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Revision as of 11:32, 5 November 2013

Name of log. Usually just the title of the page.
A one line summary of the log.
IC Date 11/02/2013
IC Time Late at night
Players Leandro, Sara, Devlin, Teagen, Luna, Asher and George as the ST
Location Starts in the back room of the Smoke and Barley, ends in an underground parking structure at an illegal fight club
Prp/Tp Feeding of the Rage Banes
Spheres Gaian Shifter, Mortal+/Psychic
Theme Song A theme song for the log

A soft chuckle comes from Asher as she guesses at the name, "Eloise. She is a kind one. You can trust her completely." He offers with a bob of the head before his hands come up to craddle his chin in thought. The large man just thinks, that deep boom of his voice quiet for now while he dwells on it. Brow knitting together he's in thought he could help find it but it would take some doing and the thought continues to string together. "Alright, I can find the Patter-" he shakes his head, "the -Wyrm- for you. We only need see if we can retrace her steps to clear those areas where she could have come into contact with the taint." He tells her before his eyes turn to Leandro for a moment, "Indeed. It seems many have."

Teagen glances up and over at Leandro, offering him a faint little grin. "Hey, stranger. Your car still holding up?" Eyes go back to Asher and she nods. "Well... want me to see if I can get her here?"

His gaze looking over to Teagan, the one face he happily recognizes. "Care to explain?" Eloise, a name he knows to well, and the mention of her and wyrm taint in the same sentence just has him concerned. Thats what happens when you dont know the entire story. "Car is fine.. thanks to you..."

Luna unlocks the door, and descends into the private lounge.

Teagen smiles at Leandro, but she's distracted. There are more important things going on. "Good. Glad to hear it. You're about due for an oil change. Come back in next week and I'll slip you in." Then she sets about filling Leandro in on the whole damn story.

"Slip me in..." Leandro responds to Teagan with a smirk he can't help... A smirk that completely disappears very shortly when he hears Teagan's story. "What. The. Fuck." he growls out, not at her... at... life? Unfortunately it seems to come across like its at her.

Luna makes her way into the back room of the smoke, hungry and ready for some noms. She's not paying much attention to who is in the room just now. A hungry bear is a force of nature. Move or get eaten. She starts toward the counter to order LOTS of meaty things and maybe some honey if they have it, but... she gets distracted, spotting an Asher! She squeaks excitedly. "/AAAAASHHHHERRRR!/" Immediately she spins on her heeel and heads his way, zeroing in like a missile. THUD. Good thing Asher's a solidly built fellow! He has a Luna now leaning against him and squeezing him with huggles. Awkward feeling in the air? SUPERserious discussion? Luna does not notice these things. Nope! Her happy shines brightly from her and she peers curiously at the others nearby. "Hi!" She offers brightly.

Sara's arm remains linked with Devlin's, the kin attached to him at the hip as well. It's an affectionate bond, but also one that rings clearly of a need for safety.. per usual Sara's as easy to read as an open book. She's uncomfortable here. and gets even more uncomfortable as they come down into the private dining room. The young woman watches Yogi-Luna and glances briefly around for Boo-Boo to come trundling after.

Well at least there was a -warning- before he got attacked. There can be many things said about bears but subtly... well that's just not one of them. Asher has time to brace a leg on the other side of the chair before the Luna missile hits home. He was waiting with Teagen for her to send the text with Leandro standing not too far off. Asher slips and arm around Luna it's to keep her from surging again mostly but also the squeeze should be enough to mind her that something is going on and the fact that his attention doesn't waver right away. Nodding to Teagen, "Sounds good. I don't wish to put any undo pressure on her though, it will no doubt be stressful." Then his eyes turn down to Luna and he gives her a small smile, "And hello to you as well. You don't have to try and tackle me." The soft tease in those words they don't seem chastising at all, simply amused.

Teagen blinks as the girl comes rushing toward Asher and she actually stands up and backs away just before impact. She doesn't know what the HELL is going on. But then Asher's okay with it, so she casts a brief little glance at Leandro and slides into the seat again. "Okay.. so... YOU, Mr. Thompson, can sense wyrm. So we need to talk to Sara and see what she can remember and go track this thing down." She glances over at Sara as she comes in and motions her and Devlin over. "Come here, you two."

There is just something about hurting women, that seems to put Leandro in a sour mood. The on rush of Luna to Asher gives him a moment of levity that fights back the tide of frustration enough for him to just breathe and turn his attention back to Teagen and then to Devlin and Sara.

Luna's rainbows and sunshine fades at the squeeze does alert her that something is going on. Though it doesn't completely chase away all her sunshine. She's far too cheerful for all that. Her head tilts a little and she listens quietly. Although when Asher looks down at her, she grins up at him. "Awh. But I love tackle peoples. Is fun." She sticks her tongue out at him, but she's worried. It's there in her dark eyes. Even more worried as she hears Teagen's words. Her voice is veeeery quiet when she whispers. "Wyrm?" And there goes the rest of her sunshine. Her lips purse and her face pulls into a frown that looks just... WRONG on her. She offers the other girl a fleeting smile, then looks up at Asher, relaxing her hold on him a little to step back. "What wrong?" She whispers quietly, as if she honestly expects no one to be able to hear her but Asher... regardless of how close the others are to her and that they can all pretty much easily hear her. Like a kitty hiding in a box with 2/3s of it's butt stuck out. YOU CANT SEE MEEEE!

Devlin walks up with Sara to the table and then helps her with her chair. He seems to ignore Luna's words for the moment.. just for now, very much business.

