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Flames of Death
Ildar calls for a group to patrol and investigate an area with known issue.
IC Date April 2nd, 2019
Players Ildar ST, Mora, Ryla, Simon Jones, Troy
Location Outside the Bawn
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

xxxxxThere's been reports at the edge of the patrolled area of the Bawn that bits of corruption have been showing up. here and there has been the foul scents and the look of wilted flowers. The Garou on patrol don't leave the Bawn as that's not their place. But a call to get this looked into does go out. Ildar, seeking to help find an answer for this, sets up a meet in the depot so that those who are wanting to find the source for this corruption knew to met with him there so they could hunt it down. Ildar waited calmly, ready, even as he'd check over his gear one last time.

Mora is normally early here but now she just coming in to close to the time she was suppose to be here. But she is shoeless and has a its not my day look to her. Not saying a thing she gives everyone a hello nod but generally looks like she will only talk when talked to.

Arriving early is Troy, who is carrying a backpack over his shoulder filled with items to cleanse and a walking staff in his hands. The urban cowboy is wearing an open chested flannel and a pair of torn jeans as he gives a nod of his head upwards. "Hello and afternoon." He says politely as he dips his head forward in a nod. Then, he leans in to bump his shoulder against his gently. "Good to see you again my brother. I look forward into making the world a happier place today with you."

Starjumper transforms into a white wolf.

Ryla arrives at the depot, having switched from her work heels to sneakers. Still dressed impeccably in her business suit, her hair down just so in that french twist, she approaches Ildar. "I am here, Honor's Keeper. Ready to assist." She gives a nod to the others arriving, and waits for further instructions, adjusting her glasses on her face.

Starjumper has been here longer than all of them having just finished a patrol with his packmate Jake, who has left already. He waits for the others to arrive. Once Ildar approaches the wolf agrets him, <Greetings. I saw your message and would like to help find the source.> He sits on his haunches and waits for the others.

Mora sighs as it dawns on her now to be in lupus as she walked here with out shoes. She does the slow shift to lupus form where she does that dogy streaching before she looks to every one with a bit of a wag of her tail as she loves being in Lupus.

Ildar nods to them all, a small grin given to Starjumper and he greets Troy as well. Looking at Ryla curiously, he gives an upnod her way. "Welcome.. So.. I've seen this once before. We ran into 4 of them. They tend to poison and corrupt by blood. So be ready for it. If you have weapons, use them first. Otherwise, bashing to avoid blood splatter if you can.. The nearest spot looked to be a trail to the north. If we can all travel via lupus, let's go?"

Giving a nod of his head, Troy peels out of his clothing without pause. Children of Gaia and nudity. No big deal. After packing his clothing into his backpack, he makes the smooth transition down into his lupine form and gives a long stretch of his body, then plucks the bag up in his teeth. He gives a firm nod of his head to Ildar, chuffing affirmative.

Ryla nods to Ildar and shifts to lupus fluidly, like it isn't even a forethought. >> Understood. Will follow your lead. << The smaller white silvery wolf makes ready and with a flick of her tail, stands by the others on four feet.

Starjumper tilts his head at Troy, <you know you can get clothing dedicated, so it shifts with you.> he barks at him.

Mora follows the other people as she summons the energy in side her to make her body deal with poisons and toxins better. "He likes being naked." said in the only language she can speak in lupus.

Watching the others shift, Ildar nods and then shifts himself. His stuff of course just merges into him as that fluid nature of his lets him smoothly change into that lupus form. Shaking himself off after it's done, HK looks to the others. <Follow. We can go.> With that, tail curled high, Honor's Keeper turns and starts off for the north, making sure everyone falls in before switching to that ground eating run.

As he follows after, Mercy's Wings gives a wolfish grin to Starjumper. << I have other clothes dedicated, not these. We are all born naked, we will all die naked. One should never be ashamed or afraid of the skin of ape. The skin is not what is important, but the soul which houses it. >> As HK picks up the speed, he gives a joyous yip and chases after at a fast pace, enjoying the chance to run with his brothers and sisters.

Twilight's Glimmer follows along with Honor's Keeper, not keeping to the back, just kind of in the middle of this. She keeps here eyes open, and nose ready to catch any scents of what they are looking for.

Starjumper keeps up with the others, letting Honor's keeper take the lead. He occasionally sweeps out to the side a little ways to check on things. He can also be seen to sniff at the air from time to time. Its good to be lupus born.

xxxxxThe smell is what comes first to the lupus. That smell of something rotten. But not the standard, fresh rot of plants or dead animals decaying naturally. This is twisted, sickening. A heavy thread of corruption within the stench. As they get closer, it's able to be seen now, a bit inside of the Bawn's edge is a line of corruption. There's a small pit of fire that looks burnt out, ash that refuses to blow away and all of the plants around it are dead or dying, actively trying to grow away from it.

