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Camarilla Court
The Second Court of November, 2013
IC Date November 15, 2013
IC Time Night.
Players ((Multiple))
Location Elysium

Meeting was in the Ball room that was transform to this.

The room has been transformed into an office conference room, just on a much larger scale. Leather executive conference room chairs, that swivel 360 degrees, are set in a circle, each with its own small desk-like surface on the right armrest. There is enough seating for everyone, planning taking into consideration the population of known Kindred of the Camarilla, many will likely remain empty. One might think the large setting might deter from speaking, on the contrary, the room's acoustics make up for it quite nicely when one wishes to speak, or for those close, they can take a private moment to discuss issues among themselves without interrupting the main speaker. Security stands on the outside of the entryway to insure only Camarilla members are admitted. While other staff are ready to provide glasses of bloodwine for those that choose to enjoy such refreshment.


Ghost Raksmei Blackwell Never


Deirdre Jack Frost Aeric Sargon Silvana Jax

Aeric walks in from Elysium with Deirdre attached to his arm, leading his new ghoul into her first court as a Camarilla ghoul of the Tremere even. Let the Tremere ghoul snickerfits begin and end after this pose. Seriously. Once inside he leads her up to the front and picks a row out right where Jax will be right in front of them at all times and then claims it. Every seat. For the Tremere. Having done that, the elder takes a seat in the second from the left so that Jack Frost might have the honor of having the left most seat and crosses his leg, hands held together at his knee as he insists Deirdre sit next to him on the third chair from the left. And then he's quiet, simply waiting.

Constance slips in quietly and finds herself a place in the back against a wall rather than among the seats. Just here to b a fly on the wall, she doesn't attend these things often after all.

Jax is already seated within the circle sipping from a silver goblet when others begin to arrive. His assistant, William, stand nearby, just behind him, ready to attend to the whim of the Seneschal.

Sargon takes a seat at the far end of the 'Tremere' row. The very end. The last seat, even.

Silvana makes her way in pausing to look around as if deciding just where she will sit.

Dierdre takes the seat where indicated and gets settled, legs crossed hands in her lap. She keeps her eyes front just watching the spectacle that is court in the Camarilla. Last time she attended such a function it was held in a strip club she though doubts this will be equally as amusing.

Jack Frost moves quietly into the room, a cold wind ruffling his clothes and blowing blustery about him. The lights overhead dim and flicker before settling, He moves to sit in the chair next to Aeric. Tremere noding to Aeric and Sargon

Never wanders in, without his ever-present satchel in tow. Tonight he has decided to dress to impress and is wearing a white dress-shirt, tie and slacks, actual dress shoes and one would swear he's wearing cologne. Once inside he walks over to stand next to Aeric.

Folks are just beginning to gather. Of the guests so far; Aeric, Constance, Jax, Sargon, Silvana, Deirdre, Jack Frost, Never, and Raksmei.

Raksmei enters the ballroom looking lost and perhaps a bit intimidated. Her nervous smile and the scroll she carries in her hands all scream fresh meat! Fortunately for the neonate, the Seneschal's small stature makes him easy to find among the throng of regularly sized Kindred and their ghouls. She heads in that direction with the false smile underscored by tension one would expect to see on a new member of a pep squad that hopes the other girls will accept her.

Sophistocation. Style and Nobility. Black and White, well...grey. Dressed in an englishman's fine suit of grey tweed, the newest representative of the Nosferatu makes his way into the Ballroom with a practiced grace that comes with hundreds of years and thousands of meetings of the Praxis. Fashionably late by all accounts, he steps inside with his gloved hands and mills around the local population with the odd bow here and there to some until he finds a seat to observe how things are done in Prospect.

Ghost enters with a relatively neutral look on his face -- and proceeds to firmly plant himself against his typical spot, which is a wall. Boot lifting away from the floor to prop against it as well, his glowing blue eyes shines forward, waiting for the festivities to commence.

Aeric looks around as people begin to filter in and nods at Sargon and Jack Frost, peering up as Never stands next to him, "Never, you don't need to stand before me. Take a seat next to Deirdre. I'll let you know if I need you." Then a smile as he looks at Jax and awaits the beginning of court.

Jax watches everyone come in from where he sits, waiting until all have found a seat within the circle and settle themselves. The young Asian woman with the scroll approaching, while the others find a chair, catches his gaze. He sips his wine, but says nothing to her, letting the unfamiliar woman to state her business.

Raksmei bows to Jax before handing him the scroll. "I am Raksmei of Clan Toreador sir," she looks at all the vampires staring as she becomes the star of the moment. Perhaps the mortal attention was easy but being the focal point for a society of monsters is unnerving. "My sire is Raul Cardenas of San Francisco. My credentials are provided." This speech sounds very much rehearsed.

Sargon sits and does mental math. To pass the time. To the outside world, however? It might very well appear as if he is intently fascinated by the goings on. That, or getting ready to cast some sort of wicked Area of Effect, Damage Over Time spell. Maybe. Its the sunglasses he wears that add an element of the inscrutable.

