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Revision as of 11:30, 15 November 2013

Crime and Punishment
IC Date The Moot for November
IC Time When moots happen
Players WhitethunderBryanGeorgeVickyKaydinAddisonOwen BlanchardCherazartJaya
Location Caern of the Bear, Sept of the Enduring Spirit.
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls

[Garou] HoneyBadger has joined this channel.

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "Moot."

<OOC> Vicky says, "Moot?"

<OOC> Bryan says, "Yup"

<OOC> Bryan says, "Now"

<OOC> Vicky says, "Where?"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "YAY!"

<OOC> George says, "starting at midnight eastern? are they serious?"

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "Like.... 5 minutes"

[Garou] Nerdfolk Vicky says, "WHere?"

[Garou] Lonely Crow Whitethunder says, "YAY!"

<OOC> Bryan says, "It won't take long"

[Garou] << Time Stop >> Klem will not be there.

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "caern"

[Garou] Lonely Crow Whitethunder says, "Moots are ALWAYS held at the Caern, and you lose renown for not attending."

<OOC> George says, "I'll stay up as late as I can"

[Garou] Lonely Crow Whitethunder D

[Garou] Lonely Crow Whitethunder :D

Sending you to Caern.

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Contents: WhoopingCrane Totem Pole

Obvious Exits: Heart <HE> Catacombs <CA> Temple <TE> Amphitheater <AM> Clearing <CL> Large Cavern <O>

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "If you can't go, you will not lose renown"

Vicky has arrived.

[Garou] << Time Stop >> Klem leaves for work in a bit, and currently in a scene. And without pre warning, its kind of rude to those who are not online

Bryan has arrived.

[Garou] Lonely Crow Whitethunder says, "Someone Call of the Wyld's I'm guessing?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Popcorn is a dollar a bag."

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "Not my idea. Just being the messenger"

<OOC> Vicky is res5, i'm buying it all!

Whitethunder has arrived.

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "It will also be logged and posted and you may assume attendance if you wish"

[Garou] Nerdfolk Vicky says, "HB?"

[Garou] Nerdfolk Vicky makes a suggestion of posting the link to the log to the bboard with that caveat attached. <3 so the people that can't go can still 'go' and know it happened.

Kaydin has arrived.

Cherazart has arrived.

<OOC> Kaydin brings guest!

[Garou] HoneyBadger will do so, yes.

[Garou] Nerdfolk Vicky says, "<3 thankee"

<OOC> Cherazart says, "until I fall asleep I'm wide awake still bah"

[Garou] HoneyBadger says, "Anyone else?"

<OOC> Whitethunder swoons over Chera.

<OOC> Kaydin kicks WT

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Might wanna change your shoes out here, though."

<OOC> Vicky kicks him from the other side :p

<OOC> Whitethunder awks and points out her APPEARANCE OF FIVE!

The elder of few words (as one of the cubs dubbed him; none have been brave or stupid enough to suggest 'Silent Bob') is pacing back and forth, stopping only when Kaydin arrives. "I suppose it has been twenty-four hours, hasn't it. Perhaps we should have made a puddle of piss for /you/, you seem to be familiar with that sort of thing."

<OOC> Kaydin has an appearance of 4 and you say I is fugly

<OOC> Cherazart says, "I need to stop wearing business type outfits to the caern lol"

[Garou] George says, "they might not be on coms"

<OOC> Whitethunder didn't say fugly. Said flea-ridden sack of fomori shit!

<OOC> Bryan says, "Shhh."

Bryan comes in with Whitethunder, George and Vicky. They heard the call. They answered. They are here.

Kaydin comes and he walks towards the elder in homid form, taking his hat off and holding it in his hand as he waits for the elder to get done, watching him with a calm gaze.

[Garou] Owen Blanchard says, "Someone said a moot now?"

George stands loosely at attention behind his alpha, arms crossed over his chest and a shiny steel briefcase sitting by his feet.

Cherazart comes in with Kaydin but she doesn't approach anyone else. When he steps closer to the elder, she stays to the side. For now her features are a bit expressionless.

GAME: You inform Owen Blanchard of your wish to meet that player at your current location. Be advised that moving from the current position voids the +meet.

