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Meeting after work
Evan and Stephen socialize after a day of chores around the sept.
IC Date 06/08/2023
IC Time Evening
Players Evan, Stephen
Location Kinfolk House
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song None

It might be getting late, but Stephen's still out in the clearing working away. Not so much wood needs to be cut for the cabins anymore, considering its summer, but trash still needs to be handled and weeds need to be coaxed away from foundations. At the moment, he has a toolbelt slung over one shoulder and is dressed out in a simple tshirt, jeans, sneakers, and a pair of well worn fingerless gloves, humming under his breath as he crosses the clearing, avoiding a couple of little kids that are tearing around after each other.

--- --- ---

Evan is carrying a guitar and strumming the 'teddy bear's picnic' song as he leads some of the resident kin children home after music lessons. Once their homes are in sight the kids tear off like they got shot out of a cannon and Evan is left there chuckling. He nods hello to Stephen "Evening friend. How goes it?"

--- --- ---

Stephen slows down when the larger wolf approaches, and offers him a small bow of his head, the faintest hint of a smile touching his face, "Good evening. I think I am done around here for now at least - it starts to get dark and it becomes harder to find the cabin bits that need to be repaired. Were you looking for someone in particular, or simply enjoying the nice afternoon?"

--- --- ---

Evan gestures in the direction the kids he was leading ran "One of my chores is providing music lessons, which just wrapped up. Evan Davies, Collector-of-Tales. Human born Cliath Galliard of the Fianna. Member of the Mistseekers pack."

--- --- ---

Stephen ohs softly and tilts his head, "I....actualy am not sure we have met before. Your name is not familiar, but then I do not spend most of my time on two legs, so the absense is likely due to me." He smiles brightly again at that and continues, "An honor to meet you, Collector-of-Tales. I am Broken Fang, Four-legged Adren Theurge of the Wendigo, as thin as we seem to be here." He glances back the way he came, then back to Evan, "You say music lessons. Singing? Or with instruments such as the one you have now?"

--- --- ---

Evan grins at Stephen "We haven't met yet actually, I've been bouncing around all over the place meeting folks and going on some adventures and getting instruction from Elder Tigiantes. The lessons are mostly singing with the littles. Knowing to understand what they hear is an important part of the process. I do have this guitar, and another that's a Fetish. And a Violin. I need to get some more instruments so I can keep in practice on the rest though."

--- --- ---

Stephen seems actually a little relieved at the confirmation they have NOT met, "I attended a few Fianna parties where some of that enchanted mead was served, and Im not entirely certain I remember everything I did that evening, or everyone I met. I was warned, and still was very unprepared for how powerful that stuff was." He chuckles a little under his breath and nods at the rest of the explanation, "Of course, and you never know when you might be inspiring the next Gaillard, yes?"

--- --- ---

Evan nods and frowns slightly at Stephen "I'd heard about things like that happening. Its part of why my tribal leadership back in New York was not thrilled I wanted to move here. The mead with that much power in it is supposed to be ceremonial. Its Sacred stuff. Though from what else I heard with the castle and all it wasn't the only way things went wrong for them. But I'm here to help buff the smudges off the local reputation of Stag's Children."

--- --- ---

Stephen mmmms, "I think it is at least mostly well known that the problems at that time were due to an individual or two and have never been smeared against the Fianna themselves. I will hope there is not much redemption you and others need to pursue. In HIS case, well, I am not a judge nor even a Fianna, so I will simply say I hope his fate fit his failings." He smiles a little more at that and then adds, "If you ARE new, while I am not a very good tour guide, I can probably be of assistance if you need questions answered about spirits, rites, or fetishes and talens. The Sept has a good handful of very capable theurges."

--- --- ---

Evan nods enthusiastically "I came here with Elder Tigiantes, Mercy's Messenger-rhya. She and some of her friends came to see Niagra Falls and since our Caern is on Goat Island right by the falls that's where their moonbridge connected. I'd gotten my rite name the day before so when someone with nothing more important to do needed to give the outsiders the walking tour that was me. And when they were done and ready to go I got permission and left with them. Much faster than the cross-country Journeyman's trial I had thought I was facing. She can be really confusing if you don't pay super careful attention but if you do you can learn a ton."

--- --- ---

Stephen grins to himself, "Mercy's Messenger-rhya is a wonderful source of information. She mediated and accepted my last Rank challenge, making it something I will not be forgetting any time soon." He pauses for a moment and considers, "For once, I think it has been rather quiet...or at least we have not had a sudden rash of silliness surrounding a kinfolk like we have had in the past. I should really touch base with Sergei to make sure I have not missed something, myself."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Stephen and considers "I don't think there's anything like that going on. I know there was some oddness with a an unusual lost cub but she got found and returned to where she belongs."

--- --- ---

Stephen shakes his head lightly, "I believe I missed hearing about that one, but the sept is large, so perhaps not quite as surprising. I'd ask a favor though since Im not sure if he's still lurking around or not. If you see the one called Reno, let him know Stephen was looking for him. He'll know who you mean."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Stepehen "I've seen him before and if I see him again I'll give him the message. I met up with Agnes' saga towards the end so I don't know all the details. But there was some unique fetishes and spirit pacts that had this lady at sixty three years old without having hit her first change. My new Alpha, Irsa, could tell you more if you ask.""

--- --- ---

Stephen tilts his head in curiosity as Evan describes, and lowers his voice, "63 years old? Thats...definitely not something I've heard of before. I think I will. Thank you, friend." With that said, he straightens up and rolls his shoulders, "I should go put these tools away. I will look forward to hearing your music around here..."

--- --- ---

Evan grins and takes a seat "I'll play something while you're cleaning up. I got no where I have to be in a hurry." And he starts playing and singing something that starts low and slow.