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Revision as of 12:54, 30 August 2021

Iceland Rock Troll
Kill a Troll
IC Date 2021:08.17
IC Time Day
Players Evonna, Leif, Ben, Steinar, Theron, Katja, Frigg-ST
Location Iceland - Bawn of the Grimsgore Well Sept
Prp/Tp Iceland Saga
Spheres Garou
Theme Song A theme song for the log

No Misty this morning. The moon is too full, so she's inside, being a baby with mama and probably Tyra too. This gives Leif the opportunity to do some work around the place. Cutting wood is always a thing. Cooking has to happen and all that, so he's busy doing just that, splitting big logs into smaller ones with a single blow of the wood cutter

Frigg comes out of the cabin with Ben's cell phone in hand. She looks over in Leif's direction as he splits the log and waits for a certain pause to call after him. "Hey Leif?" She waits for Ben to come out to join them too. "My Grandfather just called and said he might need your help."

Ben steps out of the cabin, stretching as he gets out from under the doorframe. He looks to Frigg, then Leif. "Something going on overseas, I would suspect. Wonder if one of those Stone Trolls woke up." Leif glances over between splitting logs like they're toothpicks and he drops the maul alongside the stump he's working off. He wipes his face with the bottom of his shirt and heads over that way. "Yeah? What's going on?" Frigg looks between the two larger garou and taps a button for /speaker phone/.

It is Falke's voice that speaks up next, "Hello to the both of you. I hate to be calling to bother you folks out in the west, but Ben is right. We got a troll that stopped snoring a few hours ago. We suspect he's going to be waking up soon. It's only been eighty-six years he's been sawing away."

Ben frowns a bit, nodding. "Any hints or anything left by the Unseen?" He wonders, looking to Leif. "This thing was massive. Larger than any creature I'd seen before." He gives a one-armed hug to Frigg. Leif's brow perks upward a little and he nods. "Well, fuck. Let's do this then." He glances at the phone. Bad words. Meh. "What do you need us to do? I'm guessing this troll is aggressive? Do we need to put him back to sleep, kill him?"

	 Frigg leans in against Ben's side and holds the phone in the palm of her hand openly. 

Falke harumphs, "The Invisible Folk? They skidaddled outa the area last night. Probably worried their rock homes are about to be smoooshed. No sign of'em now in the meadow." He listens to Leif and responds, "The tooten troll was like a benign tumor in the hill. We left him alone as long as he wasn't going to bother nuthin. But yeah, legend and stories tell it all. They can be aggressive and hungry when woke. Not sure exactly how big he is as half the ground swallowed him up and only his shoulders and head be sticking out. Most likely get an earthquake bothering the local houses rebuilt outside the bawn up here. I'm thinking we got a bit of time before he's got his eyes open, if you want to bridge over. And if he don't got his eyes open when you get here, we may as well holler and wake him up."

Steinar has arrived.

Ben is standing next to Frigg and Leif, his arm around Frigg. They are listening to a speaker phone conversation. "Falke, I'm willing to help, obviously. Leif too. We should be able to bridge to you shortly. Can the village get cleared out for a bit?"

Leif nods. "So he's not QUITE awake, but he's getting there and we're going to just go ahead and push things along and... hope.. he isn't aggressive, but if he is either put him back to sleep or kill him? I just want to make sure we're all on the same page." Nope, Steinar still is not coming out of his cabin. By now, that cabin must have a layer of dust in it. He, instead, comes around the corner from the back of the cabin that is assigned to him. Everything else in tow. He is walking closer to the group, taking note of what is happening. And, within arms reach of the group, he stops and crosses his arms over his chest. Silent and listening. Always with the stick up his butt with this Godi.

	 Falke sounds as if they have to do some yard work back home and it might be a pain in the ass to do it. "Yeah we can clear some folks out. Not many living here anyway yet." He chuckles at Leif, "This big bastard in the ground is going to be hungry I'm guessing. Not enough food on the island for someone that big unless he's going for humans and cattle. And no one remembers any lore about stone giants eating organic stuff, or if they eat minerals. Who the hell knows. I say we break it up and put it down for good. Can't have something this big walking down to the village neither." He pauses, "None of you out west have the ability to shrink it do you?"

