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Revision as of 18:30, 28 October 2020

It's late afternoon here in the scrapyard and the Boyz (tm) have dropped off a few scrap jobs to be examined, stripped of anything useful and prepared for the crusher. The yard has a few hunks of what is probably junk ready for Bergin's examination and scrap-pulling but for now he's found himself in the clearing set aside out in the Stacks. The bearded craftsman is busy chopping firewood and stacking it under a make-shift rain shelter for the fire this weekend.

Tabi is perusing the selection of junkers. The problem with owning a "classic" vehicle, is that parts aren't exactly available off the shelf at your local auto parts store. It's mail order (expensive) or junk yards (small selection), so it never hurts top keep a part or two on hand... just in case.

Scrapyards are grand places for adventures. Treasure hunting. While not exactly dressed for climbing around in twisted metal, Killigrew doesn't let it stop her. Heading into the yard proper, she has a pair of bolt cutters up over a shoulder and some aviator shears sticking out of another pocket. Heavy gloves cover her hands and offer some protection.

Bergin glances up and over in between swings of his axe to spy Killigrew. Since he's still not totally familiar with all of the faces in the Community, he calls to Tabi and points to the girl, "Hey...she one of yours?" Not wanting to be impolite, the lumberjack of a guy hefts his axe up to his shoulder - because guys with axes like to pose like the guy from a roll of paper towels - and walks over towards the treasure-hunting girl, "How ya doing?"

Tabi looks up and cocks her head. "Not that I know of, Jay..." She drops the distributor cap she was eying (it was already cracked before she dropped it... honest) and follows in Bergin's wake. A stranger is, after all, a friend you just haven't met yet.

"Ta-ra-ra-boom-di-ay..." Killit quietly singing the old ditty to herself, cutting it short when she's greeting by the guy with the axe. "Good, good. Just here to axe a few questions." She knows what she did, pairing the awful pun with a waggling of brows. "Came out to see if I could find anything cool." She says, giving the big bolt cutters over her shoulder a jiggle.

Bergin peers with a faint hint of a smile curling at the edges of his lips. "The Stacks can be -very- dangerous for newbies. Who knows -what- could find you back there." His voice edges towards a faint mystic tone but it's mostly a force of habit for the bearded man. Notice that he didn't say what -she- could find but rather what could find -her-. Scrapyards are full of unfound treasures, yes but who knows what else could be found back there

"Name's Bergin and this here's Tabi," he introduces with a quick gesture to the blonde woman beside him. "What name should I use when telling others of your dramatic, yet poetically tragic fall?"

Tabi absent-mindedly wipes dirt and grease off her fingers (oh, her poor cargoshorts). She offers a smile and a wave. "Hi!". She nudges Bergin's shoulder, with a chuckle. "Jay... be nice."

Bergin nudges Tabi back and quickly interjects, "Quiet, I'm being dramatic."

"In the event of my failure... You can use any name but my own." Zoe quips back, grinning. "In fact, use the name of someone you -don't- like. You have my permission." Using her teeth, she pulls the glove off her hand and stuffs it into a pocket, offering her hand on over. "Zoe, but a handful like my surname better. Killigrew. Nice to meet you both."

"Now, you got a mean dog back there or something?"

Bergin doesn't do the hand-crushy thing that some guys might try to prove that they're all strong and stuff. Nope. The lumbersexual guy's handshake is firm as a hug, as warm as a comfy blanket, as honest as your best friend and brief, like that guy you were texting but suddenly ghosted when you saw a pic of his 'ex' in the background. "Nice to meet ya Zoe. Looking for anything in particular?" he asks and shifts his weight from one booted foot to the other.

"Nah, no real dogs here, just the Boyz (tm) when they get drunk enough to run through the stacks nekkid again. I'm tellin ya - there are things you can't unsee in this world."

Tabi nods. "Hi Zoe." She mock-shudders and grins. "Trust me, it's a thing. And seeing it once, is one time too many."

Killigrew laughs, likely squeezing harder than Bergin does. Not overly aggressive, but as if saying she's not going to be a pushover, either. "Nothing wrong with a drunken revelry. But if I was a guy, running naked through this mess, I'd at least super glue a cup on or something. Protect the important parts."

Bergin shushes Zoe and her 'idea' of superglueing things to parts and stuff. "Oh dear gods don't tell them that or I'll have to be the one that has to heal them when they rip it off later." He just shakes his head at the thought and gestures back to the stacks as though he were welcoming the new guest into some kind of enchanted forest or lost and forgotten temple to ancient, metal gods.

"The scrapyard is open to all...if you're able to tell me the answer to -one- question." Because lumberjacks gotta be all mystic and stuff. "Where ya get your blood from? Your mother or father?"

Tabi chuckles. "The good news is, Jay makes sure they're up to date on their tetanus shots. I mean all this rusted metal... yeesh." She gives Bergin some side-eye. "And no, I wouldn't treat them for lockjaw if they cut 'emselves up in the wrong spots." She turns back and offers a genuinely friendly smile to Zoe, watching closely.

"Always good to vaccinate the pets?" Zoe teases, enjoying the banter with the pair. "Do you want the scientific answer about genetics, or the answer I'm supposed to give, mentioning only my mother's lineage?" There's a half shrug from the pixie punk. "Both. You can't keep a lineage intact if you breed in weaker genes to a strong line."

"What about you?" she asks, looking between the two of them, shifting the weight of the heavy bolt cutters.

Bergin lets out a brief, snerked chuckle at the two ladies comments about the Boyz and just shakes his head at the foolish stuff they get into on a regular basis. The last bit of 'fun' they had was trying to joust in competing wrecker trucks. Yeah, there's one in every family and they got four of 'em. "Your /mother's/ lineage?" he asks curiously and starts to get an idea of where things might lead with the new guest. "Mine's from my mother as well. My dad wasn't a bad guy but he was just there for the fun part so I'm told. My mother's people raised me up north - like Canada north."

"Kids, always a surprise, right?" Zoe says, unlimbering the cutters from her shoulder to lean on them like a cane, the heavy jaws in the dirt. "I think the word to use..." she casts a glance around, dropping her voice, "is Kin. Carrier makes it sound downright dirty. Like a disease or something."

"So does this mean we get to proper introductions, or keep tiptoeing?"

Bergin smiles and glances over to Tabi, almost waiting to see the reaction on Zoe's face here in a moment. "I don't think we need full introductions just yet, but let me say that I'm Jay Bergin...Healer of the Get." Tabi looks back at Bergin, with a grin. "Oooh. I like her. She's feisty." She turns back to Zoe. "Tabi Danes, daughter of Bear... and also a healer."