Sara watches the tackle-snugging of Asher, letting her gaze rove then to the others at the table. Her free hand moves to settle on Devlin's arm, the other remaining latched tight to him where its been all along. The young woman moves when Devlin's moves. Even as Teagen calls to them, it's clear Devlin's the one she's actually taking her cues from tonight. It's in her posture, her attentiveness to the chair he pulls out for her. She reaches up after she seats herself, trying to get ahold of Devlin's hand again. She's dressed lightly, as if just come from the beach, with only the addition of Devlin's jean jacket over the top of it. Pale eyes sift from Teagen to Leandro, then over to the others. Absolutely silent.

Once Sara's seated, she leans over and gives her a quick little hug. "Sara, this is Asher... and.. some... super missle-girl friend of his. This is Leandro." She gestures to each in turn. "You're all clean, but we don't know WHAT tainted you.. so we're going to find out. Can you fill Asher in on all the details of ... before Kaydin found you?"

Asher smiles back to Teagen and tells her, "This is my sister, Luna." Explaining that much about her the family resemblance might not be easy to spot other then while Asher is really tall they are both quite powerfully built. He gives a nod to Teagen when she speaks, "I can. Depending on the strength of whatever it is shouldn't be too hard to track it down. Only need to follow the path back." He offers the words with that smile he looks back to Luna and points to the chair, "Wanna sit?" Is offered quietly to her before adding, "We're going to help some people. I could use some help to if you'd like to aid in protecting them." He tells her with that smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Eyes turning back to Devlin and Sara he bows his head to the both of them, "Hello you two, my name is Asher and I would very much like to aid you." He tells them, the words boom from him deeply but they hold and honest desire to help. It is him to the core and it comes through in those words.

Well, Devlin gives both Asher and Leandro a bit of an eyeball. He replies though politely, "I know in this place it is safe to talk. I do not know you or you.. Her.." he looks to Luna, "I have met.. I know she has a good heart." He pauses before going on speaking slowly with respect, "I am Devlin Kennedy, grandson of Adren Fixes the Scales, a Half-Moon of the Fianna, Kin to the Fianna. This is Sara Robinson, also Kin to the Fianna and from a strong family. I ask, whom are you to help in such matters?"

Luna offers a bright smile as she's introduced. She lifts her hand and waves at everybody. She nods her head at the offered seat. "Yes, thank you." She says happily and settles down into the seat he'd pointed at. She listens quietly and when he asks her to help, the pleasure practically shines from every pour. "Yes. I be honored help Asher. Is my job help." She says with an almost reverent tone. She bows her head deeply almost at the exact same time Asher does. Once he's done speaking, she chimes in. "Me too." Maybe not quite as eloquently spoken as Asher, but the sentiment is the same! -- Some perceptive folk might notice the young woman starting to slightly mimic Asher's movements and posture as if whatever he does is Important with a capital I.

While the offer of assistance might sounds good, Sara's clearly on the side of caution with Devlin tonight. Even when Teagen lays it out there in a semi-demand-for-compliance. She settles both hands on Devlin's arm, drawing it in front of her and keeping him close as she listens to his response. The young woman gives Luna a cordial, if still nod, and then looks over at her cousin Teagen, one foot hooking under the chair she's seated in, knee bouncing with nervousness.

A pause of consideration for a moment and then Leandro looks from Teagen to Devlin. "Me? I'm Leandro Tulumello. Rite named Blood-in-the-Streets. Born under the Warriors Moon to the Glass Walkers, a general wise guy and gun toting bad ass... In my own mind." he says simply enough with a shrug. "I can help, or I can not... nah fuck it. It's my duty to help, you get it even if you dont want it." he shrugs.

Luna offers a bright smile as she's introduced. She lifts her hand and waves at everybody. She nods her head at the offered seat. "Yes, thank you." She says happily and settles down into the seat he'd pointed at. She listens quietly and when he asks her to help, the pleasure practically shines from every pour. "Yes. I be honored help Asher. Is my job help." She says with an almost reverent tone. She bows her head deeply almost at the exact same time Asher does. Once he's done speaking, she chimes in. "Me too." Maybe not quite as eloquently spoken as Asher, but the sentiment is the same! -- Some perceptive folk might notice the young woman starting to slightly mimic Asher's movements and posture as if whatever he does is Important with a capital I. She looks over to Devlin at his words to Asher and she smiles, offering him a little finger-wave. Her voice is soft as she speaks up, glancing over at Asher like a student speaking out of term. Still, she says the words anyway. "Devlin, this Asher. If Devlin trust me? Devlin should trust Asher five time more. I trust him with my life."

Teagen sighs quietly at Devlin and Sara. "Look. It's pretty clear to me that none of these fucking elders give a shit. And fuckface and Addison don't give a shit about the long term and *I*.. and the two of YOU....." She pauses, shaking her head a little bit. "You stumbled into some bad juju SOMEWHERE. What if someone else does? What if the next time, it's a ten year old girl? What if it's someone who can't hold their own against this thing? What if it's ME? I don't give a flying fuck WHO they are. They want to help track this shit down? Let them help. You don't want to give details? Fine. Just give us a list of every single place you've been and we'll go from there."

A slow nod of the head comes from Asher while Devlin gives him the once over like that. His head tilts to the side for a moment before it bobs again he smiles to Luna and tells her, "But he doesn't know me. To ask for his trust and not give something in return would be wrong. So I will give them mine." He offers to her though his smile shows he appreciates her going to bat for him. Eyes drift back to the other two looking between them his deep voice booms out, "I am Asher 'Stands-as-the-Mountain' Thompson. Uzmati of the Mountain Guardians and Verden of the Gurhal. I am a healer by blood and defender of the innocent by my call of the moon. I wish to help you to make sure nothing happens again. To end this corruption then deal with those that would abuse others for their own twisted means." He offers with a smile as his head dips again in that respectful nod. "But Teagen is right, if you could give us where you were before this I would greatly appreciate it so we can deal with the Pattern Breaker before he strikes again."

