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}}[[Category:PCs]] [[Category: Active PCs]] [[Category:Vampire]]  [[Category:Sabbat]] [[Category:Streetwise PC]] [[Category:Nosferatu]]
}} [[Category: Retired PCs]]

Revision as of 10:24, 2 January 2017



"...in the end, above ground you have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and below ground the Have-nots; the Workers getting continually adapted to the conditions of their labour."

-- H.G. Wells, The Time Machine.

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You. Surface folk, you.
Sarah "..."
Eirik "You seem capable. Have I told you I like cowboys? They are the ones who herd the cattle."
Abe "Let's hope you tinker half as well as you talk... Pass me the pliers."
Spotted Horse "I cannot fault the loyal when they are so skilled, mad though some may be, it is a crazy thing. War."
Hehewuti "I trust you to serve the sword however you best see fit. Wise old spirit."
Banter "Keep talking my little Banter... Your insight is invaluable."
Anezka "..."
Zara "..."
Vera "You're something else, aren't you? Impressive. Is that the word?"

Those lost to time..
Faqirah "It was like watching a master chess player move pawns around her board. A privilege, Sister dear."
Sydney "There have been seasons that ruled longer. R.I.P You fallen Eminence."
Orra "The things I find beneath the earth never cease to amaze me. Perfection, unhinged."
Dreizehn "I shall cherish it until it rots to shreds and falls away."
Garan "Having more money than God, does not make you one."
Marion "Do I respect you less or more? I'm not sure it matters."
Paul "Sweet Paul- so bright you may blind me..."
Carl "Rest in peace old friend. Regardless of all the shit I gave you.... You are missed."
Marcus "Loss and friendship. A better understanding for both."

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RP Hooks
“We are spirits trapped in corpses . Death is only the beginning. You understand this the longer you've been dead. ”

Murray Sutton, Sabbat Monsignor

The Path of Death and the Soul is a Path devoted to understanding what it means to be an immortal soul trapped in a physical body. The vampire is a ghost with a physical form. All powers and weaknesses stem from this link with the spirit world. It is important to learn as much about the spirit world as possible so one can comprehend the purpose of existence. Earthly existence is a constant cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The soul is constant. The soul lives out life after life as it draws closer to God. The vampire is the break in the cycle. The soul of a vampire is forever locked in one form. Many on this Path believe their souls will be released into the cycle again once they suffer Final Death but, like mortals, they are not eager to find out. Vampires were set apart from the cycle of existence when Caine was cursed by God. All vampires now carry the burden of Caine for the length of their immortal lives. After Final Death, they are released from the curse to return as mortals once again. The followers of this Path believe the soul to be located within the heart of the body. Blood serves both physical and spiritual functions. Since their own corpse-like bodies cannot produce blood, the blood of others is needed to revitalize the soul.


• Study death in its many forms.

• Do not fear Final Death. The soul is immortal.

• Learn as much about the occult as possible. The clues have always been present, but now is the time to piece together the puzzle.

• Explore the nature and purpose of all things.

• Accept the greater consciousness to which all belong.

• Search for meaning in the emotions and conscience of your once-mortal self.

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As close as I have found to her unmasked visage.
Please note: Cyn has reddish dreadlocks and a mouth more akin to an anglerfish.
So many more teeth...

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Bishop of Undercity

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She is cold. Her RP is very dark theme. Death is treated as an abstract concept; not something to condemn. Please don't mind her horrific attitude problem, she doesn't hate you... she hates everything.

If you require the services of an adept Nosferatu feel free to crawl through the sewers. She is the type to let the muckity-mucks meet the muck. Also I don't PK without staff approval- on her behalf or others. Always page_OK!

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Notable Stats
Lore Sewer: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
Stealth: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png
Perception: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Performance: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Subterfuge: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Security/Investigation: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png


  • Patagia: Cyn has grown large flaps of skin under her arms, like those of a pterodactyl or flying squirrel. She may use these patagia to glide for short distances.


  • Contagious: This Nosferatu has a terrible flaw which keeps her far from most mortals. Her skin excretes a thick slime which is very harmful to humans. When humans come in contact with her they are fine, until they get some of the slime on their skin. Thanks to a rather virulent version of Nosferatu's curse, a few doomed varieties of Nosferatu retain these infections after their Embrace. Contagious Nosferatu can never interact with mortals without the possibility of spreading sickness and disease.

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