"Bear? That's not a..." Killit trails off and tilts her head, looking Tabi up and down and then nodding. "Alright. Least I know I'll be in damned fine hands if I trip and slice myself up on some sheet metal."

"I'm a daughter of Artemis. Able to trace my line all the way back."

Erin arrives looking around as she hmms a bit "Maybe we will find it here, at least we can look right?" she seems to say to no one in particular as she pauses when she notices people and waves "Sup!" she moves towars Tabi and hugs.

Bergin blinks at Kill's brief introduction, "-All- the way back?" he asks a bit curiously. "That's like /seriously/ impressive. Love to see you with a bow sometime - if you use one I mean."

Tabi qurks an eyebrow. "Artemis? Wow..." That might explain the feistiness. "Well met." She grins as Erin enters the yard and makes a beeline for a hug, which she returns without hesitation. "Hey... how ya doing?"

"Supposedly. It's a lot of names over a lot of years. I've never stopped to add it all up, and I'm sure some of the ladies lied about their age." She taps her nose, grinning, "Never saw much reason to question it, when the blood speaks for itself." Leaning on the big bolt cutters, she watches as another joins in, nodding to Erin. "Anyway. I've never touched a bow. My gifts lie in a different direction."

Bergin glances over to Erin as she comes in and offers the red-headed woman a nod of welcome. "Different direction eh? Well at the Gathering last week we threw axes and gonna do something similar Friday night if you want to show. Plenty of food and drink for folks. You're more than welcome, Daughter of the Huntress." Because invitations sometimes need to sound formal. "Good food, good folk, good times...all under Luna's light should be here."

Erin smiles at Tabi "Good, Kringer and I were looking for something he said we need for his new saddle. He is being super picky about parts .." she grumbles and waves "Sup.. Am I interrupting?" she leans against Tabi.

Tabi nods. "And a good time was had by all." She chuckles at the mention of Kringer. "Yeah, I can imagine he'd be be very... particular about things he'd wear." She shakes her head. "Not interrupting - just making a new friend." She gestures towards Killi. "A Family friend."

"No inter-" Tabi gets there first and Zoe lets it trail off, grinning. "Jinx." She nods to Bergin, then. "Mhm. Guess Luna decided she needed a sorcerer more than a Garou when she made me. I don't mind. I can change my body more than a wolf can, and make trinkets that can help here and there. All the crazy hair colors, none of the toxic dyes."

"That's what I was coming to look for, really. Sometimes things just need to be found and held onto until they tell me what they should be made into."

Bergin nods, "You're welcome to go exploring. Family's always got the stacks to pick from. We're doing a burn soon, probably after the Gathering to turn some of the scrap metal into something useful. Just takes a HELL of a lot of heat to melt those things down so we try and do it monthly." He explains and points over to the furnace in corner of the yard.

"We got drinks in the shop if ya want something too. But if ya go in just announce yourself otherwise Mrs. Marry might throw something at ya and she's wicked accurate."

Erin looks between Kill and then towards Tabi and then to Berg, before she smiles at Kill a bit shyly as she leans against Tabi as if her life depended on it "I'm Erin" she sagely nodsnods then looks to Berg "wait are we shotting a bow and arrow this time for a game? That would be awesome!"

Tabi curses softly. "Well, guess I owe you a Coke, huh?" And then she giggles. "Yeah, and don't want to get into Mrs. Marry's bad graces. I've never seen a woman cow an Ahroun, that's twice her size and a quarter her age, before. And she did it with look. I ain't messing with her. Uh uh. Nope."

"Nice to meet you, Eric. I'm Zoe. Or Killigrew, depending on formalities or... something." She flipflops her hand at that and grins to Bergin. "Sounds fantastic. I'm good for now. I was half hoping I'd find a really cool hood ornament or something out there. One of those swans. Or a horse."

"That's impressive. Now I want to meet Missus Marry. Maybe pick up a few tips from her. Other than just turning into something bigger, like an elephant."

Bergin nods, "I have plans for archery but not many people know one end of a bow from the other. So for now we're sticking with chuck it or throw it - for those with less skill," he offers Erin a quick smile and then looks between Tabi and Zoe. "Last week was axes, this time it's spears. You should see the prizes though. Woof. Seriously nice work."

Erin sticks her tongue out at Berg "Party pooper, we should do a bow and arrow that'd be awesome and so now they learn total robin hood" she sagely nodsnods.

Tabi ooohs. "Having seen last weeks prize, I'm intrigued..." She smiles at Erin. "I could handle a little Robin Hood-iness. I mean, I'd suck at it - but it'd be fun."

"Not a bad incentive to try and learn. I ought to take on some martial skills, anyway. Not that I want to go diving into the sorts of trouble Garou get into, but not being helpless is handy, too. Then again, there's something to be said for turning into a porcupine in a fist fight." Killigrew says wryly, "You guys should sign up, anyway. Even if you're bad at it, it would give others a sense of your capabilities in general. Good place to be for tactical thinking."

Bergin walks back over to the log he was spitting wood at and sinks the axe into it so he can head to the shop beyond for something. "Be right back," he calls to the woman and disappears inside only to emerge a moment later carrying a round, green shield and a leaf-blade spear straight out of the Norse sagas...or a LOTR movie.

"These are the prizes for this week," he holds them out for the ladies to inspect. The shield is made from slats of oak bound in iron and covered in green material which may or may not look suspiciously like pool table fabric. The center boss and sun-like fixtures are all cast bronze and would cover someone from shoulder to knee if held correctly. The spear has a blade that's nearly a foot in length and as wide as your palm with a haft that's six foot in length if it's an inch.


Erin of course comes to examine the work from the spear and shield, she tilts her head one way and another as she looks at it "Cool, dang does this mean I should probably learn mounted combat?" she looks thoughtful then shrugs "But these are neat, so are we then tossing spears this coming gathering?" she wonders

Tabi chuckles. "From my experience.... a shotgun is an equal opportunity tool. It don't care who's pulling the trigger - kin or shifter. And it tends to make whoever's in front of it... have a pretty bad day. I mean, if the thing you're facing off with shrugs off 12 gauge shells? It's time to run." She ooooohs softly at the prizes. "Oh, Jay... those are beautiful." She looks at Erin. "You should talk with Kringer?"

"Those are gorgeous." She's not real judge of craftsmanship, not yet, but she can admire good work when she sees it. "Did you make these, Bergin?" Killit asks, keeping to her place with the bolt cutters to lean upon. "Fantastic incentive to get to work learning how to use a bow."

