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Get-Rep Challenge
Challenge run to settle matter of who will be the Get of Fenris Representative.
Players Sandra(ST), Aaryn, Aldric, Magnus, Sten, Theron, with appearances by Rafe and Jae-Eun
Location The base of K2
Spheres Gaian Garou Get of Fenris

NOTE: This is the raw unedited pastebin from the ST. It contains all rolls and ooc chatter. It has not been edited or altered in any way from the pastebin data found here: https://pastebin.com/eRkn1VBL It's spammy, you've been warned.

<OOC> Sandra says, "Alright. :P I'll start by saying I had some very clear reasons for saying 'Get Only,' and some of this, in spite of being logged, won't be known IC to anyone except y'all. That's part of the reason that renown is going to be tricky for some of it. Otherwise, yeah, the courier involved in this will underline it multiple times: no one but Get on this trip. If there was an IC insistance on mentorship, it would've been called out for cheating."< <OOC> Magnus does note that spirits typically bear witness to renown, so shouldn't be a big deal? <OOC> Sandra says, "There are very clear reasons why this won't be a typical case." Jae-Eun has reconnected. <OOC> Sandra needs to eat quick, but I still need renown/sheet info from Rafe and-- mostly it's Rafe. Theron and Jae-Eun are welcome to add to that, in terms of reputation/tec. <OOC> Rafe says, "Not so clear is there are questions. I barely know what supposed to be going on becsause the mojority of the discussion has happened while I was at work." <OOC> Sandra says, "*etc" <OOC> Sandra says, "Most of it should be in @mail unless I accidentally missed you in the chain." <OOC> Rafe says, "I have starting ahroun renown" <OOC> Jae-Eun has no renown, is kin <OOC> Theron is kin with some renown but doesnt know the command... <OOC> Sandra meant more: is there anything about Rafe that's widely known among the tribe, even from cubhood-- any positive/negative renown he accrued through cubhood that stuck with him, that sort of thing. <OOC> Theron says, "not much just some temp glory not enough to worry about" <OOC> Sandra says, "Theron and Jae-Eun can +sheet/show, though I'll admit that I've forgotten rules on kin entering the umbra." <OOC> Jae-Eun says, "... umbra?" <OOC> Theron says, "someone has to bring us" <OOC> Jae-Eun rubs face <OOC> Sandra says, "It's a 'rou challenge >_> so yeah there's some Umbra involvement." <OOC> Theron says, "we cant enter on our own unless the gauntlet has been lowered so far peeps could accidenty cross" <OOC> Jae-Eun says, "It's just a damned brawl." <OOC> Sandra says, "Not really, no." From afar, Theron is kin but Ive fought and killed a vamp, along side garou, braver than smart might be the rep <OOC> Jae-Eun says, "You dont need my sheet" From afar, Aldric is sorry people are being obstinate, your efforts are appreciated. <OOC> Rafe says, "Im going to bow out. I was under the impression that ir was going to be a fight. I have entirely too much to still do for something complex. Good hunting all." Rafe goes home. Rafe has left. Theron pages: I did fight a rage spirit thing manifested once also as I became a berserker but again thats background stuff Jae-Eun goes home. Jae-Eun has left. <OOC> Theron thinis before anyone over reacts we should let the scene figure itself out? <OOC> Aaryn says, "^^" <OOC> Sandra was more or less going to say something like that, but vOv <OOC> Sandra has been told she's a bit too subtle when she's trying to play it close to the vest, but yeah, I'll be blunt: there's a physical challenge component, and it DOES contribute, but this is not a typical challenge. <OOC> Sandra says, "Kin being around isn't something I factored in, but I'm willing to work with it. The question just becomes whether people want it spelled out ahead of time, or if they want to discover it as their characters do. I'm fine with either. vOv" <OOC> Aaryn says, "I'm fine with rolling with it and finding out as the characters do" <OOC> Magnus says, "Go for it." Long distance to Aldric: Sandra belatedly appreciates it. Happens with players sometimes, though, just part of the ST grabbag. >_> <OOC> Sandra says, "Mmkay." <OOC> Sandra says, "I'll be incorporating latecomers into this where able, staggered arrival times does actually work, but there's a couple ways we'll be doing this. There's going to be some pure-dice segments that'll dictate what I'm calling 'summary poses,' to start with. This isn't to shortchange anyone's ability to act of their own accord, and there'll be some largely-RP moments strung in. Mostly, it's to capitalize on the environment, work in some random chance, and give you guys a chance to play with it without this taking weeks on end. It's doable, but in case anyone's worried that 'mostly dice' portions will take up the bulk of it: it won't." <OOC> Aldric nods and is all good. <OOC> Magnus nods. <OOC> Theron is kin so Im good:) <OOC> Aaryn is cool Long distance to Theron: Sandra will be paging you separately about some things. You're an interesting addition because it illustrates a point I wasn't thinking of making initially, but it's a point worth making. :V So it works! <OOC> Magnus says, "For Theron, maybe a Get from Sandra's sept or another NPC Get from elsewhere was called in to Rend the veil for him as needed?" <OOC> Sandra says, "He'll be doing things just a touch differently, but I figured out a means of avoiding the umbra for him. Which is good, I just need to do some side-paging as other things are being sorted out." Theron pages: lol great <OOC> Sandra says, "Long story short to begin with, and I'll be placing this into the opening of my own posted logs: you've all received communique from Iron Flail to convene at the sept, and once you're all present (save Theron), you'll be greeted by a Get of Fenris Philodox (Fostern/Metis) by the name of Winter's Bite. If you'd prefer to scene it out, we can; if you'd prefer to mash the 'agree' button on being told the tribal eldership wishes for them to use a moon bridge to head to Tower Fall, that works, too." <OOC> Sandra says, "She'll be explicit about this being re: the challenge." <OOC> Theron is the "sans-Theron" so doesnt have a say:) <OOC> Magnus says, "No need to RP it out." <OOC> Aaryn considers the potential length of this, mashes the "agree" button <OOC> Theron grins You paged Theron with 'Theron will be approached via more typical channels-- namely, a phone call, and an in-person meeting with a kinswoman by the name of Arlinde Kaltbrenner. After some conversing and some secret handshakes to prove she's the real deal, she hands him tickets to Pakistan (!) and a permit (!!) to climb a mountain (!!!). Shhh~' Theron pages: weee <OOC> Aldric agrees. <OOC> Sandra says, "Then we proceed to Tower Fall, which is pretty much an all-Get sept. Things are pretty quiet, there being a Big Damn War on and all, most people are out fighting the good fight. Winter's Bite takes them to a cabin at the edge of the sept (google Tower Fall in Yellowstone, btw, it's gorgeous) , wherein there is an epic shitload of winter gear." <OOC> Theron agrees with Sandra <OOC> Aaryn says an Ic 'Awfuck' <OOC> Theron http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__xEY9jJ5HTQ/TEvSYBSJQAI/AAAAAAAABHY/Hwc9CjFTduo/s1600/Picture+072.jpg <OOC> Theron googled You paged Theron with 'You're heading out a week ahead of the others, and basically have to take shuttles and a bunch of other shit to a border town named Askole. There, you're met by a couple Pakistani porters that speak passable English and are willing to take him on a hike! ...Across the Baltoro Glacier. The trip takes 7 days.' <OOC> Magnus pushes Aaryn down the falls... <OOC> Sandra says, "You say that..." <OOC> Aaryn takes him with her <OOC> Sandra says, "But would it interest you to know that the moonbridge requires jumping off the falls? O:)" <OOC> Magnus yaaays, glorious death. Theron pages: swell You paged Theron with 'And the whole time you're watched by this monster, here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/K2_2006b.jpg/1280px-K2_2006b.jpg' <OOC> Sandra says, "Oh, right. Anyone here afraid of heights?" Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Sandra :V From afar, Theron thumb up <OOC> Magnus says, "Nope." <OOC> Theron says, "nah" <OOC> Aldric says, "Nope." <OOC> Aaryn says, "nope" <OOC> Sandra says, "Lastly, you're all given pretty hefty side-provisions-- namely, a lot of meats, cleansed dried foods, insulation, and blankets. It's explicitly noted that this is chiminage, to be given upon reaching the alpha of the sept the group is traveling to. The remainder of their chiminage, they'll be informed of upon arrival." <OOC> Sandra says, "Now-- to the posing."

It is, perhaps, a boon in itself that the metis Winter's Bite has taken it upon herself to act as the pack mule for the better portion of the goods, and sets aside the time to dedicate each pack to its wearer ahead of time. Wearing her war form, she's the first to dive headlong into the maw of the falls, with the expectation that the others - equally burdened by their own packs and gear - will soon follow. Once they do, plunging into darkness, falling through to a slender ribbon of moonlight snaking out through umbral planes dimmed by the crescent moon. Picking themselves up, they'll sense that the weight of the packs strapped to their backs via an intricate harnass - meant to evenly distribute the weight - has lifted. A side-benefit of a rudimentary dedication, perhaps, or simply a quirk of traversing the world in spirit. Either way, given what feels like hours upon hours of walking, it's a boon in itself: even the slight weight begins to feel burdensome. But then the bridge opens, lunes responding to the call of Winter's Bite to peel back the moon bridge's exit, the fissure inviting the impression of a chill wind. But it's only an impression: a reflection of what might be felt in the Realm, even if the temperature can't seem to make up its mind. In the end, the temperature itself is liveable, in their normal attire-- but given what lies in front of them, and all around, it's clear that this will change in a hurry. As here, in this place, lies an impenetrable stillness, the landscape robbed of anything resembling life. In the shadow of a mountain whose name is known only to itself, whose earthly designation remains little more than an inhuman symbol - a surveyor's footnote - it's possible to feel, tangiably, a sense of unapproachable hostility that has so compelled all that came before the group of Garou now standing at this, its final threshold. The sense of anger here is one that feels as though it should strike a chord, elicit a sense of familiarity, but it does no such thing. Where the Garou owe the depths of their Rage to the three heads of the Hydra, the Rage reflected back at them is pure, rarified-- and it is patient, showing its teeth without murmuring so much as a word, nor growl. These are ancients, standing here-- sons and daughters of the Eocene, hailing from a time well before even the first wolves knew what it was to draw breath, the tallest among them standing as a monument to Gaia's anger, forged of stone and ice. <OOC> Magnus falls over at the wall-o-text. <OOC> Sandra says, "To be clear: you're alone here, save for Winter's Bite, and she's being awfully quiet." <OOC> Magnus says, "Mind if I shift into Hispo?" <OOC> Sandra says, "You can." <OOC> Sandra says, "Winter's Bite is still in crinos." Magnus transforms into a grey Dire Wolf. <OOC> Aaryn takes her war form <OOC> Theron is here? <OOC> Sandra says, "You're in the realm for now. :V" <OOC> Sandra will page momentarily You paged Magnus with 'Given Magnus' spirit heritage, he'll feel all that energy staring directly at him, for a moment. It's as a person might regard an ant, however, and there's no sense of welcoming to it.' <OOC> Guides-The-Dead says, "should we pose our reactions, then?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Oh! How many of you would consider yourself worldly types? As in, studied some geography, esp. of mountain ranges? and yes, please. :)" <OOC> Sandra says, "Also if you want to do actions/etc, let me know." <OOC> Aldric will also go Crinos. <---======##======================[ +roll ]=======================##======--->

 +roll <stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/private <stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/staff <stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/page <player1> [<player2>..<playern>]=<stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/job <job #>=<stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/settarget <stats> [vs <diff>]
 +roll/target [vs <diff>]

The +roll command allows a player roll 10-sided dice against a certain difficulty. The default difficulty is 6 but all commands will allow 'vs <diff>' on the end to specify difficulty.

Stats can be either the name of stats or integer values, all separated by + signs. Integer values can be positive or negative. The +roll code does not understand negative stats.

There are three ways the roll can be displayed: SAFE, UNSAFE, and BLATANT. SAFE shows only the total number of dice being rolled. UNSAFE shows the stats and additional dice as well as the total dice being rolled. BLATANT is like UNSAFE but it additional shows how many dice each stat contributes (eg. Strength(3) as opposed to Strength). The player making the roll and staff witnesses see the BLATANT display, while others see the SAFE display. UNSAFE display is not currently used. Additionally, all players can set '&VERBOSE_ROLLS me=1' to see the results of individual dice for rolls they witness.

See Also: +combat +rules difficulty Continued in '+help +roll 2' Examples in '+help +roll 3' <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> From afar, Magnus has 4 int, but not really geographic. Can I activate Resist Pain and Razor Claws now? Long distance to Magnus: Sandra will give Int 4 a pass to say: he gets a sense that activating gifts too hastily in front of a massive spirit like this might be a bad idea. You paged Magnus with 'He's welcome to do so, however.' You paged Theron with 'Oh, do this, please: +roll/page Sandra=Stamina + Survival vs 6' You paged Theron with 'And do it-- mmn, roughly three times?' Guides-The-Dead can't ignore the dull ache that's growing in her gut. It's not from hunger but from something far more bitter. She looks to Winter's Bite, the metis' silence hurting Aaryn's ears. As Aaryn turns to her right, and to her left, she appraises the man on each side. This place's ancient rage crawls over her flesh, turning it inside-out as she assumes her War Form.

Magnus would heed the call from the Elders of the Get, even if they are not within his current Sept, for they were the ones who told him to journey to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit to begin with. As he is handed the goods for the chiminage and prepares himself for the long journey ahead, he shifts into hispo, perhaps feeling that there would be less wear and tear on four legs over two, and with the distribution spread out evenly between all four, the joints and muscles would last longer. The Alpha of Baldur's Blade would jump into the falls with an arooo...and if anyone chuffed his way upon coming out of the waters, he had planned on staring them down, but instead they come out in the spirit wilds. Even the coldness in the air, which reminds him of his home Sept in Scandianvia, makes him pant happily, tongue hanging out, tail up and wagging. When they reach the mountain tough, his tail lowers to being flat and goes rigid. His ears perk, his mouth bares into a permanent snarl without sound, and he lowers his whole body into a crouch. He looks to the others and chuffs lightly, <<For te Fury of Fenris..what a big spirit. Best nae to start any gifts just yet or draw its gaze.>> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 4 successes. 4 +6 +7 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Theron and Sandra <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 2 4 5 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Theron and Sandra <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 3 successes. 5 5 +6 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Theron and Sandra You paged Theron with 'Alright. Good.' You paged Theron with 'Theron's been spending a good amount of time acclimating to 17k feet in elevation above sea level. Congratulations, he only feels super sick for a couple days.' Ironsides's nose wrinkles as the taste in the air turns, his naturally stony features gaining themselves a frown that dimples his brow. He too shifts to his war form, reaching up with a clawed hand to scratch at his shoulder as the feeling of the area well and truly settles in. Glancing silently at Magnus his head turns then to check on Guides and Theron. Theron pages: lol You paged Theron with 'In that time, he'll have learned from the porters and from Arlinde (who's there) about the mountain. K2 is the second-highest peak in the world, and was so remote that even the locals didn't have a name for it. 'K2' really is just a surveyor's note.' <OOC> Sandra says, "Theron isn't present. Y'all don't technically know that he's here. >_>" You paged Theron with 'If he has questions of Arlinde, feel free to page them.' Theron pages: Im good for bow Theron pages: now <OOC> Ironsides says, "AH!" <OOC> Ironsides says, "Then delete that please. :)"

It is not a growl that greets them, the sound of their voices, or the wet snap of bone and muscle realigning to suit the forms they assume-- not expected the howl of deadly winds, the thunderous clap of a serac pounding into the snow, nor the rumble of an impending avalanche. No-- it's more like the ephemeral rise and fall of windchimes, the sound distant; remote, echoing from further up the mountain's unforgiving slopes. It's a curious sound. Dissonant. Winter's Bite flicks an ear, but she keeps her head down, purposefully keeping her gaze turned away from the mountain range around them. She seems to be waiting for something.

