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Roller Vamps
Ambrosia discovers a new (to her), interesting vampire while investigating an abandoned roller rink.
IC Date2021.05.18
IC Time01:00 AM PST
PlayersAmbrosia, Jodessa
LocationCherry Skate - Abandoned Roller Rink
Theme Songhttps://youtu.be/ZyhrYis509A

Jodessa sat on the counter next to the broken snack machines, kicking her feet back and forth. She was wearing, bright white roller skates with rainbow laces. The view up her pale legs, lead to a few nicks and scratches that revealed a history of evil cat ownership or teenaged angst, as she smoked a cigar and kept the Cuban near her lap. But when she did move it to her mouth, her fangs were prominent to say the very least. A solid black tank top with a unicorn on it, and neon pink booty shorts made up her colorful attire. While teal hair cascaded from her head like some Japanese ghost. Comfortable in her skin as her iPod with speakers blared some old jams. Jodie sipped on a cup of blood, the liquid almost black as her tongue rolled the fluid back and forth on her tongue.

Ambrosia is 'The Night'! Well, maybe not to Jodessa who can see through her Cloak of Shadows... but she's still being sneaky and trying not to make a sound as she crawls in through an open window near the snack area. The young woman drops to the floor with graceful ease and freezes in place as she hears the sound of that infamous tune and her ice-blue eyes immediately hone in on the seaweed-hair-colored woman.

"What the fuck?! MY spot!"

Ambrosia rises, her Obfuscation fading completely, and announces her presence with a tone that is a bit softer and calmer than what the words might imply. [Camarilla] Data Wrangler Amelie says, "As a reminder, board posts/rumors on Gladys are just Gladys REPEATING what any PC told her that can access her. Does not mean it is true. Just someone gossiping. And Gladys has no filter."

"You gonna fuck me --- I mean ... fight me for it?", Jodie says with a snicker that has a bit of a smile, the German woman looking over Ambrosia slowly. Cleaning her teeth and fangs with her tongue slowly, as if searching for a pop corn kernel.

"Never seen you here before, toots.", slipping off the counter and dancing to the ridiculous song. Jodessa is competent enough to to dance and skate at the same time, her rhythm making it look easy. Sipping from her cold blood again, winking at Ambrosia. "At least you're cute."

"Cute? I'm the fucking hottest goth in all of Prospect. Anybody who's anybody knows 'that'!" Ambrosia is dressed in an outfit that somehow blends urban goth chic with high end fashion. A dark blue and grey flannel complete with teeny tiny skulls visible along the low contrast rows (you gotta be close to see them!) is worn over a dark black camisole top while dark, tight, designer jeans cling to her scrawny legs.

The goth watches Jodessa's skate-dance with an impressed arch of an eyebrow. "Fighting's so barbaric. You're not one of mine and you're not one of Blanchard's. You run with Chula Vista, then?" Jodessa just looked at you.

"Well, I don't know anybody babe. But I'm not gonna argue with you.", smiling softly at Ambrosia's claim of hottest goth and taking a moment to peer... just a little bit closer to check her out. Rubbing the end of her cigar over cracked lips, Jodie shook her head.

"I agree, fighting is barbaric. But occasionally, there are things you must fight for.", exhaling some smoke. "Nein, I'm from Germany. A Black Rose anarch. We helped remove neo-Nazis and the Sabbat from the region. In fact the anarchs there were part of the Camarilla to a degree.", getting closer, offering her hands in plain sight to show no weapons. "I met the Chula Vista anarchs, they are... interesting. But I'm more nomadic. I want to explore and meet people.", bowing her head a little to Ambrosia.

Ambrosia remains motionless as she watches and listens to the rollerskater's response. She doesn't even bother to feign breath when it isn't necessary to draw air for talking. The smartphone in her rear jeans pocket lets out a chirp alerting her of an incoming text message but she lets it be for now.

"I've heard of the Black Roses. From my father..." A momentary break in the whole 'emotionless mask' facade as she rolls her eyes and explains, "...he was 'really' my father, see, but also my fucking sire. Gross, I know, but moving on..." and the blank face is back!