Whitethunder cries his Howl of Introduction at the edge of the Bawn, and sings for Vicky, too. He pads his way in breed form into the Caern proper, massive, amber-taloned hands stretched before him, eyes gleaming like freshcut topaz, his fur as black as the midnight voice but for the silvery tips that give him a faint 'halo' of shine. Over nine feet tall and as many hundreds of pounds, the war-shaped Metis slinks through the Bawn at the warders' behest, drawing near with George and Bryan as well as his claimed 'mate'. Coming into view of a new Kin, he rises slightly, scenting the air, and clearing his nose with a litle huff, but nodding respectfully to her.

Announcement: HoneyBadger shouts, "Last minute, spur of the moment moot for Garou and Garou kin. If you cannot make it for OOC reasons, you will not be docked renown. A log will be posted and a link will be put on the BBoards for viewing later and you may assume attendance. Starting now. Come to the Caern if you wish"

[Garou] @@Leaf On The Wind@@ Addison says, "this at the caern?"

Addison has arrived.

[Garou] George says, "yep"

[Garou] @@Leaf On The Wind@@ Addison says, "Good good, thor finished just in time"

[Garou] << Time Stop >> Klem is not coming for ooc reasons.

GAME: Owen Blanchard accepted your request to meet.

Owen Blanchard has arrived.

[Garou] << Time Stop >> Klem says, "Addison, or my pack mates may pose me as there if they desire."

Announcement: PoisonFrog shouts, "And yes, the Moot is clothing optional."

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "So we prepping for 3-4 hour scene?"

Vicky at least has clothing on this time. Padding next to the massive Metis in his breedform, she's utterly dwarfed by the towering beast. Walking hand in hand with Whitethunder, she looks nervous as fuck, even with George and Bryan there to help shield her from the others.

[Garou] Kaydin wouldnt have come if he could have helped it.

Cherazart nods respectfully to anyone who acknowledges her, but otherwise she doesn't speak until spoken to, at least at this moment. However, the idea of heels was not a good one and she starts to take her shoes off. It's been a long trek out here and perhaps more casual clothes are in order next time.

Owen Blanchard comes walking up the path. He has been out of town and just got back recently. The big man walks along with a gold wrestling belt around his waist.

Jaya has arrived.

Addison jogs through the trees, bow and a quiver over one shoulder. He slows down as he finds himself out distancing Jaya once more and waits for her to catch up before conintueing again.

Jaya hurries along after Addison. She's not -too- far behind really. She's getting back into shape! Honest! She grins, dark hair flying out around her, looking like a wild thing as she hurries along and leaps onto his back when he slows down so that she can catch up. She gives a little groan. "Okay, that was way way too far to run." She whispers quietly and huffs, clinging. He's strong enough. He can carry her.

<OOC> Kaydin says, "who's pose?"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "Not sure, think time for an npc or who ever is running the show."

<OOC> WhoopingCrane is working on one. Disclaimer: any mistakes should be interpreted as 'WC does not grok shifter in fullness' and not 'the elder is a moron'.

<OOC> Bryan says, "That would probably be WC. :)"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "will ask if we spot one should we page it to you?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "sure"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "ok just makeing sure if we needed to or it was a shut up and listen type thing"

<OOC> Jaya groks WC.

Whitethunder growls softly to Vicky, drawing her close to him "We will form a circle soon, sorted by ranks, with the highest at the head of the circle, and the lowest cub opposite him. There will be no fighting." he glances around for the Ritemaster, and continues "The Ritemaster will open the Moot with a howl, we will all join in, once the howl is complete the Moot opens. -Do not speak- during the open moot without direct permission or being called upon by the Grand Elder or Ritemaster. Doing so is foolish and dishonorable..."

Cherazart is merely kinfolk so she knows this is over her head. However, now that her feet are more comfortable she walks over to Kaydin and whispers to him for a moment before taking a step back so the business of the moon can begin.

The warder passes on patrol carrying a clothing iron at the end of a steel chain.

Owen Blanchard is moving towards where the higher ranking guys stand. His belt shinning in the fire light around, and he looks around curious why the quick gathering.

So no, the moot hasn't /formally/ started just yet. It does now, though, as the familiar procedures begin to take shape. "All who are not the Master of the Howl," the ritemaster intones, "fall silent and honor his voice!"

