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Latest revision as of 02:02, 18 May 2021

Iceland - Mediation
A philodox mediates the ending of a long family feud
IC Date 2021.05.17.
IC Time Day
Players Frigg, Theron, Ben, Steinar, Leif, Ande, Katja]]
Location Stonecreek.
Prp/Tp Iceland Visit.
Spheres Gaian.
Theme Song The 13th Warrior

The lodge has been already set up to have one table isolated from the others for Ben's mediation. Furs are draped over the bench for comfortable seating, and on the table surface is a pitcher of clear water, some cups, and an Iceland map.

Ben was here, dressed in a button-down shirt and fresh new jeans. He'd arranged a table for the parties involved, with him seated between them. The big man was pacing a bit, waiting on the parties to arrive. While he was confident, nervousness is an insidious beast.

Ande steps in from outside. Ande has arrived.

	 It's not long that an old man with tufted white hair around his balding head arrives. He's dressed in the Old Noric way, and leaning on a carved stave with Icelandic runes. It thumps as he walks, but he's livid and spry for one his age. The Rotagar smiles with sharp blue eyes as he walks in ahead of the rest of the group outside. He greets Ben first. "Patience of Eikpyrnir. Today is the day. Now is your true test of meddle." His seat is found at the appropriate spot and he continues to stand until his son in law arrives. "I brought firecrackers." A quirky jibe toward the Philodox and then he attempts to behave. 

And next walks in Frigg to open the door for Spirit Blade - Wiglaf her step-father. He's a brute of a man looking rough around the edges with weathered skin and blunted blonde hair. It's shaved to one side and he does have a short beard that is pointed and longer stache. He also shows up in clothing his family has made him, in the old ways. A leather belt is on his hip, but he does not bring weapons inside the lodge. His eyes squint when he lands them upon Falke, but he does nod to Ben. "I hear you have something for my Alruna." Straight to business. 

Behind Spirit Blade, walks in Alruna - his mate, and Frigg's Mother. She is the daughter, of Falke - Against The Wind. She sits down at a table furthest away by the door, and her three daughters follow her to join in. With her is Gudrun who appears to be pregant, Svala the second oldest, and Frigg. And with the family in walks two younger boys, both garou. One a cub - Gunnar, and the other a Cliath - Magnus. Svala and Gudrun's mate wait outside the lodge door as polite escorts for all the women who arrived.
	 Steinar walks in right after Spirit Blade does. The two know one another from their home Sept, Hearth and Home. Frigg looks toward Rune Tongue, and offers him to sit near the mediation table. He gets his own place setting, and when Frigg closes the main doors she serves up whatever food was put together outside to bring within to the mediation table as appetizers. The bigger meal is for later. 

For now, she serves Steinar second, and then the family table in the back. If other Stonecreek visitors want to witness the meeting, there are open tables in the back where other food plates can be brought in.

	 When Frigg does take up her seat in the back, she offers a softer smile to Ben to provide him with steady encouragement.

Steinar was in wolf earlier, but for now he is human. He needed to be human, to greet Spirit Fire and Alruna. To greet them to Stonecreek and bring them to the Lodge. He comes to stop, "Our guests have now arrived. The Rules of the Longhouse are in effect." he notes, then moves to take a seat.

Ande takes a seat at one of the open tables. She is dry now, and her hair is pulled back, lying down her back like a thick reddish rope. She watches the gathering with a slight smile, and some wistfulness, her interest shifting from the Rotager, to Spirit Blade, Frigg's mother, and resting on Steinar, with quiet interest.

Standing up straighter as the others start to arrive, Ben moves over to the table. A smirk is given to the Rotagar, the man nodding. "It is my duty to Gaia and the Fenrir. No firecrackers, please." A laugh. "I would rather not start an incident, Against the Wind-Rhya." A not to the Elder, motioning to the seat he will be occupying.