Frigg waves hello to Steinar as he arrives. She's keeping respectfully quiet as the garou now listen and come up with some kind of plan. The mention of the shrinking ability has her raise a brow. Ben chuckles. "I don't shrink things intact. Break it into multiple smaller pieces, sure." He offers to Falke. A nod to Steinar as he arrives. "We can try to parlay, but I suspect it is going to turn into a fight." A nod. "We can be ready for both."

Theron has arrived. "Alright then." He gives Steinar a clap on the shoulder. "I guess we need to see if we can get Theron in on this. Make it a pack activity. Anyone seen Evonna this morning?"

"There were never any Trolls in the stories of my Clan after they came to the American continent with the first Silver Fangs." Steinar says, "I know little of them, apart from the old stories. And the old stories speak only of the wars and the battles. I think we might not have much choice but to kill it. It is a creature of a bygone age that, if it wakes up, will only point fingers to the area it came from. I doubt it belongs here. It can not blend in as we can, and I doubt it would be willing to once it awakens." he pauses, "I have e feeling it will have to be fought. And destroyed." "What am I getting in on?" Theron asks as he arrives, sword over the shoulder still in its scabbard, his large duffle bag hanging from his armored torso.

	 Falke is an Elder Raga who snorts on the phone, "I think this fat tub ate dinosaurs way back when." Hehe. "I can get a bridge sent your way when ready. Frigg!" He yells for his Granddaughter. 
	 "Yes, grandpops?" Frigg answers, close enough to the phone that he didn't need to yell. 
	 "You park it there and skip the visit to the tavern tonight. I don't want no earthquakes shaking you or my future grandpup." Falke intones with some seriousness. "Plenty of rockslides out here." 
	 Frigg kinda bites her lower lip, "I understand. I'll be back here sharpening weapons for the pack or something." She elbows Ben in gest. 
	 Falke hears Theron over the phone, "Is that the Beserker you told me about, Ben? Get'im on board. I'll go work on getting those houses cleared. Call me when ready." 
	 Falke hangs up.

Ben gives a kiss to Frigg's head. "You will be missed." He assures. Looking to Theron, then Steinar. "So... we've got a ginormous Rock Troll to remove from afar." Looking to Leif, he nods. "Time to bring our A Games."

"We're ready," Leif says to the phone, then says to Theron. "We're going to wake up and probably kill a rock troll." He doesn't know SHIT about this stuff, but hey! He's in! "Not my first time against a rock troll, first in awhile though." Theron says as he clasps Leif on the back. "Ready when you are." Steinar gives a quick, single nod, "Better keep those claws sharpened. The old stories speak of them in a way that suggests they are .. quite .. hardy. It will be a good challenge." He does not even sound excited at the prospect of a fight. He really woke up with that stick up his butt really lodged in there this day! He looks to Theron, "Oh? Well, that is good then. You can give us pointers on where to poke."

Frigg reaches up and gives an affectionate touch to Ben's cheek before she nods. "Be brave, and fight fierce. I will be waiting for everyone to return." She offers him back his phone, "You want to call Grandfather when your pack is ready to go?"

And then here comes Freya with a blankie and a bone and plops her butt right down on Leif's foot. Apparently, she thinks she's going too. Leif gives her a little push. "No. You have to stay here." Ears flat. Tail drooped. She scoots back over to sit on Leif's foot and he pushes her away again. "You have to protect Misty." Oh! That changes everything. Freya hops up and dashes toward the house with a little AWOO

Steinar looks around the group, to then unshoulders his backpack. He puts it on the ground, "This is the Magpie's Swag." he says, "I think you all recall I made it for traveling like this. Any items you want moved, put it in there. I will bring them with us, be it across the Gauntlet or not. Just do not put anything complex in there. No guns, phones or things. Talens, Fetishes or food."