Erin giggles softly "Kringer said I would need him to get him better armor than what he already haves.. And he wants it to look nice. " she rolls her eyes "Cat's I tell you, they suddently see movies and they want stuff" she scoffs then nods "yeah really nice, yeah did you make these?"

Bergin explains that the prizes came from him and Old Man Johnson, Mrs. Marry's husband. "The man's a suburb craftsman when it comes to the old world stuff."

Tabi mmms softly. "In my case, both. They were both carriers of that whole recessive gene." She frowns. "That really doesn't sound quite right." She sighs and continues on. "I was a bit of a surprise. I think they thought I was probably going to be another... errrm... carrier, I guess?" She chuckles. "Darn genetics of blonde hair..."

Tabi laughs. "If Kringer's reacting to say Black Panther as a movie? He might be a little disappointed." She quirks an eyebrow. "I might not be an expert in weaponcrafting... but those are absolutely amazing. Is it too late to do a crash-course in spear throwing? I mean, I've got two days - right?"

Bergin hehs and offers what all he knows of spear-throwing, "Just remember: teh pointy end goes into the other guy..." it's a simple enough of a joke but the lumber-shaman is trying his best here. "They reminded me of the old sagas of the Shield Maidens who defended the hearth and home while the men were away. They'd lock their shields together, stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their sisters, aunts and daughters and hold the line against any of the greey bastards that tried to sneak in and grab what was left of their winter food." His voice deepens a bit as he recounts the vision as though it might not be something that he just /heard/ once or twice. Pesky shaman visons.

"But that's when you'd have archers behind them, picking off the idiots that dared look out from behind their shields when they ran at the wall. It's all about the combination of such things - ya know?"

Erin looks thoughtfully at Berg but nods "Well I would hope that people know that the pointy end goes into the bad guy and shit if they can't figure that out they need not use one" she sagely nodsnods then looks at Berg "Are you not going to tell us what we are going to do for fun for the next meeting?" she looks to Tabi and giggles "He wanted me to make him some stuff from the movie I was like dude, movie real life here" she grins "But we shall see.. I think I might work on armor maybe first.. Maybe " She looks thoughtful then goes back to leaning against Tabi, poor Tabi.

Tabi chuckles. "The pointy-bit advice is always good. It's something you only get wrong once." She pauses thoughtfully. "Well... maybe twice?" She laughs.

Branton pulls up in a big ol pick up truck and hops out to have a look around, giving a low whistle "Oh yeah. Something here'll do just fine."

"The women then were brave. And strong. Strong enough to hold those shields and defend their homes and their children." Killigrew comments, quieting to think, then sliding her glove back on. The cutter get hefted to a shoulder once more and she looks out over the scrapyard like a pirate surveying a vast ocean of booty. About to set off, she stops when she sees another roll up and head into the yard. Bergin takes the sword and shield and heads back to the shop to put them away until the Gathering this weekend. The flannel-wearing lumbersexual disappears into the largest building in the yard for a moment and returns with a few bottles of water for those gathered. "We're doing axes and spears this week," he answers Erin upon his return. "Maybe next time we can add bows but I don't know if that many people use them around here."

The arrival of the new face draws his attention and he looks between those gathered to see if he's recognized before passing out the water to them. "Hey, how's it going?" he calls to Branton, "Can we help ya find something?"

Looking curiously over to Kill " Wait did I hear you right or was I imagining that you offered to teach martial arts?" Erin curiously asks as if something dawn on her sometimes the red head is super slow. She looks over to Branton and waves "Sup!" she greets before looking back to Kill and nodsnods "Any mother becomes a warrior when definding their young" she admits. She pouts at Berg "Darn" she hmms "you'd be surprise at one point everyone and their cousin used a bow, why I learned it" she nodsnods.

Branton looks around and waves to Erin and nods to the others who looked his direction before he grins and nods at Bergin "Godi Bergin right? I'm Branton Kholer, I'm looking for some bits and pieces for target practice. I had some friends over and my testing facility got a little kaboom'd."

leaning a little closer to Tabi as she looks around. Erin looks to Branton "Hey glad to see ya, I was told that maybe I should bug, bother, talk too you know one of those about maybe some magical stuff to help.. Maybe we can chat about it or something? I wouldn't even know what to bug you about" she blushes and then ohs "why did they make it go Kaboom?"

"Teach? Oh, no. I meant more that I ought to find someone to teach me how to fight. Use a bow. That sort of thing. Only so much that my abilities will get me without knowing more." Killigrew says. She's got heavy boltcutters up over a shoulder, some aviator snips in a pocket, and heavy workgloves on her hands. At utter odds with her pixie-punk-goth look and pastel blue fauxhawk.

"Teach? Oh, no. I meant more that I ought to find someone to teach me how to fight. Use a bow. That sort of thing. Only so much that my abilities will get me without knowing more." Killigrew says. She's got heavy boltcutters up over a shoulder, some aviator snips in a pocket, and heavy workgloves on her hands. At utter odds with her pixie-punk-goth look and pastel blue fauxhawk.

Branton nods at Erin and grins "It was a gathering of folks with an affinity for fire powers. There was lots of Kaboom." Then to Bergin "Thanks. If nothing else I'll go up and over if it comes to it. Though as long as I'm within about nine hundred feet or so of my truck I can always blink back to it. I'm a Psychic, and a Sorcerer-Priest of Hecate." Including that last bit as if it explains things.

Sten carries over the bag towards Jay and offer it to him "Got something for you" grinning to him but lets Heidi explain what it is. Offering a nod to those present with a smile. Those he know and those he does not yet know. "Quite busy even without the gathering it seems"

Heidi explains, "We're only stopping by on our way to dinner. But I dug up the zwheihander for you." She gestures to the bag for Bergin. If folks are gathered and don't remember her from the bbq she introduces herself again. "Hi, I'm Heidi."

Maybe she'll find a dead body in a trunk with concrete shoes! Killigrew moves off a little ways from the growing gathering. Climbing into the busted out window of an old car, she starts hunting around in the glove box and under the seats. Between them. It's good she's on the smaller side, diving over the seat, butt up, to get into the back and roll around on the floor boards of the old rusted out car. A couple of really old, dried french fries are tossed out the window with a soft, "Yeeeeuch!"

ERin ohs a little bit at Branton "Kinda cool I think, lots of fire" she looks over to Sten and the others then kinda falls quiet.

Tabi puts a comforting hand on Erin's shoulder. She knows that Erin's not neccesarily the greatest in crowds. She waves to the psuedo-gathering with her other hand. "Hello, Prospect..." she chuckles, before quirking an eyebrow at Branton's words. "Hecate? Cool..."

