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Bob and Mary Meet
New arrival Bob is sipping Mocha in Roasters when he meets Mary and they discover they are both UCP students
IC Date November 30th, 2023
IC Time Evening
Players Bob, Mary
Location Prospect Roasters
Spheres Mage

Bob, newly arrived to Prospect, sits outside Prospect Roasters in a high-tech wheelchair wearing a knit grey polo, with a black blazer over it. He also wears a pair of black jeans and brown loafers. A small tray connected to the wheelchair has a couple drink holders. An ultralite laptop rests on the tray, a security chain connecting it to the wheelchair.

He is tall, perhaps 6'1", with an oval face and no discernable muscle definition. A thin beard and mustache with no gray are framed by shoulder-length dark brown hair. He is often smiling, and this is no exception. His hazel eyes are also usually merry. They are also often lost in thought, buried in a book or laptop screen.

Bob heads into Prospect Roasters.

Prospect Roasters is your standard issue, run of the mill, coffee house. It is faux painted in washes of colors striking a calculated balance between dynamic and soothing. There is a mural painted into the wall of a never-ending crowd of people, a welcoming attitude and open feel in the faces of the people. The people are of every breed of humankind, every race, every style of dress, from every culture on earth. Above the heads of the crowd, is the inscription: "Peace is not unity in similarity, but unity in diversity, in the comparison and conciliation of differences."

The high ceiling holds hanging ceiling fans, slowly rotating the air in the space, moving the scents of food from the back kitchen. The display cases of clear domed glass show the pastries and baked goods for sale to tempt the palate while the classic slate chalkboards display the specials and menu to the crowd in multicolored chalk and bright looping script behind the cash registers and space to collect the orders placed.

Wherever possible there is a friendly reminder that the Roasters charge a higher price to promote fair trade, a living wage, and sustainability for all involved, as well as various charities, and no one goes hungry if they just haven't eaten in a while. There are two registers at the front to make things a little easier with the increased business.

The patrons range from edgy young hipsters to aging hippies and everything in between. There is food to supplement the caffeine fix. The staff consists of a tragically hip couple behind the bar and a disembodied Hispanic voice that echoes through the small window leading to the kitchen. There is always music playing here, eclectic music which swings wildly from genre to genre.

There is a gigantic sign, both above the door and tacked to the counter itself that states: Due to health code regulations only service DOGS and MINIATURE HORSES are allowed.

A smaller sign attached to the larger one on the counter says: We happily allow well-mannered pets on the patio

Bob reads the rules, committing them to memory with a glance, and orders a Cafe Mocha. He then looks around, collects his Mocha, and rolls over next to the bigger uglier couch.

Bob is sitting in his wheelchair, next to the bigger uglier couch. He has a large cafe mocha sitting in one drink cup holder on a tray attached to his wheel chair. He is looking at the screen on his ultralite laptop, and looks relaxed.

Mary smiles as you as she walks up next to you. "Hey." Though her attention turns to the couch. Lifting up and checking under the pillows. Each and everyone then getting on the floor to look under it. Not quite in your personal space but kinda close.

You can smell lavender if you get very close to this lovely girl. And maybe some incense. Her chestnut hair is very long, all the way down her back and to her waste, but not always well styled. Today it looks a little bit wild. It frames her perfect face and keeps getting in the way a little bit. Her make up is done with more care even if her fair features do not really need it. A little blue around her brown eyes for dramatic shadowing and a glossy red to her lips. Just a hint of coloring but neatly done. Her only jewelry is her black choker with a silver ring and a matching bracelet. The flip flop style sandal do not do her any favors. She is not very tall and they have no heels. But they are probably comfortable. Her dress does not looks like it may be second hand. The reds, blues and yellows of the floral pattern not as vibrant as they once were. It also looks to be the wrong size. The hem is long on her and the top to baggy. There is a lot threatening to spill out of she leans the wrong way. It is hard to find a time when there is not a smile on those painted lips. She seems content and almost never in any hurry. At some point she had a mani-pedi but the red coloring on those delicate digits is chipping.

