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{{tab}}'''The thing-over-there is a plastic shopping bag with its contents strewn out in the short weeds and asphalt crumble. A few bits of fruit lay in the glitter of broken glass, there's some boxed-things of unknown variety, same with some canned-things. It doesn't scream 'bait' so much as it screams 'aftermath', cause honestly, who just drops their food and then fucks off, you know?'''
{{tab}}'''The thing-over-there is a plastic shopping bag with its contents strewn out in the short weeds and asphalt crumble. A few bits of fruit lay in the glitter of broken glass, there's some boxed-things of unknown variety, same with some canned-things. It doesn't scream 'bait' so much as it screams 'aftermath', cause honestly, who just drops their food and then fucks off, you know?'''
<font color=red>There's a shake of his head, Boots trying to track all their party at once. "Not smell. Feel it. Somethin' is aimin' to hurt us." He watches as the car is stripped for the parts, then spots Johnny moving towards his announced score.<br>
<font color=red>There's a shake of his head, Boots trying to track all their party at once. "Not smell. Feel it. Somethin' is aimin' to hurt us." He watches as the car is stripped for the parts, then spots Johnny moving towards his announced score.<br>
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{{tab}}'''This isn't a sewer. It could be mistaken for one, it sure as hell smells bad down here, but it's actually a ridonculously huge tank that you just came through the roof of. There's only two directions to choose from, a ten foot tall pipe/walkway at either end, and you already know one direction leads away from the area, soooooo just the one choice! It's dark, and it's smelly, and it's damp, and yep, yep there's that distressed sound again. Hard to pick a gender, it's just a 'person making extremely unhappy sounds' type of sound.
{{tab}}'''This isn't a sewer. It could be mistaken for one, it sure as hell smells bad down here, but it's actually a ridonculously huge tank that you just came through the roof of. There's only two directions to choose from, a ten foot tall pipe/walkway at either end, and you already know one direction leads away from the area, soooooo just the one choice! It's dark, and it's smelly, and it's damp, and yep, yep there's that distressed sound again. Hard to pick a gender, it's just a 'person making extremely unhappy sounds' type of sound.
<font color=red>Boots snerks, shaking his head. "She got a mouth, Rhapsody-Rhya. Just... yeah." He's not excusing, just explaining. Not like there aren't plenty of Kin who speak their mind in the Sept! "We'll definitely call in for backup if we need it." The Ahroun agrees, before jumping down the tunnel. Ladders are for getting up!<br>
<font color=red>Boots snerks, shaking his head. "She got a mouth, Rhapsody-Rhya. Just... yeah." He's not excusing, just explaining. Not like there aren't plenty of Kin who speak their mind in the Sept! "We'll definitely call in for backup if we need it." The Ahroun agrees, before jumping down the tunnel. Ladders are for getting up!<br>
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<font color=red>Once everyone is set, Boots nods to the other two. There's no roar of triumph, he wants to save the dude - even if he'll be pissing himself seeing a werewolf. He might already be too far gone - we'll see. He surges forward, grabbing the man and yanking him out of the grip of the Fomori and the bag. FAFO tucks him behind him - protecting the man.</font>
<font color=red>Once everyone is set, Boots nods to the other two. There's no roar of triumph, he wants to save the dude - even if he'll be pissing himself seeing a werewolf. He might already be too far gone - we'll see. He surges forward, grabbing the man and yanking him out of the grip of the Fomori and the bag. FAFO tucks him behind him - protecting the man.</font>
{{tab}}'''Alerted by the sudden howling, yoinking, splashing intrusion, a set of fomori come rushing through the glowy water at the 2 of 3 they know to be present. They're slightly aquatic, slightly mutated, greenish in color, savage in expression with little claws and fangs that drip with toxic bullshit. Rhapsody gets a little scratch at best, but it stings and burns like super bad!'''
{{tab}}'''Alerted by the sudden howling, yoinking, splashing intrusion, a set of fomori come rushing through the glowy water at the 2 of 3 they know to be present. They're slightly aquatic, slightly mutated, greenish in color, savage in expression with little claws and fangs that drip with toxic bullshit. Rhapsody gets a little scratch at best, but it stings and burns like super bad!'''
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{{tab}}'''Over in the center of the tank by the Goo Pods, the Hobo pees his pants a little bit and Rhapsody unleashes her inner red dragon. Toxin Fomori scream and three more hit the floor amongst their weak, fallen brethren. The flaming dude was the heavy hitter here, the Toxin and Goop guys are awfully... squishy melty.'''
{{tab}}'''Over in the center of the tank by the Goo Pods, the Hobo pees his pants a little bit and Rhapsody unleashes her inner red dragon. Toxin Fomori scream and three more hit the floor amongst their weak, fallen brethren. The flaming dude was the heavy hitter here, the Toxin and Goop guys are awfully... squishy melty.'''
<font color=red>Burning is in the cards, clearly! FAFO moves forward as the rescued man curls up in terror. The fiery-boi is his target! He ducks down, his claw raking along the bottom of the pool, then upwards clawing from guts to chin. FAFO hisses through the pain, then glances around to the others - seeing Rhapsody cook the others. SO MANY FOMORI TO KILL!</font>
<font color=red>Burning is in the cards, clearly! FAFO moves forward as the rescued man curls up in terror. The fiery-boi is his target! He ducks down, his claw raking along the bottom of the pool, then upwards clawing from guts to chin. FAFO hisses through the pain, then glances around to the others - seeing Rhapsody cook the others. SO MANY FOMORI TO KILL!</font>
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<font color=green>Rhapsody grabs up the Hobo, and yoinks him as she takes a leap off and away from the bane they were standing on. ICK! She deposits him down closer to the exit and says, "Get on up out of here! We've got this!" She'll make her way back, ready to shift to crinos to fight with the boys.</font>
