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(The Scouting Party concludes it's investigation and escapes the Drug Palace)
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Revision as of 05:38, 26 March 2014

The Palace Probe
The girls investigate and escape
IC Date Saturday
IC Time 7:00 P.M.
Players Velok (Storyteller) and Liesl and Misa
Location Brazil
Prp/Tp A Bane in Brazil
Spheres Mage and Mortal


(Enter Misa as Connie, Liesl as Stacy)

xxxxxThe party seemed to get better and better, at least for the people that were there for the party. The whooping is louder, the pool is now filled with different people. A couple guns are even left lying around on a various loungechair or on the ground. The eyes being made at the three men would show that it's a rather strange fight. Santiago is the only one gesturing, while Alejandro stands there smiling, and the mysterious man continues to stand as stoic as a statue. A half an hour turns into 45 minutes when a random man comes up to Stacy, looking her up and down. "Hey you." he greets, flashing the whites of his teeth contrasting his browned skin. It's then that Santiago and Alejandro decide to come outside the house, the other man staying inside and disappearing within. Santiago and Alejandro begin to walk towards the refreshment table, neither talking.

xxxxxStacy has taken on a little bit of the glazed-eyed look of someone indulging, though Connie knows that she's not had anything that would do that to her. When the random man with the white teeth and darkened skin flashes a smile at her, her attention appears to shift, at least partially, to him. "Hey," she says back, languidly, with a half smile. The other part of her attention is on the refreshment table, but not blatantly so. She tilts her head a little, one hand lifting to brush her bangs from her face.

xxxxxConnie grins as the new arrival comes, but hides a little behind Stacy. She may not be quite as open and adventurous from her body language once the man adresses them but the arm around Stacy sends a fairly clear message she's not going to split off from her. She leans a little closer to make it loko like she's being quiet but she speaks loud enough to make sure the man can hear. "Oh gosh I didn't think anyone would actually talk to us with these other girls... I'm gonna need some drinks if I'm gonna be brave enough ta do anything."

xxxxxThe sun is starting to set, and some of the wait staff are going around lighting up torches, flashing a very distinct orange glow on everything. The two important men are close enough that occasional snippets of their conversation can be heard, though it'd be much better if Stacy and Connie were closer. "That Hijo de puta." Santiago can just barely be heard saying, but then they move off to a different end of the table and a pair of women get in between, laughing it up and causing the two men to be inaudible without closer ears.
xxxxxIt's pretty obvious the one main thing on the random 'handsome guards' mind, and it's Connie and Stacy. Connie's comments only make him smile a bit more. Those eyes are pretty obviously staring at chests and hips, and not so much the face. "Drinks, drinks are good! Get everyone happy! You two be with Lucas tonight." He does seem pretty assertive, though almost immediately he moves away and walks to the other end of the pool.

xxxxxStacy doesn't seem to really pay a lot of attention to Lucas, if Lucas he be ... when he walks away, she nudges Connie; since she's already mentioned drinks, the table would be a reasonable place to head ... and maybe they can hear more of Santiago and Alejandro's conversation. The Spanish phrase was a bit odd, but he could easily not be from around here. "Something to drink, yeah?" she suggests with that nudge.

xxxxxConnie grins and nods heading to the refreshment table rather quickly. She grabs a plate to take a small amount of food, as well as a drink, moving closer to Papa and Iguana. "Drinks are good."

xxxxxThe trees on either side help frame the coming twilight, but no one else seems to mind. Even as the two move closer towards the table, it's not really noticed very much. "Who does he think he is, coming to /my/ house. Telling me what /I/ must do." Santiago is upset, and it seems like Alejandro's job becomes clear almost instantly. "Relax, don't worry about it. We don't need them very much longer anyway." Two glasses of champagne are poured by Alejandro and one is given to Santiago.
xxxxx"Relax? RELAX?" Santiago says, his voice spiking just a bit, then calming back down. "I don't need him, he needs /us/. I can go in there and shoot those little puta fuckers in the head and there's not a damned thing he can do about it. I pull in several hundred million for him, and he says I need to up my production? UP it?"
xxxxxAlejandro is quick to reply, reaching out and putting a hand on Papa. "It's fine, let him have them back. We'll just go out and get new ones. It's not like they're very hard to find."

