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Intros with Indian Food
Newly arrived to Prospect, Shizuki makes his formal introduction to Sept Elders
Players Shizuki, George, Alecto
Location Curry Corner
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

       The 'Members Only' area of Curry Corner is all wood paneling, from wall-to-wall, with the real wood grain showing through the lacquer. The floor is also wood paneling, however it is covered in manyplaces by lush comfortable Indian carpets. There is recessed lighting in the ceiling, which is high, naked wooden beams. Around the private dining area is a combination of sturdy mahogany tables with high backed chairs and red cushioned divans against the walls themselves, affording an environment of comfort and repose.
       The center of the private dining area is a large fire pit of earthen brick, carefully built two and a half feet high with a cast iron flue and chain mesh curtain around it to keep the smoke channeled up through a chimney in the roof and protect against any stray sparks. It is warm, but during the warmer times of year the heat is kept very low, and well vented, so that the room does not become stuffy. Still, the fire pit is also used for baking some of the traditional goods by the owners, right in front of guests here, such as the delicious Indian bread known as Naan.

George is in town for his semi regular office hours and has settled at a table near the fire pit. He has a dish of fried paneer cubes, a tall glass of iced tea, and a basket of Naan. While he waits to see what other business the evening brings he's working on a sudoku puzzle book with a pen.

At the side of the room, the door opens slowly from the main restaurant to let in the light cacophony of noise from diners there, as well as a fresh waft of curry and other spices. Behind the door, a young man of apparent Japanese descent lurks quietly, peeking into the private dining area for a moment before he elects to cross the barrier, quietly closing the door behind him to again shut out the general din of the main establishment. He pauses for just a moment after closing the door, focusing on George before he strides purposefully across the room towards the fire pit and the table at which George sits. Once there, the young man stands at at a near but respectful distance from the table end and bows silently in deference towards the much larger man prior to any additional greeting or introductions.

George stabs one of the red dusted cubes of tasty fried cheese with a fork and eats it as he writes down one last number in his book before looking up at the new arrival and gesturing to the chair across from him. The iced tea gets George's attention next and he takes a sip before stating "So. You're new. Ish."

Patiently waiting for the other man to not only eat the cheese cube but continue to scribble in the sudoku grid before being acknowledged, the young Japanese man keeps a calm and serene visage upon his features before the gesture is made for him to sit down. At that time, he bows again - this time not quite as deeply as previously - and slides easily into the chair across the table from the dark-skinned man. His long black hair sweeps about his face a bit as he does so, causing the young man to reach up and brush back the errant locks with a deft motion of his hand.

"Shizuki Matson, rited Shizuki Eclipse-Born," he intones quietly, then, to answer the assessment of being new. "Cliath Galliard of the Stargazers. Metis." His voice has a rich, somewhat sonorous timbre, as might be expected of one born under his moon, though the Eastern accent to his words make it fairly clear that English is not his native tongue. "And yes, I have only recently arrived here to Prospect City. I have not had the opportunity yet to make a formal introduction to any of the Elders of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit." Shizuki pauses then, his lips pursing just briefly before he continues. "I am to understand that my tribe does not have much representation here, though... That is not unexpected." There is a note of what might be considered melancholy in his voice at that last. After he speaks, one might also note his eyes drifting over what visible parts may be seen of the sudoku puzzle, idly scanning it.

George nods at at Shizuki and considers "I'd gotten word from the Warder he'd gotten a report of a new Stargazer cleared through, did he not meet you himself then? Though I suppose getting checked out by security might not count as a proper introduction." Then a moment of pondering follows, abetted by the selection of a piece of Naan before George speaks again "For a while we had a Stargazer Den Mother. She moved on recently. I know of a couple of kinfolk and one or two other Garou of your Tribe. A couple years back an Ahroun Stargazer came through and charmed one of my kinfolk and when She left he went with her. I took up the watch of her relatives that run this place." The puzzle book is a fairly advanced one and George has in fact been working on at least the one puzzle in ink.

Still peeking at the sudoku puzzle and the empty squares that can be seen, Shizuki takes a moment to re-direct his attention back to George as the other man begins to speak, his eyes darting back upwards to regard the man directly a few beats after he begins speaking. The faintest hint of color might be seen touching the skin of Shizuki's high cheekbones, but it is gone soon enough as he focuses himself on the conversation at hand again. To the question of the Warder, the young man nods once and confirms, "Oh, yes, I did meet with the Warder, though it was brief and... Well, as you say, less of an introduction than a..." He pauses, searching for the right word. "Presentation, I suppose." A brief smile passes over Shizuki's features, though it is replaced by a more serious expression at the discussion of Stargazers who have, in one way or another, moved on.