As the procession from Hearth and Home arrive, Ben nods to the attendees. A smile to those newcomers, welcoming and warm. "Spirit Blade-Rhya, we are honored with your presence." A nod to the other Fenrir, offering the seat opposite of Falke. "I do have something for Alruna, as well as a need to mend the rift that has formed between family and Sept. Please, if you would?"

Assuming both the Elders sit, Ben brings out a pendant - the object he was tasked to retrieve. "I intend to bring an end to this conflict, and bring family together." He states plainly, as he takes a seat.

Katja, once done(ish) with her chores, changes into an outfit that bears more than a passing resemblance to a Bavarian dirndl, comprising a green dress with hop vine piping and a white apron. She makes trips between her home and the lodge, setting out earthenware crocks of pickled vegetables, loaves of bread, and a jug of grain alcohol (the waste methanol from the still safely secured in a separate jug labelled with a Mister Yuck sticker). Once done, she settles in the back to watch and listen curiously.

	 Gudrun wraps an arm around her sister Frigg. She's very glad to see her again, but her gaze is uplifted to what's going on between Elders now. The entire family sits quiet, even Svala surprisingly. Although, she might exchange looks with Theron, and then smiles over to Ande and Steinar.

Steinar did not seem to bother with changing his outfit. He dresses the way he always dresses; there is no finery for the man. He just never changes that clothing of his. Chances are he even bathes with it on! Silly off-grid raised Get! He leans back in his seat slowly; his right hand coming up to let his fingers touch the Fang Dagger hanging there. He just listens for now.

Frigg mentions a soft 'thank you' over to Katja when she settles in. Her sister Svala, who looks just like all the other pale blonde sisters beside her, waves over. Svala is far more outgoing than the other two.

Up front, Spirit Blade speaks first, "I would like my mate to come forward and inspect the pendant to make sure it is indeed the one belonging to Falke's son." Even saying the other man's name is hard for him. "The Rotagar likes to play tricks." 

Falke scoffs, "It is the real one." He swallows a comment of idiot, but rolls his eyes instead. "Who do you think made it for him?"

Alruna rises in the back. She does have the same features as her daughters, but her hair has silvered over time. A very proud and strong woman, walks forward toward Spirit Blade, and she offers her father across the table a smile. "Hello Dad. It's been awhile." She's glad to see him despite the feud keeping them apart. She will look upon the pendant, and extend a hand out to retrieve it from Ben. A softness touches her face but it is quickly gone as time has faded many things. "It is the one." She nods to Spirit Blade. 
Falke comments, "It sure has been awhile." He grumps, and stares back at Spirit Blade, blaming him.
	 Svala takes a small pad of paper out of her purse in the back and writes on it with a pen. She passes it over to her sisters, and Frigg frowns back at her. She motions for her to put it away. Gudrun also glares at her sister. 
	 Svala doesn't listen and the other two sisters just shake their heads, pretending to disassociate with Svala's antics. Instead, Svala draws something and tries to get Theron's attention to pass a note over to him. Or she'll flash the drawing across the room to the berserker.

Katja gives a warm, friendly smile to Frigg and her sisters, then looks back to the proceedings, brow knotting as she almost immediately becomes lost. The lines in her forehead last mere moments, however, because this is /not/ an unfamiliar feeling to her.

A brow arches, the Forseti eyeing Spirit Blade. "It is my honor, that it is the correct one. I was the one who spoke with Hammer's Fist." A smile is offered to Alruna from Ben, the pendant handed over. "This is to be given to you, as per his wishes. He has been called to Valhalla, and is with the other Fenrir there." The man assures. "The other items were passed on to him, which he took. He also took the hat that Frigg knitted for me." A wry grin. "The rune stone was returned to Steinar, the dagger to myself." The latter is pulled from his belt, offered back to Alruna. "He advised they were ours - but I wish to return this to you."

To the two Elders at the table, he looks to each. "This bad blood has gone on for too long. I am not hear to point fingers. We are here to understand the nature of the division between you two, and fix it. We are all Fenrir. This petty sniping is beneath us. I would understand the issue, so we can address it and make the family whole again."