"I'm Ambrosia Lasalle, daughter and childe of Cameron Lasalle, and Primogen for Clan Malkavian. Pleased as fucking punch to meet you..." and there goes her head, tilting curiously in an unspoken question.

Jodessa smiles, "Oh, a primogen. You are the second one I have met.", tilting her head to the side. "I met the individual you replaced, Guivre Beauregard. I love the clan of the Moon and Seers...", pausing, "... well. Most of them.", giving a tiny curtsy to Ambrosia.

"My name is Jodessa Rosenvault, childe of Colt D'Angelo, and Tremere anarch. I research hidden occult matters. Rumors of Lilith, or the Telyavelic Tremere who were believed to have ties to Koldunic sorcery and other things. It is not standard for my peers to do so. So I don't receive the help of the main clan. However, I was trained as a proper courtesan to entertain the Camarilla.", grinning slightly.

"So if you ever need a performer or someone to serenade you, my sweet. I oblige both men and women.", plucking them cigar from her mouth. "Do you indulge?", Jodie asks. Cleaning off the end, in case the Primogen wanted a smoke.

"Technically..." Ambrosia holds her hand up, palm facing outward toward Jodessa. "...Theodore Murphy replaced Beauregard. I replaced 'him'." The goth steps forward and moves within Jodessa's personal bubble where she accepts the offered cigar, which she examines closely.

"I don't. But I enjoy the smell." She explains before offering it back. "Dance and song? Or are you trained like the courtesans of old? Painting, poetry, and fine dining?"

The sole of the Malkavian's combat boot drags against the floor as she slowly backsteps away from the Tremere again. "I'm also a bit of a scholar, myself. The normal legends, despite the Camarilla's desire to claim them as lies. Other things, too. Hidden occult matters, as you put them."

"Ahh...", Jodie says with an uptick of her chin about Theodore. "Either way, congratulations. In some cities, it can be very difficult to earn status.", offering the cigar so Ambrosia could smell it.

"Ja, like the courtesan's of old. I was never was great at painting and mainly left that to the Toreador, however... everything else you mentioned I could handle.", gazing down to the primogen's combat boots.

"What size are you, my dear? Would you like me to procure you some skates? I won't let you fall, I promise. Or... are you here for another reason.", Jodie asks while skating to a different counter and leaning over it. As she looked for any skates.

"I was checking the place out. Thinking of buying it. Re-opening it." Ambrosia keeps her gaze focused on Jodessa. Her expression remains blank, though she's not quite hiding the fact that she doesn't quite trust the other woman yet. "I can skate. I won't fall..."

"...cross my heart and, like, hope to die."

Jodessa doesn't seem to care about trust, that's more a Cammie issue as she has to climb over the counter. "Umf...", clashing over the side and laying there for a moment.

After awhile, Jodie stands back up with two boxes of women's skates in case she got the wrong size. "Hmm, well... I'm certain you can do that. I too, was looking at claiming this rink. But I'm not sure I want a bidding war, Ambrosia. Hopefully we can discuss amicable business.", opening the two boxes for the hot goth, with a wink.

"I guess you were here first." Ambrosia offers in a quiet little voice before she makes her way over to the counter. She stops just on the other side of the counter from the rollerskating Tremere and lowers her gaze down toward the boxes. "Fuck it... those are 'me'." She says as she taps her finger against one of the boxes.

Speaking of trust... the pale waif turns her back on Jodessa and then hops up so she is sitting on the counter, back facing the Tremere. She begins to unlace her boots, "The Big Guy isn't aware of you, is he? Perhaps you can come to Court sometime..." a glance over the shoulder as she adds, "...not to pledge or anything, of course..." eyes forward again, back to her boot-in-progress, "...but to entertain? Introduce? We're not all haughty tea-sippers in our Ivory Tower, Duckling."

Jodie chuckles and listens to Ambrosia's voice as it goes little. The Tremere opens the indicated box for Ambrosia and puts the other one away. "Oh, I'm sure we can work out something beneficial for us, at this location, Primogen. I kind of like it disheveled. Only the /super/ interesting ones come here at night.", shrugging as Jodie skated away and then used the lift up counter to exit the front.

