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The spiders come in side by side[1] - a Friendly Home Invasion
Parker infiltrates Jaycob's home in crawlerling form and, in homid form, talks with the artist who ends up sketching her
IC Date November 2, 2020
IC Time around sunset
Players Jaycob and Parker
Location Jaycob's rental unit at Leisureland Mobile Estates
Theme Song Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold

Sunset on November 2nd 2020 is approaching and Parker, having seen Jaycob entering the Leisureland Mobile Estates recently and followed him to his unit, has decided to house visit the artist friend of her recently acquainted Garou. At her place she changes form from homid to her crawlerling form and scatters into a wide area, passing out of her locked home though gaps only insects and spiders capable of traversing.

The spread out mass of spiders creep though the area between her home in the 400 block to his in the 200 block. Converging around the house in a dispersed way that prevents herself from actually being seen, Eyes-in-the-Dark infiltrates the selected house in a fashion similar to her departure and, hiding in corners, shadows and natural cobwebs that accumulate in human dwellings, she watches, waiting to confirm that the artist-man is alone and in a situation where she might be able to visit him.

Meanwhile, unaware of the creepy crawlies going on around him, Jaycob himself is not shy about stripping himself down to the bare-bones of an outfit, in his own home. Pants are discarded first thing when he arrives home, just after kicking off his shoes and setting his courier bag of art supplies and other various goods and items he might need, he tosses his pants into a basket in one end of the room while the courier bag is set down by the kitchen counter. He hums thoughtfully along to a tune that is mostly incoherent while he removes his jacket, laying it down on top of his courier bag and starts to dance cheerfully along as he makes his way to the thermostat, and make sure to kick in the heat more.

Thoroughly alone though, it seems, he boops and bobs happily wearing nothing but socks, boxers, and a tee shirt as he certainly doesn't seem to be expecting company. He makes his way into the kitchen, pops open the fridge and sets a beer bottle down on the counter before rummaging around through his fridge in consideration for what he might want to cook for dinner.

The clutter of spiders around the house watch as Jaycob disrobes and heads into the kitchen. As he does they collect themselves into a corner where they cannot be seen directly from the kitchen but where they can see him until the last moment that they are in one space. Once collected together they begin to pile up and ungulate into a caricature of a humanoid form before they merge into a singular form, skin forms and Parker is standing in the corner initially nude, wearing only her almost choker-like torc.

As the ethereal spiders pull themselves out of the jewelry and begins tracing her form with lines of gossamer thread she speaks. "Hello artist and child of the darkest anger," she says as the spirit-spiderlings are sketching out a cap-sleeved baby-doll style t-shirt of pure white and butt hugging shorts of equally pure black. Should she be looked at in this moment the clothing is only hinted at, transparent and not all entirely there. Moments later however it will be finished, including the heart-shaped Spider-man logo.

OOC: this shirt basically, not with jeans though.

Completely unaware of the nude Parker forming in a corner hidden away in his trailer, Jaycob begins to collect a few things from the fridge. A package of hamburger, which must have been left in earlier to thaw out, as well as some mushrooms, an onion, and some fresh carrots. He piles those all onto the counter, and then turns to tap a button on the radio that is on the counter as well, Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold suddenly playing.

When Parker Peter announces her presence though, there is a sudden shift, the short artist jumping at the sound as he scrambles to pull a kitchen knife out of one of the drawers and spin to aim it at the spider girl with wide eyes. Wide eyes, which take in the mostly nude form of her as her clothes form onto her body, his kitchen knife pointed towards her, leaving him blinking for a moment. Utterly stunned.

An awkward smile was forming on Parker's face but it turns into a vaguely curious and concerned frown. She tries another, in her opinion, innocuous statement to attempt to disperse his concern. "Greeting one's host is the correct thing to do upon entering their home," she says, following it up with a simple, "Right?"

