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The Web
Investigating why filming was taking place in the forest and how this was all setup, the pack stumbles on an informant.
IC Date June 18,2019
Players Ildar, Johanna, Troy, Rasputin as ST
Location The City
Spheres Gaian Garou

After the kids are gone, the pack has picked to start trying to figure out if it was by chance they were out there, or by someone's plan. They had a name of a professor that is teaching film, the name of the director kid, and a business care for the rental of the cameras, found in the bushes. So many leads, so little time to look into it properly. They meet up to discuss the options, in their headquarters.

Johanna would do a search to find out any background on the school, the teacher, and the rental agency, so see if anything popped in the usual places (aka google).

Ildar would actually go driving in to town, letting Jo and Troy know he'll be back in about an hour. Doing a few of his usual stops, he'd talk to some of the people, nodding and thanking them for the info. Heading back to Jo's place, he'd let them know over that pack link >>Got some information on what's going on. I'm driving back to StarChaser-Rhya's place. If you guys want to come meet up to hear it?<<

Johanna has been checking it all out herself and replies back from her home. >>I have information as well. Let's all round up here and go over it.<<

Sprawled out on a chair near by Johanna, Troy is currently strumming his guitar as he listens to the back and forth in his head. He chuckles at times. << I'm already here with Jo. We'l see you soon, bro. >> He calls out through the packlink as he puts the instrument to the side.

Johanna has had Khol bring out some refreshments so they can stay up to optimal stats while they work. >>Just come on in when you get here, Honor's Keeper.<< The door is unlocked and she is ready to share her findings as well.

Ildar will pull up out front, an acknowledgement given over the link as he'd kill the engine then get out to head inside. He flashes a grin of thanks to Khol, heading over to where the others are at. "Alright.. So I got some word from the streets. Do you wish to share, or hear what I have?"

"Yay, lemonade." Troy rejoices as he plucks up a cup to take a sip, humming around the rim happily. He lifts his free hand up to Ildar to wave once he enters. "Hit me with your best shot." He sings out as he retakes his seat next to his guitar. "Fire awaaaaay."

Johanna will go ahead and share as Troy gets his lemonade, and Ildar sits down. "That figures you would hear something there. From what I checked on, the Teacher and School check out. It is the rental company that is shady. Stolen cameras, etc, whole nine yards. It's a front for a gang, the Tech Wizards." Hopefully Ildar found out more details from the streets.

Ildar nods a little, listening. "That's collaborating with what I found. Tech Wizzards are all over. Steal from any tech places. Been hitting the film world lately and using the college kids to make the profits. They're using twitter and other social media contacts to get them to come in and rent the stuff. The guy that runs it? Tag is Zero-Cool. Only handle, and doesn't ever meet with anyone, so only on apps contact."

"Zero Cool? Seriously? Ripping off the tag of a good nineties movie." Troy says as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "So, what is it that they do? They have kids rent equipment, then they steal the equipment off the kids afterwards .. after letting them ... film in the woods? That part I'm trying to make sense of." He says as he drums his fingers against the glass as he takes another sip. "So, is there a correlation of these Tech Wizards and the Wyrm? Do you think it was more a coincidence that the bane tree was out there with the kids filming or was there actual intent to corrupt them?"

Johanna doesn't know the answer to any of that yet, and looks to Ildar to see if he has any more insight. She does add, "Sounds like like they are not too original."

Ildar shakes his head a little. "My contacts don't run that way. We're talking street kids and the like. They keep their head down and just try to avoid the bad feels. yanno?" He shrugs, frowning. "I think whoever this is, may have had ties to that director. I think the bane tree was happenstance. Another garou had locked it there. We just purged it. But I do have a feel that there's corruption. We should check that store out, sense it out to see what we see."

"I can pass as a college kid also if you want to spring a trap. I kinda got that artsy hipster thing about me." Troy says as he gives a smile to the pair of them. "But if we don't find any wyrm corruption, we should contact the authorities and send them over instead. Will probably be a lot less messier that way. Moon is kinda big." He says as he glances upwards to the ceiling.

Ildar pulls out that unicorn charm to flash it at Troy with a small grin. "While it's got it's limits.. I'm still good. They won't pick up on me. But in the end, if it's just mundane? I say we definitely let authorities know. I can probably ask Felicity to make sure it's done right, so kids aren't encouraged out into our woods.."

Johanna hmms, considering her own ties, but since the guys keep speaking, she just thinks about it all.

Nodding his head in agreement, Troy glances over to Johanna to give her a light nudge. "You okay with that?" He asks with a smile on his face.