This actually prompts a growl from Steinar, ontop of Bens words, as he lifts his raised fist and slams it into the table, "Do you think so little of someone from your own home?" he bursts out, anger flairing a bit, as he looks to Spirit Fire, "It was I and my Packmate that retrieved this necklace. We whom spoke to the Spirit of the dead, verifying the necklace. You are here not only for the feud, but you are now also considering our Honor." He sits up straight, but he does not stand. His rage is alive, though, at least, "I suffer no slights to my Honor." Clearly, the Godi is less forgiving than Ben about certain things!

Ande watches everything curiously --- as a young Godi, she follows the talk of the necklace, and its retrieval. Her eyebrows rise as Steinar slams his fist speaks of the slights to his honour.

	 Alruna doesn't even flinch when Rune Tongue makes his feelings aware on the matter. She looks to her mate with a warning nod, but then reaches over to take the dagger offered to her. Her resolve is hardened receiving items from her first mate that died in battle. "I can't be sad if Wiglaf wanted to keep those other items. They were rightfully his to give away. I can see he wished to honor you both in making the journey." She rests a hand on Spirit Blade's shoulder to keep him calm as he's beginning to simmer when Steinar gets loud. "Patience of Eikpyrnir'rhya, I thank you for finding the pendant that belonged to our family. I accept this as -PROOF-" she makes her voice heard, "That you have completed your challenge set before you." She waits for Spirit Blade to speak next. 

Spirit Blade turns in his seat so he can fully face Steinar and Ben. He growls low, but keeps in check with Alruna's hand upon him. "There were hundreds of dead at Grimsgore Well. Half of the landscape is under rock. Our people burned to ash or solidified in magma when all was said and done. I only asked her to verify that it didn't belong to someone else that fought in the same battle. I do not question your honor. I also haven't heard the tale of your way through the Grimsgore Well." 

Falke doesn't seem to care about the heightened emotions. He points at Alruna, "It is Wiglaf's." He also reassures. "It is the one his mother made for him. The one she gave you the night you two were to be mated. And now that Alruna and I have assured its authentic, and that Ben and Steinar have spoken with my dead son? There is to be no question, that Ben has completed your challenge, Spirit Blade. It is done."

In this, Spirit Blade doesn't argue. He looks at Ben and nods consent, "It is done. Our daughter has permission from Alruna and myself, to stay here. She is yours now." 

Alruna makes sure everything is agreed upon before she approaches Ben at the table. "It's now tradition." She offers to put it within his hand, "Hammer's Fist knew what this meant the moment you asked for it. He knew. The pendant is yours to keep until you pass it on."

Leif steps in, creating a shadow in the doorway. He pauses there briefly, then steps in further, hanging back for now and crossing his arms over his chest, watching and waiting to be acknowledged

	 Svala makes an excited eep for her family in the background. She hugs Frigg, and Frigg only gives her a half smiling grumpy face. It's good Ben won the challenge before him with Steinar's aide. But the real fight hasn't finished yet.

Katja jumps slightly in her seat at the fist-pound. She visibly considers retreating to a more distant seat, but evidently thinks better of it.

Ben gives no reaction to Steinar's comments - though he certainly understands the basis for them! His eyes go to Alruna, listening as she speaks - focused on her. At the commentary from Spirit Blade, the Forseti nods. "I am no Skald - but I will retell the trip as best I can." Another nod. "As you know, we left from Stonecreek using a Moonbridge that you opened, Spirit Blade-Rhya. We arrived near the town, Isajorour, in Iceland. Steinar and I, granted leave by our Alpha..." There's a nod to Leif, acknowledging him and pointing him out to the others. "... we set into the town, looking for The Spitting God. In there, we were told, we'd likely be able to get information to find Elder Against the Wind."

"We were fortunate in that we met him there, that very evening. We broke bread, and discussed the task at hand. Tribute was offered over, in the offering of mittens knitted by his Grand-Daughter. We were put on the path, and escorted to the edge of the Well."