Ben leans into the touch from Frigg, nodding. "I will be all those, and I will return home for you." He grins. He flips out his cellphone, after grabbing his talens from inside. The sword is left behind - beautiful, but mundane. A grin to Freya. "And everyone here. You're in charge." He winks to the wolf. After that, he nods to Steinar and places the call to Falke. "We're ready." Leif runs in to smooch his people, but that only takes a second, and he has a small sock sticking out of one pocket, stolen right from the baby! Yes sirry, he did. "Let's go. Get this done."

Frigg will drop in a few cans of mead into Steinar's bag. Does she hear it hit bottom? "Ok, I want to put more in but... is it heavy?" She grins. Her gaze shifts to Freya and she can't help but snicker also. "I'll help with Misty if needed. But soon as the troll is dead let me know? Not every day you get to kill the Statue of Liberty of trolls." She nods up to Ben and Lief. "May you be victorious and known for your deeds in saving the island."

	 The bridge opens up for them to step through once the call is placed. The bright light is welcoming until they near the other side, and then the ground rumbles with a shake. 

	 "Raaaaarrrrrrghhh..." someone woke the ROCK BABY! 

They stand in the meadow of the bawn. Falke is there with his straggling pack members. At least four of them. Not nearly enough to handle the big stone giant that woke as they traveled through. The ginormous rock giant has already pulled itself out of its earthy bed on the hill over looking the Icelandic Sea, and it's now a gaping maw of silted dirt, and shifting rocks in a landslide coming down there way from the hill it was on. The ROCK giant stands upon two boulderesque legs and one has to look way way up, to see it's as tall as Falke thought it was. Bigger than a dino. Bigger than a house. As tall as the tallest tree you ever seen in someone's yard that might fuck up a house if it ever fell. 
	 As they get their bearings, this giant leans to pick up the bigger rock it was resting its head on as a pillow and it manges on it within its gaping rock maw face with chiseled nose as if it were starving. Bits of the rock breaks and also goes scattering down the hill in their direction. No wonder the Little People got the hell out of here. And he looks seriously pissed off for waking up on the wrong side of the hill. 

	 The bridge opens up for them to step through once the call is placed. The bright light is welcoming until they near the other side, and then the ground rumbles with a shake. 

	 "Raaaaarrrrrrghhh..." someone woke the ROCK BABY! 

They stand in the meadow of the bawn. Falke is there with his straggling pack members. At least four of them. Not nearly enough to handle the big stone giant that woke as they traveled through. The ginormous rock giant has already pulled itself out of its earthy bed on the hill over looking the Icelandic Sea, and it's now a gaping maw of silted dirt, and shifting rocks in a landslide coming down there way from the hill it was on. The ROCK giant stands upon two boulderesque legs and one has to look way way up, to see it's as tall as Falke thought it was. Bigger than a dino. Bigger than a house. As tall as the tallest tree you ever seen in someone's yard that might fuck up a house if it ever fell. 
	 As they get their bearings, this giant leans to pick up the bigger rock it was resting its head on as a pillow and it manges on it within its gaping rock maw face with chiseled nose as if it were starving. Bits of the rock breaks and also goes scattering down the hill in their direction. No wonder the Little People got the hell out of here. And he looks seriously pissed off for waking up on the wrong side of the hill. (REPOSE) 

Ben transforms into a monstrous wolfman. DELIRIUM IN EFFECT. (+rules The Delirium)

Crunch. Snap. Pop. RAAR! Evonna is replaced with a furry nightmare!

	 In the short time as they arrive and the rockslide is pending doom in their direction, larger rocks and smaller pebbled bits spray like an ocean wave moving downward as the hill explodes as the troll pulls the last of his left leg upward. The rock it was holding to gnaw at like a giant rock potato crumbles and send down a second burst to spray and litter over the field. And then he slowly pulls his arm back as if intending to throw the last core bit outward at them. He's slower than hell, being so big. It'll give them a chance to move out of the way but with coordinated attention to the threat and the unsmooth landscape.