"Many of my tribe have been leaving recently, as I am sure you are aware," he responds, his tone again a bit heavier, his eyebrows gathering just a little towards the bridge of his nose. "I... I cannot say I fault them, I know of the reasons for their decisions but I had only come to these shores when that decision was made." Shizuki inhales slowly, using the breath to gather his next words, and actually glances downwards to the tabletop as he speaks. "I.. also have reasons that I cannot return to those homelands, at least not right now." His eyes dart upwards again, back to George's face as the dark orbs focus there, unwavering. "So, I have pledged to stay a part of the Nation and to do what I can to not only defend and protect those that I can, but to remind the other Tribes that the Stargazers have not all left, that we are still all One under Gaia with the rest of the Tribes, even if many of us have been called elsewhere."

George nods at Shizuki and offers a bit of a smirk "The Sept of Enduring Spirit is a bit odd in comparison even to other American Septs. We work with all kinds of Gaian Fera. Given that we're as close to Prospect as we are and its a fairly large city there's always work to do no matter how many hands we've got around to pitch in. Some of our kinfolk contribute to the war effort in capacities some find a bit unorthodox but it works for us. Sorcerers, Psychics, and so on. All that's a long winded way of saying 'welcome to town, we got shit to do'." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

A smile pulls at the corners of Shizuki's mouth, one that widens the more that George speaks about how the local Sept is less than traditional in many of the ways that they do things. "That is...encouraging to hear," he answers, the smile on his features echoed by the warmth in his voice. "I had heard about the..." He pauses briefly again, once more appearing to search for the correct word to use, ultimately settling on, "...open nature of the Sept here. It was my hope that what I had heard was true and that I would find some purpose here, not only as a Stargazer, or as one not born on American soil, but..." Shizuki makes an almost imperceptible shrug, his eyebrows lifting just an increment as well. "Also as a metis. Even amongst the Children of Gaia that oversaw the Sept from where I came, there were certain stigmas that were difficult to escape. And while I know that those burdens will always be present, at least to some degree, I am optimistic that they will not be as heavy to bear here."

Shizuki continues to keep an open, pleasant expression on his face as he speaks, his hands folded calmly on his lap under the edge of the table. "Also, if none other of my tribe has had the opportunity to do so, I would like to offer you formal gratitude for watching over the kinfolk here and their place of business. Your gesture of kindness is truly remarkable, one that I am not certain many others would undertake, regardless of Tribe, and if there is any way that I can assist you in that responsibility or pay you back for your graciousness, please let me know." The young Garou is quite earnest in this and appears to take such gestures very seriously, leaning forward just a bit as he makes the remarks.

Alecto comes in from Curry Corner - Diner

Alecto has arrived.

George is sitting at his table by the fire pit with some paneer, naan, and tea. And his puzzle book. He takes a sip of his iced tea and nods at Shizuki "Our Master of the Challenge is a Metis. And the Rite Mistress. Both different tribes. The local custom is that the Parent's sin is not the child's to bear. What matters is if you can do the job. As for the Kinfolk thing? I was raised outside the Nation, we call it being a 'lost cub'. That's given me what pass for some peculiar notions. It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak and that don't go away on account of who they're related to. Now as it happens I figured my kin-cousin mate bonding to their Garou relative made them my in-laws. And it ain't mattered enough to anyone enough to tell me I'm wrong. It is handy to have Stargazer Garou around to point at though if someone decides that interceding ain't my place. Ya dig?" And Shizuki is sitting across from him

Listening intently, Shizuki is seated opposite from George and has a fairly formal posture within his chair - back upright, hands folded neatly in his lap, chin forward and attention directed at George proper. Most of the conversation, anyways. Occasionally, he keeps darting his eyes over towards the puzzlebook on the opposite side of the table, as if trying to figure out the empty Sudoku squares that George hasn't inked in yet. For the most part, however, he's doing a good job of keeping his focus on the conversation at hand, nodding here and there to various points that George makes. Like when he talks about Kinfolk and the responsibility of looking after 'in-laws'.

"I understand," he nods deeply in response, "And please accept my apology, it was not my intention to suggest that there was anything wrong about how you have aided the kinfolk here. I am truly grateful and only wished to offer that gratitude and any form of assistance that I might be able to give. If that assistance is only a verbal acknowledgement to any other parties that ask, then I will gladly do so as needed." Shizuki speaks with a timbre of voice that might be called melodic, his words almost lyrical in quality though with a clear and definable Japanese accent that makes it pretty apparent English is not his native tongue. He has no other belongings with him, and as of yet also has no food on the table before him - just his own person and his utilitarian black attire.