<font color=green>Rhapsody grabs up the Hobo, and yoinks him as she takes a leap off and away from the bane they were standing on. ICK! She deposits him down closer to the exit and says, "Get on up out of here! We've got this!" She'll make her way back, ready to shift to crinos to fight with the boys.</font>
<font color=red>FAFO focuses, watching as the biggun spawns. <<Fuck.>> He growls, focusing inwards to brace against the sure-to-be-coming toxins. Claws are still ready, itching for the the lunge forward.</font>
<font color=red>FAFO focuses, watching as the biggun spawns. <<Fuck.>> He growls, focusing inwards to brace against the sure-to-be-coming toxins. Claws are still ready, itching for the the lunge forward.</font>
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{{tab}}'''Oooooo the STENCH! And the burny burny feel of its ichor! It's not acidic perse, just really toxic, the kind of shit that's going to give you a rash if you don't wash get it washed off. The creature collapses in a heap, its legs hacked to shit and its stomach all scorched and stabbed and now just totally rent open. It lets loose one last death fart, releasing another bane, which can just be stepped on to kill it, really. It's not done cooking for a full round. The sinister glow of its goo pods flickers and dies, and the pods themselves sort of collapse in on themselves, oozing everywhere and releasing mutated half-fomori that aren't ready to survive outside yet. They're quick to perish. The meat the monster is made of begins to decay rapidly, the rusting, rando steel plates and jags along its body releasing and falling off with clangs and splooshes. It's just a single mother that was trying to leave! God you guys are so mean. Also you stink. Like Wyrm. Like SUPER fucking bad. And Evan has that extra eye on his torso thing going on, that's... weird.'''
{{tab}}'''Oooooo the STENCH! And the burny burny feel of its ichor! It's not acidic perse, just really toxic, the kind of shit that's going to give you a rash if you don't wash get it washed off. The creature collapses in a heap, its legs hacked to shit and its stomach all scorched and stabbed and now just totally rent open. It lets loose one last death fart, releasing another bane, which can just be stepped on to kill it, really. It's not done cooking for a full round. The sinister glow of its goo pods flickers and dies, and the pods themselves sort of collapse in on themselves, oozing everywhere and releasing mutated half-fomori that aren't ready to survive outside yet. They're quick to perish. The meat the monster is made of begins to decay rapidly, the rusting, rando steel plates and jags along its body releasing and falling off with clangs and splooshes. It's just a single mother that was trying to leave! God you guys are so mean. Also you stink. Like Wyrm. Like SUPER fucking bad. And Evan has that extra eye on his torso thing going on, that's... weird.'''
<font color=red>FAFO is panting, burnt and all around aggravated. He peers around, watching and hoping that there's nothing left. As everything starts dissolving and melting away, he groans a bit. Fighting the frenzy took a LOT on the full moon, during the full moon. <<Can we cleanse it all>> He chuffs, looking to the other two. <<Sorry about the... yeah.>>
<font color=red>FAFO is panting, burnt and all around aggravated. He peers around, watching and hoping that there's nothing left. As everything starts dissolving and melting away, he groans a bit. Fighting the frenzy took a LOT on the full moon, during the full moon. <<Can we cleanse it all>> He chuffs, looking to the other two. <<Sorry about the... yeah.>>
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<font color=green>Rhapsody shifts back down to her homid form as well, putting things away as she does, shaking this all off. "Please, and thank you." She'll give any implements as needed to the others as she has exited with them as well. "Cleanse, and then I can heal others."</font>
<font color=green>Rhapsody shifts back down to her homid form as well, putting things away as she does, shaking this all off. "Please, and thank you." She'll give any implements as needed to the others as she has exited with them as well. "Cleanse, and then I can heal others."</font>
{{tab}}'''Ramona and Sheena are up in a flash as people come out of the underground, bat and crowbar raised and ready to beat down! They give the garou The Eye... making sure they didn't, you know... *turn* or something... But no, they seem pretty okay, so they lower weapons and turn around for plastic bags. Ramona had her people getting some supplies earlier, nothing fancy, just what could be got across the street, which includes some changes of very unflattering discount clothes.<br>'''
{{tab}}'''Ramona and Sheena are up in a flash as people come out of the underground, bat and crowbar raised and ready to beat down! They give the garou The Eye... making sure they didn't, you know... *turn* or something... But no, they seem pretty okay, so they lower weapons and turn around for plastic bags. Ramona had her people getting some supplies earlier, nothing fancy, just what could be got across the street, which includes some changes of very unflattering discount clothes.<br>'''
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{{tab}}'''Ramona offers a high five to Rha- wait no, hang on. She gets one of the now empty plastic shopping bags, puts that over her hand and holds it at the wrist, and THEN offers Rhapsody a high five. Make sure stuff's burned but not gonna burn down the world, make sure everyone picked up everything aaaaaand... "Alright! Let's head out and you can tell me all about it. Nice fuckin job with the whatever that was, girl. I've never heard someone speak rock before. Have a good night, Rhapsody, hope to see you soon!"'''
{{tab}}'''Ramona offers a high five to Rha- wait no, hang on. She gets one of the now empty plastic shopping bags, puts that over her hand and holds it at the wrist, and THEN offers Rhapsody a high five. Make sure stuff's burned but not gonna burn down the world, make sure everyone picked up everything aaaaaand... "Alright! Let's head out and you can tell me all about it. Nice fuckin job with the whatever that was, girl. I've never heard someone speak rock before. Have a good night, Rhapsody, hope to see you soon!"'''
<center>ZZZzzzZZZ ~Fin~ ZZZzzzZZZ</center>
<center>ZZZzzzZZZ ~Fin~ ZZZzzzZZZ</center>