Silvana looks at the Tremere corner and can't help but give a little smile and bow to the elders. She does give Dee her own little wave before she makes her way over on the other side sitting down kind of by herself. She crosses her legs and takes out a pad as she seems to be getting ready to take notes. She smiles at Jax and bows her head respectfully to him. The new woman in the room gets her attention as she looks her over a bit.

Never seems to fidget a bit in the suit but remains near Aeric so that should he is needed he's within arm's reach.

Ghost just leans against the wall, waiting for court to start. He folds his arms over each other, as if wordlessly wanting the show to begin.

Dee returns the wave to Silvana but does little else to attract attention to herself for the moment.

Blackwell offers a faint wave and nod to Jax to make his presence known. For the moment he'll wait on his own introduction so as not to step upon the glory of another.

Jack Frost nods to Silvana and looks around to check on each of his Tremere, He returns his attention back to Jax with a faint frown, he folds his hands over his lap and waits, the elder could be a statue carved from ace for as little movement as he shows, but for the slight stiring of his hair in the chill spectral wind that swirls about him.

The current pose order is Aeric, Jax, Sargon, Silvana, Deirdre, Jack Frost, Never, Raksmei and Blackwell

Aeric continues to wait.

Jax takes a sip of his wine with a gesture for Raksmei to have a seat. Then looks around the circle to those that have gathered, "Welcome. Let us begin. I would like to open by asking is there anything that anyone wishes to announce or request formally before the court?" his gaze drifting over each person, lingering for a moment before moving on, remaining with those that speak. Silvana looks around but lets someone else answer that question as she will follow not lead this one.

Sargon switches over to playing mental Blackjack with himself. 'cause it was more fun the simple unadorned mathematics. Outwardly, however? Nothing has changed. Focused. That's the descriptor most apropos at the moment.

Dee looks to Aeric but as he has yet to move or speak she simply contemplates her nails as she waits.

Never is uncertain as to some of the faces within the court - or possibly even how to act in court but he's quickly learning. Certain that Aeric will give him a nod should anything need to be conveyed, the strippling gangrel starts to mill about the crowd and making the occasional nicety and greeting. Fluttering here and there, he's as social as a harpy whether he understands the comparison or not.

Raksmei finds a seat as the seneschal bids. She looks for someone with a friendly face at the table which ends up being Silvana. She seats herself next to the other woman with a brief smile before looking back to the proceedings. She has already done her part.

Jack Frost looks to each of his Tremere and says "Currently the Issue butween my Clan and the Rogue Entity named Draven and Clan Toreador is being resolved between myself and the Keeper. There will eventualy be peaceful resolution. However I beleive Aeric had some issues that should be addressed by the Court?" he glances to Aeric arching a brow.

Blackwell seems to be vaguely following the motions of the people in the court; who's sitting with whom, who is speaking or not speaking with each other and the like. The young 'kid' that was standing with the Tremere draws his attention for a moment but only that. What -does- the Elder see in the lad? Must be a case of 'My Faire Gangrel'. Oh goody - the Warlock Primogen is starting the ball rolling. Perhaps things won't be entirely dull this evening.

Aeric makes a gesture at Never to come closer and begins to whisper something in his ear, almost picking up on the new direction Jack is taking things.

Jax smiles, though it is mostly hidden behind his goblet as he sips on his wine, when the Tremere Primogen speaks. Attention turns to Mr Foard when mentioned, interest is shown in his expression. "What is on your mind?"

Sargon raises a hand up to his ear, stroking the hanger of his sunglasses and mutters. "Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but I feel some of you abuse the privilege. Playing a warrior is easy Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Mortal Strike, Execute." His brow creases in agitation. Is it some newfangled version of Google Glass? Apparently he's transitioned from Blackjack to WoW.

Silvana looks towards the Tremere and then to Jax. She starts to make some notes but for the most part she is really quiet. She does give Raksmei a smile when she sits by her but she seems to be paying attention to those that speak.

When Jack speaks of Draven and The Keeper the girls lips compress in to a tight little line for a moment then she turns away having found an interesting spot on the wall where she seems to be willing the paint to peel. Deirdre turns her attention to Aeric and Never for a moment then she seems to loose interest her eyes moving towars the walls and then the ceiling. Fingers idly brush off one of her knees and she again folds her hands in her lap treating this like church where it's better to go unnoticed unless you piss off god.

Jack Frost leans back, a slight smile touching his lips and his eyes half lidding as if the old codger might drift of and take a nap, his porcealin hands folding once again on his lap and all motion all animation to his statue like form vanishes, but for the movement of those azure blue eyes beneath there crescent lids and the stiring of his hair in frosty wind.. He watchs.

Never slinks back to Aeric - though it takes a while for him to get back to the Tremere corner. Once there, he leans in close enough to hear the whisper. This could be something interesting - or so he would hope. Upon hearing the message he takes four, big steps out from the Tremere corner, ensureing that he's standing before the Seneschal before he speaks. "It is my pleasure as the Herald to Elder Foard to inform you that he found your grace's lack of movement upon this issue undesireable. You have, in his opinion, let a gargoyle that, once he killed his captors, returned to a chantry and murdered every tremere in it. At that point, it was no longer an isolated incident. It was an incident for the Praxis at large which was recognized with a blood hunt. Your decision to not hold one aside, the traitor is still a criminal and murderer and well within anathema territory, but he is concerned that the Seneschel and Prince stay quiet while he is paraded around our praxis." Once finished reciting the message, the Herald bows before the Seneschal and returns to the Tremere's corner of the ballroom.