HK will slow as he approaches, hackles rising as he gets alert. There's a glance around, scanning the surroundings then he looks to the others with a chuff. << I've seen this before. Be alert. They left a trail. Let's see if we can find source. Then we'll cleanse this. >>

Slowing down to a trot, Mercy's Wings tucks the backpack behind a tree carefully, then follows after HK's lead as he continues to sniff the air, using his ears like tiny radars upon his skull. << No problem. I have your six. >>

Mora head goes low as she remembers this also <don't bite you will hate it very toxic.> there is a slight soft growl that dogs show when they don't want you near them.

Starjumper takes pause in one of those sweeps just away from the group, and sniffs at the air again. <Seems there is a fowl stench in the air, seems very unnatural.> He growls lowly at the others as he moves closer to them, shifting up to Hispo as he does so. Its a fluid natural motion, almost subtle other than he is now twice the size he was.

Starjumper transforms into a very large white wolf.

Twilight's Glimmer gets more rigid from the nasty scent. She begins to pad around, looking at the trail left. >> I can go stealth and sneak up on anything. Scout ahead if needed. << She offers. Not does yet. Not her rodeo.

HK huffs lightly to TG. <Go. Don't engage. See what you can find.> He looks back to Mora and MW. <Mora, go with me. Starjumper, Mercy's Wings, sweep right. Keep low. Let's try to find the source so we can end it.> Waiting to verify everyone agrees, HK would start off for the left side, letting Twilight's Glimmer scout ahead as the others fan out to head for that source.

Mora nods and gives a muffled wuff as she is ready to sneak off with the group she needs to. once they get closer she hunches down and starts to sneaks close as she shimmers a bit making it harder to see.

Starjumper is twice the size of the others but manages to stick to the shadows well enough, he makes it back to the group and stops. He sniffs the air again, and looks around, trying to spot any source of the smell.

Twilight's Glimmer heads out and tries to disappear. Looking ahead to scout and staying low and behind anything not corrupted.

xxxxxThe group continues forward. The closer they get to the source, the worse the stench gets. More and more of the plants are dying or dead. It's dark, an almost palpable pall on the air that makes everything dreary and gloomy. It's getting harder to really know which way is which now due to how everything is starting to blur together in that darkness. The only thing that really leads on is the draw of the rot ahead. It's getting worse, but that seems to be the source, the closer they get. Ahead, faintly, a sickly green glow starts to add to the shadows about them, dancing and shimmering. There are figures ahead. Easily a dozen. But they seem to all be gathered around.. something.

Starjumper whuffs low, <Might be a good time for silent communication if we can> He continues to slowly creep forward, even if the others stop. He also continues to look around, scent at this point will be almost useless given the strength of the stench.

As he rubs up along SJ's side, Mercy's Wings makes sure to let him know that he is close to him and at his side. He keeps his posture low to the ground, letting out a soft wolfish cough at the scent of the rot in the air. He keeps his eyes sharp, ears peeled as he lets out a low nose. *Many enemies.* He wolf speaks with posture and movement.

Mora gives a side glance to them dancing and then gives a full look as she is somewhat amused by the act going on. She is waiting for the others to attack.

Twilight's Glimmer keeps low, but sees the nasty up ahead. She waits hidden to see what further word or attack is planned for this corruption.

Starjumper eyes the nasty, and is well aware of Mercy's Wings next to him. Seems its time to fight. With absolute ease, he changes forms to Crinos, but for now stays quadripedal, and starts to gear up for combat.

Winds Of Change transforms into a nine foot tall man and wolf hybrid.

As SJ shifts, so does Mercy's Wings as he takes his war form. His ears flick forward, eyes trained on the creatures before them.

Winds Of Change is primed and ready for combat, << I'll leap in and distract them, while you all move in and help with the others >> He growls low, then leaps at the enemy, claws outstretched and he strikes, eviscerating one of the enemies. He growls as the blood sprays and splatters and seems to kill the ground below his feet. This place will need to be cleansed when they are done taking out this threat.

Twilight's Glimmer comes from her hiding spot and shifts up into Crinos, leaping into the fray and riipps into the other group. Her claws tear into the first one, causing blood to spray out! Thankfully that glow from luna keeps her from being hit by the corrupt blood.

As his Stargazer companion leaps into the fray, Mercy's Wings blurs forward to follow up with a rumble in his throat. ~My apologies for the wounds I must inflict upon you, but it's for the good of Gaia's grace.~ His claws tear through the creature, then lets out a loud noise as he feels the tainted blood splash along his arm, causing his fur to wither.

As he continues to feel the burning through his arm, Mercy's Wings swings out again, finding his bad arm struggle to gain ground, and swings out once more to try and reconnect with the other. He manages to draw blood once more, his throat hissing in pained frustration.

Twilight's Glimmer knew something was going to happen at some point, and here it was. She attacked and she got it back. One of these nasties gets a scrape in good, and that nasty nasty blood lands on her fur, soaks in and turns it from white to black. UGH.

Winds Of Change lets out a howl of rage and in an impressive feat actually performs a martial arts maneuver by doing a tornado kick on the last target of group one that is standing in front of him. His foot connects to the things head and drops it where it stands. He turns now to face one of the others that is still standing. <<Your next>> He growls at the creature.

As the blood splashes upon him, Mercy's Wings howls out loudly in pain as he gives a visible stumble to one side. He feels his world spinning, his stomach lurching as he clutches at his face with his paws. He can feel the beast rise up in his throat, just to be barely held back from losing his mind to rage.