Addison nods his head as he comes near the others with Jaya. As the ritemaster calls the moot to order, he places a finger on his lips and grins at Jaya. QUiet and attentive, he moves to stand near any other Cliaths that are around, though his eyes glance once or twice towards that shiney belt about Owen.

Kaydin nods to Cherazart with a smile before hearing the intone of the ritemaster. This causes him to turn his attention back to the ones before him, waiting for the procedures to end and to be called forth.

Vicky leans back against Whitethunder, listening to his words and nodding. Not saying anything at all, but looking pale and tense, all the same. Glancing to Bryan and George, she notes where they are in the circle and nestles back in the protective layer of crinos arms.

George had been thinking about adding something to what Julius said but his jaw snaps shut with a click as the Moot formally opens.

Whitethunder takes his own space at the foot of the circle, off to one side slightly from directly opposite of the Ritemaster, a little lick to Vicky in parting as she will be left outside the circle unless the Ritemaster is some kinda bleeding heart Coggie that believes Kin should be within the Moot Circle. He knows he is a mid-ranked Cliath, rising up onto his paws and standing pin-straight, emphasizing his high purity as he looks down on the gathering in his Breed Form.

The Master of the Howl steps forward, a big, burly blond Crinos Galliard. He leans up, tipping his head back to the skies, letting forth a howl that can be heard for miles around. There is a reason he has been chosen. His voice is deep and resonating, almost painful, but with a sweet, perfect-pitched quality to it. He howls. It goes on. And on. And on, rolling into the night, echoing off the trees, bouncing off the rocks.

Jaya opens her mouth to say something, but even before Addison lifts his finger to his lips, the words of the ritemaster fill her ears and she too snaps her mouth shut. She sort of stands behind and to the side of Addison, staying out of the way for she hasn't the faintest clue what she's supposed to do. So... she just crosses her arms behind herself and waits. Considering for a moment, her body shifts quickly and where her body once stood, sits a wolf... in a pile of doe skins. She wriggles herself out of the clothes and just sits there silently, ears twitching as she listens intently.

Whitethunder joins in, cutting his voice aside to another note, always another note from the others, modulating instinctually so their howl carries for -miles- without the aid of gift or 'tricks'. He howls his pain, he howls his pride, he howls his Rage for the dying Mother they are sworn to protect, the long mourning rolling on and on with the Master of the Howl.

<OOC> Cherazart says, "need to try to go to sleep if i cant go to sleep ill be back"

Cherazart has disconnected.

Jaya might not be IN the circle, but she throws her head back and howls right along with the rest because... Howling. Matters!

Finally, the last echoes die down, leaving silence in their wake-- until the boldest of the nearby animals finish recoiling and resume going about their business. Meanwhile, the ritemaster addresses the crowd once again. "Garou shall not mate with Garou!" he says, keeping to the ceremony.

Wait? But! Vicky bites her lip and backs away from the circle, then grows very, very still as the howl begins. Arms folded under her breasts, she hunches her shoulders as if to be smaller and less offensive. More voices join in and she looks at the ground by her feet, breaking out in goosebumps.

Owen Blanchard is silent while he is supposed to be and waits listeing and watching. the big man not the most for ceremonies but even he knows when to respect some traditions.

The Fool jumps up to heckle, questioning always especially when the time is proper and the Elders can't tell him no. "But Metis Children are guaranteed warriors for gaia, rather than just taking our chances. Why ever not?!"

Whitethunder snarls at the fool!

Elder-of-little-words glares at Kaydin, but says nothing for the moment. He'll have his chance soon enough.

Addison waits as the howl finishes and then doesn't quite hide the small smile on his lips when the litany is spoken and the fool counters. His gaze briefly switches to Jaya before looking back to the fool and then to the ritemaster as if to look for a response.

Kaydin remains silent for now. When glared at, he simply looks on ahead with a neutral gaze on his face. He listens to the going ons and pays the proper respect.

Owen Blanchard cuts a look over to Whitethunder and brings his finger to his lips in the shush motion, towards the kid.