Ben looks around the room, doing his best Skald impersonation. "There is an area with a thinner Veil, there. Where spirits can be more easily reached." Not too uncommon. "The dangers of one slipping into the Umbra have been repaired, as Elder Against the Wind-Rhya advised. In the fields, the remnants of a village - one that was overrun by lava. I will spare the sadness and horror of the remains - that is for another time."

Steinar .. is not a Skald either. Very far from a Skald, in fact, so to the point where it is a bit of a miracle that he can even talk to Spirits at all! He does begin to grunt and nod though, as Ben starts to retell of their journey. But the Stoic and somewhat grumpy Godi simply crosses his arms over his chest. He will utter no words; leaving it in the hands of his packmate, to recount the travels.

Ben continues. "We moved past the ruined village, moving towards the sound that was calling us. The Well has a way of beckoning you - a secret that is not mine to share. We climbed and found a cave, within we knew we would find The Well." He rolls his neck, stretching a bit. "Our first obstacle, was a door - covered in runes and sealed with magic. A riddle was posed to us, carved into the doors. I shall not offer it over, as it is the security of the place. We were blessed that Steinar was able to meditate on the question and advise me of the correct rune to press. We were able to go on."

"Beyond the door, was blackness. When we entered, we heard silibant voices, twined together. The sound of water, rushing towards us. We had found Lagarfljotsormur, the totem of the Caern. She bade us tell her what made us worthy to proceed. We stood on our deeds, in name and in action - we answered honestly. We then offered Chiminage, by way of food that Against the Wind-Rhya had offered us. Satisfied, we were told to hold on to the serpent, and she dove. Deeper underwater than any wolf had a right to be, Steinar and I clung to the totem and endured the pressure and lack of air." A deep breath. "We were deposited in a room - the place emptying of water once we were there."

Ben says, "Inside, we were among those who had died defending the Caern. The bodies were encased in stone, the molten lava still visible through cracks. A lone Ancestor was there, chiseling and carving the stones around into a fitting resting place for those heroes. We spoke to him, asking for him to direct us to the remains of Hammer's Fist. The spirit obliged, and we offered over the items provided by Alruna - a rune stone holding the rune of Frost, a very small leather pouch painted in Icelandic pictures of volcanic hills and nordic swirls, and a small dagger with rope wrapped around the handle.""

	 Alruna doesn't quite take up her seat again yet. She's listening with rapt attention to Ben's telling of his visit to her previous home. It's hard for her to listen to the story unfolding, but she stands strong as any Get kin would. She faces the past bravely, and her eyes move back to look upon her father and how he's aged over time. 
Spirit Blade hears the part about the bodies still burning beneath the sea and the two Elder garou immediately look at eachother. That's the raw point. Right. There. 

Alruna looks back to Ben when he mentions Hammer's Fist. But it's Falke who speaks up to Spirit Blade, "Not many can enter those burial changes. They have to keep them cold as Hel. It's the only way to keep the balance within the Caern. Lagarfljotsormur performs her duty well to protect their chamber and the rest of the Sept. And she let Rune Tongue and Eikpyrnir inside. How many others do ya think she'd let in?"

	 Spirit Blade answers, "None. I would have gone myself to see if we could have solved this problem but you were too proud to let me back in." 
	 Falke starts up, "You wouldn't let Alruna back in or my granddaughters. You kept my family from me." He points at Wiglaf. 
	 Spirit Blade growls low, "Do you think I wanted my new family to go back where the bodies are still burning? No. I didn't feel it was safe for them to return." He simmers, "The village was destroyed. It was no place for Alruna to return to. It wasn't a place for three small pups." 
	 Falke points back, with a stubby finger. "I didn't let you back because you wouldn't let my family back. It was safe. We rebuilt their side of the village. Alruna's house is whole." 
	 Spirit Blade grumbles, "It's full of the dead." 
	 Falke looks back, "We talk to the dead!" He gestures to Steinar. 
	 It's going on with the two bickering. Back and forth, jabbing.
	 In between the bickering, Gunnar the youngest in the family gets up from the back and wanders over to the mediation table. He's not supposed to, but Alruna is watching her mate and father grump! And his sisters in the back and brother, are too busy trying to keep Svala from drawing obscene pictures and embarassing the family. Magnus steals her pen. Gudrun nixes the paper and Frigg gives a glaring look at Svala to -stop-. Frigg is trying to watch what is going on, but by the time she looks back front again, it's too late. 