You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Both Guides and Magnus are feeling a light tickle in their ears, not unlike the sort of sensation one gets when a spirit is speaking, but this sounds-- alien. Too alien to get a handle on. But it may be possible to focus in.' To (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead), Magnus pages: Roll or? You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Per/Enigmas vs 6, Per/Alert vs 8 if Enigmas isn't present.' To (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead), Magnus pages: Page you two with the roll or roll to all? You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Page it.' <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Perception + Enigmas vs 6 for 3 successes. 4 +7 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Magnus, Sandra, and Guides-The-Dead From afar, to (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead): Magnus can reroll the 10 if needed... To (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead), Magnus pages: Err, nevermind, no I can't. You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'If only this were W20, rite?' From afar, to (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead): Magnus keeps forgetting rerolls are only if you have specialties. You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'If it was W20 it'd be an automatic two succs :V' To (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead), Magnus pages: That too! There is a certain silence that comes with snowfall. Aaryn hated that sound. But then she almost preferred it to the haunting echos of chimes coming from those mountains that Winter's Bite refused to face. Aaryn watched the Metis carefully, and it only served to more unnerve her. She made a movement to the side, to stand more in line with Ironsides, prepared (as it seemed) to fight back-to-back should it come to that. You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Alright. On their own: roll Wits, then Stamina.' <OOC> Guides-The-Dead says, "oops, possible premature." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Wits vs 6 for 3 successes. +6 +6 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Magnus, Sandra, and Guides-The-Dead <OOC> Sandra says, "All good. I thought Guides was abstaining from listening closer. :)" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 3 3 4 4 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Magnus, Sandra, and Guides-The-Dead <OOC> Sandra says, "(which is a perfectly valid route to take)" From afar, to (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead): Magnus chants, "At least it wasn't a botch." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Perception + Enigmas vs 6 for 1 successes. 2 4 4 5 +6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Guides-The-Dead, Sandra, and Magnus From afar, Magnus does get +3 stamina for his totem, but not sure if that would be allowed or if we would go that route just yet. You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Now the same as Magnus-- one for Wits, one for Stamina.' Magnus pages: Sorry, +3 soak rather. <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Wits vs 6 for 2 successes. 4 +8 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Guides-The-Dead, Sandra, and Magnus <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 2 3 3 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Guides-The-Dead, Sandra, and Magnus From afar, Magnus hi-5's Guides with that 0. You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Welp :V' From afar, to (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead): Magnus hi-5's with that 0. From afar, to (Sandra, Magnus): Guides-The-Dead high-fives You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with 'It's a keening sound, at first. A tinnitus hum in their ears, growing ever-louder as they continue to listen. As with the sound that came before, there's no apparent message to decipher-- not that they can tell. And the more they listens, the more disorienting it becomes, what's heard drifting steadily into their-- Yes, it seems to be invading their field of vision. It feels like a vibration in their eyes, then a striking cold, a surge of pain bursting through over the sockets without warning. Break off, or keep trying?' You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with '(int/medicine, if you have it, or another Stamina roll for 'keep trying')' <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Intelligence + Medicine vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 2 5 +8 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Magnus, Sandra, and Guides-The-Dead <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Intelligence + Medicine vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 2 2 4 5 +7 +8 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Guides-The-Dead, Sandra, and Magnus <OOC> Magnus sorries to the others, lots of rolls going on. You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with 'Given the pain, the sudden onset of tears, the twitching in the eyes and a strain on the pupils-- Magnus will notice it first, Guides next. Snowblindness.' From afar, to (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead): Magnus stops then. <OOC> Sandra says, "Guides and Magnus are welcome to pose what was discussed in pages." From afar, to (Magnus, Sandra): Guides-The-Dead assumes we pose it now :) Wheeee You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with 'Yep.' You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with 'Breaking off, it'll resolve pretty quickly, but whew, sucks.' You paged Ironsides with 'Roll Per/Alert, btw.' You paged Ironsides with '+roll/page Sandra=Perception + Alertness vs 6' <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Ironsides rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes. 2 2 2 3 +6 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Ironsides and Sandra You paged Ironsides with 'He can hear faint footsteps at their flank.' At first, Guide's hands go to her ears, clasping them hard as if to drown out a sound. She chuffs and shakes her head, growing more frustrated. Growling, painfully... Then, stillness. Another chuff, the winter smoke curling from her maw... She stares straight ahead and her nostrils flare.... No. No, no, no. Guides-the-Dead lets out a low, mournful sound in her throat. Not again.

Magnus' eyes and ears go into full focus as he starts trying to, feel?, hear?, no...that's not it. It's a tingling sensation in his spiritual essence perhaps? Either way, he shakes his scruff for a moment as he thinks he hears something and pauses again, focusing harder. The wolf's eyes begin getting wet, almost as if he were crying, and then his eyes begin to twitch and his pupils lose focus with strain and then he does a full body shake, trying to cut himself off from whatever it was he was just connected to. For a second, he looks around and his eyes look like they do not focus on anything, <<Do nae focus on that tingling. Whatever is there brings snow blindness..>> He moves over towards the sound of Guides' chuffing and rubs his head against what he hopes is hers, to let her know someone is present. <<It should fade...>> Suuure it will. <OOC> Sandra says, "Magnus . o O ( Man, her head feels a lot like a knee for some reason )" Ironsides reaches over to grab at Guides arm, giving her a shake as he growls low in his throat, turning around towards the space behind them. <<We are approached.>> The words snapped out at two of them before releasing her just as quickly, crouching down in preperation. <OOC> Guides-The-Dead ohs! Magnus! I didn't know you cared! <OOC> Magnus says, "At least it wasn't her backside...that'd have been /awkward/..." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

Winter's Bite keeps her head down, seeming to wince at every word spoken, clawed hands clasped tightly to one another, tightening even more with every sound. Anyone glancing her way will see a tense posture, a cringe on her muzzle, but she maintains her silence, even as she shifts from one foot to the other. Ironsides isn't wrong, either; as the snowblindness that has stricken the two Theurges fades, the sound of footsteps can be heard, the soundless wall of snow and fog that churns at their backs doing little to hide the tell-tale signs of an approaching trio. You paged (Magnus, Guides-The-Dead) with 'Everything's so blurry! Aahh! --But noses and ears still work. (and sight will clear after this round)' You paged Ironsides with 'Three silhouettes in the fog. Not easy to tell if they're friendly, but Winter's Bite doesn't appear to be turning to attack.' From afar, Ironsides nods! <OOC> Magnus says, "Aaryn's pose?" <OOC> Guides-The-Dead thought we were waiting on... <OOC> Guides-The-Dead goes from premature to late <OOC> Sandra hah. <OOC> Sandra says, "It's all good." <OOC> Sandra says, "BTW, if you guys that got struck blind want to sniff check, you're welcome to." <OOC> Sandra says, "Well. Blind-ish." <OOC> Magnus says, "Roll?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Per/Alert." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes. 4 +6 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 3 3 +6 +8 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Smells human! That's good, right?" <OOC> Theron says, "woo" As Ironsides grabs Guides' attention, she calms and trains her ears to the sound of approaching footsteps. She turns in that direction, flicking her ears towards the sound fully. Her nose works, picking out scents on the cold air... Humans. Still, she keeps her guard up.

Magnus looks up and back (not that he can see, but habit), and sniffs and twitches those ears in the trio's general direction as Ironside's mentions they are being approached from behind. Magnus spreads out his claws to better steady his footing on the ground in case they need to react, but for now, he just waits strategically...or for his eyesight to return, same deal. As the wiffs of human come to him, his nose wrinkles...humans in the umbra? That can't be good. <OOC> Guides-The-Dead says, "aldric?" <OOC> Ironsides is typing. Ironsides steps forward, putting himself in front of the Theurges as they get their senses oriented. He watches the three as they get closer, still hunkered down in a pouncing position while he waits to see if they are friend or foe. <OOC> Guides-The-Dead totally points at Magnus. It was him. Cause, I have no place nudging peeps XD <OOC> Magnus nods, "It was me."

The group that approaches is comprised of three individuals: a white woman, an East Asian woman, and a man of Middle Eastern descent. The woman is noticeably Get of Fenris, her breeding speaking to that, the blonde hair and blue eyes first and foremost. The second giveaway is the brutal scar that begins frighteningly close to her jugular, though how far it goes is anyone's guess, under all those layers. She's wearing relatively warm clothing, for the time being-- a faux-fur lined jacket and presumably insulated BDUs, though it's not the heavy down gear one might expect from the climate. The man and woman are similarly dressed-- for warmth, but not to excess, each wearing what one might guess are styles drawn from their ethnic backgrounds-- and while the Umbra itself seems to have escaped the bite of the cold, it's a fair guess that, in the Realm, this is not the case. The Fenrir regards the group quietly, then turns to look at the two flanking her. She cants her head in wordless question. The Pakistani man nods, and to the assembled Cliath, he raises his chin, following the motion with a 'come here' gesture. Then he turns, and begins to walk, down towards an area that seems to flicker and spasm with dozens of fleeting impressions, one layered over the other like a photographic after-image, the bulk of them too diffuse to see properly. Winter's Bite follows without question. Must be their actual welcoming party.

Guides-The-Dead's eyes begin to focus again, blurring into rough shapes first. She shakes her head, chuffing a bit, and the tears from the snowblindness begin to chill, freezing in her fur. Watching Winter's Bite, she emits a low rumble of a curmudgeonly growl and falls into step.

Magnus' eyes clear. He shakes his head to try to get the water out of them and after a moment, he finally sees those who have come to them. He studies them for a moment and then looks at the others as Winter's Bite starts to follow. Well, they've come this far, so...let's see how far down this Fenris hole takes them. He begins padding forward, a flick of his tail signaling he will follow. He watces the images with fascination as they travel. Ironsides scents the air, and as the smell of fellow Get reaches his nose he relaxes slightly. He nods and moves to follow them, checking on his would be packmate before heading off, following after. Still wary, his eyes flicker from side to side, ears on a swivel as he listens to the area around them.

It doesn't take long to traverse what appears, underfoot, to be a snow-covered glacier. It's easy to get tripped up, the craggy field of ice and rock making for uneven footing, but claws make it easier to traverse. As before, it remains eerily silent, when it's clear the sound of the wind should at least be present. Instead, it's only the windchimes that remain, a sound that doesn't seem to recede as they move. As for the trio, the spirits have left their usual marks. On the Fenrir, there are iridescent marks burned into the shoulder of the jacket-- or rather, shining *through* the jacket, one mark for Fostern, the other for Adren. The other two wear similar marks, the Pakistani man wearing his on his bicep - Adren - while the East Asian woman wears hers on her shoulderblade - Athro. Passing through the flickering array of tents, they walk for what must be a good half mile in total silence, before the Athro slows to a halt, and glances towards Winter's Bite. Winter's Bite, in turn, glances to the trio of Cliath, and melts down into a homid form that is visibly afflicted with Albinism, such to the extent that her eyes are hidden by dark, protective glasses that are covered on all sides. She nods to the rest of them, signaling that they'd do well to do the same, and waits for them to shift. Once they do - if they do - she turns back to the Athro, and waits. The Athro pauses; then makes a series of gestures. It begins with tugging her clothing on tighter; hasty movements that are easily interpreted as 'get geared up quickly.' Then comes a hand rising to her throat, resting on it, and she takes a few shallow, labored breaths. --Choking hazard? One way or another, she seems to think it's sufficient, and with that, she concentrates, and steps through the Gauntlet.

<OOC> Sandra says, "Gauntlet here is tissue paper so I won't make people roll for it." <OOC> Sandra says, "Unless you really want to see if your dice make you botch a vs. 3." <OOC> Sandra says, "Also, I'm gonna need Stamina + Survival vs 7 from all of you." <OOC> Sandra says, "Except Theron." <OOC> Sandra says, "He got his out of the way." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Stamina + Survival vs 7 for 1 successes. 1 3 4 4 5 5 5 +8 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Guides-The-Dead rolls Stamina + Survival vs 7 for 1 successes. 1 2 3 6 +7 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Ironsides rolls Stamina + Survival vs 7 for 2 successes. 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Man. >_>" <OOC> Magnus says, "So many dice and so little successes. heh" <OOC> Aldric says, "More dice just means more chances to fail." <OOC> Magnus says, "True." You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Alright, the realm hits you hard, at first. You feel like total dogshit, like you're exhausted out of absolutely nowhere. The air's thin, and it's hard to catch your breath.' You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'It's manageable, but it sucks. A lot.' <OOC> Guides-The-Dead starts to pose? <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Getting geared up will feel like it takes all your energy, but at least it's warm enough that "gearing up" just means "grab a coat."' To (Sandra, Guides-The-Dead), Magnus pages: Is there anything to protect wolfies? Like a nice coat or some such? Would it even be needed in hispo? You paged (Guides-The-Dead, Magnus) with 'Winter's Bite gave the signal to shift to homid for now. The rest'll be explained in pose.' You paged Aldric with 'Alright, so it sucks stepping out into the realm. It doesn't hit super hard, but it's enough to make you feel like crap for-- a while. Not terrible, but you'll be dragging your tail a bit.' You paged Aldric with 'You'll get out of breath a lot faster than usual.' Aldric pages: Air feels thin? You paged Aldric with 'Yep.' Aaryn Shifts back to her homid form and steps through. At first, the weight of the realm is heavy and she feels her knees bending with that weight. Her face turns stoic, however, as she pulls herself into a fully upright position. Back straight, head up, gaze forward. Her nostrils, however, continue to flare as she drinks in air.

Magnus' bones snap, crackle, and pop as he shifts from large terror wolf to homid. He gears up with what was being carried and then follows along. He struggles a bit with breathing, but tries his best not to let it show. Aldric shifts back to his human form with ease, nodding as he puts on the provided gear they were given. Shouldering the rest once more he turns to follow after the Athro, giving the area they're leaving one last unhappy look. Then they're stepping across and the expression doesn't get any better. He adjusts the straps of the pack, closing his eyes ever so briefly to calm his breathing, preparing for the trek.

Even at night, the range is - no pun intended - breathtakingly gorgeous. With clear skies overhead, and the low hum of the wind skirting ribbons of snow and ice off the range, one couldn't ask for a more beautific welcome. Now, if they were in better shape to appreciate it, that might be one thing-- but given the nod of the Athro that leads them, it's clear they still have some walking to do. Not far, though, given that they can see what appears to be flickers of light between jutting slabs of ice and rock. Far enough that it'll be a pain. "Welcome to the Karakorams," the Athro says, her English fluent with an accented affect, hand going into her pocket to produce three small items, which she gives to Winter's Bite. "My name is Nigma Sherpa," she says, as Winter's Bite moves to hand the items out, each one wickedly cold; appearing first as clear stone, but on second glance, they're-- preserved ice?-- "deednamed Serac's Call, Athro Theurge of the Stargazers, and Alpha of the Sept of Ketu's Teeth. This," she says, tipping her hand to the Pakistani, "is Qasim Niazi, deednamed Wayseer. You have him to thank for the items you hold, and I suggest you use them." Qasim doesn't say anything to this, save to watch the trio quietly.