Jaya looks up at Addison and offers him a wolfish smile, tongue lolling out to one side of her mouth as her ears perk up at him. She listens quietly, dark eyes looking from the fool to the ritemaster. Her ears perk and twitch and swivel this way and that, listening intently, taking it all in.

The ritemaster argues back, and they go back and forth over the rest of the Litany as well. They've done this before. (Rumors that /they/ are mating are, of course, treason. Report all rumors.) Finally, after Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated, there's a dirge of a howl that goes up from the handful of lupus in the audience.

WhoopingCrane pages: I ask again, what's wrong with a pro wrestling belt? It's silly but you /can/ whack somebody over the head with it.

The warder passes on patrol carrying a clothing iron at the end of a steel chain.

Addison closes his eyes for just a moment at the dirge of a howl at the end of the litany arguments before raising his eyes to the sky. Finally, he looks back to the ritemaster, silent and still.

The Caller of the Wyld calls to Bear and gestures to the anchors, amongst them Whitethunder, and raises his arms to the skies. The Inner Sky connects us to our spirit allies, and reminds us of our ties to the Umbral Community we also share.

"We have gathered in this sacred place of Gaia, having called our brothers and Sisters of Gaia, and we now call our Brothers and Sisters of Luna!" The wind rises, caressing fur and skin, shushing through the trees and grass and little whispers raising as the thin gauntlet lets a taste of the spirit across.

The reedy Caller turns to face the eastern side, and the eastern Garu takes a stance remeniscent of the Snake, totem of Wisdom "East Wind! Bringer of the Dawn of Clear Air! East Wind! You who opens the way of speaking and of wisdom! East Wind, you who show us the far side of the Velvet Curtain, come to us! We thank you for clear thought and bright light!" The wind raises, blowing from the east, as the Jagglings of knowledge and wisdom rise to attend.

To the South Side, the hands are raised, and the southern Anchor takes the standing of Grandfather Wolf, snarling and raising into hackles as his form shifts to Hispo. "South Wind! Bringer of eternal fire! South Wind! Master of Rage who stokes our inner flame, that we may strike swiftly against our enemies! Come to us! We thank you for your fiery anger, and your guardian protection!"

To the west he calls to Unicorn, to the changing ways, to the many shapes and the emotions that give our lives meaning and light, that we might send love to the Mother, and rely on pack and the grace of the changing way.

To the North, the Caller turns, invoking the Sept Totem of Bear, the Healer, the bringer of the cold mountain, to the North Wind which brings Gifts and the Sacret Rites that bring the Nation together as a whole, a single culture to combat the corruption that threatens us all.

And finally into the center circle the Caller steps, crying out "Inner Wind! Bringer of blessings from Gaia, from within us all! You who hold our mother's power within us, come to us all! We thank you for your spirit, and your inner peace!" The Gnoses wells up thick, almost tangible, touching every garou, fur prickling and hair sstanding on end as that spiritual energy flows pure and strong through the Caern.

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJXBZbi2RJc @ 5:00"

Owen Blanchard says, "So they have whitethunder stand in one of the postions? may I ask which one?"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "So they have whitethunder stand in one of the postions? may I ask which one?"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "South."

<OOC> Bryan says, "N.P.C."

<OOC> Bryan says, "Oh. Or that"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "WT was mentioned as one of the anchors"

<OOC> Bryan says, "My bad"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "North is always high rank, likely Owen, East and West are always rank 2 and 3, with South being a Cliath."

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "Just asking as only pc mentioning being a metis claith seems odd"

<OOC> Whitethunder was asked to make the pose.

<OOC> Bryan says, "YOu do all THAT typing, you can poke yourself in there somewhere"

<OOC> Whitethunder has carpal tunnel now.

<OOC> Whitethunder has carpal tunnel and +1 honor.

The Master of the Howl lifts his voice once more, the sound building in pitch, clear and resonant, likely making every ear in the place fold over to block the sound. It's beautifully done, lifting high, perfect, and then shattering jaggedly off into little splinters, shattering the night.

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "didn't know you did the typing"

Whitethunder staggers a little under the cracking of the bone, a soft whine coming up from his throat as he shudders, succeeding in keeping his feet.

Kaydin is still silent. Observing peacefully.

Owen Blanchard keeps silent still. His arms crossed waiting and listening.

