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Revision as of 21:57, 23 August 2019

Blood in and Blood worship
Saskia meets Arcadia.
Players Laz, Jessy Alena
Location New home for the pack
Spheres Garou

The drive there is a pain in the ass, this place was closed due to abusive doctors, and un caring nurses, got away with it for 35 years. 1945 is the founding date, old is where the heart is, but it lasted due to being out in the middle of the desert, made out of steel, and glass, and hate it stands still mostly in one piece. There is a lock box out front, as told to him when he was buying it the realtor hated to come out here, got the yickies, and the spookies was her quote, just looking at it did one walkthrough and that was enough, it has been up on the mark for 10 years now. It seems someone bought it trying to fix it up back in the mid 90's but it was never done, now it is theres officaly as of now.

Merick's bmw is pulling up parking in a beat up parking lot that had been take down by the desert, and the building glinting in the sun ahead of them gaint iron gate with a all sorts of weird paterns in the rusted out metal, and the gate is open as it has been since it closed, holes in the fences but the building itsel is a modern horrible, that fake future shit so popular in the mid 70's when it was rebuilt, too much glass most of it broken, too much light inside of it but the reason he picked it was due to the large underground part, used for solitary, and lab work and to keep the more inhumane moments quiet, as he leans on the car watching the building, he speaks softly."WHat do you think of our new home trouble makers, my pack?"

The sound of a motorcycle is heard, and soon, arriving on a small black crotch rocket, is Jessica. She'll park in front of the building, near the bmw and kick the stand down for the bike as she looks up curiously towards the building while still sitting on the bike. Finally, she'll deign to dismount and slowly walk towards the car. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she'll wait for the others and then looks back to the building. "It'll work.", she'll say.

Lazarus steps out of his Charger, slipping back up to a stand and motions for Alena to get out as well. They informed Jessica on the way of course and drove out here - Laz followed behind the BMW, engine roaring angrily the whole way and spitting pollution into the air in protest to not being the lead car. No doubt his car is Bane tainted. (Not yet, but it WILL BE) The massive man looks up, and out over the facility and begins to nod his head slowly. "This will work.. it will need some repairs and fixing up, but it will work." He looks around, considering the layout of the area around and then grins more brutally, "Yes.. I like it Richy. Nicely done."

Merick watches it all, then his phone is going off with a little sigh."I'm have to take this, it is the realtor. Go take a look around gang, I have seen it all. But, you will enjoy this." His voice is soft, as he sits down on the back of the bmw, as he starts to talk into it quietly, with a snarl of rage.

Alena now thinks she /is/ somebody because she got to ride IN the charger. You know, as opposed to /in the trunk/. She steps out and slams the heavy door and walks around the front of the car, without so much as bothering to tug down her overly-short skirt. She's chewing on a wad of gum and flipping through her phone, idly, as she comes to rest next to Laz. It's only then that she spares a glance over her screen to where they are. Her brow arches and... This might not be so boring, after all.

Jessica's dark eyes glance over at Merick as he takes his phone and goes to answer it. She'll stare at him a long, dark moment before she nods and turns to face the building. "It's even got a fence around the property. I wonder if we can electrify it..." Stepping forward, she'll begin to walk towards the building, to go and take a tour.

Laz reaches out two of those bear-claw sized hands of his, one to the back of the neck of both Jessica and Alena and he grins brutally, "Lets go make ourselves at home, shall we?" he offers in a cruel tone. This guys idea of playing house, is probably just a wee-bit different than the acceptable definition.

Laz moves up to the gate, gesturing his hands for them both to scale the fence or bypass it, or do whatever it is they do to make things open when he wants them open - so he doesn't have to rip them off their hinges. "Richy will catch up when he's done doing what he does." The man's nostrils flare, scenting the area as though looking for something or checking for signs of life.

Stiffening when Laz touches her, Jessica will scowl and just angrily stalk forward. She doesn't pull away, although when they get to the gate or door or fence or whatever, she'll just step towards it and reach a hand out to hold over the locking mechanism. With a wave and a brief concentration, the door with unlock and she'll give a little smile as she steps forward to open it and just walk on through. "Here we go.", she'll say quietly as she glances around.

Alena is almost toppled off balance when Laz tugs at her with that meaty mitt of his, but she manages to stay upright. She stalks, next to Laz and behind her Aunt Jessy, watching the other woman curiously. The click of her heels on the pavement silence as she stops and waits, tilting her head to the side and examining Jessy's movements. When the lock releases, her brows arch in surprise, she's obviously impressed. Alena blows a big, pink bubble.

As they are moving forward there is something that feels odd to the garou, the kinfolk might not have noticed it as it is pushing on them, something clean, something healthy it feels so untainted, as they move forward there is a something in the dirt that is most faded, from traffic and they are able to barely see it, but it seems vaguly familiar to them.

