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Sealgaira Meets Biggs
Cait enjoys a day in the Meadow with Biggs while other sidhe go for strolls.
IC Date March 7, 2024
Players Alicia, Cait, Miranda
Location County of Lion's Reach - Meadow of the Well
Spheres Changeling

County of Lion's Reach - Meadow of the Well

This is a storybook meadow, wide open with perfect green grass and a gentle rolling hill. Bisecting it from the north is a broad, well groomed path. The forest surrounds this idyllic meadow, providing a dense green backdrop in each direction. Just off the path, at the crest of the hill is a round, roofed well. Brick and mortar, with a wooded frame and shingled roof, the crank is forged from silvery steel, the hemp rope smoothly coiled around the arm, a solid wooden bucket suspended from it. The only thing out of place is the massive, half buried tree root that runs along beside the path and grows up the side of that perfect little well. At the base of the hill a large circular faerie market has been built, shining marble and brass in a clockwork style, brass tubes creating a high dome which glows with blue light after sunset. On the other side of the meadow are the ruins of the old County Seat, the Rhapsody freehold. Surrounding the freehold, the odd rapid cycle of the seasons contained in the immediate area around it.

Alicia comes in from County of Lion's Reach - Lost in Time Market - Plaza of Hours

Cait is here, eschewing her normal armor for now, as she watches a horse-high crocodylian running across the meadow with all of the eager purpose of a big cat after a fleeing gazelle. There is no gazelle, of course, and the creature's head dips in mid-stride to snatch up an object from the tall grass, and skids to a halt over the next 20 or so feet. Pivoting, the creature begins charging back toward where the side is waiting, and drops a regulation-size football (you know, the oblong thing that almost never gets kicked) at her feet.

Cait picks up the offering, and gives a sharp clicking noise that sends the beast running off again. After a second or so, she whips her arm forward, sending the ball spiraling through the air, the croc in hot pursuit.

Sealgaira has decided to go for a walk in the dreaming. Now that she's back from Albion, it's time for the Knight to reacquaint herself with the realm she's sworn to protect. Resplendent in armor, the knight casually walks out of the Lost in Time Market into the dreaming itself. She's not anticipating trouble, leaving her squire to attend to other matters. However, just because she's out for a stroll doesn't mean Sealgaira has taken leave of her senses. She spots the Crocodylian and then a moment later, Cait.

"Well met, Dame Cethleann," the Fiona cries out to the other Sidhe.

Cait turns, looking relaxed and a bit windswept as she waves to Sealgaira, "Dame Sealgaira!" She starts walking toward Alicia, even as, in the distance, the ball is scooped up and the rather large scaley beast begins to make another turn. "Are you back, then, or is this another short visit?"

There is a wide, award-winning, happy grin on the Fiona's face as she walks over. "I am back for good now. Filming is done. There might be some reshoots, but those will be short visits. How have you been? And, your friend there looks friendly." Sealgaira eyes the crocodylian.

"Well enough, well enough," Cethleann nods, as Yon Beastie draws ever more nigh, "And uhm... I mean, a friend *should* look friendly, no?" One red eye winks, and she steps to one side and turns just in time to avoid being run over by the croc, and grab the football from his mouth. The creature comes skidding to a halt, attention focused on the sidhe.

The sidhe knight.

No, the *other* one. The one that *looks* like a sidhe knight, not the one with the ball/toy.

"Mind you," Cait continues idly, "He's real good at looking *unfriendly*, too... I'd do formal introductions, but you know, he's about as smart as a housecat, so... this is," her voice turns a bit wry, "Mr. Bigglesworth. I swear, I thought they were giving me a kitten, not a monster hatchling. Usually I just call him Biggs."

Sealgaira looks at the Chimera. She smiles to him, holding out open hands and giggles. "Biggs. I can see it. Your companion?" the Fiona asks Cait, glancing away from Biggs. "Like, a fighting companion, or chimerical friend? And can I pet him?"

Cait nods, "He's got a saddle and harness in the market stables. Trained to be ridden to war, if needed." She gives Biggs a critical look, "Hmmm... hang on." Setting the ball down, she goes over to a spot in the grass and picks up a brown paper bag with red markings on it.

"Here," coming over to the Fiona, she draws out a 20-piece box of Chicken McNuggets™. "Give him one of these... like you would with a dog, or a horse. I know, I know, they're terrible and ridiculous, but..." she shrugs, "the idiot likes them."

And, in fact, the moment that bag got opened, the croc's eyes locked in on the box and have not left it.