Vicky covers her ears, unable to handle that jagged, raw howl, waiting until the sound fades before folding her arms under her breasts again.

Ah yes, that one elder has been waiting for this. Acknowledged by the Truthcatcher, he steps forward and gestures toward Kaydin. "This one, known as 'Scraps', stands accused of multiple violations against his fellow warriors. Who will name these acts?"

Whitethunder waits a beat to look up the circle for higher ranked Garou.

Addison winces a little at the latest howl from the master of the Howl but manages to keep his hands at his sides and not covering his ears. As the Elder speaks of violations, his eyes search the group to find the one who is named.

Kaydin is indeed the one named Scraps. He remains silent still.

Whitethunder growls and lurches forward onto all fours, stepping into the circle and raising up again once he's three yards inside. "Julius 'Caesar' Whitethunder, Judge born of Garou, Cliath of the Shadowlord Tribe, Grandson of Jurgei Desparov Whitethunder does so name." He snarls out sharp and clear, eloquent for a Crinos, bowing his head to the Truthcatcher.

Bryan stands a little bit straighter, a little taller as Whitethunder lurches into the circle. He eyes George briefly, giving the faintest of nods.

"That in dispute he was raised to honorable challenge, a simple Facedown against myself, and that in such challenge he lost himself to the blood-rage, and opened himself to the Urge of the Wyrm. That in his Thrall upon the Bawn he would have laid waste to all, though he was stopped by the actions of Garou compassionate and loyal to the Mother. That in the wake of his deafeat he acted without honor, to cry voice and foul against the -challenge- that provoked him, against his defeat in Frenzy, and to show an inability to show deference to those who have gained such renown amongst our kind they are called Elder. He is not accused of cowardice, but of stupidity, and hubris, and venom against those he should stand in arms with, who would fight to protect him, and his value to the Nation, that he would, rather than seek redemption, rather cling to the -rightness- of his weakness to his own rage." Whitethunder accuses, pointing a long, taloned finger across the circle towards Scraps.

An older man steps forward as well, as soon as Whitethunder is done speaking. "There is more," the Philodox says quietly, though his voice resonates through the circle. "These are not things I have witnessed myself, but heard from the words of the spirits. "Two counts of falsely accusing a kin of being tainted. A kin was held hostage, bound to a chair. She requested to be turned over to her tribe mates, but was denied. One count of falsely accusing a garou of being tainted. This same situation, this same kin, bound so tightly she could barely breathe. One count of breaking the Litany: Respect ye all who are beneath ye - all are of Gaia. His treatment of this kin was brutal, excessive. One count of speaking poorly of another's tribe: It was implied that the Fianna could not take care of their own kin. One count of having poor relations with kin." The man sighs, bringing his steady gaze to Kaydin. Bound to a chair. For twenty four hours where she pissed herself. Terrified. Mute. Just as he is now. Wanting only to be turned over to her tribe."

Whitethunder steps back to give the older Philodox room, curling his lips in disgust at the accused.

The warder passes on patrol carrying a clothing iron at the end of a steel chain.

Owen Blanchard frowns deeply at this last bit. He looks over to Kaydin, and shakes his head a bit, seeming like the last behavor bothers him more than the first personally.

Any amusement on Addison's face fades away as he hears of the accusations brought forth by those speaking. His arms cross before him as he keps quiet for the moment.

The elder nods to the others in turn, then returns his attention to Kaydin. "And who will speak in his defense, since he cannot?"

Kaydin just remains neutral and when that charge came up he looks up not with fear, but with disgust. When said who will speak in defense, he almost scoffs before looking about.

Whitethunder pauses a long moment... Then steps forward.

Addison glances back to Jaya once more before looking towards the elders. He steps forward a bit. "Of the last accusations I would offer defense for him." he calls out.

Whitethunder huffs happily and jumps back.

Kaydin looks to Addison and gives a nod to him as he looks forward again. There was no fear in his eyes though some relief can be noted as he thinks the truth will come out.

George is still here, watching the proceedings with quiet respect and an iron willed control over his expression. Keeping it carefully neutral.

Jaya frowns faintly, not that one could tell much since ... wolf, but she watches Addison in confusion, her head tilts slightly and she lets her ears flop down as she stares after her mate.

