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Liquidating Leaks Part 3
Pentex security forces respond to a leak in a department of Atlas International
IC Date July 15, 2020
IC Time 10 PM
Players Raquel, Jackson, , Pax (ST)
Location Poway
Spheres Pentex

As Internal Affairs waits and watches, the bar continues around them. Or rather, it shuffles around them, as the atmosphere within this little dive bar isn't always the liveliest. There's the occasional laugh, of course, and some boisterous folks around, but relative to other bars it's not exactly that active.

It's when the man down the bar has had enough to drink that the younger woman stands up and escorts him out to the nearest taxi, which happens to be the one Jackson has acquired for the evening. "Looks like he's had a bit too much to drink." the girl says to Jackson with a little laugh. "Can you take him home please? I'll pay for it." As she says this, she proceeds to open up the back door of the taxi and help the stumbling man in. It's a service, after all, you don't generally need permission to continue using it.

"Of course miss, do you know where he lives, he seems out of it?" Jackson's lie is soft, as he looks over at her, as he is pulls down that cap covering his face, nothing able to see hidding himself in the shadows."Or if he wakes up enough." He is ducked down into the shadows, he had already broken the overhead light. Not his first kidnap using taxi game, and rodeo it's his third.

The man in the backseat leans over the back of the driver's side seat to speak up when his address is asked. "Yea! I got it, it's gonna be at Cherry Street..." the man mumbles out, rambling off a full address before plopping back in the seat and yawning loudly. "Thanks, Laura. I appreciate the talk." he says good-naturedly, with 'Laura' smiling and patting his shoulder before shutting the door carefully to avoid catching any errant bodyparts. "Thanks! Here you go, it should get him home." she says to Jackson, passing him a twenty and a warm smile before returning to the interior of the bar.

Home is where the heart is too bad, that is not the plan.<Taking him to one of our warehouses, I'll talk with him for a bit.> As he drives off slowly, obeying all those annoying rules, as he drives now."She is pretty, your lover or side piece brother?"

The newly named Laura steps back into the bar, where she returns to the counter and smiles at the bartender, who offers her a glass of water. After a few sips, the young woman turns her attention to the rest of the bar, gazing quietly at the rest of the patrons from her position with her drink.

"Oh, nah, she's-" Pausing, the man in the back seat of Jackson's vehicle sneezes heavily, then wipes his nose with a tissue from his pocket before continuing. "Just a nice pershon, yaknow? Listens and suchs... To people's problems." Nodding vigorously, the man tilts briefly, then moves as if he's about to counteract it, before apparently deciding to go with it. It's this way that he ends up laying across the back seat of the taxi.

Jackson drives slowly as he looks back at the man, as he speaks into the mic.<Name is Larua. She might be a target, get her.> His hand is resting on the wheel, as he starts to drive towards that warehouse."Oh what kinda, trouble you got brother. I mean us cab drivers, wise as hell. Aint' much seen in movies, but we are the bartenders of the road."

"Oh, y'know, the usual... Shtuff. Works sucks, home life sucks, but at least we can get drunk!" Cheering, the man raises a hand, which then goes limp and drops onto his side with a thump. "Always- Do this, do that. Do the other thing." Flopping his arm, the man lets out a burp, then a sigh, as he closes his eyes to rest them.

"Gotcha man." Jackson is idled outside of the warehouse, as he waits and then off goes the cab, as he slides a pair of black leather gloves on to his hands. As he reaches in to grab the man by the neck, as he starts towards the warehouse with him, with a little chuckle."Ritual time."

"H-hey, whadya doin!?" The man grumbles as Jackson attempts to grab him by the neck, his arm coming up in his drunken daze to knock his grip away from him. "I can walk just- just fine. Here." Slowly pushing himself up, the man slaps his face a few times before pushing out of the back of the tazi, only to peer around at the warehouse area with a confused glaze. "Where we at?"

"Come on, got a job for ya." Jackson nods slowly, as he opens his wallet, as he takes out 1,000 dollars offoer it towards the man."I got this text from my old lady, you said work sucks. So, offering to pay you for the help, she saw on fucking that god damn facebook marketplace. A fucking bookshelf, told the owner I would pick it the fuck up." His voice is filled with displeasure, as he looks at the man."It'll fit in the fucking trunk, was going to set you out here and pick you up in an hour, but given your awake. Pay you 1,000 for your burly power."

"Whaaaaaaat?" the man grumbles as he reaches up to scratch the side of his head. "Man, I just wanted a ride home and- and stuff. I mean it's like yer job. You- you're up to something shady- shady." Reaching into his back pocket, he comes out with a pistol, which he waves around as he takes some steps away from the taxi itself. "I'm just gonna walk home. Thanks, though."

Jackson nods slowly as his hands coming up into the air."Fine your right, I fucked up came on I'll drive ya for free." As he walks towards the cab staying to the shadows, leaning in to grab the hilt of his katana under the seat, as he is waiting for the man."Sound good brother?"