Sealgaira smirks at the bag going over to take the box. "Hey, I don't even know if Chimera worry about cholesterol." She looks to the croc, noting how he keeps his eyes on the box. Taking one of the golden nuggets out she holds it up. With a horse, she can hold it flat in her hand and not worry about the teeth. Biggs? Not a chance. "If I could feel fear, I think that you riding Biggs into battle might intimidate me." Waiting for Biggs to get close, Sealgaira tosses the McNugget at him. Fearless doesn't mean fine with getting fingers bit off.

The McNugget is snapped up before it gets anywhere near the ground, and Biggs continues to watch Sealgaira... or maybe the box.

"I think that's actually the idea, yes..." She laughs, "It was suggested at one point back home that a knight should always get proper barding for their steed to cut a more imposing figure, but well... he brings his own armor to the occasion."

"Quite so. I'm not sure what you could add to Biggs to make him more imposing than he is," Sealgaira responds. She reaches for another McNugget to throw to Biggs, if Cait allows. "Riding him definitely makes you the bad cop." The Fiona smirks.

Miranda comes in from County of Lion's Reach - Lost in Time Market - Plaza of Hours

Sealgaira looks away from Biggs and sees the new Sidhe arrive into the meadow. "My lady!" She waves over to Miranda before giving her a knightly salute. "Well met. You saved me the trip, I was going to walk from here to the Glade, just to see how the Dreaming is. I'm back, finally, shooting is over. I might have to go back for a week for some reshoots, but that will just be a trip, not being gone. So, I am pleased to return to your service."

Cait laughs a bit at something Sealgaira has just said, and shakes her head, "Well, if riding him makes me the bad cop, I'll definitely take it." She doesn't object to the greedy little(!?) piglet getting another McNugget™, though. "After two, he'll probably be ok to pet. I'm sure by now he'll have figured out you *give* food, instead of *being* food."

When Miranda comes strolling along, Cait gives her a bow as well. "Well, this seems a day for sidhe to be out on their constitutional. How are you today, my lady?"

Miranda has a light sigh. "Yes, out for a nice walk. Alone. It is good to stroll through the woods, over the river, to the market, and then here to the meadow for a nice time to think. Imagine, dream of places to go, sights to see. Wonders to partake of. Without worrying about who is being hunted, or what is being destroyed." A genuine smile to Sealgaira, "I'm glad you have returned. It certainly has been quiet without you."

Sealgaira blinks. "You go strolling through the woods alone? Baroness . . . if something happened to you. We should at least get a troll or two that can accompany you when I cannot." She smiles though. "And I am glad to be back. Oh, by the way, for both of you, if you wanted, there's going to be extra calls for The Silent War when filming starts. It could be a fun experience for a day or so. No experience or SAG membership needed. If you ever wanted to be in a TV show. I know there's at least one scene where a drug lord has some very attractive women on his yacht. I bet both of you look stunning in a bikini."

Cait nods to Miranda, "A day out can be a wonderful way to relax, m'lady, especially when there's been so much on your mind in recent months." Sealgaira's offer, though, draws something of a rueful smile, "Oh, no... I don't really have the right... bikinis? Mm, no. Not me, but thank you."

Miranda looks at Sealgaira, "Well, if you can find me a troll, I'd consider it. Although a Troll Kinain that is ... well..." There is a dreamy look for a second. "That is a very kind thing to say, thinking I'd look good in a bikini. I'll do it if I can get a trip to a tropical destination within the Dreaming. A place with the most dreamy beach, palm trees, and the most delicious water to swim in."

"There are other roles to play. It's an offer, a new experience. And there's glamour all over the place. Do you know how many extras dream of making it big?" Sealgaira asks. She smirks to Miranda. "You never know what the future holds, my lady," Sealgaira says with a wink. "You might meet a Trollkin in the future. Though, you'd have to do some Soothsaying to know for sure. As far as a tropical Lagoon in the Dreaming? Cait, you've been guarding the Silver Paths. Do you know of some destinations like that?"

At that moment, Diana, Sealgaira's Troll squire enters the meadow. Sealgaira looks over. "Excuse me for a brief moment, please. There must be something she needs of me." Sealgaira bows her head to the other Sidhe and goes over to Diana

Cait considers, "There's definitely some places I've been that'd qualify, yeah. White sand, palm trees, crystal water... usually safe? Can't go out *too* deep or you leave the sheltered, protected areas, but... well, that's ok, don't need to go that far out to enjoy the water. Heck, take Sark or Deirdre along if you want, they can range out a bit further without being in much danger, keep an eye on things..."

Miranda nods to Sealgaira, "Sure, new horizons, new things. Might as well one day. And why not make a whole day out of this? Bring anyone that wishes to come with."

Sealgaira comes back. "Sorry about that. It was a very important matter about our upcoming trip to Loch Ness. Transportation." She smiles. "Can't tell you. Spoilers. And I don't think we need to go out to deep sea. Just have a day at the beach. Cabana boys, exotic drinks, good weather. Any, yes, my lady. I am going to put up a sign in the Gazebo about being an extra."