Bergin glances in the bag and looks at the pieces of the sword contained within, "This is...this is the /thing/?" he asks all excitedly. The smith can't really conceal his inner 'ooooo' factor at the gift. "Thank you, thank you both for this."

Bergin blinks up to echo Tabi's question, "Hecate? Wha? Wait...the Goddess?"

Killigrew slithers back out of the car with a treasure in hand. A shark-headed Maui bobblehead. Score! Retrieving the bolt cutters, she works on getting some crusted lord-knows-what off of it on the way back towards the group.

Heidi smiles to the other ladies in view of the stacks. A nod goes back to Bergin. "It's the one. There's a story that goes with it but we can go over that another time with some drinks." Her hand lightly touches Sten's back, "We have dinner reservations out tonight. Raincheck on the rest?"

Branton nods at Bergin "I'm kin to the Black Furies. We have an affinity to the old greek gods and since I'm a Sorcerer that led me to making a deal with the Mother of Spells. Like a Totem spirit and a pack."

Sten nods to Bergin "Thought it be good if you had it, figured it was either coincidence or might be related to your reason being here"

Erin is quiet though when Tabi hugs her closer she smiles at her relaxing a little bit. She looks back towards the stack a moment then looks back to Berg

Bergin nods to Heidi and to Sten, walking over to them with the bag of sword bits in his hand to offer them both a forearm clasp in gratitude. "I'll have to probably find a Smith with more skill than I to pull this off but talk about an /EPIC/ story -this- will make." He grins from ear to ear and thanks them for coming by to drop it off.

Tabi ahhhs softly at Branton's response. "Nice... you and Zoe should talk" She gestures to Killi as she clambers out of a car with an actual treasure. She quirks an eyebrow at at Berg's response. Clearly there's some tribal backstory here to which she's not privvy. But his excitement (for whatever is going on) is contagious.

Heidi grins, "It will be a good one I think. I hope you enjoy it like a good puzzle." She looks to the rest, "It was good to meet you all again." The visiting Fenris say their goodbyes on their way out.

Sten chuckles "You should really have a talk with Theron" nodding to him with a smile and a clasp "Should drop by the Longhouse again at some point" offers his goodbyes

Killigrew gets back in time to catch the part about the Furies from Branton. "You and me both, Boo. I'm..." Tabi swoops in the introduction again and she grins. "Jinx again." Beat. "Zoe. Or Killigrew. Either one work. Shapeshifting enchantress. Like Tim, from the Holy Grail. But cuter. And kin of the Furies."

Erin waves tot he couple that just left then does peek curiously towards the sword as she tilts her head a little bit then looks between Kill and Branton and then grins "Oh yeah, bet you two would have lots of stories" she sagely nodsnodds

Journey walks in from the East, looking around vaugely, taking in the hulks of cars as he moves with little seeming purpose, looking over the area in general it seems.

Branton nods to Killigrew and introduces himself properly to his kinswoman "Branton Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Spouse of Elder Theurge Iris 'Mercy's Messenger' Tiganites, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads." there's a pause of a beat "Shapeshifting magic is cool, I've done some limited stuff with Alchemy but not any dedicated specific spellwork in that field. I'm more into artificing, alchemy, and magical theory. Also weird shit identification because gods know Prospect is weird enough for any four cities."

Branton also offers a nod hello to Journey.

Bergin yells for a few of the Boyz to go fetch drinks for the gathered folk and help find chairs so that people aren't just standing around. "You want them to think we're not good hosts?" he asks and wanders over to grab some seats to spread around the central fire pit for people to take their ease. The boyz, the kinfolk sons of the couple who own the scrapyard, nod to Bergin and fetch bottles of water and a cooler of the beer from the last barbeque that's still been kept cold for those guests who want a bit more than just to wet their lips.

Looking over to yet another person showing up. Erin starts to lean against Tabi but wait it's Journey, she actually let's go of Tabi and rushes to hug Journey "Journey!!!!!!" she seems super excited to see the elder. How old is this woman sheesh.

Killigrew is quick to claim one of the chairs set out, placing the bolt cutters on it, then stripping off the heavy work gloves to toss down as well. This frees her up to offer Branton one of her hands. "A pleasure to meet you, Branton. Mi casa es su casa. When I get a house." she says with a crooked little smile. Erin streaks by and she turns her head to track the other woman, watching her pouncehug Journey and laughing. "No one around here is shy, are they?"

Journey pokes the corpse of a 78 Impala briefly, looking over, and lifts a half wave to Branton before Erin comes screaming in and he looks down to her hugging him, "Hi, Erin." He says, arms pinned. "How're you?"

Tabi d'ohs softly. That's two Cokes going to Killi now. She smiles as Erin darts over to Journey.

Erin smiles up at Journey before she lets him go "Good good and yourself? Come join us?" she smiles hopefully up at him as she rocks on her heels now that she has let him go and then starts to lead the way over to Tabi and the others. "Do you know everyone?" she asks yup where did the quiet shy Erin go dang.

Branton chuckles shakes the hand Killigrew offered. Then he gets his own seat and beverage "And Elder Farshi is the father of a toddler so I suppose he's used to personal space not being a thing. Do you need a hand finding a place to stay? We've got people, including myself, with fingers in the local realestate scene. And Elder Farshi's mate Vesta does a lot of good work helping new folks get settled in."

Bergin glances over to the one that people seem to be running to hug, "That's Journey-rhya?" he asks anyone within earshot and finishes setting up the chairs for folks. "You could say that the Gatherings here are like a big, perhaps a bit disfunctional, family reunion. So...yeah...it's sort of like that." He offers in answer to Kill's comment about shyness.

Journey looks around as Erin asks if he knows everyone, then says, "Oh um, the source of the insanely overpowering Fury Kin breeding." He nods to Killigrew, lifting a hand, wiggling his fingers, looking over and waving to Tabi, "Hey how you doing?" Before rubbing his eyes vigoriously.

Killigrew mms, nodding a few times to Brantons words. "I've probably fathered a few of those, too." Moving the bolt cutters so she can sit down, she gets down about the time the Elder looks in her direction. Getting back up, she inclines her head to the Elder. "Zoe Killigrew, daughter of Artemis, shapeshifting enchantress." Not nearly as many titles as Branton has, but they seem to number just right to suit the pixie-punk. "Maybe, Branton. I've not even had time to crack open a newspaper to see what's available. I went out to the Caern and pointed this way, and the Kinhouse."

Erin goes back to Tabi's side and looks to Journey "Boy did I just ask the dumbest of questions huh, of course you know everyone" she looks thoughtful and was going to say something but desides to just sit there quiet.

