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Business Time for Magadon
Jaya and Viktor discuss business and projects of Magadon Pharmaceuticals
IC Date May 25, 2023
IC Time Dinner time
Players Viktor, Jaya
Location Furor Poeticus
Spheres Mage, Pentex

5/24/2023 16:33:57 It's five o'clock somewhere, but not in Prospect yet. That still doesn't stop some of those stepping in for late lunches from adding on a glass of wine or two to their light meal at the Nine Muses Cafe. Tucked around the middle of the horseshoe curve of the room is a couple of club seats. One's a gentleman in your typical business casual slacks and a dark button down. He has a drink in hand but seems more interested in whatever his companion is saying. And oh, Jaya is saying so many sweet words. She's also brought out the more professional wear today, though neon orange blazer over a coral mini dress isn't exactly the typical office wear. Occasional words like Trials and Benefits seem to drift from that little conversation.

5/24/2023 16:42:20 Viktor walks into the place with his phone in one hand and a Fry's shopping bag hanging from the other. It takes him a minute to look up at the menu and start trying to make up his mind, then another minute to look around the place as a familiar voice finally registers in his ears. It takes his eyes two full sweeps of the room before they pick out Jaya, not doing a good job of picking her out in such a different context than he's used to seeing her. Then he looks across the table from her, and his brow creases just a little bit. He looks away as the barista calls 'Next!'. He orders a dark coffee, just one dose of creamer, then moves over by the pickup window making a point not to turn back and stare. He suppresses the urge for a whole 40 seconds, then taps out a phone message.

5/24/2023 16:42:30 <Phone> (Text to Jaya) Looks like you're busy so I don't want to interrupt, but I did want to at least say hi.

5/24/2023 16:53:40 Jaya's throaty laughter is unmistakable as it carries across the room, that conversation seeming rather... intimate, for colleagues with the way she leans in and rests her hands on his arm even as her purse vibrates on the table, a text received but also ignored for the moment. "That surely would be the sweetest thing, wouldn't it? Not just controlling the sugars externally? A constant, oh so manual balancing act? We can make it happen, you know."

5/24/2023 16:58:58 Viktor collects his cup from the counter when the barista calls out the name 'Wyckter!' and moves to a seat at the bar. He tries to avoid staring, but can't help stealing a few glances in Jaya's direction from time to time as his curiosity gets the better of him.

5/24/2023 17:03:11 "Hopefully as sweet as your offer," The man laughs back even as he rises, grabbing a briefcase. A handshake is exchanged and Jaya gives a wink. "Keep an eye on your email. It'll be there." She doesn't leave herself though, still having a bit of her wine to polish off. Alone though, she does check her phone and sends a return message.

5/24/2023 17:03:33 <Phone> (Text from Jaya) A shame... you would have had so many things to talk about with Thomas. You'd have liked him. 5/24/2023 17:05:36 <Phone> (Text to Jaya) Is that the guy who just left? 5/24/2023 17:06:30 <Phone> (Text from Jaya) Yes... you aren't waiting to jump him in the alley now, are you? 5/24/2023 17:09:01 <Phone> (Text to Jaya) No, why would I do something like that? :) I'm behind you, sitting at the bar.

5/24/2023 17:13:42 Jaya turns over her shoulder and sees he is indeed behind her. She gives a little wiggle of her fingers and finishes the last of her wine before she gets up to join him, going in to kiss his check when she reaches the bar if he lets her. "You really would have liked him. He's all... smart and stuff. Working not just on insulin, but trying to make a full on artificial pancreas."

5/24/2023 17:18:58 Viktor spins in his seat a few degrees to turn toward her, smiling at the kiss. He manages to look almost as appreciative of the idea of the artificial pancreas. "Yeah... Damn, I wish I'd thought of that one. Although I think maybe that getting a natural one to work correctly would be better..."
5/24/2023 17:18:58 He shakes himself out of his brief reverie and turns his attention back to her with a warm smile. "So, is that what your company does? Take on projects like that? Or is it more of a venture capital investment thing?"

5/24/2023 17:25:03 "Better, maybe," Jaya gives a shrug as she slips out of her jacket, business apparently done for the day. "But which could be available sooner? Get into market quicker and thus helping more people?" She gives a look over to him with a grin. "Officially, we're Building a Better You. Thomas, we're trying to poach him for our own research team. I say trying because he hasn't signed the offer letter yet but..." She looks back over at where he left and the grin grows a little bigger. "I'd say that's more of a technicality than anything else. I work for Magadon Pharmaceuticals. And try to get others working for them too."

