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Save the Pup! Save the World!
Johanna and friends find and save a lost lupus kinfolk pup
IC Date April 15th, 2019
Players Ildar, Johanna ST, Troy
Location Outside the Bawn
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

xxxxxMorning Patrols are done, and Johanna has sent word to Ildar and Troy that she would like them to come with her on a mission! She goes out at least once a week to visit with a Lupus Kinfolk family that lives out past the bawn. Back when she was a cliath last year, she was charged with bringing them food and checking up on the first time mother and her pups. Watching the pups grow and near their first birthday has been a joy for her that she wants to share with them, as well as keep up with being sure they are protected.

Johanna waits at the entrance of the Caern for them to join her before they shift to lupus for the trek out there.

Heading to the caern is Troy, who is wearing his open chested flannel, a pair of worn jeans and his new guitar over his shoulder and neck. He's barefoot today, having lost his shoes earlier while taking a nap in the woods. He'll find them later, surely. "Hey, sis." He calls over happily as he lifts his hand upwards to her. "How're you finding the day?"

Ildar comes from within the Caern, having to finish up some work there, he'd have his own stuff ready of course. But for him that was mostly jewelry. Ildar smiles to Johanna and nods. "Starchaser-Rhya." As he approaches, he also offers a fist bump to Troy. "Mercy's Wings. Glad you could come too." He grins then nods to Johanna. "Ready when you are."

Johanna smiles to them both. She has a bag strapped over her shoulder, and seems ready to leave. "Hey, brother. So far a good day. I love patrols that just give you that chance to run and all is at peace." And Ildar. She probably knew precisely when he was going to show up there. "I'm ready now. Follow me, lupus ok?" She fluidly shifts right down into lupus, her bag dedicated and wrapped nicely on her body still. The black and white wolf begins to trot ahead, knowing the boys will be on her 6.

With a crunch of bones and stretch of muscles, fur flies and wind swirls. Johanna becomes a wolf

Returning the fist bump, Troy gives a grin to Ildar, then nods his head to Johanna. "Right-oh, let's go." He rhymes as he takes a moment to shift down into his own happy colored wolf, his clothing and the guitar melting away into dedication before he trots after them, tail wagging behind him.

Ildar grins at Troy, then nods to Johanna. His shift from human to to lupus is clean. It's like there's no forcing there at all as he just easily changes to that brilliant white wolf form and would take off after Johanna, falling in on the right side behind her and to the side, following that lead for where they are going.

xxxxxThe trek out of the bawn and beyond is pleasant and easy. Nothing to note besides the burgeoning spring. They see various animals around native to the area, although squirrels seem to be missing still. As they near the dip into the valley they are headed into, a howl from a wolf can be heard. The lupus garou know what that sound is - HELP!

xxxxxxxxxx>> HELP! My girl! Where are you! Help! Anyone!! <<

Starchaser takes off in an instant, running at top speed toward the howl. No hesitation. She knows that howl, and nothing is going to stop her from getting to her friend as fast as possible!

Ears twitching upwards, Mercy's Wings hears the howling and takes after Starchaser, following her lead and taking up the rear behind the Silver Fang. << We are coming! >> He howls back in response, letting his rich voice fill the air with his beautiful song.

HK follows along with the others as they go, mindful, but not too alert until they reach the Bawn's edge. Of course, that call had him break into that full run right behind SC, taking off for the source of it as MW would let the one calling know they're coming.

Starchaser does not stop running until she gets to the source of the howl. >> What has happened Sweet Water? Who is missing? What can we do? I have pack with me. We will help! <<

xxxxxThe lupus kinfolk Starchaser speaks to is frantic, other pups around her. >> My girl, Breeze Runner! We cannot find her! I went to find some food for my pups, and when I came back she was gone. They were sleeping when I left and the boys were still when I returned. Help me find her Starchaser! << The pups around her are whimpering, and worried too about their sister. Save one, the smallest of the litter. He comes up to Starchaser and bumps his head into her leg. >> I can help! Let me help! I know where she might go! <<

Starchaser lays down on her belly and looks eye to eye with the little pup. >> Now Tumbles, you are a smart boy. I'm sure you could help, but I need you to take care of you momma, and your brothers. Tell me where you think your sister may have gone. My pack and I will go find her while you protect them, ok? << She has that kind tone even in lupus for him.

The pup shares a few stories of their adventures around the valley, and seems very happy to stand tall and guard, even as the littlest one there.