Journey looks to Erin, "Oh not quite." He says, walking over toward the fury Kin, nodding to Killigrew, "Hello, I am Journey Farshi, Shaderunner of the Silent Striders. Elder Theurge of Homid birth, Alpha of the Zephyrs Hand pack, mated to Vesta Farshi of the Silent Strider Kinfolk, Father of Stephen Farshi, deednamed Baconcaller." He says, nodding to Branton, "I should check here for Auto Club parts."

Tabi nods respectfully to Journey, giving him a grin. "I'm good, thank you. And how are you and yours?"

Branton nods at Killigrew and fishes out a business card and pen, scribbling a phone number on the back before offering it over "The front is my business info, Kholer Kustom Manufacturing. On the back is Vesta's number, I'll let her know you'll be in touch. The Caern, the kinhouse, the Smoke and Barley. Those are the three big ones for garou and kinfolk, if you want to meet other Sorcerers and such outside the Nation I can arrange that too. And Also I know a fair number that aren't even shifter adjacent. One of the handy parts of being an artificer for hire, I meet all sorts of people. for various values of 'people'." Then Branton nods to Journey "Absolutely, there's all sorts of stuff, I'm thinking of taking some frames that have been stripped out to my testing facility. I need to replace some targets."

Bergin slowly approaches Journey, once he's said his hellos and been tacklehugged by people and gestures to a seat or to the coolers of beer and water that have been brought out for the guests, "Welcome Journey-Rhya," he smiles and bows his head a bit to the Elder Theurge, "We'd be honored if you would come to the Gathering this weekend. It's anticipated to be a fun time with some great food and good stories and games for the People."

Minna is likely heard well before she's seen, or, at least, her car is. Old, American, and burning gas like it's the end of the world, the old boat drags itself along on eight cylinders and stops at the entrance. She comes along a few minutes after, picking her way through the stacks and junk with her hands held near her pockets, the fingers of one hand tapping a beat on her hip as she walks.

Journey nods to Branton, "Seems like a good time to get that kind of thing yeah." Looking to Tabi, he nods, "Doing quite well, I-Oh." He snaps his fingers, and to Tabi, "Did Ouray find you?" He assk, then as Bergin approaches, he nods, "Just Journey, or Shaderunner-Rhya, mixing the human name and Garou suffix is a bad habit, had my Veil pierced once by someone whose mouthe was faster than their brain, but yeah, I think, um It's Wednesday. So this weekend, um, yeah."

"A pleasure, Journey." Killigrew says, dipping her head in another little bow before settling on her chair, just in time to catch the card from Branton. "Perfect, thanks." Digging a Jack Skellington wallet out of her jacket, she stuffs the card in it, and disappears it back into her leather jacket. "I'll take you up on all of it. Finding people to learn from and others to hang around is good." Another new person joins the crowd, and Killit turns her attention that way, head tilting as she watches Minna make her way to the group. "I was telling Bergin and Erin earlier that I ought to find someone to learn some martial skills from."

Erin gets herself something to drink and sits quietly as she looks from one to the other as they talk. Well there was a burst and now it's like gone she's odd.

Bergin calls to the new arrival, trying not to make the small gathering look like a cult meeting or something. "Hail," he holds a hand up to the new face and becons her over since he naturally assumes she knows where she's going. "How do...friend. Can we help ya with something? Water...beer?" he offers because he's a gracious host of a lumberse...flannel-wearing, bearded guy.

Tabi mmms softly at Journey. "I haven't seen Ouray for... maybe a week or so?" She picks out a seat next to Erin, finally taking one herself. If Jay's going to worry about being a good host - the least she do is try to be a good guest. And she's kinda protective of her favorite mechanic. She gives Minna a welcoming nod. "Hey..."

Branton nods enthusiastically at Killigrew and gestures at his truck "I've got some weapons in my truck if you want to take a look, I also offer periodic self defense lessons for kinfolk at the kinhouse. If the timing doesn't work out for you we can set something else up. Have you met Alecto? She's the Black Fury tribal Eldest. Also the Sept Truthcatcher."

Journey nods to Tabi, walking over there, "Good, means he found you, yeah, he has his own things going on, but at least you guys met." He looks over to Bergin as he falls into hosting duties.

Minna , deliberately or not, carries the look of someone searching for something, eyes skipping from stack to stack. She's drawn toward the voices, sure, but plays it casual, cool, right up until she's addressed. It's then that she turns, gives the lot of them a collective glance, and says, "New in town. Looking to meet and greet." She pauses and gives her shoulders a roll, then nods at Bergin. "Water- if you wouldn't mind."

"Oh yeah?" Zoe chews on that, then nods and hops up again, leaving the bolt cutters on the chair so no one will steal it. She's totally coming back. "Alecto? Nope. Not yet. This crew that's been rolling through here is more or less what I've met." she says, smoothing her skirt, then patting her jacket. The aviation snips and gloves join the cutters on her seat and she nods towards Branton's truck. "Show me what you've got?"

Tabi chuckles to Journey. "Thanks for pointing me in his direction. He's become... somewhat of a mentor to me." She offers Minna a smile. "You've chosen the right time and place to schmooze, apparently."

in the back of Branton's truck is a cargo box and a large duffle bag. The cargo box is locked and Branton slides over the large duffle, he rummages around in it a bit and pulls out a fighting knife that's ornately carved "Blade of Hecate, lets its weilder cut any reality they can see. Good for seers that can spot ghosts or spirits but don't have the power to reach across and deal with threats on their own." He explains as he takes out a few other swords, knives, a collapsable riot baton, a hunting bow. and a variety of other archaic arms.

Looking towards to Branton as he explains the knife "Oh Cool.. Hey do you have something that makes you hit better the target?" she bites her lip "or something like that?" Erin onders as she looks to Tabi and Journey then back to Branton

Bergin offers Minna one of the bottles of water from the cooler and gestures to a seat around the fire ring and notes that with all the people around that she's welcome to sit wherever. "But don't move Zoe's stuff or she might take it personal-like." A smile is offered and he takes his own seat and tries to step into one of the conversations now that the guests are mostly tended to.

Minna looks at Tabi and pauses, as if the word 'schmooze' is so unfamiliar that it takes a moment or two to bounce around in her head and fall through the right slot. Then she smiles a little, shrugs, breathing out a mild sigh. "Guess I did. Not the kind of reception I was expecting." She takes the water with a grateful nod, then moves to take a central seat, cracking open the water for a thirsty swig.

Journey nods to Tabi, "Oh sure, sounds likt things have been good for you, that's great." He looks to Brantons Truck as the man starts popping the trunk, smirking, and looking to Erin, "Hit the target better how, like, more accurate, or more like BOOM?"