The German woman came back with a grin on her face, "Please, let me?", offering to lace up and tie Ambrosia's skates. Taking extra time and concentration to give a perfect synch at each row; looking up to Ambrosia and making eye contact as if performing a intimate act... like it was a corset instead of feet wear.

"I'm not sure if the Big Guy is aware of me. I haven't introduced myself and was really in no rush too. There was a lot of drama with Flavien and Guivre.... and then Paige. It's so difficult to get good first impressions these days.", slowly switching skates. "I honestly think it would be fun to entertain for the court. I do. I also think that the Praxis isn't the enemy. I follow the traditions and live my best life as an anarch.", pausing halfway up...

"The problem isn't Prince Vegard, but rather the etiquette and histories of clan Tremere. By nature, I should contact the Tremere Primogen first, before introductions with the Prince. However, we've had countless Tremere Primogen in the past few years. Often changing every few months. Then the fact that I'm an Anarch and not exactly in the fold. So they might get worrisome of my blood magic and take away my liberties.", finishing lacing the second skate and looking up to Ambrosia. "So it's a process. It might be easier if I had a master or mistress to help sponsor me. But till then, I do my best on my own. Would you like a hand down?", offering to assist Ambrosia with her tiny jump.

Ambrosia silently lifts a combat boot up for Jodessa to 'take', using the motion as her response to the Tremere's 'let me?'. She watches and listens patiently, lifting the other foot when it is time for the other skate. The eye contact is met directly though the goth's expression remains vacant to the point of seeming aloof.

"Please." is her reply to the offer of a hand down and she holds out both of hers. They are cool when they are touched. If she wore the Blush of Life on her journey here, it's long since faded.

The Malkavian hops down from the counter with the Tremere's help and proves her earlier claim by skating away from the other woman with grace and speed. "The Tremere Primogen seat has changed, you are right. I am close to the current custodian of that seat, Hannah Coventry. I 'could' arrange a safe meeting if you'd like to feel the temperature in the water. I don't feel compelled to run back and report to her if you don't, of course."

Jodessa does carry a blush of life and with a nice warmth in her hands, she helps Ambrosia down with vampiric ease. Watching the Primogen skate off, Jodie does her best to not lick her fangs and stare at the hot goth from behind.

"This would much appreciated, if you did setup a meeting. However, there is a ritual I can learn to contact her and that's the official protocol. Truth be told, I am rather enjoying my time with you. I'm sure you can convince me to move forward when the time is right. But why distract from you. This is your moment, not hers.", skating a bit faster to catch up with the primogen.

"Of course. I'll leave it to you, then. She is truts worthy... at least as much as any of our kind can be." Ambrosia does a one-eighty degree hop but continues in the original direction, rolling backwards now. The move lets her keep her gaze on Jodessa.

"I was embraced in the 80's. Skating Rinks like this were my fucking JAM!" It's like something's stirred in the vacant goth. Muscle memories, perhaps. As she turns back around, she lets out a cough before she begins to speak in another voice, as if she were impersonating someone else entirely. It's a man's voice, Latino by the accent that for all accounts is pretty-fucking-good, with an urban cadence in the rhythm that offers a sense of the streets, "Fuck you, monster. Talking 'bout skating rinks while you did this to me?! Tell that girl to run, yo, before you get her too!"

The goth falls silent quickly and skates faster, keeping her back turned to Jodessa for the time being.

Jodessa smirks with her fangs out, never once were they hiding even as she beamed a smile. "Nice moves, Ambrosia.", looking away only briefly to dodge some glass and debris. "You are certainly a natural...", speeding up to reach out and touch the primogen, but recoiling a bit as the second voice spoke.

"I don't know friend, perhaps I dream of being gotten by a woman like her. Have you seen her? .... Danger can also be attractive.", reaching out as she passed her counter to grab her white cup of blood. Jodie didn't know if she should talk to the secondary voice that Ambrosia had, but why not?