xxxxxStacy takes up one of the little plates as well, putting little bits of food that catches her fancy onto it. She more or less follows Connie's lead as to what to put on her plate. She still has that glazed look, and she doesn't look up towards the men they're shadowing, but she sure is listening. Yeah, that other guy ... seems to think he's the one in charge. She accepts a glass of something, probably the same champagne as the men. That should be safe enough.

xxxxxConnie takes some of the lobster on her plate and quietly whispers to Stacy with a grin on her face. "Lobster is spiked." she warns giving her a wink and continuing forthe moment to keep pace with the pair,looking over teh food.

xxxxxAlejandro's calming down is, apparently, working, as Santiago does seem to be relaxing a bit more. His eyes start to wander, mostly around the party, but they only glance over Connie and Stacy once before continuing on to everyone else. Santiago seems to be calm for a minuteish as the men stay quiet, until he talks again. "And can you believe that shit in the end? Traitors in our midst. As if any fucking person is going to step up to me. He says this shit, and doesn't tell me who?" Alejandro seems a little wary for a second, glancing around, but as he opens his mouth to say something Santiago continues. "You know what I want to do with fucking traitors. Santiago's hands come up and he mimic's choking. "Wring their fucking necks" Santiago raises the glass towards Alejandro, leaning in towards the man. "You find them. You find out who they are, and you kill them. I want them buried HERE. In THIS lake."

xxxxxStacy is too stoned looking to be anything but. She giggles with Connie over some shared joke apparently. Food goes on the plate, drink goes in the glass, both seem to go in the mouth.

xxxxxConnie blushes a little harder as she sees the man making a strangling motion. Her eyes don't go wide though. She being very careful to make sure this doesn't look like fear. She smiles over to Stacy and takes another shot of rum, mostly to help bring some more red to her cheeks. So there would be a witch hunt coming up. Breaking some trust in the ranks would certainly help things a little. Anyone on the verge of being exposed is certainly not going to stick around to get killed if there was a problem. Just needed a way for it to be known they were being hunted. Connie also looks up to watch Alejandro's eyes, if he had any chief suspects he'd probably look to them right away.

xxxxxAlejandro stands up from the table, apparently having his assignment now. He looks grim, providing a strange emotion given the large party going on around them. He turns and takes a step away. "Wait!" Santiago calls after him, swirling the champagne in the glass as Alejandro turns. Those cold eyes stare back and forth before Santiago adds on. "The workers. The two he wants. The..." Santiago seems to forget, so Alejandro helps him out. "The special ones" "Right the special ones..." Santiago adds on before continuing. His lips are pouting out, still swirling the liquid as if he's trying to decide. "Keep them alive. Kill.. a third of the rest. When the trucks bring people back tomorrow, have them pick up more, to show I'm serious." Alejandro just nods, turning and walking away towards the bridge that leads to the mainland. Whether he has any actual suspects, he certainly doesn't look at Stacy or Connie. Santiago stays seated, then stands up and spits out some of the champagne to the ground. "Filho da puta" He says again, this time in portuguese, before he turns and heads off towards the house. For a host of the party, he doesn't seem too interested in partying, but no one else seems to mind.
xxxxxStacy smiles back to Connie, a slow languid expression. She probably doesn't need more to drink. She doesn't seem to have heard the conversation, or the added orders. But she does look towards Alejandro as he moves off, with a little sigh, still smitten, even though he hasn't looked at her. She looks back to Connie with a slow shrug. Now what?

xxxxxConnie checkls Stacy's eyes for signs they're dilated. She's not a medic but she knows drugs for sure. She gives Stacy a bit of a 'more than friends' kind of hug, holding her closer so she can whisper in her ear. "We can either go an check out where stuff gets made... or follow Alejandro and see these special workers. If we follow him though, we might see people die and we can't stop it. If you can't do that, we won't follow him."