Alecto comes in. She reaches into the pocket of her leggings. YES, her fucking leggings have fucking pockets. She will sew them in if she has to. She pulls out a small sheet of paper and heads up toward the counter to Avani, but veers off in a different direction as she sees George and a new face. Her stride is long and easy, confident. She has her hair down, which once you get to know her, is significant, but there's a hair tie around one wrist. Just in case. She looks content, if a little put off by the fact that she's wearing shoes. She stops several paces away from the two and she stills, her hands clasping lightly in front of her, the slip of paper held between two fingers, and she waits, but does offer, as Shizuki stops speaking, her own voice pretty, but running a little deeper than your average female, "Your voice is very nice." George nods at Shizuki "Oh that wasn't my meaning at all but you got what I'm looking for that should suit just fine in most cases. We'd just have to worry about you getting over ruled by a more senior stargazer and given I'm an Elder Ragabash a fair number of folks would think two or three times about if a quarrel with me would be something they want to pick. Its as much about using you to help them save face as anything else." Then Alecto arrives and George grins "Evening Truthcatcher. Getting some takeaway? This is Shizuki, he's new."

As the new individual arrives, Shizuki swiftly but smoothly rises from the table, the chair pushing back out from underneath him with a light scraping against the floor. He then offers the woman a formal bow then, inclining forward at the waist and raising back upwards in a motion that causes his semi-long hair to sweep forward in front of his eyes. In a follow-up motion, he reaches up to brush away the offending locks as he speaks, his voice quiet but confident. "Thank you," he responds at first to Alecto, before he expands on the brief into given by George. "My name is Shizuki Matson, Rited Shizuki Eclipse-Born, Cliath Galliard of the Stargazers, Metis." The introduction is made with formal deference, and though the words are clearly practiced the young man is also careful to put clear emphasis and meaning in them so as not to undercut their importance.

After speaking, Shizuki returns to his seat as quickly and as smoothly as he got up, pulling the chair back into place with another quiet scuff against the floor before he again adopts his straight-backed, hands-in-lap seating position. His eyes dark briefly to the other open chairs at the table and he begins to open his mouth, though he then closes it again as he apparently decides against whatever it was he was pondering to say. Instead, he moves his gaze to await the woman's response to George's question, curious but politely so.

Alecto waits for the introduction, then nods, pulling out a chair to take a seat without being invited specifically. She flips her hair back over her shoulder and eases into her seat like a butterfly landing on a flower. "Well met, Eclipse-Born. Were you truly born on an eclipse or is there other significance? I am Alecto, rited Howls-at-the-High-Moon, Elder Philodox, born on four legs of the Black Fury tribe. Daughter of Slay-the-Wyrm, Granddaughter of Free-the-Tide, great granddaughter of Bite-and-Twist, great, great granddaughter Judges-the-Weak, great, great, great granddaughter of Honor-Among-Thieves, Alpha of the Balanced Scales pack, dedicated to Tijuana, protector of the weak and innocent, mated to Roman Andreov of the Silver Fangs, and Truthcatcher to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit." She nods to George. "I needed some curry. A lot of it. And naan. And then icecream and possibly a trip to Smoke and Barley for some of their nachos." No reason! Swear. Then back to Shizuki. "Welcome to Prospect."

George nods as a new set of introductions goes along and then he has some more of his paneer before nudging the basket of Naan he's got towards the center of the table and gestures at Shizuki to have some of the tasty flat bread if so inclined before turning to ask Alecto "Everything going alright out at your place?"

If there is any confusion, astonishment or other general 'what the heck?' reaction to the mate information that's part of the introduction given to him, Shizuki does an admirable job of hiding it. In fact, his features remain as calm and as congenial as ever, and once Alecto has finished reciting her lineage, station and pack, he nods his head again towards her in respect and acknowledgement. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Howls-at-the-High-Moon-rhya," he intones, turning his torso slightly to continue addressing the woman as she alits on the previously vacant chair. "And, while I was not birthed under an eclipse, it was under such a celestial event that I underwent my First Change. A complete eclipse, as a matter of fact. The Elders of the Sept felt that it was a sign of importance and thus my rite-name was chosen." Shizuki glances at the naan bread as it is moved to the center of the table, only pausing a moment before he reaches out to take a small piece of the offered food, giving George a deep nod of thanks as he draws the bread back towards himself. "I have often meditated on deeper meanings and subtext to the name as it pertains to my actual birth, but... It would surprise me if those that chose the name would have had such knowledge." He does not expand further, instead raising the naan bread to his mouth to nibble at the edge.

