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Copper Mine, Desert, CA/D.M.I - Facility Epsilon : Jan 14th 2020


Deep Space 6

"I am Rabbit. I can be anywhere. I can be everywhere. I am outside time. I am outside dimension."
- -Mark Andrew Poe, Ending Easter

The trip out to the desert is easy, there are no bumps or unexpected trips as the group finds their way out to the old abandoned copper mine. Along the road that leads in, there is no evidence of the dump truck that had been driven in Pembroke and Stefan's escape. In fact, there's not even any evidence anyone's been out to the mining site since it closed some few years ago. The spiraling tiers that lead outwards from the mine are a little loose and it looks like joyriders have been through breaking windows and spraypainting the old trucks and trailers that have been left to rot.

At the bottom of the copper mine is a wide-open 10-foot diameter circular space showing the reason that the place had been marked as a lost cause, a fissure opening on one side has begun to make the whole structure unstable. The opening has been buttressed and massive warning signs posted all over to try and prevent people from entering.

Stefan rolls Stamina + Survival vs 4 for 4 successes.

Pax has driven out dressed in a full suit of riot gear, all painted black, with his usual duffle bag over his shoulders. Strapped around his waist is what appears to be a handmade sword, and in his grip is a fairly ordinary-looking wooden staff, which he tapes on the ground as he steps into the copper mine towards their destination. "Now, we're going into the Deep Umbra. That means a lot of shit." he starts out, as he holds up his free hand and starts out with an index finger. "If you find yourself in the shit, yell for me, I got this shit pretty good. Second, if you got some form other than the human one, fucking use it when you're across. Spirits like to pick on humans in the umbra. Third, we're going to shut this shit down. They're prepared for all kinds of umbral bullshit alien things, so it's gonna be a little rough."

Stefan loses one Willpower

Pembroke rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 1 successes.

Shade never really brings much in the way of weapons, he just has his knife strapped to his thigh. He looked sideways at the riot suit at first but finally decided to take a suit out of the armory. He'll use it to supplement his own as that slick black carapace slides out from under his skin to cover his body. He rolls out his neck and head as it swirls up to form a featureless mask over his head. He'll shiver a bit as that armor settles over his form and hardens.

Stefan rolls Manipulation + Occult vs 5 for 5 successes.

Pembroke apparently doesn't do well with charm, but his skin does turn a little blotchy and patchy as he mimics a Wyrm Hide. Otherwise, black jeans and black shirt and black cap for the teenage troublemaker on homecoming look. "I'm just going to tour guide and hide behind the women. It worked coming out anyway."

Stefan arrives with Pembroke but paused to activate his Wyrmhide charm and also hang a spell in case it is needed. He is also dressed entirely in black, and now his skin is lumpy and leathery. "I have Pippin for a scout if needed."

Emi gets out of the vehicle and unsheathes her double-bladed voodoo katana from her wrist. She offers a quick wink to shade as mystical green gnosis like hue begins to rapidly dissolve the Kitsune into nothingness. While her presence was still there, she was invisible to the naked eye. The see-through assassin listening to the others and stealthy walking around group members. Making sure not to bump into them.

Hide behind the women? Poor Pembroke! Most are either invisible or just.... not quite female. Or human. La Moneda is fully manifested in all her golden glory, strapped to the nines in her riot gear with equipment to boot. Her eyes are currently hidden behind a pair of aviator frames. She looks slightly pale, her features a bit sharper as peculiar markings peek over the line of her neck at the uniform. Is that a tattoo, perhaps? Her long mule's ears and that split-jaw don't quite fit in any helmet. "Ready?" She asks, her platinum hooves pawing at the ground impatiently.

Shade smirks faintly as Emi fades away. He focuses on his gifts as well and silences his footsteps even as he also fades from view to turn invisible "See, I can play that game too, ninja."

Pembroke glances around.. "Anyone that can regenerate mind sharing a little?"