<OOC> Sandra says, "Gnosis vs. 6 -- talens, so you only need one success." <OOC> Sandra says, "(or you can spend a point so there's no 'oops'es)" Magnus loses one Magical Essence <OOC> Sandra says, "And that should be *Ngima." Aaryn loses one Magical Essence <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aldric rolls Gnosis vs 6 for 4 successes. 4 +8 +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Dice be trollin'" <OOC> Aaryn says, "showoff ;)" <OOC> Aldric laughs. Figures this would and not the Stam roll. <OOC> Sandra says, "Right?" <OOC> Sandra says, "BTW if you're sufficiently worldly *enough* to know the names of mountain ranges, the combination of 'Karakorams' and 'Ketu' should instill a feeling of dread." <OOC> Sandra says, "(potentially)" <OOC> Sandra says, "(well; if you're sane, anyway)" <OOC> Theron says, "lucky me I dont know any better" <OOC> Sandra says, "Well, you do now, but you were the unlucky bastard that got saddled with a full-on hike." <OOC> Sandra says, "Oh, right. Activating the talens will make you all feel a *lot* better." <OOC> Sandra says, "Apologies; I'm still in my 'waking up' phase ;P" <OOC> Aaryn says, "aaaand pose, right XD" Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Sandra says, "The ice will melt instantly upon activation, suffuse with skin, and yeah, suddenly shit sucks a lot less." Aaryn Listens to the introductions, her eyes moving from person to person. She holds out her palm, receiving the gift bestowed and allows her essence to activate the talen. As it disintegrates in her palm, she gives a shudder and inhales, deeply. Her shoulders relax - Just a bit - And she nods her gratitude.

Magnus is used to the sight of icey ranges. This reminds him of home. He looks back to the Ahtro as he speaks and nods his head. Taking the talen offered to him he states, "I am Magnus Nilsen, Rited Bloodied-Spirit Walker, Cliath Godi of te Get of Fenris born on two legs, hailing from te Sept of te Midnight Sun in Scandinavia, but calling Sept of te Enduring Spirit in California USA me home now, Alpha of Baldur's Blade Pack who follows Black Unicorn." He activates the talen and instantly takes a deeper breath. "Many thanks," he mentions at the gift and to the gift giver. He looks around to the others and asks, "Pardon me forwardness, but eh, what help kin we provide in repayment?" <OOC> Magnus is stretching it to say I've got an hour left... Aldric inclines his head to Winter's Bite as she hands over the talen, "Thank you." then to Niazi, "Thank you Wayseer'rhya." Sounding a little wheezy before the talen is activated. He concentrates, then opens his hand as the ice melts and runs over his form. A deeper breath is taken and color returns to his face as oxygen fills lungs again. <OOC> Sandra says, "That's roughly what I've got as-is. We should be clear of the 'introduction' and jump into the meat of it the next time we get together. I'll get Sten caught up in that time." As soon as her lungs are fully refreshed, Aaryn offers her introduction, "Aaryn North, rite-named Guides-The-Dead. Born on two legs beneath a crescent moon, Cliath. I hail from the Sept of the Silver Snow in Silver Bay, Minnesota." Aldric adds, since intros are going out. "I am Ironsides, known amongst humans at Aldric Hegdahl. Modi Cliath to the Get of Fenris, born on four legs. Descendant of Tarjei Hardrule, Great grandson of Ragnar "Spirit's Way", Grandson of Hilde "Battlemaiden" and child of Thurston "War Hammer" Ahroun leader of the Sept of the Endless Moon." <OOC> Aaryn nods "Should we keep an eye on @mail, then?"

"You were sent here with provisions," the Fenrir says, her voice on the deeper side-- direct, and telling of someone accustomed to leadership. "Once we reach the sept, those will be sufficient. The rest, we'll cover upon arrival." Qasim nods, glancing once to Ngima, and turns, already starting to walk in the direction of the outcropping the dim light is coming from. "As Stems-the-Tide says," Ngima says, "the gifts your tribe provides in return for your stay is partof what we ask. The rest-- Bloodied-Spirit Walker, Guides-the-Dead, Ironsides," she says, looking to each Cliath in turn, "is silence. Ours is a quiet Sept, and it's only after years of negotiating that we allowed members of your tribe to gain entrance. Your elder will explain the rest-- but to speak of this place, and what's done here, will ensure that no member will gain entrance for as long as the Stargazers draw breath. Am I to be understood?"

MAIL: You are sending mail to 'Sten'. Aaryn nods her head, once, solemnly. "On my Honor," she affirms, "I will not speak of your secrets outside of my brethren gathered here." <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep! I'll get Sten up to speed, and once he's caught up, we should be able to navigate the rest. It sounds like his times are a little weird, but hopefully it won't be *too* weird. Like I said, the bulk of this will be forward-dated."

Magnus listens and readjusts the pack he carries to note that he has the supplies. He then nods, "I din understand entirely, but ye wish for our silence, so...aye." 178/7999 characters added. MAIL: You sent your message to Sten. <OOC> Aaryn says, "so we're safe to go on-grid" Aldric inclines his head as well. "On my honor." he echoes Aaryn's sentiment. "Thank you for allowing us." <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." <OOC> Sandra says, "As I said in the @mail, since this is likely to take some time due to schedules and coordination, my aim is never to scenelock people." <OOC> Aaryn nods <OOC> Aaryn remembers now. <OOC> Sandra says, "If you want to say y'all have gotten a communique from FENRIR HQ or w/e (basically you met with Winter's Bite ahead of time, rather than the day-of), saying the challenge is being coordinated in a place the tribe feels is befitting of it, feel free. Seeing as it might be weird to have all this urgency, and then crickets chirping." <OOC> Magnus says, "How many scenes are we thinking this will take? Not that I'm having fun, but I didn't catch that it would take more than one scene. Sorry." <OOC> Magnus says, "Or, not that I'm not having fun...sorry, getting tired." <OOC> Sandra may have muddied wording a touch. Sorry about that! And it shouldn't take too many. Mostly it depends on character actions; it could draw out for a bit, it might be ended in three scenes total, roughly this length. I'm pre-preparing a lot of setpieces and whatnot so my own poses don't take *too* long. <OOC> Sandra says, "That said, no plot is player-proof so ;)" <OOC> Theron will fuck it up <OOC> Magnus agrees. <OOC> Sandra says, "Sorry you didn't get much to do Theron. <3 Thanks for being a trooper, though." <OOC> Magnus points to Theron. Bad news there. ;p <OOC> Sandra can run a thing for you in the interim so you've got your own side of it. <OOC> Theron is kinfolk, Im used to being abused <OOC> Theron is kidding:) <OOC> Magnus doesn't abuse you. *HITS!* <OOC> Sandra says, "Watch Theron be the one that passes the challenge." <OOC> Aaryn says, "probably" <OOC> Magnus says, "No seriously..." <OOC> Magnus says, "Ye most likely will be." <OOC> Aaryn says, "Theron's a /Beast/" <OOC> Theron says, "Dont worry, I wont lead the Get of Fenris:P" <OOC> Sandra writes up one more pose, sec. Then we can call it since people are flagging. If you have any questions/concerns, though, do let me know.

Fair to say understanding is not required; compliance, on the other hand, earns a thin smile and an incline of the Stargazer's head. She turns to the Fenrir Adren, nods, then turns to follow in Qasim's footsteps. "And just so we're clear," she says, "you have me to thank for the venue." A beat. "My name is Sandra Amsel," she says, "rited Razor-Eater, deednamed Stems-the-Tide, Elev Modi of the Get of Fenris, and former Guardian of the Sept of Enduring Spirit, currently stationed in Tower Fall. I was informed of the challenges taking place in Enduring Spirit, and was asked, given my familiarity, to do the honors. Winter's Bite," she says, inclining her head to the Philodox, "is here as a second, to perform her duties as given to her by her Auspice." A pause. Then, "Once we arrive, you'll be given a few days to acclimatize. Those talens will give you a decent head start, but the rest, you'll have to do on your own. Now-- we've got a long walk ahead of us, so it'd be best if we got going."

<OOC> Sandra smashcut to acclimatizing montage <OOC> Sandra will submit noms/etc when she has time in the morning. Like I said, I prefer to get those in per-scene, with more rewards given when it all wraps. I'm hoping it won't be sprawling, and I don't foresee it to be-- like I said, it'll depend primarily on character actions. And I'm flexible as to what, exactly, that means, but the challenge itself will be explained when everyone's together.


<OOC> Sten says, "kewl" <OOC> Sandra pastes from what I sent the group:

I'll be incorporating latecomers into this where able, staggered arrival times does actually work, but there's a couple ways we'll be doing this. There's going to be some pure-dice segments that'll dictate what I'm calling 'summary poses,' to start with. This isn't to shortchange anyone's ability to act of their own accord, and there'll be some largely-RP moments strung in. Mostly, it's to capitalize on the environment, work in some random chance, and give you guys a chance to play with it without this taking weeks on end. It's doable, but in case anyone's worried that 'mostly dice' portions will take up the bulk of it: it won't.

Long story short to begin with, and I'll be placing this into the opening of my own posted logs: you've all received communique from Iron Flail to convene at the sept, and once you're all present (save Theron), you'll be greeted by a Get of Fenris Philodox (Fostern/Metis) by the name of Winter's Bite. If you'd prefer to scene it out, we can; if you'd prefer to mash the 'agree' button on being told the tribal eldership wishes for them to use a moon bridge to head to Tower Fall, that works, too.

Then we proceed to Tower Fall, which is pretty much an all-Get sept. Things are pretty quiet, there being a Big Damn War on and all, most people are out fighting the good fight. Winter's Bite takes them to a cabin at the edge of the sept (google Tower Fall in Yellowstone, btw, it's gorgeous) , wherein there is an epic shitload of winter gear.

Lastly, you're all given pretty hefty side-provisions-- namely, a lot of meats, cleansed dried foods, insulation, and blankets. It's explicitly noted that this is chiminage, to be given upon reaching the alpha of the sept the group is traveling to. The remainder of their chiminage, they'll be informed of upon arrival.

<OOC> Sandra says, "Sten lagging a bit behind means that someone else'll be meeting him (another Galliard). You can come up with a reason for why he was delayed. If you'd like, we can scene out a portion of that conversation; if you'd rather move right along (which is perfectly fine), I can summarize." <OOC> Sten says, "no clue why he would be late lol" <OOC> Sandra says, "Slept in? :)" <OOC> Sandra says, "IDK. Hm." <OOC> Sandra says, "What flavor of Galliard is he? Maybe he was working on a project vOv" <OOC> Sten says, "hardly, there is no ic reason for him lagging behind.. which is the frustrating part. Guess he had to aid with something in the sept?" <OOC> Sandra says, "'Bullshit busywork' is as good a reason as any." <OOC> Sten says, "he is more the song and story one" <OOC> Sandra gives that a think. Hmmm~ <OOC> Sandra says, "You know what, I'm just gonna say the moon bridge could only support so many on a crescent moon, and you can be the Valiant Guy that stayed behind so the others could get through :P" <OOC> Sandra says, "The others may want to argue with them being the more gracious one or w/e but it won't count towards the end so" <OOC> Sandra says, "If that works for you, then it works for me." <OOC> Sandra says, "Just so it's not 'arbitrarily late' and more 'active decision'" <OOC> Sandra says, "(since 'here's some busywork' could be seen as weirdly punitive)" <OOC> Sten says, "hmmmm dont want to hog though..." <OOC> Sten says, "his sister was feeling ill and what not..." <OOC> Sandra says, "That's perfectly legitimate." <OOC> Sten says, "she had a sudden case of plotopsis" <OOC> Sandra hah <OOC> Sandra says, "He can be given a window w/ which to communicate whether or not he'll be able to make it, with well-wishes and whatnot. Family first and all." <OOC> Sandra says, "Or rather, it's something the Get will understand better than most." <OOC> Sandra says, "Mmkay. So with that taken care of, do you want to chat up your chauffeur a bit, or dive right in? I know your time is a bit limited." <OOC> Sten says, "suffer plotosis alot... its in the genese" <OOC> Sten says, "should be good for about least 4 hours" <OOC> Sandra salutes. <OOC> Sandra says, "I'll leave it up to you, then." <OOC> Sten says, "chaffeur meaning the galliard that is guiding him or?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yeah." <OOC> Sten says, "Where are they heading with the provisions and wintergear?" <OOC> Sandra says, "A lady named Adele Kaltbrenner, Fostern, deednamed Breaks-the-Circle, and she's being annoyingly obtuse about where and why." <OOC> Sandra says, "Such to the point that Sten might think she's pulling a fast one on him by saying that BASEjumping off of this monster - is how to reach the moon bridges: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__xEY9jJ5HTQ/TEvSYBSJQAI/AAAAAAAABHY/Hwc9CjFTduo/s1600/Picture+072.jpg" <OOC> Sandra says, "(that part is hilariously in the canon write-up)" <OOC> Sten says, "He would jump, only giving a single look to ensure this was what to be done then jump... cause... killing garou with falling from great heights is not very kosher :D" <OOC> Sandra says, "As a joke, it's in rather poor taste, yes." <OOC> Sandra says, "But yeah she'll be dodging his questions and mostly just saying 'where's your sense of adventure??'" <OOC> Sandra says, "At the end of the moon bridge, 'this is as far as I go,' and then letting him exit." <OOC> Sten says, "Sten would brace for very cold weather and go through" <OOC> Sandra starts writing.

The bridge opens, lunes responding to Breaks-the-Circle's chanted request to peel back the moon bridge's exit, the fissure inviting the impression of a chill wind. But it's only an impression: a reflection of what might be felt in the Realm. The temperature can't seem to make up its mind; at first, there comes a polar blast-- then a drop-off into something more like a cool winter's day, by California standards. In the end, it's-- liveable, in jeans and a jacket, but given what lies in front of the Galliard, and all around, it's clear that this may well change, the moment he crosses the Gauntlet. As here, in this place, lies an impenetrable stillness, the landscape robbed of anything resembling life. In the shadow of a mountain whose name is known only to itself, whose earthly designation remains little more than an inhuman symbol - a surveyor's footnote - it's possible to feel, tangiably, a sense of unapproachable hostility that has so compelled all that have come to its threshold. The sense of anger here is one that feels as though it should strike a chord, elicit a sense of familiarity, but it does no such thing. Where the Garou owe the depths of their Rage to the three heads of the Hydra, the Rage reflected back at them is pure, rarified-- and it is patient, showing its teeth without murmuring so much as a word, nor growl. These are ancients, standing here-- sons and daughters of the Eocene, hailing from a time well before even the first wolves knew what it was to draw breath, the tallest among them standing as a monument to Gaia's anger, forged of ice and stone.

<OOC> Sandra says, "How good is Sten's sense of geography?" <OOC> Sten says, "he has survival 2 so alright" <OOC> Sandra says, "Anything in Academics?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Poor, neglected Academics?" <OOC> Sten says, "nope" <OOC> Sandra says, "Alas. :V" <OOC> Sandra says, "Alright. Up to you what you want to do. Look around, yell stuff. Just let me know and I'll call a roll for it." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Sten says, "who sent them again?" <OOC> Sandra says, "That isn't explicitly clear, Breaks-the-Circle said the tribal elders caught wind of what was going on and were interested in seeing the challenge done appropriately." <OOC> Sandra says, "That, and he'll be told more when he's at the site that's been chosen for it." <OOC> Sandra says, "~except there's no one here~" <OOC> Sten says, "then he would call out at top of his voice, who he is, that he brings part of a chimange as a challenge given by the tribal elders. That he has brought it and that he is ready to learn what the other part of the chiminage is" <OOC> Sten says, "you want me to post it?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Please. :)" <OOC> Sten says, "which sept are the elders of again sorry... need to get my damn notes in order lol" <OOC> Sandra says, "Tower Fall." Sten takes a deep breath and calls out with all of his might "I am Sten Blixt, Stormhowler, Cliath Skald of the Fenrir, son of Eric Blixt, Ironheart, son of Johan Blixt, Starsinger, son of Torbjörn Blixt, Redsnow, Son of Olaf Blixt Stormhowler, born to Fimbul Winter sept, now of Sept of the Enduring Spirit. I bring part of a chiminage as part of a challenge set by the Elders of Tower Fall and thusly stand ready to learn what the second part of the chiminage that should be given." looking around and waits to see if there is any reply or reaction. His mind already pondering what the challenge is to whom the Chiminage is.. what the next chiminage is... there was no direction given, no goal. But this would not stop him, he would find the goal, he would find the spirit, if he could not call it out. <OOC> Sandra says, "Give me a Per+alert roll, btw. vs 6" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 2 4 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sten says, "nope"

The sound of his voice produces a strange echo, his words bouncing back, and fading-- breaking apart, transmuted into something-- different. It's not a growl, nor a sudden roar from the peaks that surround him on all sides; not the howl of deadly winds, the thunderous clap of a serac pounding into the snow, nor the rumble of an impending avalanche. No-- it's more like the ephemeral rise and fall of windchimes, the sound distant; remote, echoing from further up the mountain's unforgiving slopes. It's a curious sound. Dissonant. An answer, maybe. Or maybe it's just a quirk of the eerily silent landscape.