A strange little giggle comes from the other side of the gate a moment before it is pushed open by a new arrival. It's Pepper! And she is without the oversized, fake fur coat which she usually wears. The small woman has her smartphone in one hand and a half-full bottle of whiskey in the other. The wobble in her step and the flush on her cheeks may reveal where the other half of the bottle's contents have gone. Pepper's eyes widen at the sight of the small gathering. The blonde pauses to take a selfie in front of one of wrecked car before she makes her way over to the group. "Hullohowareyou!"

The bow catches Zoe's attention and she taps it with a fingertip. "I think this would be fun to start with. Maybe I can go as Artemis for Halloween. Make some of my stodgier ancestors roll in their graves." She leans in to whisper conspiratorially to Branton. "I have a reputation to make and all that." While leaned in, she tries to slip the Shark-Head Maui bobblehead into his pocket.

Tabi laughs deeply. "Well, it's not always like this out here, at least in my experience." She shoots Berg a quick, questioning glance. I mean, she really hasn't been out here that much. Maybe it's like this more than she thinks. She nods to Journey. "Yeah... thinks have been amazing, so far." She starts to offer Pepper a greeting, but it turns into a worried frown. That much booze in a body that size? Even with a Garou's metabolism, that isn't great. She stands, pausing to grab a bottle of water and makes her way towards Pepper. "Heeey. How're you feeling?"

Branton nods at Zoe, accepting the offered trade with a grin "Sounds like an excellent plan to me. It doesn't have any special features or anything, other than being very well made. I've been toying with the idea of alchemcial treatments for arrows though, could be neat so I've started keeping some bows in inventory." To Erin "I don't have any of my Armed combat boosters in stock currently, though I do know how to make a couple different kinds."

Journey nods, and points Erin to Branton as the man has that in his catalog, and looks over to Pepper, tilting his head, seeming unconcerned about alcohol poisoning, but watching Tabi going to check. He looks around once more, settling into quiet.

"I think Bergin was talking about having archery at one of his big parties out here. If I hurry, I might be able to participate, too." Killigrew adds, turning to look back at the group by the firepit. "You know the new chick? I probably ought to go introduce myself. You should, too, unless you already know her."

Erin looks towards Branton and smiles softly at him "That sound cool, when you have them in stock would you let me know please?" she bites her lip. She jumps a bit at Pepper's arrival, one of these days she will get use to the woman. She waves to her "sup"

As Tabi eaches her, Pepper offers her a simple blink-blink at the question before she answers in her clumsy cadence. "Fantabulous. Happy. Howareyou!" She partially turns her back to the other woman and then leans backward against her, holding her smartphone up so she can get a selfie of the two of them. "First change day. Like birthday. Yes?"

Bergin seems a bit surprised to see Pepper out here but the last time was relatively close so it's not impossible. "I -think- she's one of Calvin's bunch at the Mall." He adds and turns his attention to how Tabi is already on the path to help the woman. Then, to Zoe and her comment about the archery he shrugs a bit, "I was told that not many know how to shoot the danged things but we can always open it up."

Minna takes a little time to herself, drinking down the water gulp by gulp while staring into the fire. But she's listening, and she's watching, eyes and ears up, observing the gathered folks and how they interact. Something about the way Tabi and Pepper interact tugs a quirk of a smile out of her.

Journey smiles, head cocked, and calls over, "Is that so, Pepper? Your Changeday? How long has it been?" He asks, smiling faintly.

Branton blinks and looks back up to Killigrew from his wares, clearly having missed something as he was distracted by business "Oh! yes." Then he looks over at the fire pit and grins "There's actually a number of people I don't know here. Sorry about that, I'm a bit distractable at times."

Tabi nods to Pepper. "Yeah. Very much so. ey, you wanna drink a little water?" She offers the selfie taking Gnawer the bottle she'd snagged on the way over. "It'll.... ummm... help you drink more of the whiskey later. And speaking of the whiskey, I coould... uhhh... hold the bottle for you? Go put it on ice to make it cold?" Step one- engage. Step two - disarm.

Killigrew makes fingerguns at Bergin. "Exactly. The odds of winning increase an whole lot if I'm one of two people that know how to shoot." she says, nodding to Branton. "Perfect. We shall -mmmmmingle-. It'll be fun." Beconing him to come, she heads over towards Minna, pleated skirt swishing with the bounce in her step. She found a treasure, got it anew home, made new friends - life deserves a swishy skirt.Pepper's gaze hones in on Journey and she scrunches her face for a second or two. "Six years. Don't know birthday. So... change day." Tabi's words draw a blink-blink and a bit of a blank stare. "Not born yesterday! Here." The whiskey bottle is held out for Tabi to take and then the blonde directs her vacant gaze toward the others. Killigrew, Branton, and Minna earn the brunt of her attention though Erin and Bergin receive quick little nods.

Bergin hrms and looks up to Branton and then to Killigrew, "I'd love to hold an archery contest but I know -nothing- about making bows and my arrows...well...let's say that they're best fired at the enemy and not put on display - like ever. But it would be kinda cool to learn to make stuff like that." He glances back to Branton and then gets a clever thought, "Unless you would like to make something as a donated prize - for one of the Gatherings?"

The ta moko covered face of Taika peeks out from the shop. The Maori warrior looks like he fought with a tree and murdered it in cold, vicious blood as he is covered in saw dust and wood chips from head to toe. The saw dust makes his black hair look dirty blonde. Spitting into the dirt of the scrapyard as he comes out, he starts shaking himself off like a good dog does. A micro cloud of dust slowly envelopes him as it slowly wafts to the ground. Pepper's voice catches his attention and he looks her way.". As Bergin mentions bows and arrows, Taika calls out, "Stick to metal Berg. I have wood covered. I can make them if needed."

Tabi takes the offered bottle and offers Pepper the water bottle again. Maybe she'll take it, maybe she won't - to be brutally honest, she's somewhat surprised she got Pepper to give up the whiskey bottle so easily. "And hey, wanna come and sit? So we can celebrate your change day?"

Erin looks curiously at Pepper "Well happy changing day.. We should party" she nodsnods and then grins as she looks around then looks at the new faces then ohs "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude.. " she specially tells Kill "I didn't really introduce myself.. I'm Erin Harrison, Kinfolk to Mother Ananasa and I'm also related to the Fae" she sagely nods then looks to Journey a moment then back to Tabi "We should party.. And get some cake" she sagely nodsnods.

Minna might be pretending at aloofness, but she comes to attention when she catches the motion of someone coming her way. She sits up, back, motorcycle jacket slouching open over a band tee with about eighty percent of the graphic washed away, and looks at Bergin again. Then she looks at Killigrew- and squints- either 'cause of the swishy skirt, or because that much Pure Breed clocks her across the face with an ancestral newspaper.