At the end of Never's statement, Ghost claps. Loudly. His hands impact against each other in slow, loud, smacks, resonating through the room in some kind of apparent approval.

Raksmei cringes at the talk of hunts and blood. She keeps her silence.

Blackwell seems positively surprised - not an easy task considering that he's an Ancilla of the Nosferatu. Oh - now this is something that will hold his attention. He knew of the rumors but this...oh this is...Court! God he's missed out on so much during his long sleep.

Jax never moves his gaze from the silent wizard pointed out by his Primogen. Never's words are probably heard, but no expression is given his way, he simply appears to be waiting for Aeric to say something. With his further silence he turns to the others, "Does anyone else have anything to announce or request formally of the court?"

Raksmei just wallflowers in her seat. Fledglings are to be seen and not heard unless spoken too.

Sargon sighs, muttering softly to himself again in a low throaty growl. "Look, no one said that 31 man raids were an easy thing to navigate. And yes, I /do/ keep Mortal Strike bound to Q partly for the convenience, but mostly for the irony." A pause, "Oh, right like sitting there helpless as a bunch of Alliance crowd around you like you're a Japanese girl in a bukake video is soo much better. Pft!" A sigh and then he rises, making his way along the perimeter towards the exit. "Gimme a sec, I'll uplink us through a wider node. Then you had better sit down and strap yourself in 'cause you're gonna be in for a rough fucking ride. WHile you may very well be right that PvE is like playing chess against a retard who will make the same moves every time you play against him, I still maintain that PvP is like playing chess against /2/ retards who will make the same moves every time you play against them." And with that? Sargon exits stage left. Or right. Or whichever direction the exit is located in respect to the main stage.

Turning her head Deirdre listens as Never speaks, or rants depending on your point of view then looks at Aeric for a long time. She then shifts slightly the chair must be uncomfortable as her back is now angled towards the two Tremere she sits with. She looks up towards Jax as he speaks then away again as she rummages in her bag for a mint or something to keep her hands busy with and her mouth shut.

Silvana raises a brow and for a moment she looks like she is going to speak but instead she closes her mouth and continues to take notes looking from one person to the next.

Jack Frost simply archs an eeybrow, a slight frown creasing his blue lip, but other then that the Elder remains silent having spoken his peice.

Never hangs close to Aeric and the other Tremere for a while - waiting a bit before he returns to his meanderings around the crowd. So much information to acquire, share, and in some cases, sell.

Aeric doesn't seem phased in the least by Jax's ignoring of Never, "I just wanted to see how dedicated you were to your idiocy really. You can ignore heralds all you want, but they're an established right of elders within our society known as the Camarilla. I wonder if you would treat the Inner Circle's heralds the same way? Or perhaps an Archon's? Or a justicar's? I imagine you wouldn't seeing as they'd likely remove you from your seat along with the prince." Pausing for a minute he looks to Sargon as the man makes his weird exit, "Right, Anyways, with that done," and back to Jax, "Perhaps you'd like it said again? You are incapable of performing your job and your duties. This is evidenced in your general mannerisms. Such as the way you spent your entire last court session insulting a clan and bringing up false problems that exist only in your head. Put simply: I am tired of it. If the prince wishes to rule from afar I have no issue with that if proper leadership is present. You Jax are not proper leadership. You are a midget with an inferiority complex. As if we needed more proof of your incompetence, we have the draven situation. It was entirely one thing for him to be removed from our sight and ignored, it's entirely another for him to be paraded around our praxis by our own people as if he is some kind of show pony. Yet you say nothing. Nothing at all about the criminal that now stalks our halls. That insults and reminds everyone in the camarilla, not just the tremere, of his power over our organization and our lives. Yet we tolerate this, imaginably because you have no backbone."

Constance's brows lift, but she says nothing from where she's settled in the corner.

Raksmei cant help herself with all this talk of blood hunts and incompetent midgets. "I...Ive never killed anyone," she admits and immediately regrets it.

Again, Ghost claps -- repeatedly -- wordlessly showing support to the words that are coming out of Aeric's mouth.

Silvana looks really surprised at Aeric's words to Jax. She keeps taking notes of what is being said or maybe she's texting hard to tell what she does with all her gadgets sometimes and takes a deep breath but says nothing letting the grown up speak.

Deirdre listens in silence but her lips do quirk just a let. She then begins to look around the room at each kindred in turn just in case by the end of court she will need her second new dominator with in as many weeks.

Constance's brows knit and she looks down and peers at her toes for a while. The quiet Caitiff keeping her peace though she's shaking her head a bit.

Jack Frost says quietly "Now.. now.. Aeric good sir, keep it polite." He dosnt curb the man from expressing his opinnion only reminds him to couch it in gentlemans terms.