xxxxxIt's twilight now, and the party is only getting louder. There are several different people pairing up and starting to dance fairly close. The brazilian girls seem to specialize in this, and quite a bit of grinding is going on. Meanwhile, Santiago is still heading towards the house, and Alejandro seems to be going directly towards the largest of the buildings.

xxxxxStacy smiles as her eyes are checked, and she gives Connie a slow wink. She's fine. As she is hugged, she nuzzles into Connie's neck. She can't stop anything at this point, and while it might be awful, she has to admit to curiosity about these 'special' workers. "Alejandro," she whispers back.

xxxxxConnie nods and peels off to follow Alejandro. Admittedly this is the part that can get dangerous. Witnessing the making of drugs everyone knows are being sold is one thing, at worst they might get slapped around a little bit for that, more likely than not they'd just be given a sample and have to stay the night for some extra partying. Murder though is a lot harder to walk away from witnessing. Still she moves to tail behind Alejandro, making sure to keep Stacy in tow, if for no other reason than Stacy's the one that had been making eyes and t that would make escape much easier if caught.

xxxxxThe pair choose Alejandro, and head off towards the opposite bridge that Alejandro didn't take. It does take a bit of time, enough for there to be a dull blue light in the sky, some of the stars already shining. Connie's sneakysneaky abilities pay off, and through clever guise, none of the people in the party follow the pair. Alejandro doesn't disappear, still standing at the warehouse talking to the two guards. Connie and Stacy aren't drawing eyes from any of the random guards, until they get near to one and Stacy trips, stumbles, and practically falls down. The guard looks worried, though through deft 'Drank too much, needs to throw up and didn't want to ruin the party' diplomacy, the guard warily lets them proceed.
xxxxxThere's many buildings. One large, with the two guards standing in front of the only visable entrance with Alejandro standing there talking. There's a medium sized building that doesn't seem to have any guards, and /numerous/ small shacks. Alejandro doesn't do anything special, but if they get close enough, they can start to hear him and that sexy accent. "One third." He says, carefully. "Papa wants it done, so do it. Keep it quiet, too, or else we'll have to kill everyone at the party, and that's a large waste of tits." HUGE waste, yep. "Later tonight, dump the bodies in the lake. Papa wants the special ones kept alive, so I'll go get them now."

xxxxxStacy gives the guard a grateful, glazed and somewhat nauseated looking smile for letting them pass, so that she can retch her stomach contents out. She's actually got very little in her stomach, so that'll be difficult if she has to produce, but she'll deal with that later if it needs to come up.

xxxxxConnie gives the poor startled guard one of those drunken hugs in thanks, making sure he smells the rum on her breath since the shot was stil a bit fresh as they continue past him. She doesn't draw so close she can hear them talk too easily. Maybe only snippets of information. The important part here is seeing, she's already heard what they are leaving for. She gives Alejandro plenty of space, focusing more on noting his path, since he'd probably be taking the most direct route, and keeping him just barely in view to see where these special workers are being held.

xxxxxThe guards stay there, looking at Alejandro, nodding, then glancing at each other. They seem...nervous. Concerned, as if they aren't exactly too comfortable with what they've been asked to do, but they have to do it nonetheless. Alejandro turns and starts heading towards a large collection of the little living shacks. From their perch, the girls have a perfect view as the man goes to retrieve the two special workers. He doesn't knock, opening one of the doors and immediately stepping inside. It's only a minute before he's stepping right back out again, accompanied by his package.
xxxxxIf one was looking at Alejandro's face, they'd have to look down, and down, and down before they meet the face of the two special ones, and a lot of things quickly become clear. The first one is a little blonde boy, not much older than 7, but there he is. His face is dirty, as if he hasn't showered in a while and has been sleeping in the dirt. His hands are surprisinglly clean until you get to the wrist, where he becomes dirty again. There's a section around his mouth where he's clean as well. The boy stares at the ground, but follows with Alejandro out of the shack. (http://tinyurl.com/kev834c)
xxxxxThe other 'special worker' strikes a very similar appearence towards the little boy, except this one's a girl. She shares much of the same expressions and features as her blonde boy counterpart. She has very short hair dangling just past her ears, and can't be of a much different age than the boy. She too shares the same dirty look with partially clean spots where gloves and a mask may be worn. (http://tinyurl.com/kf7op2v)
xxxxxAlejandro starts to lead these two back towards the bridge, not holding them or anything, but the two willingly follow. Once he's a bit away, the two guards at the door leave, leaving the door unguarded, but heading towards the shacks in the same path Alejandro took.