The fissure opens, leading down a few feet before suddenly becoming a sharp right angle that drops off suddenly into a massive underground chamber, the floor drops off about thirty feet rather suddenly. Thankfully there is an industrial railing to stop people from going over the edge and there are two sets of stairs with hanging cable railings leading down to a massive platform build atop sickly pools of stagnant copper-rich water. There is a console along one side of it, but it seems to be powered off. Next to it is a 2-story tall ring made of metal plating, gears, and some strange stones.

Pax rolls Intelligence + Lore Garou vs 6 for 3 successes.

Raquel rolls Intelligence + Lore Garou vs 6 for 4 successes. 1 2 3 +6 +6 +6 +9 9

Stefan rolls Intelligence + Lore Garou vs 6 for 2 successes.

Emi rolls Wits + Lore Garou vs 6 for 2 successes.

Pax rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 4 successes.

Pax simply hops off over the railing once the group reaches the fissure, rolling to his feet somewhat promptly after the landing so he can glance around the area at the... "Is that a fucking stargate?" the Kin asks with a slightly lofted eyebrow. "Fucking assholes. Who the hell makes shit like this with technology?" Scoffing, Pax waves it off, and steps over towards the gate to gaze at the stones themselves. "Hey!" is called back to the others who may or may not be taking the stairs. "Which planet was this fucking place near?"

Pembroke snorts. "I have no clue. I can share the starfield I saw. Mars maybe. Lots of red, before the dark came. Gravity was artificial, it lowered when the power failed.. so that fits..."

Stefan glances at Pax and answers, "I recall something big. And red.."

Emi being the better and obviously most obnoxious ninja quickly jumps down and follows Pax. She really didn't give a shit about the stargate or potential dangers, it was loot. Finders keepers, losers weepers as one of the strange glyph stones were picked up. Tossed into the air and caught, before being stolen. She would learn about it later. Best to have one now.

Shade slips his knife from the sheath on his thigh and hops down as well, landing silently. He glances around briefly and looks over one of the stones before rolling his shoulders in a shrug.

The bitter smell of copper tainted water fills the air down here. Nothing happens when Emi takes the stone, the machine sits there silent and unmanned.

Pembroke is not a ninja and simply keeps himself alert as he goes the mundane way, letting the others lead the way. "Stefan might be able to jack the programming and find the right target."

Stefan manages to get down next to Pax and examines the stones closely, "These look like hearthstones. Maybe moonstones. Usually used in the construction of moon bridges I believe." He begins to check it out for anything electrical or some computer component he could use his powers on.

Everyone else is showing off their landing skills. La Moneda could pull it off with ease herself, but instead, she makes her presence known as the Tank by landing quite audibly upon her two heavy hooves. Surely everyone knows they're there by now, with Pax being all vocal in his disapproval. "You think they have air there?" She doesn't need to breathe, but others might.

Pax crosses his arms over his chest, peering at this... This... Technological monstrosity with clear disapproval written on his face. "The one on top is for Mars," he says, proceeding to point at it as he does so. "Turn it on, or something. I'd rather walk, but I doubt most of you would make it." Turning towards Raquel, he seems to think on it for a moment, only to shrug his shoulders. "I dunno. They came here before, so I guess so. All you gotta do is believe you can breathe and you will, anyway."

Pembroke contemplates. "Not outside. And they can shut down the air supply in the hallways to.. dissuade intruders. I think the girl we brought back somehow kept us breathing." and he checks out the gate... "The lights are off.. is there an in switch?"

Stefan is still looking under and to the sides of the panel as much as possible. "I can't sense any power in it, but if I can find even any electrical or mechanical wiring or device..."

Pax rolls Dexterity + Occult vs 2 for 11 successes.

Eris rolls 1 (1 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes. +10

At the talk of 'lack of power', Pax blanches, waving a hand about as he mumbles about stupid fucking machines this, and shitty human technology that. Turning back towards the gate thing, Pax draws both hands back, and as shimmering and crackling electricity sheathes them both he shoves them forward, causing thousands of arcs of electricity to connect with the top of the ring in a shower of sparks, lightning, and excessive heat.