Starchaser rises and comes closer to the lupus kinfolk mom. >> We will find her. Take care of them here. And take my bag, it has food for you all in it - extra goodies for you all. Stay strong. We will return soon. << She shakes her bag off of her, and with a paw, opens it up for them. The pups dive in, save the little one that is 'on duty'!

Once he comes to a stop to listen to the story, Mercy's Wings roots his nose along the ground, breathing in deep of the world around him as he begins to cycle and shift out each scent. He isolates his two packmates, the mother and the other pups, looking to find the one that he doesn't recognize of the group, and perhaps, any others in case she was taken by another. His body is rigid as he scents and focuses.

Ildar will slow only when Johanna does. Dropping to that trot, he looks over the pups and the mother, letting Johanna handle them as they know one another. Like Troy, he's moving about to sniff and gather information, scenting for where the lost female may have gone.

xxxxxTogether the pack collects the scents, although Starchaser knows the scent of the one missing from all the time she has spent here. She moves around until she gets a scent for the young girl. >> THIS WAY! << She practically points with her nose, her tails sticking up and out too. She takes off in that direction, not too fast since not sure what they are going to come upon. Those that follow will find the trail leads to the west from this valley, and by a stream. There are some little pawprints in the mud by the water, but also some very big ones. >> She came this way! << The trail becomes more difficult to scent out with the water though. Finally they have to stop and try to catch the scent again.

As he follows along the tracks, Mercy's Wings takes his time to sniff here and there, focusing intently on his surroundings. As he spies the bigger tracks, he stares at them, then leans down to sniff at one to determine what type of beast may have come this way.

HK races with the others as SC picks up the tracks initially. Slowing as they get to that river's edge, the larger paw that didn't seem to fit the mother, made him focus for a moment, gathering those spirit's aid within his gear as he prepares for the fight ahead. He'd start looking about, sniffing around as well to try to help MW and SC get the scent again to keep tracking the young pup.

xxxxxThe trail seemed cold for a minute, but the group was able to pick it up visually now. The small trail of paw prints, with scattered larger ones is just visible enough for them all to notice, but there is more. Up ahead, there is movement within a thicket of tall bushes. The wind is minimal right now, so that movement has to be from some ‘thing’. Honor's Keeper with his eagle eyes can spot some fur though in those bushes. And it is high enough up to /not/ be the pup their are looking for. Starchaser gets a glimmer too, but not of fur. >> Do you see that? Something is in there and not right. I need to get closer to be sure. The green... not right. <<

<< Hold up. Let me check to make sure we are not walking into a trap. >> Three years in the thick rainforests and jungles, nothing can be certain and Mercy's Wings has built up quite a paranoia now about the unknown. He wilts his ears back and breathes in deep, trying to pull the world to him, then /through/ him as he lets out a low rumbling hum in his throat.

HK slows as he'd catch sight of that fur. A low warning growl rumbles in his throat as he'd crouch a little lower. <<Something there. Fur. Careful. Shall I go up for coverage?>> He too would seek to gather what information he can, using that gift to know if something foul this way comes.

<< I can feel the dark one's touch. It is of the Wyrm. >> Mercy's Wings confirms as he gives his head a quick shake, fur puffed out about the neck and shoulders in a frustrated manner. His ears jerk forward now, his body moving into the hispo form as he bulks up in muscle and fur.

Starchaser's fur bristles as she hears them and senses the taint herself. Up to hispo she shifts herself. >> Honor's Keeper, take the high ground and prepare to fire. Mercy's Wings, we need to flush this things out so Honor's Keeper can get the shot. Then you need to find the pup. I bet she is cornered and scared. I'll keep it distracted so you can get around and look for her. Once you can take a shot Honor's Keeper, light it up. << She growls quietly. >> No one messes with our kinfolk. <<

<< One distraction, coming up. >> Mercy's Wings says as he ducks himself down in the thickets, then bolts quickly as he starts to kick up a ton of noise, howling loudly in high pitched yips. He bounds upwards into the air, looking to make sure that the creature can catch sight of him in the thickets. << I am wounded and defenseless! Ow, my leg! I hope someone can hear me and save me! >> He cries out wolfishly as he puts on quite a performance of showmanship. Most likely he's done this before a few times. Play 'bait'.

xxxxxThe distraction provided by Mercy's Wings does the trick! The bushes shake, and it seems whatever was in there gets the scent of the Mercy's Wings and there is a ROAR! The bush tears open and out come the large beast! Snarling, with green pus oozing from it, this Crinos werewolf has a crazed look in his eyes. >> Come here, you tasty morsel! You smell better than the little nugget I was about to devour!!! << He stomps forward, making to lunge when he gets his eyes set onto Mercy's Wings

At this, Starchaser runs out from where she is and yips at the beast. >> No way! Can't get him! Try for me! << She dances and leaps, and provides a different distraction for him!