xxxxxWell shit. Stacy just stares at the children. Why would these kids be out here, in the middle of a Brazilian jungle? What makes them special workers? Workers at what? And after a moment of a little niggling sense that she knows these kids, she remembers a story from Before, about them being abducted ... from Prospect. At least /they/ aren't on the kill list, right? She runs the overheard conversation through her head, and she nods to herself, then glances to Connie, hoping she doesn't look as horrified as she feels.

xxxxxConnie is staring at the children rather obviously from where she is, her expression crumbles. for all the weapons in her suitcase, for all the manipulations she's involved in, for all the tough talk she put on the plane, it only seems to take two kids to crack her. They haven't even gone more than a few steps before her chin is starting to shake and her mascera runs. She covers her mouth to keep herself form taking too loud of a breath. Her legs move before she thinks, almost getting her to take a step before she stops herself and shakes her head. "No, we go after the kids they'll just kill all of the workers instead." she says quietly, as much to herself as to Stacy. She watches the one chance she has to get whoever is guarding these kids alone slip away, balling her fists.

xxxxxAlejandro and the two children continue to make their way away from the living shacks. The little girl finally looks up and turns to look back towards the large warehouse. If someone was very good at staring, they'd see just the tiniest of tears rolling down her cheek before she looks back down to the ground. Connie's refusal allows them to reach the bridge and start walking over, heading directly towards the house. Oddly enough no one at the party seems to give them a second glance except for one fake blonde woman who smiles at the kids, but Alejandro continues to shepherd them towards the house.
xxxxxMeanwhile, the two guards with AK-47's stare continuing to head towards the grouping of living shacks, though they're obviously taking their time. One of them reaches down towards his wrist and unclips a holder, pulling out a bowie knife. Meanwhile, the entrance to the warehouse is unguarded, and the other guards around seem to be off patrolling a different section.

xxxxxStacy nods to Connie, clinging to her, trembling. "We can let the others know," she whispers. "It'll be soon." Unless there's another opportunity later ... they are expected to spend the night, yes? The unguarded warehouse catches her attention now and she focuses on it for a moment, just seeming to stare through it for a few seconds.

xxxxxConnie shakes her head and nods. "Right we can track them..." she says slowly making her way to the warehouse to get a better look. She makes it a few steps before she gets an idea and looks to Liesl. "There's some guards that are turncoats right? If we take out the nearest one, we cn use his knife to take out the other guard and hide it somewhere they'll find it in the day. Make it look like another guard killed him and slipped off. It'll let the real turncoats think they aren't alone and either make some trouble... or run the hell away when a real fight starts." She looks over to Stacy. "But I might get some blood on me, if I do you're gonna be stuck on yer own."

xxxxxThe door to the warehouse is made of pretty shitty metal, and it's unlocked, but not being opened right now. The metal is cold, but Connie doesn't hear any sounds from inside. Meanwhile, Alejandro and the two children have reached the house, and the two guards have reached a shack, standing outside the door.

xxxxxStacy glances from place to place, leaning closer to Connie, as though to help her hear anything from inside the warehouse. The guards and Alejandro get a look each, but mostly to be sure they aren't looking their way.

xxxxxConnie starts to carefully open the door now then before the guards get started, she takes the initiative to prevent Liesl having to be the one to make the moral choice. An attack on the guard wasn't worth the risk it would tighten security rather than crumble it. There wouldn't be a better chance to look in the warehouse while they're busy than now though. It's the most practical choice and so she starts to slip into the warehouse to investigate. Damn see through clothing not leaving enough room for her to swipe anything of value.

