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Detective Elizabeth Santiago

xxxxxxxxxx“I’m the police. And I’m here to arrest you. You’ve broken the law. I did not write the law. I may even disagree with the law. But I will enforce it. No matter how you plead, cajole, beg or attempt to stir my sympathies, nothing you do will stop me from placing you in a steel cage with grey bars. If you run away, I will chase you. If you fight me, I will fight back. If you shoot at me, I will shoot back. By law, I am unable to walk away. I’m a consequence. I am the unpaid bill. I am fate with a badge and a gun. Behind my badge is a heart like yours. I bleed. I think. I love. And yes, I can be killed. And although I’m but one man, I have thousands of brothers and sisters who are the same as me. They will lay down their lives for me. And I them. We stand watch together. A thin blue line. Protecting the prey from the predators. The good from the bad. We are the police.”
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx—End of Watch

Full Name: Elizabeth Maria Santiago
Goes By: Liz
Template: Mage
Sire: Lubomir
Date of Birth: July 13th, 1993
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Occupation: Student
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Circle of the Crone

"Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in..."

Fenella Sophie Warwick, born 13th July 1992 to James and Margaret Warwick, a terribly nice, middle-class couple who reside in the historical walled city of York, England. She showed an extraordinary ear for music from the get go, picking up on rhythms and tunes, and plink-plink-plinking these out on the old piano her family kept in the front room by the age of four. She was a YouTube darling after her parents uploaded videos of her skill on the piano, and by six had appeared as 'the new child prodigy' on national television. A scholarship to the Imperial College, London followed her A levels and she proved not only to be skilled on the pianoforte, but a clever and passionate composer of music as well.

In 2015 the college orchestra were invited to perform at Carnegie Hall, with Fen being included as the concert pianist. An honour indeed. It was on the second night of the orchestra's performances that Fen was to meet Lubomir Svodoba. He saw within Fen the spark of brilliance and they met post-performance on two nights. It was in those meetings that she revealed to him that she had congenital heart disease and also her very real fears about dying. He offered her the chance of immortality, the chance to play and to compose for eternity and with very little hesitation she grasped the chance with both hands.


Standing at just a shade over five feet five inches in height, this slender young woman easily draws the eye. Her complexion is a flawless bisque ivory with a luminous quality to it which serves to enhance features that are both exquisite and delicate; with wide-set eyes of a warm honey-brown, a straight nose and a determined chin. Her mouth is generous, soft and wide and given to being curved into a smile more often than not and her movements are both graceful and confident with a certain lyrical cadence to her step. Her light-brown hair is blessed with natural highlights of copper and gold and hangs in a polished fall to the small of her back.


  • English
    Born in England and English through and through.
  • Vampire
    Childe of Lubomir Svoboda, Embraced in February 2015 and a Fledgling still.
  • Daeva
    A social predator who's still learning just how much fun seduction and manipulation can be.
  • Crone
    Fen's found her path, and it lies with the Circle of the Crone. Now initiated she holds the title of Maiden and is the bottom of the bottom in the hierarchy of things. If you want to help in her instruction or involve her in Cronely activity, she's game for anything.
  • Pianist
    You might recognise her from YouTube. She went viral at four years old with videos of her piano playing. Something she's a little embarrassed about now.
  • Phobia
    A secret in her past has left her with a deap-seated fear of water. Want to try discovering why?

"A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face."
—Maya Angelou


  • Bryan:""I'm glad you like my music."
  • Lubomir: "My Sire. You offered me a future. Shit. I guess I owe you now..."
  • Ransom: "A piano? Really? Wait... You want WHAT for that?"
  • Vicente: "Likes classical music too. No shit!"


  • Howard: "I KNEW you could carry me if you put your back into it!"
  • Shane: "So many firsts. Thank you..."


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So that happened...

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