<OOC> Sten says, "he is basically at the foot of this mountain?" <OOC> Sandra says, "He's in a valley between a range of mountains. If he takes a look around, he'll see that he's pretty much surrounded." <OOC> Sandra says, "Well. 'Valley.'" <OOC> Sten says, "I assume not roads or paths?" <OOC> Sten says, "tracks?" <OOC> Sandra says, "None that he can see." <OOC> Sandra says, "Give me an Int+Enigmas" <OOC> Sandra says, "Int on its own vs 8 is fine if no Enigmas." <OOC> Sandra says, "Otherwise it's a standard 6." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Intelligence + Enigmas vs 6 for 3 successes. 4 +6 +7 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Nice."

Sten takes a look at his surroundings, and two things become clear to him: First, this is a remarkably pristine stretch of Umbra, and so remote, besides, that the usual spiritual fauna that should be present simply isn't. The area has a vibrance to it, however-- an iridescent gleam of color if he plays close enough attention, the dim glow of pale crystal blue and phosphorous white arabesques shifting beneath the rocks underfoot. And that's the problem, right there: rocks. Even if there was a disturbance recently, even if a spirit plane this far removed from human comings and goings wasn't quick to revert to its earthly reflection, the concept of 'tracking,' of spotting recent activity, isn't going to be an easy task.

<OOC> Sandra says, "*pays" <OOC> Sten says, "which is the tallest peak?" <OOC> Sandra says, "He came into the area facing it directly." Sten grabs the pack and starts heading up the mountain. "I am no spirit speaker, but I will bring you this chiminage." listening to the disonance of his words as they echo, trying to see if he can find a pattern or anything he could understand. It would be a long walk either way... it give his mind something to do. <OOC> Sandra says, "FWIW: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5tq3cd0k56tf9c/bigdamnmountain.jpg?dl=0"

"Shh." The disruption of sound makes the sibilant reply meld into the windchime effect rolling in off the hillside, but if he looks to his right, Sten will see a willowy woman with unnaturally pale skin by his side. Her hair is short, and even in the dim light of the crescent moon and the array of unnaturally bright stars, he'll see that there's something-- off-- about her eyes. She wears a thick jacket, a pair of trousers that appear to be made of a hide of some kind, and thick boots meant for trekking, though her hands are unhindered by gloves or mittens. One slender finger is held up to her lips in a shushing gesture.

Aaryn comes in from RP Rooms Lobby Aaryn has arrived. <OOC> Sandra says, "Hello :V" <OOC> Aaryn laughs, apologizes. <OOC> Aaryn leaves Aaryn moves to RP Rooms Lobby Aaryn has left. Sten looks to her and bows his head. Looking to her but not saying anything as he had been Shhushed looking to her, waiting for her to speak. Standing and waiting patiently to see what she would do next. At least someone that could provide answers.

The woman glances first at the tallest peak looming over them, then back towards Sten, her raised hand gesturing for him to follow. She takes a couple steps back, waiting to see if he'll follow the instruction. If he doesn't, she'll gesture again-- and again, as many times as need be-- but not once does she raise her voice to speak. Instead, once assured that he'll fall in step, she turns, and starts to walk further into the 'valley' of scattered rocks. She seems to come by navigating the mess rather naturally, moving over the debris field without issue. Sten may find his footing isn't quite what he'd like, the larger rocks eagerly offering up a variety of ways in which he might twist his ankle, or get his feet tangled up. Thankfully, dedication rites mean that the pack strapped to his back isn't loading him down as heavily as it will in the Realm, but-- once they cross over, that'll be another problem to contend with. Ahead of him, he'll see an area that seems to flicker and spasm with dozens of fleeting impressions, one layered over the other like a photographic after-image, the bulk of them too diffuse to see properly. It's about the only sign of something having happened in the Realm that lasted for long enough to make an impression-- but other than that, the stillness remains the same.

Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. Sten follows without question and moves as she does. Trying to emulate and follow. This was not his terrain, he was used to woods and cold but mountains was much further north and not tall like these, not sharp like this. He admired the mountain but continued to walk. He had his tasked that he would complete and there is no shame in taking aid from those wiser and more skilled.

The woman continues to lead him, walking without comment through the field that flickers and undulates with shapes indistinct and undefined. And immaterial, besides, the flickers barely seeming to make an impression when one springs up nearby-- or right on top of him, in at least one instance. It's enough of a flash, however, to bring with it a scent like-- food? Cooked food. And sweat, and something sickly-sweet, like a rotting wound. There and gone, like it was never present to begin with. Seems like they've been walking for ages by the time the woman pauses, and turns to him, one hand going into her pocket to bring out a small rock of some kind. No. Not a rock. Ice. She holds out her free hand, palm facing upwards-- then uses the same hand to point at him, then the ice. She means to give it to him, by the look of it, and should he offer his hand, she places it in his palm. It's no larger than a American twenty-five cent piece in diameter, and bitterly cold to the touch. Then, and only then, does she speak. A single word, whispered carefully: "Talen."

Sten nods and looks to it then to her. Asking in the same whispered voice "Is it chiminage?" looking to her for answers. Was it for him to give as chiminage or for him to use to get there... either way he had no idea what it did. Curious if the woman would answer him. If she did he might ask what it did but for now he wondered, remaining silent. Being loud was bad here it seemed thusly quiet he would be.

The woman frowns, but seems to fight off a look of exasperation. She then shakes her head, and, with another furtive glance towards the mountain, seems to debate something for a moment or two - maybe whether or not she can get away with another round of charades - then, taking a breath, she says, "Use it."

<OOC> Sandra says, "So. Roll gnosis vs 6, or, if you'd rather this be a sure thing, spend one Gnosis point. Keeping in mind you'll have to meditate (successfully) to get it back." <OOC> Sten says, "how I spend gnosis again?" <OOC> Sandra says, "+spend gnosis=1 I think" <OOC> Sandra says, "Or just +spend gnosis" No entry for '+spend'. <---======##===================[ +gain/+lose ]====================##======--->

 +gain <stat>
 +lose <stat>
 +gain/multiple <stat>/<amount>
 +lose/multiple <stat>/<amount>

The +gain and +lose commands are used to spend and refresh pools. The /list versions show what stats can you can adjust and whether or not they can currently be adjusted. The stats listed depend on your character sheet and whether or not they can be adjusted is determined by whether the pool is empty, full, or in-between.

Each time you use +gain or +lose on a stat, that stat is adjusted by one point. You and staff see the exact stat adjusted. Other players see a label that is intended to hide your supernatural type. For example, spending most pools such as Blood, Rage, Gnosis, Glamour, etc, are shown to other players as spending Magical Essence.

Using +gain/multiple is equivalent to using +gain several times in a row, similar for +lose/multiple.

See Also: +effects +heal <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Sandra says, "I'm wrong!" <OOC> Sandra says, "+lose gnosis" Sten loses one Magical Essence <OOC> Sandra quickposes. <OOC> Sandra says, "Well, actually, for log integrity, just throw out the 'concentrating!!' pose and then I'll add in a quick description." <OOC> Sten says, "okies" Sten concentrates upon the ice to release its power. Using the talen

Upon concentrating, Gnosis wells in Sten's hand, and encapsulates the item. There is a brief but definite flare of crystal blue iridescence, and then the ice melts, suffusing into his skin. It leaves behind an odd tingle that spreads from his palm into his fingers, migrating steadily up his arm until it seems to dissipate entirely. Other than that-- nothing of note actually happens. The woman lets out a slow breath, then nods, giving another gesture to follow. As before, the trek isn't a short one. Fifteen, twenty minutes pass, leaving the flickering menagerie behind for a stretch of snow and rock that lead towards an outcropping. And it's only in the outcropping itself that the woman pauses, and extends her hand, gesturing for him to offer his own. Once he does, she takes hold of it, seems to concentrate, and with that, she guides him through to the Realm. It's-- strangely-- warm? Here? For the surroundings. Still night outside, which makes sense; were it anything else, the Umbra would be far too dark to allow passage. It's dark out here, save the glittering lights of a small encampment far behind them, the mountains that loomed around him unchanged from what he'd seen in the umbra. Except now, he'll hear the winds. See the ribbons of snow blowing off the peaks, and feel a curious sensation in his lungs, a weight that seems to come and go of its own accord, but it resolves itself quickly. "We still have some walking to do," the woman says finally, her voice soft, a bit monotone, with a Germanic accent of some kind. She pauses for a moment, then, "My name is Winter's Bite. Voksen Forseti-- ah. Metis. Of the Tower Fall." Another pause, a glance over her shoulder, before she looks back at him. "Without the talen-- we're at a very high elevation." Beat. "Are you ready to move?"

<OOC> Sandra says, "By 'warm' it's still cold. Guestimate about 10-20 degrees. Not hospitable, but it's not fuck-off freezing atm." <OOC> Sandra says, "10-20F." <OOC> Sandra realizes 10-20 is distinctly uncold in C ;P Sten nods "Honor" keeping his scentances short. His own accent swedish, but he spoke both german and old norse. He would try to steel through it all, knowing the talen was aiding him in this endeavor and thanked the spirit for its gift in his mind, not wishing to waste breath that he sorely needed to ascend this mountain. <OOC> Sten says, "10-20 is normal weather here... currently we has 25-30 which is hot... :(" <OOC> Sandra says, "That sucks. Where are you located, anyway?" [+WATCH] 02:42 pm: Dominic has connected. <OOC> Sten says, "germany"

They don't appear to be ascending. Not yet. In fact, they seem to be walking away-- or, at the very least, working their way around its base. Which is good and bad, as the snow has already started to pile up on the glacier, no matter that this is summer. Gives a good indication of how high up they are. Which-- presents its own interesting twist. Rising to this elevation so suddenly, from Prospect, should be causing him no end of trouble. A crushing sensation in the lungs, nausea-- any number of things. The talen, most likely, helped him acclimate. The only question is, for how long will that last? Winter's Bite doesn't offer that information, instead leading him over the fields of ice and snow. There's no reason to be quite as quiet now as she was before, most likely, but she maintains relative silence, giving only the occasional instruction to follow closely. "Snowbridge," is her only explanation, which may ring a bell in his head. The word 'crevasse' isn't far behind it, which, in itself, brings the promise of pain and plummeting that's best avoided. It's like moving through a maze in its own right - or a minefield - and how she so deftly knows which areas are safe and which are not-- Well. Maybe she got a map ahead of time. It's as dawn is beginning to break over the mountain range that there's signs of life in an outcropping not dissimilar to the one they left behind. In it, there is a small camp with a burning fire, and at the fire, a woman-- tall, visibly Get of Fenris, sitting in front of a single tent. She doesn't raise to her feet upon seeing them, instead dumping another load of snow into a cookpot, and looks first to Winter's Bite, who Sten will see, in the dawn light, is almost certainly an albino. "If you'd like to head back to the sept," the seated Fenrir says to the metis, "you're welcome to." Winter's Bite nods-- first to the Fenrir, then to Sten, and quietly takes her leave. With that done, the woman turns to Sten, and says, "Take a seat," gesturing to an unoccupied rock by the fire.

<OOC> Sten says, "have to warn you, going to have to go in a bit" <OOC> Sandra says, "That's fine. :)" <OOC> Sandra should be around at this time tomorrow. Earlier, if anything. <OOC> Sandra says, "If you want to pause here and tag me when you're around, I should be here at roughly 7am CST." Sten would follow Winters Bite and her instructions to the letter. This was her terrain. Her way, his life was in her hands and he would not make her regret it. He would use all his power to be able to do what was needed and work through the harsh conditions around them. He looks to the new Fenrir and takes a seat looking to her, waiting expectantly for what she had to say to him. <OOC> Sten says, "that is 2pm my time so should be here" <OOC> Sandra says, "Cool. :)" <OOC> Sandra will plan on then. You have voted for Sten You have voted for Sten <OOC> Sten says, "got abit of time still, mainly hangs on when wife wants to head to bed lol" Sten has voted for you. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. Sten has voted for you. <OOC> Sandra says, "Fair enough. Gimme a sec." <OOC> Sandra says, "(phone happening)" <OOC> Sten says, "no worries"

"My name is Sandra Amsel," she says. "Rited Razor-Eater, deednamed Stems-the-Tide-- Adren Ahroun of the Get of Fenris, stationed at Tower Fall-- and formerly of Enduring Spirit. And I suppose it's due to the latter that I was informed of what amounts to a power struggle that needs to be resolved." There comes a pause. Then, "Drink some water, by the way. That talen you used won't last indefinitely, and you'll need all the energy you can to deal with the next few days of preparations."

<OOC> Sandra says, "...assume she said Elev Modi there, instead." Sten nods and drinks the water "I am Sten Blixt, Cliath Skald of the Fenrir, born of Fimbul Winter sept now of Enduring spirit" bowing his head "There are no Fenrir of rank and one amongst us Cliath have tried to claim leadership of all Fenrir in the sept. Many of us stood against this as we did not agree he should be, some of us believe none of us should be but alas, the dice have been rolled and we can not stop it now.. now we must find who is best suited for it" nodding to himself.

"Oh, you will," Sandra replies. "As I informed the others, your challenge is there," her head inclined to the tallest mountain in the region, "and it'll do all it can to test the mettle of each of you-- to breaking point, if need be." A pause. "This range," she says, "it's called the Karakorams. Are you familiar with it?"

Sten shakes his head "I am not. But I am going to give my all to prove myself" nodding to her. He was determined, he could not let Magnus win, to claim the leadership just like that. Such hubris to think he was the strongest, wisest and skilled among all present. No he had to ensure that tribal leadership was kept out of such hands. He himself was not worthy but he certainly would give his all to ensure Fenrir was lead in an honorable and respected way.

"You'll need to," Sandra says. "That mountain," she says, "its name is K2. Second only to Everest in height." Her gaze shifts back to Sten. "It's so far removed from civilization that even the indigenous population didn't have a name for it-- and to date, for every four climbers that attempt to ascend it, one ends up dead." It's a sobering statistic-- or it should be, one she allows to sink in, for a time. "It takes a tremendous amount of skill and fortitude to even consider mounting an expedition, saying nothing of reach its summit intact-- or descending from it. So-- needless to say, you and the others will have your work cut out for you."

<OOC> Sandra says, "*reaching" Sten nods "We do, is this a joint expedition then? Or are we travelling on our own?" looking around, he had not seen any of the others only the guides and now Sandra. "We are to give this chiminage at the top of the mountain?" tilting his head trying to wrap his mind around the challenge to fully understand its nature and purpose apart from being hard and taking alot of effort. To see if there was aspects not having been discussed yet.

"First," Sandra replies, "the expedition will be a joint one. Leadership isn't tested in a vacuum-- it's tested among others. And given the prominence of the sept you find yourself in, the qualities the tribe is looking for in its foremost representative there should be above and beyond what is typically called for. Thus, the test itself is viewed as its equal to the role that's being pursued. "Second," she continues, "the chiminage you brought with you is for the sept. The chiminage you'll offer is more-- ephemeral than that." Beat. "I don't know if you've noticed, but the mountain has gotten to be a bit irritable, of late. To honor it, and the sept at its base, you'll be undergoing a thorough cleansing ritual with the others, and sacrificing a portion of your Rage for the climb." She pauses-- then, "That anger inside you," she says, "though it remains Luna's gift, there's no dodging the fact that it's steeped in corruption. The less of it there is upon ascent, the less likely the mountain's spirit will be to want to throw you off." Beat. "Leaves you at something of a disadvantage," she says, "but it isn't called a 'sacrifice' for nothing."