Cait says, “Maybe.." She shrugs, "But it might also be a chance to get some time away, without any of the people looking to you for answers and leadership. Just a trusted few to make sure you're safe while you relax. But there's no need this has to be either/or... could always do multiple trips.”

Miranda closes her eyes to imagine that all. "I like it. I'd like a mai tai served to me on a white sand, next to the crystal waters... That sounds good." A nod to Cait. "I'm glad you both are on board. But I have interupted. What are you two up to today besides the chicken nuggets?"

Cait grins, and bends down to pick up a football in the grass, "Oh, I was just gettin' Biggs here some exercise..." As no more McNuggets appear to be coming, the croc's attention snaps to the ball, and when Cait once more sends it spiraling off across the meadow... there he goes, charging after it again. "One of these days, I'm gonna learn metamorphosis and turn it into a giant football, watch him roll around with it trying to figure out what to do."

"Baroness, your presence is never an interruption, but a wonderful addition to anything. I was out for a walk, just like you, when I spotted Biggs here first. Then Dame Cethleann. And I was very happy to see he's friendly. A Chimerica monster this close to the freehold would be a very concerning thing, indeed," Sealgaira says. She laughs at the giant football comment. "That will be a sight to see. Let us know when you do that," she says to Cethleann.

Miranda laughs at the idea of Cait as a football! "That would be quite a sight to see! He seems perfectly well behaved, especially when filled with chicken nuggets. Although that does bring up that idea again. Finding people willing to teach certain arts that would make people interested to come together to learn."

Cait nods again, "Yes ma'am, it does. I'm afraid I don't really have any particular skill in any one art... but I'm workin' on it. And I'll be happy to pass on what little I do know, but..." She shrugs, "It's not much."

"Oh, yes. You wanted to learn soothsay, right, my lady? Just let me know when. I have 3 glorious weeks of nothing on my calendar except 'Be Fae'. And Cethleann, I still need that piece of brass," Sealgaira thinks for a moment. "Just what do you put in the sacrificial fireplaces anyways? Can you tell me, or House Secret?"

Miranda nods, "Well, that is part of the point, Cethleann. We each share something we know, even if it is only a beginning. Together, we can get stronger, and inspired." Without much pause, she replies to Sealgaira, "I actually started learning that from Kieran a few weeks back. I've used it and we have some information to help Stena. I'm hoping to get a time scheduled with a group for us to go in search of what I found from it. But it will be a dangerous mission."

Cait grins, "Nothin' that doesn't deserve it, I promise you that." She winks, "But that's about all I can say right now while I wait for people to get back to me about the matter..."

"We all have our secrets," the Fiona says to the Balor. Then she looks to Mereid. "Oh, well that's good to hear. I'm glad your skill is progressing. If there's anything you wish to know that I know, don't hesitate to ask, my lady."

Miranda has a chimera fly over to her and given a message. "I do apologize, but the Captain of the guard would like a word. I'll see you both soon, yes?" She has to hurry on out.

Cait watches the Baroness go as she nods idly, "That we do, ma'am..." Then she smiles, and looks back toward Sealgaira with a rakish grin, "And who knows? Maybe I could be persuaded to share one of mine during the upcoming interrogation."

"A secret during an interrogation? Cethleann, I'm afraid you have it reversed. We're going to be getting their secrets," Sealgaira says.

Cait chuckles, "Well I wouldn't be sharing it with /them/."

"Oh, I think I know it then. You're sad that you couldn't be with me on Valentines day for a wonderful time and want to request a time for me to make it up to you?" Sealgaira teases.

Cait laughs, "As I told you, Sealgaira... people... I'm generally not attracted to them. Novel experiences..." She shrugs, "A bit moreso. And, I will admit, when I conveyed your request along, and what you'd initially offered... I may have been called something of a fool to have not taken you up on the offer of having you do 'whatever I want' for a night. But no, being a great fool is not one of mine. It's a bit too.. out there for all to see, really, to be a *secret*."

The Fiona laughs. "Now that you phrase it like that, whatever you want, I should have realized I was talking to a Balor. You'd probably think of something horrid, like me stealing candies from babies and kicking puppies." It's not clear how much Sealgaira is teasing, but at least some.

Cait grins, "Oh, I was actually thinking something *far* more outrageous... but I'm afraid *that* would be another secret to negotiate for."

"You were thinking of having me do something so outrageous that just to tell me, I would need to offer something in return? Yeah, I'm not making that deal. I'm curious, but not that curious," Sealgaira says with a smirk. "I'm going to assume it was stealing candy from puppies and kicking babies."