Revision as of 12:03, 24 May 2024

Attack of the Goo Boys!
Discovering a horrifying fomori maker underground
IC Date May 23, 2024
IC Time Afternoon/evening
Players Boots Rhapsody Evan Ramona
Location North Prospect, under the freeway
Prp/Tp Honestly, I just couldn't think of a good name for the log, so Attack of the Goo Boys is it.
Spheres Gaian Garou

Cast: Rhapsody: Mr. Green, Evan: Mr. Blue, Boots: Mr. Red, ST/Ramona: Mr. Black

xxxxxRamona and her friends wanted to explore a bit, and naturally Boots has been invited, being the honorary 7th bottle in the 6 pack, or something. Once his scheduled patrol stuff has been finished for the day, of course. Cause they're getting a little bit far afield at this point, a few miles off the Mall Zone, using the elevated freeway as a destination point purely because it was easy to see and aim for. So now here we are, on the Shitty side of the road, wandering along railroad tracks and crackin' jokes while looking for stuff to salvage. The Kin have their backpacks on but emptied of personal stuff so they can fit more Random Crap in there. You know, recyclable bottles and cans, copper wire, the occasional not too destroyed thing that looks like it could be fixed, polished and pawned. That sorta thing. The basis of Ramona's Resources 1! Just cause of the area, she has her bat unclipped and rested up on one shoulder. Just in case. Her other hand might be in Boots's, depending on how he handles Shitty area vibes.
xxxxx"So aside from a half pipe, what else do you have in your room?" she asks curiously of Boots. She's been trying to figure out how the fuck to furnish a personal space, because she only remembers 'bed and table'.

Finding stuff was totally Boots' speed, truthfully. He liked Stuff, like most Bone Gnawers. And he liked her crew - not to mention that he liked Ramona! He moved along with them, wandering and doing his best to spot anything good to stow. He kept his eyes open, ears perked - keeping guard over the ragtag group of Kin as they scour for stuff.
"I got some more clothes. Some racks from the old store. I got a mattress and some blankets. And some snacks. Not a lot... OH! My axe and shield." He chuckles.

Rhapsody is tagged along, kinda chaperoning so to speak - more like looking for pieces herself that could be useful for the courtyard at the Tenement. Good chance to check in on city spirits around, and hang with the new kinfolk too. "And that is an amazing axe and shield too. Irsa made it if I recall correctly."

xxxxxThere's also probably the occasional flowering plant struggling like crazy, if Rhapsody wants to rescue them! Spirit-wise, it's shitty. Smog, super pissy Earth, rare plants that look like they'll cut a bitch cause of their hard lives, that sorta thing.
xxxxx"Okay, so not like a lot of *stuff* stuff." Ramona says thoughtfully, "I tried looking in some magazines at what the inside of people's houses look like, and that's sooooo muuuuuch shiiiiit. Like, what do you even *do* with that much stuff! My parents had like a couch and a hugeass old tv and, you know, like normal stuff, and I had my bed, and I had a table, and.. Wait, dresser too, that, yeah. But I don't think I had nearly the amount of bullshit a lot of people seem to have." She grins in agreement with Rhap and asks Boots, "You don't have those hidden under your coat or anything, do you? In case of nazi dinosaurs." Her crew, meanwhile, have swarmed an old , stripped car. All the good stuff is gone, but if you crack it open you can get to the car marrow. Er, hard to get to wires, that is. Crowbar time!

Boots shakes his head. "Nah. I need to get some sort of wool to hide those so I don't need to carry a big ass hockey bag or somethin'." The man smiles. "I mean, part of the problem is people focusin' on stuff, and sayin' fuck it to the rest of the world." Boots decides. A nod to Rhapsody, a grin. "Yeah, she made the axe. Branton made the shield." He looks pleased as punch. A few of the flowers he reaches down to draw fingers over, just to feel the resilient beauty there.

Rhapsody replies to Boots, "You just got to rank up, dude. There is this gift you can learn? You can summon things your dedicate - right to your hand. Very helpful, especially for those larger objects like street signs." Because yeah. "Makes you feel like a real Jedi that way too." She does stop and check out all the plants she sees on the way, and yes - has a small pocket trowel and small containers to save whatever she can here. "I seriously am going to need a bigger courtyard... and roof."

xxxxxRamona doesn't feel the growth or beauty that Boots is connecting with, doesn't quite register the defiant poetry of life in a faded patch of disappearing sunlight. Not that she doesn't appreciate it or anything, she just doesn't feel Gaia like a Garou does. And yeah Rhapsody's doing the same, but like, she's not dating Rhap, so, you know. Interest priorities. Still though, she watches the interaction with a sort of fascinated intrigue. "I think there's an app for that." she says, concerning weapons and their concealment/accessibility, and she points to Rhapsody who totally knows what she's talking about. (Summon Talisman, r2 Strider gift). She rolls her shoulders a bit, an unnerved sort of movement.

Boots's neck cranes to the side, something is bugging him. The hair on the back of his neck is up a bit - his dark eyes peering around cautiously now. "Somethin' ain't right. Somethin' is bad. Nearby." He half-growls, crouching a bit and making sure he's near enough to the Kinfolk to jump in protectively. There's a smell of sulfur around him, a squeak from the tattoo.

Rhapsody reaches for the hilt of her power blade, as Boots' hackles raise. "What do you smell?" She's now going to try sniff herself and see if she can sense anything off - like the Wyrm, as she puts away anything else in her hands in favor of the hilt of that weapon that is at rest at the moment.

xxxxxRamona's pillaging kinfolk make short work of the car, there wasn't a ton left in it or anything, but every dime helps, you know? The last scraps are getting stuffed into backpacks and secured for travel back home. "Oh! OH!!" one of them (Johnny Ramone) pipes up, looking at something 'over there' and back to the gang again, Garou first. "Scoooooore!" It's too far to just trot over to, too much separation from the group, so he points it out instead.
xxxxxThe thing-over-there is a plastic shopping bag with its contents strewn out in the short weeds and asphalt crumble. A few bits of fruit lay in the glitter of broken glass, there's some boxed-things of unknown variety, same with some canned-things. It doesn't scream 'bait' so much as it screams 'aftermath', cause honestly, who just drops their food and then fucks off, you know?