Owen Blanchard keeps silent waiting to hear the defence.

Addison glances about at those around before taking a deep breath as he stands straighter. "I was called to help in the cleansing of the kin in question." He motions back towards the one accused. "He was faced with something he had not seen before. Would not any of you be unsure of how to proceed when address with similar?" he asks. "He claims the kin was hurt by other means and his binding her to the chair was down only as a last resort as she tried to harm herself and others. She was tainted that day, confirmed by another that I was there to witness. Should he have insisted her own tribe be contacted? Perhaps! But again, I say he was faced withi something he had never met before. She was freed after beign cleansed and not just because her tribe showed up. She would have been so regardless and healed of her wounds as well. What he did to her that day was to prevent further harm to come to her or others by her hand."

Whitethunder listens patiently to Addison, nodding softly. Even he's been guilty of mistaking Wyrm Taint where there wasn't any before, it -does- happen. And what wild lengths will we go to to cleanse it?

Kaydin remains silent as he listens to the defense and seems to agree with what was said.

Vicky stays quiet, listening without looking beyond a spot on the ground an inch or three away from the toes of her sparkly sneakers.

Addison motions against towards Kaydin. "He called for assistance when he found himself beyond his understanding of what to do. Two of us came, myself an an Uktena. The Uktena confirmed the taint and I cleansed her of it." He looks about the area at those listening. "She was released immediately afterwards though she was taken away by her own before she could be healed that day." He gives a firm nod then before stepping back a little.

Owen Blanchard says, "When was the kin's tribe contacted, how long was she held, before he sought assistance."

Whitethunder BLINKS at Owen!?

Bryan blinks as well. Speaking out of turn at a moot? Bryan eyes George briefly.

George doesn't wince, doesn't blink, doesn't even breathe. He waits, dark skinned, cold and silent as the grave.

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "This is an acusation, would not be the bone part, so should be open for any to ask questions."

Bryan senses "George is one of Gaia's own knives in the dark waiting for orders"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "It was explicitly described as Cracking the Bone earlier."

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "thought the crasking was done and this was after, since something like this questions need to be answered my ooc mistake then"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Cracking the Bone is a whole section."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "No one talks without permission at a moot. You can stand forwrad for the ritemaster to recognize you."

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "Well was ooc mistaken on timing and own would step forward for the bone and then ask the question"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Remember that 'WC does not grok moots in fullness' earlier? /You/ should grok moots in fullness. I'm just going off a wiki page and this was clear to me. I will now consult the God of Random Chance to determine whether there was indeed an IC mistake. (High roll is in Owen's favor.)"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->

WhoopingCrane rolls 1 vs 6 for 1 successes.



<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Okay, so the ritemaster's gesture of acknowledgment was just missed at first; the fire flared up at an inconvenient time. The scene continues."

<OOC> Addison says, "so, good to continue?"

<OOC> Whitethunder thumbsup.

The elder bringing the charges exchanges a brief nod with the ritemaster, then rises once again and looks to Owen. "Her bondage, as I understand it, lasted a night and a day." Twenty-four hours was the figure given earlier.

Jaya listens quietly, looking from person to person. Her tail had been wagging happily up until the charges were brought forth. Now she just sits there, entirely still and listening quietly.

Addison steps back to where he was before speaking, nodding to what the elder who speaks the accusation says about the time frame for the incarceration.

Owen Blanchard looks to the elder, and continues his thought while he has permission. "Did he seek help to get it cleared up quickly and it took 24 hours to get it setttled, or did he keep her for an extended time before seeking assitance. If it took 24 hours to clear her, it is better to take the time, than to kill her for thought taint, but if he kept her there for 12 hours not understanding what was going on, and then saught assistance it is a worse happpenstance.

The elder speaks. "As I understand it, she was kept overnight, and then help was called for the next day."

Whitethunder looks back and forth, curious and concerned. These accusations will -definitely- cost Scraps a rank if they're substantiated.

Owen Blanchard frowns and nods at this. He steps back as he hears this, looking from them, and hmms to himself.

Kaydin sighs as he looks between the two and begins to try and step forward, pointing to his throat as he looks to the elders, wanting to speak on the accusations.