Blackwell holds a gloved hand up though he makes no effort to raise it any higher than as far as his elbow is resting upon the arm of the chair he's seated in. The raise of his hand, in part, is simply a gesture to indicate that he has a thought that he wishes to be known. "Forgive me, Lord Xander, but I can not help but comment upon this matter. -IF- what the Tremere say is true and one who has killed two of theirs is present in this city - blood must be paid." He offers a nod to both Jack Frost and then to Aeric before he continues, "It is honorable that the Clan was willing to accept his removal from their sight - though I doubt that I would recommend the same for my own. We, of the Nosferatu, do not forgive those who trespass against us so easily." Turning his attention back to Jax he then offers, "That being said...the Seneschal's willingness to attempt to appease the -whims- of the Toreador must be commended. The duties of his office are not without their headaches. I think it is clear where this problem lies: with the one who caused the whole problem in the first place - the one who offered the traitorous creature asylum." With that, he bows to both parties and folds his hands before him.

Jax looks around, eyes lingering on everyone for a moment or two, ending on Aeric with a smile, "If you wish to speak, then speak. Do not send messages through probationary Kindred. Your Herald is not yet a proven member of the Camarilla. How can one trust his words to be those of an esteemed Elder. Your opinion of my service to this Praxis is noted, yet for an individual only in the city for five minutes, its value is noted accordingly. There is no obligation for this Praxis to continue a bloodhunt on a slave from another. An actual esteemed member of this court has offered sanctuary to this Gargoyle, I am certain the Primogen of both clans will come to an agreement regarding this."

'BOOOOO!' yells the Ghost, his blue eye flaming in glaring hatred for the words that are spoken. He doesn't move from his position against the wall, hands cupping his mouth to ensure that his voice projects throughout the entire hall; in way more Brujah-like fashion than the well-mannered Tremere.

Dee touches Aeric on the shoulder and motions him closer to speak to him in private if he will. Most likely on the subject at hand unless of course it's just she is hungry.

Silvana looks towards Ghost then towards Jax with a unsure look on her face and takes a rather long deep breath. She then looks down at her notes.

Raksmei grimaces at Ghost's response. She doesnt need to have been dead long to recognize a heckler when she sees one. The Camarilla was wo much more civilized in her sires depictions of them. A very small, "what-ever," escapes the models lips before she can clamp them shut again.

Jack Frost turns his icy Glare on Ghost and gives him a withering stare he says in a loud and stern voice of Ice "Ghost, you will express yourself Politely, and with sophistication. We may not agree with the words and actions of the Praxis but we can express our displeasure as Gentlemen.. Am I understood?" He then tuns his gaze back to the Seneshal and says "Oh indeed, the two 'Clans' are working together to resolve the Issue of Dravens custody to each of our satasfactions. However I beleive what my Fellows are refering to is the Lack of seriousnes with wich the Praxsis has 'lacking' addressed it. And One day or One thousand days present does not change the validity of that wich is spoken. And I find it loathsome that you constantly undervalue the words and wisdom of the newcomers to this city, I am nine hundred and thirty two years old.. you are all New Commers to me..shall I so in turn dissregard your words for not being sufficently advanced in years?" He settles back to stillness.

Constance inclines her head to Jack and her brows knit before she looks once more back at Jax and the others. For the most part she's remin neutral faced except for a few small frowns and a little shift of her head or the folding of her arms.

Aeric nods, "I see, so it's my understanding that you see nothing wrong with harboring a fugitive? Regardless of being a fugitive of this place or whether or not you wish to call a blood hunt, which isn't what we're talking about here, you are still giving your protection to a man who gave final death to an entire swath of Camarilla. A man who today brags about his crimes against the Camarilla. In actuality, this isn't about Draven anymore. We were more than happy to ignore him and let him find his own way, but this is a new low. Since when does a praxis harbor the criminal of another praxis? Then again, you also harbor a primogen that breaks our traditions most willingly. I'm sure you know of this but instead choose to ignore it. If that is truly how you feel, then it shouldn't surprise me you have no sheriff. What praxis needs a sheriff if they've no intention of enforcing any law? I have only one question for you jax and you would do well to watch how you answer it lest I interpret to say you have abandon for our ways. If you answer it in that way, that might just find its way up to our inner circle. You may have big status here, but I've been around the world. My question is simple: Were one of your primogen breaking the first tradition and revealing our secrets to the enenmy, what would your actions be?"

Jax calmly turns his attention to Ghost, "I see the Tremere's reputation has not faltered in this Praxis. It seems only your Primogen has a measure of civility." raising his goblet slightly, his assistant lingering in the background coming to refill it. "I have given no such protection, nor has the Prince. The Gargoyle is still Non-Camarilla as is your Herald, born of the Sabbat I believe." kinda mentioning it matter of factly, "So until the clan Primogen come to a consensus, yes, the Praxis will stay out of this. Your anger and objections noted."

Aeric peers back at Jax, "I didn't ask that. Stop dodging the question. Were one of your primogen breaking the first tradition and reavealing information about us to our enemies, what would your actions be?"