Pax loses one Willpower

Pembroke gets behind the tank and hopes the La Moneda isn't conductive.

Stefan loses one Willpower

Stefan rolls Manipulation + Computer vs 5 for 3 successes.

Shade's brow lifts a bit "Oh, a bit of a temper there Palpy?" He waits to see if it actually does the job though.

The machine sends out a high-frequency hum and screams as the magnets start to work. Metal parts start to whir and the thing charges up. It seems it works even without the missing keystone, well 'works', hard to tell until they go through. It does, indeed, seem to come together like a stargate. The center of the circle almost liquifying.

Emi was gonna give it a good zapping too, but why waste her energy when Pax-master can do it for her. Spiral spinning away from the machine to avoid any arcs of intentional blasts from the bolt, Emi grins. "We could of also tried Open Seal. That always lets me into the places I shouldn't be. Like people's underwear drawers.", giggling and eyeing the murderous mule while kicking it next to Shade.

Stefan watches Pax and then concentrates as Pax shoots power into the machinery. He mentally connects with it, his hands going up to mimic his mental movement. He travels along the circuits to activate it and keep it under his control.

Shade grins faintly, a wasted effort beneath his featureless mask, and the fact that he is still invisible "Well hey at least it works." He'll follow the others through

On the other side The Transport Chamber, a massive room flanked by balconies in white plasti-steel is only lit by a klaxon light and a few runer lights along the vaulted white walls. This part of the station is currently unmanned and deathly silent. Doors are leading off to the south and to the north. On this side, the gate looks much the same, with five stones placed in it with similar glyphs etched within them. The scent of this place is chemical clean mixed with ozone.

Pembroke lets the soldiers go through first, before following. Well, maybe before the invisible ones. Can't really see if they went through or not

Stefan waits to enter, keeping contact and control until they are all through. He enters after them and looks around for anything familiar.

Through recklessness abandonment and ill sighted thought process, the invisible Kitsune rushes the stargate and waits for companions on the other side. "So we are on an alien planet, yes? I might be the first Kitsune to step foot on this world. They will write about this in the jade scrolls. Especially if I die, but now is not the time for that. We need epic explosions and enemies, so I can look good and brag about renown. It is the ninja warrior way."

As soon as the last person steps through and the gate shimmers. A countdown begins and a pleasant female if a mechanical voice speaks:

"Transporter closure in thirty seconds."

The Klaxon light continues to light the room as the voice continues to count down from thirty. The doors also have lights over them indicating they are currently 'locked' while the transport room is in use. Pembroke checks around for any indication that the place is still in use. "I am really not comfortable with how little security we've faced. After the calamity of our escape, I would expect... something. Or this whole place being decommissioned."

Fuck, it's a damn good thing the Mule doesn't have to worry about Renown! "We need to gain a better understanding of our surroundings." La Moneda chides quietly. She might be nursing a monstrous hangover of horrific proportions. Eating before the trip helped to take the edge off, but it didn't alleviate it entirely. Pembroke is being a worrywart, and it prompts La Moneda's next comment: "Maybe they're waiting for us to get in, to self-destruct. It could happen."

"Well if they vent the air in here, at least we'll be okay," Pax remarks to Raquel with a somewhat sage bobbing of his head. The voice comes on once they're through, however, and after giving a brief glance up and around at the... Well, voice, apparently, Pax hums and points towards one of the doors. "Sweetheart, do you think you could open one of those up for us?" And by 'open', it's likely he means like a sardine can. Stefan rubs his arms a bit, that klaxon bringing with it some unpleasant memories that he has to take a deep breath and sheer will to push to the back of his mind.

Raquel rolls Strength vs 3 for 7 successes.

La Moneda is awash with her own obsessive love for her Nephandus. Especially when he idly comments about just the two of them surviving. So dreamy! Her split-jaw grins menacingly when she's asked to pry open a door. The hybrid of a draft-Mule is striding over, planting both of those thicc legs before both hands are latching on and clawing through the durable metal plating simply to get a grip. There's a horrendous screeching as the metal is twisted, the portal literally getting peeled back as the monstrous Bygone makes quick work of it. 