The man seems to consider it for a moment, but then waves it off with his free hand. "N-nah, I can walk from here. Think I'm sober enough now." With a nod, the man starts to cross the street away from the warehouse, and presumably starts back off towards his house, gun still in hand.

There's nothing like the sudden adrenaline that fills your system in a life or death scenario to sober someone up, and when Jackson's suddenly coming at him with a katana, Mr. Guy has had enough. He fires as Jackson runs at him, hitting him in the side of the torso with a pretty nasty wound, then crying out when he gets cut by... A sword. "What the fuck!?" the man calls out, as he backpedals and raises his weapon to an easier firing position than the off-hand shot he'd just given.

A bullet to the gut, and a man that doesn't seem to fucking listen not good for a Garou that has well rage issues, I mean don't they all. Jackson slides forward quickly, fliping his sword over in his hand, the first blow is coming as the gun back fires, as he grins at the man."Could done this nice, could done it right." The voice is sing song, as he then spins around blade land on the man's head with a loud crack bone sound, as Jackson grips the man's shirt leading him towards the warehouse, the blood sword is held in his right hand, as he looks at the taxi."FUCK YOU BAD LUCK CHARM!"

The man is out, or rather, severely injured and bleeding out. But he's alive, barely, by the time Jackson gets him into a 'cooperative' state. Thankfully, they appear to be far enough out into an industrial district that no one else is around to hear the gunshots go off. Or rather, anyone who does hear doesn't seem to care, as the police sirens never sound in the distance.

Back at the bar, Laura has apparently finished her appraisal of the remaining patrons, and after some thought turns back to the bartender to order a glass of whiskey. Whiskey in hand, she turns and slips over into a booth next to a dejected-looking man, offering the whiskey and a warm smile as she starts to chat him up.

Sheridan and Sheridan 2.0 manage to keep themselves an entertaining couple of barflies. Playfully drinking the night away while they themselves continue to observe unobtrusively. Sheridan 2.0 isn't really affected by mundane alcohol, and so her peripheral vision catches as 'Laura' watches and moves on to her next target. It's going to be interesting trying to get her out of the bar without a fight, or the cops being called. What to do, what to do...

Laura continues her chatting with the man for quite some time, though she never seems to notice anything amiss in the bar. She takes the occasional sip of an alcoholic drink, but she never imbibes too much, instead switching to her water for the majority of the time. Her hand rests on the man's forearm as she runs his back after what seems to be a particularly rough admission, then some soft words follow before she starts to lead him as well out of the bar, presumably outside to seek out another taxi.

Sheridan gets a painful tug on her hair, hands probably going to rub the spot as she glares at Sheridan 2.0. It's then that the first of twins grins while the second pays their tab and begins to stand, placing a big old kiss on her cheek before making a calculated clumsy step. "I'm gonna go home!" Raquel slurs, as Sheridan 2.0, and the pair laugh rauciously before they stumble their way out the front while leaning on each other.

Outside, Laura helps the man into another waiting taxi around the corner of the building itself. After paying the cab driver to safely taxi the man home, the taxi pulls off and heads away from the bar, as Laura pauses briefly to pop her wallet open to check on the interior. She doesn't look all that happy about what she finds, but she sighs and stuffs it back into her small purse anyway.

Laura is so preoccupied by her net loss on this fishing trip, that she doesn't notice the two rather musclebound ladies sneaking up behind her. Both Sheridans coordinate so well, a hand in the armpit and a grip on the wrist and she's lifted up between the two. Her feet might kick and thrash as Laura begins to panic, while the menacing duo march her right up to the van to toss her inside. The door shuts behind them, and Raquel hopes that Sheridan listens to just tie the girl up while she herself drives the van away from prying eyes.

Jackson starts to place the man in the center of a the symbol of Gree, it was using the man's own blood from the katana, as he moves the man striping him with a snarl down at him."LITTLE BITCH!" The words, filled with hate, as he drolls on to the ground with rage, his eyes cold with hate."Fucking shoot me, will now your going to have some fun." As he takes up a piece of broken limber, as he wipes his blood along it slowly, with the symbol of gree, using the blood from the shirt, as he starts to chant now, moving quickly. His eyes forcing that lumber broken, jagged to jab at the man right over his heart, painting him in the love of father.

"J, where is your position?" Raquel is hunched over the wheel, as she makes her way down the streets at night. Sheridan is keeping tabs on the flailing Laura, but that might not last long should the Ahroun decide to Frenzy for being so damned irritating. Did she even tie her up? "We've left the bar, and have a lead. Time to rendevou."

<Fucking this asshole up, he fucking shot me.> Jackson is watches now as the ritual is over, as he exhales the smoke from his green cigrette.

"You left... a witness." Raquel's eyelids flutter and her temple pulses under high blood pressure. You know what? She'll let the Wolves deal with that later. "Ok, he's drunk enough to not remember. Sure. That sounds good. What side of town are you on?"

Jackson nods slowly, with a little chuckle.<Your the fucking boss lady, also he will forget it due to the bane. Just remeber having a really depression filled night. Thats the goal.> As he looks around, as he tells her the adress of the warehouse.