There's a shake of his head, Boots trying to track all their party at once. "Not smell. Feel it. Somethin' is aimin' to hurt us." He watches as the car is stripped for the parts, then spots Johnny moving towards his announced score.
"Yo! Johnny! Keep back..." He already starts moving in that direction. Something sure isn't right.

Rhapsody says forcefully herself. "All kin - hang back! There is something... infected. BAD out there. I can smell it even about the wasteland of the city stench. Not sure what - but something we need to remove. With force." She moves forward toward it because OF COURSE toward danger.

xxxxxRamona makes zero arguments here, she's got the vibe! She makes a inward sweep of her arm to her crew and the six pack puddles up together a bit out of the way, falling silent and just being alert now that they know strange things are afoot at the Circle K. They'll stick to trailing behind the Garou at a good distance.
xxxxxWell, 'towards it' brings you to the fallen groceries, but they're not in a puddle of nuclear waste or anything.
xxxxxYour surroundings are: A dirty tent up ahead with some homeless dude type shit beside it (shopping cart, ten million tarps, some random crap, etc), rail road tracks, the stripped down car, a few random pipes sticking out of the ground for venting, and a metric shit ton of litter.

Boots squats a bit away from the tent, peering at it. "Like... three people here? Two... predators, one victim." He says, inching forward and looking at the ground. He follows what appears to be drag marks. "Here... dragged over here." A cant of his head. "You hear that? Moanin'?" He moves some of the stuff in the pile to reveal a maintenance hatch.

Rhapsody is paying more attention to the other side of things, and she's cautions. "There is more to this. I think there is a family of banes here... some underground. I'm not sure... possibly it is in the Umbra. I'd have to take a look, but I do not want to set things off with all the kin here, and it just being us. Not that we may not be able to handle it, but it feels like we will sure be outnumbered."

xxxxxFor her part, Ramona&Co keeps within range of being able to hear what the Garou are saying, but well out of their way of investigative battle prepery type things. As Boots starts digging through broken things, litter, and stuff like that, she angles that way to help uncover the hatch. Not that it's soundly buried or anything, it's more like shit just fell on it last time it closed. Still, better to make sure it's totally accessible. A couple of the ramones whip out some small flashlights to offer the Garou. "We're not going down there." they say, not that they expect there to be any argument about that.
xxxxx"You're not outnumbered. You've got *them* outnumbered one Ahroun verses none." Ramona insists proudly. "It's okay, we'll wait up here and I'll guard the boys and girls. You go beat up things and tell me all about it after."

Boots looks to Rhapsody, then the kin. "Someone got taken - and I just dealt with another dude who got fucked over and infested. If we can help, we should help." He offers to the higher-ranking Garou. He looks to the hatch. "I can hear someone moanin - in pain." He says. As to the compliments, he grins a little, but doesn't comment - he's well aware of his ego, and the moon.

Rhapsody sighs and shakes her head with Ramona's comments, and Boots' reaction. "Vote of confidence is good in Boots' abilities, but with things like this? We need to keep a clear head, and not just a love connection. If someone is hurt and in pain, we will check it out. But caution here. Kin keep back, and if things go sideways - we run and get the rest of the Mistseekers. Got it?"

xxxxx"What's with all the lectures lately?" Ramona asks with a flail of her hands, "Just go find out if you need fuckin backup and we'll point them at the hole when they get here." She heads back towards her group, bitching the whole way, like she do, "Honestly, you try and throw out one little optimistic thing and suddenly you're fuckin twelve again." She's not arguing with keeping back or anything, they're quite happy to not go into any holes at all, though she answers, "Yeah, yeah, I'll honk the horn." It's a Shaun of the Dead reference. She's a teenage girl with flaws, you know how it is.
xxxxxInside the hatch is a rusty metal ladder and that leads down to a rusty, slightly warped and tilty, metal walkway within a tunnel. There's only two directions to choose from, left or right!
xxxxxThis isn't a sewer. It could be mistaken for one, it sure as hell smells bad down here, but it's actually a ridonculously huge tank that you just came through the roof of. There's only two directions to choose from, a ten foot tall pipe/walkway at either end, and you already know one direction leads away from the area, soooooo just the one choice! It's dark, and it's smelly, and it's damp, and yep, yep there's that distressed sound again. Hard to pick a gender, it's just a 'person making extremely unhappy sounds' type of sound.


Boots snerks, shaking his head. "She got a mouth, Rhapsody-Rhya. Just... yeah." He's not excusing, just explaining. Not like there aren't plenty of Kin who speak their mind in the Sept! "We'll definitely call in for backup if we need it." The Ahroun agrees, before jumping down the tunnel. Ladders are for getting up!
He waits for a moment to hear the sounds, before starting in that direction. He's confident the Athro has his back - and that he has his front!

Rhapsody rubs her face a bit, over the temples. "Let's go." She'll thank them for the offer of the flashlights, and follow Boots as they go to check it out. "Dude, take it slowly. Don't want to get slimed by a bane." She'll slide on down, with all the grace she can muster.

xxxxxThe kinfolk take up a position where they're near *enough* but not too near. Like they need to be able to hear hollers but don't need to be in smashing range if something bad bursts through the hole. And, you know, gotta be able to see around and stuff. They're taking this all very seriously, they haven't got like battle tactics or military experience or anything, but they can keep it tight!
xxxxxNow then, in the tunnel tank whatever thing this is. There's totally a possibility either of you might come to recognize being inside a stripped down, defunct water treatment plant. Certain things were just too much of a pain in the ass to deconstruct, like the tanks, so they just ended up buried in the end, and all the shit above ground got built. The first one that you ladder down into is dry and empty. At some point someone found the tanks and had the brilliant idea to store chemical waste barrels inside the second tank, and the path goes right through the middle of that. Out the tunnel on the other side is where things start getting really interesting.
xxxxxThis third tank that you're creeping up on smells the worst. There's water in it that glows ever so faintly green, and there is evidence of waste leaking from barrels inside. In the middle of the tank is what looks like big huge green goop sacks, and a pair of (super obvious) fomori are attempting to finish shoving a guy inside one. There's a few other bodies in here, fomori that are milling around, doing... fomori stuff. I don't know what they do in their off hours.