Leandro's words are not met with any more eager compliance than Teagen's demand - in fact Sara looks a little like she might up and hurl on his when she goes alabaster white at the get it want it or not statement. There's a coiling of tension that builds in her shoulders, the musculature beneath evidenced in a cording that travels up her trapezius and sets her jaw a little harder. She's still being quiet, but Teagen is now on the receiving end of a withering look reserved only for the extra-special situations where Sara is willing to go to the mat. The silence is punctuated by a finger being pointed at Teagen, then brought to Sara's lips. STFU could not be more clearly stated with a Times Square billboard. She then turns to listen to Asher and nods her head slowly as she listens to his introduction. She reaches with her hand over the table offering to shake with him, then Luna. A curtesy not extended to Leandro at this time.

"Teagen, please do not get into it right now." Devlin asks of the woman. He then addresses the others, "Back home.. they do things differently. The Bonegnawer and his friend.. were, to be polite, disrespectful of Sara and those that care for her." There is a slight grit to his teeth as he pauses, "I do want to see this pattern breaker.. thing.. spirit.. what ever it is.. and its allies made to pay for what they did to Sara. Do not get me wrong there. But with all due respect Mr Tulumello, to hear we are going to be ~helped~ wanted or not.. bares a strong resemblance to the Bonegnawer's actions. I get it, this is a duty.. and it is Litany.

Sara pages: That attitude got her hackles up :) Devlin and Sara saw the veil busted wide open on the beach last night too - trust is gonna be slow in returning. And Teagen's storming around with no regard for - yeah what Devlin just said! :D Oh I want Lendro to help too I just want him and Teagen to realize what Kaydin did was TRAUMATIZING

Teagen is tapping her fingers on her knee, tapping out a thankfully silent beat. Cause no doubt it would be something angry and death-metalish. SHe doesn't say anything, but she's ancient to get going. She leans back in her seat, sort of half way looking up at the ceiling. Eyes roam over toward Leandro for a second, then back to the table where she plasters a big, pretty fucking transparent smile on her face. It speaks of murder.. cousincide.. whatever. She has no patience for this. Time was wasting.

"Me offering to help track down some wyrm taint, is the fucking same as tying someone up and holding them hostage?" Leandro says with an arch of his brow, "Me saying I'm going to track the thing down, even if you dont want my help so too fucking bad is the same as abusing a kin?" he says with a growl in his voice. "Please. Get the fuck off your holier than thou pedastal. Help me do what I was born to do, fight the wyrm and I'll wait for your fucking apology another day. What the hell is wrong with people... am I supposed to sit here and beg you for information? Maybe cook you some chicken noodle soup to warm the tummy until you feel cozy and then you'll help me right how you were wronged... What the hell..." he looks to Teagen, the one person he knows and just gives her an exasperated but controled angry look. Yay Eloise!

Luna listens to Asher and nods her head, smiling. Once he has completed his introduction. She stands too. "Am Luna 'Sings on the Sierra' Thompson. Am Arcas of Mountain Guardian, Kovi Gurahl, born on four legs and guide by Little Bear. Am also healer and protector of all Mother's creations." She says and she takes the hand that is offered to her, shaking it gently. She's a strong girl, but she's also a pretty gentle girl when... you know... not headbutting people or tackling people. She goes quiet and sits back down as Devlin talks to Leandro. She winces as the wolf goes off and sits back in her seat. Baby bear isn't saying a -word-. Nope. She looks over at Asher with wide eyes, watching to see what he does. Though she can't help but to look between Devlin and Leandro with a sort of morbid curiosity.

Sara's handshake is firm, warm to the touch,and slightly calloused from obvious manual labor. She even gives Luna a soft smile for her introduction. She still doesn't speak, but she does respond to Teagen's eye rolling and huffing, she touches her chest.. makes a writing motion, and points at Devlin. She then gives Leandro a scowl before crossing her arms. She restrains herself after flipping him the bird.

Asher is a massive mound of man and his hand no doubt will dwarf that of the woman's when it's offered. There is a strength in him but there is also a delicance in the way he gives it that shake, the hands not just of a warrior but a healer. Letting go he offers a smile to her, "It is a pleasure to meet you miss." He greets her before looking back to Devlin there is a hard edge that comes into his words when he tells him, "That will -not- be happening again." There is no give. There is no question. There is no 'try' in those words they are spoken as fact and Gaia help the bastard that tries to cross them. His gaze turns slowly back to Leandro settling there for a long moment he doesn't say anything. It isn't their way to go off at the cuff so when he speaks it is clear and true, "You will get a hold of yourself and you will calm down." He tells the other man keeping his gaze upon him, "They have been treated poorly, abused, threatened and there is nothing they can do about it. If you've ever truely felt helpless before think about how it felt and try to relate. Tearing into them does nothing but put us behind." The bear even goes so far as to hold up a finger to stop any immidate response he looks to Devlin and Sara, "He did not mean to sound like that. His words were similiar but his heart was not. He wishes to find and destroy this creature to aid you as is his duty by Gaia. Save your ire for the one that crossed you and he will save his for the Patter-" he clears his throat, "the Wyrm."

"My words were similar to someone that abuses kin? What the hell twilight zone am I in?" Leandro says and then he turns to Teagen, "Listen, I'm all yours to help. You need my gun, my claws, my rage to battle things thing. I'm there. As I said before... but I'm not going to be compared to someone who abuses kin for just saying, I'm going fight the wyrm wether you want it or not. This is lunacy." he buttons his jacket, "I'm just going to start working the beat... track it the hard way." he seems to be completely in disbelief as he starts towards the door.