Gunnar slips up against Falke and sits down next to the old garou. He nudges in and says in the old language, "Can you be my Grandfather?"

Perhaps it is a very good thing that Steinar is not a Forseti, or here to mediate in this issue. Because from the looks of things, with the rather low tolerance written over his face, it might be clear that he might very well have ended up shoving his Fang Dagger into someones hand to silence them. He stares at Falke, then stares at Spirit Fire.. to then let his eyes go to Ben. He does clench his fist, though, forcefully.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Steinar rolls Intelligence + Enigmas vs 6 for 4 successes. 2 +6 +7 +8 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Though there is irritation on the face of Ben, his voice is nothing but calm. "Please. Stop." A hand is held up to each of the Elders at the table. First, he looks to Falke, nodding to the Elder. "Information has not been shared, had not been shared. Spirit Blade-Rhya could not know that the lands were made safe again. He has a duty to protect his family, as we all do. That is a point of failure." There is no accusation, just simple fact.

Ben then looks to Spirit Blade. "Against the Wind-Rhya was protecting the Caern, a tenet of our Litany. He is beholden to the safety of that Caern and the Totem. While the initial village was destroyed, there is a town that would have been safe for Alruna and the children. Instead, the feud went on. That is a point of failure." Ben brings his hands together, folded in front of him at the table. "We have two valid concerns. And two stubborn Fenrir, who did not share all the information. I do not feel this is out of malice, but assumptions. We assume, we believe, that our intentions and actions are known by the weight of our names. But without clear communication, misunderstandings occur."

Looking to the both now. "I believe, honestly, that were Spirit Blade-rhya aware that the lands were safe for others, he would have no problem with the family visiting. I believe, that being able to see and speak with his family, Against the Wind-Rhya would have no problem with Spirit Blade-Rhya - as he understands the necessity for protecting one's family."

"Am I incorrect?"

In the background - The berserker accepts the drawing from Svala and almost bursts into laughter before depositing it into his pocket. He gives her a 'maybe' gesture with his hand, amused at her antics as always.

	 Falke (Against-The-Wind) wraps an arm around Gunnar and leans down to speak more softly, "I am your Grandfather, boy. And I always will be." He reassures him. The mediation table grows quiet when Ben speaks and makes both sides known regarding the feud for the past 20 years. 
Spirit Blade also watches his son walking up to his father-in-law, and he rubs a hand down over his chin and beard. He's thinking and Alruna isn't far away from him. His mate sits beside him, and she gives a look at Gunnar as if he broke the rules, but now it's done. Spirit Blade looks right at Falke, "I suppose I could have checked in more often to see how things were going after you turned me away." 

The first nudge in the right direction, is successful for Ben to turn the room. Falke goes next, "And I could have also stubbornly kept sending messages to show you the village was rebuilt. But I didn't think you'd read them."

Spirit Blade mentions, "I never kept your mail from Alruna." He does point out, "But the bodies of our fallen are still burning below the sea."

Falke reassures, "They've been contained for twenty years, Wiglaf. The burial chamber is sunk deep in the Well itself." 

Spirit Blade looks up at Ben until Steinar speaks up.