Never blinks in surprise and can't help but bark out a, "WHAT!?" Since he's totally in the dark about his parentage other than simply being of the Gangrel clan. Jack Frost only glances at Aeric to remind his fellow Elder to maintain his civility. But apparently dosnt see a need to say anything else. He does nod slightly to Jax when he acknowledges the complains as so far stated. He returns to that motionless impassiveness.

Jax sips his freshened wine and smiles to the question, "I would ask for the facts of the situation and go from there. By all means, present your facts."

Silvana can't help but rub the bridge of her nose a little bit as people talk and takes one of those rather deep breaths before she continues with her note taking this time though she doesn't look up.

Blackwell is quite entertained in this, his first court in the city. He can only wonder what the next revelation will bring.

Aeric chuckles a bit and pats Deirdre on the head quietly, "I see. Your answers seem to always be vague and uninterested. I guess it's no surprise we've stagnated as a praxis." He leans back in his chair and nods at Jack Frost, "Right, of course. I think I made my point. I wonder though, i'm truly curious, if we held a vote of no confidence, how confidant are you, Jax, that you would be standing as the victor at the end?"

Jack Frost says softly to Aeric "I beleive youve made your point. Let us not monopolize the courts time. I am sue there are other Clans with matters they wish addressed."

Raksmei tries to make sense of the proceedings with a small amount of success. She is silent as her words hold no weight here. Young to the blood and not yet aknowledged, she simply observes.

Silvana clears her throat a little bit as she decides to speak though she doesn't look up just yet "Senechal didn't you have domains that you were thinking of speaking about at this meeting?"

Jax chuckles, "It amuses me you think this is a Democracy. Perhaps your talk of travel and age is a bit exaggerated." then looks across the room, "There are new faces to be introduced. Lord Blackwell, if you would introduce yourself to those who might not have met you. And Ms Raksmei, if you would do the same when he is done." a nod to each in turn.

Blackwell nods to Jax and stands from his seat so that he could be seen by the others. "Certainly Lord Xander," he begins and looks to the various factions represented within the ballroom. "As named, I am Lord Thomas Blackwell, Ancilla of the noble Nosferatu clan, recently arrived from New York." With a glance to Jack Frost he noddingly bows his head with respect to the Primogen and then does the same for Jax. "I have been out of the world for a time, but now that I have returned I found myself eager to learn of the state of affairs for the Camarilla. I look forward to speaking with...all of you, in time."

Raksmei nervously stands. "Hi ummm, Im Raksmei of the Toreador Clan," her voice is very valley girl as she pretends at sophistication. "You might know me as my stage name which is Saven Mi but like, Im a model not a stripper because ummm, stripping is for ugly girls and losers and stuff so.....So Im super excited to be here but Im kinda scared cause you guys dont have a sheriff and stuff. My sire said the sabbat will like, eat you and take your soul which is like, some kind of bad highlander movie but I die at the end so....I hope some big guy takes the job and....super excited to be here. Ill be back and forth from here to LA and Frisco and New York and stuff so....if Im not here Ill be back eventually. So thats me.." she does am awkward little jiggle of her shoulders followed by a hang loose sign. "Im Raksmei...thanks." She sits down quickly

Constance's brow lifts an she smiles a bit. But once the introductions are up Connie starts, while still practically hugging the wall, inching her way towards the door.

Silvana smiles at Rak trying to be encouraging to her befor she looks at the others then back to Jax.

Dee blinks at the last introduction and shakes her head, clearly reminded of something as the woman speaks. Instead of saying anything she simply pulls her bag in to her lap and looks over at Aeric, perhaps feigning sickness can get one out of court like it does gym class.

Jack Frost nods to Blackwell and offers him a smile, he looks about the room one more time and then settles back again to listen.

Aeric nods at the new comers and waits to see how the rest of this goes, leaning over to whisper at Deirdre.

Silvana continues to take notes as people talk. She pauses and turns to look at Jax.

Deirdre lifts a brow at what is said and replies quietly before settling back in her chair to wait it out. The girl continues to look around putting names to faces and making all those snap judgements young people are infamous for.

Jax smiles to both with a bow of his head, "Welcome to Prospect, I look forward to speaking with you individually in the near future." and again, he turns his attention back on the group, "The last topic I have is the distribution of Domain. There are still those that have not requested any, which is fine. They may still approach me in the future to discuss it. As of now, it stands, the Brujah have domain over the University of Prospect. The Toerador have laid claim over the Arts, with the exception of the personal domain of the Lasombra, Mirela, Carnegie Theatre. The Gargoyles have been granted the territory of our border, the Overpass and the blocks just east of it. The Ventrue have domain over Judicial and Legislative matters in the city. This is what is recognized as Clan domains. Those not mentioned are urged to come forward with their requests."

Jack Frost frowns his eyes sparking when the Brujah are anounced as holding domain over the University.. slow rage begins to seeth in the oldmans eyes, and the sound of grinding ice can be heard from his jaw. The knuckles of his hand turn a starker white as the flex around the signet ring he wears.

Constance raises a hand then, after Jax's announcement.

Blackwell raises his gloved hand at the mention of domains and territories. "Excuse me, Lord Xander - but did you say that the =BRUJAH= have claimed the University?" He can't help but look around the room as if he were waiting for someone else to tell him that he heard it all wrong.