A breath is taken by Devlin as he reaches out to shake hands with the others, even the Glasswalker if the offer is taken. Again he pauses, taking a moment to select his words before speaking. "Sara explained some of the events to me to the best of her recollection. I will try to relate them for you."

Sara stuffs her hands under her arms, sorta watching Leandro stalk off - but mostly watching Teagen, and listening to the words of wisdom imparted by Asher. She settles herself, loosening up her posture just a little bit, as Devlin offers to tell them what he knows. She casts her cousin a pseudo-apologetic but mostly just tired and cranky look over the table.

Devlin explains, "Sara told me it was about two weeks ago she had a really hard fight. Her opponent wrapped her hands and she put metal bars in the wraps. Sara really got pissed off with the cheating. The fight was really bloody. The people got really excited from the blood. She didn't remember finishing the fight, but she won. Then she had more fights. They were harder than before and she only remembers parts of the fights.. fragments I guess. Then she started not remembering things at home. She met a friend of mine, Lihi. We went outside. She doesn't remember how that ended. Later she was at work and someone made her mad. She doesn't remember throwing a wrench at him. They sent her home for. Charlie is a homeless Gnawer kin who smacked in the butt before. She didn't like it and told him no in the past. This time he pushed her against a wall on her way home. She really doesn't recall hurting him. She then remembers that she was covered in blood and people were holding her down. She ran and then Kaydin came." He takes a breath, "And we all know how that went down.."

Luna frowns and blinks. She sits up a little. "Kaydin?" She asks, brows furrowing suddenly. Not ALL of them know what happened. She looks around the little group and frowns. "What K..." And then she remembers the comments about being tied up and abused... "K... Kay..." She gasps softly and a little rumble escapes her. Oh! For some reason that makes her very very angry. Not that there's much sign of it there besides the little rumble. She shakes her head and grits her teeth, sitting back. WHY can't she be a war-bear right now!?! Eating something's face off would be really nice right now.

Asher watches Leandro and just sighs, that was the other option but he wasn't going to lay that out on the line like that. He -could- have but you know, it's kinda rude. Watching him go his gaze lingers upon the departing figure before turning back to the others. A smile is given to Sara, it's a soft reassuring look that shows no malice to her trying to help her relax as much as he can. Listening when Devlin starts he nods along now and again before a frown tugs at his lips and he leans back in his seat, a soft creak coming from it, the large man lost in his own thoughts. Eyes shift to Sara curiously as he thinks about questions he may have, "This fighting sounds like a haven for the Pa- Wyrm, I would suggest avoiding it until we get this straightened out. I would like to go and see if there is taint there, it seems like the source of everything. But work, the path to and from these places. Even the sewer all need to be checked." He reaches a hand out moving to take Luna's in his own and giving it a squeeze, showing her that soft understanding. His brow furrows a bit and he looks to Sara before asking with a small smile, "I know this is awkward. Would you mind if I checked to make sure you are still clear of the taint? It isn't that I don't trust them to have performed it. Just wish to be sure." Nope. Doesn't trust the competency of anyone willing to follow Kaydin. He's a bad lier.

Teagen finally just can't sit still any longer. She rises to her feet and she paces. Slowly. Back and forth, back and forth. She's anxious. Once she sets her mind to it.. well... not much to be done after that except go for it.

Devlin nods to Luna.. "Yeah.. pisses me off too." He takes a breath, "And thank you for understanding where we are coming from, Asher." He hmms, "Sara is involved with unsanctioned MMA style fighting.." He looks to her, "I think she can tell you where it has been.. and how to get ~involved~."

Luna relaxes when Asher takes her hand. She gives him a little squeeze and looks over at him, offering an almost pained little smile. She nods her head once in understanding and thanks for the support. After Asher asks to check her again for the taint, Luna leans forward and smiles to Sara. "Sara..." She asks softly. "I sure you been heal by good people. Is okay if Lu-- I just check out? Make sure you really okay?" She asks softly, offering a warm smile to the other woman.

Sara looks to Devlin when Asher asks - the kin doesn't appear to be bothered by it, but she's deferring to the man she came in with to make the decisions. She pats down the pockets of her jacket, pulling out a pencil and paper. She writes on it, taking a moment between statements, and leaving lines between them to make them easy to read. ~Kaydin thought he was helping me.~ She doesn't look like she fully believes that either - if Asher's a bad liar, she's making him look good. ~I will show you everything on George's map. It's at home though. It has all the bad neighborhoods and the places I was at.~ She adds, ~Please tell Teagen I'm sorry I scared her.~ And finally she writes down, ~Thank you all for stopping this. I'm not going to do it anymore, except if you need me to so you can get inside. It's not easy. It's not public.~

Devlin leans to Sara for a moment to whisper

<OOC> Sara will get the map and spread it out for them - since George gave her the original map and it's your PrP I figure you got what you need to describe it. :) So far as I know I'm not smelly anymore. Sara's been at home with Devlin since the 'incident.'

The ring is held in the basement levels of a parking structure, 4 stories into the earth. Someone's paying off someone to keep this under wraps, you'd be surprised if local patrols ever came down this far. When you reach the fight level there's something easily visible to Luna going on. The rest of you just see a violent bloody match in progress but in the local umbra (which is a fucking mess by the way) there are nasty ass mutant looking locust things flying between not just the fighters but the audience as well. All trails lead off in a particular direction, over to what looks like a manhole cover with a thug guy standing near it. Luna sees one of the locusts sitting on his head.

Luna's eyes widen as she looks around the area. She nearly runs Asher over in her attempt to get close to him and she gives little frantic tugtugs on his arm, trying to be subtle about it but she is -very- insistent. Her expression COULD be confused for excitement and awe like that of someone who's never seen something like this before, but likely those in her group can tell it's not excitement or awe but more... horror and shock. She doesn't dare speak out loud, what if they hear her? She does not, however, stop her frantic tugging at his arm.