Boots' fingers are twitching, he's ready to go in and just fuck up the bad guys. But there are a few. "Got some backup to call?" He whispers to Rhapsody, even as he tries keeping out of sight.

Rhapsody nods, "Yeah, I'll call the pack. See who can join in and help. We need more claws."

xxxxxEvan's probably conveniently close by, cause why not. Doing what, I dunno, but... With that being said, in his attempt to join Rhapsody in the... like five minutes since her call, he ends up in the area described above. There's a cluster of alert punks, and the in-the-know will spot the occasional Gnawer glyph on their stuff, so, good starting point. No time for love though, Dr. Jones, if Evan can give them ANY indication that he belongs here, he'll get "Down there, hang a louie." and a point towards a maintenance hatch and ladder amongst some litter and broken shit.

Evan is a smooth operator in general so convincing a dude that he belongs in a place? Perfect. And he hurls himself along the directed path without hesitation. For the moment he's just some red headed white dude in street clothes.

Wading in the muck, Boots looks more than a bit pissed. It's icky, green and likely going to need a lot of washing and cleansing after. He keeps his mouth closed, not wanting to taste the air. He waits. Waits. Waits.
Man, is he going to pound a fomori!

Rhapsody signals Evan when she sees him toward where she and the pissy Boots is. Quietly she says to Evan, "They are making more of their kind. We need to rid them all, then cleanse so very much."

Evan nods at Rhapsody and grins as he whispers "Competing with Mercy's Messenger for the weirdest outing you can take me on I see? Enough room to get big down here, think its gonna be an issue if I call my spear and get bright?"

Rhapsody shakes her head, "When we are ready to take them out, no problem. All the power we can get to rid the world of these things." She has the hilt of her power blade already in her hand - ready to go when they are.

xxxxxUp at ground level, Ramona sends two of her peeps scampering off to the busy road, to cross it and get to the store. It's a chore that's gonna take a few minutes, but she gets the ball rolling. The remaining people start going through their bags and jackets, finding Helpful Things for the garou for when they return.

Once everyone is set, Boots nods to the other two. There's no roar of triumph, he wants to save the dude - even if he'll be pissing himself seeing a werewolf. He might already be too far gone - we'll see. He surges forward, grabbing the man and yanking him out of the grip of the Fomori and the bag. FAFO tucks him behind him - protecting the man.


xxxxxAlerted by the sudden howling, yoinking, splashing intrusion, a set of fomori come rushing through the glowy water at the 2 of 3 they know to be present. They're slightly aquatic, slightly mutated, greenish in color, savage in expression with little claws and fangs that drip with toxic bullshit. Rhapsody gets a little scratch at best, but it stings and burns like super bad!

As the battle begins Evan swells up to his bulky caveman form and follows his allies into the fight, growling "To the Unclean do we bring judgement, To the Darkness do we bring LIGHT." and the enchanted ruby spear tip blazes with the blood golden light of the sun spirit that dwells within as he plunges it through the chest of one of the fomori, scattering gore over its companions.

Rhapsody tries to slice the goopy gooey fomori herself with her power blade, but even that woooosh does not break through whatever they are made of. What is this? Why are they not going down yet? She is glad they have the three of them, so maybe they do have a chance against these wyrm spawn.

xxxxxAt the same time that Evan is diving in wielding bloody red sunlight, another foe in the tank awakens to the clamor. There's only one, and existing is pure, agonizing hell, so he needs a minute before he can actually act. What appears to be a dead guy slumped near some barrels lifts his head, groaning in pain, and seeing the fight happening, begins to scream. His body erupts in sickly green flames as he begins hauling himself up to his feet, aching and feeling every little bit of this conflagration.
xxxxxThe two idiots that have been staring at their empty hands for the last three or so seconds, melty, goopy looking weirdos, finally register that there is a WEREWOLF. Like *right* there. And he has their DUDE! This isn't how this is supposed to work, soooo... They turn to run away.

Well, now that the guy is safe(r), FAFO lurches forward. The silent part has flown the coup, so he growls and draws his arm back for an almost comically telegraphed swipe. It's so damn fast, though - the Goop brothers don't even get a chance. Super sharpened claws rake through the air, cleaving the two who were assaulting the man in two. It might stink. It might burn, but FAFO don't care. He's got murder to do.
Still moving at a blur of rage, his next swipe - after dropping the poor homeless dude - is to drive his claw through one of the toxic bastards shambling forward.

Rhapsody drops her hands and then with a large breath taken in, she crunches the jelly bean between her teeth and the lets loose a flamethrower of fire when she opens her mouth. Targeting the swath of fomori around her, she just turns her head a bit to try to hit as many as she can.

xxxxxThe Balefire fomori was gathering its oily, waxy flames to its center mass, fire so weighed down with Wyrm taint that it doesn't *move* right. It's a move meant to unleash terrible, flaming power. But it's suddenly cut short by FAFO's claws, its gathered flames dissipating in a cloud of greasy sparks. While its flames die out and leave a burned man behind, the fomori looks oddly thankful, perhaps at peace even. Of course, he's not on fire any more, so he's bound to be happy about that.
xxxxxOver in the center of the tank by the Goo Pods, the Hobo pees his pants a little bit and Rhapsody unleashes her inner red dragon. Toxin Fomori scream and three more hit the floor amongst their weak, fallen brethren. The flaming dude was the heavy hitter here, the Toxin and Goop guys are awfully... squishy melty.


Burning is in the cards, clearly! FAFO moves forward as the rescued man curls up in terror. The fiery-boi is his target! He ducks down, his claw raking along the bottom of the pool, then upwards clawing from guts to chin. FAFO hisses through the pain, then glances around to the others - seeing Rhapsody cook the others. SO MANY FOMORI TO KILL!

