "S'okay. Shhhhh." Little back and forth motions, sort of rocking, trying to calm her down. Now that the aura of fear is starting to dissipate, the baby will calm, but it's gonna take a minute.

Colt takes a deep breath letting it out slowly before breathing in again. All he can do is focus on the hand right now as his eyes close letting out another slow breath as his hand actually shakes. These damn things hurt for far too long from his liking he waits until he has more control of himself before standing though the knuckles of his good hand are white gripping it as he keeps himself under control. His watch at least wasn't sorched to nothing so that's a plus at least. Slowly he pushes himself up to fall into the seat he ran into looking over his hand as he tries to crush his wrist still.

Branton looks around as the aura starts to disapate, seeing that momma has baby in hand. Next concern is as the civilians start to gather their wits, Branton is beating feet before someone asks him what happened.

Caerwyn turned to offer support to the woman and child but sees that it is being handled, not wishing to intrude he offers a slight bow before turning to leave, stopping before he reaches the door he turns around and tosses a wad of cash next to his plate of devoured meat, he would of course never think of dining and dashing

Typhanie just rocks the baby slowly in her arms and the chimerical creatures and the elemental start to retreat, the latter folding down into itself and tucking back into the bear. Typhanie finally takes a moment to look around. "Everyone okay?" Eyes flash to each person and she spots Colt. She actually manages a little snort and moves in his direction, but not before sending a smile to the other two. SHe's shaking, but the danger is over, so she can at least start to relax a little bit. She blinks a time or two at Colt. "Well... hey stranger." Eyes fall to the hand. "Let me fix it." She holds out her hand. Eyes flick to Branton and then Caerwyn, then back to Colt

Colt keeps tight hold of his hand, he's trying to figure out how to get out of here but it's a bit difficult. Playing victim can work but he doesn't want to deal with the authorities that much. The man is doing his best to keep focused and centered skin blistering already bright red in the best of spots. Ice. He wants ice but it wont help it'll hurt the second he takes it off. Hearing that familiar voice his eyes turn back to her and there is a RAGE boiling behind them, the desire to tear everything apart around him until it stops hurting. It's not a look she's seen in his features before his hand recoiling slightly as someone gets near it, pure instinct. His hand shaking a bit from the pain and squeezing it like that as he offers it to her slightly as he asks, "How?" Between grit teeth.

Branton can't leave yet he turns to nod at Typhanie though he's obviously edging to the door "Yeah, I'm fine. I gotta go though, I can't be here if the cops ask about fires. I really can't." he says to her quietly.

Caerwyn stops before hitting the door, turning to face the woman "Perfectly fine, how is the child?" his voice was still quiet, though returning to it's normally gravelly self, his yellow gaze flicked between the woman and the child quickly

Typhanie draws back just a little bit at the rage in Colt's eyes. It's caution more than fear, but there's fear there too. "It's okay. I do a little more than play guitar. I promise. You'll be okay." Her eyes roam to Branton and she's trying to stay calm. "Put him out before you go? There's a fire extinguisher." Most people departed with the shattering of the first window. It hasn't been very long at all. There's still time. "She's fine." She's still crying, but she's at that little hiccup stage." She takes a breath. "I can get us all three out of here, but you have to trust me for a second." Video...

Colt just waits there though as Typhanie stands before him his hand shaking from all those things mixing together as he looks over Typhanie a bit more in turn. He wants to tell her no... but that hand is SCREAMING at him so he gives his head a little bob. Not liking it when he's out of touch with something as he is right now. "Get. Me. Out." He tells her after a moment there is something deeper in that voice, a rasping growl to it as he breathes in slowly eyes closing it is quite the sign of trust as well as concentration. Showing her he doesn't even need to watch her, head dipping slightly as he craddles the hand while he waits for whatever she's going to do.

Branton nods and gets the fire extinguisher, sure he could use his powers for it but why when he doesn't have to. The lady says he has time so Branton trusts her for now, mostly because of the baby.

Caerwyn gives a nod of his head, darting for another extinguisher, going to join Branton in putting out the flames so they could make their escape