Steinar lets out a growls, "You are fools. Blinded by your Rage, too eager to continue to wallow in your dishonour to see what the anger and fear has done to the entombed in the Caern. The Honoured dead has not been mourned. They have not been burried. They have not been cared for. You, both of you.. all of you.. left them as they are, left them to burn." he looks to Falke, "You hide behind your barriers.. you seek no aid from those that would and should come to aid." he looks to Spirit Fire, "You.. you took what you could and fled the area. You sowed fear and you caused more grief. It fuels the rift of the Caern and continues to hold the dead from rest. This is so far beyond your squabble. This is about the Spirits, about Honouring our dead and restoring the balance of the dead." he stands up, looking angry now, "No scar is deep enough to mend. We care for our scars, we heal them and we mend them.. then we proudly honour them. You surived the battle of the Well. Now tend to the fallen as Honour demands. Heal the rift and bring rest back to the Spirits. Do not teach the Kinfolk to fear, but to lookup with pride. Here, the Fallen Fell! Here, our Ancestors walk. Honour them." he sits back down, "Could be I am wrong. Could be I am right. But I know this much. You two are too stubborn to raise your eyes and peer into the Spirit and see what there is to see."

Theron listens to Steinar, nodding a few moments. The lessojs from scars comes easy to him, glancing down at his own scarred arms, the lessons from a life time of fighting beside garou.

Frigg has her eyes on Ben until Steinar gives his strong speech about all their wrong doings and failings. It seems even Elders can make mistakes and aren't perfect garou all the time. She nods to her grandfather when he looks her way in the back of the room, and she sees him make a heavy sigh.

Falke (Against The Wind) at first is angry as if the other two garou were attacking his own honor. "We did the best we could. Our numbers dwindled, and none of our young stayed on." It's as if he was left with the open bag of burning dead all these years and he's no Godi. He gives a stern look back to Steinar as the outsider to their feud is seeing things perhaps he didn't quite see from standing within. 

Spirit Blade - Wiglaf, also hears Steinar's anger in his voice. "Then I suggest we go in and see about giving the dead the proper burial they deserved. If your numbers are low on the island, Falke, I will come and aide you. My children may visit with you, but you have to agree that if the burning dead are a risk to the rest of the family, they will have to be sent back home again."

Falke tells Steinar, "Who else would aide us?" He is looking about the room now and takes in The WALL. 

Alruna looks back to Steinar, and speaks out of turn, because she once was a shield maiden herself. "Will you cast your runes, Rune Tongue? Hammer's Fist gave you a gift. Perhaps you can tell us who should go and if this is the right path."

Ben watches Steinar, sees the affect his words and his packmates have on the two Elders. "This is a start. This is how we bridge the gap. We work towards our common goals - the Litany, family, honor. We understand where we may have made missteps." A nod. "We are strong enough to admit, and correct what has been done." He comments to both. "And we are made stronger for doing so."

Steinar stands up to this, once more calling out, "Runes? I do not need the Runes for this. The Runes speak of a possible future, but my connection to the Sept is not strong enough. The Runes need to be cast by those of the Sept." he looks to Falke, "But, you ask who will go?" he wonders, "You will bring a Godi, to tend to the Spirits of the Dead and lay them to rest. You will bring a Skald, to sing of their Deeds and erect the Runestones in their memories; to prepare their Tombs. You will bring a Forseti, to maintain the Balance and see that the Litany is not breached, to waylay fear and anger for the task ahead. You will bring a Modi to stand guard and fight those who still has anger in their hearts, who still seek to battle the living. And you will bring a Rotagar, for during the seriousness of the task, you still need to be reminded that your hearts have to give room for good mead, a good meal and a hearty laugh." As he speaks, though, it is as if he is pulling from one of his Gifts. The Theurges do have a way with seeing what can not be seen.

	 A Fenris in the back stands among a few others willing to go. They heed the call to serve, and fight as need be with a steady sounding off of volunteers. 
	 Even Frigg and her sisters stand, and Frigg rings her voice out. "We will go to heed the call."

Steinar then adds, nodding to Frigg, "And you will bring the Kinfolk, for Family is everything to our Tribe, they help us waylay our pains, tempers our Glory, uplifts our Honour and tends to our Wisdom."