Bob looks up, smiling. "Hey." He presses a key to save his work, some coding in a language that uses way too many parenthesis, and then watches her inspection of the couch. "Did you lose something? The staff seems very helpful, they could help you look perhaps.". His his is tilted to the left a bit, as if he can't quite figure out what to make of the girl. "I'm Bob. Nice to meet you..", he says expectantly.

Mary mumbles back a reply. Something about an ear ring. When you introduce yourself she sits up, still on the floor kneeling so about eye level with you in your chair. "Oh hi." Her smile is warm. "I'm Mary. You too." Her hand is offered to you.

Bob sighs, "That is unfortunate. I hate losing stuff. Of course, comp sci student, so forgetfulness comes with the major a bit. Very nice to meet you." He shakes her hand. His grip is relaxed, and doesn't linger.

Mary gives a firm brief shake as well. "Yeah it sucks. Not like a valuable one or anything. I'm not a student right now. Taking a break to ... be less in debt."

Bob nods, "Yeah. I had a little money set aside, but the medical expenses have put a big dent in that. I'm making ends meet, but barely. Technically, I'm also not a student yet. I start grad school at UCP in the spring."

Mary grins. "Oh grad school! Nice. So you have a degree. Computers?"

Bob smiles, "Still, it's nice to talk with someone here. Can I return the favor, buy you something to drink? And yeah, well, I have two.", he says.

After a slight pause, he adds "I'm a Veterinarian, and I have a Comp Sci bachelors. Dual majored, did Vet school for my parents, and now going back to get my doctorate in Comp Sci for me. I love animals, but computers are my passion." He grins, a little embarassed.

Mary looks ... like she thinks maybe you're joking. Then she grins and laughs. "Wow! Seriously?" More laughing. "That's great. I mean those two aren't even related. Wow."

Bob sighs. Hers is a reaction he is used to. Being a child prodigy and a genius is hard on social interactions, which is why he usually tries to downplay it. "It was a lot of work, and I entered college a year so so early." Another pause. "Yeah, it's a weird combo. My parents were big nature hippies, so they pushed Vet school something fierce. What are you going to study when you go back?" The idea of her not going back doesn't seem to occur to him.

Mary smirks a little. "I get THAT! My parents pushed theology. I was most of the way to my degree when I switched to botany."

smiles, "Botany and Theology, huh? That's also a different combo. Between the two of us we have everything covered: plants and animals,

digital and spiritual. How far are you in you degree?"

Bob smiles, "Botany and Theology, huh? That's also a different combo. Between the two of us we have everything covered: plants and animals, digital and spiritual. How far are you in you degree?"

Mary thinks about then then laughs, sitting back on her heels. "Yeah I guess so. I was most of the way to the theology degree. I just ... well it's what my parents made me take. I should have just stuck it out and not switched."

Bob shrugs, "I don't know. If my parents accident taught me anything, it's that life is too short, we need to pursue our dreams. If you dream is botany, you should go for it. Does where you work off tuition assistance?"

Mary gives you a soft smile. She thinks. Looks confused. "I don't know. I can ask Silvana maybe. My boss."

Bob shrugs, "I wasn't asking for myself. I can make ends meet doing research and fixing computers, security systems for folks. Silvana, that's a pretty and unusual name. Cool.", he says.

Mary nods. "She's very nice," the kneeling girl replies with a smile. "I like working for her. WEll not directly. She like owns the place. I just work out front. But I like talking with the customers."

Bob grins, "It's always good to work for nice people. Is it an interesting place to work?"

Mary nods. "I think so. It's a casino and spa. I like dealing with people and taking care of them. I'm new. Just doing basic customer service stuff right now. What sort of research do you do?"

Bob nods, "I like helping people too. Really, whatever research someone needs. Done stuff for small businesses, professors, even a politician or two. Politicians love getting the dirt on other politicians, though I always feel a little skeevy doing that. Kind of the way my mom felt when she was getting proof of cheaters. She was a PI."

Mary winks. "Oh good for her. OH!" SHe gasps and hops to her feet. "I know where I left my ear ring! Sorry! Great meeting you. I'm in here a lot so we should meet again!"

Bob takes another sip of his Mocha and digs in to some heavy Lisp coding on his laptop.