More blinks, Jaycob staring Parker down with the only thing he seems to have available being the kitchen knife he has at his defense. Slowly, knife held up, he inches his way towards the end of the counter, his muscles seeming to relax ever so slightly as he blinks again for a few moments, shaking his head a bit as his lips curl into a forced smile. "Typically, the correct thing to do is to allow the host to invite you in, first." He offers, the knife lowering as he continues to make his way to the end of the counter. "That way I at least have a chance to not offend you with my half naked state."

Parker looks Jaycob over, heat to toe and then back up to his face. "Your disheveled appearance does not offend me, artist," she says quite sincerely before asking, "Should it really?" as she steps out of the corner and toward the other side of the kitchen counter, so as to keep it between him and her - possibly for /his/ benefit based on the way she keeps her movements slow and deliberate.

Arriving where he seems to intend to, Jaycob shrugs a shoulder loosely back at her, and then peeks down at his form for half a second. Then his gaze lifts back towards her, certainly trying to play it cool as the conversation goes on, as though this might be a regular situation for him. "I don't think I look half bad." He muses openly, setting the kitchen knife down on the counter in a display of playing at that 'relaxed' nature. "Still, I would have been ready to prepare dinner for two people, rather than just myself too. All part of being a good host, after all."

"I am not that hungry," Parker says. She then continues to explain by saying, "I have found most human dwellings are infested to one degree or another by any manner of arthropods. I have cleaned your's of a large number of a variety of insects many are disturbed by. It should take them generations to recover." She smiles, as if this was a discussion of the type of sandwich had for lunch, and adds, "That said, if you wish to offer a beverage or food I would not turn it down, Jayden," addressing with Jaycob with the best her name-addled brain can provide her.

As Parker explains having cleansed his trailer of some large variety of insects and bugs, putting it plainly, Jaycob tilts his head back a moment. "Ah." He murmurs softly, and then gestures towards the couch as she speaks, inviting her to sit down. "Well, I can put dinner on hold for a bit, and we can sit with some beers maybe...?"

Parker nods and turns to the couch, unconsciously sashaying from the vicinity of the kitchen to the indicated furniture. "A beer sounds fine," she says and asks, "What brands do you have to select from?" speaking over her shoulder. Reaching the couch she sits down and pulls her legs up beneath her while waiting for Jaycob to join her.

There is definitely, something that is very clearly on display considering his currently limited attire, an adrenaline erection that Parker can see if she looks down, as a result have having her appear in his home. While she sashays away, his gaze follows after, drifting towards her hips and then he chuckles softly, with a hint of nervousness in his tone, barely concealed by his attempts to relax. "PBR." He offers, with the sound of him digging through courier bag behind her, and then he opens the fridge to stash the meat and vegs back inside, as well as withdraw two PBR beers. As he makes his way towards the couch, sinking down into it, he hands over one of those beers. "It's not much but... It's what I've got."

"It will do," Parker says, not sounding as dismissive as the words could sound from another in her case it sounds like a simple statement of fact without any emotional coloring. "I understand that brands indicate different tastes so I look to explore new ones. I am not familiar with this PBR, artist-friend-of-Gnawers."

Settling more comfortably into his seat, Jaycob shifts and turns towards Parker with the beer in hand as he opens his own can with a distinct hissing sound. He brings the beverage to his lips for a light sip, and shrugs a shoulder loosely towards her as she mentions brands of beer. "This isn't really a... Choice, so much as the only option I've really got, considering the budget of an artist." He muses openly, shifting one leg which would give her the view of a pair of chopsticks oddly secreted into the sock of the foot opposite to her, curled away in an attempt to be out of her view. "So, what brings you by to visit with me?"

Parker ahs about the beer as she opens it and takes a sip. She nods then about it and says, "I saw you coming into the complex the other day and followed you discretely to your house. I figured I'd come visit since we sort of met last week after all." After another sip of the cheep beer, without any negative comment about it however, she asks, "What's with the sticks in your sock?" and follows it up immediately with a questioning suggestion, "Weapons to protect yourself from me?"