"No. Not yet." Pepper replies in a blunt little grumble, the words directed to Tabi even as her gaze returns to Branton, Killigew, and Minna in turn. She starts to step away from Tabi but pauses and 'does' take the bottled water. Tabi receives a hastily mumbled, "Thankyouverymuch.", and then Pepper is moving away. The scrawny blonde picks a course that will take her directly to the closest person she has in mind... Branton.

Tabi nods at Erin's suggestion. Yes, Cake! Getting some food into Pepper would be good... cake might not be the best option, but it's likely that Pepper would be willing to eat a boat load of cake. Now, the problem is the fact that cake seems a bit unlikely to be found out in the Stacks. But one problem at a time. She frowns as Pepper totters around. Well, she did give up the whiskey and took the water - so yay.

Taika heads over to the eastern fire-pit, really not all that far away from the western one. Taika moves there to grab the water bucket that is used to put out fires and hefts it up (with effort because water is damn heavy) and slowly pours it over his head. The water splashes lazily and flows around him in a puddle of wood chips and water. The Get Maori looks over to Tabi as he hears cake and hmms, "Bergin, did anyone bring cake to the party? I can go ask Miss Mary what we have for dessert at least." Bergin glances over to Branton as he joins the western seats and mentions, "As a Theurge, I'm seriously interested in how all that 'magic' stuff works. I mean...it's like the gifts of the Spirits, right? Powers over the elements or something?" The Theurge's interest and curiosity are hard to disguise but it's almost expected that he'd like to understand how the other guy's toys work.

Killigrew grabs her chair and drags it along, coming to a step next to Minna. "Evening. Thought I'd come and do the thing with the names. I'm Zoe Killigrew, shapeshifting enchantress and daughter of Artemis." A hand follows the words, offered to the other woman. "That's Branton. He's going to teach me how to be a proper archer." She hooks a thumb towards the other Fury kin. Looking towards the splash of water, she tilts her head, staring at the facial tattoos before remembering staring is -rude-.

Pepper closes the distance to Branton, and Killigrew and Minna in turn. The wiry blonde catches part of Kill's introduction as she reaches the group. She stops suddenly and just stands there like that one awkward person at every party who comes up to your group and... yeah. Grey-blue eyes dart from one face to the next, settling on Minna last.

Journey watches quietly as everyone comes together, smiling as he looks to the side and snags a water bottle and opens it, taking a drink, watching for the moment.

Branton nods at Pepper politely and then at Minna "Branton Kholer, Fury kin sorcerer and artificer." Nodding thoughtfully "Busy's better than bored, for sure." Bergin stands from his seat for the moment, walking over to the gathering pile of firewood he was splitting earlier, before everyone came over for a visit, and tosses a few handfulls in the fire pit at the center of all of the chairs. The Get theurge gets a few more arm loads and stashes them near by so that they can be added as needed and bends to place a hand near the pyramid of dry wood in the pit.

With a word, and a brief exertion of his inner spirit, the shaman calls forth a gout of flame that catches to the wood and a blaze soon starts before the sun hides behind the hills. Minna looks up at Killigrew, feeling just a little shorter than she usually does- which is saying something. She takes the offered hand after a beat and shakes, her grip respectful, firm, but not challenging. She follows the motion of her hand to Branton and studies him, then seems to remember that it would be proper to introduce herself. "I'm Minna Rosing," she says, her voice becoming surer as she speaks the well-rehearsed lines. "Wind-That-Sweeps-The-Mist, Cliath, Homid Philodox of the Black Furies." She gives a respectful nod to those assembled around her. "I appreciate the warm welcome."

Journey tilts his head, "Ah Black Fury Philodox." He nods, "Yep you've got an appointment with your Tribal Elder." He reflects, takes a drink of water, "Ah, I am Journey Farshi, Shaderunner of the Silent Striders. Elder Theurge of Homid birth, Alpha of the Zephyrs Hand pack, mated to Vesta Farshi of the Silent Strider Kinfolk, Father of Stephen Farshi, deednamed Baconcaller. Welcome."

Tabi takes a seat, and quietly tucks the half-full whiskey bottle on the ground behind her. It's not really hidden, it's just not in plain sight. If Pepper goes looking for it, it's not going to be hard to find. Tabi's plan is hoping that Pepper's drunk enough that out-of-sight is out-of-mind. Keeping a worried eye on Pepper, she focuses on Minna - realizing that in all the swirling chaos, she has rather rudely failed to introduce herself. She bobs her head. "Well met, Minna. I'm Tabitha Danes, Tabi to my friends and Jumps-through-Fire to Family. I am a human-born Daughter of Bear - a Kovi Kieh of the Mountain Guardians."

Taika eyed Pepper as she looks a bit lost and calls out, "Pepper. Come, sit, enjoy. If you need something, ask eh?" The Kiwi catches the stare for a moment from Killigrew, but he is used to it so it doesn't bother him. Instead he nods to Minna as she says he formal introduction and then looks to Journey next. He would wait for whoever else might step up to speak first, but eventually he says, "Taika Ngata, Cliath Skald of the Get. Born to a strong Maori woman and rited Calls-Forth-The-Wyrm. Welcome.". Looking back to the shop, he is about to call to Miss Mary when she comes out with a box of graham crackers, some chocolate bars, and marshmallows. It might not be cake but S'mores works.

"A pleasure to meet another tribeswoman." Killigrew says, smiling warmly at Minna, she drags her chair a bit further so she isn't in the way, then moves her things so she can sit back down. "Changeday. Are you lupus-born?" she asks, motioning towards Pepper, glancing to the fire as Bergin builds it up and sets it ablaze. "Well met, Taika. A pleasure. It's good to see a thriving caern."

Pepper, for the most part, does not appear to be out of control. There's a swagger in her stance and a relaxed nature to her posture, but the woman isn't slurring or falling over. She listens to Branton's introduction and then Minna's next, before she steps forward to offer hers. A glance over her shoulder toward Taika, who receives a wide-eyed glance, and then she is spinning back to face to face the others. A nod to Killigrew and then the blonde is reciting a very well-rehearsed speech, "Hello. I am Seeks-the-Balance, so-named by 'Steals-From-Thieves' of Monterray. Lupus born Philodox and Cliath of the Boner Gnawer Tribe." Pause and then a quickly mumbled, "Pleasedtomeetyou."