"I don't think I've encountered many women, like... the Primogen.", sipping some more blood wine. Jodessa was drinking Trima, a concoction that vampires could imbibe, yet that wasn't it's primary purpose. Sliding behind Ambrosia, Jodie puts her hands on the malkavian's hips -- just to be joined and skate together briefly, over flickering lights and broken glass.

Ambrosia tenses at the touch though doesn't retreat from it. She skates onward into a wide orbit of the outer perimeter of the rink, detouring only to stay on the unbroken tile. "Don't engage with him!" She hisses. "He'll fade away in a couple of days..." and then as if she were speaking to the voice itself, "...he just doesn't fucking know it yet!"

When Jodie comes up behind her and takes her by the waist she hesitates before resting one hand over the Tremere's knuckles, cupping it against that hip and holding it there. "I'm not crazy, you know. My malady is more... mystical. Diablerie, we call it... though I can do it to mortals. And I can even steal a part of them if I don't drain them completely."

Ambrosia smells like fancy body wash and lilac-scented perfume. There's no scent of blood or sweat that would otherwise be found on a mortal woman. Heightened senses would also detect the care she puts into her cloths. Non chemical based detergents all the way, dude.

Jodie leans forward and whispers softly in a sweet voice, "My apologizes, Mistress. I shall not speak with it further. Forgive me, I was merely trying to be polite and greet it.", still holding tight with one hand, as her other sipped lackadaisically from her blood cup.

"Diablerie is a interesting experience, one I have not yet indulged in. Perhaps one day. The Assamites are fond of it, along with the Sabbat and of course House Tremere.", shrugging and giving Ambrosia a small heads up.

Tossing her empty cup over her shoulder, Jodie speaks again. "I'm gonna hoist you in the air, my sweet. Trust exercise?", reaching down to give Ambrosia a skating lift.

"Feels like phys-ed all over again..." Ambrosia replies dryly before she gives a little nod. "And 'Mistress'? Courtesan in you never stops, does it? Keep going."

The goth will follow Jodessa's lead, though her body retains a slight hint of tension. She never quite goes off the defensive so close to the other creature of the night.

Jodie blushes slightly at Ambrosia, upon hearing her retort. "Yes, Mistress.", she replies and counts out loud. "1...2...3!!!", the Tremere calls out and lifts Ambrosia with the timed movement, bringing the Primogen into the air. Fully supporting her weight with the skating lift as they circled the ring.

It was professionally done as if carried over from ice skating and working in pairs. Jodessa held the bum of the goth high above her head, assisting with keeping the other leg straight for a while.

"If you promise to keep a secret, my lady. I'll reward you with something else.", Jodie offers, not tired at all with her vampiric strength and supernatural reflexes.

Ambrosia seems to expect something and that expectation was met, at least in regard to whether Jodessa could actually lift her or not. Though short and scrawny, the goth must still push at least a hundred and thirty pounds which would be a challenge for another woman of roughly her shape and size.

Once in the air, the goth plays in to the role. She stretches her arms out toward either side, fingers spread open and back arched out as if she were spreading her wings to fly.

"Oh? I love secrets and love rewards even more. You're not meaning to do something dreadful to me, are you, Dove?"

Jodie then lets go of Ambrosia, very softly and gently to give the illusion she was still there. Much like when a parent let's go of the bicycle to free their child when riding. Her palm slowly fading as the Tremere used movement of the mind to fly Ambrosia around the rink. "Of course not... mistress. Not unless you give wonderful spankings as punishments.", she teases before slowly falling back.

Turning around, Jodessa skated back to the midway point to meet back up with the Primogen. Certainly a surprise when the Malkavian discovered she wasn't being lifted anymore physically.

Jodie prepares to catch Ambrosia, but it's just a touch and go. "Keep going, my sweet. It's not everyday you get to fly.", hopping up to the counter and sitting down on it. She would absolutely let Ambrosia down when desired, but in the meantime -- Jodie would entertain her guest. Smiling at her.

Ambrosia closed her eyes at some point though she does notice something's different after a moment. Ice-blue eyes open again and the slender goth glances around her before she notices that she is not being held up by the physical woman who is now over 'there'.