At first, that specific question has Jaycob looking down at his lap, just from the choice of wording, and then he blinks, seeming to realize what she's talking about. He shifts, peeks down at the failed attempt to hide his stick, and frowns softly. "Not so much a weapon, but a method of protecting myself, yes." He explains, leaving the vague commentary there as he peeks back at her, sipping on the beer some more. "You've been following me then? For the whole week, or just a couple of days?"

Parker shakes her head. "No where near as long as that even," she says, "A few minutes. I live in the complex as well. Saw you, followed you, saw you unlock the place and come in. Either it was a secret love shack or your home I figured... waited a few days and came over." She says this calmly showing that there was no malice or forethought involved in this and after speaking drinks more of her beer.

"Love shack." Jaycob echoes, his lips curling into a faint bit of amusement at the comment as he shifts, pulling the chopsticks out of his sock and laying them down on the coffee table in front of himself since she pointed them out anyway. "Not recently." He observes, shrugging a shoulder and then turning more towards her as he sips from the beer. "Any particular reason you decided not to just come over and knock on the front door? I mean, I know you're not offended by me near nudity but..."

"I did not know if any of your kin might be watching your house and be upset by a strange woman approaching it," Parker says referring to the Black Furies so lightly but knowingly as proven when she says, "They can be quite... reactive... at times I understand. Also protective of their male kinfolk for completely logical reasons."

"Garou in general are very protective, yeah. And also very reactive." Jaycob observes thoughtfully for a moment as he leans back into the arm of the couch, watching her curiously as he slowly sips at the beer. Apparently, he doesn't seem to catch that she is referring to specifically his tribe in this instance. "So you meant for this to be a more private encounter, then?" He muses openly, appraising her reaction to the subject.

Parker responds with a sort-of combination nod and shrug. "Pretty much," she says possibly having missed the subtext along with the wood that wasn't in Jaycob's sock earlier (or still?). "I didn't get to interact with you at the mall, the Gnawers, kin and full blooded, and their Glasswalker protector had my attention. This meant I didn't get a chance to see your art, artist," she explains before sipping again at the beer.

Jaycob's wood has been laid out on the coffee table in front of them, no longer concealed by his sock and instead plainly visible for Parker to gaze upon as she might wish. "Ah." He observes as she mentions not having seen his art, and he lifts up a bit and peeks over his shoulder towards his courier back by the counter back there. "So you're wanting to see my art. Are you wanting me to sketch something fresh and new, now, or show you something I've made previously."

Parker shrugs again and remains silent at first, almost as if thinking about the request as if it wasn't something she'd considered. She then answers with, "You choose," which may seem like a cop-out until she says, "Seeks-the-Balance thought what you did in the parking lot was worth viewing for example."

Thankfully -that- wood isn't poking up too much more, Jaycob's boxers calming down a touch and no longer threatening to flash anything indecent at Parker. As she half-answers his question, he chuckles and shrugs, rising to his feet with his beer in hand as he makes his way back to the counter to grab his courier bag and walk back to the couch. "Well, drawing -is- rather relaxing.

Parker sips at her beer and then asks, "What are your preferred medium and subject matters?" as the supplies are brought out.

Carefully, Jaycob begins to withdraw from the courier bag one of his sketchpads, and a pencil to go along with it which he arranges into his lap, further providing himself with some modesty. "Oh, I usually just draw whatever I find to be beautiful, really. And for me, I sketch just sort of in my down time, but I use watercolors for anything I plan on selling." He observes, flipping through the sketchpad, passing various sketches of trees, a mountain, a field of flowers, even a few women in various, chaste, poses and levels of dress.

Parker nods and says, "Me, I usually am sketching clothing designs in preparation for executing them." She pauses and says, "Always in silk, although I have managed to make silk in different forms of fabric. Even a denim," before putting the beer to her lips again and drinking some more.