Silvana looks up from her note taking and regards Jack with a raised brow as he looks like he is about to blow.

Blackwell looks like he was ready to ask the very same question that was raised about the University when two other voices do it for him. Well, at least he's not the only person who thinks it odd that the Brujah would claim such a territory.

Jax looks to Never with an affirmative nod, "You heard correctly. There was no contest for the request, so it was granted. It was made known to all members of the Clans to consider such a boon. I was a bit disappointed in the response to such an offering. It does not come often for most Kindred."

The quiet blue eyed Sister keeps her hand raised but does not speak out. She waits quietly with her hand up but make no other effort to call attention to herself. She well knows her place it would seem. Her gaze flits between Never and Jax, then Clan Tremere for a long moment before she looks back towards Jax. ^Constance, totally had her name in there.

Jack Frost says softly "It was made clear that The university wich has allways been Tremere domainw as desired by us.. The PRince today has iniciated clan war between the brujah and the Tremere through his decree to the Seneshal.."

Aeric coughs, "Everything up to Belvedere and Ash, which is my Territory. As well, since the Brujah lack a primogen, Who was it that made this request? The brujah have no recognized clan speaker unless someone forgot to announce such."

Jack Frost nods to Blackwell and to Calamity and says with concern "Clearly war is not our desire.. However I have restrained my Clan in the face of grave insualt after insualt, I have sued for Peace among my children.. And yet again another act of insualt is thrown at us. You test even my great power to hold them restrained.. Till such control breaks and the tides of clan to clan challange is inevitable. And again Though the Brujah speaks pasionately he speaks outside of the Law.. For the brujah have spoke and they have spoken that they have No Primogen to make such a claim.. and thus the Prince can only desire one outcome by speaking for them, through his Toreador Seneshal.. And I am alais powerless to stop the expected response that will come like thunder and hail."

Constance's brow lifts and she looks sharply at Jack Frost, so much her hand nearly falls from it's place of desired attention. INstead she looks away after a moment blinking and covertly glancing towads Jax.

Calamity chuckles, walking across the room to see if his posted sign is still present. "First of all, I don't tell you how to cast yer spells or do yer voodoo, so I'd appreciate it if you don't pretend to tell the Brujah how they want to respresent themselves. I volunteered to represent my clan and there was no contest from any of our admittedly small membership. The Madame is a recluse, the others too young or too weak. I do speak for Brujah in the berg, don't doubt that." He nods to Mr. Frost, "Jacks' speak with reason, nobody wants war, certainly not when stolen power is in the mix with true vitae. Do ya'll need a memo on ever matter the Brujah discuss amongst themselves?"

Jax nods recognizing the Sister, a smile to all the assumptions from Clan Tremere, "Yes Sister?" allowing the two prideful Clans debate the law.

Silvana stands besides Calamity after some more notes are taken. She looks like she really wants to say something but keeps her mouth shut as she looks towards the others.

Constance is silent watching before she turns her eyes towards Jax, the calm charismatic young caitiff finally speaking, "Seneschal, as Domains have been assigned I would like to ask now, ahead of time, if anyone minds if I enter their domain for the purposes of blood drives, vaccination campaigns, and other health and mission related activities I may need to attend for the Church and Charity. In retun I will offer as I do for the Prince a small record of the findings we have in the area as all blood drawn and vaccinations are recorded for the saftey of the donors as well as those who recieve the donations. It allows us a unique opporunity to monitor the sickness, blood availability, and any other varied physical phenomena that may affect the Domain's feeding habits."

Constance adds softer, "No one needs answer now, if Miss Silvana would kindly just add it to the minutes and list my contact information I would be grateful."

Aeric holds a hand out to Jack Frost, "It's alright. Let's assume he speaks for the Primogen, absent as they are. I'm sure we can settle this later."

Jack Frost smiles at Constance and says "Tremere bares no objection to your doing so within University grounds." weather this is a joke or not one cant tell from his flat expression.

Aeric holds a hand out to Jack Frost, "It's alright. Let's assume he speaks for the Primogen, absent as they are. I'm sure we can settle this later." Then to Constance, "And Sister, you are always welcome in Mission plaza. Let me know if you are hassled and I will fix it."

Ghost just remains silent resting against that wall, glowing blue eye passing from person to person as they speak, in turn.

Constance smiles and nods to Jax and slips back to her position of 'just another flower pot', though she does incline her head thankfully but ambiguously the Tremere's direction.

Silvana makes notes though she looks towards the Tremere a bit more coldly before her features soften as she glances at Constance and she nods to her to let her know that notes have been noted.

Blackwell turns his attention to Jax to see how the Seneschal will respond to the partial claim by the Tremere on the University. Once the territorial issues seems to die down a bit he speaks up, "Oh, let there be no mistake, I, speaking on behalf of the Nosferatu, would also -invite- the Seneschal to consider our petition for the territory. It is, perhaps, an oversight that our clan was not present when the mention was made to make such claims - we -do- tend to be a bit aloof, but as an Ancilla of the clan, who is present in court, I would offer myself as a representative in future discussions."