	 Gunnar at the table leans into Falke... "Rrrrr. I will go." He's still quite young, but he volunteers even as a cub. His other brother Magnus stands, "And I will go." 

Spirit Blade looks to Falke to accept Rune Tongue's offer. "It seems the mission is clear before us. Are you ready for this, Falke?"

Falke stands up and looks over the room with a sense of renewed pride. So many to help them and their people. "Yes. We will do this. The people of our Sept have also agreed." He is linked among the one pack left to serve as Guardians to the Well.

Theron's hand hitting his shoulder, "Ill heed the call." A modi in his mind over being just a kinfolk, but thats because Theron has garou-envy some would say. He of course...probably wouldnt deny it.

Ben does not stand, but nods to the call. "I will go, to honor the dead, and my family." He says, looking to those visitors. A smile to Frigg at her standing to help. "You have no shortage of those who will help in this, Elders."

Ande speaks from one of the open tables in the back, saying, simply, "I will go, to help tend and lay to rest the Spirits of the dead."

	 Alruna rises to cross around the table to embrace her father again. The two reunited brings joy to Falke. He hugs her back and Gunnar hugs in the pile as well. Several generations now reunited, Frigg walks forward with her sisters and the family mingles. It seems that this feud has come to an end, with another story unfolding to give acknowledgement to their dead. 

Frigg walks up to Ben and reaches a hand up to touch his cheek. "Family." Her eyes next look to Steinar, "And you too."

Svala comes up to the side of Steinar where he is and she smoochies him on the cheek. "You were on fire." She leans in to whisper to the Godi as well.

	 Falke looks over at Ande, "Thank you. Your help will be appreciated." He lightly pats Gunnar on the top of his head. "Now it seems we have more planning to do."

Steinar looks over to Ande, giving a nod to the younger Godi, "Good. You will be needed there, Spirit Fire. And it will be plenty to learn. About the Spirits, about the Rituals." he looks to the others, "I will come, as well, as long as Stonecreek and my Alpha can spare me." he turns his head to Svala, to then give a nod to her.

	 Svala sees the nod and she smiles even more. "I could definitely use a walk after sitting here so long. Let's go." She waves to her sisters as if to see them all later.

Ben smiles to Frigg, standing as well. "With that settled for now, we should feast and enjoy each other's company. It has been too long, there has been too much distance. We have food ready - and meat to be grilled." A grin, the man standing tall - near Frigg.

	 Frigg smiles at Ben, "I'm proud of you." The words weigh heavy, but then she nods to her stepdad, and crosses over when Falke motions her to him. He thanks her for the hat, and talks her ear off about some fishing boat he wants her to build him. Family, go figure.

"Before we celebrate, one more offering." Theron says as he moves to one side of the lodge and opens one of his large duffles used for carrying his gear. Pulling out some sort of finely crafted bagpipes. "This will be better in your hands, may it aid you in guiding our dead to the rest we wish so our ancestors are always there to aid our call." he explains as he walks over towards his pack Theurge.

Steinar hangs back for a few moments, turning his head to look at Theron, to face him. He lowers his eyes to the pipes, well, bagpipes. Staring at them a few moments, "I didn't know you had a bit of Scotsman in you, Theron." he grins a bit. He tilts his head to the side, "Rr, well, now. A Fetish?" he reaches out to take them, "Where did you come across these?"

"This isnt my first pack I have fought beside." Theron reminds, "I am no Galliard, I wouldnt tell such tales justice." the warrior kin explains, "But as a custodian of them, I do the nation no good. In yout hands it will."

Steinar gives a quick nod to Theron, "Well, you certainly are a man of surprises, Theron." he does take the pipes, holding on to them, "I will give these the Honor they deserve." he inclines his head to the man, "We have fought together, Theron, side by side. Now, we will also lay the dead to rest, side by side." he then finally leaves for the evening.