Devlin frowns a bit coming down here en route.. but once here, his expression changes to one of curiosity, As to the match.. oh yes, he watches it. His gaze sweeping, seeking out the ~house~ better as one usual finds at such affairs.

Asher tilts his head to the side while looking voer the place. He doesn't like it at all. This is a place of violence, pain, and all manner of horrible deeds all commited by greed and a lust for blood. But he wanders in until he's getting bowled over by Luna looking to her in a big of confusion for a moment beofre his deep voice rolls out softly, "What is it?" He asks her knowing something is wrong but just not sure what it is. His eyes flick to Devlin making sure he doesn't get too far away from them. He doens't know -what- happened down here only that it could happen again if they're not careful.

Sara looks oddly at ease.. comfortable in the violence and darkness. Even the bloody show in the cage doesn't seem to rattle her as she stands near her cousin. She directs Tea's attention to a board where the odds are written out, her name amidst the higher ranking members. She hasn't fought in a few days now so there's some blanks in her markers, but she was indeed, doing really well holding her own.

Teagen just hangs back with Sara. She isn't uncomfortable necessarily. SHe's just very, very watchful. Her gaze wanders up to the board then back to Sara. There really isn't much of an expression on her face at all.

Luna tugs Asher down and cups her hands around his ear, making sure that no one but he can hear her words. Of course with the noise in the room that's probably a pretty safe bet. She whispers quickly and then nods over toward the dude standing by the manhole cover. Once she's finished that, she nods her head in certainty and watches Asher quietly.

Asher looks back down to Luna leaning down so she can whisper to him he thinks about it all letting himself dwell on the thoughts that are given. No doubt this is a bad time to deal with this and.... well... crampt spaces... not so much good for him when it comes to fighting. Manhole to the sewer isn't good either but he might be able to work with it. His eyes turn back toward the others looking them over carefully before he whispers back to Luna something before drifting over to the others he doesn't look in the direction of the Manhole guy but he does ask just quiet enough for the words to be lost among the cries to anyone other then them, "Who's the guy standing by the manhole?"

Luna listens quietly to Asher's whisper. She nods her head and pats his arm. Then she moves off to stand near Sara, though she's careful not to crowd the other girl. Mostly she just looks around the area. She watches over their heads, around them. Maybe she's high all of the sudden. Occasionally her eyes will snap to the side and watch carefully before relaxing and going back to her rather random glances. Though mostly she manages to make it look like she's just staring around boredly. Someone's been watching dumb blondes on the beach or something. If the situation weren't so dire, it might even be kind of hilarious.

Sara has a pad of paper and a stubby pencil.. she looks at Asher when he asks a question - because Sara's just no good at hiding anything. She scribbles a note on the paper, passing it around. ~He's always there. No one messes with him. Not even the guys who paid me. And they mess with everyone. You okay Tea?~

Teagen glances at the paper and nods just a touch. "Fine. Just can't believe you were in this place. I can just look around and tell that this place is fucking bAD," she murmurs quietly.

Asher frowns a bit further while he glances back over to the man thinking about it a bit more. Under there. He could make a move but it would be rash whatever is down there likely has a bolt hole in case of attack. No, can't charge this problem. There is a nod of the head as he thinks, "Alright. You were in the sewer, right? Could you reach this spot from there? Is that how you got down there?" He asks her, apparently he's stuck on that man and what he's standing over. Whatever has cause that shift in his attention is something to be paid heed by his expression.

Luna stands there where she is and suddenly she goes a bit more tense. She reaches out suddenly and grabs Teagen, dragging her over and looping an arm over her shoulder. She nudges both herself and Teagen over a bit. "Hi. Act normal." She says, just loud enough to make sure her small group can hear but hopefully no one else. She shifts them over so that she and Teagen hopefully form a bit of a wall blocking... SOMETHING off over that way from seeing Sara. "Movement toward us." She explains to Asher. Her eyes flick to the side, turning her head and getting a little bit lessie with Teagen. Sort of looks like she's whispering some sexy something in the other woman's ear, though she's just trying to get a better look. HOPEFULLY Teagen won't freak. She -does- whisper. "I sorry be all up on you." But two girls getting all snuggly is less weird than one girl staring straight at a bane who might see her.

Sara scratches the side of her cheek as she listens to Teagen, nodding her head slowly as she starts to actually look around - perhaps for the first time. She doesn't try to explain herself on paper just yet - no doubt that's coming down the pipe. She writes for Asher, oblivious to what the others are sensing. ~I don't remember. Just was afraid.~

Teagen doesn't freak. She was surprised, sure, but she does well enough, wrapping her arm around the girl's back and sort of hooking her fingers in against her ribs. She shakes her head just a little bit and even gives Luna's upper butt a little pat. "Do what you have to," she murmurs, and closes her eyes for just a moment

The there is a pulse of something that makes the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you're not sure what happened. Teagen and Devlin sense a...probe or communion effect, someone is gathering information. The guy guarding the man hole cover seems to sense it too and looks right over at your group and Luna sees the locusts scatter, settling onto the heads of the crowd and the eyes of every npc in the place flashes a little red and they all....look...over.... at once

The camera comes back up to the dozen and a half spectators and the two brawlers looking over at our heroes all with a plainly visible red sheen to their eyes. The figure guarding the man hole cover is looking over as well but he doesn't seem on the edge of rushing you.

Oh shit. Did *I* do that? That's Teagen's thought. She will keep THAT to herself. She blinks a time or two and sort of half-way scoots behind Luna. "OH.... oh.... dear fucking god riding a harley with a dildo up his ass. We're all going to die." This isn't loud, but if everyone's looking their way, and they are, indeed, in a warehouse, it might very likely echo around the room.