<OOC> Sandra says, "*The chiminage you'll offer to K2 is more-- ephemeral than that." <OOC> Sandra does note, OOCly, the sacrifice won't be permanent. But the characters don't know that. Sten nods to that "I see. I will do what is required, though how will the worthy come forth? How and by whom will it be decided. And if this will aid the sept here and aid this noble mountain. I would still partake in this ritual climbing even if it was not a challenge for the leadership." looking to Sandra.

"The 'how' of it is for you and your tribemates to figure out," Sandra replies simply. "As for who is deciding, it comes down to both myself, and Winter's Bite, in her capacity as a Philodox-- though she's taking a more advisory role in all of this." Beat. "At the end of the day, it's me you're looking to impress, and I am - understandably, I think - disinclined to tell you exactly how you'll manage to do that."

<OOC> Sandra has to brb. So-- brb! Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Sten says, "okies" Sten nods "Understandable, seems like it will be hard but then again so is life and this task is noble and I do hope it aids the mountain and the sept here" smiling warmly to her. "Thank you for this oppertunity" bowing to her. "Though it seems I have alot to prepare for" <OOC> Sandra says, "Alright. I'm being pulled away a bit, so we're gonna pause here. I'll be on tomorrow though. :V" <OOC> Sandra says, "(though, to be fair, this is probably a good pause break before getting together with the others)" <OOC> Sten says, "works for me" <OOC> Sten says, "this is going to get annoying for you though since chances that I am on with the rest are not that high" <OOC> Sandra says, "We'll figure something out. I'll get them up to speed, and try to figure out where we'll all overlap."

--- *** ---

<OOC> Sandra yawns forever. Okay-- let me review the log and see where we're at before Sten gets in. Pretty sure there's some poses I can get out of the way before he pops in, just need to-- yeah, waking up. <OOC> Sandra says, "Alright. So-- Magnus and Aaryn, you two are down one Gnosis. Aldric had his one Great Role which means he didn't spend any, and also that he'd doomed to botch something crucial." <OOC> Sandra says, "*roll" <OOC> Aldric says, "It's true." <OOC> Sandra says, "*he's. Yikes, good start, brain." Magnus loses one Magical Essence <OOC> Sandra is going to just get the quickposes out of the way while we're waiting for Sten, since I got a little farther with him than we with you guys. Everyone here/ready? <OOC> Magnus says, "Ready." <OOC> Theron is here <OOC> Aaryn says, "here" <OOC> Aldric says, "Ready." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. Aaryn has disconnected. [+WATCH] 05:38 pm: Aaryn has disconnected. You paged Theron with 'Just so you're aware, Theron will have been instructed that the others are coming, and to start working on boiling water/putting the water in waterskins to cool for their arrival, so I'll be posing you in with this.' <OOC> Magnus meeps. Aaryn has connected. [+WATCH] 05:39 pm: Aaryn has connected. <OOC> Magnus staples Aaryn down. From afar, Theron thumbs up <OOC> Aaryn says, "danke"

The location they eventually arrive at is one that seems as though it might see a bit more traffic, but as the Cliath draw near, they may realize that they have no earthly idea how they got here. A single glance around won't be any more telling than a few moments of thought put towards trying to divine it; there's only the recognition of having taken a zigzag pattern over the glacier, avoiding a minefield of weak snowbridges and crevasses along the way. Nonetheless, here they are, standing out front a ramshackle building forged of stone. It calls to mind some of the Nepalese temples not far from Everest Base Camp, ragged stone masonry with staircase inclines built up into a roof, a single gold statue at its tip, and prayer flags extending to all sides, hooked into the outcropping of rocks that surrounds it. Surely there's more to it than this? Or is the caern really so small that its heart is housed inside a single building? It might not be a question pondered for long, as Theron, their kinsman, is present by a fire that's been placed out in front of a pair of basic yak-skin tents. A simple pot hovers above the fire, the telling burble of boiling water heard inside, and a collection of waterskins is placed beside each of several rocks ringing the fire itself. Sandra tips her hand towards the rocks, indicating for the assembled Cliath to sit. "You won't be granted passage into the caern itself until it's time to make good on offering chiminage," she says, seeing it fit to remain standing. "The supplies are only the first part of that. In the meantime, I'm sure you're all wondering why on earth you're here." She nods to the waterskins. "Drink first; as I said, your talens won't last indefinitely, and you'll need all the energy you can to deal with the next few days of preparations." She'll wait for the Cliath to follow the instruction before she begins to speak again, at which point she says, "In case you're unaware, that mountain," her head inclined towards the still-visible peak rising above the rest. "Its name is K2-- second only to Everest in height." Her gaze trails over those assembled, looking for a hint of recognition. Whether or not it arrives, she says, "It's so far removed from civilization that even the indigenous population didn't have a name for it-- and to date, for every four climbers that attempt to ascend it, one ends up dead." It's a sobering statistic-- or it should be, one she allows to sink in, for a time. "It takes a tremendous amount of skill and fortitude to even consider mounting an expedition, saying nothing of reach its summit intact-- or descending from it. So-- needless to say, you'll have your work cut out for you."

<OOC> Sandra says, "Does anyone here have Academics?" <OOC> Magnus says, "We're Get...if you do, -100 renown. J/J" <OOC> Theron says, "me!" <OOC> Sandra says, "Poor, neglected Academics?" <OOC> Aaryn says, "me!" <OOC> Magnus says, "That's a negativ." <OOC> Theron high fives Aaryn <OOC> Sandra says, "You two, roll Int + Academics vs 7" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Intelligence + Academics vs 7 for 1 successes. 1 4 5 +7 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Magnus pages: Just as an FYI, I officially have the renown of a Foster. Just holding off until Mora and I can get a scene together for the challenge. :) <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Intelligence + Academics vs 7 for 1 successes. 2 6 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Welp." <OOC> Theron high fives Aaryn <OOC> Aaryn sighs You paged (Theron, Aaryn) with 'Theron and Aaryn both recall something about eight-thousanders, and something about a 'death zone' above 8000m/26k feet.' <OOC> Aaryn says, "free to pose?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep" You paged (Theron, Aaryn) with 'Since it's been in the news lately, given Everest's traffic jams, if your character watches TV, you can divine a bit more about it.' You paged (Theron, Aaryn) with 'For now, it's just an unsettling sense of 'this is bad Aldric nods to Theron before taking the seat, adjusting the pack on his back to slide it off and let it sit next to him as he listens to Sandra. A glance over his shoulder to the mountain, it looks like he's sizing up an opponent from the look he gives it. And he probably is from what it sounds like.

Magnus continues to shoulder the pack; all the while moving at a good pace to keep up. When they get to Theron, he blinks, "Blessed be Frigga, we have a kinfolk waiting for us with a fire ready to go...thankees to te Goddess of hearth and home." He shuffles forward but remains standing while Sandra does. He will remove his pack and take whatever food and water is offered. At the mention of the ancient spirit mountain, he nods, "Aye, twas some beast of rock and ore." And then he nearly spits at the idea..."Wait, did ye say we're going to climb it?" Seems Theron beat them there, the kinfolk startung to hand out the waterskins. "You heard her, drink up..." he suggests. "I dont expect any of this to be good..." It takes a moment for Aaryn to soak in her surroundings. She looks from Sandra to the tents and her eyes fall on a familiar face. Her brows furrow, perhaps as if she is questioning whether he is real or not. After all, the winter winds played tricks sometimes. At Sandra's invitation, she takes a seat next to Aldric and slides her satchel off, as well. She nods her gratitude and remembers to drink. As she swallows, her eyes are drawn over towards the mountain. She recalls something about it. And death.

Sandra arches a brow at Magnus's decision to remain standing, but for whatever reason, doesn't make comment. Suffice it to say that it's probably been noted for future reference. To his question, however, she nods. "You are, yes," she says. "Given the prominence of the sept you find yourself in, and the sheer number of Garou that congregate there, the qualities the tribe is looking for in its foremost representative there should be above and beyond what is typically called for. Prove themselves the equal of the role they're challenging for."

<OOC> Sandra changes that line a little, ugh. Sorry, still waking up a bit.

Sandra arches a brow at Magnus's decision to remain standing, but for whatever reason, doesn't make comment. Suffice it to say that it's probably been noted for future reference. To his question, however, she nods. "You are, yes," she says. "Given the prominence of the sept you find yourself in, and the sheer number of Garou that congregate there, the qualities the tribe is looking for in its foremost representative there should be above and beyond what is typically called for. That you might be asked to prove yourself the equal of the role you're challenging for is a given in most cases, and this," she gives a vague gesture towards the towering mountain, "is precisely that."

Aldric takes the skin with a nod of thanks as Theron passes them around, drinking some but not all of the water within. He watches Aaryn settle in before looking back over his shoulder to the mountain that's become the center of the current conversation. He asks with a glance to the senior Get. "Is climbing it the task Razor-Eater'rhya or is there another goal we must achieve in the process?" Of course Theron keeps some water for himself, a hearty kinfolk for certain but he isnt a garou as he is keenly aware. The dangers here are likely even greater for him.

Magnus shakes his head with a frown, "Listen, I'm all for stupidly difficult challenges...I'm Get after all and I welcome it, but of those four that go up, they go up as a /team/; and one is still lost. As a challenge, we're going to be going up there jockeying against eachother, more may be lost. Iffn four go up and none come back, te Elders won't be too happy about that." Magnus sighs and looks at the others then, with a big fucking smile, " <OOC> Magnus dos...not done. The waterskin sits loosely in Aaryn's hand as she wipes her mouth with the back of her other hand. Her eyes now set upon the mountain. She hears Sandra's words and swallows as if swallowing down something behind the water. She pulls her attention to glance at Aldric, and then allows her gaze to settle on Theron.

Magnus shakes his head with a frown, "Listen, I'm all for stupidly difficult challenges...I'm Get after all and I welcome it, but of those four that go up, they go up as a /team/; and one is still lost. As a challenge, we're going to be going up there jockeying against eachother, more may be lost. Iffn four go up and none come back, te Elders won't be too happy about that." Magnus sighs and looks at the others then, with a big fucking smile, "So none of ye better fucking die cuz I din wanna need to piss on yer frozen corpses to defrost ye and bring ye back home." He chuckles heartily and then grows serious, "In all seriousness though, this challenge...we're going to need to work together."

"I'd recommend against retrieving anyone from the slopes," Sandra says to Magnus. "If someone dies here, it's often best to leave them where they lay. The mountain, as it so often does, will attend to itself. "And," she says to Aldric, "it wouldn't be much of a challenge if it came with fine print. We're Fenrir-- not Glass Walkers. But," she continues, "what I will say is this: expeditions live or die based on the qualities of their leaders. So it's in all your best interests to choose wisely."

You paged Aldric with 'Good question, though~~' "Or..." Theron suggests looking between the Get of Fenris gathered, "You all could have waited until someone earned the title of Jarl unquestionably by deed...instead we are staring that in the face." he notes gesturing to the mountain with a grunt of complaint to the garou. Bold for a kinfolk. "But...not like Im going to let anyone die...or let the tribe look weak, so whomever is going up has my aid." Aldric frowns in annoyance as he looks at Magnus and the joke he makes. A snort of air leaving his nose before he looks back to Sandra. Nodding he takes the rest of the waterskin and tucks it inside his clothing, against his chest and under his shirt to keep it warmed. A glance to Aaryn and he follows her gaze towards the kinfolk. "And many of us would have been content with that, but a claim to something unearned cannot go unanswered. I do not question your valor Theron, but the conditions could prove to be too dangerous for one without fur." Aaryn caps the waterskin and looks up, as Magnus speaks. She studies him for a very long moment. As Sandra begins to speak again, she slowly pulls her attention back to the Elder. She glances between Magnus and Aldric, her expression unreadable. Then Theron speaks and there is an almost imperceptible nod of her head, and a look of worry that crosses her features, she nods her agreement with Aldric. "This is not your mistake, Theron." Well now the kinfolk looks annoyed. "Im Get of Fenris kin, not some soft Fianna girl or Child of Gaia welp cooking in the kitchen and doing laundry...Im not one to be left behind." the kin interjects. "Im here to help...besides Im as strong as any of you." its a bold claim. Aaryn purses her lips a moment and sighs. She looks to Theron, and knows that once his mind has been made up, there was no changing it. And he wasn't lying about his prowess. "All I was saying," she interjects, "is that you had not made the same mistake as the rest of us... You honor us with your brotherhood" <OOC> Sandra says, "I know Magnus hasn't posed, but I'm going to interject before this goes to ofar."

Magnus stays silent after Sandra suggests that he leave a fallen comrade behind. It is not his way, but he stays silent. To Theron, Aldric, and Aaryn, as they question his claim, he says stoicly, "Theron, yer tougher than most in me pack. Ye have every right to be at our side as a shield-brother in battle. That said, te title of Jarl is taken where I come from. It is not something to be earned except through challenge. So...let this be te challenge. Iffn ye are nae up to te task, so be it. Someone has to lead and te nature spirits abhor a vacuum. I saw no one else stepping forward to lead, so I did. I suggested iffn ye din like it to challenge and that brings us to where we are today." The Get Godi looks back to Sandra, "When do we start? I will lead those that wish to follow..." <OOC> Sandra says, "NM~" <OOC> Magnus hits enter...heh.

"About that," Sandra says. "That note about 'being without fur.'" A pause; she is, probably intentionally, not commenting on the rest. "As you might know, this mountain isn't exactly bereft of human activity. As such, your trek will be made entirely in homid, and you," she looks to Aldric, "will be given a set of talens, that you're to use at 24 hour intervals. It's meant to emulate homid as being a 'breed form'-- suppressing healing, and the rapid acclimitization you might otherwise enjoy, being lupus. The alternative would be to allow you to do the trek in your wolf form, but, needless to say, that would attract some undue attention." She turns to the rest. "That being said, shifting out of your homid form will be thought of as an automatic disqualifier. So-- while Theron is being, perhaps, a bit hasty in proclaiming Fianna women to be lacking in their own right," this noted dryly, "he's not incorrect to say that he's working alongside you all as your equal. His burden is yours: no shifting, no Gifts, no calling upon totems for a sudden advantage."

<OOC> Sandra says, "Though a wolf clinging on to the side of a mountain for dear life does have its comedic value." <OOC> Theron says, "Im sure Fianna women have other assets...." <OOC> Magnus snerks to Theron. <OOC> Theron ducks <OOC> Magnus says, "Rafe might disagree..." Theron looks to Magnus and then to Sandra. He nods again, "Its decided then." the kinfolk agrees. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. Aaryn is done arguing about why a Cliath claimed a position. She slides her pack on her shoulders. And pauses. "Are we not gonna... I don't know? Discuss who should lead aside from someone just leaping in? I mean, that's what got us here in the first place. Have we learned nothing, even as we stare death in the face?" Aldric looks to Sandra as she speaks again, an eyebrow lifting a little before he nods slowly, not terribly surprised there was more to it, though the caveat does have him slightly frowning again. He looks to Aaryn and Theron, clear he's not happy that the kinfolk continues to want to go. As Magnus makes his statement. "Lead your own tail. You think much of yourself but little of what other's might have to say." Before he turns back to Theron, "If it becomes to much you will speak up."

Magnus laughs, "Ye know, ye could have given him fur rather than take it away from us." He winks at that though to Sandra. To Aaryn, he holds both hands forward in front of him, as if to say, go for it. He leaves it at that though, to let her speak up if she wants to. When Aldric makes his distaste clear, Magnus doesn't stay quiet though, "Aldric, I think ye need to take yer own advice. Theron is telling ye something and ye are nae listening to him. Get kinfolk are warriors, survivors, fighters. He would speak up about as much as ye would." With that he shrugs. Aaryn's jaw clenches. "I'm not saying I should lead, Magnus" she says through gritted teeth. "I am saying we need to think actually think it through. I know it's not 'The Get Way', but there surely must be some wisdom in choosing the best General for the right battle, yes? For example, how good are you at Survival?"