The elder pointedly ignores Kaydin, instead motioning to two others, who carry over a structure made of lashed poles and a ceremonial dagger. "He will learn. Of the things unfamiliar to him, he will learn. Of reserving his anger for a worthy cause? He will learn." Taking the dagger, he motions toward the other... whatever that is. "Bind him," he instructs the bearers.

Jaya goes home.

Kaydin's eyebrow twitches with great annoyance. He could honestly start to see why the stargazers didnt put up with this and now he was being punished when they didnt even have half the story. He looks to Addison and gestures with a spinning of his hands as if trying to signal there was more.

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "ok i need to go to bed would someone please send me a mail letting me know if Kaydin is allowed to defend himself or not?"

<OOC> George says, "A full log will be posted"

The bearers move to lead Owen over. At a nod from the elder, though, one of them reaches a hand to his throat: when it's drawn back, his injury there is visibly gone. "Speak," the elder intones.

<OOC> Kaydin can talk

<OOC> Kaydin can talk?

<OOC> George says, "lead kaydin over?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "You'd better hope so!"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "lead owe over?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "oh geez, lead /Kaydin/ over, sorry"

<OOC> Owen Blanchard says, "night"

Owen Blanchard has disconnected.

<OOC> Bryan says, "Yes. Kaydin can talk"

Addison crosses his arms as he listens to the others speaking. He'll stay quiet for now, curious as the bearers seem to give the accused the ability and chance to speak.

Kaydin doesnt fight being lead, and when the wound is gone, he coughs. "Thank you." He says with some respect. "A day before that night, a bone gnawer kinfolk was rushed to the emergency room on the verge of dying. Rumors say that he was aggressively panhandling when he came across the kinfolk in question. While no one knows which side started it, everyone agreed that it went too far. I tracked down Sara, the kinfolk in question to the sewers beneath the fire station. I sensed the wyrm but couldnt tell if it was from Sara, or the area. I approached her, speaking calmly and she tried to bash my own brains in with the same two by four she used to nearly kill the gnawer kinfolk. I restrained her, knocked her out and brought her to a place where I could clean her up and ask what happened. When she woke up, she simply said she was around three people: Devlin, Boss and Tea. I asked her to remain at a safehouse the gnawers use when someone needs a safe place to sleep, simply till she was cleansed and we could investigate the matter. She refused, and for the first eight hours that night she tried six times to escape. With each attempt to escape I tried to limit her ability to escape. I couldnt sent word to her tribe or anyone until she was bound completely and totally. She spent the entire time fighting against the restraints, despite my attempts to calm her and tell her that everything would be alright, that I needed to get ahold of the people to do the cleansing.

"By the time I could send someone out, I sent them to retrieve anyone who could cleanse taint. When I finally found people who could help, I decided to do the cleansing and as soon as it was done and she was healed, she was to be taken back to her tribe. During the cleansing process, her kin found her. I will admit that I should have called her tribe first before asking for anyone to cleanse her but at the time I was concerned for her.

<OOC> Kaydin says, "or was it first six hours, 8 escape attempts"

"Why couldn't you send word until then?" the elder asks.

"Because I had no means of communication other then leaving. Any attempt to leave once she was completely bound resulted with her struggling to the point where she risked injuring herself. I had to wait till she passed out from exhaustion before I could send word to anyone." Kaydin explains.

"But you said you 'sent someone out'. How did you reach this 'someone' in the first place?" The elder scratches his head. "And she /told/ you--" He dismisses that question before completing it, though, instead simply pantomiming writing things down. It's a common enough verbal gloss.

"Kinfolk usually check the rooms the following morning to make sure places need to be restocked for emergencies. A Kinfolk who came to check on the room." Kaydin says calmly. "As I said, I will admit that I should have called the tribe instead of just focusing on the cleansing. I intended to let her go and help her back to her kin when the cleansing was done."

George is watching clinically, almost like he's studying Kaydin. Still quiet, making no move to call attention to himself or showing any disrespect to the elders. Just being Silent.

While the Strider is being Silent, Julius stands at his position, quiet and reposed, the argument slow, but interesting. Sounds like a lot of he-said she-said going on, but if the Kin -was- tainted, it justifies Kaydin going a long, long way to fix things.

Bryan remains by George's side, his hands clasped loosely behind his back.