Blood Thorn for sure has been here on this trip the whole time! Troll boy just needs to go down, turned into pebbles! She preps herself, raising to her war form and sharpens her claws. Eyeing carefully, she finds her mark and launches herself into the massive giant of rocks and hits with all she has - crying out with all of her being, >> FOR FREYA!!!!! << She slams in and makes her mark - one that troll was not expecting or will ever forget.

Eikþyrnir watches as Blood Thorn shreds into the ginormous Rock Troll. He keeps light on his feet, studying the monster for signs of weakness.

	 The Rock Troll continues to garble wargh >>Raaarrrrrrrgh>>. He's being mined by werewolves with their claws.

The Wall lashes out, ever so slightly startled by Evonna's attack. <<Fuckballs, Ev>> he grunts as he lashes out and tears into the other side.

Madness. The berserker is a madman, thats part of the game. You have to be to fight with the garou against this sort of thing. The armored kinfolk snarls with rage, blessed by Fenris himself as he charges through and slashes with his sword. A large echo of steel upon rock as his mystical blade cuts deep through flesh if rock sending it scattering.

The ground gave away under him and Steinar, Rune-Tongue, was not prepared. Just as his last gift kicks into gear, his feet gives out from under him and he lands on his ass. He lets out a growl, spins around on feet and claws to then suddenly burst forward in a blur of speed. He's on the large rock troll in moments, slashing his sharpened claws into a weak spot on the trolls body. Sparks and rocks fly every which way as the Godi only lets out a, <<RAAAAA!>> Getting tossed on his ass pissed him off.

	 There's some earth bending going on from the Icelandic pack working together. A steady rising wall goes upwards to encase the Stone Giant's legs on the north side facing where they all rushed inward at him. It won't stop him. But the giant will have to lift a leg to climb over it like an annoying gate. At the same time two more other walls go upwards toward the more vulnerable layers of the hill where the bawn rises closer to the entrance of the cave - The Volcanic Well.

The Wall backs up a step and reaches behind him, jerking a hatchet from the sheath he keeps it in. He's actually never used it before in actual combat, but this feels right. He takes one more step back with blinding speed and sends the hatchet flying into the rock troll

Blood Thorn will not stop and keeps on the attack! Her claws ripping and tearing into the rock, grinding the troll down, although doing less and less damage, she will not give up! Her rage giving her more and more attacks. She is in the zone. That threw off his groove. Throwing the axe, stepping back in, but Leif doesn't quite center properly as he attacks. He's still ripping chunks out of the thing, but not at quite the pace that he was before.

A furious storm of steel, Theron spins and whirls hacking at the giant as he moves around him, avoiding the large and powerful beast. A battle cry escapes his lips lost in the wind with the sounds of rock and metal.

	 Suddenly. The Rock Troll was pulling its arm back with that big core of half eaten rock potato and then WHOOSH, Hulk Smash!!! Real fast that fucker winds up and then slams it down on the ground to cause a wide moving ripple across the landscape. Earth lifts up, and grass waves in and out of the air as it whoofles. Shrapnel bits from the rock go FLYING in all directions. There's no getting out of the way of that round about bomb that explodes. Whooompf! Flirpts. Whish.. Whish... sharp bits, rounded bits, all the bits of rock leave their mark. This will change the landscape permanently, and maybe a few garou in its path. 

The Rock Troll growls

The Rock Troll is starting to look like swiss cheese on a hill. Full of holes from garou claws, and weapons. He's going down real soon but he's not giving up.

As the bomb explodes, and rocky bits go flying, Blood Thorn goes flying back a few feet, her gifted armor like troll skin chunking off in some bits, but holding otherwise. With a new burst of determination, she goes on the attack, >> FOR FENRIR!!! << She calls as her claws dig in to grind down on the troll more and more. The damage has him rocking to say the least!