Sandra watches impassively as the Cliath argue, gaze shifting from one to the next, gaging reactions accordingly. If she has any particular opinion on what's being said, she, as before, isn't making comment. As such, she seems to breeze past the wink - and the comment - to say something to Aaryn, but-- well. As it stands, the younger woman covers it already, and the elder Ahroun tips her hand in an illustrative gesture as if to prompt an answer to the question.

Aldric just shakes his head slowly, saying nothing further to Magnus. He looks to Aaryn as she starts asking questions, a small twitch at the corner of his mouth. It could almost be a smile, but that might crack his face.

Magnus always has an answer, whether or not they will like it. "I grew up in te wastes of the Scandinavian arctic. I am proficient at survival. That being said, a leader does nae need to know everything. A leader needs to know who is capable of what and tap them to take charge when needed. Just as I will step back and let Rafe lead in battle, what with Rafe being an Ahroun, iffn ye choose to work together rather than apart, I would let te right women or man step forward to lead with where their strengths lie. I am nae perfect. I am nae te best or even well suited in every situation, but I do know how to trust others." Back to Aldric, "Ye din like me. That is fine. Ye nae need to like me. Still, ye are here to challenge me. It sounds like te challenge is to work together to best this mountain. Are ye nae up to that task?"

"I'm not sure how he's supposed to be endeared to you when you forget that he, too, is an Ahroun," Sandra notes to Magnus. "Coming up with a more localized example may have been of some assistance, on that front."

Magnus raises a brow, "What makes ye think I forgot that he is an Ahroun? We are nae in battle right now..."

"I don't see a Rafe here, for one thing," Sandra replies. "Do you?"

Aldric lifts an eyebrow, "And yet you declare yourself leader without asking about anyone's skills first. You always put yourself first, I have no interest in following a selfish leader. You are not the only one that's grown up in harsh conditions, born on four legs in the wilderness myself. Yet you do not ask. How would you know who is capable of what?"

There is an almost sad expression on Aaryn's face as she watches Magnus than Theron. "There are times that a leader must make a decision for his team without time to 'tap' someone with higher skills. I'm sorry, but I choose to follow Aldric. He was born on four legs, and is more than competent in survival. I will trust his instinct and prowess up on this mountain" "Listen to you all." Theron speaks up in frustration, "No wonder the tribe heard of the challenges...the other tribes sure to laugh at the squabling of Cliath over title. We are Fenrir..." he shakes his head. "WE /ARE/ FENRIR" Aaryn barks, almost growling. "And we are mighty warriors. But warriors are not stupid." She pauses to inhale, calming her rage. "The mightiest among us are wise. And honorable. And Goddamnit, not fools.""

"Rafe is me pack-mate. They are aware of who he is." Looking back to Aldric and Aaryn, Magnus says, "Tell me Aldric, do ye even want to lead?" To Theron he shrugs, "And who do ye wish to follow up te mountain Theron? I trust yer instincts." Aldric glances to Theron first, then Aaryn as her rage rises. He reaches out and gently places a hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before he looks to Magnus. "I want for all of us to make it up and back again alive. I want for this whole ridiculous matter to not exist at all. You should be focused on becoming a better Garou and pack leader before trying to lead us all. Climbing this mountain is likely suicide all to scrabble over who is leader. A wise leader wouldn't do this in the first place and risk others needlessly. We are Fenrir. We are the Mother's children and shield against the rising darkness." His hand lifts and he points at the shadowy mountain in the distance. "That is the darkness, and yet you would have us willingly embrace it for your ego." "You really want me to answer Magnus?" Theron asks looking at the Get of Fenris garou, "I will never lead the Get of Fenris in Prospect, I am kinfolk...as such if it will unify the garou present and have us focused on the task at hand Ill do it." he grunts, "That way...noone has a leg up in the challenge...its just the kinfolk." he sighs, "Ill lead us so that the fighting can stop and we have a chance to survive. Im sure there will be ample opporunity for the right person to prove themselves and take over...but not if we are here arguing. This...is embarassing." he mutters.

There's something almost like amusement in answer to Magnus' assertion, but it's fleeting, the bulk of Sandra's attention on Aaryn, for a time. Her posture remains calm in spite of the spark of Rage there, without any real sign that she's overtly concerned. Once that settles, she continues to quietly observe, allowing the group to come to a decision for themselves.

"Fine. The kin leads us," Arryn agrees. She won't look said kin in the eye at the moment, but at least her rage has settled. "There is some wisdom in his words. And, in his mansion, he is stronger than most of us are."

Magnus listens to Aaryn and then to Aldric and then to Theron. "Aye," is the answer he gives Theron before he goes into it. He considers the offer for a good long time and states, "I like it Theron. I would follow te kinfolk up te mountain to set aside these squabbles iffn ye are up to te challenge."

<OOC> Aaryn says, "Gah. Man-Skin! I hate autocorrect!" <OOC> Magnus says, "Yes, but his body is like a mansion isn't it Aaryn...isn't it. ;p" <OOC> Sandra will wait for Aldric, then pose. Aldric looks to Theron and nods, watching Aaryn out of the corner of his eye. "Acceptable." He goes about picking his pack up and reshouldering it and making sure the straps are in place. <OOC> Aaryn says, "What IS it with everyone ASSuming Imma mate that kin? XD" <OOC> Sandra says, "It's CoH." <OOC> Magnus snickers. <OOC> Sandra vOv <OOC> Theron is the Sexxxorist kin <OOC> Theron grins [+WATCH] 07:13 pm: Sten has connected. <OOC> Aaryn says, "want I should summon sten?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." Sten has arrived. <OOC> Magnus grins and yay's Sten. <OOC> Sandra says, "Amusingly, you're now roughly where he was, though he's had chiminage explained to him. I'll rope him in when it gets time to start the series of rolls." <OOC> Sten says, "okies" As more agree and it looks as if Theron is going to lead he doesnt look happy about it, perhaps wishing he hadnt volunteered. "Im a fool." he mutters under his breath, unlikely anyone has heard it but there it is. His gaze to Sandra, "I would appreciate any expertise and advice a local could give us...but before we get into particulars...you mentioned chiminage, besides the climb...whats next? What is asked of us?" he exhales, focusing on her now.

"As is often the case with Garou and kin making the pilgrimage to these mountains," she says to Theron, "local expertise is a commodity offered to those looking to challenge themselves-- less so, to those challenging one another. The best I can tell you is a quote that I've often heard cited about the mountain itself-- namely: 'Imagine yourself in a large commercial freezer. It's minus 40 degrees, there's a 747 engine at one end of the freezer, blasting freezing air at you at 300, perhaps 400 kilometers per hour. Tlit the entire freezer to a 50 degree angle, so that you are clawing with your ice axes and the crampons on your boots to secure purchase.' Then add thirty percent of the usual oxygen you have at sea level." As if it's just as a walk in the park. Now," she continues, "as it seems the matter has been decided, you should know that I'll be alongside the lot of you in the capacity of an observer, heading up the flank. You won't have to concern yourselves with my wellbeing; as should be apparent by now, I've more than enough experience with this mountain range. "Moving on, as Theron mentioned, there's the matter of chiminage. The first portion, the tribe has given to you-- supplies to the sept here in the Karakorams. Winter's Bite will be by to take the items into the heart of the caern, so they can be purified and distributed. The second is more personal. "That anger inside you," she says, looking to Aaryn, "though it remains Luna's gift, there's no dodging the fact that it's steeped in corruption. The less of it there is upon ascent, the less likely the mountain's spirit will take poorly to your presence." Beat. "Leaves you at something of a disadvantage," she says, gaze scanning over the rest of those assembled, "but it isn't called a 'sacrifice' for nothing."

<OOC> Sandra adds quick

"As such, you'll be undergoing a Cleansing ritual, and asked to forfeit a portion of your Rage for the duration of the climb. Typically, it comes back to you upon returning to the sept, after your descent. "Prior to that, however, you'll be undergoing the process of acclimitization. Three days, moving up and down the glacier, and then up along the first traverse, along the route best known as the Abruzzi Spur. I can give you some idea of what to expect along the way, but needless to say, it *will* be a technical climb-- and the lot of you, being roped in together, will only be as fast as your slowest member." She looks to the lot of them. Then, as if expecting none, says, "Any questions?"

Theron shakes his head, "Roped together and /working/ together." Theron states pointedly as looks at all the garou. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Sandra says, "'Check for frenzy' is the nightmare scenario here. :V"

Magnus is no Ragabash. He knows he can't continue to anger the Ahroun and get away with it like a Ragabash might be able to. So, Magnus keeps his mouth shut and listens. To the barb from Theron Magnus just gives a somber head-nod. Aaryn watches Sandra, carefully. When the Elder addresses rage, and glances in her direction, her jaw begins to work a bit. When Sandra finishes, Aaryn shakes her head. Then watches Theron, meeting his gaze head-on. Aldric nods to Theron before looking to Aaryn again. He watches her and the twitching of jaw before he moves an elbow to lightly bump her. Then he does something terribly un-Aldric like and flickers his glance between her and the kin before lifting his eyebrows up and smiling a little. <OOC> Sandra slaps forehead. I should have mentioned this before, but since I didn't, I'm willing to be a bit more forgiving with it. BUT-- I work a bit differently with Frenzy, since the books don't do a great job of illustrating that *every* Garou is prone to Frenzy. Frenzy checks go like this: every success is stacked. If you run a frenzy check and get 2 successes, then you're basically stuck with those successes unless a WP point is spent, at which point the counter resets to 0. This builds up to 4, or in really bad cases, 6 (Aldric and Sten being the most prone to it). <OOC> Sandra says, "Like I said, I forgot to mention it at the top, so I'm fine with going with the more paltry RAW version, even if it's not my usual preference. Given the nature of the challenge, some breathing room isn't a terrible thing. ;)" <OOC> Sandra says, "Still, in cases where it seems like your character is freaked out in enough to frenzy, the counter system may be put in place, since I don't honestly believe that having 2 Rage only should exclude anyone from being subject to it." <OOC> Theron doesnt effect me sooo:) <OOC> Sandra says, "@Theron I mean, it does if someone frenzies and you're roped in with them. >_>" <OOC> Theron cuts the rope <OOC> Sandra says, "Good man." <OOC> Magnus was waiting for that ;p <OOC> Sten says, "alright, generally though its done with gaining temporary rage (when you get angry) which can go above your max rage (just as a note)" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." <OOC> Sandra has found that systems a bit on the clunky side, all told. <OOC> Sandra says, "Just in running things in the past." <OOC> Sandra says, "That, and it's painfully easy to just 'spend down.'" <OOC> Sandra says, "Anyway, we're not at that point yet, so I'll let y'all decide which method you want to go with. For now--" <OOC> Magnus notes he has about 20 more minutes for tonight. <OOC> Magnus has to be up for 4AM... <OOC> Sten says, "I am up at 4am! right now!" <OOC> Sandra says, "That's fine. We're in the rolling phase." <OOC> Magnus snickers, to go to work I mean. <OOC> Sandra says, "Dexterity + Survival from everyone, to start with. Standard vs." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 2 successes. 2 2 4 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> From afar, Magnus has a Totem's boons of -1 to all difficulty. Was that note earlier meaning no using boons? <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 1 successes. 1 3 3 5 +8 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> You paged Magnus with 'Yep. No boons.' Magnus pages: Sorry, to all dexterity that was...not all diff. From afar, Magnus nods. <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 2 successes. 3 5 +6 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 1 4 +6 +7 7 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aldric rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 3 successes. 1 5 +6 +8 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Sten having a rough first day." <OOC> Sandra says, "Aldric just breezing on by." <OOC> Magnus snickers. <OOC> Sandra says, "Alright, now Stamina vs 7" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Stamina vs 7 for -1 successes. -1 2 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aldric rolls Stamina vs 7 for 4 successes. +8 +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra ooooooof <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Stamina vs 7 for 2 successes. 3 5 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Magnus pages: We allowed to do willpower? <OOC> Aaryn says, "ouch" <OOC> Theron says, "oh Aaryn" <OOC> Theron carries her ass <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Stamina vs 7 for 0 successes. 1 3 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Theron grins <OOC> Sandra says, "Okay, well." <OOC> Aaryn says, "please at least carry the rest of me while you are at it" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 3 3 5 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Aldric says, "Priorities!" <OOC> Sandra says, "Alright. So Sten and Magnus both are experiencing minor altitude sickness when the talens wear off. They're barfy, sluggish (-1 dex), -1 int to all rolls for the next day. While Sten is stumbling over snow bridges, however, and coming damn near to breaking his ankle a couple times (or falling in a crevasse), Magnus manages to keep his footing. Though it's incredibly difficult, and he'll need some puke breaks here and there." <OOC> Sandra says, "Aaryn meanwhile fell down a crevasse and exploded." <OOC> Sandra says, "(she didn't)" <OOC> Magnus passes out. <OOC> Sandra says, "She is, however, suffering bad altitude sickness. She holds it together surprisingly well on the way in to a lower-level camp, but by the time she's there, she's hallucinating, delirious, and in desperate need of bottled oxygen. But even with that, she's suffering pretty badly. -1 int, -1 per, -1 stamina, -1 dex for the trek back up to the sept once she's given oxygen (by Sandra) and has a rough night of coughing hard enough to bruise a rib." <OOC> Sandra will leave it up to you if you want to scene this out. I'll be around throughout the week to do bits and pieces if people want to/can make it. <OOC> Aaryn says, "If I'm on with a teammate I can... But who wants to be around a sick person ;)" <OOC> Sandra can scene it out with you if you want, since Sandra'd be administering 'treatment.' <OOC> Aldric will offer to hold her hair. <OOC> Sandra says, "Aldric is like 'idk what the big deal is' and gets a -1 diff on the trek back. That was a very good roll." <OOC> Magnus can scene here and there too. <OOC> Aaryn laughs! "Aw! Big Brother Wolf" And he did roll very well. <OOC> Aldric says, "Woot!" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yeah, you guys can feel free to catch scenes with one another on the glacier as desired. The Baltoro glacier *is* quite pretty, and quite trecherous, and there's plenty for y'all to discuss. I only ask that I be given logs, since some of the things discussed might apply to the challenge (dohoho)." <OOC> Magnus nods as Magnus would be likely to call off the challenge if Aaryn is bad enough. <OOC> Aaryn says, "What? No!" <OOC> Sandra says, "The camp you head to will help with Aaryn's illness to start with-- it won't be as brutal, since you're *descending* rather than ascending. The difference between 17k feet elevation and 16k may not be huge, but it's something, and people can choose to descend further to set up camp. The trek back will just be a bit rough." <OOC> Sandra says, "Either way, 'camp' implies sitting around and shooting the shit, so you have room to do scenes in the midst of all of this now that we're underway." <OOC> Sandra says, "If y'all want to continue when Magnus takes off, btw, it's easy enough to explain him passing the fuck out, and I've still got time. He's not in a BAD way, like Aaryn, but he and Sten both are pretty wrecked. Crawling into a tent and just laying there is pretty common, even for really good climbers." <OOC> Aaryn says, "when should we aim to get together for the next part?" <OOC> Sandra says, "(if anything, rest and drinking lotsof water is encouraged)" <OOC> Sandra says, "What are peoples' schedules looking like? I can be on as early as 6pm CST on Thursday." <OOC> Aldric can do Thursday. <OOC> Aaryn says, "This upcoming Thursday? I could be here then" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep, this upcoming." <OOC> Magnus should be able to be here too.