Bergin steps back from the central fire and walks over to the axe he was using to split the firewood and brings it back to a seat around the fire so he can sharpen it. Since the seats on the west are a bit full and those on the east are tending to Pepper and her potentially intoxicated state, he finds a spot on the northern end - for now.

"I am Jay Bergin, called Foe-Hammer by the people. Cliath, homid-born Godi of the Get of Fenris." He introduces and adds that the Kinfolk here, though distantly, are -technically- family to him. "But if I try calling her Aunt Marry, she'll hit me."

Branton nods as introductions are going around and he offers his own in case anyone missed it "Branton Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Spouse of Elder Theurge Iris 'Mercy's Messenger' Tiganites, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads."

Minna slouches out of her jacket once the fire gets going, letting it pool in the space between her back and the chair. Her eyes go from person to person as they introduce themselves, sight lingering on Tabi, and on Journey, in particular. There's some curiosity written on her face, but in the end, she does the responsible thing. "I'd have taken a nap in the car before showing up and put on something a little," she pauses, plucks at her shirt. "Cleaner, if I'd known I was going to be making so many introductions." She smiles, then turns her attention back to Journey and gives a more respectful, deeper bow of her head. "Intend to, as soon as I can, Shaderunner-rhya."

Taika just shakes his head as Pepper seems intent to not sit and relax. To the others he would give a friendly smile (despite those tattoos). Looking back to Tabi, he smirks and asks, "Sorry, but I've never met a daughter of bear. What exactly is a guardian of, well, I'm sure I would butcher it if I tried to pronounce it and I don't want to be an egg..."

Journey nods to Minna, "You're on the path for it." He says mildly, and sips his waterbottle.

Tabi chuckles softly. "Mountain Guardian? It's analogous to your tribes. The bottom line, in my case, is that I am descended from kin connected to the Grizzly." "Bergin!" Killigrew grabs a drink and lifts it towards their host. "This place is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with me." Taking a drink, she settles in on her chair and gets comfortable, unzipping the leather jacket to let the warmth of the fire soak into her, exposing the burgundy button up blouse underneath.

Erin has fallen super silent and looks like she's off day dreaming or something as she's looking over to the cars with a very thoughtful expression, so many things here oh my, oh my. Alecto wanders in, holding a single, small bulb upright, out a little ways, as if she were afraid she'd break it. In her other hand, she carries a basket of goodies, because if you go visiting, you bring food. That's why. Her dark brow is knit and she peers around, looking to see who all might be here.

Bergin smiles over to Killigrew as she toasts him and he lifts up his own drink in answer, "You're quite welcome, Daughter of Artemis. I'm glad that we can offer you such hospitality." He continues to sharpen his axe and let the fire grow as the folks settle in to enjoy themselves around it.

With the introductions made, Pepper nods her head once and immediately turns around. Grey-blue eyes roam the crowd gathering around the growing fire. Without a word, the lupus moves off from Branton and company and makes her way toward the east side of the firepit. With a huffy breath, Pepper flops down into a seat beside Taika.

Journey nods to Minna, "You're on the path for it." He says mildly, and sips his waterbottle. Standing there, looking around, he sees Alecto and waves, "Hey, over here." He calls, "You have a lightbulb." He observes helpfully.

Daughter of who? Alecto's gaze scans toward the person to whom Bergin is speaking and her nose wiggles briefly. She'll get there. Soon. First, there is business. She moves to Journey and holds out the tiny bulb -- very carefully. "Sasha.." (That would be some kinfolk that probably everyone knows if they've been around for a while.) ".. has been teaching me the basics of driving. She suggested that since I was going to the salvage yard, that I should see if they have more blinker fluid. This one is empty." SHe gives it a careful little shake and holds it out to Journey. NO, she isn't kidding. YES, a Kinfolk is probably going to get their asses kicked.

"Yeah, nah, I meant the K words you mentioned - but I take it they mean the same thing?" Taika asks back to Tabi. "I take it you can change into a Grizzly bear and similar between stages like we can with our wolf side...or is that totally off? Again, I know very little of the other changing breeds. There were so few Get where I underwent my first change that I was sent to another Sept.". He sighs and visibly grows pale for a second before Pepper plops next to him. The s'more ingredients are handed out to everyone at that time and Taika starts making one, purposefully showing Pepper how to do so too if she so chooses. His marshmallow bursts into flames, but the charred goo is what he was going for on his cracker samwich.

Minna gulps down the rest of her water and spares a little to splash across her face, the jolt of the cold snapping mind and senses into greater focus. She glances sidelong at Killigrew, brow raised; it's a look that says, 'a nice shirt under a leather jacket?' Journey takes the bulb. "Blinkers do not use fluid, it's a fictional thing to send people on who don't know that. Like hunting Snipe." He pauses, "Till Snipes actually existed, but nevermind! No blinker fluid, Sasha needs a Ragabashing." He shrugs, just telling her straight, because most other people would be kinda leery of telling Alecto this.

Erin blinks and looks at Alecto and the lightbulb then towards Journey and then looks at the others and blinks again "Wait what?" she tilts her head wanting Alecto to explain the lightbulb again

Branton winces at Alecto's statement and nods in agreement at Journey's response. then he turns to Pepper, Minna and Killigrew and gestures at Alecto as he says quietly "That's our Eldest." Alecto considers this new information for a long moment and her brow knits, then smooths out and she briefly considers being angry, then not so briefly considers it and then she reaches out to take the bulb back from Journey and she hands him the basket instead. A tiny, faint, eety beety smile crosses her lips. "I will speak to Mocks the Dark." Oh, yes she will. Indeed. She gives her hair a toss back over her shoulder and then holds up a finger to Branton. "I'll be right back."

Chip heads back into the yard, his previous duties handled. This time he has a list of things that he is supposed to be looking for, in hand, though once he sees everyone gathered around and a campfire lit he just heads in that direction to say, "Heya." to everyone.

Tabi ahhhs softly at Taika. "Oh. Kovi and Kieh? Kovi is my standing within Gurahl society - basically the equivalent, I believe, as your Cliath? I'm not great with Garou terminology, yet, so I might be a little off. Kieh is my auspice. It translates to Doctor, though it does lose some nuance in the translation. Gurahl auspices are different from the Garou's, apparently. Our auspices change over our lives - in fact, if we live long enough we should have been all five over our lives. Most of the time we go through the auspices in the same order, though the time spent in each can vary." She shrugs. "Though there are rare Bears that go through the auspices in an unorthodox order."

Pepper accepts the s'more ingredients from Taika while watching the exchange between Alecto and Bergin. The former is regarding with a look of curiosity, a rare show of emotion on the othersize vacant face. The scrawny blonde follows the other woman with her eyes before her attention is drawn to Chip.