Laz's arms drop back from the other's necks, and they start to swell and grow. The sounds of bone cracking and skin stretching, as black fur hyper tipped by greenish tint engulfs both his arms and sharp wicked claws sprout from the tips. A predatory growl emits from Laz's lips, as they curl back into a feral grin. His black eyes flicker with balefire tint for a moment as the Rage ripples through him and he cranes his head down in a hunched position like he was getting ready to sprint forward. "I hope there's something tasty inside.." and a disturbing long crinos tongue snakes from his mouth and lashes over his lips and chin with a hiss of his jawline cracking open.

After stepping inside, Jess will pause and look at the ground. Scowling more, she'll step forwarde and crouch to look at the glyph there before she snarls and looks around immediately before she rises. "Gaians have been here, and recently. They have cleansed this area..." She'll point down to the sigil which is proof of their work. "They might still be nearby.", she'll say with a dark cheerfulness towards the growing Laz. "Time to hunt?", she'll query him and then glances at Alena purposefully.

Laz turns to look down towards the glyph when Jessy points it out. "Excellent.. well spotted. Yes, lets hunt." He offers with a hungered tone to his voice. The Crinos-armed man rakes his claws against the ground, to send a shrieking screech through the area, loud and horrific like a call to arms - as the sharp surface brings his claws to bladed tips and he starts to excite himself into a hungered snarl. "Let loose the Beast of War.. so blight unseen can reach across the Mother's fields. Let run the crimson rivers from my claws, and pain be salvation's Entropy onto them all."

At Laz' call to arms, Jess will get a wicked little grin on her features. She'll shrink into a large wolf, her wolf is black pure black with the beginnings of the strange markings of a Wyrm creature beginning to show. As a large wolf, she'll sniff the ground and growl before she begins to lead Laz in the direction of the back. << This way... >> Although he probably knows even better than she does.

The back of the mental hospital, is odd there is nothing but fixed up here, more symbols on the wall. There is a brand new huge iron door on the cellar, with a brand new shiny padlock. There are tons of foot prints over here the leading in and out of it, but there is a light coming from inside of the windows in the basement.

Blight-Bringer moves behind Jessy-wolf, letting the wolf track down the Gaians. He has a pretty good awareness about, but also trusts his sister's nose to do the dirty work. Or perhaps like everything else with Laz, this is just another 'test'. He continues to follow, his claws beginning to split and crack, starting to look like crooked teeth more than claws now. His ears shift to that of a wolf's and his mouth protrudes forward like a muzzle to smell better. Even his eyes sink back, distorting his skull horrifically into some grotesque mixture of man and beast - blazing with balefire now as they peer around hyper-alert to his surroundings. <<Ohh.. what did you find for me?>> he snarls softly, like it's some delicate secret as he Mr. Hyde's all behind her and shit.

The way the large wolf (dire) moves is purposeful and cautious, every large paw is set precisely where it needs to be in order to have the most silent step taken. When they reach this shiny new door, she'll stop to sniff the air and growls a bit, very, very softly, <<Looks like a tuna can that needs opening.. here, let me get that door for you>> She'll step forward and nose at the lock, concentrating her mystical energies before the lock pops. When it's popped, she'll step back for Laz to enter first.

As if he wasn't already horrifying enough to look at, the half-man half-monster, enormous beast of Blight-Bringer shifts further.. his legs growing into the hind legs of a dire wolf to carry him on - and those wicked sharp teeth-like claws of his begin to drip with a sickly green-tinted acidic substance. The smell of the Wyrm's taint strong off them as the door opens and he wolf-grins quite graphically, <<My turn.>> he starts to laugh, and that horrifying hyena-like cackle begins to emulate from the grotesque beast. Falling forward onto his clawed crinos arms and kicks off through the doorway in a rage-driven charge. The Beast of War, unleashed finally.

As you come down into the basement, there are four men sitting down on a couch softly talking, in a chair is a woman with a scar over her left eye, they are all quietly talking for now dressed in a jogging clothing, simple as if they are working out or just getting done with it. One large black man is in the center of the couch, next to him is an native american man with a laptop on his lap, then a bright red haired green eye man, the last is a short man that looks just unhealthy, his right arm is longer then his left, his face is a kind of a swirl not lined up at all, he is drinking from a juice box, and then there is the sound of soft music playing, they have yet to notice the new arrivals.

Blight-Bringer is not simply a Warrior, he isn't a combatant. He is something of horrors, that Garou have nightmares about. He bursts in with that hyena-cackling laughter, and reaches his massive twisted claws past the woman in the seat and wrenches back to tear through her body so that the spray of blood with arch up over him and into his mouth. The yield of balefire leaves streaks as the woman doesn't even have a chance to scream out. His claws literally break off into her body, and continue to fester and boil her corpse as he tears her quite literally in half before her compatriots and lashes his tongue like a snake might!