Asher blinks a couple times while they all turn and look back at them... hearing Teagen's comment he lets out a deep sigh, "So it would seem." He admits before taking a slow breath in and letting it out again eyes flick across those that stand before them the large man rises up a bit standing as tall as he can... it's an impressive sight he growls back at the nearest memeber of the crowd, "WHAT!?" His voice booms out the look upon his face bleeding rage, the look of a bear ready to destroy all that would stand in his path... it is a look that is not given often and a look that is meant to cow the target of it and send a message to the rest.

Luna blinks a couple of times at the sight. "Oooohhh dear." She murmurs and when Asher rises up like that, she begins to ever so gently gesture for those in the small group to give him some space. She lets Teag hide behind her because well, that's one of the safer places to be right now-- so long as they make sure there's enough distance there. She whispers. "Be ready to run if it start looking bad." What. THIS doesn't look bad enough???

There is an eerie chorus of voices as all 21 mouths move at once, the crowd straining towards you with their attention fixed on Asher for the moment "The hive feeds. Submit to the hive."

Teagen doesn't have a FUCKING clue what's going on. Nope. Not at all. SHe holds on lightly to Luna, standing behind her, almost clinging to the girl.

Asher narrows his eyes while that gaze continues to sweep over the room taking in the crowd, the hive, before it settles on the Overlord over the manhole. He doesn't speak for a long couple moments when he does that deep growl rumbles out from him again, "You have put the innocent in danger. You've attacked those that I am sworn to protect. I will burn your hive to cinders and make certain that you will never darken this town again. I will warn you this one, and only this once, release these people and go back to your hole and you will live. If you do not, I will end you." He growls that out while his eyes remain locked upon the figure.

Luna listens to the chorus of voices and a sick shudder runs down her spine. That. Is. Just. Fucking. Creepy. She wrinkles her nose and reaches back, patpatting Teagen's hand lightly, trying to soothe the girl. She watches quietly and listens intently, eyes landing on the one guy over there that Asher seems to be talking to. All these people. Innocent people. Like misguided children. A little scowl darkens her features and a little growl, much smaller than Asher's rolls out of her.

Teagen just stands there, frozen behind Luna. She cocks her head a little to the side, listening, taking things in, ready for... something. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting

Teagen adds, quietly, "This isn't working... and they are all... thinking... together."

There is a rising buzzing sound, sets teeth on edge and hairs standing on end. Once again the unholy chorus speaks "If you will not feed as one of the hive, you will go to feed the hive." And all except the one on the man hole cover they surge forward.

Luna steps forward, carefully putting one hand on Teag's tummy and pushing her back against the wall. "Stay here." She tells the other woman and nods to her. "Try keep self on back side of Asher and Luna." She explains, then steps forward and lets loose a mighty roar. THAT sounds scary now, dammit! Her body shifts, clothes ripping to bits as she bursts out with deep dark brown fur and rough coat shining. She is HUGE and scary. Rawwwwwwwrbear!

In the immortal words of Bender. We're boned. Asher is never very quick and this is a problem when he gets swarmed like that by the group of crowd and the pair of brawlers. It was his plan at least to get between those attacking and those he will defend using his body as a sheild they pile onto him. Fists, shoes, elbows, knees it's a massive of beating limbs as they rain down upon him bringing the large man down a bit before with a shattering roar he shifts, he takes the pinicle of fighting power. Surging up to near fifteen feet in hieght he is solid muscle of destruction with claws at nine inches in length the creature is horrifying. A roar bellows out from him while he looks down to the... not puny little creatures that swarm about him, "SUBMIT!" The voice nearly shatters the air in the confines of the structure.

"It's analyzing us. Trying to figure out what it needs to defeat us!" WHY does Teagen get into this stuff?

One of the hive, going for Luna, steps close enough to Teagen, almost bowling her over. Knife in hand, she lunges. She manages to get that knife in between two ribs as she stabs forward and the fucker goes down, spraying blood everywhere!

Sings-on-the-Sierra lets loose that roar of hers again. Not nearly so cute as when she is in human form. Much to the ST's displeasure. She picks out one of the people attacking her and she swings her huge paw, backhanding the person as she tries hard not to actually kill them. They're just being controlled. It isn't their fault. They're innocents. Alas, she's not hard enough. She manage to just barely touch one of them but it isn't enough to do any real damage. She growls again, trying to at least sound scary as fuck. Even if she can't hit for shit.

Did someone feel something? Stands-As-The-Mountain looks down his massive head turning to spot those little creatures that are punching him. His brow narrows hunching a bit before his jaw opens and he lets out a bellowing cry massive fangs revealed in there soft stain of yellow. It is the maw of some massive, time lost monster of a grizzly bear. It's the very image that drives that primal fear of bears, creatures not aggressive or blood thirsty but that visage... that chills them to the core. The crack of that cry is almost deafening. Then his head snaps back to the leader his monsterous paw is raised, claws angled to him, "FIGHT ME YOURSELF OR FLEE TO YOUR LEADER!" The booming voice almost felt in it's vibration as it thunders through that confined area. That is many more words then he could speak in such form and as such they carry WEIGHT.

The Watcher on the man hole cover looks up and up and up at the giant fucking war bear. He blinks and swells and twists grotesquely, his lower jaw separating into mandibles, his skin becoming carapace like and his eye bulging out and becoming compound. It chooses to charge Asher when he beckons.