Panic at first... then a wicked smile before the goth closes her eyes again and stretches her arms out once more. Her lips move slowly, whispering to herself so softly that only Jodessa's heightened senses could pick out the words. "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, don't ruin this for me..."

Jodie gives the Primogen quite a few laps, but doesn't leave her hanging. In good time, she hops down to the floor and re-joins Ambrosia on the rink.

Skating to the middle and putting her hands up so she could catch the flying Malkavian. Carefully catching her and bringing the woman back down to the ground and releasing control of her telekinetically.

"There you go. Back safely on the ground.", winking at her with a smile. "If you can keep that as a secret between us. It would be much appreciated. Also, it might be best to not let Mrs. Coventry know that I call you ... mistress."

Ambrosia's eyes open as she hears Jodessa's skates on the rink again and she follows the Tremere's lead as she is lowered back down and released from that telekinetic hold. "As the great Gogos once sang... Our Lips Are Sealed."

The goth glances over her shoulder at Jodessa and studies her face for a long moment, her own express settling back into blank obscurity save for the faintest hint of curiosity. "I give you my word, for what it matters."

Ambrosia turns, then, and skates back towards the entrance of the skating rink where she rolls up to the gate and pauses. "I own Akkadia now. Another hand over from the good Mister Beauregard. Come by sometime? Though you'll risk meeting the others, to be fully transparent."

Jodessa does have a hint of being feral, as she nibbles her bottom lip with her fangs. "I appreciate that Ambrosia.", following along as she listens and bobs her head in understanding.

"I appreciate your word. It's better than nothing.", brushing some teal hair out of her face.

"Oh, I've heard of it and like Hookah bars. I'd honestly love to come by.", tapping her own chin. "I'm not afraid of meeting the Praxis, my intention is co-existing with the ability to do business or go college in the domain. The problem is reputation and permission, getting a good introduction. It's... difficult.", leaning forward and giving Ambrosia a clear sight of her cleavage down that black tank top. "Maybe if you could hire me as a waitress at the Hookah bar, or we exchange a boon via a harpy?", shrugging and trying to present herself. "I like being an Anarch not because I hate the Camarilla, but because I believe in Freewill and being self governing."

Ambrosia's gaze remains fixed on Jodessa's face when the Tremere bends over, though she does lift a hand and beckon with a finger while she listens to the other woman's words.

Only when she is sure that Jodessa is finished speaking does the goth take her turn again. "I think I understand. If I were raised different, I think I would believe as you do. I trust in our Traditions and in the strength in organization far too much to go at it alone. So I don't. But, yes, I understand."

Ambrosia falls silent after that and watches and waits for Jodessa's approach, if it happens.

Jodie takes one or two steps closer to be where Ambrosia wants her, "Here?", as if to clarify that is the spot where the Primogen wanted her.

Jodie slowly raises back up to stand straight, the woman was a courtesan and did err occasionally on being overly flirty -- even though the glance was to give the owner an idea about uniform sizes amongst other things. "It would be fun to research the occult with you or go shopping for goth attire in the city.", the country girl said. "Would you like my phone number, mistress?"

Ambrosia pushes from the wall and lets the natural inertia roll her forward and close the distance between the two, only turning her ankles outward to stop her immediately before she's bumps into the other woman. She reaches out toward Jodie's face with her hand, her movement slow and well-projected so it would be easy to dodge. Unless avoided, the Malkavian will cup her hand against Jodessa's cheek and then trail her fingertips down her jawline before grasping her chin.

"I like you, Miss Rosenvault." There's a well-done mimicry of the German pronunciation of the last name. "Be careful with those fangs when you come to see me... and be careful around my associates. I would exchange a boon but they won't honor it's value if you're not part of the club."

The hand leaves Jodessa's chin and drops toward the woman's chest where she touches at the fabric of that blank tank top. "I want to see you again, but I want to make sure it doesn't lead to trouble." Withdrawing her hand completely, Ambrosia reaches behind her waist and pats the smartphone at her rear jeans pocket. "I'll give you mine if you give me yours."