Twilight's Glimmer hits back with her claws again into the nasty whateveritis, not only spraying blood again, but hitting whatever artery and the spray coats her white fur. Her eyes are blinded and the pain and corruption from it are too much for the woman.

Winds Of Change growls and swings at one, missing it, but the second target is hit pretty hard and spews more of that toxic blood. This is getting messy and these things need to go down fast.

As Mercy's Wings feels his world spin about him in painfully sick vertigo, he peels away from the battle to retch his stomach contents on to the ground. Half blinded, he sees through one blurry eye the sight of Ryla coming out of her rage and looking as if she was on the last tippy toes of life. He reaches out, stumbles and falls to the ground as his paw reaches out to press against her side, sending a surge of mother's blessings into her with a powerful wave of white light. << Not again.. not again .. not again ... >> He is heard mumbling weakly.

HK in that Crinos form was more than ready for the group he and Mora snuck up on. He'd let Mora move ahead as he'd grab those arrows, eyes narrowed as a silent snarl was released. Drawing on that bow, it hummed it's agreement in the assessment. These things needed to die. The arrows are silent, but the screams of pain are not as each of the things would have an arrow the size of a javelin slam into their eye, scattering them as HK howled his triumph on the kills!

The group of whatsits continue to swarm about the others at the main camp, but that howl certainly gives a certain sense of renewed vigor to the others as the nasty critters hissed in frustration and tried to redouble their efforts!

Mora comes out of nowhere as there is a shimming as a well made dagger stabbed his sides killing the monster. As she grins a odd grin for a large fluffy monster.

As the groups of critters get thinner from the steady work of the Garou, they start to keen and wail. An ugly, twisted sound that seems to pounds on the ear drums and claw at the soul. They all back up, pulling together over that green flame of the main fire. That flame ignites their cloaks, licking and clawing it's way up the mass of creatures as they all try to climb across and on top of one another. There's a sudden flare as something in the group ignites, giving a WOOSH of green flame, resulting in a lumbering beast, easily 15' tall, with curls of green flame lapping at the gaps in its arms, legs and chest, huffing air mightily, then roars it's challenge at the group!!

HK is about to deal with the one thing that got past Mora and him to get close enough ot attack him, when they all retreated backwards, climbing onto each other into this massive.. ugly.. thing.. HK growls at it viciously and would immediate draw more arrows, firing them in rapid succession at the thing! Each arrow opens another hole that the green flame spits out of, making the Green Fire Beast roar in pain! But it doesn't even seem to be slowing down!

Winds Of Change growls at the creature, <<That the best you got.>>

The massive green flame beast roars as the arrows hit it, then WC tries to slash at it. The minor scratch seems to be ignored, other than the savage backhand it tries to do to WC, only for it to be stopped with a dead, sickly THUD, against WC and doesn't budge him anywhere. Mora finds that the blade doesn't really find purchase, although she is hitting it.

Twilight's Glimmer found a stick, and womped on the last of the bad nasties, ringing their bell a little bit. But now - the massive green flame beast has arrived, and what to do? Well, stick of doom! She swings her tree branch at it, and the squishy dead skin just takes it.

After snapping out of his frenzy, Mercy's Wings gives a quick shake of his head, eyes refocusing. Still alive. He issues a soft prayer of thanks to Gaia, then decides to return the favor as Winds of Change dances back from battle. He moves in to support, reaching out to push his paws against his back from behind, healing his wounds shut and taking the sick away. << Do not despair my brother. I will be your shield. >>

Mora takes a slice at the monster but is annoyed how tough his skin is. "Damnit, do me a favor and die." the red fur wolf monster says in a hopeful manor

Twilight's Glimmer goes at it again with 'more!' force! She womps the bad green flame guy, and fuck! The stick breaks in half when it hits. >>too much force!<< She looks for a new stick...

Winds Of Change claws at the beast some more, but seems to have no effect on it, this is starting to finally get frustrating. He's not giving up though, this beast will go down.

xxxxxThe battle is long and grueling. The garou fight against the massive green flame beast as they chip away at it, the dead bodies of the things that sacrificed themselves to it, to feed it, able to absorb so much more punishment when it's not trying to live.. and yet the sickly green flame would continue to burn.

xxxxxWinds of Change, taking a step back to pop a jellybean in his mouth, would inhale, then savage the beast with that Flame of Ra! For one moment the brilliant orange fire looked to be damaging it, tearing at that flesh... only for the beast to start laughing as the fire actually adds to it's power, mending those holes as orange gets turned that sickly green.

xxxxxIn the end, the group is able to finally pummel the fiery beast down, ending it's flame and they go through with Troy's help and foresight, to cleanse the area. Tracing back towards the Bawn, they too go to seek to get cleansed and to report these troubling findings.

The wounds upon Mercy's Wings back had knitted themselves together to leave behind a trail of gnarled flesh as a reminder of the toxin flames which rent him apart and sent him briefly back into the arms of the Mother. They appear just below his left shoulder, curving downwards towards his ribcage.