STAB!!!! Mother FUCKERS! Granted, Teagen hates that she's actually hurting people, maybe innocent people, but dammit, her life is on the line. Not that they're going after her directly, but if Luna goes down, who knows what will happen to HER. SO she stabs. Another good shot, this one to the throat. She isn't AIMING for these vital places, but it's fight or flight now

Sings-on-the-Sierra tries once again to hit one of the people attacking her... this time she doesn't even manage to HIT anyone. She really should stick to healing. Although what erupts from her lips in her frustration is rather impressive... a roar of sheer frustration bursts from her, possibly throwing icky bear spit all over the ones nearest her. And bear breath. Luckily so far she's managing to keep them off of Teagen though, that's good, right? Of course!

The target charges him, it was a win-win for him and there is a deep growl that rolls from Stands-As-The-Mountain while the watcher rushes him. Those claws slash him his thick hide and dense fur shrugging off the blow before they can sink in and he shakes his body before his eyes lock onto him again. "SUBMIT!" He bellows out again as the word shatters the air once more, bouncing back around the structure as his massive paw rises up and then comes swinging in those nasty claws biting into the enemy slashing wickedly as he seems to utterly ignore the innocents that continue to beat on him. They are not to blame and he's not going to hurt them for it.

"Something's coming," Teagen calls out, nearly panicked, but only the severity of the situation holding her sanity in check. How does she KNOW these things?

Sings-on-the-Sierra seems to have just, flat out, had enough. She swings and swings and manages to knock out the remaining members of the group that were attacking her. Finally at least hitting them hard enough to actually put them out of the fight. That done, she takes a deep breath, huffing softly in annoyance as she turns to look around, checking on Teagen, then on Asher to see how her brother is doing.

Asher stomps one of those massive paw-like feet as he eyes the little figures that are hitting him, "ENOUGH!" He bellows down at them seems they've become an annoyance more then anything else. He looks back to the watcher just in time for it to come flying at him, shrugging off another attack that comes to slash at him his wicked claw flying back hardly seeming to even touch him not even breaking the skin. He roars again, bellowing in rage as he continues after that pest meaning to destroy it no matter what.

It is then that the entire building shakes. And then shakes again harder. Cracks can be seen to form on some of the columns as the man hole cover flips up, flying into the air like a flipped coin and hitting the concrete ceiling hard enough to lodge there.

All the remaining audience members (12 still in the fight) and the two brawlers scream and fall to the ground clutching their heads. Luna will see all the little badbees rip off them and go flying back towards the now gaping black hole in the ground. They swirl in a whirling mass of light and hate that grows bright and intense enough to be felt in the physical world. A cry of rage pierces the minds and ears of all present (poor Teagen) as the Monstrously large hive mother, the host bane and source of the infection "YES! FEED ME NOW CHILDREN OF GAIA."

To Be Continued

Teagen's voice rings out as the camera fades to black "I TOLD YOU SOMETHING WAS COMING!!"

Sings-on-the-Sierra's eyes widen as the things go flitting away and swirling and oh... oh damn... her massive paws lift to cover her ears. Sensitive hearing in this form. She winces and howls out a growl of sheer fury at the THING that shouts at them. She's not about to feed that thing anything but her claws. She drops her paws down and steps forward, moving carefully around the downed spectators to stand just to the side and behind Asher. Though her nose twitches as she smells something. Blood. A lot of it. She bends down and touches the injured person right over the wound and closes her eyes. Nothing happens.

Stands-As-The-Mountain watches as the girls go to put the blood back into those that SOMEONE had been stabbing. He glances to them making sure that they're alright before taking a couple massive steps toward the Hive Mother slamming those paws together he hunches his back focusing on his totem. "MAGNI!" He bellows the single name calling to the Death Bear the power flows about him swirling them around across his chest and over his best it infuses into his muscles the power of the most vicious aspect of the bear, the true War Bear following him into battle. Eyes opening they focus upon the massive figure of the wyrm across from him and his jaw drops open letting out a bellow of sheer rage and defiance. He calls out that challenge to it standing in it's way he will not let it harm one more person.

Sings-on-the-Sierra's eyes widen as the things go flitting away and swirling and oh... oh damn... her massive paws lift to cover her ears. Sensitive hearing in this form. She winces and howls out a growl of sheer fury at the THING that shouts at them. She's not about to feed that thing anything but her claws. She drops her paws down and steps forward, moving carefully around the downed spectators to stand just to the side and behind Asher. Though her nose twitches as she smells something. Blood. A lot of it. She bends down and touches the injured person right over the wound and closes her eyes. Nothing happens.

         Stands-As-The-Mountain watches as the girls go to put the blood back into those that SOMEONE had been stabbing. He glances to them making sure that they're alright before taking a couple massive steps toward the Hive Mother slamming those paws together he hunches his back focusing on his totem. "MAGNI!" He bellows the single name calling to the Death Bear the power flows about him swirling them around across his chest and over his best it infuses into his muscles the power of the most vicious aspect of the bear, the true War Bear following him into battle. Eyes opening they focus upon the massive figure of the wyrm across from him and his jaw drops open letting out a bellow of sheer rage and defiance. He calls out that challenge to it standing in it's way he will not let it harm one more person.

Teagen just really doesn't want to die. She isn't quite sure why she's hear, but... she just doesn't want to die and she doesn't want to kill anyone. She actually slaps herself in the face as she feels her panic rising. No. Grab hold of yourself. Then here it comes. NO! Back OFF. HEAL that one. That's what Sings is doing.. right? Maybe... anyway! She kneels, touching the gut wound, doing what she can

Sings-on-the-Sierra didn't manage to do any healing on the injured person on the ground the FIRST time. However when she manages to fully focus her mind and thoughts, center herself... the healing rolls out of her powerfully. Mother's touch heals the wounds of the mortal perfectly. Once that is done, she straightens up and picks her way carefully through the others that lay there, trying not to step on them as she tries to decide just how to best aid her brother.