Calamity does a little eye rolling at all this back and forth. "I'll ask my people Constance." He looks back to Jax before he returns to speaking to the room, though he clearly addresses the Tremere. "The city of Carthage was older than some clans here today, and it was the bright spot on the planet for man aspects of life one connects with universities today. Have the Tremere laid claim to those grounds in the past, when the city was populated by less active members of my clan only? Perhaps. Have they done their duty to protect it, to offer propper stewardship? Perhaps not. The Sabbat Terrorist Marion Ashley breaks our Masqurade with her very presence, and yet she's been allowed to frequent and coffe shop within' spittin' distance of the institution. Have the Tremere corrected this threat to us all? No. They worry about personal vendettas and slights concerning their former servants. I trailed Marion to that place and I cut her vile fingers from her hands. She's on notice, respect the masqurade in our lands upon threat of death at my own hands. Do the Tremere fight so hard to defend their claim? Obviously not, or I would not have had such an opportunity to prove my passion for our cause."

"Here we go again!" A finger is pointed to Calamity as he mentions Carthage. Ghost says this is in a way and mannerism that makes one expect that he was just waiting for Carthage to be brought up.

Jack Frost says, "Obvious the Creatue Marion feared our stewardship of the Unviersity that she dared not enter the university grounds. and such issue as you have was done outside the border of our terratory.. Do not fault me for my neighbors..""

Aeric slow claps, "Oh great, he also thinks that he's the sheriff. Wonderful, so you cut her fingers off in plain sight and stand here today to lecture us about protecting the Masquerade? Oh boy, I don't think Irony is quite the word for this."

Calamity snaps his fingers then and points, "Then you show the shortsighted ness of your young clan, You claim the university, while Brujah claims the university and the lands around it. One is foolish to think of a school as just a plot. It is a community."

Deirdre blinks and looks at Aeric after Calamity makes his statement. A hand goes to her temples as she begins to rub perhaps court has given the girl a headache.

Jack Frost says, "then I chalange you the momment something occure in the domain next to that.. then next to that domain as allso your responsability."

Constance once more starts to inch towards the door. She's not leaving, exactly, court hasn't been broken after all. But she seems to be making an attempt to be near the gate when the bell rings.

Jax smiles to the Nosferatu when he mentions his bid for the territory. "Interesting. As I had mentioned, I contacted all members of the clans, there was no concern if there was a recognized Primogen or not. Those with Primogen were given the respect in that regard. Every Clan had equal right to make a request. The Tremere made none, and unfortunately, there were no Nosferatu present within the Praxis during this time. It is recognized as it has been decreed." still letting the others debate their position as he talks to Lord Blackwell..

Jack Frost says, "this is simply a Lie, Both I myself and My Whip Cedric made it clear we claimed humbly only the University and the Mission Plaza and the grounds of our Chantry.""

Calamity turns and nods to Aeric, "You bet your sweet ass I did mister." He speaks to the room again, as if that gives him some kind of moral high-ground as he passes about, starting to spittle a little as he talks. "Alaster did his job well, but as our kind do, he has lost his interest or her nerve. Whichever matters not. We need enforcement, and if none of you mooks are going to step up, ol' Calamity Jack is more than happy to get his knives dirty." He takes a deep, but unneeded breath. "If there is a clerical error on the matter of claims regarding the university, I'm sure my people will entertain leaving the issue open for further debate. It is, after all, our passtime, and we don't mean to gain anything by cheating."

Deirdre touches Aeric, "Might I be excused I am feeling rather ill. I am sure now one would wish to witness me loosing my lunch so to speak." She has her bag and other things gathered as she looks at Aeric.

Blackwell turns to the Primogen of the Tremere and makes a play worthy of his clan, "My Lord Frost, would you side your clan with mine to protect the University from such potential dangers? Both of our people, =known scholars and lore keepers=," he emphasizes the words while looking directly at the representative for the Brujah, "would make -excellent- stewards for the grounds within, without and -under- the halls of knowledge." Pausing only slightly he adds, "And besides...I would hate to tell my people that they had to move from the home they've maintained below the Quad for all these years."

Jack Frost nods to Calamity and says "As I said, it seems someone desires our Clans to come to War, and that it isnt my Desire, We clearly are willing to attempt to come to a Peaceful resolution between your Clan and Mine if such can be done. Weather that leadership is elserwhere currently or weather you are rattified by your clan to be Primogen. We will happily sit down to table and speak for a peaceble resolution and invite Nosferatu to the table as well since they to desire a stake in the topic." He nods to Blackwell "I can say this, where it in Tremeres hands to deed the seweres and steamtunnels beneath campus to the Nosferatu we would not chalange there tenant or stewardship of such places."

Jax lets his gaze bounce around the room as the debate goes on. There is nothing more he need say, appearing to enjoy the passion shown by all involved.

Silvana looks towards Jax and watches him as this all is unfolding and her eyes narrow a bit as she stares at him.

Aeric watches Jax with interest, "That's it? You're just going to ignore our claim? Why is the Brujah claim more important than our own? Ours was even submitted twice."