5/24/2023 17:33:34 Viktor listens intently before looking away to his coffee as he takes a sip. After a slight wince as it's still a little bit too hot, he sets it back down. "Good luck with that then, I hope the whole thing works out for you. I'm assuming there's recruitment bonuses, and anything that helps with the whole insulin monopoly problem is a good one. By the way, is it just me, or does the motto not really match the name? Maybe there was some scope creep or something going on? Because if they were purely a pharmaceutical company, then 'building a better you' with artificial organs seems like they've expanded a bit."

5/24/2023 17:41:08 "We make sure our benefits packages are both comprehensive and competitive," Jaya smiles as she nudges his leg with her knee. "And certainly there was some expansion of the 'you', but wouldn't say it's exactly scope creep. Just what any world class corporation will end up doing to stay at the top for nearly eighty years. Originally founded after the second World War as a medical research firm, by the fifties had bought up another of smaller firms and diversified into pharmaceutical production. Went public and one thing led to the other... and now we sit as one of the third largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Depending on who is counting. If it's medicine, we have a hand in it somewhere. Even Veterinary medicine now too! But, if you're going to make me give the work spiel, least you could do is buy me a drink?"

5/24/2023 17:48:05 Viktor grins a little wider at the touch, but he manages to keep his eyes up on hers instead of looking down. "Right, sorry, who wants to talk about work in their off time, right? And yes, I will absolutely buy you a drink. What are you drinking tonight?"

5/24/2023 17:54:05 "I think I'm in the mood to celebrate. Something light and bubbly?" Jaya asks with a smile, scooting her bar stool closer to his. A Ginger Peach Bellini happens to be on the specialty menu for the night. "What about you? Are you off work or will duty be calling?"

5/24/2023 17:59:35 Viktor takes the time to look up at the menu, having only been looking at the coffee options earlier. "I don't really work normal hours. I've just been doing freelance type stuff, like gig work. Not the best thing in the world, sure, but the upside is that I generally make my own hours. So what counts as light and bubbly? Isn't bubbly what they call champagne?"

5/24/2023 18:09:39 "Champagne is a specific type of bubbles. A sparkling wine made from a particular region of France. They get real upset if anybody outside the region tries to call their sparkling wine Champagne. Whole rules of appellation and everything," Jaya knows her wines apparently. "But really, I'd call anything with carbonation bubbly, though white claw isn't exactly a celebration bubbly. But prosecco, moscato, shiraz, cava... all those are sparkling."

5/24/2023 18:27:52 Viktor listens closely, not really getting it all yet but filing it away for future research. He flags down the bartender to make his attempt and asks, "Hi there! I don't suppose you'd have a recommendation for some sort of a celebratory bubbly on your menu?"
5/24/2023 18:27:52 The bartender looks at him, sneaking a quick glance at Jaya, then back with only partially concealed confusion. She answers, gesturing to the specials board. "Of course, sir. We have a special tonight of a Ginger Peach Bellini tonight that is surely up to the task. Would that be alright?" Her gaze flicks to Jaya, getting the picture of who's the one really making the choice on this one.

5/24/2023 18:32:05 "Ohh, that sounds lovely," Jaya's eyes light up at the description of the special, before she shamelessly asks, "Two please." And when the bartender turns to work on the said drinks, Jaya leans over to explain, "Can't really toast alone. And while I'm sure the coffee is good... that's just not the same."

5/24/2023 18:42:38 Viktor looks down at the coffee cup still in his hand, but that he had actually forgotten was there some time ago. He slides it off to the side with a sheepish grin. "Right... I didn't really need it anyway, I was just wandering around exploring a little after picking up a few things and thought the place looked interesting. Which turned out to be a correct decision after all, choice of drink notwithstanding. But yeah, I figured I should try one of the bubbly too, and see what the fuss is all about. So, what's the toast? To your almost closed business deal? If so, I'm glad it was a pancreas and not a liver. That would have seemed way too ironic."

5/24/2023 18:47:07 "How about business deals and correct decisions?" Jaya asks, a hand moving to rest on his arm. "And I'm sure liver deals will be in my future. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver... there is such a choice after all. But your text did save me from having to think up my own 'hey, you up?' type text. If I had been so inclined to send one of those tonight..."

5/24/2023 18:52:24 Viktor looks down at the hand, then back up at her with a hard swallow at her words. He's then saved from having to ask about her inclinations by the delivery of the drinks. He fishes out his wallet to pay with a card, and turns back to Jaya while sliding her glass over to her. "Ok then, to business deals and good decisions it is!"