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Its a Sunday, the sun has set and this time Parker called ahead by sending Eden a text. Despite this she still arrives in crawlerling form though the window which she finds open due to the fact of her having sent a notice of her impending arrival. Once the spiders are all inside they seem to swarm around Morningstar and the main room looking for the resident.
Its a Sunday, the sun has set and this time Parker called ahead by sending Eden a text. Despite this she still arrives in crawlerling form though the window which she finds open due to the fact of her having sent a notice of her impending arrival. Once the spiders are all inside they seem to swarm around Morningstar and the main room looking for the resident.

Revision as of 06:43, 24 November 2020

I wouldn't tell you lies[1] - Parker discussing Fera with the Drone
Parker visits Eden and they talk about the changing breeds
IC Date November 22th, 2020
IC Time early evening
Players Eden and Parker
Location Eden's apartment at the Belvedere Hotel

Its a Sunday, the sun has set and this time Parker called ahead by sending Eden a text. Despite this she still arrives in crawlerling form though the window which she finds open due to the fact of her having sent a notice of her impending arrival. Once the spiders are all inside they seem to swarm around Morningstar and the main room looking for the resident.

Morningstar vanishes and reappears in the kitchen as Eden smokes a cigarette while watching television. Flicking ash into the crystal tray, the drone is stretched out on the couch wearing flannel pajamas. Apparently watching some black and white horror movie, a bowl of popcorn sits on the coffee table. The occasional kernel floating up to her mouth as she eats it, frankly quite bored.

The spiders cluster together near where Eden sits and, shifting form, Parker stands up from the mass as the arachnids become her flesh and bones. As normal when she transforms she is nude at first and the spirit spiderlings that reside in her torc climb out of it and weave a silken mini kimono about her similar to what she wore last time she visited. "Hello, servitor of Grandmother," she says.

"That makes me feel ancient....", a few more popcorn kernels hovering towards her face as she caught them like a fish gulping insects. "Please, just call me Eden. I'm sure your trying to be respectful. The title is just unnatural to me.", slowly sitting up. "You need to learn the talisman dedication rite. Not that I totally don't enjoy seeing you naked. But it's helpful for binding clothing, weapons or fylfot's to you. If you want to cheat, I have a machine that will do it for you.", Eden says while looking at Parker. "But come; eat, drink, speak, listen.", making room for Parker on the couch.

"Names are difficult... Eden," Parker says, pausing a moment as she makes an effort to remember the name. "Fylfots... take care of themselves. It would be nice to not have to leave my phone behind however," she adds as she joins Eden on the couch. "What do you want to speak about?" she asks, "I believe the kinds of Ovid might have been in the works to discuss but if you want we can discuss your dedication machine instead?"

Eden scoots closer so Parker and offers some popcorn, "What do you know about the Nuwisha... the were-coyotes?", the drone questions while turning off the volume and switching to closed captioning. Quirking a bro, it was an odd species to start with and Eden certainly had her reasons.

Parker leans against Eden and lays her head back, half on the drone's shoulder and half on the back of hte couch. "Garou-lite, all the fur and less rage," she says. "Wiser than they want you to believe and likely as humor-filled as they present themselves." She pauses and says, "We Ananasi don't trust them and avoid them when we can. Like the Corax they want to pry into every secret they can find. Often times we have to kill them for the depths they pry into. They know knowledge is power and seek to collect as much as they can."

Eden slowly nods, "What do you know of the Mokole?", bringing a few buttery kernels of popped corn to Parker's mouth. "Try some. I sprinkled it with cheese and paprika. I think you'll like it.", she states. Eyes watching the spider, "The Ratkin are next."

"The Mokole... they're ancient, primal and powerful. Some say they're the eldest of the Ovid... I don't believe they predate the Insect Wars personally." She takes some of the popcorn and tries it and nods. "Its good," she says and continues, "They hold the memories of the universe.... and if they go I don't know what that'll mean for the universe."

Parker eats some more popcorn and then launches into the next topic. "Ratkin... well, they aren't as rare as the other Ovid believe they are. Like us they're everywhere and who knows how many humans are unknowingly their kinfolk or a step away from spontaneously producing one as their child." She then says, "I've met one and forged a contract with her."

"When you look at any of the changing breeds. Do you view them as flesh first, then spirit?", Eden asks curiously. "There's this whole concept of Pure Breed. Carrying the fruits of thine labor to the next generation.", resting her head against Parker's. "But also there is spiritual heritage, almost the other side of the same coin. The Purebreed of the soul. I've never understood why Purebreed is such a sought after trait and Spirit Heritage isn't. But that leads into the examination of flesh vs soul, and that some state even the triad is unbalanced and with it. The shifters. Perhaps if they followed proper spiritual heritage, things might be different here.", shrugging softly. "What do you think about that?", the drone asked. A creature made different due to the spirit resting inside her.

The question causes Parker to stare at Eden for a few moments. "First? What a strange question. The Ovid are, by their very nature, both flesh and spirit. We're not like the possessed who were once two beings and then merged. Maybe they were at one point. Sometime in the long dark forgotten past but no... Well, its complicated with the Ratkin but yes, its complicated... lets examine this question further..."

The scene faded to black for RL reasons but the discussion/lesson continued for hours.