Jack Frost nods to Aeric and says "Calm.. brother. The Seneshal has stired the pot. It is our choice how we respond.. Calamity Blackwell, We would meet with your clans your leadership whoever that may be that you choose to represent your clan. And we will discuss a trade and political solution between our Clans as it was done in the old day. If we three are all idealists and Scholars then let us act as such to a common ground? Im sure we can reach a peaceable solution dispit the gas being plied in the fire.

Calamity nods firmly, "I'm glad that we can agree, Mr. Frost, that no conflict is desired." A personal note before, again, he talks to the room. "My people are saddled with the reputation of being warmongers and dullards. I can tell you I've seen the bloodiest fighting any of you could ever wish upon your enemies. I don't want fighting, I don't want war. I'm simply not afraid of it." He nods some, resolving himself, "I'll ask around with the other Brujah, see what they want to do about the territory." He nods some more, hand rubbing at his stubbled jaw as Jax enlightens him, "As for something one of the esteemed Tremere brought up... what are we going to do about the lack of Sheriff, deputies, or scourge? Again, I stand ready to serve as I always have."

Constance maks it to nearby the door but not in the way of it or the guards posted there. She leans back there, hands on the wall behind her, and she leans back on her hands. Still attentive.

Jack Frost nods to Calamity "I can respect that, I to was once a solider.." his eyes glaze over as if recalling "I cut my teeth asa neonite in the Tremere Tzimisci war, side by side with Mothers Gargoyles we fought the Vavodes Wicked Warghouls.. Ive no desire of war either.. but I do not shy from it."

Silvana keeps her gaze on Jax a little longer and then once again notes are taken she has grown distant and rather emotionless.

Aeric nods at Deirdre, "You are free to go of course as you please. Be safe going home."

Dee makes her way out avoiding the large mass of Kindred and skirting the crowd. Clearly relieved to be released from the asylum she makes a quick exit.

Constance sees everything is settling down again and then she raises a hand once more chewing her lip a litle nervously this time.

Jax finishes his wine and slides off his chair, "Being the issues left are Clan matters, I will conclude this meeting unless there is anything further from anyone."

Never whispers to Aeric and then looks at Jax as if he were curious if he should say anything or if his sponsor will be.

Silvana speaks up "We should start considering better escape routs if there is another lockdown " I'm sure some of the regulars that are about give her looks but she seemsto ignore them "And looks like we will be having some wishing those vacant seats maybe next court will have a new sherriff, Scourage and deputes"

Never chirps, "...And Harpy..."

Constance drops her hand, aiting to see if everyone's done before pushing off the wall. But her wrods remain held back while she waits to see if anyone else has anything to say. And when other things are brought up she waits once more.

Jack Frost stands and makes his way over to Silvana and says "Hush now with your serious and actual issues."

Jax responds on the Sheriff question, "No one has stepped forward with interest or capability. So it remains vacant." then looks to the Sister, to hear what is on her mind.

Silvana looks up at Jack as he steps over her "Well someone has too." she rolls her eyes then looks at Jax "That's because you all won't let me take it" she says almost seriously though she must be kidding.

Aeric offers, "Besides the fact that Calamity offered about three minutes ago yes? Right, besides Calamity, unless you're saying Calamity has not the capability for such a position."

Sargon makes his way back into the ballroom.

Blackwell peers towards Silvana as she makes a half-handed claim for the office of Sheriff. "Whose is that?" he asks audibly and asks the person nearest while pointing to the woman.

Jack Frost smiles at Silvana and says "there is but the simple matter of a Tremere embracing you standing in the way of your becomming Sheriff." He kisses the top of Silvana's head.

Jax chuckles at Aeric again, "You're all about the three seconds of fame, aren't you? three minutes is not an adequate time to make such a decision. Those serious will come to me to discuss it more in depth."

Constance smiles and nods to Jax, "I was wondering if I might have a moment of the Gentleman's-who-are-seeking-charge-of-the-University's attention, once more important matters are attended to of course."

Sargon has what appears to be some handheld video game console in his hands. "I love Scribblenauts. The spells you can store in here are just ... amazing." Then he looks up, his sunglassed gaze sweeping across the room. "Oh. Folks are still here." He'll offer up a cheerful smile. "What's the rumpus? We get to the good stuff yet?"

Silvana gets kissed on the forehead and looks up at Jack Frost"Oh is that all? That explains a lot" she wrinkles her nose and then looks to Jax and sighs.

Silvana looks at Jax quietly a she stands near Jack Frost.

Calamity is at this point just doing the post meeting walking around small talk with various people, some supporting him and many detracting. "Hrm? What?" He looks around, ahh, Constance is looking for him. "How can I help you?"

Jack Frost sighs and says to Silvana "I think the ship has sailed and you will have to bring up such importiant issues next meeting when certain partys can once again focus."

Silvana nods her head as she looks back to Jack as she stands near him "Yeah I know" she offers a faint smile.

Jax nods to Constance, "I will leave you to talk then, I have other business to attend to." his gaze drifting over the rest, "Good night all."

Silvana bows her head to Jax "Have a pleasent eveing Sir"