As he bounds through the thick grass, Mercy's Wings glances over his shoulder at the sight of the monster giving chase. His eyes widen a bit, << Oh my, what big teeth you have! >> He taunts as he blurs his way up into the crinos form now, whirling around to face him as his guitar slides into his large paws. << But, now you're about to see.. DOUBLE VISION! >> With that, his paws slide along the strings of the instrument to jam out a rendition of Foreigner's classic track, calling to the spirit within to come to life as he howls out loudly, swaying his hips back and forth to groove to the classic. It's time to rock and roll and get the blood pumping! << Fill my eyes with that double vision! No disguise for that double vision! Ooooooo! When it gets through to me! It's always new to me! My double vision gets the best of me! >>

xxxxxThe monstrous wolf stops when Mercy's Wings begins to play music? If ever there was a WTF look on a Crinos snarling tainted face - this was it. He is about to lunge at him when Starchaser gets his attention. Stomping away from the annoyance, he goes for her, but she is too fast!

Starchaser taunts him further. >> You can't catch me! Just try! << She dances around, much like she was taught by her ancestor's spirit, and keeps just out of reach over and over, drawing him more in range of Honor's Keeper's arrows that should be coming from above very soon.

As he continues to play the guitar wildly in a loud, raucous manner, Mercy's Wings leaps and dances as he baffles the Spiral between himself and StarChaser. << Come back and listen to me play! >> He howls again distractedly.

HK switches smoothly to that crinos form at SC's confirmation. While the two distract the BSD beast, HK moves to the base of a tree, watches for the right moment when the foul one's back is turned and he leaps, straight up, vanishing into the foliage above with but barely a rustle. Easily ignored in the comotion the other two do. That bow summoned, headband on and those arrows ready, Honor's Keeper would take a knee on one limb of the tree, slowing his breath and calming with a low growl.

Wait for it.. Wait for it...

Just as the beast turns back towards Mercy's Wings, that bow hums, the shots are in a fast chain, the fourth one released before the first one even impacts. Those targets are critical as much as they are lethal, both eyes, the heart, the groin, because Honor's Keeper is vicious like that and finally, the throat, killing off any potential howl of assistance the thing may try.

xxxxxThe confusion has got the Crinos beast off his game, between the raucous music from the Crinos Mercy's Wings, to the dancing dodging of Starchaser - he does /not/ see anything coming. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! The arrows fly and hit him 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! They sear into him, knocking him a step back with each one until he holds on no longer and in a whimper falls back. Oozing blood and pus into the ground, dying... losing what life he had left, until.. DED.

Starchaser walks toward the beast to check that he is really gone, but signals Mercy's Wings first >> Find the girl! << She admires the work of Honor's Keeper and grins at the team work they were able to accomplish here.

Pausing in the guitar playing, Mercy's Wings slips the guitar into dedication as he shifts down to his lupus form and takes off once more at a blur to sniff out the child. << Young pup! We have saved you from the monster. Come out come out and greet your family. We will safely guide you to your mother. >>

Honor's Keeper already had another 4 arrows drawn, ready to go, when the beast dropped under the hail of arrows. He looks around a moment, making sure as Mercy's Wings starts hunting for the cub, nothing else is hunting them. Those arrows put away, HK shakes the top of that tree as he leaps from it, landing smoothly into a deep crouch, he slowly straightens up, eyeing the spiral, then looks to StarChaser >>Shall I hunt, or stay ready in case this one had backup?<< He'd huff to her in that garou speak.

Starchaser replies to Honor's Keeper, >> Be ready, on alert. Just in case he was not alone. Once we locate the girl, we need to plan clean up and cleansing. But girl is top priority. << She begins to pad away and calls back, >> And make sure this one STAYS DOWN. << It may be dead, but she does not want to take any chances.

xxxxxA low sound comes from the bushes about 500 ft away from the dropped beast. A nose poking out. >> Who? Star friend? << The young pup does not have many words yet, but it is obvious someone is scared.

