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Summer Aguilar was just your average nursing student at UC Prospect, fun, generally caring, and more sexy than even the school brochures would let on about. Her plan was to take classes, have fun, maybe get married, and eventually have a career. Then she went on a trip to Tijuana with her friends.

Seduced by a dark and handsome businessman, she found herself traveling down a dark road, agreeing to be his pet in return for his money, her schooling became less and less important as she was consumed by a life of partying, sex, and drugs. Wondering if she'd ever be able to graduate, she found herself summoned to a location by a company memo. Assuming she would be accompanying her "daddy," Dante, on a business trip, she found herself on a mission that nearly reeked of danger... and she survived.

The next day, she was sent on another trip, this one even more dangerous. She was not supposed to survive. When she DID, however, she realized she'd been noticed. She was given a final chance to refuse the life she was sinking into... but never did get a chance to find out if it was real before accepting. The screen started flickering, quieting her mind, leashing her desires, and indoctrinating her into her new life...

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Vampire "The Gaians think you're us. Some are, but others are FAR too Weaver for my liking. Father must be Freed First."
werewolf "Eco-Terrorists combined with Furries. Recruit who we can, kill the rest with prejudice."
Mage "Too much power to permit in such chaotic forms. Those who do not obey should be destroyed."
Changeling "Their dreams are simply pleasant propaganda. Better to destroy them then allow them to keep spreading their lies unchecked in the dreams of sleepers."
Wraith "Dead things should be dead, but it's not my department."
Mortal "I won't lie about your chances. But you have my sympathies."

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Name The Skinny
Kurt My teacher, my handler, my director, my master. One day, sir, we will dance for you as we promised.
The Barbie Squad A bunch of sexy girls got sent on a mission with a fucking STRIKE TEAM, and WE were the ones who survived. How weird is that?
Ivy I lost my soul, but gained my Sister. By her hand will the final death be wielded, and though I will not see it, I will smile when she crushes the life from my body.
Sheridan Made me think of some kind of angry She Ra... and now I know why. If I am ever sent to take her life, I will weep and rejoice before and after, no matter how the fight goes.
Kameshi Gorgeous. Powerful. Deadly. Enjoy at Father's will. Beware if her death becomes my duty.
Goldie Good head on her shoulders, all the more so because she got out before things got REALLY weird.
Others-Wyrm Some others I've gotten to know.
Jackson "Rented" me for drug testing, then fired me for reasons Dante was vague about. I should see if he has anything for my new metabolism.
Dante He captured me, showed me I was for sale, bought me, and then abandoned me. A part of me will always hate him, but another will always want to kneel. Without him, I might never have known Father.
Emily Helped me through my transformation, and was kind to the girl I was until she died. Her face is imprinted on my pain.
Barksdale I tried to kill him early after my transformation. He could have killed me, but didn't. Possibly so as not to irritate Kurt, but who knows? Said he'd have a use for me, help me learn to kill. If so, he will find me a very grateful student.
Pax Strange, scholarly type. Looked at me like I was an interesting new toy to fiddle with or break. An authority in the company, so I must obey. Unless told to kill by another. I wonder how that would go.

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No pages meet these criteria.

Summer Aguilar

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Full Name Summer Maria Aguilar
Faction Wyrm
Race Mortal
Attractiveness *****
Profession Magodon Private Security
Concept Party Girl

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RP Hooks
Servant of the Wyrm- Summer has been indoctrinated into the service of the Wyrm, and the girl who might have protested such loyalties erased by possession. She is now a whole-hearted fanatic to freeing Father and killing anyone who gets in the way.

Formor What started as life as Dante's pet has transformed as a life of service to the Wyrm through the subsidiaries of Pentex, to the point that her soul was taken from her. Now something else wriggles where her soul used to be, something that yearns for blood.

Magodon Employee Just a month ago she was a hard working nursing student. Now, she works for Magodon in Administration.

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