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Reference Lists

On this page are Backgrounds that are specifically for Possessed. All listed will be available for all Possessed unless otherwise noted.


  • Book Reference: WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide p. 102
  • A +note must be set

The Possessed has been bonded to a more powerful spirit or being, either a servant of whichever one of the Triat the Possessed serves or a Gaian spirit (if the character is a Kami). The Possessed is expected to serve this being faithfully, out of reverence and respect, not just abject servitude. (Drones see it as a logical chain of command).

Consecration means different things to the four types of possessed characters.

  • Fomori: Consecrated fomori may be bonded to any number of Wyrm-servitors. Powerful Banes are probably the most common choice, but fomori may also be consecrated to Black Spiral Dancer, other fomori, or even human beings who actively serve the Wyrm (whether they know it or not - sometimes mages have fomori servants). A truly special fomor might even be consecrated to one of the Triatic Wyrms (the Defiler, the Eater-of-Souls, or the Beast-of-War). Consecrated fomori can expect help in the form of information, sudden flashes of insight or power, or even aid inbattle (especially if the character's benefactor is a Black Spiral Dancer - which can be great surprise for a pack of Garou who thought they were only dealing with a single fomor!).
  • Drones: Most Drones have at least some rating in this Background. The level depends on how powerful a Weaver-spirit commands the Drone. Nearly any of the spirits listed in the Book of the Weaver would serve as patrons for Drones. A consecrated Drone might find that technology works flawlessly for her - cars run smoothly, computers never crash, etc. If the Drone is consecrated to a more martial spirit (such as a Chaos Monitor or a Guardian-spirit), she might receive aid in battle in the form of Materialized Weaver-spirits. Likewise, if the Drone winds up fighting Garou or other Umbra-hopping shapeshifters, her patron might just strengthen the Gauntlet in the Drone's immediate area to help prevent surprise attacks.
  • Gorgons: Even the creatures born of chaos and creation can be consecrated! Their patrons include Wyld-spirits such as Unravelers or Gyres (see the Book of the Wyld for info on those) and even shapeshifters who serve teh Wyld extra-fervently (i.e.: Ratkin). All gorgons are unique, and as such, there's really no telling what a consecrated gorgon might be gifted with. In general, however, such gorgons can usually expect little bursts of chaos if their surroundings grow too static (of course, some gorgons create such bursts even without help).
  • Kami: The rarest of the possessed, Kami are earthly avatars of Gaia. As such, they might be consecrated to anything Gaian, which leaves a lot of room for diversity. Nearly any shapeshifter (excluding the Ananasi and, obviously, any shapechanger that has chosen to serve the Wyrm) or non-Triatic spirit might choose to patronize a Kami. Doing so is an immense honor among the Changing Breeds, but is, of course, also a great responsibility. By agreeing to beome a Kami's benefactor, the shapeshifter is promising to protect a living extension of Gaia. This is likely worth a significant Renown bonus - but if the Kami is killed despite the Changer's best efforts, the accompanying penalty will be all the harsher. What aid a consecrated kami might expect varies, of course. If a totem avatar watches over the Kami, she might be granted the same traits that a Garou pack following that totem would be. Likewise, a Kami that has a Garou as a benefactor will have at least one steadfast guardian that will die to defend her, if necessary. Note: If a totem avatar is chosen, it will be at staff discretion which, if any, pack traits may be available to the Possessed.

The more dots taken, the more powerful the being the Possessed is consecrated to. Each level also costs a Triatic character a certain amount of Autonomy (except for Kamis).

# of Dots Type of Spirit
Dot-filled.png A minor spirit: Scryer Bane; Net-Spider; Spark; Gaian Gaffling. Aid is usually given in the form of information, although the spirit might occasionally use a Charm on the character's behalf (-3 temporary Autonomy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A slightly more powerful spirit, or a shapechanger or other appropriate supernatural creature: Hollow Man fomor; Guardian-Spider; Serpentine; rank 1-3 Garou. The patron may gift the character with aid in battle or healing (-5 temporary Autonomy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A significant force is at work in the character's life: Nexus Crawler; Wolf-Spider; rank 4 Ratkin; pack totem spirit. The patron will bring its powers to bear on behalf of the character if it is in the same general area, and usually assigns lesser spirits to watch its charge (-1 permanent Autonomy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The character is the spiritual child of one of the greatest spirits: Maeljin Incarna; Chaos Monitor; the Nameless; totem or Planetary Incarna. The character is never far from aid, and if she actually calls for help, the heavens may well rain down fire (or something equally dramatic) in response. Be careful what you ask for... (-2 permanent Autonomy)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Beings so completely promised to their spiritual masters occur once in a century: one of the Triatic Wyrms; Weaver-Spider; the Heart of the Wyld; a Celestine (Luna, Helios, etc.). Characters with this level of consecration don't tend to live long, but while they do live, they can change the world. They are often unaware of exactly what they can accomplish, but they are protected by some of the most powerful beings in the world (-3 permanent Autonomy)


  • Book Reference: WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide p. 103
  • A +note must be set - what type of people are they?
    • Believers are only human, not immune to the Delirium, not enhanced supernaturally
# of Dots # of members
Dot-filled.png 2 believers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 4 believers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 6 believers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 8 believers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png 10+ believers; One is the 2nd in command


  • Book Reference: WW3810 Possessed A Players Guide p. 105
  • Similar to Ancestors background - +roll Symbiosis vs autonomy rating (Drones get a -1 diff from that, Kami's roll at 6 unless ST modifies it)
    • Each success on the roll gives a dot in an appropriate ability for the remainder of the scene.
    • A botch means the spirit grows frustrated and costs the character 2 points of temporary Autonomy

# of Dots Information
Dot-filled.png You can count on a hint now and then.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Your spirit often grants you useful knowledge.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You may never have touched a gun before, but after a few seconds of concentration, you're dangerous.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have access to a vast amount of knowledge - sometimes it's hard to sift through it all.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A veritable font of information - sometimes the spirit initiates the Symbiosis before you do.