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Shades of Gray
The runt bites back.
IC Date July 12, 2014
IC Time Afternoon
Players Mikhail, Kaydin, Yarden, Tiffani
Location Maple Park

Begin Log

It's a typical summer afternoon in the park. People are eating, drinking, jogging, sunning, sleeping. There's a group of guys playing basketball near the parking lot, a mini-keg of beer set down on the grass nearby.

Mikhail is running down the jogging paths with Yarden, he still wears his cargo pants but does not have his jacket on in the warm day, making his thick, muscular build stand out a little bit. It looks like under the crisp clean shirt he has some kind of bandages over his chest, but it's hard to tell unless one really looks.

Kaylin pulls up to the park in his old firebird. Gets out, smiles as he looks up to the sky. Grabs a duffle bag from the back seat then starts to head over towards the basketball court.

It may be hot but Yarden wears long athletic pants nonetheless, real 100 percent cotton sweat pants instead of that funky synthetic Star Trek material that seems so popular these days. She's breathing a little harder than her jogging partner. "Dammit," she mutters with a crooked smile. "I swear I'm never letting myself get out of shape again!"

It seems to be a friendly game-- which lasts right up until one of the guys takes a shot and narrowly misses, the ball bouncing off to one side as they scramble after it. "Well, /somebody/ needs glasses!" one of them calls out, elbowing the guy a little too hard in the side.

Mikhail spies a hot dog cart and pulls up. Looking back at his workout partner, he neither smiles nor frowns, just turns to look towards Yarden with his dark eyes. Tilting his head towards the cart, he suggests, "Lyet's gyet a hote doge nd take a break." They're close enough to the court to see the friendly game, but Mikh doesn't seem to think too much about it as he suggests the hot dog break.

Hot dogs! Ooooh! "Wonder if they've got sauerkraut," Yarden thinks aloud as she looks over the food stand. She reaches for a water bottle tucked into the side pocket of a small backpack and tips it back for a swing.

It smells like they've got sauerkraut. And yellow mustard, and are those anchovies? Oh, no, just jalapenos. The anchovy smell is wafting in from someone else's pizza box, further down the jogging trail. Meanwhile, the basketball has been retrieved and is being dribbled back the other way, arms and legs jockeying for position while sneakers scuff against the asphalt.

Kaylin stops over by the basketball court, setting the duffle next to a bench and pulling off his shirt, revealing a plain white wife beater underneath. For a moment, he just watches the game. Judging the two teams to see if they'd be willing to fit in another player.

Mikhail orders four hot dogs and hands one over to Yarden, Holding the other three in one hand, he apples mustard to them as he turns to watch the game idly. His eyes glance about the park, used to seeing it at night more often than not.

Yarden piles her dog high with sauerkraut and glances idly around. "Ready to take on Joey Chestnut?" she grins at Mikhail.

Who's Joey Chestnut? Or what, possibly. As for the teams, they seem to be having enough trouble getting along with their current members, never mind a newcomer. The ball goes up in the air again, then down - it looks like a nice straight shot - but no, it hits the rim and ricochets the other direction this time. "Oh, come /on/!" one of the guys shouts, pausing a split second to lean down and catch his breath, hands braced against his knees.

Mikhail blinks, as he switching a hotdog to his now free hand, "Joey who?" he asks, his Russian accent still thick as he takes a bite of his hot dog. The Hot Dog vendor seems relieved as he steps away from the cart and a little off the path to a patch of grass with no people. Again he turns his gaze towards the game.

Kaylin arches a brow as the ball goes careening off the rim. Then reaches up and scratches the back of his head like he's got a sudden itch; and checks the time on his wrist watch. "Bad luck, that shot. It had such a beautiful arch to it too."

"Joey Chestnut. Hot dog eating champion." Yarden smiles weakly and coughs. "I'm not known for my sense of humor, sorry." She follows Mikhail as he distances himself from the vender and once they pause she takes a bite of her kraut dog.

There is a large muscle car engine noise that vibrates the park from the street, giant base going off so loud, you can hear it vibrating the windows in that tinny hummingbird buzzing sound. A moment later the sound dies. Few after that Rockabilly Amazon wanders into the park, book in hand. Walks down the path taking note of all the patrons one and all and goes to find a spot under her favorite tree.

That comment from Kaylin is like a grain of salt dropped into a super-saturated liquid. There's your own gut instinct that something is bogus, but when someone who just showed up sees it, too? "'Bad luck' my ass, Nick here's got a limp wrist." "Oh, bullshit! I ain't seen /you/ goin' out with no girls all year." The basketball game is momentarily forgotten, devolving into a shoving match instead.