xxxxxThe last glance at the guards at the living shacks could potentially be troubling. The two guards have reached the door to the shack, and the door opens. What answers the door looks very similar to the two children that have already been lead out, except these children are a much darker version of brown, and a little bit older. The one guard hides the knife behind his back and the two force themselves inside. With the view they have, whoever is looking can see an image of two children standing inside the shack as the guard closes the door.
xxxxxIf they were looking for the main area where the drugs are cut, packaged, and manufactured, they found it. Several long thin tables fill the inside of the warehouse. There's several wooden pallets around the room, most empty, but a couple have silver brick looking rectangles stacked on them. The tables itself are an oddity. They aren't the regular height of normal adults, but instead lowered much closer to the ground, as if for midgets or...children. There's several sections of the table, like workstations, that have things like silver wrapping paper, knives, razor blades, etc. Some of the tables occasionally have a white powdery substance on them that looks a lot like flour, and some of the tables have a more brown, dirtier, yet still powdery, substance on them as well. Against one of the walls is a tipped over blue barrel, very similar to one of the barrels they saw earlier being carted out of the place.

xxxxxStacy still has that same glazed look, as she takes in the lowered tables, the tools, the wrappings. "Shit," she mumbles. "It's ... wrong. All wrong." She does, however, keep a close eye on Connie.

xxxxxConnie body works faster right now than her brain can fully process. Barrel, cloth. She reaches for any nearby cloth as she makes her way straight for the barrel, working on being fast rather than silent. If she makes enough noise before they start the guards might break off from their task to come look, she can use the ether in the barrel to... her brain finally processes what's wrong with this plan, unfortunately two steps two late. The barrel is empty. "Cao ni..." she mutters looking around quickly. Training kicks in, plan failure, abort. She starts heading back out towards the door, even though the two guards nearby likely would have heard her start running for the barrel in this place if they haven't started already.

xxxxxIf anyone actually heard them, no one came. The two guards nearby are busy...with their work. Patrolling guards are still patrolling. No one saw them it seems. The barrel is, sadly, empty. A remnant of the work done, tossed aside and left, unable to go back to where the other blue barrels got to go. The closer Connie gets, though, she can absolutely see that it's an ether barrel. No one comes to interrupt them, probably due to the noise. Even inside here, they can hear the raucous party going on outside.

xxxxxStacy watches Connie as she runs across the room, faster than she expected, then she's turned around and heading on back towards her - she hasn't moved from her spot beside the door, her hand still on the latch where she pulled it to. She widens her eyes at her, ready to slip back out again, if that looks to be the plan.

xxxxxConnie starts heading for the door and nods to Stacy to get the door for them to retreat, she got the info she needed from the area, the size of teh workforce that would be working in this area. She wants to search more but she knows she won't be able to keep herself from going after the guards if she stays long enough to look for anything more useful. Time to retreat while she can. She signals for Stacy to stay on the other side of the door before stepping back outside, if she doesn't see anyone she signals for Stacy to follow as she makes her way back to the hiding place they had found.

xxxxxIt's absolutely now getting into the nighttime when they get back out. More stars are out, the moon is visable, and the lights around the palace area and the manfacturing camp are lit up for light. The jungle is darker though, difficult to make out what's past the treeline. A glance towards the house would show nothing but the house, but the party area is still going on. Many people are paired up now, and several couples are lounging around on chairs making out vigourously, including Lucas, who seems to have found someone with clearly fake tits to enjoy. After they get to their hiding place, a quick glance to where Guard A and Guard B went would show them coming out of the same shack they were going in when the girls were sneaking into the warehouse. One of the guards still has that same knife out, although now the knife is darkened, dripping blood. The other guard pulls out his knife and, when the door to the shack is closed, shoves the knife into the wood and marks it with an X. The pair then start to head nearby to another shack.

xxxxxStacy gets the door open for Connie, and she follows as the other girl signals an all clear. The hiding place gives them too good a view of the living huts ... huts now marked with death. She reaches out to find Connie's hand, to give it a squeeze. She's still following her lead.