<< Hello puppy. I am Mercy's Wings, brother to Star Friend. Come, you are safe. Our pack has destroyed the beast. >> Mercy's Wings creeps low to the ground so not to appear threatening. << We were so worried about you. >>

HK grunts an acknowledgement to Starchaser, one arrow notched and prepped. He stays back to a tree, continuing to scan the area, as well as the beast that's dead. Just to make sure it stays down. Considering the spirit of war's rage against it? He didn't think it'd get up, but like she said, better safe than sorry!

xxxxxThe little grey and white wolf pup comes out, on her belly, slowly creeping from the bush. Her eyes portray her fright until she sees Starchaser approaching and Mercy's Wings right there. >> Momma mad? Sorry... scared... << Her tail down, she lays her head on the ground and whimpers.

Starchaser comes up next to her too, by Mercy's Wings. >> Your momma is scared for you. She just wants you to be brought home safe. We got you. We will get you home safe. << She is not going to chastise the pup after this eventful day, as she is sure her mom will have words to say.

Leaning over, Mercy's Wings gives the pup a small lick on the head. << All is fine. Next time make sure to stay very close to your pack so you can all keep each other safe. >> He chuffs out with a loll of his tongue, tail wagging happily. He gives a long stretch of his body, then chuffs over to HK. << Good shooting my brother! >>

Honor's Keeper watches the other two get the pup. He nods the youngling's way with a small huff at her, happy to see she's ok. That arrow put away, he would give a thumbs up to Mercy's Wings, then look between him and StarChaser. << I will stay to cleanse and bury. I have not heard or seen another. I will stay alert though as I do it. Is this alright, Sharchaser-Rhya? >>

Starchaser nods, as she checks over the pup with her motherly eyes. >> Yes, Honor's Keeper. Please do that. Do you need assistance from Mercy's Wings with the cleansing? If not, he can come with me to return the pup to her mother. I know she is very worried. <<

xxxxxThe little pup begins to cheer up as her tail wags too. >> Home? Food? << After this adventure, of course thinking about that!

Chuffing lowly, Mercy's Wings gives a glance to Honor's-Keeper, waiting for a response.

Honor's Keeper nods to StarChaser. << I never turn down assistance, Starchaser-Rhya. Two can make it go faster than one and still be done right. So I would be honored to have the aid. >> He looks to Mercy's Wings with a nod, then fluidly shifts to lupus to go find a spot to start digging for a grave. Time to get everything prepped!

Starchaser shifts down to lupus from Hispo and nudges the pup. >> Come, let's get going. I'm sure the pack will catch up soon and join us at your home. << She leaves the rest of the task in her packs hands ...er paws.

xxxxxThe two take it slowly, with the pup chattering all about what happened to her along with way. How she was chasing a rabbit, hoping to surprise her brothers, and then ran into this crazy beast and it chased her, and so on until they arrived.

Nodding his head, Mercy's Wings joins HK in digging the hole, paws to the ground. He chants out a prayer to the dead spiral, as if wishing him well on his journey hopefully home to Gaia's arms where maybe in the next world he can be reborn for good.

Honor's Keeper is right there with him, adding that baritone counterpoint to his chanting. While he's definitely not as trained, he's at least trying to help as they get the hole big enough, then HK would shift to that human form to start the cleansing ritual.

Starchaser continues along with the pup until they get back to the valley with her den in it. Her family still waiting outside looking for her. Ok, the boys are snacking on the treats Starchaser brought, except the one. He spots them first.

xxxxx>> Sister!! << The littlest pup breaks formation and runs to tackle his sister, tripping just before he gets to her.

xxxxxMom on the other hand stands there, sitting on her haunches waiting for her pup to return. >> Breeze Runner. Come here. << She tries not to seem too upset or too eager. Stoic, if possible.

xxxxxBreeze Runner licks her brother's face and then trots over to mom, her tail down, and head hanging. >> Sorry momma. Tried hunt rabbit. Got in trouble. << Breeze Runner contrite in her young way.

xxxxxThe mother licks her head and moves to bring her pup in close to her. >> One day, these woods will all be yours to explore and hunt. You just need to be smart, alert, and ready. You are almost there. We have good friends that help keep us safe, and will always be family too. <<

For her part, Starchaser gets the boys corralled to come and check on their sister too. >> Breeze Runner meant well. Just trying to prove herself. She will be a good hunter very soon. <<

xxxxxThe day is saved! The pup is home, family reunited, good relations had with all but the BSD (who is now dead and buried). With the guys leading the clean up, disposal, and cleansing of the taint from the area, that small part of the forest is clear again. They all circle back up at the den of the lupus kin, say their goodbyes leaving the treats, and head back to the bawn so Starchaser can give report to the Warder and Wyrmfoe, and they can return to helping others in their own time.