<OOC> Theron is gonna be afk soon for dinner forwarning <OOC> Sandra says, "That's fine. Theron is already technically acclimatized, mostly he just has to make sure he doesn't break his foot in a crevasse or something." <OOC> Sten says, "I will not be able to stay all to long, but I am here now" Aldric has voted for you. Aldric has voted for you. <OOC> Sandra says, "So, y'all spent the night in a far-flung, lower-altitude camp. Now it's time to trek back to the sept. We'll see how you're doing after that. Sten, Magnus and Aaryn are suffering a -1 dex penalty, so they'll be rolling Dexterity + Survival + -1 -- Aldric gets a -1 diff on his rolls for the trek back." <OOC> Sandra says, "So you three, do the -1 roll at regular difficulty. Aldric, roll Dex+Survival at diff 5." <OOC> Sandra says, "Stamina is vs 7, Aaryn is again at a disadvantage here due to a botch, so she'll be rolling Stamina + -1 vs 7" <OOC> Theron is still here for now ill tell you know when i go away <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Stamina + -1 vs 7 for 2 successes. +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Nice." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aldric rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 5 for 3 successes. 1 4 +5 +5 +6 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "You get that Stamina point back, you're feeling a *lot* better" <OOC> Sandra says, "Well. After the Dex/Sur/-1 roll. Still gotta navigate the glacier." <OOC> Sandra says, "Also, Aldric, that -1 diff was a hell of a lucky break lol" Aaryn has disconnected. [+WATCH] 04:00 pm: Aaryn has disconnected. <OOC> Aldric says, "It's going to be my lot in life." Aaryn has connected. [+WATCH] 04:00 pm: Aaryn has connected. <OOC> Sandra staples. <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 2 3 7 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Aaryn says, "Thanks!" <OOC> Sandra says, "@Magnus, Dexterity + Survival + -1" <OOC> Sandra says, "If it equals out to the same points err" <OOC> Sandra checks something <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sandra rolls 5 (5 dice) vs 5 for 5 successes. +6 +7 +7 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> (Private roll, only seen by you.) <OOC> Magnus isn't home and am on my phone, so warning I may drop in and out... <OOC> Sandra says, "Well, let's just say that falling into a crevasse certainly seemed like a possibility more than once - people will see Magnus losing his footing and teeter, but he manages to self-arrest." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Dexterity + Survival + -1 vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 4 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Aaryn says, "Did I miss something are we supposed to roll something else" <OOC> Sandra says, "Yeah, give me Dexterity + Survival + -1 vs 6" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sandra rolls 5 (5 dice) vs 5 for 2 successes. 2 4 4 +5 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> (Private roll, only seen by you.) <OOC> Theron says, "am I supposed to roll something?" <OOC> Sandra says, "@Theron just Dexterity + Survival vs 6" <OOC> Magnus says, "So you want me to roll again at -1?" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Dexterity + Survival + -1 vs 6 for 2 successes. 5 5 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sten says, "was i supposed to roll vs 6 or 7 and with a -1?" <OOC> Sandra says, "vs 6" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Theron rolls Dexterity + Survival vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 -1 2 3 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Theron says, "doh" <OOC> Sandra says, "Okay, well." <OOC> Sandra says, "At least it wasn't a botch." <OOC> Theron says, "lok" <OOC> Aaryn carries Theron's ass ;) <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sandra rolls 5 (5 dice) vs 5 for 0 successes. 1 1 4 5 5 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> (Private roll, only seen by you.) <OOC> Theron says, "its a nice ass" Magnus has voted for you. Magnus has voted for you. Sten has voted for you. Sten has voted for you. <OOC> Sandra says, "The good news is that Sten and Magnus, though on very uncertain footing, are more or less able to navigate alright. Theron takes a tumble and gets his foot stuck in a small crevasse for a while. He's okay, but it adds time to the journey back." <OOC> Sandra says, "Now, for everyone but Theron and Aaryn (as Aaryn already rolled), I need Stamina vs 7" <OOC> Theron says, "ok afk for dinner" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aldric rolls Stamina vs 7 for 2 successes. 4 6 +7 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Aldric's feeling a little less okay now that he's back at a higher altitude, but he adjusts. Just feels a little wheezy, but it seems to clear." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Magnus rolls Stamina vs 7 for 0 successes. 3 4 6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "Magnus still feels like shit." <OOC> Sandra says, "He's slow on the glacier as the altitude gets higher, has to pause intermittently to catch his breath, and can't quite seem to. -1 dex penalty still applies." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sten rolls Stamina vs 7 for -1 successes. -1 3 6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sten says, "fucksake" <OOC> Sandra says, "Welp, Sten's now in Aaryn's boat." <OOC> Sten says, "yay" <OOC> Aldric pats, will hold Sten's hair too. <OOC> Aaryn gets the soup <OOC> Sandra says, "It's a miracle he made it past the glacier, but the difficulties he had are better explained by the state he's in. He vomits at least once on the way in, can't catch his breath, and is having a difficult time stringing words together. -1 to int, per, and stamina, and needs an occasional hit of oxygen once he reaches the small temple." <OOC> Sandra says, "As with the first night they arrived there, they're not allowed into the caern itself, but in a slightly larger base camp than before. There are enough tents to house two people per tent, and Sandra took the liberty of arranging various packs/etc to be taken up to Camp 1 the following day. She doesn't seem concerned about the shape Sten's in, though she administers oxygen, and teaches pretty much everyone how to handle oxygen canisters, though warns not to over-rely on them." <OOC> Sten says, "these dice needs to die" <OOC> Sandra says, "This is a part I'd prefer to scene out, usually, but given that we only get a limited time together, I'm going to lay it out in OOC. If I get far enough in and people feel like they need/want to react to it, we can switch to IC conversation." <OOC> Sandra says, "As Sandra's dealing with everyone feeling like shit, except Aldric and Aaryn, who are maddeningly Okay (as well as Theron, who had a lot more time to get used to the climate/altitude), she'll explain some of the hazards to look out for. HACE and HAPE, specifically: High-Altitude Cerebral Edema, and High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema." <OOC> Sandra says, "IRL, both conditions are known to hit even seasoned climbers that have weathered eight thousanders just fine in the past. Getting creamed by altitude sickness seems entirely random, even with proper acclimitization protocols. It's a very real threat, and one she gives the symptoms for. HAPE is characterized by symptoms similar to bronchitis, fever, and shortness of breath, even while resting. HACE is a wicked headache that doesn't respond to painkillers, causes unsteady date, loss of consciousness, bulging eyes, increased nausea/vomiting, a retinal hemorrhaging." <OOC> Sandra says, "HAPE can progress and become fatal. HACE is considered more immediately life-threatening, and can lead to coma/death." <OOC> Sandra says, "She'll stress the absolute need to keep drinking water in order to keep dehydration from becoming an issue. Even if it's not exactly convenient to take a piss in an arctic wind tunnel, you kinda gotta keep up with that." <OOC> Sandra says, "(for the sake of full OOC disclosure, I have no intention of giving anyone a lasting brain injury, but that doesn't take HACE off the table as a possible 'oh shit')" <OOC> Sandra says, "(unless you *want* a brain injury. i mean. that can be arranged)" <OOC> Aaryn says, "No thanks!" <OOC> Sten says, "Im good thanks" <OOC> Aldric will respectfully pass. <OOC> Sandra says, "Also that should've been 'unsteady gait,' lol. Unsteady dates are another affliction entirely." <OOC> Aaryn laughs! <OOC> Sandra says, "in general, though, primary symptoms of altitude sickness to be observed are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting. Fatigue/weakness, headache with or without dizziness, lightheadedness, insomnia, and pins and needles sensations in the extremeties. Hands/feet/face can start swelling. Nose bleeds, shortness of breath upon exertion, a persistent, rapid pulse, and general malaise. It sucks." <OOC> Sandra says, "In any event, she'll say that regardless of acclimitization, the feeling of having one's strength sapped will only continue to get worse the further they go up the mountain. And here's the bombshell:" <OOC> Sandra says, "They're doing this without supplemental oxygen, unless absolutely necessary (life-threatening condition). Sandra's in control of the supplies in that respect, acting as a kind of small-s sherpa, in this case. The team is responsible for figuring out how to break trail, manage their own fixed lines, etc. She'll check to make sure of the lines' stability, but that's about it. Similarly, Gifts are to be restricted to only life-threatening conditions; use of them outside of those paramters (HAPE/HACE) is a disqualifier, same as shifting." <OOC> Sandra says, "She'll note that there are fixed lines still present on the mountain from previous expeditions, but their sturdiness is suspect. More than one climber looking to cut corners has taken a 1000m fall trusting secured ropes put there by past expeditions." <OOC> Sandra says, "Lastly, she'll be placing down willow wands in the snow to mark trail, as per small-s sherpa, so it's possible to navigate back and forth between camps. Once they start, they'll need to do the same thing up on the mountain that they did this last evening: climb up from Camp 1 to 2, then back down to 1 for the night. The team is responsible for hauling their own equipment, which can weigh up to 60lbs for tent/sleeping/food/etc. Where they place the camps is their business, but they may want to get used to the idea that their tents may be hanging precariously off of a ledge, or hanging at an angle down a slope. K2 doesn't have many stable eagles' nests." <OOC> Sandra says, "And since dying in their sleep because of an unsecured tent isn't really telling of "leadership," she'll assist with securing camps to make sure they're stable. However, dealing with the pitfalls that comes from a specific campsite is theirs to handle. As with everything else, choose wisely." <OOC> Sandra will start with the IC portion here soon, but will wait until Magnus and Theron are both in a spot where they can start posing. Unless the people here would like to start, and we can integrate them as we go along. <OOC> Aaryn says, "Sten also can't stay long" <OOC> Sten says, "yeah I will be probably going in 20 if not earlier" <OOC> Sandra says, "Being fair, he's suffering badly enough that he'll have to linger at base camp (conveniently). Assuming he's okay with being knocked out. How y'all deal with that is up for you to decide ICly." <OOC> Sten says, "I am fine with it" <OOC> Sandra says, "That really was a convenient botch >_>" <OOC> Sandra says, "Not often you can say that!" <OOC> Sandra says, "The good news is that the temperatures at base camp are ranging from 35F to 41F. It's not the nicest climate, but it's possible to stay warm with minimal winds in the outcropping." <OOC> Aldric apologizes needs clarification. So they're going from 1 to 2, setting up a camp then going back down the mountain without staying at camp 2? <OOC> Sandra says, "Sorry, yeah, I'll clarify a bit:" <OOC> Sandra says, "The first push today is to Camp 1. They'll return to base camp when they're done setting it up. Acclimitization is rough and needs to be done in stages. Day after that, push to Camp 2, set it up, return to camp 1." <OOC> Aaryn says, "Two steps forward, one step back? 8" <OOC> Sandra is rushing things a little due to time-- technically, this is a process that should be done over *weeks*, but since I don't want you guys locked down with a blank space of one or two months of saying 'yeah I wasn't here, I was gone,' I'm handwaving a little. But there are at least in-game reasons for why it won't run afoul of the technicality, so. <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." <OOC> Sandra says, "Climbers on K2 and other eight thousanders usually spend weeks at a time getting accustomed to going from one camp to the next to get used to it. It's been known to take upwards to two and a half months before they're finally ready for the summit push." <OOC> Sandra says, "Which, yes, means getting pinned down by Random Blizzard and other hazards." <OOC> Sandra says, "Mountaineers can basically be written off as patently insane, is what I'm saying." <OOC> Theron tries to catch up <OOC> Sten says, "nini guys" <OOC> Sandra says, "Night!" Sten has disconnected. [+WATCH] 04:51 pm: Sten has disconnected. <OOC> Aaryn slowly starts to get the point of why we're here. <OOC> Sandra hmmmm? :) <OOC> Aaryn says, "Lose ourselves to find ourselves XD" <OOC> Sandra says, "We shall see~" <OOC> Theron is caught up <OOC> Aldric was more of the mind of either 'Don't bite off more than you can chew' or 'Taking unnessesary risks for pride'. But either is moot since we're all going up the mountain. <OOC> Magnus is back and likes the lesson of taking risks because of pride... <OOC> Aaryn nods to ALdric <OOC> Magnus also likes 'bonding through difficultly' but thinks Aldric would hit me ") <OOC> Sandra says, "Oh, yeah. Sandra'll also give basic instructions on the use of crampons (spiked boot attachments), placing pitons (metal spikes for securing rope), and using ice axes." <OOC> Sandra says, "It's possible to do this 'alpine style' w/o fixed lines but y'all aint alpinists so." <OOC> Sandra says, "In any event, I can start posing." <OOC> Aldric says, "Nah. Personality wise they may clash, but they're all Get." Magnus has reconnected. [+WATCH] 05:05 pm: Magnus has connected. Magnus has partially disconnected. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

It's been a grueling night out on the glacier. With Sten and Magnus suffering a sliding scale of 'bad' to 'terrible,' and getting very little sleep as a result, there's also Aaryn to be concerned with, the young woman afflicted with random bouts of vomiting, and a notable inability to fully catch her breath. By morning, however, she feels better than she did, even if she got very little sleep. Aldric, for whatever reason, seems entirely unaffected. Maybe the talens he was given aren't doing what they advertised? Except he can tell that they are; the insults to his physiology are felt in ways that they typically aren't in homid, his muscles aching in ways that they seldom do. He's still having an easy enough time navigating the glacier, but K2, looming over all of them, and flanked to one side by the equally formidable Broad Peak, is still another story entirely. Then it comes time for the trip back to what is, where compared to Enduring Spirit, an extremely contracted bawn, and it's a grueling one. Magnus suffers more than a few stumbles that he's able to weather on his own, self-arresting at least one fall that very nearly sees him careening down a hundred foot drop of solid ice. It does nothing for his already rapid breathing and heartbeat, having a scare like that, and the dizziness that seems to afflict his every step only seems to make things harder. Sten is in a similar boat, though he's barely making sense when or if he begins to speak. Both men suffer more than a few easily avoidable mistakes, and very nearly pay the price forit. Theron, though properly acclimatized, can't seem to get a sense for where best to place his feet. Snow bridges crumble to nothing beneath his boots, and more than once, Aaryn and Aldric have to step in to keep him from tumbling. It's by the grace of god that he doesn't plummet into a crevasse, but he manages, all the same. Per usual, Sandra is silent throughout the better part of the trek. She's not without caution, but she seems to have a better handle on the terrain, suggesting that she's been here more than once, herself-- but then, that hardly comes as a surprise, does it? --- The outcropping they met Sandra in for their first group chat has been converted into a functional base camp, with three tents having been erected around the one the Adren Modi has been using for herself. The fire is lit by the time they arrive, and Winter's Bite is there boiling water. It's upon seeing her that Sten collapses, prompting the Philodox to rush to his side, Sandra unstrapping the oxygen rig she has on her pack, and handing it over. There's some discussion between the two, but Winter's Bite seems to have the matter well in-hand, and though Sandra is quick to give instructions, she seems-- perhaps callously unconcerned, moving almost immediately on to the specifics of what the team is facing. It may seem even more unnerving that, as she goes on about the specifics of HACE and HAPE, their teammate may well be suffering from one or the other. Periodic checks show that he's awake, just-- not terribly aware. But even as checks are made, the instructions continue, the use of their various gear - already packed and sorted in their tents - explained as thoroughly as possible while still falling woefully short of legitimate training. True, it's helpful, and they'll be proficient in the use of each item by the time the elder Ahroun is through, but all the same-- It's after she's outlined the next few days and their movements between camp to camp that she lets them know they'll be spending the night in base camp, waiting for an early morning trek up the mountain, the traverse that lays ahead of them thick with snow, and situated at a 45 degree angle. It appears to be the most forgiving angle the mountain has in store for them, and no amount of searching the slopes gives any sign of a reprieve. "Now," she says, "you should all eat something. Drink as much water as you can, within reason. I'm, of course, available for questions, if anyone has them." Those, too, accepted within reason, but that's a given.