xxxxxConnie squeezes Stacy's hand and continues moving the pair back to the party. Before they step out of the treeline she turns around and ruffles Stacy's hair up a bit, then her own. She also unzips her anti-swimsuit a little and twists it to the side to make it look like the pair sneacked off to have a little bit of fun. She rubs any mascera that would have run off a bit, anyone paying attention would notice it only runs on her left eye. "Alright back to the party, then we tryta get inta the house if there's time to do it safely."

xxxxxThe two make it successfully back to the party, leaving the two guards behind to go about their brutal work of murdering children. None of the people at the party look at Connie and Stacy any different than usual, though Connie does get a couple odd looks and 'knowing' smiles from some of the women, as does Stacy. During the five minutes that they're there, several more pairings happen, many of the men finding women, and some of the women finding other women. The house looks empty from looking inside, no guards walking around and no sight of any of the previous men.

xxxxxStacy blushes at the knowing looks, doing her best to keep her face averted. But still, she continues to follow Connie's lead, if the house is going to be headed for immediately, she's there, or if there's mingling to do, she can mingle.

xxxxxConnie doesn't really stay too long enough to mingle beyond a few bashful looks and winks, nothing really engaging before she eventually drags poor Stacy off to the house this time.

xxxxxThey make it to the house! Whether or not they were spotted by guard guards or anything is entirely uncertain, but the doors are unlocked, and they make it into the interior. A glance back would show that the party is still going in full swing, however one thing has changed. The girl Lucas was making out with is no longer being made out with, and has left to find someone else. Lucas in the meantime is staring off in the general direction of the house, but he hasn't moved yet.
xxxxxWhen they get inside, they see the grand foyer, and it's huge. The mansion on the lake seems to have several rooms on both the main floor and the second floor. Obviously millions and millions of dollars has gone into this house. A quick glance around would show a pathway leading off to the left and one to the right, as well as numerous ones past the grand staircase in the middle going up and to the left and right. Providing perfect party ambiance is the two people Connie and Stacy immediately spot on a couch cushion. The man is one of those handsome guards, now naked, kneeling behind one of the dumb sluts that were on the truck. If anyone looks, it's the dumb slut that had the nerve to be condescending to stacy. She of course is on her knees kneeling over the edge of the couch and, well, I think you two know exactly what sounds she's making. Neither seem to care that Stacy and Connie are there, or that they're in perfect view of anyone that comes into the house.

xxxxxStacy doesn't pay more attention to the pair on the couch than it takes to register them. The house isn't entirely glass, but enough of it is, that most everything going on is exposed. And, as always ... she's following Connie.

xxxxxConnie gives a wink to the pair on the couch in case they are spotted before continuing on further into the house, listeing carefully for any sounds that don't seem to be people fucking like crazy... then she decides that's not really important, what's important is getting the layout of the house and just continues moving about the house so she can memorize the rooms as best as she can.

xxxxxThe fucking pair don't pay any attention to Connie and Stacy, fairly.....deep....into what they were doing. The layout of the house is easy to get, at least the first floor. Several of the doors are locked, but some aren't. They find what they'd expect to find. Lounge rooms, extra bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. From what the two can tell, none of the action really happens on the first floor, except for what's happening on the couch. That leaves, unfortunately, little options as to the locations of the three men and the children. Obviously upstairs.
xxxxxThe second floor is just as grand as the first floor, but the surprising lack of gaurds within the house is easily noticed. It's as if all the guards are currently busy elsewhere, or whatever is up here doesn't need to be guarded so much. All the doors are closed, the hallways branching off several times. There's four doors that seem to lead to actual rooms. Door number 1, 2, 3, and 4. Which one has the goat, and which one has the scary monsters.

xxxxxStacy follows Connie up the stairs, stealth thankfully not needed ... and she doesn't trip going up the stairs either. Hopefully Connie's finding a good place to not be observed, should one of those doors open, 'cause Stacy is all zoned out again.

xxxxxConnie isn't exactly in full James Bond mode sneakyness here, just trying to be quiet and carefully peek into the doors. For the sake of being able to retreat more easily Connie start at whichever door is furthest from the hall.