Pausing in the entryway, a shadow-wolf of pitch black hovering with cold eyes, Jessica will admire her big brother's form as he launches his all-out attack to destroy. Giving a snarl of pleasure, she'll turn and then leap forward, her dire form large, but still nimble, as that is the Ragabash's strength. Leaping to the back of the short guy, she'll jump in to try to hamstring him, taking a nice chunk of flesh off.

Blight-Bringer moves with sudden alacrity, even before the woman has finishes dying and fallen to the ground, he has already moved forward and thrown out those massive bear-like arms to snatch hold of Irish into the grip of his powerful hug. Long twisted tongue lashing up the side of his face and jawline as he clenches brutally in flex of his muscles to keep his meal precisely where he wants it.

Lazarus coils his head back, and his distorted half-wolf jaw splits open like some demonic version of a pezz dispenser. Then with all the force of a tidal wave he throws his head down and locks his jaws around Irish's throat and sinks his crinos teeth into that flesh to take a fierce chunk of most of his torso in a crushing pop of his ribcage and shoulder bones. The snarl of the beast snorts, with a vicious jerk side to side and the gullet-pop of a rather large chunk of the man's body being SWALLOWED whole.

Oooh, bigger Scooby snacks! Blight-Bringer only seems to grow more excited by the prospect of greater violence. The challenge enticing the Beast of War to face his Urge and charge in. The odds mean nothing to him, the threat entices him. The blood sprays, the death has him excited. He needs to smell fear, and he will get what he needs. The gargoyle of a wolf-man leaps at the Native as he starts to grow, and throws his arms and legs around him with crushing strength. Then once more the jaw snaps down, tearing off a chunk of the Native crinos with a furious glee and impotent hunger unleashed.

Jessica leaps around the short guy, and as he starts going Crinos, she'll attempt to step up her game. She knows she'd be at a disadvantage at that point, so she'll combine a frenzy of attacks. First, she'll leap up and attack the throat, ripping out a huge chunk of flesh, a deadly wound. On the way down, she'll swipe with her claw at his face, which only leaves a long gash, although the throat wound has him falling to the ground.

The last one, that only one standing is leaping into the air towards the hallway, as he is changing into the crinos. His color of the fur is a deep silver, as he gnarls at the walls, and then he growls. Running at full tilt deeper into the bowels of the asylum with a look back at them tempting them to follow.

Blight-Bringer will start after the running Crinos as though he intended to follow, but stop to tip his head to the side with a wolfish-grin. <<Trap.>> He will growl, almost with mirth of some degree. His wicked claws finally growing back into those tainted teeth, dripping with that sickly green acidic goo. His mouth will contort back to that of Laz's and he will call out after the fleeing Crinos. "Run.. hide.. and I shall feast on the bodies of your fallen friends.. so they may never find their way home." He taunts cruelly. Then he does.. just that. He squats down on his large wolven hind legs, and buries a claw into the chest of the Native he just killed - tearing out his heart and ludely begins to feast upon it, desecrating the dead further in cruel display. Another release of that hyena-like laughter as the blood pours down his face and jaw.

The mention of Trap has the wolf Jessica growling and she'll look down the hall. Turning as Laz begins to feast on the dead, she'll trot proudly over to the one she killed and gnaw off his face, apparently that is her way of desecrating him. Once done though, she'll sniff around the area, and then go to the hall, sit and wait.

Laz will look around, and snarl slightly at the realization of what is happening. <<Silver bars over the windows and doors. We are being trapped inside a Garou cage. He is running.. >> The clawed hands lift the body of the Native, and he begins to squeeze the chest cavity to create a pool of blood on the ground beneath him. <<They have taken precautions.. but they are not of great rank or skill. We shall see to what extent they have prepared.>> he snarls and motions towards Jessy-wolf, <<Conceal yourself and hunt, I shall join you when the time is right.>> and he moves to step sideways into the faint reflective surface of the crimson pool beneath his feet now.

Turning her head to look at Laz, the black wolf Jessica will snarl at the mention of cage. When he tells her to conceal, she does that, concentrating to put herself into stealth-mode, ultimate mode. Then she'll begin to prowl forward very slowly, beginning her hunt to find them and perhaps kill them one by one.

The man was a long gone as the bar slide off the windows, and then the doors are unlocked with a loud click. They are alone down here now, it seems on the other side of the gauntlet, is clean too fucking clean for the test of them. It has been healed, the pain drained, the bad memories are left there like a stain it is almost able to be seen, but not quiet. But it seems they have much work to do to make this truly their home, outside the sound of a car hitting someone can be heard, and then a loud chuckle."Now then, to get the cub to help me with this body." The voice is a very happy merrick can be heard outside.