Ildar looks to Jo and Troy, then shrugs and nods. "Alright. I guess we have next steps for what to do. I'll drive if you guys want?" He'd stand up from his seat with a chuckle. "We'll see what we can scope out, out there.. I think I know where they said to go."

Johanna sends a message to the kinfolk nanny, and stands up. "Then let's go." She's ready and they need to get to the bottom of things.

xxxxxThe shop is clean perfect, everything is labeled with prices, behind the counter is a hipster in a suit with a well groomed beard, and a handle bar mustache, everything is clean and neat on him as well. He is standing behind the counter his arms behind his back as he nods towards the man entering into the shop."Greetings, I'm Philip welcome to the shop. How can I be of assistance today?" The voice is cold, but friendly as he walks behind the solid oak counter towards them with a bowing of his head, with a wide smile."Do you need something for a project, or something for your home?"

As Troy heads inside, he is putting on his usual upbeat and happy carefree attitude. All smiles and radiating warm and fuzzy feelings. Dressed in a simple flannel shirt that's open and a pair of loose fitted jeans and sneakers, he easily looks like a cozy college student on a budget. "Heeeeey, Philip, my man! How's it hanging dude? I got a huge thingy at the school and my Canon Rebel just took a shitter. Like, literally. I was taking photos of toilets for this art project of mine, trying to capture them in different lights, shades and colors and then I got the idea to do an abandoned house, and well... I tripped over a floorboard an bam, shattered it. I cried for the rest of the day. But I need a T3 at the bare minimum. Got any rolling about?"

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "Place isn't tainted from what I can tell. At least in here. One of you wanna peek into the umbra?"

xxxxxA soft sigh escaping as he shakes his head."No lies, No time for games." The man walks to the door locking it with a loud click, and then he is spinning on his heel."Garou, what makes you come to my shop, this is not a place for your lies, and slander." The man walks towards him in a relaxed manner, his hands still behind his back with a wide smile, something is off about the teeth, something predator.

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, ".... and this guy knows I'm a Garou. Like he just called me out on it and locked the door. All I did was ask for a camera."

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "Careful - it is an Anansi - belongs to the Weaver"

Johanna eyes Ildar. "I don't like this. Not one bit. We need to get in there. Or at least get him out."

Ildar watches from the car and when Troy lets them know about the locked door, he'd get out with Jo to check it out. Nodding in agreement with her, he glances around, then carefully leans into the door, sets his feet and with a small grunt, uses that strength to pop it open.

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "Let me talk this out."

<Kandula's Hope> Ildar says, "I'm still opening the door.."

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "Go for it, but we are ready to help."

xxxxxAs Ildar pushes at the door, it crumples into a metal and glass down into a little lump on the floor. But the odd thing is the door seems to make not much of a mess as it dies, at the amazing power of the Garou. The shopkeeper looking at the door, with a soft sigh."I will clean in later." As all he sees, and then his eyes are back on Troy.

The smile stays on Troy's face as he rocks back and forth upon his feet. "My man, you are so wound up. I'm just here to get a camera, that's all. I already did the sniff check of your place and it's clean, so there's no need to be calling each other out like that. If I wanted to go aggro, I'd have done something pretty dramatic." He gives a glance to the door as Ildar comes through it. ".. like that." He flashes a grin back to the shopkeeper. "Okay, so .. here's the situation. I'm the good cop I guess you can say. That's bad cop. We just have some questions about a situation the other day and that's it, and we'll peace out. But seriously, can I get a T3 or not? .. and that's not one of the questions."

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "You took away any leverage I could have gained. Now this guy has a reason to fight. Just trust in me."

xxxxx"Yeah I have a T3, I will give it to you for free in good faith." The man nods slowly, with a chuckle as he watches the door and then the man coming through."I should have thought more then one, you never travel alone. Welcome to the web, it is my shop. But we are on the same side Garou, and friends." His voice is soft, as he chuckles slowly moving to sit down on the counter, as he leans back his hands resting under it with a nod of his head."Now then, what can I help you with in service to the mother?"

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "Ok guys - settle. We have a mission. Let's work together and keep communication."

<Kandula's Hope> Ildar says, "So.. didn't expect the door to do that.. This doesn't feel right.. I'll keep back. It's cool."

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "You eat your Wheaties obviously. -laughs-"

Johanna remains outside, watching for anyone else coming by. She isn't going to get into this web, not unless the guys need her to enter. The mess of the door is enough of an attraction, so she will try to distract by standing in front of it like a millennial - on her phone tapping.