Finally, Jaycob arrives at the last sketch in his sketchpad, this being of a familiar Garou with a silly expression on her face. Pepper, if Parker has seen her about. He flips the page one more time, not seeming to linger on the sketch, and fetches the pencil his whole body now facing her with his legs curled up underneath him as he presses the tip of the pencil to the paper, and begins to draw. From the looks of it, he's drawing her, too, judging from how he looks up from the drawing at her, and then back down. "Silk is nice."

Parker seems oblivious to the fact that he is sketching her at first and just continues talking to him between sipping at the soon to be gone beer. "Yes, I make my own of course. Its slow going but hundreds of spiders can product a lot of silk in a short amount of time. Its the threadmaking, fabric weaving and dying that is the most time consuming part of the process," she explains.

If she doesn't interject, Jaycob will just keep on keeping on, sketching away the image of her, slowly drawing in her details and applying them to the paper as she speaks. He does shudders softly at the subject though, a forced smile forming on his lips for her. "Seems efficient, at least. Best part is you don't have to pay for the material."

Parker, showing more emotion than might be expected from a member of the normally sedate breed of shifters, grins and says, "Better yet, I get to /sell/ it and its all profit," and adds, "The wife of the owner of Velvet Dreams unknowingly suggested Dreamweaver as my product line."

Slowly, more details begin to form in the picture, the image more clearly depicting Parker as Jaycob's lips curl with amusement at her suggestion. "I really need that talent." He muses openly, chuckling softly. "Paint and art supplies are expensive, and sometimes don't quite yield as much to really earn a proper living."

"So... I'm the proud producer of Dreamweaver products now," Parker says with a smile. She then adds, "Its pretty much all for women but I guess my coat could be considered unisex." She frowns unintensely at an inner thought and then muses, "Maybe I should try men's clothing too?"

There is a gentle nod, Jaycob peeking back up at Parker as he takes in more of her details and transcribes them to the picture methodically. "It's a fitting name." He observes softly, his gaze diligent as he works on the sketch, and then he grins softly. "Probably. Who doesn't like a nice set of silk clothes."

"I can't imagine wearing anything else really," Parker says, "Although I do have memories of poorer quality fabrics."

Finally, the image comes to a conclusion, Jaycob finishing the sketch and leaning back some into the seat with the drawing of Parker holding her beer to her lips, ready to take a sip from it. "Ah, I don't own anything silk." He observes, peeking down the hallway some, and then shrugging a shoulder. "Finances and all." Then he turns to offer the sketch to her, showing his work off for her.

Parker nods about the finances and looks at Jaycob appraisingly, tilting to the side slightly to look around the sketch pad before returning to her original orientation and finishing the beer. Holding the empty up slightly she asks, "What would you like me to do with this right now?"

While Parker almost seems to just... Ignore the sketch he made for her, at her request, Jaycob blinks for a moment and rises to his feet, setting the sketchpad down on the coffee table next to his wood before turning and taking the empty can from her. "I've got it." He offers softly, and then makes his way into the kitchen and tossing both empty cans into the trash can and making his way back to the couch. As he settles back in, turning his body more towards her, he purses his lips for a moment. "I'm not sure how to take your... Arrival."

Parker looks at the sketch as Jaycob takes the empty cans away. "That's very good," she says and asks, "Did you embellish at all?" explaining, "I mean, I see myself in the mirror but... its just a person. Your picture makes me see more beauty than I do in the mirror... because its outside me now." She then asks, "Does that make sense?"

Smiling warmly back at Parker as she appraises the sketch left on the coffee table, Jaycob shakes his head lightly back at her, and then peeks at the drawing himself. "No, no embellishing." He muses openly with another shake of his head. "No, it's how I saw you in the moment, so it's how I drew you. So unless my mind is embelishing you or something... ? That's how you are."