As they settle in to eat and drink, Theron considers for a bit. "I do have a few questions as we go back up...any specific skills you would suggest to determine the order we climb to make it easier?" the kinfolk asks as he looks around the group. Aldric nods respectfully to Sandra, but remains silent as his first task is to check on Sten. Only once he's at least satisfied that his pack mate's life isn't in immediate danger does he return to the group, his usual frown having returned to his face. A glance to Aaryn before he focuses on the conversation at hand.

Magnus is silent. His usual verbose and flamboyant self has hit the icy cliff wall, along with everything and everyone else around here save for Aldric. This of course makes him seethe a little, but he keeps it down. Well, at least he's keeping something down. The concept of eating and drinking is a hard one to grasp, but he does it anyway. He's more or less forcing himself to eat because he knows he has to. He sits and listens to Theron's question and then looks out at the others. When Aldric comes back from looking over Sten, Magnus does ask of Aldric, "Is Sten okay?" As she begins to feel more like herself, Aaryn finds it easy to step into the role of Medical Doctor. Seeing Aldric's expression, she also takes some time to quietly go and confirm Sten's status and check his vitals. She listens, though, to what the leader requests of Sandra and awaits her feedback. Once she is assured Sten is stabilized, she returns to eat, and drink as much water as she can manage. You paged (Aldric, Aaryn) with 'Sten could be better. Winter's Bite seems to think he needs rest and some O2 and he'll be okay, but she won't lie: he's in bad shape. They'll know overnight if he needs to be taken back to a lower elevation.'

Sandra raises a hand slightly to Theron's question, indicating for Aaryn and Aldric to answer Magnus' question before she proceeds. <OOC> Aaryn says, "Do you need a roll?" <OOC> Aaryn says, "sorry missed a page" <OOC> Sandra says, "All good. :)" <OOC> Sandra says, "If you want to roll for more in-depth information, re: Medicine, though, feel free." <OOC> Aaryn says, "med + intel?" <OOC> Sandra says, "Given you're still recovering a bit, it'll be a higher diff-- vs 7 for basic exam, 8 for more detailed." <OOC> Sandra says, "Yep." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aaryn rolls Medicine + Intelligence vs 7 for 0 successes. 1 -1 2 3 4 5 6 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sandra says, "'He's alive and he's breathing,' Aaryn concludes." <OOC> Aaryn laughs! <OOC> Magnus snickers. <OOC> Sandra says, "Oh my god a botch there would've been hilarious." <OOC> Sandra says, "'IT'S EBOLA'" <OOC> Magnus snickers. Aaryn shakes her head. "He's not doing great," she says. "He may need to be taken back to a lower level of elevation in the morning." Aldric isn't a doctor, so he's only able to comment on what he's seen with his own eyes. "He isn't well, his words make no sense. Winter's Bite'rhya is concerned." His jaw twitches as he looks to Aaryn when she inspects him as well, his arms folding as he thinks. It's hard for him, it really is, but he finally shakes his head and puts a hand up. "With much respect Razor-Eater'rhya, I believe the mountain has already showing us that this is a challenge that we are not ready for. I would not lose one of my packmates to something such as this. The mountain is for those that have the experience for such a challenge, and it is clear that we do not." <OOC> Sandra poses back in here The discussion of Stens health causes a long exhale from Theron. He studies Sandra for a moment and then he turns to Magnus. "Respectfully...can I offer a suggestion about this challenge..." he wonders. Theron has voted for you. Theron has voted for you.

Sandra arches a brow, her full attention turning to Aldric. He'll know the look from when he was a pup, still blissfully ignorant of what he'd eventually become; the upright posture, pricked ears, and focus of a """curious""" parent. "In a moment," she says to Theron, keeping her eyes on Aldric. "I don't need to remind you that one of you, at least, thought themselves the equal of a task that's already well above their station. Your elders took the matter into consideration, and decided to allow that the challenge be carried out, to their, and, consequently, *my* specifications-- the likes of which took no little amount of time, funding, and preparation." <OOC> Sandra says, "*reminiscent of the upright posture, tec" <OOC> Sandra did not suddenly partial shift in a pair of wolf ears "Respectfully..." Theron offers up to Sandra, still wanting to speak it would seem. Eyes darting between Aldric and Magnus.

Magnus stares up at the mountain for a good long time once Aldric has made his wish to quit the challenge known. He frowns, mirroring Aldric's own facial features as Sandra speaks. Perhaps it is the altitude sickness, or perhaps it is that Magnus really isn't a total dick after-all, but he seems to shrink a bit in stature as he states, "While I hate to agree with Aldric, for it means I forfeit te challenge as well, he is right. Holding a title for te sake of te title is not worth losing a tribe mate. There are times when a leader has to make a decision to sacrifice one for te good of te many, but this is not one of those times. This is a time when te good of te many outweighs te good of te one. I step down as Jarl of te Sept of te Enduring Spirit. Te request for te challenge is withdrawn as there is no longer a need for it." He stands, showing difficulty in doing so. "That being said, I'd like to offer two..." a pause..."paths forward before Theron makes his own thoughts known." Theron breathes a sigh of relief as Magnus backs down as well perhaps part of what he wanted to say already stated. Aldric looks a little surprised as he looks to Magnus, no comment made in his direction, for once. He does return his look to Sandra and nods. "I am aware Razor-Eater'rhya, and I am sorry for the cost that the Elder's have experienced on our behalf. But I am afraid the cost will be higher if we continue." He bows his head to her and remains in that position, a submissive stance in homid form. Aaryn sits, near Sten, a hand resting on his back as he sleeps. Her elbows rest on her knees and a hand tugs thoughtfully at her lower lip. Finally, for the first time since she fell sick, she turns to look at the mountain. He knee bounces just a bit as those around her speak. It's difficult to know what the young Godi is thinking. After a moment, she turns to listen to the others, a small frown on her features.

Sandra looks impassively between the two men, the hand she raised to stay Theron's earlier comment dropped back to her side. "You do, of course, realize that Sten being returned to a lower elevation merely means that he's out of the running, don't you?" she says. "If he's unable of adjusting to the elevation here, then so be it. No one's sending a sick man up the slopes unless he, himself, decides that he wants to-- and if he's in such bad shape that he's incapable of making that decision, we'll make it for him. "As for you, though your withdrawal is noted, it doesn't erase the challenge as it stands. I'll send for <OOC> Sandra isn't done

Sandra looks impassively between the two men, the hand she raised to stay Theron's earlier comment dropped back to her side. "You do, of course, realize that Sten being returned to a lower elevation merely means that he's out of the running, don't you?" she says. "If he's unable of adjusting to the elevation here, then so be it. No one's sending a sick man up the slopes unless he, himself, decides that he wants to-- and if he's in such bad shape that he's incapable of making that decision, we'll make it for him. "As for you," she says to Magnus, "though your withdrawal is noted, it doesn't erase the challenge as it stands, for those who still wish to participate. I will, however, send for Ngima to alert the Gatekeeper that you'll be returning to Enduring Spirit via Tower Falls."

<OOC> Sandra ugh. *unable to adjust Aldric shakes his head slowly, "That's just it. Sten would. He would because honor demands that he do it. I am saying that I do not want to take the risk with his life, or Guides the Dead's life, even if they are. They are my packmates, and they are my friends. I would not have them take the chance." "I was going to suggest...everyone back out of the challenge. Give yourselves time...months at least, for someone to prove something of what they are." Theron comments, "Offer our contrition and...learn from this. In perhaps six months time, the Get can gather and decide then...maybe even still its pushed back, I dont know."

Magnus gives a laugh as she says the challenge still stands, "So be it. Iffn anyone wants to go up by themselves or," he eyes Aldric, "as a pack without me, as part of te challenge so be it." Aldric's point is given a nod, "Me pride has caused us to come here. I would nae want their pride to be what pays te price." To Theron, he holds out a hand, "Or...we examen my two paths forward. One, we go back and lead as a tribal council. It isn't te way of our people, but without a true Elder, iffn every Garou /and/ kinfolk has an equal voice in tribal matters until an Elder arrives or on of us makes it to at least, what, Athro, then we are at least all heard." He eyes Aaryn as he says this. "Two...we pledge to come back here to K2 and actually summit this mountain as a team when we are able to do so. I din like leaving this mountain getting te better of us. At some point we need to show it that we are up to its task."

lofts a brow at Magnus as he eyes her, unsure of his intention. When he finishes, she turns to face Sandra. "I do not wish the position, so cancelling the challenge is fine by me," she says. After a heartbeat, she adds, "but I will stay, and make the hike, if you will go with me, Razor-Eater 'Rhya. I have a feeling we were sent here, by our Elders, because thy felt there were lessons up on that mountain we needed. I do not want to have to return to Prospect and the Sept of the Enduring Spirit only to have this lesson return to us later."

<OOC> Aaryn says, "Aaryn" <OOC> Magnus says, "Yes, that is your name. *runs*" <OOC> Aaryn grabs Magnus by the tail, "my pose"

"Easier said than done," Sandra says, as much to Aldric and Magnus as to Theron. "The commotion you raised was enough to draw the attention of the tribe's leadership, and their commitment to letting you do as you so desired," then to Magnus, "thanks in no small part, as you say, to your pride." She turns back to Aldric, and says, "As, however, backing down was ultimately your idea, it will come at the cost of your renown, even if your reasons seem sound. You did, after all, give your word-- but as you are the one that raised the alarm, with the others falling in step, the penalty will rest on your shoulders. Are you comfortable with that?"

<OOC> Sandra will give a vague gesture to Aaryn as a 'I'll get to that in a moment' Theron smiles with pride when Aaryn makes her suggestion, he rises from his seat and moves beside her. "If you go, ill be at your side." he assures her. Aldric nods, "Yes, Razor-Eater'rhya." He's aware the cost, and accepts the penalty with no hesitation. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

Magnus bows his head, "I appreciate te tribe's leadership's commitment, but at te end of te day, te local Get of te Sept of te Enduring Spirit are more likely to be fighting at me side than te tribe's leaders are. I'd rather nae lose one to me pride as they may be te one that holds off Ragnarok some day." He looks to Aaryn and gives her a nod, "I'd go now, iffn we kin let go of te rules for te time being for te likes of Sten. Help him heal, help him get back to where we all are, and maybe we push forward...but iffn we get stuck, using our gifts to get us back on track. Still, I'd like to come back at some point to complete te challenge as it stands." Aaryn looks to Theron and nods, once. Then looks back to Sandra, "My decision stands, Razor-Eater 'Rhya. If it pleases you."

"Then I hope you're willing to do the same when the elders of other tribes attempt to usurp, disrupt, or otherwise insult the members of your own tribe," Sandra replies. "That's the problem with being Cliath, isn't it? And even a problem with being Fostern. The elders of other tribes can and will interfere as they see fit, and even be willing to pull rank at the cost of your reputation. But you do need to be able to stand up to that potential, and weather it accordingly, for the sake of your brother and sisters." She turns to Magnus. "With that said, the challenge is completed." Then, a vague half-smile. "Truth be told, even if one of you *had* reached the summit-- without clarity of vision, and a willingness to face punishment for backing down, you wouldn't have passed anyway. Aldric has," she says, turning to the wolf-born Ahroun, "and I'll see to it that he's trained up to the rank of Fostern within an acceptable amount of time, so that his rank at least reflects the status of tribal elder."

<OOC> Sandra says, "That's not a snap decision, btw, that really was the challenge. c.c I was half-expecting y'all to at least get to attempting camp 2 before someone went 'okay fuck this this is suicide,' but gj." Aldric blinks a couple of times before he looks up, the glance he gives Sandra uncertain. He slowly straightens back up to standing, waiting for a swing or something else to come in his direction. He looks to Aaryn and Theron first before speaking, "If...If I may Razor-Eater'rhya. Perhaps Tribal Representative? I am not comfortable with Elder being in the title, that is a long road to still be traveled." <OOC> Aldric says, "Too much puking, it's everywhere!" Long distance to Aaryn: Sandra swears she's getting to responding to you, but the other thing was a touch more immediate :V Aaryn Seems to almost breathe a sigh of relief. After a few moments, she turns to Aldric and smiles. Aaryn pages: No worries. I'm glad I'm off the hook :)

Magnus does not look happy as Sandra names Aldric the tribal elder. He shakes his head and walks off. Not like he can really go very far though...they're on the side of a mountain without much by way of foothold. That and he's not really feeling up to walking much. <OOC> Magnus hi-5's Aldric. <OOC> Aldric says, "Thanks!" <OOC> Sandra says, "FWIW, the outcropping is pretty much flat ground on the glacier, just lots of rocks everywhere." <OOC> Magnus says, "Still the side of a mountain ;p" <OOC> Magnus says, "So...is that it then, FTB?" <OOC> Sandra is still writing, sec. <OOC> Magnus nods. Theron sighs a bit and nods to Aldric, a glance to Magnus. He walks over to the other garou and pats his shoulder giving it a squeeze. "Strength came to the tribe in this, and all things can be challenged in the right time if you still feel it should be you...give it time."

Sandra offers Aldric what could be called a wry smile, subdued though it is. "Whichever title you see fit to use is entirely your own decision," she says, briefly glancing after Magnus as he beats a sluggish retreat. "This was an unorthodox challenge to begin with-- an unorthodox title only seems fitting." She looks back at him, and says, "You may find that you'll have a more immediate challenge in your future, one way or another, but I hope this illustrates to you a point that many seem to miss. "We are Get, yes-- we have a reputation for being the best of the best where it comes to martial prowess. But we didn't survive this long by being foolish, or suicidal-- and summiting K2, at your level of skill, is almost certainly suicide." Beat. "Either way-- congratulations, Junge Modi Ironsides. Let's hope that you continue to make sound decisions in the future, and that you're able to smoothe bristled hackles without losing your edge." It's only then that she turns to Aaryn to say, "As for making the ascent-- if you're interested in learning mountain climbing, much less at high altitudes, then I'd be willing to teach you. But not here. To be perfectly honest, neither I, nor our hosts, were looking forward to the potential of dragging a frenzying or half-dead Cliath off the Abruzzi Spur. Even the most skilled of mountaineers have fallen to their deaths here-- and in more than one instance, that was in the midst of a rescue effort. Such things are not undertaken lightly."

<OOC> Sandra will add one more pose for the official scene, then stick around for aftermath for whomever wants to stick around on the glacier, or talk shop. I'm here for a bit, and have an itch to RP in a non-ST capacity, so :V Aldric watches Magnus walk off, his head tilting a little as he watches the other Fenrir. When Theron heads over he looks back to Sandra, "Thank you. Now, if I may be so bold, I would very much like to get my packmate down to where he might begin to regain his health." <OOC> Magnus would love to stick around and be all broodish...but I've been working 13 hour days and have another one tomorrow. Tuesday I got all of 4 hours of sleep, so yeah...should probably get going. <OOC> Sandra <3 <OOC> Sandra says, "Thanks for participating and agreeing to let me run. I had fun putting it together, evne if some of the material went unused. :)" <OOC> Magnus says, "Thanks for running." <OOC> Aaryn says, "Yes, Sandra, thanks for running"

"Of course," Sandra says to Aldric. "I'll have Winter's Bite take him to a lower elevation for the time being, nd have her instruct him to shift so he can better handle the effects of the altitude. For now, however, I'd still ask that all of you give your offering to the mountain, as requested. You may not be summiting her today, or even a few years from now, but you spent time in her shadow, and if you intend to come back here in the future to train, I'd recommend ingratiating yourself to her-- and to our hosts. "Ngima will be by to perform your Cleansings, and you may find that you're feeling a bit depleted for a few days, where your Rage is concerned-- but it'll come back soon enough, no later than the turn of your next Auspice moon. Once that's finished, we can hike down the glacier to catch up with Sten and Winter's Bite, and return to Tower Fall once everyone has had a chance to rest, and recuperate."