Evan swells up to his full crinos form as he gains momentum and he howls a hunting call as he keeps up his stabbing, making another baddie kebab. Collector-of-Tales is going fast to stab the last one of the Fomori, the glowing spear tip leaving laser lines of glowing as it whips through the air. Popping the final baddie in the face like a needle into a water balloon.

xxxxxHooray! The day is saved! The hobo is okay, a bit dipped in toxins, like he'll probably definitely get 6 different kinds of cancer or something and need therapy forever, but the Fomori are all dead! Isn't that GREAT! Everything's so nice, and calm, and not on fire, and you did it. You won. Toooootally won. Yep.

Rhapsody blows out a puff of smoke, and coughs a bit. "Well.. that was.. messy. Everyone ok?" She looks at the hobo, and rifles through her bag and pulls out a clear water. "You need to drink this. It will help." It looks like water - but well.. it will rid him of toxins.

<<Water is green. Need him out of here.>> FAFO grunts, looking around for more trouble. <<Need to cleanse and burn.>> He motions to the goop, the green water, and all the toxins.

Collector-of-Tales nods at Rhapsody and looks around at the fomori corpses, poking a few to make sure they're properly dead >>I'm fine<

xxxxxWhile Rhapsody tries to get a terrified guy to sip some water - which isn't impossible, he's just got super shaky hands, is all - the rest of the danger presents itself...
xxxxxThe water begins to ripple and wriggle, and there's thuddy vibrations through the tank's floor. The goop pods in the center of the tank begin to shift side to side and push up out of the water, attached to some jagged, rusty island. As the creature gets its legs up under itself to hoist itself up out of the water, it lets out a grating, ear piercing roar, a sound that's like two huge metal things colliding and screeeeeeeeeching across each other. It's made of flesh and scrap and probably the screams of the dead or something, it looks nasty.
xxxxxRight now, as it's getting up, Rhapsody and Hobo are riding it, cause they're still near the pods on its back.

Collector-of-Tales lets out another howl of excitement as the big monster emerges >>Now that's what I'm talking about. For Gaia!<< And he charges with his spear.

Rhapsody grabs up the Hobo, and yoinks him as she takes a leap off and away from the bane they were standing on. ICK! She deposits him down closer to the exit and says, "Get on up out of here! We've got this!" She'll make her way back, ready to shift to crinos to fight with the boys.


FAFO focuses, watching as the biggun spawns. <<Fuck.>> He growls, focusing inwards to brace against the sure-to-be-coming toxins. Claws are still ready, itching for the the lunge forward.

Collector-of-Tales leaps and stabs down into the creature's foot, attempting to pin it but only barely managing to get past its armor >>Alright ya bastard, finally somethin that'll take some killin.<<

Protector-of-Hope shifts to crinos, and bounds back to the breeder bane with the others, her power blade at the ready. It sizzles as she swings to strike, landing true and zapping in as she slices it GOOOOOD... ooze certainly coming forth, and she does her damage!

FAFO dives into the fray during the rage-fueled brawl. His own claws rake along the underside - trying to keep in front of the beastie. He's the Ahroun! He's supposed to Tank!

xxxxxIt's *leaving*! But these annoying little fuckers keep hacking at it. It's not indestructible or anything, it's just thicc and made of lots and lots of meat and randomass bits of rusting metal. As the Garou give it death from the knees down, three silent blobs of floating, flickering waxy fire side out of its face (assuming that's what that's supposed to be up there in front). They track the garou, moving in on them like heat seeking missiles to splatter into each. THEY BURN! Oh for the love of FUCK they burn worse than plain old ordinary fire! (chemical fire level) Evan takes one full force to the chest, it doesn't ignite him or anything but it fucks up his shirt. WHich allows him to see the EYE that just opened there! All randomly placed, sightless and rolling, blinking. You can FEEL it BLINKING AAAAAAAHHHHH!
xxxxxAnd to add insult to injury, since Evan was talking shit, the monster *takes* a shit, and blorps out a Toxin bane on him. It does no damage, just slides off, this round.

It was the burning - the icky toxins and sludge that spilled over him that sent him over the edge. Sure, he'd prepped for it - but... rage can only withstand so much. The burning evil triggers the beast! FAFO roars, ear-shattering in this stupid tin can! Maybe even heard by the Kin who might be listening! Still - he knows the danger that could lead to. Steeling his will, while getting chattered at by the righteously angry spirit tattoo - he holds it back. Fights it back - shuddering in anger as he realigns himself.

Collector-of-Tales howls the hunt again as he stabs the enemy with his spear, keeping up the pressure so it will be harried until it drops.

xxxxxThe monster's legs ain't lookin good! Bleeding and glorping all over the place! The bane, killed before it could adjust to forced materialization, fades away.

Re-focused, re-centered - FAFO digs in deep to that connection to Gaia. His hands glow with a nimbus very similar to the fog in the Umbra.
The Ahroun then launches at the beast, sprinting under it with his claws driving upwards. There's a sickening ripping sound as FAFO runs the entire length of the bane, arms upraised, claws deep in the guts of the monster bane.

Collector-of-Tales is gonna go high, stabbing into the beast and levering himself upwards and over the top to drive down, over and over with his spear.

Protector-of-Hope is not goign to be let out here, and as their Ahroun, and Galliard hit and stab, she twirls around (for style!) and slices with a WOOOOOSH into the bane, making sure it is in pieces.

xxxxxOooooo the STENCH! And the burny burny feel of its ichor! It's not acidic perse, just really toxic, the kind of shit that's going to give you a rash if you don't wash get it washed off. The creature collapses in a heap, its legs hacked to shit and its stomach all scorched and stabbed and now just totally rent open. It lets loose one last death fart, releasing another bane, which can just be stepped on to kill it, really. It's not done cooking for a full round. The sinister glow of its goo pods flickers and dies, and the pods themselves sort of collapse in on themselves, oozing everywhere and releasing mutated half-fomori that aren't ready to survive outside yet. They're quick to perish. The meat the monster is made of begins to decay rapidly, the rusting, rando steel plates and jags along its body releasing and falling off with clangs and splooshes. It's just a single mother that was trying to leave! God you guys are so mean. Also you stink. Like Wyrm. Like SUPER fucking bad. And Evan has that extra eye on his torso thing going on, that's... weird.


