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Latest revision as of 15:15, 6 June 2021



Daniel Haylen

“When friends are at your hearthside met, Sweet courtesy has done its most if you have made each guest forget that he himself is not the host.”

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Seelie Seelie : "I've finally found where I belong."
Unseelie Unseelie : "I spent most of my life with the Winter. I was so...angry...lost. I understand why you hate, but it's so much easier to love. Frowning takes more muscles then smiling, afterall."

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RP Hooks

  • Crime
While Daniel is on the straight and narrow these days, he was heavily involved in street crime from the age of eleven until about 28. He was also a drug addict, and had countless other problems. Now, at thirty two, he's trying to put that previous life behind him.
  • Changeling
Daniel is a Boggan, and a Grump. Being a Boggan means his Fae soul is sprung from dreams of good hard work, hospitality, and a happy, simple life. Basically, he's a Hobbit. In addition to that, the man is a Grump. He's on his last legs as a Changeling, probably not having many years left.
  • Halfway House
Currently Daniel is working on opening a Halfway House in Prospect. He's in the initial phases of putting it together, but it would be a place for recovering addicts, recovering criminals and people just trying to get on their feet. In addition, it would offer room and board to Changelings and Kinain needing a place to stay.

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Daniel Haylen

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Date of Birth: August 8th, 1980
Occupation: Halfway House Owner
Kith: Boggan
Seeming: Grump
Eye Color: Brown
Apparent Age: Early Thirties


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Notable Stats

Appearance PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Charisma PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

Resources PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Retinue PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

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All of these are available as PCs. [ edit ]
Rebecca Halloway
Reginald Moore