Mikhail looks at Yarden and shrugs, assuming it's an American thing. He continues eating his hot dog, if he sensed anything it was minor enough for him not to pose much concern. He continues to watch the game for the moment though. He notices Tiffani for her height if nothing else, but his gaze quickly returns to the now escalating issue on the basketball court. Still, for now, he just watches, eating his hot dog.

Kaylin seems distracted by something, but the shoving match quickly draws his attention back. "Hey! Break it up." He calls out, moving at a jog pace towards the guys.

Yarden is working hard to get back into decent shape but she doesn't really do competitive games so the basketball court fails to even register on her radar except for a few seconds during which she follows Mikhail's gaze out of curiosity. She quickly looks away and takes another bite of her kraut dog.

Tiffani gazes over to the basketball game and the man mountain eating a hot dog he looked like gozilla eating a school bus. Smirks in hidden amusement and plucks down on the grass and opens her book to the middle and starts reading. Watching the basketball game out of the corner of her eye

It's not much of a basketball game any more. Some of the players are making a game effort to get it going again, heading back to retrieve the ball where they left it, but that one pair is more interested in arguing now. One pushes the other, who takes a couple steps back before he stops himself. Then he steps forward again, pushes the first guy-- who goes /flying/ through the air, landing on his hip about ten feet away. "What the /fuck/, man?"

"Hey! Chill the fuck out." Kaylin calls out, moving to stand between the two, eyes locked on the one still standing. "What the hell was that, huh?"

Mikhail's head doesn't move but his eyes glance briefly towards the bushes by the thicker trees, "Turning to Yarden, he nearly forces the poor woman to his two remaining hot dogs. Raising a finger to his lips discreetly as it looks like he's just finishing off the dogs he starts to move towards the thicker trees but in a lazy round about stroll that circles a certain set of bushes.

Tiffani glances up from her book to know enough the basketball game is getting rough. Knows enough there is police presence in the park. However, has had enough trouble this week with everything. Slams her 'Mechanics Manuel' shut and gets up and leaves the park in a hurry.

Yarden's KISS t-shirt gets smeared with mustard from one of Mikhail's hot dogs that doesn't stay balanced in her hands, plus the remaining sauerkraut from her own as that one too topples and bounces. She blinks and looks around. What the heck?

The one still standing doesn't seem to properly understand what just happened. "The hell'd you do, trip on a rock or something? Ain't nothing out here! Fuckin' spaz." Yeah, he's had a couple beers already, and that plus the direct sun plus the exertion has left him in a less than clear-headed state. The other guy is just picking himself up off the ground, meanwhile, one hand coming away stained with blood as he presses it to the point of impact.

Also, over in those bushes that Mikhail is scouting out? There's a sudden rustle of movement, and a shape briefly visible as it darts away. /Someone/ - or something - is in there, all right.

"That wasn't no rock or trip. You through him half a dozen feet." Kaylin says, keeping himself between the two. The blood not noticed yet on the other guy. "What the hell was that about?"

Mikhail seems to notice the motion darting away and breaks from his stroll to a run, charging towards the tree line and going beyond them, and he keeps going.

Yarden's attention now is split between the direction that Mikhail took off and the ruckus by the basketball court. She frowns and looks the nearest trash can to get rid of the hot dogs.

Whoever that guy is in the bushes, he's pretty light on his feet. Not as much as Mikhail, though; he glances back and quails, managing to smack his right arm against an outstretched branch.

Meanwhile, the guys talking with Kaylin are still in the process of sweating off their momentary shock. "Fuck if I know. I'ma get another drink." The guy with the bloody hand turns toward the keg, but only manages to take a couple steps before he stumbles and loses his balance again. "See, now that's what I'm talking about!" the other guy insists. "Go get your ass to the hospital, get you a shot or something."

Just after getting rid of the hot dogs and wiping off her hands Yarden pulls out her cell phone and peers. "Twins are sick," she sighs, looking around for Mikhail - who isn't anywhere to be seen. She leaves him a text message to read whenever that explains her departure and then heads for the park exit.

Mikhail is still bounding through the trees, past the tree line he looks bigger.. He's bounding rapidly towards the man he sees, moving to catch up and to pin down.

Kaylin hears the ruckus over by the bushes, looks. Sees the guy and shakes his head. "Come here." escapes his lips. Not very loudly; but loud enough to get the job done. His gaze is focused on the guy; his attention falling away from the two on the court.

The guy is, well, not a scrawny little dwarf or anything but he's a little on the thin side. And a little slow, despite his head start; Mikhail soon manages to catch up and knock him down. It doesn't last for long, though, because somehow he throws Mikhail up into the air again and off to one side. He sure doesn't look like he would be /that/ strong! Then he's up and running again, this time in the opposite direction. Toward Kaylin, conveniently enough.