FAFO is panting, burnt and all around aggravated. He peers around, watching and hoping that there's nothing left. As everything starts dissolving and melting away, he groans a bit. Fighting the frenzy took a LOT on the full moon, during the full moon. <<Can we cleanse it all>> He chuffs, looking to the other two. <<Sorry about the... yeah.>> Protector-of-Hope nods her head and chuffs >> Yeah, we can cleanse it all. Will take a minute. First, we need to get cleansed... << She looks at Evan and his extra eye. >> I think cleansing will get rid of that. << At least she hopes. >> We'll work together to clear it out. <<

Collector-of-Tales scrambles over to his packmate >>What the fuck did it do to me, do I dig it out with my claws? it feels WRONG<<

xxxxxAlso just in case it need be said, the Hobo is not here anymore.

FAFO hops back, seeing the extra eye. <<Fuck.>> A look to Protector-of-Hope. >>I can help cleanse.<< A nod. >>I think we all need it - we all got fired.<<

Protector-of-Hope shakes her head, >> More like slimed. As I figured could happen. We'll cleanse and get this done. << She reaches back into her bag and starts taking things out. >> Let's get to cleansing, starting with Collector-of-Tales, and then work our way around. Does anyone need healed as well? <<

Collector-of-Tales shakes his head >>I don't know...I don't think so. I just feel gross and wrong. Not hurt.<<

Protector-of-Hope has her implements, and she begins the dance and chanting... howling even... to scare away the Wyrm, and cleanse the guys as she goes around. Slow at first, she speeds up until the ritual reaches a climax and the effect washes over the area.

xxxxxNow, up at ground level with relatively fresh air that doesn't smell like bane ass, the hobo has not been allowed to completely escape. He's nekkid and being held by two punks while a third is dousing him with water from a big store bought jug, and a fourth is scrubbing him down with a loofa duct taped to a stick. I mean it's KIND of like a Cleansing, but with a small c. The guy was covered in toxic waste, you know? His clothes are in a heap, and he's gibbering like crazy. None of it makes a lot of sense. He's an older guy, scruffy beard and hair, has a rummy nose, eyes wild and crazy right now.

Boots shifts down, once cleansed initially, and having helped cleanse Evan. He then wades out of the icky, but cleansed, water - up towards the surface. Fuck he's sore. That burn will take a bit to heal - and he's not asking for healing, not after almost losing it. He's going to use it as a reminder. Coming up to the surface, he spots the old man getting the GI shower. "We can help." He says, slowly climbing to his feet.

Rhapsody shifts back down to her homid form as well, putting things away as she does, shaking this all off. "Please, and thank you." She'll give any implements as needed to the others as she has exited with them as well. "Cleanse, and then I can heal others."


xxxxxRamona and Sheena are up in a flash as people come out of the underground, bat and crowbar raised and ready to beat down! They give the garou The Eye... making sure they didn't, you know... *turn* or something... But no, they seem pretty okay, so they lower weapons and turn around for plastic bags. Ramona had her people getting some supplies earlier, nothing fancy, just what could be got across the street, which includes some changes of very unflattering discount clothes.
xxxxxRamona brings clean water to drink and or wash with, Sheena brings a ratty but clean towel and a bag of clothes, and the hobo slips out of people's grip to go running to his tent. He is in one place with thin yet completely opaque barriers to his sight save the door where he can get the ol sprinkle treatment. He's going fetal position with eyes closed and hands over his ears. He can get cleansed worry free, he ain't lookin!

Boots nods, moving over to collect any items he can for the cleansing. He knows the rite - assuming anyone can donate the Gnosis, he is able to at least /help/. Poor dude looks a bit ragged with the near frenzy. Once that's completed, he nods. "We should get that fuckin' hatch welded shut." He says, in earnest. "And I need to set fire to these clothes when I get home." A snicker.

Rhapsody shakes her head, "I'm thinking along the lines of something else. Can we get this guy and his tent moved further away? I'm going to call upon the earth to help deal with this." She starts to grin. A crack of her knuckles, and she's going to start raising up a thick fog through Aeolus, and to call upon the elementals.

xxxxxEvan backs up Boots with the cleansing attempt, the punks play look out, all's well that ends well really. This poor dude, like cant even get in his tent without the howls following him! Evan also kindly zips the man in there, and yes, Ramona and the gang put his groceries in there too. He'll be okay with a real good nap. Probably gonna move, though!
xxxxxRamona, for her part, doesn't freak out about any one particular person, she and her peeps just make sure you guys got the means to clean off, dry off, and change, assuming you're not super modest or stylish, given the lack of private changing rooms around here. "We can move him!" the punks pipe up, "We moved a guy's whole bed into a lake, once!" And they go to try and do that. Mostly via lifting power and a lot of grunting. It's gonna take a minute, you have time to prepare.

He was going to help, but as the Kin move into action - Boots keeps a protective watch on them and Rhapsody. Just in case. A smile as they work so well as a team. "Gently. He's gone through enough." He says, quietly. He watches Rhapsody as she starts, watching a Theurge at work. It's way out of his element.
Get it? Element?!