Teagen looks up at the manhole cover and she raises a hand, stepping back out of the way a little bit. She concentrates, closing her hand, trying to 'draw' it to her. Abruptly, blood squirts out of her nose and she drops her hands.

The watcher is there somewhere... right? Stands-As-The-Mountain seems to have forgot him for the moment when the massive creature that seems to be controlling it all comes climbing from the abyss. Charging after him those pounding feet almost seem to shake the structure while he moves after it. It's like a herd of elephants some stampeding through the parking area an slamming into the other his arms wrap around and with a snarl he squeezes with all he has. Those powerful arms having captured the beast even as Watcher claws him. The hivemind bites him and he continues to squeeze the feel of that powerful bleeding off from him and he lets go of it once that crushing squeeze is given.

The massive creature attacked him the crush failed and that only seems to anger him all the more! Stands-as-the-Mountain growls out that deep rolling snarl of the bear, the sound of it almost vibrating through the air as his eyes bore back into it. Then it swings at him causing him to stagger as it slashes deeply into his body for the first time. Blood running down his front in rivers now from the marks. He seems unsteady on his feet before his power surges about him and he blots the pain from his mind. "DIE!" The cry shakes the entire area who knows what people think is happening down there as he brings that crushing claw to bear slashing into the figure before him.

Teagen manages to get control of the manhole cover, even as the blood runs down her nose. She lifts it. It's heavy. SO heavy, but she can DO this. Totally! She takes a moment to get it all steady.

Sings-on-the-Sierra moves when she sees the watcher trying to get Asher from behind. She isn't going to let that happen. No. She lets loose her own snarl of fury and her massive arms wrap around the creature and she begins to squeeze with all her might, doing her very best to help protect her brother as she clenches those arms. Her furry body ripples with the force she throws into that clench, snarling in fury as she works to snuff the life out of the watcher.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZING!! The manhole cover whips through the air just as the thing opens its mouth to bite. It slams into the thing's mouth, shattering teeth. "Not nice to bite," she mumbles to herself.

The teeth were bad... but there he's getting cracked with a mouthful of manhole cover! Well at least he's not bleeding from it but damn if he doesn't get his bell rung. It's like clash of the Titan's up in here and he staggers a bit while trying to keep on his feet eyes glazing over before he's crashing down to his knees. The massive form of the bear starting to crash forward hitting the ground or falling on the hive mother if it doesn't move!

Sings-on-the-Sierra sees her brother go down and she FLIPS the fuck right out. The watcher might just try to squeeze her, but when she sees her brother go down? She sees red. Her head snaps back and a thunderous roar bursts out of her mouth as she squeezes the watcher until she hears things pop and crack and she doesn't stop until she hears things literally begin to go SQUISH inside him. She throws him off to the side like a rag doll. Hearing Teagen's cry, she lets loose another roar and lifts herself up, roaring at the hive mother to get her attention. Sings hunkers down, clawing at the ground for a moment as she prepares to tackle the creature and at least try to keep it occupied until Teagen can heal her brother. Fucking 800 pound missile incoming!

Sings-on-the-Sierra is still seeing through that sheen of rage! She launches into motion. Rarely has Sings ever moved with such speed. She doesn't do so unless she HAS to and this is one of those moments when she HAS to. And she hits the hive mother from behind HARD! Bodies thunder together loudly as Sings crashes into the beast with all her might. She's preparing to wrap her arms around the creature tightly, getting herself in position once more to squeeze just like she did before. Hey, when you weigh eight hundred pounds, why NOT use your body as a weapon? It works!

Oh! Fuck! She says that A lot. She sees Asher fall and even though she doesn't want to get close to that.. thing.. she needs.. just a touch. So it's as far away from the thing as she can get. Maybe his big toe. That'll do. Snag. She pushes energy into the effect, healing from the toe up.

Stands-as-the-Mountain slowly comes around Teagen does help quite a bit as she jump starts his healing like that. He takes a deep breath in the blood flow is steming and he finds that thing atop him blinking a couple times a low growl starts to build in his chest. Uh oh... someone is coming around again... and he is PISSED.

Sings-on-the-Sierra tries to cling to the hive mother, working to lock her arms around the creature. She's just not strong enough and she takes a nasty bashing hit to the ribs. A roar of pain and annoyance escapes her, but even still she doesn't give up. She KEEPS trying to get that grip on the creature. She's made up her mind that she's going to crush this thing and damned if she's going to stop until she does so! Fucker hurt her brother! It MUST GO DOWN!

Teagen just keeps trying to shove that manhole cover further and further into the thing's mouth

Stands-as-the-Mountin comes around again... and he is PISSED! A slow building growl rumbles from him before with a massive heave of the arm his claws dig raggedly into the figure slicing into it while he lets out a bellowing roar of anger. Bear is awake again and he is pissed. Starting in on it that thing better not touch his sister or anyone else ever again! He is going to tear it into tiny little pieces and scatter them to the wind!

DIE DIE DIE DIE DEI!! It isn't THE KILLING BLOW.. but having a manhole cover wedged down your throat has got to at least distract you from your fighting, right? Thus, that was Teagen's contribution

At the final hour, everyone is bedraggled and tired and the two bears are furious. Sings squeezes like mad while Stands rips and tears at the underbelly of the thing. Sings does get hit a few more times, but it is nothing she can't manage. Shake it off, shake it off! She snarls and squeezes and roars and makes a hell of a lot of noise as she fights to keep the thing held fast and do all the damage she can. While of course Stands does the vast majority of the damage. Once the thing is still, she huffs and crawls off of it, moving over to lay her hands over his wounds if he's still hurt. She doesn't ask for permission, she merely acts the part of the pushy little sister and works to heal his wounds.