Shade doesn't need to do everything on a job for once? This is pretty nice. He'll just follow along, idly flipping his knife in his hand as he keeps his eyes open As soon as the last person steps through and the gate shimmers. A countdown begins and a pleasant female mechanical voice speaks:

"Transporter closure in thirty seconds."

The Klaxon light continues to light the room as the voice continues to count down from thirty. The doors also have lights over them indicating they are currently 'locked' while the transport room is in use.

The doors are forced open, they make a terrible sound and an alarm goes off.


The portal depowers suddenly with another high-frequency hum. The hallway that leads out from the door is fairly long without any branches until the end. The difference between the transporter room and the hall is marked. Motes of something drift through the air, dark and almost sporelike. At the end of the hall, it indicates that Specimen Containment is to the left and Laboratory is to the right.

Pax rolls Arete vs 4 for 4 successes.

Pax is prepared as Raquel goes to pry the door open, and as soon as she's done so, the Nephandus steps forward and claps his hands together. "Incendio," he states clearly, drawing a hand back from the contact as a small fireball forms within it. Who doesn't love the lack of Paradox in space, really? The fireball flies down the hallway towards the end, causing the spores in the air of the hallway to briefly catch fire and burn up rather quickly, clearing the hallway for use by the others.

Shade rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 0 successes.

Emi hangs with her own kind, catching Shade's knife mid-flip then flipping it back to him - the two were most alike. She didn't hang out with roid-mule or nihilistic mages, or the super-geeks who knew what trigonometry was. So like by like for now. Till weaponry was involved.

Stefan rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 1 successes.

Raquel rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 7 successes.

Eris rolls 8 (8 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.

Stefan rolls 2 vs 6 for -1 successes.

Pembroke checks to see if there's any breathing gear they can use before leaving the first section. He didn't need it when he got to this point last time, but he might need it soon.

Shade pads quietly down the hallway to scope it out. But of course, he doesn't see a damn thing because who paints a hallway this white. Really!?

Stefan trails down the hall with the others, and he tries to continue to scan the area for things familiar but fails to pick up anything.

Now that they've essentially created quite the entrance, and no one has come to investigate, La Moneda decides to keep her hooves silent on the approach. Her large animal ears twitch, head-turning as she listens to the vicinity of the doors. She raises a finger, circling her hand in the air before pointing towards the Containment area for investigation. Too much noise from the Labs.

Pembroke sighs and moves with the rest of the group. "Well, shit." Deep breathes while he can. "When we were leaving, the place was being.. invaded If that was a facet of father's glory coming for this place, can that be.. drawn.. to the gate? Use it to create a new center of power for our people?"

Emi shrugs, "Anything is possible. I mean, sure we can desecrate the star-gate. It can be obvious or hidden. When used next maybe it can lead people straight to Malfeas or something. We'd need blood and some other stuff.", Emi grins to herself. "Want me to work on that?", slinking back to maybe edit the stargate and its warp stones to send them to hell.

Pax rolls Intelligence + Technology vs 6 for 4 successes.

Stefan says, “But if you recall, Sebastian, we saw no other people. We heard the voice over the com speaking of terminating subjects and other orders."

There are human bodies here. Some of them look to be eaten or decayed, others seem to have suffered large claw trauma or have been frozen to death with looks of horror on their faces. They litter the hallway every few feet. Dressed in gear not dissimilar to the riot armor worn by the party. As they come closer to the cells that Pembroke and Stefan are so very familiar with they all start to hear the sounds. Skittering sounds and whispering sounds. From one room with a window too shattered to see what's inside, there's just a singular constant scream between hyperventilating breaths. The speaker to the room crackles in and out. Most of the rooms contain dead creatures. A Crinos werewolf, a golden deer, a couple of normal-seeming humans. This containment area is long, about a mile or so, klaxon lights light the area. They're only about halfway there when something stirs in one of the windows and a hand covers in suckers slaps against the observation glass. What lays beyond is a miasma of darkness. Down the hallway more sounds can be heard, something almost wet and crunchy.