Jodie blushes a bit at the tiny trickle of fingertips down her jawline and chin, she didn't dodge it and in fact welcomed it. "Ah, ja!", Jodie gasps and closes her mouth before speaking again to conceal them. "They are broken, my fangs. They don't retract or go up. I've tried everything, even having a Brujah use a hammer to pound them up.", sighing with that. "Luckily, I have taken time to study obfuscate to hide them. But it is a problem and part of my vampiric condition. I tell others they are prosthetics.", pouting with just a hint of fang.

"I like you as well, Mrs. Lasalle.", skating over to the counter to grab her phone and exchange numbers. "I do not wish to cause troubles for you either, mistress. However, if you can help me get my foot in the door. Build a positive relationship. Help with Mrs. Coventry and Prince Vegard....", breathing deep and slow. "I'm sure I'd return the favor and be very appreciative. But to clarify, I'm a looking for a middle ground. Where I'm happy and the Praxis is happy.", entering Ambrosia's number under Mistress and showing it to her.

"The kindred of Chula-Vista are not our enemies. Far from it." Ambrosia watches Jodessa enter that number after she had murmured it before speaking. The goth then rolls out of the rink and over to the counter where she less-than-gracefully falls back onto her ass so she can begin unlacing the skates.

"You'll get shit from them, because that is how it has to go. But they won't force you into any agreement you aren't willing to enter in of your own free will. At least not Vegard. Hannah, I trust, though I won't pretend to know your clan's customs and rituals."

First skate off, now fingers work on the laces of the second. "But I will help as much as you would like. You intrigue me and that moment on the rink was..." Ambrosia trails off, the hint of a smile passing across her face...

...that lasts all but a second before she's impersonating that male Latino again, "Yeah, baby, that fucking magic voodoo shit? Blood sorcery, chic! You're both a bunch of monsters. Now let ME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING HEAD!"

"The only thing I'd like to clarify is that... while Chula-Vista is a large organization of Anarchs...", Jodie says while pointing to herself, "... I'm not really apart of them, and there are other Anarchs who are not apart of that group. Chula... sometimes wishes it had the authority to speak of rule for us all. But it doesn't. They rule their city in their own fashion. In short... I can not be held responsible for their actions and behavior. Just as attempting to hold them responsible for my actions and behavior, is pointless."

"It's alright, introductions and baby steps. Hopefully we can meet a few times outside the city, I know a badass place deep in the ocean.... HP Lovecraft shit.", winking to Ambrosia.

"But yeah. Working in Prospect, playing gigs, going to school at the University or visiting some of the churches and museums. It would be nice to get a work and travel visa.", looking back to the counter, for that dead cigar. "So, what kind of uniforms you make your employees wear?", teasing as she lit back up.

Ambrosia listens to it all with that same sense of vacant emotion. The Blush of Life has completely left her at this point and, for a while, she's just a dead thing sitting on the floor with a rollerskate in her hands... listening.

Finally, near the end, the goth merely smiles, "I don't know yet. The deed transfered recently and I haven't quite made my changes yet. I don't know if I will." She stands and moves to the counter to return the skates before she collects her boots, which she holds instead of donning.

"Your message is loud and clear about the group versus the individual out here. Not everyone will see that clearly, but I do." The goth carries her boots with her as she moves toward the window where she originally entered, "It was nice meeting you, Jodessa. Call me. We'll work something out."

Jodie just laughs; certainly it was scary at times to deal with Ambrosia, whom seemed rather more dead than alive during the course of their evening. However, Jodie had experienced death herself and had her own quirks and derangements. While waving goodbye, fingertips ruptured into protean claws as they sliced a light fixture. "Oh shit!", Jodie yelps apologetically as she recalls her claws back into her fingertips.

Her red eyes also glowing as the girl rapidly blinked and returned her dilated eyes to normal. "I was picturing you naked and my claws popped.... I'm sorry.", fanning her face as she blushed red and stepped away. "I meant no harm. I got my own derangements. Take care...! Ambrosia..., mistress?", unsure what to call her and embarrassing herself.

Ambrosia merely cackles as she hears the confession, then she is climbing out the window and leaving the skate park.