xxxxxThe moment Connie starts to peek into the door, something on the other side takes hold and pulls it open. There she comes face to face with the tall, mysterious man, standing in the door. He's still wearing /exactly/ the same things he was wearing before, dark suit, dark sunglasses, cut blonde hair, that little smile on the side of his lips as if he knows something no one else does. He's tall, above six feet for sure, so that he looks straight down at MConnie. Apparently not super stealth. She can retreat if she wants, but the suddenness of it means he's already spotted them. Inside the room is just a very lavish bedroom, what you'd expect in the most expensive of hotels, but nothing very outwardly out of place. "Can I help you?" The man asks, that smile on the corner of his lips a little wider as he stares towards Connie.

xxxxxStacy sways a little, her eyes still glazed, looking quite out of it. She lightly bumps against her friend, and gives the man a coy smile. "Just ... you know ... looking for some ..." she giggles as she bumps Connie again. "... privacy. You know."

xxxxxConnie covers her mouth to quiet a giggle and ducks her head a little, she nods to Stacy and replies to the man in a hushed voice, already trying to close the door. "Sorry just looking for a quiet room..."

xxxxxThe mysterious man stares down at them through those dark shades. Who wears shades inside? What a dirtbag. "Yea?" He says rather carefully, looking back towards his room, then to Connie and Stacy. His head sways between the two of them. "Odd that you'd invite yourself into the upstairs bedrooms, didn't anyone tell you they were offlimits?" No one did, yet the mysterious man seems to think they were supposed to know. That smile doesn't fade away, and he just nods. "Well it's fairly quiet right here, except for the two enjoying themselves downstairs. Go on. Have at it." He man let's go of the door, folding his arms across his chest and staring at Connie and Stacy, expectantly.

xxxxxStacy just turns bright red. She was already flushed at the earlier words, but now ... now she's apparently being invited to get down and dirty with Connie, possibly right here, right on this spot on the hallway carpet. She starts to say something, then ducks her head down against Connie's shoulder, turning herself away, and it sounds like she is ... giggling? Yes. Giggling.

xxxxxConnie giggles too, and is also turning noticibly red. "Oh... oh geez." she giggles, still trying to talk quietly. Like she doesn't want the whole house knowing what she's up to. "We-well... we uhmm... I was kinda tryin to find a place where err... people wouldn't just be walkin in on us..."

xxxxxThe man does not look very visably impressed, despite the twitch of an everpresent smile on the corners of his lips. He doesn't even remove the shades, instead just standing everstoic and keeping those arms folded across his chest. "An excellent point!" He says immediately after Connie, even nodding a few tims. "We're so similar. See I was trying to find a place where people wouldn't just be walkin' in on me either." He says it all with a little bit of a joyous demeanor, that instantly melts away into his normal stoic, almost barrierlike body. "Yet here we are, aren't we." Those arms finally remove from his chest and reach up to press one hand to each side of the doorframe, staring down towards them. "But this is Brazil, is it not? And as you.." He pauses, those eyes turning to Connie, the most out of place. "Are clearly not from here, what do they say? Do as the Romans do? Go right ahead."

xxxxxStacy giggles harder, mumbling something against Connie's shoulder. Then, as though she realizes that it probably wasn't heard, she lifts her head away and turns to look towards the man. "But we aren't in Rome," she says, her one hand reaching out towards him. "You wanna..." she asks, smile very wide. She still blushing like mad, but she's gonna go down with a splash. Or something.

xxxxxConnie bites her lip and giggles. "Well we were... kinda lookin for the one we knew but..." she giggles and nods. "Well he is still cute." she admits before suddenly pressing herself against Stacy, giving her neck a little nibble while looking to give a wink to the man.

xxxxxThe man, whoever he is, doesn't seem very pleased at all as Stacy turns to look at him. His eyes are impossible to see through the tint of the sunglasses, and even as Stacy tries to flirt and reach at him, he doesn't reach back. He doesn't seem to react at all to Stacy's advances, but he does nod a little at Connie's nibbling. "You both are trying my patience." That smile does fade, and now he's completely neutral. "Are you actually looking for a private room, or are you looking for something else?" They can both easily read that he's becoming suspicious.