Alecto nods to George, reaching for the naan once it's offered. She takes a piece and tears a little chunk off, dipping it into whatever sauce might be available at the moment and is close to her. "Everything is good. Have you met Marko? Roman's youngest son? I'm not sure if they've run across your path yet or not. He's 7. He's just a year younger than myself." She chuckles. "Which is hilarious, really. We're very good friends. He's a very sweet boy. He calls me Mamalecto." She reaches for her phone and whips it out like an old pro and turns it around to show just her lock screen, which is her, looking absolutely radiant, and a man in his late thirties or maybe early 40s, who is absolutely gorgeous. And a small boy who is obviously the older man's son. Mismatched eyes for both of them. She turns toward Shizuki then and she nods, also indicating the flat bread and for him to partake if he's interested. "Interesting," she tells him. "Welcome to Prospect. You will find that those who come here create their own fate, as George was saying, regardless of their birth. If you should need anything at all, I am most often at home and you are welcome."

George chuckles and sips his iced tea and offers to Shizuki "So your second birth if not your first. Suppose that counts well enough all things considered." And then he smiles at the picture "Adorable. Roman sure does make some pretty babies."

Polishing off fairly quickly the small piece of naan bread that he's initially taken, Shizuki reaches out for another, again offering a nod of gratitude to both George and Alecto as the morsel is taken. He munches on this one a little bit slower, but still takes small, measured bites so that he is able to both swallow and speak at moments notice if needed, as well as to avoid biting of so much that any crumbles or flakes away down to the table. And it's to the first purpose that he takes advantage, able to readily reply to the follow-up comments about his birth and his rite-name, tilting his head forward in agreement to both others present. "Thank you, and yes - that's my hope, to find such a place here to help steer my own path through what's written in the stars, as it were."

Leaning forward a little then, Shizuki, too peers at the picture offered on the front of the smartphone, smiling at the charming photo despite himself. One might detect just a small shadow of sadness in his eyes, but when he speaks his voice is truly congratulatory to Alecto. "Yes, George is right, you all look to be a very happy, lovely family and should be proud." The young Japanese man settles back again then, taking another measured bite of his naan bread as he chews it thoughtfully. "It's very encouraging to see such a thing."

Alecto nods to George. "He does. His older sons all look just like him too. His genes run strong. Even some of our last litter greatly resemble some of his older children in lupus." She nods to Shizuki. "We are. Quit happy. We both realize that the pairing doesn't make sense to those who don't know us well, but it DOES work. And we're glad." She glances over at George. "I DO need to speak to someone about meeting in-laws. Roman's trying to make me understand EXACTLY why I can't tell his mother to fuck off and fall into a deep hole if she tries to take Marko." So matter of fact, but she's still got an honest, friendly smile on her face.

George chuckles at at Shizuki "So what you do is figure out how you want it to go and make friends that'll back your play." then he gives a wicked mischievous look to Alecto "Its probably a can versus should sort of situation. Though come to think of it? A lot comes down on the phrasing of the mating contract or prenup or whatever governed the relevant breeding arrangement. I bet we could technicality it enough and maybe bribe the shit out of her. We've got enough talented crafters around here that something could get made to pay her off with."

"There are many who place an unhealthy emphasis on the expectations of tradition," Shizuki begins in response to Alecto's self-avowed strange mating pair, his Japanese accent inadvertantly making him sound a little like a stereotypical soothsayer in an old kung fu movie. "Tradition is important, but is a foundation that must be able to grow, to breathe, in order for those who follow it to flourish. Adhering to it with strict rigidity does not allow for that growth and eventually, those who follow with such expectations grow stagnant." Shizuki stops then, blinking just a little as if he realizes that he's waxing philosophical, and follows up with a broad smile. "That is, as the Americans say, 'you do you', regardless of what others think. Your happiness is a boon to Gaia and your family her blessing."

He lapses into silence then as the particulars of how Marko might be kept clear of his grandmother's clutches - clearly a topic that Shizuki neither has any insight into nor feels that he should interject on. Though, as George offers his own suggestions, Shizuki nods once and feels comfortable enough to agree verbally. "Both viable options. And while I'm unfortunately experienced in neither contractual language nor crafting, if I can help in any other way, it would be my honor." He offers another smile, this one with a slightly melancholy tinge to it. "If I am not able to have a family of my own, at least I can offer to help keep other families together."

Just afterwards, Shizuki glances to the clock on the wall of the private room and his eyes widen, clearly not realizing before as to the hour. "My apologies," he inclines his head to both George and Alecto as he begins to rise from the table, "But I must take my leave - my room-mate should be arising soon and I promised her I would bring dinner tonight. Or... breakfast," he corrects himself, looking just a bit confused. "Either way. I'm already a little late. But I think I can save the time if I grab something from here... I hope she likes spicy food!" After he's fully standing, Shizuki bows to both Elders one more, "It was my honor meeting you both."