Pax follows after the others once everyone has gone through the hole, mostly to make sure nothing else decides to start coming out of the walls or something. Listening to the others talk, he simply shrugs his shoulders, motioning around them at the facility itself. "Assuming this place is still under these fuck's control, I'm here to destroy it. Sabotage all you'd like." Turning his attention to gaze at the walls of the area, a sniff is given, and Pax declares, "This whole place is circular. Likely more than one power source. I say we blow up the power stations and shit."

Shade rolls out his neck and shoulders, still flipping that knife around. He smirks faintly at Emi "Sounds like fun." he spots the darkness and lets some more power shift around in him and his eyes with glaze over with a faint blueish shimmer so he can see.

Stefan looks down at the bodies he is stepping over, pausing for a few moments at the golden deer. He pauses for a moment and stares at the familiar room but shakes his head and breaks the memories. Noticing the darkness he reaches inside his pocket and brings out Pippin. "He can investigate the darkness for us. Unless any of you have eyes that can see through it?"

Pembroke peers around the larger members of the team, or through the invisible ones. "Blow this end, reprogram the other end." eyeballing the sucker hand... "Friends of yours?" he asks... nobody in particular.

La Moneda can see through the darkness just fine. "We should have just blown up the Gate." She murmurs to herself, eyes riveted upon the golden deer that lay gutted upon the floor. Are there any creatures burrowed inside, waiting to attack? Going all the way down to Containment sounds like a really horrid idea. "Where's the nearest power station, Pax?"

Pax rolls Intelligence + Technology vs 6 for 6 successes.

The Hand balls into a fist and slams against the glass, though it's hard to see what lays beyond due to the inky blackness. Thankfully nothing can be hard of that pounding fist. Not without someone hitting the speaker button anyway. The weird wet noises are getting louder.

Stefan clicks the light on Pippin's camera and places him on the floor. A mental thought sends the little golem scurrying into the darkness.

Pax rolls Intelligence + Lore Spirit vs 8 for 5 successes.

Stefan rolls 5 vs 6 for 0 successes.

Pax turns, glancing back down the hallway they'd just came from, then down the rest of containment. "Well it's a big ring, and we haven't hit one yet, so it'll be best to just keep going until we find one of them." the Nephandus explains with a little bob of his head. Have to know how the technology works if you want to break it, right? Stepping over to the cell with that blackness beyond, Pax peers inside for a moment, moving up on his tiptoes to get a good look inside. "Oh neat, a Chuvorah. Let's see about blowing up that power station, then maybe it'll help us with the rest."

Stefan rolls Willpower vs 6 for 4 successes. 2 2 2 3 3 4 +6 +6 +7 +8

Stefan puts a hand to his stomach, his lips curling up as he sees through Pippin's camera eye. "Be careful, and ready. There's a gross as fuck creature way down the hall. That's one of his tentacles I think. Sort of like an octopus or squid was multiple tentacles and frills."

Pembroke nudges bodies, checking for signs of life. He could use a little extra, just in case. Also, rifles pockets of staff for any keycards and the like. Also, just in case.

The dead golden deer is slowly dragged back to the stargate by its horns. With an invisible swipe, it's cut more as blood trickles to the center of the platform. Then, Emi takes her time starting the ritual to desecrate the Star-Gate and stones. The severed head of the deer lifted by invisible hands as blood was dripped all over the machinery. Going in a circular pattern from top to bottom, and coving the framework and making tiny circular patterns on the floor. The head placed on top of the gate, while Emi began to cover all the hearthstones in blood. Carving hellish runes into them, each one symbolic for the various 1,000 hells.

Once the scene was ready, she began chanting and preparing the site for banes, walking in a clockwise manner to cast the ritual.

Shade's brow lifts up behind his mask. He grins and flips his blade over in his hand "Oh, well that's something that should be fun...Heeeyyy sexy ninjaaaaaa" He singsong calls back to Emi

Emi rolls Charisma + Rituals vs 4 for 7 successes.