Ildar breaks the door with some effort. A little surprising to him. But either way, he'd just keep to the doorway, holding the bent door with an upnod to Troy. He doesn't look pissed of course, simply holding the door so there's an exit, halfway in, halfway out. Covering for Troy. Just in case.

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "Do you want me to ask about the students?"

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "yes. Ask about who rented the equipment and how they got to that place - if he gave any infor or what."

"So, the Tech Wizards are hustling technology and from what we know, selling it out of here. That's not really our concern. That's .. you know .. human stuff that we don't care about. That's way below our pay grade." Troy says as he reaches into his pocket to take out a quarter, rolling it about his knuckles and fingers out of habit. "The other day though a group of college students was out near our turf and got a bit too close to something dangerous that we had locked away. It felt a bit coincidental, as if maybe they were led out here purposely." He flips the quarter about from hand to hand, the piece of metal dancing about, sparkling. "All things considered, we saved the day, no one got hurt and the bad guy that was locked up is defeated. But we feel the kids was led out there on purpose to get hurt. This happened on <insert date> and it was for Professor James. We need to know who you rented the equipment to and who gave them the idea to go out there. Who gave them directions." He flips the quarter upwards and snatches it out of the air. "We get that, we leave and even send someone over to fix the door, cost on us. Win-Win."

xxxxx"Okay then, easy question my web has seen that answer, it was not a plot against, nor I'm your enemy." Philip watches him now with a little smile crossing his lips with a shake of his head, and a hearty laugh."James is an idiot, he is nothing to be worried about, he just runs a class teaching film, I sell to his students due to my friends bring me items from a studio that is not so kind, but yeah my gang steals it and I sell it. But I think for once it was just a random bad luck, I gave them no direction they wanted to use the woods to do illegal filming, a lot of them do it due to not wanting to spend a dime on permits. It is not cheap to get a permits, but if you wish something to hunt, I have something for you?"

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "I don't have the truth sensing gift."

<Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "Anansi also have no emotions. They are incapable of empathy. So lying is not their strong suit."

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "He's not lying."

Johanna listens carefully, nods as she hears it. She relates what she learns over the pack link.

Ildar listens, watching casually from that doorway. He contemplates Phillip, then finally gives a small up nod from his spot. "We're listening. What do you know about?"

xxxxx"There is a company, I have been watching it is a tainted with the wyrm, they do ads for the world, leading children and others down the path." The spider leans forward now, after pulling up a file from under the desk throwing it down on the ground, inside are the profiles of those in charger, each one and addresses, names, family, a stalker much."They, are willing to do anything to sell, this new candy not yet on the market. Inside of the candy is a lovely little bane, to enter into said kid, in the end the goal is to make fear spread, the child will become a pit of rage and angry, not even stoped with bullets, if they eat too much. Candy hits the market next month, it is their first of many projects. I hacked in and had my spies go to the factory, and into the building. I was plotting how to take them down."

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "This sounds familiar... tainted chocolates."

Giving a glance to his packmate, Troy turns his attention back to the Spider as he tilts his head to one side curiously. As he leans down to gather up the files, he sifts through them curiously. "So you already done all the leg work. I guess we can mull this about."

<Kandula's Hope> Ildar says, "Didn't Lleu deal with this?" <Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "And Troy." <Kandula's Hope> Troy says, "Yeah. Sahara and I found a ton of tainted chocolate and it was coming through the schools. Jasmine tipped us off to it if I remember. I haven't heard anything about it since and it was low quantities." <Kandula's Hope> Khol says, "they are sociopaths...who are very good liars, because they dont access the emotional parts of the brain to lie."

xxxxx"Yes, I not a fighter, I'm a gather. My war pack is gone, they have died or left, I need a new heavy hitters." The spider lean forward now on the desk, with a nod of his head."My web is deep into prospect, and the cities around it. But, without tools of violence, this is useless to me, do as you will. If you wish I can tell you more trouble as it arises."

Johanna thinks to the others, as her eyes keep looking around to be sure the coast remains clear for them all.

Ildar glances outside, looking to Jo a moment, he nods a little, then looks over to Troy and the spider. "We'll see what we find. Don't mind having a head's up. You can tell any of the street guys you're looking for me. They'll get me word to come looking for you." He grins wryly. "And I won't bust the door down next time."

"You looked good doing it though." Troy says to Ildar with a quick grin as he tucks the files into his shirt, buttoning it up as he heads for the door. "We'll send over a repair man to fix it up."