Addison adjusts the bow on his shoulder a moment before recrossing his arms, frowning as he listens to those speaking now. He doubts others would have done much differently when given the same to work with.

<OOC> Kaydin says, "I have a question."

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "And a comment?"

<OOC> Kaydin says, "is it required to be breedform to these things?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "...?"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Good manners."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Better for you to have the full range of English at your disposal though."

<OOC> Kaydin usually stays in homid because it is easier to talk and doesnt scare the kinfolk who arent used to warform all the time.

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "It's a moot, I'm sure /someone/ here is Crinosing all over the rug. No ding against you for that, though, we can say some NPC okayed it at some point along the way."

<OOC> Kaydin nodnods

"I will speak with this kin," the elder declares. And then motions to the bearers of that litter-or-whatever-it's-called again. "Bind him."

Kaydin nods as he holds his arms up to be bound, once more going quiet.

<OOC> Whitethunder is crinosing all over the rug.

His arms are bound, then his legs... it's a good thing he's in homid for this part, too, otherwise they'd need two of those things just to fit him on. The elder takes the dagger in one hand, a handful of Kaydin's hair in the other. "Until Luna is full once again," he announces, "let your anger be empty." With that, he lops off the hair, quickly turning to place it into a container carried by another attendant.

Addison leans forward a little as he tries to keep an eye upon what the elder does with the knife.

<OOC> WhoopingCrane needs to crash for the night. Rest of the moot can be played out tonight or tomorrow or whatever.

<OOC> Bryan says, "Is the essential part of things over with?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Yes."

<OOC> Bryan says, "Final result? For the log?"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Rite of the Stolen Wolf (WPG 2nd page 47): Kaydin is Rage 0 until next month's moot"

<OOC> George says, "shapeshift, frenzy, gain Rage, or spend it? oof"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "He's stuck in Crinos."

<OOC> Kaydin says, "stuck in crinos for a month?"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Ayup."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Livin at the Caern."

<OOC> Kaydin says, "bugger"

<OOC> Kaydin says, "can I partial shift?"

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Nope."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Nothin."

<OOC> Kaydin says, "bugger."

<OOC> Kaydin will have to teach kinfolk how to talk then

<OOC> Whitethunder nodnods.

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "You can blat one or two words at a time in English, but it sounds like ... you know... that guy from Underworld."

<OOC> Vicky can speak woof

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "On the plus side... SO TRANQUIL."

<OOC> Addison wonders how angry a rage 0 can be made.

<OOC> Kaydin contemplates the meaning of life.

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Homid, actually."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "His breed form."

<OOC> Kaydin has metamorph

<OOC> Bryan makes adorable little growly noises and looks REALLY mad. That's rage 0

<OOC> George says, "He can be bound into homid so he can still go out on the grid and rp"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Not this month you don't. But it doesn't specifically /say/ you revert to breed form (that I saw), just you can't shift"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "and yes, George, that was my idea"

<OOC> George nods "Thought so."

<OOC> Kaydin thanks gaia he can still fight in homi


<OOC> Kaydin says, "homid"

<OOC> Whitethunder illustrates rage 0. "Well... Poot."

<OOC> Kaydin is going to use poot

<OOC> Kaydin says, "new word"

<OOC> Vicky has rage 0 tantrums at WT

<OOC> WhoopingCrane calls dibs on 'Shucky darn'.

<OOC> Bryan laughs so hard he wakes the dog

<OOC> Bryan says, "THe RL one"

<OOC> Addison laughs.

<OOC> George says, "I need to go pass out to. calling it a wrap?"

<OOC> Vicky says, "ninight georgie"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane figures Rage 5 is where you tower over the other guy like you're about to beat the shit out of 'em, and /then/ you ALLCAPS.

<OOC> Kaydin says, "and rage 7 is death glare?"

<OOC> Kaydin says, "dont even talk, just look and everyone's freaky"

<OOC> WhoopingCrane says, "Rage 7 is you get to be the star of the next moot."

<OOC> Vicky made popcorn. *shares*

<OOC> George says, "but this was all I needed to document for the log?"

<OOC> Bryan says, "Yup."

<OOC> Whitethunder says, "Rage seven is EYELAZORS."