Kaylin starts to walk slowly towards the guy running towards him. If nothing else, to put some distance between him and the guys on the court for when the two meet. Hands resting easily in the pockets of his jeans.

Mikhail lands and lurches after the man throwing his shoulder to try and knock the boy down and maybe the wind out of him, but he misses, as the boy slips sideways on him.

The guy comes charging out of the bushes, maybe all of two quick-steps ahead of Mikhail. He's young, maybe late teens, dark hair matted down with sweat. He runs his fingers through it in a vain attempt to straighten it out, before squinting and continuing to head toward Kaylin.

Kaylin comes to a stop about a dozen feet or so from the other guys on the court, watching the teen run towards him. Once he's within easy earshot, he just says softly. "We need to talk. Or, rather, you need to explain yourself."

Mikhail slows as he approaches the edge of the tree line seeing the boy slow down too.. The large man hides behind a tree watching as the boy runs up to Kaylin. Watching the two of them, perhaps suspecting the latter put the former up to this.

The guy looks nervous, ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Or worse. "What am I talking to you for? You're not a cop!" He's already backing away from Kaylin, looking around for another direction to run. He can't keep that up forever...

"No, I'm not a cop. I'm a carpenter." Kaylin says, his voice staying soft and low. "And you're going to talk with me, because as long as you're talking to me that big gorilla over there isn't going to pummel you." He tilts his head towards Mikhail. "What you did during that basketball game...those guys piss you off in high school or something?"

Mikhail is quite the big gorilla, his shoulders stand out on either side of the tree he's standing behind and he looks.. seven feet tall? Maybe more? Might be a trick of the light though.. or maybe he's standing on something.

"Not in high school any /more/," the guy says. He doesn't look like he really buys Kaylin's logic, but seeing as the big gorilla is in fact not coming over and pummeling him? He'll accept it for the moment. "I didn't do jack, they told /me/ they decided not to play today. You know I bought them that keg?"

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Kaylin says, tilting his head to the side. "Life is full of hurt, and pain, and rejection." There's a shrug. "You just gotta find people that will accept you. What's your name kid?"

At the nervous look the kid gives him, Mikhail seems suddenly and instantly smaller.. Oh he's still pretty big, but not quite the mountain he was when he was tearing through the brush

By this point, the kid is finally starting to relax some, coming down off the adrenaline rush of being chased hither and yon. "Gabe," he answers Kaylin. "My name's--" Before he can continue, though? Guy Who Fell on His Hip stalks over, looking right pissed off. "You! Didn't I fuckin' tell you--" That's as far as he gets before he hauls off and throws a punch at Gabe's breadbasket.

Mikhail just watches for now, staying in the trees beyond the thick bushes, watching the altercation.

Kaylin turns his head when the guy walks over. And he does manage to get half his sentance out before Kaylin interrupts him. "Game's over champ. You and your buddies grab your beer and go home. Me and Gabe are having a nice conversation."

Hip Guy still gets that one swing in, though Gabe steps back in time to just be winded rather than doubled over in pain. After that? Yeah, he has no interest in screwing around with the likes of Kaylin. "Fine. But it ain't goin' nowhere, Gabe, this guy ain't no butt pirate like you are!" Gabe glowers, but Hip Guy is already walking away so he reluctantly lets it go.

Mikhail continues to watch from beyond the bushes, though his eyes look around for where Yarden went. He checks his phone and frowns a little. But... she had his hot dogs!

"They are sheep, Gabe." Kaylin says, turning back and smiling at the kid. "You're a wolf. Don't concern yourself with their words, they lack the power that yours or mine have. My real question is why you would be interested in currying their favor to begin with. But you have to be careful in how you use those words, flex your will. Petty things like screwing with those guys? That's a waste of the gifts you've been given."

Gabe narrows his eyes, considering the situation. Lashing out with his 'gift' or whatever it is, that's one thing. Having an actual plan? He looks dubious-- especially since Kaylin hasn't said anything about what the plan actually is, he just clearly has one of /some/ sort. But still. "I'm listening."

Mikhail continues just to watch Gabe and Kaylin talk.. The weird shit has stopped, the veil breaching is contained, people don't seem to be getting 'clued in' about the supernaturals. There's not much else to do.. but still.. he's curious about Kaylin.. who he is, perhaps what he is...

"Stuff like that....no." Kaylin glances around; taking note of all the people in the park; then glances over towards his car. "Lets go for a ride Gabriel. I'll tell you all about it."

Oh, sure, get in a car with a total stranger. That won't draw ridicule down on Gabe /at all/. He nods, but if Hip Guy or anyone else asks later, he plans to lie through his teeth about the whole experience.

Mikhail follows just enough to get a good look at the car Kaylin drives. Making a note of it for the future, but he does nothing to stop Gabe from going with the man.

End Log