Watching and waiting - studying the weak points, the many new weak points - Patience of Eikþyrnir is ready. Then, the rock explodes around him, shrapnel ripping into his arms. With blood flowing freely down his body, he roars into action. Razor sharp claws gleam in the light, as he leaps up and slashes with the Might of Thor. His huge claws tear and rend - ripping what's left of the throat out of the giant Troll. He comes down on top of the toppled beast, slumping over in exhaustion. The gift takes its toll.

Rune-Tongue did not spend much of his power in this fight, but for good reason. While he did do his deed to land that one claw rake across the Rock Troll, mostly he reserved his power incase he needed to heal. To move quickly to a fallen comrade. There is that moment when the troll causes shrapnel to fly all over the place, sharp pieces of rock coming at him like daggers. Some of them lodge in his thick, ugly skin while others lacerate just a little bit of him and others still just bounce off. He stands ready to attack again, but only as back-up. He watches, instead, as his Packmates climb the giant creature, taking it down rock piece by rock piece.

	 The tumbling rock giant comes down in a loud THUD. The ground shakes once more and then it's still as the stone head rolls loose in crumbly bits. 
	 Falke's pack approaches the group, also looking as if they were torn up in lacerations from the flying shrapnel. 
	 Falke plants a heavy fist over his heart and gives gratitude to those who helped. He's wearing some nifty black looking armor that hints of volcanic elements within. "Well done. Though it may be sad we brought down a legendary creature of old upon this isle.. at least we didn't allow that tumbling bastard to eat anyone. No giants walking in town today, and no one burrowing into the volcano to take another nap. Drinks are on me at my tavern." 
	 He welcomes them to come join in at the Drunken Gods in his home village. "We appreciated your help." Most of his pack is getting on in age.

With the immediate threat dealt with, Steinar releases his gifts powers and allows for his body to take on its human, natural, shape. He gives a nod to Falke, "Of course. I do not think that the Troll could have been bargained with, not without serious risk to the Veil. Such a creature does not belong in this day and age, with so much surveillance abound. The quakes might have been measured and noticed. We could have geologists heading this way. Now, though? All they will find is broken rock."

Ben shifts into his human form. Blood Thorn lets out a held breath as the Troll goes down. Seeing Ben serve the final blow, reducing him to rubble, she howls in victory!!!

There's a howl offered up from Patience of Eikþyrnir as he lays among the rubble. He needs a moment! He shifts back down to his homid form, slowly sitting up among the mess. "Shall we bring over Frigg and the others? Or head back?" He asks, looking about at the others.

The Wall is pelted with debris and takes a good sized chunk to the face, opening up a good little gash, which he ignores. When the thing comes down, he manages to JUST scamper out of the way of the mass of bulk and holds. When it's clear that the thing isn't getting back up, he falls back and shifts as well with a little growl.

	 Someone from Falke's pack snorts in the background, "Anyone got a wheelbarrow?" It's a joke, right? It's a god damn mine field now out here of rock. Might need several dump trucks. 
	 Falke snickers.

Steinar watches the rubble a few moments, to then begin to climb over it. Sure, he could have used his wolf shape for this, but its good to get some training in human form as well. So, he goes a climbing, stopping periodically to look around. Kicking a rock over. Lifting one up and tossing it aside. Watching, just .. watching. Slowly, he begins to come closer to the centre of the mass, where he stops, "Hm. I think I best stay behind a while. There is Wyrm taint here.. its not strong. But enough."

Fur seems to fly and disappear, as Evonna becomes herself again.

Evonna shifts back down to her breed form, and surveys it all. "Should we help them deal with the debris?" Leif being their tribe leader, she looks for his call on this.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Steinar rolls Charisma + Rituals vs 5 for 2 successes. 2 2 3 3 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

"No wheelbarrow, but you can literally hitch a few of us big boys up and we can at least haul some stuff out of the way while Steinar cleanses." Leif's face has blood all over it, drying, healing well enough and quickly, but the blood's still there and he scrubs at his eye with the palm of one hand.

Ben takes his time to get to his feet. "I'll be glad to help, once I get my strength back. It takes it out of you." He laughs, chuckling as he surveys the surrounding landscape. "We should cleanse it before moving, I would suggest. Then... we can make rock gardens in memory of this beast."