xxxxxConnie doesn't really have time to answer the man's question as she grabs Stacy and pushes her past the man into the room. "Okay if more people walk in on this I'm gonna lose my nerve." she announces trying to get her way into the room, her heands move quickly, one cradling Stacy's sheek as Connie raises herself up on her toes to meet her lips, the other wraps around her hips pulling the women closer together. In a somewhat more dusky voice than before she whispers out to the man. "Close the door."

xxxxxStacy is glad that Connie has taken the initiative here, as she was just frozen as the man doesn't react to her at all. Those sunglasses are just weird, too. "Cute," she mumbles to Connie as she is pulled towards the door, and her head drawn towards the other woman's. "Door," she echoes.

xxxxxThe mystery man does seem to get that smile back when Connie goes towards him. He's quick, stepping out of the way so that at no point can Connie lay a hand on him. He just watches, stares through those creepy sunglasses as Connie kisses Stacy. "Good, I thought so." he says with that bit of a smile. He doesn't close the door, however, but leaves it open and stares at them. "I'm so glad I didn't have to call the guards. Or kill you, I suppose I could have killed you. That would have ruined my nice suit." He turns, stepping out of the room and then pausing, looking over towards the side. "Also, tell that tall one...with the blue eyes and the hoodie? Tell him I said hi." He smiles a little more, then pulls the door closed and leaves.

xxxxxWhether or not it's a test on th man's part, Connie doesn't show any signs that this was indeed anything more than a way to get Stacy alone in a room. Sorry girl but we're caught, need to keep up appearances and even if he recognizes the pair fomr the club, this will help keep up the appearences if they run into him again. He has to come back into the room at some point after they finish right? She tosses Stacy on the bed and quicksteps after her as mutters quietly. "Sorry sugar, I just mighta had too much ta drink."

xxxxxThe man certainly didn't come back, nor did anyone else come to bother them. The two girls do what they do. The comment from the man, and everything else that's happened to night, effectively seals what's left of their investigation. Luckily, their cover was secured, and they grabbed quite a bit of intel. The two girls go back to the party, where many people have either disappeared off towards the jungle, or have decided to just fuck right there. They no doubt find a nice chair to themselves to stay awake at and let the night pass. During the night, if any of them are keeping watch, they would distinctly see a bit of increased activity. Several guards are going towards the living quarters, picking up bodies slung over their shoulder and bringing them along the edge of the jungle, over to the lake. The bodies are small, those of little children. The count is 10, if anyone is able to watch, where the bodies are then tied down with rock and put on a rowboat, where they are then dumped into the lake.
xxxxxThe next morning everyone is being woken up by the guards. Alejandro in particular approaches Stacy and Connie, smiling. "I hope you all had lots of fun, and have something to remember Brazil by." Before he personally escorts them towards the trucks. The truck is filled with the same people that they came with, that one head slut in particular having a particularly satisfied look on her face, but everyone seems fairly hungover. The ride back is silent, Alejandro not sending them off when they arrive back to the beach. Instead a different, more gruff looking man opens the tarp and lets them off, the same gruff man as before flashing that toothless smile. Strangely enough, very quickly after the truck leaves a little car pulls up. It's the little portuguese guy! He laughs and joyously opens the door, shepherding the pair in, and they listen to La Bamba all the way back to the hotel, no doubt minds reeling with the night's events.
xxxxxWhen the pair get back, there's a Briefing with Velok in his hotel room, where the pair are able to go over what happened, and relay all the information they learned. Velok himself looks concerned, nodding at several parts. He looks...drained. Very drained, as if a man that has spent all night awake and hasn't gone to sleep in a while. Certain parts Velok's lips tighten, but overall he just accepts the information, as well as Misa's request. Meanwhile, in the corner of the room there's a carrier case, that's very dark and no sounds are coming from. After they've no doubt showered, ate a wonderful breakfast, they're both guided by Velok towards Aleksei's plane. Velok doesn't join the pair as they board, instead giving Liesl the appropriate kiss and hug, then waving to them on the Tarmac before he gets back into his car, off to do whatever it is he does. Overall, despite some mishaps, they managed to do what they were asked to do. Mission Successful.