Rhapsody goes about her ways, calling out, lifting handfuls of dirt, and asking for help. Soon enough, the spirits hear here, and the ground shifts a bit. The soft rumble as the dirt moves around them, and she speaks in the spirits tongue ~ We need your help. The Wyrm buried tanks here. They need lifted out from within you so they can be removed from this area. The stench and stank to be gone. Help us, please! ~

xxxxx"GENTLE, mother fuckers! You heard the man!" commands Tommy Ramone, but he's laughing a little bit. They are doing their best not to shake this poor fucker around too much, or accidentally drop one corner of his tent or something like that. Ramona and Sheena bring up the rear, pushing duder's shopping cart of Stuff and dragging his fire barrel. They're not going SUPER far with this guy, this shit's heavy. But they'll damned well get him out of the way of Theurgish shenanigans.
xxxxxMeanwhile, a super grumpy earth elemental frowns asphaltishly at Rhapsody and is like, ~WHAT?!~ like you're disturbing it's soap operas or something. They're just like that.

Boots helps with heavy things - though he makes certain he keeps away from the poor shell-shocked dude. No need to further traumatize. "Do we got any therapists in our tribe? Or... you know, other tribes?" He wonders, stepping back once he's helped with the barrel at least. He keeps clear of Ramona and the kin as best he can - not wanting to get any ick on them, cleansed or not.

Rhapsody responds to the elemental. ~ The Wyrm. Fomori - banes. They were breeding in tanks just under here. We need you to push the takes up, out to this level. Then people will come and remove them and get it gone. You can fill in the gap? This will help us all. We've already cleansed the taint, but we cannot dig these tanks up. Please. We are both working to defeat the Wyrm. We've killed the banes, help us to purify this land! Raise the tanks out from within the ground, and we'll take it from there.~

xxxxxOnce she doesn't have any Important Things to do, no one to guard, nothing to move, no supplies to fetch or to carry, Ramona finally brings herself and her bat back to the Garou and puts herself in Stand-By over by Boots. She looks him over, but doesn't go picking at him or his clothes layers or anything, "Dunno, but I can ask around, or find someone to check on him. You okay? I got you a nice Hawaiian shirt and a pair of shorts if you wanna change." she says quietly so as not to interrupt Rhapsody's negotiations and such. "You need a real hot bath. And a real cold beer. Pizza rolls. Burn band-aids, I've got some of those, I think." She's sorta making a checklist of boyfriend care to tend to when they get back. "She need some burn pads? Or she got the heal-y touch handled? Dinner? Any of that?"
xxxxx~What?! You mean this thing??~ In the misty gloom comes a deep rumble like an earthquake, the elemental making some rather rude faces with its broken asphalt and weedy earth face. The wrecked pavement is further wrecked by splitting itself open so a bigass series of really, really big tanks can get shoved upwards. They're most of the way out anyways. ~You want 'em? Fine! I didn't like 'em ANYWAYS!~ the grumpy spirit shuts its rocky eyes like a petulant child and huffs, features fading into plain old cracks and stuff again. No one ever claimed to be good friends with an urban earth elemental. That's probably as nice as they get, but there's no doubt it's probably happier and more comfortable without the tanks there.


Boots gives a tired smile to Ramona. "Uh... all of that." He comments. Seeing as the are off to the side, out of sight of the public - he just starts shucking his clothes. They are tossed into the burn pit, boxers and all. Modesty isn't really a thing for him at the moment.
There's definitely a nasty burn at his right shoulder - the cheeky tattoo having moved out of the way and aiming the gout of flame at it.
When handed the other clothing, he dresses - sighing happily at the dry clothing. "No healin'. I deserve the burn. It'll right itself in a couple days, yeah." He assures, to avoid any sort of concern. He pauses to watch the elemental... awed by such a thing. "Fuckin' hell, he made that look easy."

Rhapsody looks glad to see the tanks shoved upwards and the mess that leaves. ~ Much thanks. We shall make sure your lands are pure.~ Once the elemental is gone, and looks back to Boots and Evan. "You do not have to keep the burns. I can heal them up, right quick. Unless you really want them."

xxxxxRamona's totally gonna stare and not even be covert about it. She's also gonna offer Boots some of water/scrubby type stuff they have. Either way, Boots comes out lookin like a proper tourist! "M'kay." she answers, and doesn't even argue about getting healed. She for one has had to just accept more than one owie as a consequence to her own actions. Besides, dudes gonna dude. "Holy fucking shit..." she's awed by the Rise of the Tanks (sith tanks, tyvm). If she had a phone yet, she'd take a picture, but alas. "You want us to... Report to the media or anything?" she asks the smart lady in the funky duds. The rest of her crew start gathering stuff to make an exit. (There are also totally spare clothes for Rhapsody too)

Boots shakes his head to Rhapsody, smiling. "I appreciate the offer, Rhapsody-Rhya. Thank you, for real. But this is a lesson - I coulda lost my shit. Almost did. I coulda hurt you guys at worst, let alone ruin my rep at best." He says. "It is a lesson. I'll heal after." He assures. A grin then to Ramona. "Patrol is over for the night, I figure." He snickers.

Rhapsody nods to Ramona, "If you, and yours could report this, that way it does not tie to either of us? That would be great. Then the city can take care of it. We should get back and get cleaned up." She looks to Boots for a moment and says, "There certainly is a lesson in it all. I've learned a few things myself. One of which, I'm going to talk to Irsa about. I think it is beyond past time." She does not say about what though. "You did well though, FAFO. I'll fight with you any time. If you want to come back to the Tenement, you are welcome. Pizza and beer. Although I understand if you all want to get back to the Dead Mall, clean up, rest up. We can have the pizza and beer soon. And tell Irsa and the rest of the pack what all happened."

xxxxxRamona offers a high five to Rha- wait no, hang on. She gets one of the now empty plastic shopping bags, puts that over her hand and holds it at the wrist, and THEN offers Rhapsody a high five. Make sure stuff's burned but not gonna burn down the world, make sure everyone picked up everything aaaaaand... "Alright! Let's head out and you can tell me all about it. Nice fuckin job with the whatever that was, girl. I've never heard someone speak rock before. Have a good night, Rhapsody, hope to see you soon!"