Leif kicks one of the chunks of stone and reaches for it, then.. "Oh. Fuck. Right." Instead, he just plunks his ass down on that same rock and idly wonders what part of the rock troll's body he's sitting on and then that makes his mind trip over itself a few times and the 12 year old boy brain kicks in and he stands up and plinks his ass down on the ground, spreading out for a minute.

"Rock garden..." Theron chuckles a bit, he is already sitting down on a rock to inspect his sword for any dings or folds of steel that may have happaned and need to be repaired, as expected however the enchanted blade held up wonderfully.

Evonna will step up with Steinar and follow his lead with the Rite of Cleansing. While well versed herself, there is never a time not to learn from others with subtle differences and the change of terrain and such. They will make a nice rock garden. A new family set up like the trolls from Frozen perhaps? That might be ironic.

Steinar looks to Evonna, nodding once as she follows him. He unshoulders his backpack, once more visible in human form, starting to remove the necessary items for the Rite of Cleansing. And, with that done, he leads those Garou who wishes to participate in cleansing the final parts of the Taint. During the Rite, Steinar gives his usual chant. He calls out the old runes of power, speaking of 'ancient taint' to be rid off. Whatever wyrm taint this Troll had, it was not new. It was, apparently, very old. Still there, though. And, with the ritual, gone.

Leif does manage to drag his ass up off the ground to participate in the rite. He ALWAYS does, no matter if sick or injured or just dog-ass tired like he is now.

A Rite is being performed - Ben is up for assisting. Certainly not leading, but assisting yes. He gets to where the Cleansing is happening - offering his aid to the rite.

Evonna makes the ritual look like a very meaningful dance as Steinar calls out and chants his bit. She quietly repeats what he says, lending all strength she has to ending thie old taint of the Wyrm, through until it is finished.

And then the rite is done and there is rock moving and a little rest before a bridge once more opens up and everyone steps back through to Stonecreek.

Evonna steps out of the bridge and into Stonecreek. Still buzzing from the whole thing, she heads to her cabin to drop her gear she takes with her on these things, and then out to find some mead or something before taking a seat out in the middle where they gather. "That was one HELL of a troll." Once he's got his breath back, they are all home. Ben glances around, stepping into the clearing. "Anyone here? Come to celebrate a job well done?" He calls out, grinning. The cuts on his arms have healed, though he's still bloodied. "It almost woke during our handfasting, Evonna." A shake of his head.

Katja pedals a stationary bike outside her cabin, the drivetrain connected to the bellows of her still. Flames roar and belch from the vents. She raises a hand to wave to the conquering heroes. "Hey guys! Where you been?" The deed complete and Theron returns with a smile on his features. "I should have used the hammer..." he mutters to himself as he walks but then looks around to the others. "A glorious victory for Fenrir, cause to celebrate."

Evonna takes a long pull from the drink she has then asks Ben, "I did not realize that. Do you know what was bringing it so close to waking then?" She waves to Katja and then laughs a bit, "Oh Theron. Next time. I'll remind you it will be Hammertime."

Ben mmhms. "I think the Unseen folk were a bit miffed at not being invited. We invited them after the fact, and the thing settled down." A grin. "Might have been that their prank backfired and started him to waking fully." A grin to Theron. "A hammer or an axe. I am undecided for myself.": "Unseen folk? Who are they? I'm going to go check on Misty and mama real quick. Make sure Freya doesn't have them tied up somewhere for their own safety. She's a fucking tyrant." He grins and clinks glasses with everyone before he wanders toward the house.

Brandr comes in from Bluebird Cabin - Living Room Brandr has arrived.

Ben looks to Katja, nodding. "Sorry, didn't mean to not answer. We just came from overseas. Frigg's grandfather, Elder Falke, asked for our aid in stopping a Rock Troll." He grins.

Katja hops off her bike, running to flip open a valve on the still, turning back towards the group. "Oh, cool! That's some trip. What's a rock troll? Was it scary?"